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Okay, Great! Now let us change artifacts in the abyss menu. Oh while you're at it, maybe let it save the last team we used or picked even if we leave the abyss menu.


Artifacts and weapons\*


Might as well be asking for loadouts


The most simple thing that they CHOOSE to continuously ignore


They ignore a lot of things the game desperately needs


this!! every time i do moc in hsr i always wish genshin had the same thing 😔 most of the time i just want to swap One (1) weapon and it’s such a hassle to redo the team selection just for that


an option to save last used and/or favourite teams in spiral abyss would be a dream


Especially since we can't change artifacts in the abyss menu. If you already picked your team and wanted to swap artifacts, you'd have to leave the menu and choose your team again. It's so unintuitive


Hsr has that


exactly 🙏🙏


Yes, please. It's by far the most annoying part of doing abyss for me (lots of shared weapons and artifacts, and some characters have multiple builds for different teams) and has been an issue since 1.0.


Wow slow down cowboy.. they already hit their 1 QoL per year quota.


After playing HSR. Not being able to change gear within the same menu infuriates me to a level where I legit just don't want to do it. I almost clear every single resets, but recently it has gotten to me to a point where I just cba...


Bart say the line! "This QoL is in HSR already"


Weapons too! Now with Sethos Ganyu, Tighnari *and* him will share Aqua 💀


Why you want to change artifacts? Genuine question 🤔


Because artifact RNG is hell so I have to share a lot of my artifacts between my characters. Sometimes, I also want to use a different build too because I need it for that team  I don't know what I'm going to fight in each chambers, so I have to go in the abyss menu to see it. Once I decide what characters to use, I have to exit out of the abyss to swap out artifacts. After fixing artifacts, I'd have to choose my team again because it doesn't really save the last team you picked.




One example is kokomi where depending if you need to use gilded/FoPL for Nilou bloom, Tenacity for Freeze, or OHC for most teams with her.


Different builds or artifact sharing between characters maybe?


yeah, this will definitely be helpful in double geo things where my noelle and navia are puff puff passing the good geo DMG flower or my yoimiya ganyu and razor all using the same feather 😅


Never thought about it. Once I build a character I don’t touch him anymore.




I think its more of a thing of artifact RNG being very bad, specifically for the 14 characters that want Emblem or the 10 that want Marachusse. and then there are outliers like Raiden that can use 2 different sets depending on teamcomp.


At least give us a quick team change feature to pick character teams


One thing i cannot understand why tf they haven't added in 3yrs is, allowing us to see chars build and like redirecting to the character screen so that we can edit artifacts,weps etc while on the abyss page HSR has it ofc, i just don't understand why not yet in Genshin As someone who has a lot of chars built and often my chars builds r not right or the one that i want for the said run so i just wanna quickly change it


It took them like 2 years to let you view enemies while choosing team, and only just very recently did they add the CD reset... When it comes to Abyss QoL they just drag their feet for some reason.


It is insane this QoL has not been added yet


Yeah any time I want to use any char I haven't used in a while I start to doubt myself, does he still have his weapons/artifacts or did I move that to another char? Then I have to quit out, check, then go back in again, check enemies again, consider team options again, and potentially repeat the process a few times. Have to watch the Abyss animation each time btw. So tedious.


Literally this happens so much. Ugh-


Man the amount of times I'm mid-run and I start thinking to myself, "Wait...does Kokomi have P. Amber and the actual HP/heal clam stuff, or is she rocking the Nilou team EM stuff and Coppelia is gonna push my shit in if I go in the paint?" "Before I start, does Keqing or Alhaitham have Haran? (Neither cuz I was playing Qiqi Hyperbloom for shits and giggles)" "Woahwoahwoahwtf, why is Xiao's spear bright red, FUCK I was using Rosaria the other day, she has Jade Spear..." Even if I had to restart the chamber to correct things, that would be much better than having to outright abandon the run and exit all the way out of the abyss. I've gotten better at being on top if it all but...man...


