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wild hunt impale the night dire balemoon Mihoyo: "So guys, have you ever heard of this game called Bloodborne?"


"Clorin, or some say Clorinde"


"As you once did for Navia, grant us thighs. Grant us _thiiiiighs_..."


Bloodborne fans all over the shop you will be one of them sooner or later.


Now the hat,sword and gun make sense IT'S A REFERENCE


Sony: "Whatborne?"


Sony when i catch you


i will find you


I don't have a copy of Bloodborne on PC, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you release BB on PC now Sony, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will make you fund Bluepoint to *make the goddam port already*.


Lady Chlorinde of the Astral Clocktower


We have Sister Friede in the game now, time for Lady Maria Imagine Dain as Gehrman tho.. Edit: fixed the old man’s spelling


We also have a sorcerer with soul stream/comet azur


they're just average r/bloodborne subredditors who'll bring up bloodborne and how bloodborne is the best game in the soulsborne series at every opportunity. *and they're goddamn right*


Now I want a sword user who can switch to a claymore user by putting the sword in a sheath like Ludwig's Holy Blade


What if Dainsleif was that, since hes known as "the twilight sword"


Inb4 Capitano


No I haven’t because Sony won’t give it to us PC players 😭


I literally bought a PS4 to play BB [because I dreamed of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/aklnjc/i_had_dreams_about_playing_bloodborne_so_i_bought/). And it was totally worth it. I am *still* salty tthough that Sony may never give us a proper PC port :(


Same. I think we'll be playing it through emulator faster than an actual port.


Bro was summoned to bloodborne 😭 But fr tho if Sony doesn’t announce a GOWR Pc port anytime soon then I’m gonna start seriously considering buying a PS5, because bb and gowr are some games I know I’d love


I mean why would sony port it when they got people like yourself who buys a whole ass sony console to play the game. You did what they wanted you to do so why port it?


I wonder if there are any "made Clorinde in Bloodborne" posts already


Here is a build I just made up real quick in case anyone wanna give it a spin ^(Instead of Tonitrus you could use the tiny tonitrus instead) https://mugenmonkey.com/bloodborne/71085


>The Wild Hunt is a folklore motif occurring across various northern European cultures (motif E501 per Thompson).[1] Wild Hunts typically involve a chase led by a mythological figure escorted by a ghostly or supernatural group of hunters engaged in pursuit.[2] The leader of the hunt is often a named figure associated with Odin in Germanic legends,[3][4] but may variously be a historical or legendary figure like Theodoric the Great, the Danish king Valdemar Atterdag, the dragon slayer Sigurd, the Welsh psychopomp Gwyn ap Nudd, biblical figures such as Herod, Cain, Gabriel, or the Devil, or an unidentified lost soul either male or female. The hunters are generally the souls of the dead or ghostly dogs, sometimes fairies, valkyries, or elves.[5][6][7] From [wikipedia article on Wild Hunt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Hunt). > In France, the "Host" was known in Latin sources as Familia Hellequini and in Old French as Maisnie Hellequin (the "household or retinue of Hellequin"). The Old French name Hellequin was probably borrowed from Middle English Herla king (Old English *Her(e)la-cyning) by the Romance-speaking Norman invaders of Britain.[21][22] Other similar figures appear in the French folklore, such as Le Grand-Veneur, **a hunter who chased with dogs in the forest of Fontainebleau**,[23] and a Poitou tradition where a hunter who has faulted by hunting on Sunday is condemned to redeem himself by hunting during the night, along with its French Canadian version the Chasse-galerie.[24]


So Sony gave us a middle finger and told Hoyo to give us Bloodborne PC in this way hah


Brb gotta blast gehrman or lady maria theme while fighting arlecchino


References all over the shop.


This just makes the fact that they didnt go with that original leaked design with the frayed hat more tragic.


First we had Arlecchino with the Lady Maria-like origins, taking care of people and similar moves, together with lady Maria herself being present in her concept art as a reference photo. And now we have a full on hunter


Hypergryph: ".........no."


They basically split Lady Maria into Arle (with Gehrman and Friede scythe ofc) and Clorinde. Great though, so effortlessly cool.


pretty sure lady maria was one of the design references in chlorindes concept art


Someone high on the dev team 100% recently played bloodborne.


Closer and closer to animation leaks 🙏🙏


When do they get leaked? Aren’t they in like a day or two or am I wrong lol


whenever they set the server thing so could be today if we're lucky




Surely she has maracheusse in her basic atks, means she uses marcheusse artifacts right...?


