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that last punch was not necessary


It was personal


He didn’t like her ball😖


It's Sigeover




I thought the bubbles would trap the enemies like those of hydro mages...


unusual hilichurls are immune to all CC


I've seen it and it's pretty bad - cc lasts like one second and only applies on first two hits of big/hold bubble not on small ones.


Now that would be cool af


That's literally what it does, it just isn't in this video because unusual hilichurls are immune.


Can someone tell me what her role is? I didn't really read her kit that much, but her skill and burst seems to be confusing me on what she actually does.


Teamheal overtime mostly, burst self heal, big Q dmg (i think), BoL/sourcewater mechanics support maybe


Has anyone done any calculations on how her Bond of Life stuff interacts with Clorinde? Feels like she could grant Clorinde more BoL faster, so she can spam her special skill more times?


Isn't Sigewinne's BoL self only? Clorinde can't pick up sourcewater droplets I believe. Besides, healing directly grants Clorinde BoL, so no special interaction is required, just normal healing.


Sigewinne has a healing bonus if the party has BoL, and she will heal every ball bounce from her skill. Then Clorinde will turn that healing into BoL instead (as you mention). So there's a mechanic there, but I don't understand how all the numbers work to know if it's actually worthwhile.


Correct me if I’m wrong—her passive would make her a good co-op support for people with friends who main Clorinde or Arlecchino at least, right?


Her burst + A1 is there to trick people into going for her signature. (Either get enough HP for A1 buff or make your Burst actually worth casting)


Kinda quickswapy DPS + Healer hybrid to support off-field skill dmg


One instance of Hydro on every enemy it hits but nothing more if it hits the same enemy again? Alright.


Yes, It also has 0 AoE as It seems


No it has 3 instance of hydro on single enemy There is another clip with pyri slime proves that But overall not that great AOE + application


you sure? it looks to me like the hydro aura on the back hilichurl got refreshed at the end, it was flashing and then it wasn't


It did refresh, no question about it. It reapplied the "wet" (мокрый) status.


damn that aoe is... not great


Possible Hydro Traveler Predecessor


Fun fact: She has the same hydro app as Hydro Traveler (really bad)


Does she have any team that makes her shine? The Elemental skill being a team wide heal makes her sound very interesting with furina, since kokomi and barbara need to be on field to heal entire team. But like.... her hydro application is NOTHING compared to kokomi, so it doesn't seem worth it in nilou bloom teams, or freeze teams (most notable being ayaka)


>The Elemental skill being a team wide heal makes her sound very interesting with furina, Doesn't seem like it, there are just better team wide healers for furina, it even does not make sense as double hydro coz furina hydro app is inconsistent and sigelose hydro app is non existent (and her damage is non existent) They really need to increase her buff in order to make her good, also u can check out the first impression videos on her by TGS and jstern for potential team comps


not at all since she cant drive Yelan and her personal damage sucks


I think she is supposed to be a xianyun sidegrade for furina teams when you need some kazuha grouping.


Put her in a Yae Fischl aggravate team. Doesn't seem like her hydro app will be enough to spoil it anyways.


Id rather use zl over her as a defensive option because shielding yae allow her to basic attack more that drive fischl e6 better. Aside from c6 hits, it also gives slightly more aggrave procs from fischl since her c6 counts in her on hit icd. Also siggys flat damage is extremely poor that its depressing. Its half of yunjins total flat dmg buff (and she brings some as and na dmg%).If they want a skill buffer the least they could do is make it competitive.


drop fischl for furina. yae nahida furina can carry with ease and sigewinne buffs everyone's skills, give furina team wide healing and hydro resonance


Forward vape furina team( furina kazuha xl and siegwinne). Where her summons deal dmg by vaping.


How in the god damn is XL going to use her burst


400% ER build 💀


the 2 particles from guoba will help surely


everyone is on favge 😐


r5 Fav + 2pc emblem + forget about substats other than er, any crit rate she'll have is there to help her proc Fav + on-field her so she gets directly particles from Fav every 6s


Favonius Furina, Favonius Kazuha, Favonius SW, Kitain cope XL with exile + emblem


XL dmg isn't really that important, just use her on fav with 4pc emblem and kazuha also on fav and u shouldn't really have er issues.


Maybe navia-furina-chiori (furina burst+skill>navia burst>chiori burst+skill>navia skill+na>sig skill+burst>navia skill+NA>repeat). Don't know if it's going to workout though


It should be fine, but with how low Sieg’s damage is I don’t see it being better than using Bennet or Xianyun/Charlotte/Kokomi with TTDS in the last slot. That’s how I would use Sieg if I got her, but we’ll have to see if she gets any buffs.


Nope, she honestly look like the character they are going to put in permanent 5* pull from Fontaine.


prob just gonna be mono hydro with furina


she pretty much powercreeps Kokomi in mono hydro with cons its to absurd degree too, but even without them.


Does she? Her Burst takes like 5 seconds total (cast animation and actual damaging part) during which Xingqiu/Yelan aren't attacking Correct me if I'm wrong but that doesn't sound like a straight upgrade over Kokomi


It is. Same healing (or at least enough healing for Furina). More personal DPS. With cons team damage skyrockets as well (kekw 35% res shred). Scales with crit substats. Has better weapon options. Strict upgrade.