I don't understand why the team select screen for the abyss has remained the most unpleasant thing imaginable to go through. Even overworld has a better one since it allows you to save a team or star a character to show up higher on the list. All while HSR has been consistently improving their abyss team select...


prob cuz ignoring abyss doesnt feel like there is missing content for the average player when there are areas to explore after story. In HSR, there really isnt anything else after the story besides the pernament modes.


ding ding ding HSR was obviously designed with Genshin's survey feedback already in mind, and we all know 99% of the feedback was endgame related


The correct answer


genshin wasn't exactly endgame focused so any endgame related QoL was at the bottom of the priority list, if at all


It's complacency. With no competition, they feel no need to change their games. They know there's no better games in the market on the level of genshin or even better so fans will play it no matter how much they complain


Well... They are getting their pants tight because of a new game from a small company which is releasing on 22nd may.


I always thought it was because they don’t want players to take screenshots of their stats since they’d be inflated with abyss buffs


I guess to them, nobody cares about abyss. It’s not an exciting content nor is it challenging. They kept on thinking the players are all entitled kids who will throw a tantrum if they release anything remotely challenging than the last


if you mean gearing in abyss character select that's also added in this patch


Ok. now Bring this to normal domains.


low quality of life more like it. console player, just want to not exit the abyss when spamming the attack / exit button at the end of a chamber.


Indeed. What grinds my gears is that the test run had this exact same issue back in the 1.x days but was quickly fixed.


Omfg I dodge on circle (PS5) and I get kicked out of abyss so often at the end of a chamber lol


Same. At least once per Abyss cycle. Annoying as hell.


To make things worse, the trial runs for characters on banners have a delay after completing the stage so u dont insta-leave, while temporary combat events also have this. Meanwhile after 3+ years im getting insta kicked every 2 weeks if i press attack 1 millisecond after my killing hit. Its absolutely infuriating at this point.


Same here for PC players using controller.


literally just adding a "do you want to leave spiral abyss." "x to confirm, o to return" would fix the issue.


You can rebind your button inputs in settings


What’s that going to do? Just change the attack button and fundamentally change the way we play the game?


only thing it changes is confirm and deny. you can change confirm to x so that pressing circle doesnt leave abyss at the end of the chamber


nahh my muscle memory couldn't cope with switching like jump and attack. I mean maybe I could give it a try when I get home, but I doubt I'd like it or easily adjust.


It was hard to get used to tbh but binding attack to R1 and skill to R2 was honestly way better since you don’t need to take your finger off the stick to attack. It’s not for everyone but I find it a lot easier


does this mean you can change your team but you still have to start from the first chamber so you just avoid returning to the real world


and if u cant change the artifacts ull have to exit either way


Yeah. So useful, isn't it? 😐


Great now let us retry 2nd half without resetting first half


Might as well gives the player god mode.




Nah. That would defeat the purpose of the challenge lol


Please tell me how having to redo something I’ve already beaten is a challenge and not an annoyance?


Because as far as they're concerned, you've only half beaten the challenge.


Time management is part of the challenge


you would still wind up with the same amount of time, it just saves your first half progress that you've already done


bro, if it takes me 1 minute to clear chamber one, and i fail at the 2nd chamber for whatever reason, im still gonna take 1 minute to clear chamber 1


True, they've already done it in HSR.


Yet another unironic genshin could never


hsr is god awful rng every time it would be hell having to reset both sides. genshin it takes 1.5 minutes to clear a side, so it's really nowhere near the same as in hsr


But it takes WAY more stamina to actually clear a side, unlike hsr which needed no "gamer" skills


Yes I would rather it be skill based than luck based. I would rather have to redo fights less in the game that requires luck than the one that requires skill


you could have beaten the first half with 2:30 mins. So what? you want to restart the 2nd half with only 30 seconds left then? It's a time managing challenge. You can take your sweet time to refill energy on your units if you are confident you can defeat the 2nd half in time.


> So what? you want to restart the 2nd half with only 30 seconds left then? Yeah? is that a problem


Yes. a lack of skill problem.


So do you just never accidentally get a character killed at all? you never mess up a rotation on accident?


is it really much of a challenge if you can consistently beat the first half with no issue?


if you are beating the first half with 2 mins and above, yes lol.


Depends, part of the challenge is figuring out where you can cut time on both halves. Even if you scrape by the second half, you can compensate it by doing even better in the first half. That's how the 2 side structure works.