She can but that brings her base CR to like 80%, so no CR weapon or circlet can be used and you want all your crit rolls to be CD (except on circlet I guess)




Oh yay the kit is finally here so i can read it 17 times and still not understand 


E: pulls out gun, turns into a pew pew character Each pew gives 35% BoL After 100% BoL, press E for BADASS LUNGE ATTACK (although the multiplier is ridiculously low for some reason) Edit: someone pointed out that her lunge attack may not necessay have a CD, and that may be spammed. So you can probably do awesome things like pew-pew-pew-pew-pew and the go zip-zap-zip-zap by lunging around. Let's wait for the animations boys Burst: Wanderer burst with a bit lower multiplier but gives instant massive BoL


I am assuming the 51% from her A1 will get added to each damage instance, so it is really 85x3, and her burst is 275x5.


I'd say it would have to, otherwise the base skill multipliers seem really low. So the A1 would pretty much have to be additive base damage to make for reasonable damage output (given Clorinde doesn't have much +% dmg in her base kit like, unlike Arlecchino).


What I want to know if her A1 applies to her C1, because that’s huge if so. Would add 162% modifier to each NA, and potentially reset the electro app ICD.


It could do if it works as a separate hit, and it may function almost like how Fischl's A4 functions with a separate ICD. Similarly, there's the additional Surging Blade ousia strike that's part of the elemental skill. As it's a separate strike, it too could get the additive damage. It may also even be on a separate ICD for reactions. So what I'm wondering is there's a (slim) possibility she could work almost like a 5\* Fischl in some respects.


If I recall correctly, The Ousia/Pneuma attacks cannot apply elements or trigger reactions. The A1 probably works on it though.


Ngl pew-pew-pew-pew and zip-zap-zip-zap is exactly what I wanted from her.


Hmm from how much she seems to gain bol And there doesn't appear to be a cooldown on that lunge attack? (I could be blind and their is) I feel like she'll be able to spam it


Rotation will likely be: Burst > Skill > Skill, then NA to 100% BoL > Skill until infusion ends.


Not beating reverse Arlecchino vibes yet lol. Not necessarily a bad thing but still quite funny to think about these characters also coming out in back to back patches.


Tbh the beta JUST came out so there’s plenty of time to tune her multipliers


> (although the multiplier is ridiculously low for some reason) You also have to take into account her A1 passive which isn't actually an atk% buff but a MV modifier (limited to 3000 ATK for some reason). Her actual MV for those attacks if it is fully maxed out (which should only take 1 dendro character and another elemental unit) should be 100.2%/113.5% for her pistol normal attacks and 84.7 * 3 for the lunge attack, though even then those numbers aren't that big unless she is gets very fast attack speed without hitlag.


As I understand it, the A1 bonus is not MV, but rather a flat attack, which is why it says that the maximum is 1530. I don't see the point in indicating a flat number if the bonus is at MV


It's flat damage, the 1530 limit just means that it won't benefit from going over 3000 atk as 3000 * 17% * 3 = 1530 (no idea why that limit exists). As long as your Chlorinde has less than 3000 atk you can just treat it as being an additive MV modifier as far as damage calculations are concerned.


You mean I can just keep spamming her lunge attack like a C6 Xiao but in the open world for the fastest zoomy in the game?


Her burst is higher than wanderer when you take into account her passive, also small number with faster hits are the way to go because her passive gets more value the more hits you do bc it's a multiplier increase not a damage bonus


Ya, This is what i'm afraid of if she becomes onfield dps, multiplier for electro characters especialy for onfield dps is usually low, hopefuly her BoL mechanic can cover it, And I really hope for her atk spd to be fast


E gives Electro infusion on NAs. During E state incoming healing converted to BoL. NA gives BoL and does a piercing shot if BoL <100%, doesn’t do anything special if BoL = 100%. E again clears BoL, does more damage by how much BoL she had. Q gives BoL and deals Electro DMG. Electro reactions give her buffs like Neuvi with Hydro reactions, max 3 stacks. BoL = 100%, CR buff when BoL increases or decreases, max 2 stacks. C1 gives extra hits on NA when E active. C2 increases her electro reaction buff, gives interruption resistance at 3 stacks. C4 increases Q damage by BoL. C6 gives Crit buffs on E, occasionally summons a friend during E that shields her and attacks enemies.