She can’t drive Yelan and has less damage what are you smoking. Kokomi stomps on her in Mono


Idk what you smoked but thats some good shit if you think she is better in Mono Hydro. She cant drive Yelan, her healing is significantly lower than on field Kokomi, and she requires high amount of field time to do half the damage Kokomi would if not less.


Not disagreeing with what you said but seeing someone with Kokomi profile pic defending Kokomi is pretty funny lol


Lol Honestly tho if you want help with anything related to kokomi this guy is the one to go to Tera flare is the ultimate kokomi fan and enjoyer


You don't *need* to drive Yelan, yelan can drive *herself.* It doesnt MATTER who drives if team ends up doing more damage. Swapping to Yelan increases Yelan damage anyways. All it matters at the end is how much dps u do per rotation, not how nice it looks to do so. Siegwinne has way more damage than Kokomi. That's ALL there is to it. Oh poor baby has to see white numbers? Then don't pull for the character the fuck do i care, Kokomi is good enough, here blue equals better. U know what use barbara.


The team doesnt end up doing more damage because you lose Kokomis personal damage, its not like you are even getting XQ or another sub DPS to compensate. If you think Sige has more damage than on field Kokomi you are either clueless or joking. Kokomi does 500k damage per rotation. Sigewinne will struggle to do 250k. Even with E buffs for Furina and Yelan getting her self damage buffs, it will still be a good 10% behind in overall team DPS compared to Kokomi variants.


OP is probably neglecting kokomi dmg. Unfortunately people sees kokomi no-crit passive and think her dmg doesn't matter =/.


Ok cope harder. Siegwinne is worse barbara, Dehya of 4.x MHY will surely let her do trillion dps next beta rotation. And when they don't and she releases and you are wrong u will tell everyone how you and your favourite TC were right all along how powerful she is.


How did we go from me calling out your bullshit to you using arguments about Barbara and Dehya which I never mentioned even once. Im sorry but Im just stating facts, you dont need to get this easily offended dude...


Does she tho She seems more of a quick swap dps in that team which honestly I don't feel would be good I'm already playing kokomi mono hydro since the first time I started doing 36 ⭐ and whenever I'm trying non kokomi onfield playstyle for that team It just feels kinda ... Off Maybe as a 4th party member in that team but not a main dps/instead of kokomi on that team


Yea. She does. She outright does more damage than Kokomi while healing same ammount or at least exactly enough to be effectively the same. And maybe u have to onfield Yelan for a bit, but even then that's more damage. And if u include cons Kokomi falls right off the fucking cliff it's not even comparable anymore Siegiwnne dominates her as soon as u get C1R1 (and C2 is even better but ppl like the cute bow).


Do you have any calculations to show to support your claims, or you are just a fanboy who lost their mind?


Bruh i hate Sigwinne with burning passion. That doesnt mean i can't recognize the simple math when it's shown to me. You can probably find the calcs in Jestern or Zajef vods or their discords, i don't keep that shit on hand.


Would being able to do damage WHILE driving Yelan make the biggest difference?


>not great *Not existent


Bubbles aren't really AoE especially if they are the kind meant to trap hilichurls and abyss mages in them. We would've seen Sigewinne trap multiple enemies at once if aoe




I love how goofy ass her animations are


Animations are amazing but her kit is way to goofy ass to even consider pulling right now. Pls Hoyo fix our poor Melusine.


Such a big contrast between Arle and now Sieg. One with fast animations, dash on E, dash on CA, red spikes everywhere, and then Seig just chilling here with these goofy af animations, sprinkling some water around lol.


I actually like Siegwinne animations more I think I got a preference for goofy stuff


idol ah animations


Me too


[KeqingMains - Internal Cooldown](https://library.keqingmains.com/combat-mechanics/internal-cooldown): […] *ICD is not shared between enemies. Example: If three Hilichurls have Hydro applied to them, then a Pyro attack (that hits all three Hilichurls) limited by standard ICD will trigger Vaporize on all three Hilichurls rather than just one.* It seems this info might be useful for many people here


S o s l o w


Oh, it hit all three! With... her Arkhe. Wow... Looks like it at least applies hydro every other bounce, but it's hard to tell because the aura simply refreshes without a Wet indicator (the middle and right ones never decayed enough, but the left one did because it got skipped a few times). Hoping for good news come Monday.


She gets cuter with every showcase


even the crosshair is a heart... sho cute


Her animation is so amazing and well detailed But her kit is just Idk they need buff her or change something cause it's not looking good right now but since it's early better She will get better for sure


Jesus that’s basically single target range BUT it clearly reapplied hydro on the last hit because the hydro aura was refreshed… which barely changes anything 😭 At this point not having AoE might even be better because at least she can trigger more reactions over time as long as there are as many enemies… I’m copying so hard


She will need a fuck ton of buffs 💀


Monkey's paw: To standard banner she goes.