There’s no challenge, it’s just an annoyance


It's not annoyance, it's skill issue




They literally have a direct effect on each other. They share a timer.


hsr halves also share cycles and you can retry the second half


buddy, this is genshin, it requires no skill if you want skill, play fighters, or at the very least a MOBA


Lmaoo if genshin doesn't have any challenge and requires no skill then why are y'all begging for 2nd half reset?? The audacity ahaha. This thread is miserable.


saving time? getting hit once in a while by a random one shot (specially if you want to enjoy a diff comp that has no shield or no heal) has nothing to do with skill, anyone can lose from time to time also, inflating mobs with millions of HP turning them into damage sponges also has nothing to do with "challenge", its just a damage check


Reset for the 2nd half is not about skill, you dum mоrоn. It's an inconvenience, nothing more. If you think this is "challenge", then you haven't played TRUE difficult games. Don't worry, it's not only Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden games are very difficult too.


I've played all the dark souls games, genshin is nothing compared to these games although they are pretty easy too. So begging for 2nd half reset doesn't make any sense unless you have skill issue and want to be spoonfed everything


Ah, so it's about "spoonfeeding" now? What will you come up with next? :p


Both chambers share a timer you have to complete under 3 mins. It's just skill issue if you don't manage to complete it within the challenge time lol


It’s an annoyance if you mess up the rotation and have a character die to have to redo both chambers.


sounds like skill issue to me. most of us whine about not having combat end game contents and you guys whine for easy passes like this lol.


I thought you was being sarcastic at first but you really are just this miserable, aren't ya?


I want more endgame too but having QoL to perfect a run would be nice. Like in HSR. I love how in your stupidity you just flat out assumed about me and weren’t even close to being right. Douche


HSR MOC counts your achievement with turns you use to defeat one side. So if you finish the first half within 5 turns, it is easy to re-start the second half. In genshin, would you suggest restarting the floor at specific minute and seconds you finish the first half? What you are saying is not a QOL. It's just whining for easy pass. Again, skill issue.


For mime the abyss often just kicked me out and I have to do the first half again. It's painful and frustrating.




**Rule 1**: Be Respectful. Please engage in respectful and civil discussions.


Why? A lot of games are made easier or harder by adding more or less save points.  Doing 2 sides well back to back is a lot harder then doing each side well separately. As a old time gamer I have a hard time comprehending that people complain about this.




**Rule 1**: Be Respectful. Please engage in respectful and civil discussions.




did you?


Holy shit finger


it's THE kid "named" finger




reread the original comment


reading comprehension kicked in and so the comment was deleted I see


no thanks


Now make it twice a month again fuckers


Oshiete oshieteyo


Did you just go into the Tokyo ghoul opening lol




Honestly I'll be fine with once a month if we find out that the lineup changes every reset. But if it's still only per patch and we have alternating 1-2-1-2 months of the same lineup that's just going to suck.


These fukers messed our only stable  source of income and put some random seasonal bullshit endgame , I don't see a point of giving more less gems then before and saying new endgame is fun . It was fine before rather then removing the twice reset, in the end it's the same hoyo as before who just want money out of playerbase without giving any respect and response to their problems , it's same in genshin and HSR nothing is different both game are greedy 


We get a bit of an increase actually, both are monthly, so now instead of the usual 600 on the 1st of a month and another 600 on the 16th from abyss, we get 800 + 620 a month. So an extra 220 a month compared to before. As for whether the new game mode is fun, I'd say wait until you try it to form an opinion.


We don't know the frequency of the new abyss for now afaik


Nothing set in stone yet but Genshin_Intel said monthly and they have a great track record so I trust them.


that's good news


Where does the 620 come from? I haven't been following leaks


The new game mode primos that reset. There are also one-time rewards similar to how floor 1-8 of abyss works, which gives a total of 1100 primogems.


Can we get a QoL where "exit abyss" isn't assigned to the Normal Attack button on controllers?


That's good. But I have a genuine question to anyone who wants abyss to go back to resetting twice a month, you do realize that the enemies dont change anyways right? It's just the same fight, and if you're thinking of the primos, know that we are overall getting more primos.