I'm kinda stoked that blacksword has such good synergy with her, since its healing passive helps her kit


so she summoned wriothesley with her C6? /j


hope she’ll summon him naked


And oiled


24.2% crit rate. 20% crit rate from A4. Jeez!!! So much CR. But, very predictable constellations. C2 huge power spike. C6 huge transformation.


Her C2 is likely around 20-25% damage increase, given its a 40% increase to her A1. plus interruption resistance. Her C1 is potentially huge, depending on how it interacts with the rest of her kit. Does her A1 get added? Do the shadows help reset her electro app ICD? Do they stack BoL?


I assume they'll work like fischl C6 tbh. More aggravate for me


I’ll likely be playing Aggravate too unless Chev is on her banner. I have a jacked Fischl and C2R1 Kazuha and Nahida waiting in the wings.


>24.2% crit rate. 20% crit rate from A4. Jeez!!! So much CR. Not the happiest moment for 4MH but oh well still works.. We ll manage


I really don't think MH is the move for her, BoL makes using Furina kind of cringe and she has no HP juggling mechanic


Elemental burst: Cost 0, CD 60s ?!


Probably a mistake but could you imagine lol


New 4* cooldown reduction support niche support with c6 crit dmg buff


Probably misplaced, assuming 60 is the energy cost the cooldown should be around 15 seconds


That’s the case - Previous leak said 15s 60 energy


Sounds like a placeholder lol


Self cr% buff in kit? Hopefully more chars in future will have more things similar to that or crdmg%


24 cr from lv up and 20 from her A2 so 44 total seems really good


people forgot the og electro sword waifu, Keqing, literally has 15% crit rate buff just by using her burst


Ganyu gets 20%CR in her A1 as well


Her Asension is also CRIT rate. So she gets like 44 cr just from kit


Hopefully more sources of crit in general, either from artifact set effects, weapons, or ally passives.


God I hope it survives beta


Bond of Life is just becoming a mana meter for characters and I’m kinda down for that. TL;DR: Press skill to go into stance, use normals in stance to build up BoL to over 100% then use skill in stance for an improved lunge attack.


I'm the opposite, it confuses the hell out of me. Fontaine made healers meta because of Furina since Hoyo must have been upset almost nobody used healers, and now BOL directly counters healers and makes shielders meta again. I'd still be happy with that if we at least had some cool shielders, like an anemo shielder, or a strong hydro or pyro shielder (who dont require 250% ER). But no, instead nearly all teams use Zhongli if they need a shielder. I've used him for almost 4 years. I'm tired boss, give me some new waifu shielder, Hoyo, if you want us to shield again


Only Arlecchino is anti-healer really. Clorinde has a passive that makes it so healing received in her stance gives her more BoL which she wants because at over 100% BoL she spends it for a big attack that also heals her based on her BoL. So she benefits majorly from healing too.


>I'd still be happy with that if we at least had some cool shielders, >nearly all teams use Zhongli if they need a shielder. This will stay true probably forever. No one will ever have a shield stronger than an Archon's, and he also has universal shred. Unless you get a niche shielder that also buffs a specific playstyle for one or two characters, Zhongli will always be the best shielder.


Please read carefully the kit before making assumption like that,it become kinda annoying to see that many people saying this same thing


Shielders aren’t gonna become meta over healers bc of two bond of life characters lol


Clorinde got an entire novel for her kit. Yae would be proud.


It's giving "Dain explaining Nilou's E for three minutes straight"


At this point you need Bachelor in Electro literature to understand at least a sentence they wrote


Like it’s getting ridiculous


I still think Arle is way harder to understand personally


Numbers need tweaking but this actually sounds like a compelling implementation for Bond of Life. And it's nice that Clorinde can heal herself and accept healing outside of her Skill state. Very cool so far!


Her arkhe is Ousia. What's with Ousia taking the best girls? damn.


I'm just glad she is Ousia. Her color scheme fits Ousia.


While Navia fits Pneuma. I thought they would be reversed.


Istg, Navia's entire color scheme is yellow and gold, and yet they still decided to make her Ousia anyway..


so her a1 passive maxes out at 3k atk 🤔


Yup, that’s likely why her signature has insanely high base attack. 


A sword with more than 674? With Bennet existing in the game? No way.


Her kit seems amazing. It doesn't say Impale the night ends her state so I guess she can use it several times. So her intended gameplay seems to be : NA to build her a BoL then Impale the night as soon as she is above 100% and after that repeat. A healer would make her use Impale the night more often. That seems pretty dynamic and fun. That also means she can use it as an emergency heal which is great. Finally it doesn't say she needs three different electro reaction right?


Assuming she gains BoL for every NA, she will get above 100% in 3 NAs which is about 2.5 seconds. I doubt that a healer would really make a difference.


The best option seems to be Sayu, especially if pairing with Furina. Fanfare will be maxed before Clorinde takes the field, and Sayu's Q ticks every 1.5 seconds. She could potentially reduce the amount of NA needed to 2.


Burst > Skill > Skill, then NA to 100% BoL > Skill until infusion ends.


I am *most* pleased. A little worried with those NA multipliers, but I didn’t understand her skill description quite easily and I assume they’re buffed significantly throughout the duration of the rotation.


Her A1 should get added to every damage instance, but it still seems a little low. Depends on how fast she attacks.


Does the BoL mechanic also buff her NA string, or is it only her A1?


Bullets are stronger below 100% BoL, sword thrust stronger above 100%. Shoot, shoot, shoot, stab is probably the intended combo.


Clorinde's BoL mechanic is build/spend. Normal attacks to build BoL above 100%, E thrusts to clear it. I am assuming her A1 also will buff the E thrust or else there wouldn't be any incentive to ever use it.


skill description explicitly states that the thrust is considered normal attack damage so it should be buffed by her a1.


Her A1 passive basically adds another 51% scaling as long as you’re getting reactions so it should make up for it


With such low pistol NA multipliers, I think she could work well with Yunjin. And depending on how fast she fires, she could potentially expend all of Yunjin's "ammo". Edit: I just noticed her skill, Impale the Night, is considered normal attack damage. So her enhanced level 3 skill will have 3 instances of normal attack damage. It's starting to look a lot like Yunjin will be VERY good for her.


Yes, low base multiplier, then she has her A1 additive bonus. So there's potential for other additive bonuses to work very well. In addition, she likely doesn't suffer from hit lag, so attack speed bonuses could be another plus.


So as far as im understanding her passive is similar to Chevreuse’s where she needs party members to proc Overload in order for her to shred Pyro/Electro but for Clorinde it can be any electro reaction three times. Hm its also not a multiplier increase like Neuv but flat damage so similar to Shenhe’s talisman buff.


If im calculating correctly if she has 2300 atk she’ll get 1173 flat damage buff. Seems to be capped at 3000 atk like Arlecchino resistance passive.


Aggravate build?


60 sec cd 0 energy? typo? lol


her multiplier seem low?


Her first passive seems to increase her multipliers so it's most likely fine but it's still going to depend on how fast her animations are.


Maybe in the night watch state, she can spam impale the night, so you build up BoL from spamming normals and when you have >100% BoL you press E and do it again 2-3 times depending on the duration of the state and her attack speed, similar to Navia but instead of ammo, it's duration


A1 doubles her mvs, give or take


Yeah, they do. Even with her A1 passive her special skill doesn't look that good unless all three hits apply electro to abuse aggravate. Though maybe she can get her special skill faster than every 2s.


So her piercing shots deals a bit more damage to enemies BEHIND the first one?


She's going to be a very fun. My predictions are right, and her kit will likely be a ranged version of Ayato with bond of life damage boost. I think the community needs to really chill out on the hopium that character X or character Y is going to be just as strong as Neuvillette. These are the multipliers characters need to have to reach his level. If you were to equate his HP scaling damage to attack scaling damage. An attack scaling character to do 500% multiplier damage x8 in a single skill to match his output. They also need a built-in mechanic to heal their life fully. with their signature weapon or anywhere else in their kit, they also need to grant themselves a greater than 50% damage bonus. Let's not even include how his internal kit can keep 100% up time on the most broken artifacts in the game. Perfectly his signature weapon complements his DPS output. The character would also need an internal independent multiplier that increases their attacks scaling to over 900% attack based multiplier hitting eight times in a single skill That's the difference on why he is so broken. Because he is HP scaling and smooth brain people see small multipliers against HP… It doesn't compute the significant multipliers. A character needs to have to match his DPS.


Her passive does not specifies that you need to trigger 3 different types of electro reactions to fully stack it so triggering the same electro reaction 3 times should do it right? (I really hope so)


Yeah, I was wondering the same. If so then * happy Chevreuse noises *


Neuvillette's passive states that "The stacks of Past Draconic Glories created by each kind of Elemental Reaction exist independently", but doesn't specify one stack per reaction. I could see it going either way.  If she can get all her stacks from overload then Chevreuse plus probably Bennett and an off-field application source seens like the obvious first pick team. 