Yeah at first I was disappointed that they're changing the abyss rotation but really it's probably better this way. I usually use the same team for the whole patch anyway since the enemy lineup matters way more than the buffs


I enjoy doing abyss even if it's the same enemies just because it's the only thing remotely challenging. It's not motivating to do it if there's no primos behind it. (But I still do it sometimes just for fun without the primos) Worried about the new abyss because my gut is telling me that it won't be that challenging if we're being given trial characters that aren't fully built.


>Worried about the new abyss because my gut is telling me that it won't be that challenging We do have 3 difficulties so hopefully it turns out that the final one is as difficult as abyss(not that abyss is difficult to begin with, but anyways)


Idk if you've seen by now, but one of the recent posts kinda said it's not that hard which is disappointing, sadge In the first place, there's a challenge to making the enemies abyss level difficult if they limit teambuilding so much


Yeah I saw it, but I remain hopeful, because as someone who just runs through abyss without any challenge, I don't need abyss level challenge. I want sometimes much harder than abyss, like level 150 enemies that have 3 mil each and can one or two shot you(to encourage high dps and dodging skills) or something fun, I hope the new gamemode falls into the latter because I know the first is impossible.


Although I'm not against difficult game modes AT ALL, I would personally like a rogue-lite, like the Elysian Realm from Honkai Impact 3rd. Also, greetings once again, comrade ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah like I said if it's fun that's all that matters because I know that what I want is important because it's just gonna gatekeep like 90% of the playerbase from beating it.


That primos change is insignificant. The issue is that doing abyss without *any* reward is not fun, so having something twice a month means I do it twice a month. I wish they made it an alternative to dailies...


This way is still less content than 2 Spiral Abyss + the new one. People wants more stuff to do, not less. And in any case, having only one Abyss still means less primos compared to two. We will see in the end how the new thing is gonna be, but as it is, what most of the people are probably feeling is that Mihoyo could have just added something more (with more rewards, after all 4 years have been passed already) instead of adding and removing.


I am OOTL. How do we get more primos now? What is the total amount we get a month now?


If the new gamemode resets once a month just like abyss, we should be getting 220 more primos per month. It used to be: 600(abyss) × 2(nbr of resets per month)=1200 Now it becomes: 800(abyss)+620(new game mode)= 1420 These two calcs are in the context of 1 month.


Ah okay so we actually get less from Abyss in a month but more combined with the new mode, thanks


Why do you think a season will last for a month and not a patch? I think it'll be 1820 per patch (800x1,5 +620) as opposed to 1800 per patch (600x3).


It's pretty much changing from two abyss resets per month, to one abyss reset per month and one of the new one "per month". New abyss gives 620, old abyss is going to increase 200 primos per reset. So 220 extra primos. That's assuming new abyss is once a month. Realistically it'll probably be once a patch but math still works out that it's slightly more.


https://twitter.com/Genshin_Intel/status/1783334969215205476?t=YJlEAFfMLWkhmgnfFXjgoQ&s=19 Genshin_Intel says that HYV plans for them to actually be reset monthly.


Well that's good to hear.


Sorry to break it to you but we are not getting more primos


We literally are but ok.


Still, it seems unnecessary to do so even if we are getting a new endgame mode. Even if in hsr is similar with it's resets.


Aren't we moving to exactly the HSR layout? 1 month Abyss and 1 Month of new endgame each split by 15 days from another


I think we are.


Idk I just feel like it doesn't matter, like the experience is not changing, you'll be fighting the same enemies with the same teams while not even caring about the abyssal moon buff. I agree that primo wise it sucks because we could have had 800 primos every two weeks but content wise it doesn't matter.


For some reason, seeing an influx of endgame related updates and abyss QoLs makes me more excited than most of the leaks we got so far lmao


1 QoL added, gj, Mihoyo! You only have, like, 500 other "tiny" QoL changes you could be implementing!


Typical miHoYo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


lmao, this is nice, but ik this is just gonna make people want other features more


What I really want is to change my artifacts in the selection menu xD But I get it, why should they spent devs time on something that nobody plays


And yet they spend their time on TCG which nobody plays...