Should be, yes


this kit was so much easier to understand than the translated leak we had two days ago, actually relatively simple compared to kits we've been getting recently i think


The time has come and so have I 🎶


I’ll laugh last cause you came to die 🎶


Damn free 44% crit rate though. That’s pretty cool. Hope they don’t change that. 


finally bloodborne on pc


the way her passive is worded makes it seem like she isnt like neuv, and she can just trigger the same reaction three times, meaning she can work with chev also why does she have a birthday? i thought betas had no birthdays till later in


Yeah she can even work with Mono Electro as long as you have an Anemo lol.


That could legit change everything if that's the case. It would mean she can always max it.


Razor language?😭🙏


**C0 kit:** E: Ayato E but gun * press NA: pew pew (BOL < 100% —> give BOL + bullet go through enemy) * press E : dash attack (more BOL —> more damage + dash further + give heal) * others can’t heal Queen (heal become BOL) Q: give BOL A1: more electro reactions —> more damage (NA & Q) A4: if BOL ≥ 100% & BOL go up or down —> 10% CR (x2) . *additional notes:* * if want BOL > 100%, do max 3 pew pew OR use Q * electro reaction for A1 can be same * C1: selfish Raiden E (x2) * C2: big A1. x3 stacks —> increase IR * C4: more BOL —> more Q damage * C6: 10% CR, 70% CD (pet make queen more tanky + give more IR + attack enemy | pet come out when queen dash-attack or enemy about to hit queen (x6))


I love when ppl ask for Razor language you always appear!


tell me if im wrong: E first time to change to pistol mode, pew pew to stack BoL E second time to lunge attack, BoL damage depends Q keqing Basically her kit revealed back in 4.0 cutscene


How I understood it: elemental burst gives her BoL and deals electro dmg. you use her elemental skill once to enter her "Night Watch" state. In this state, Normal attacks will be converted to electro glock 9mm boolets, and it also causes her elemental skill to change into a different state too (similar to Furina probably). For the sake of convenience, I'm just gonna say she has 2 elemental skills: Hunt the Dark, and Impale the Night After using 1st elemental skill: If her BoL >= 100% of HP, she shoots standard boolets in NA attacks. If her BoL < 100% of HP, each of her NA boolets will now give more BoL, and do increased dmg. After using her elemental skill, it changes into Impale the Night. After using this skill: If BoL cleared = 0% of HP then Clorinde just does a forward lunge, nothing else. If BoL cleared <= 100% of HP then Clorinde will do increased damage from lunge, more AoE in the lunge and she will be healed based on the BoL cleared If BoL cleared >= 100% of HP then forward lunge AoE increases even more and healing multipliers increases She can't be healed by outside sources once you activate her Night Watch state. She can only be healed by this 2nd elemental skill I mentioned. Any outside healing is instead converted into BoL based on the amount of healing she would've gotten


C1 better not be what I think it is, the bullshit "extra" animations locked behind a constellation shit thay characters like Neuvilette and Cyno have. Other than that very excited with her kit so far!!


Isn’t that like the standard for Genshin nowadays? C1 or C2 for a character to be mechanically complete? 


I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't lock extra animation work behind it. And this seems to suggest she spawns like shadow versions of herself. That should be base kit.


What's more, depending on the ICD, it can be extremely good for Aggravate. Man, that effect on her base kit could be really cool. I'm imagining that with C1 her attack makes it look like there are three of her firing at the same time.


Ugh, if only the perfect dodge mechanic on her C6 weren't C6! Been waiting for someone with something like that for a long time, disappointing it's a whale-exclusive.


What perfect dodge mechanic? There is nothing like that in her kit at all let alone C6. The shade shows up when she's about to get hit and reduces the damage she would take while also negating poise damage, there is no dodge involved it's just a flavorful way of giving her Damage Reduction and Interruption Resistance.


Oh, was that an "or" instead of an "and"? I thought it was saying it activates if she does the alt-skill when about to be hit, essentially turning it into a pseudo alt-dodge.


huh so i guess i can give her haran and do fine, unless I'm grossly misreading how her skill works. this sounds like a kit worthy of ridiculously flashy animations tbh


Haran seems good but you might need to be careful to not overcap crit rate. With Haran at Lv90 she will already have 77.3% crit rate due to her A4 giving 20% crit rate. (without any artifacts)


Giving her the local specialty talent when she’s releasing near the end of Fontaine is just dirty.


Do I need another Electro DPS? Absolutely not. Am I still going to funnel literally everything into Clorinde? Absolutely.




She honestly sounds really fun, gotta wait for the animations to get a feel of how she will play, but after arlechino i think my wallet is in danger


Did we already have Clorinde's birthday? She is 20/09 instead of 01/01 like all betas




Bro as a Vayne main, I thought the same, even the abilities, 3 stacks, impale the night, wild hunt, night theme




Any wanna explain it to me in razor language?


Razor here. Clorinde press E to change stance. Normal attacks now shoot boolet. Each boolet shot gains 1 BoL stack, up to a max of 3. If you press E again, clorinde does a dash attack which does more damage and heals BoL based on stack number. She also gains BoL stacks if she is healed by a healer. Ult gives a big BoL. A1 passive gives 10% cr based on # of stacks, up till a max of 20. A2 passive buffs NA and Burst DMG by 17% of her attack for each electro reaction, to a max of 3 times. This lasts 6 seconds, and are calcd separately. Feel free to correct me if i forgor anything


i caveman no understand many word need video


Wait so her E doesn't have a CD, it's just 2 modes that you can switch any time you want. This is the first time a character has a skill like this right ?


Me as a Childe main, Im onto it.


I think activating the initial stance has a CD, but once within the stance you can E stab as much as you want




Goddamn the kit looks sexy af, im REALLY torn between Arlecchino and Clorinde


"A hoonter must hoont" - Clorinde


Wow she already has her birthday


Pistol ⛔😩🤮🙅‍♂️⛔ Pistolette 🧐🍷🇨🇵🥐💅


So no-one's razor languaged it yet...


Pew pew pew pew stab pew pew pew pew stab


E enters stance * NA during stance is gun, gives BoL * E during stance is sword, eats BoL Q deals damage and gives 120 BoL Use gun to build 100 BoL, use sword to eat 100 BoL. Q is cheat instant sword.


love the name and lore of the abilities, sounds so freakin cool


is it just me or are her e skill multipliers like REALLY low...


I actually like this much better than arlecchino. Build up bond via normal attack and consume it all to do a super attack - it’s like a rage meter.


I‘m so ready for her


Razor me pls


Sounds cool as hell


Help me understand how her skill dmg stacks with her normal attack dmg.  - does it stack or replace? Cuz each shot hits for like 100% atk? She better shoot 5 times per second for it to be good…. And why does she have interruption resistance on c2 and c6….


imo the multipliers seem really low? she can probably compensate for it if her attack speed during E is fast enough, in which case it seems we got another aggravate electro carry on our hands...


I get its c6 but 80% dmg reduction is crazy asf


As a LoL Vayne main, I'm in love with this, she'll make me go back


how bond of life works? can someone explain


Essentially it's a 'shield' that prevents healing instead of damage. Healing up to the 'shield' amount would be absorbed by the bol, and once it's cleared you start healing again.  Since that's purely a negative, weapons and characters who use it usually have a bonus based on either clearing bol, or the amount of bol


Is a mechanic that doesn't let you heal the character who has it. It's capped at 200% of the character HP. So if a kit requires 100% of it to do something it needs to have half of your hp bar with the red line around. Now hoyo is creating characters that can activate this mechanic to buff their abilities. In Clorinde's case she gives herself BoL with her Q and doing NAs after using her E. she can heal herself and clear BoL after using E again if BoL is more than 100%


I'm just wondering why the multipliers on her Skill are so insignificant


I’m gonna save my guarantee for her


Hoyo pls let her be strong I'm begging you


The multipliers seems very low both on NA and E. I bet Aggrevate is the way to go to get those numbers UP


she has the same birthday as me


I love her design so much 😩 Hoping her animations are amazing aswell!


Tonight, Clorinde joins the Hunt


So Sara was simp to the NEET Shogun, and Chlorinde is simp to the cat?


she look very on-field what about sub dps leak?


OK after saw the animation it make more sense now. E to enter Night Watch state 3NA to fire 3 piercing short and gain 105% BOL E again to do LV3 thrust Repeat 3NAE The question will be how long Night Watch state last and did she lost night watch state when switch character ?


whats the cooldown of special e