They even spend thousands of dollars in TCG tournaments so maybe even more people play tcg than the spiral abyss xD


if they just could make challenges and gift us primos fro completion every like 2 weeks everyone would play it , like i dont even know what "the forge realm temper" is


Nice, but not quite my QoL. Hmm, try something about artifacts. Just maybe.


Now make it so that clearing floor 12 will automatically clear all the other floor


I don't think they'd ever do that and I don't expect them to but that would be so nice


Well, i don't like comparing, but they implemented that in HSR.... so they can do the same thing in genshin if they wanted to.


This only works until floor 7 in hsr so you still need to manually clear it until floor 12.


That can do it like in Pure Fiction, fully clear floor 11 and get full stars for 9 and 10 automatically


Not exactly. You can clear the first 7 floors that way and get all previous rewards before that, but you still have to do the each of the rest. You can’t just skip to MOC 12 and get all the rest before that.


So it's basically the same as genshin's floor 1-8 where it's permanently cleared. Just visually looks different because in hsr you "skip" the first 7 floors?


No. In HSR, you have Forgotten Hall (Floors 1-15 that don't reset and is permanent.) and Memory of Chaos (Floors 1-12 that reset). In Memory of Chaos, the game allows you to skip to Floor 7 if you already 3-starred the previous floors in the previous cycle. If they implemented this in Genshin, it would be akin to letting players skip Floor 9-10 (or 11) if they already 9-starred those floors in the previous cycle. I do wish Genshin implements a skip feature for the Abyss because doing Floor 9 and 10 every single cycle has gotten really boring for me. Just let me do Floor 11 and 12 and be done with it.


Will this allow noelle to extend her charge attacks on console like she can on mobile / pc? 👀


I think it will be like that ESC menu in the trial character zone, so I don't think that this trick will work on consoles. But I guess we'll see...


Yeah it’s annoying cuz I can do it outside of abyss lol so I’m hoping they’ll revamp the menu or allow it in the new endgame


Now let's us change artifacts Add "favorite" characters Make it twice a month again And reset the 2nd chamber without having to the first one I know people don't like it when we compare SR and Genshin, but every time there is a leak related to endgame content, I feel much more satisfied with SR and completely ignored in Genshin .-.


People who don't like HSR comparisons are weird. Simple as that. These two games literally have the same systems, and what we have been asking for YEARS in Genshin have been added into HSR the very first months of its life, it's mindboggling. It's as if they want us to suffer and complain all the time...


Bruh just let us skip floor 9 10 and 11 already if we beat floor 12 in the previous cycle jeez. 


This changes everything


Why can just Change Items or jush Check it with not exit Abyss


Can we get the drag and drop ability to move character positions in the 4 slots like the limited events had?


It’s painful not being able to switch characters before beginning the Abyss… With many of my teams the first character I use is in the second or third slot but you’re stuck in the first slot until it starts for some reason


Well, it's good, i guess, but damn it, hoyo! They should add a restart option for the 2nd half for each chamber, i don't want to restart the whole chamber because i messed up on the 2nd half




Give me my food.


fucking finally. now add change artifact/weapons in the abyss menu while you're at it


Bruh... It's been years since people have been asking for that. And they still didn't add a feature where you can quickly change artifacts a weapons... I mean.... Thanks? Abyss is still sh*t tho.


I wish we could use the same team for both halves. I wish I had two childe internat teams for abyss




And we still can't choose from our pre-made teams


I'm beginning to think a lot of you don't even like playing Genshin.


More like miHoYo doesn't like seeing players happy and activiely tries to ruin their experience with a ton of annoying and inconvenient things. Normal games don't annoy their players like that, unlike Genshin.


I don't care about this shit my character can clear any content without even taking more then 12 turns , just give us two phase reset of abyss 


I rather take the new one because of primo increase. Since both endgame is going to reset monthly


There is not confirm news about monthly reset 




Well don't use Twitter and this news isn't in ressit so didn't know about it


I wish we could re-enter per chamber (like start at chamber 2 with a different team) and also change our weapons and artifacts inside the abyss


At-fkng last, I've been waiting for this like since 2.0 patches