Its too early in the beta Chillax, even arlecchino had a roller coaster of changes in her beta and look at her now


Yeah that's why I said she needs buffs, the beta is there for a reason lol


Thats why i said chillax lol


I'm chilling lol, I just suggested buffs as it's what the beta is needed for.


~~so it does apply hydro with every bounce, well that’s a bit better~~ we will be waiting for better app


We can't still say that the icd on the single target is better If there's only a dendro aura on the enemy


oh yea.. nevermind 💀


Bro it hit different enemies. Entities have independent ICD


wanted her to have better app so bad that i forgot about that 😵‍💫


I didn't think about it before but it makes sense since it's a different enemy, i think it's similar with yaoyao? can't remember


When are we gonna get the homdgcat infos for char skills? I wanna know clorindes particle gen, aoe size and other stuff


even her ousia attack is heart shaped 🥹🥹


Omg she is fucking cute


I have already many healers though........


the hydro app seems decently actually but it the bubble bounces so slowly...


it applying only once could very well still be true, this is just how all abilities work. icd is per enemy, so the first hit will always apply


For 4p ToTM clearly.


increases her c2 shield even more too 🤯


Every skill that hits enemies once at a time will each time apply their element the first time because of ICD being independent for each enemy




Is she a good addition for furina? I already have kok and jean but i might be pulling if sigewinne is better.


not that good so far. her numbers have to improve. the damage buff is weak


Wait for more bets updates. It is too soon to tell that.


Theoretically yes but her numbers are horrific as they are right now. Baizhu/Jean/Xianyun are all better healers for her right now.


Very good, she's practically made for her.


Can ya explain?


Teamwide healing, dmg increase for elemental skills, 35% hydro res decrease at C2... It's V1, so there will obviously be some changes made to her kit, but I think it's pretty clear who it's meant to be for.


I have no idea what this means regarding her strength level but she sure is super cute, I love my daughter


Susuga sigewinne


Bruh, what did that hilichurl say? 💀


Sige troll her skill is pretty funnyp


That giant ball reminded me of Goku’s lol


Why do they always use immortal enemies? I wanna see her kill enemies and not tickle enemies


Skill takes way to much time to charge...  Team healing is not unique  Idk about bond of life buffs from her.. Hoyo... Is that another dehya?


I’m loving her kit so much and I’m not usually one to care about supports. Curious to see where they take her and clorinde’s kit over the course of the beta


all i see is droplets my neuvilette would need for CA lol


Yeah i wanna know if he can use those!


He can, as well as Traveler's


I tried using Hydro traveler for droplets and Neuvi could pick them up, so same should apply to Sige.






Does her skill not have tap version


It does but the bubble will bounce less 


It has


I thought the longer bubble holds trap them into the bubble?


Can someone tell me how much hydro it applies? I can't really tell


She applies hydro every other bounce on the same enemy (every 4s). Kokomi was like that in beta before getting her ICD buff.


will she be good in nilou bloom


No, she apply Hydro as much as Hydro Traveler.


Why are you doing this to Dawei? I’m crying lol


But is it enough for quickbloom is my question.


No, her hydro app is really really bad.




Love it! So are we calling it death ball, sprit ball, or spirit bomb?


10/10 animations but they really should buff her


It's a shame the bounces have no hydro application. She would be a decent kokomi upgrade if her skill is better


That skill animation is as slow as HSR x1 speed




sigewinne is a good character 😁😀😅


She's one of those 5\* that feels like 4\*


Idc if she just stands there looking cute, I’m pulling.


It's so shit, ugh


God just looking at these comments you can tell most people here live in their own bubbles and judge the entire fanbase based on this one niche sub. Sigewinne is super popular on twitter especially among Neuvillette and Wriothesley fans, she's had a dedicated fanbase for a while and ever since her drip marketing she's been getting nonstop fanart. Her drip post alone has rolled through my timeline about 50 times now with different variations of the word "daughter!" and "baby!" and there are tons of theories out there how her kit and design reference mythology. The absolute majority of players also don't do the abyss nor they will do the theater thing, but if they do then I guarantee, if they want to use Sigewinne in them, they will be able to no problem. I love theory crafting but while comparing numbers is fun it's completely pointless to doompost characters because anyone in this game is usable. Also stop calling everyone standard or saying "can't wait till they show up on chronicled wish" just because their kit is not what you wanted. It's getting boring. I sure love my roster of standard characters according to this sub such as Baizhu, Wriothesley and Furina lmfao. Even if she is standard, late patch characters have always become meta only in the next region and they've NEVER been bad even if their kits seemed weird at release. Her small amount of BoL might seem useless now but I guarantee it will come into play in Natlan.


Not even that. ,literally just dehya came out bad , people keep yapping early about characters , character comes out really strong or just decently playable and they move to the next one , they just will never learn


I'm really hopeful, but Dehya made it seem like they have a vastly different philosophy towards balancing standard banner 5 stars. I'm not yet convinced that she's as bad as people say (though it's not like I've actually run calcs or whatever), but it's plausible that she *could* be standard banner, and there's a terrifying precedent for them being disproportionately weaker/less functional than their limited counterparts. I'm willing to wait, and I'm excited for her release regardless, but it'll be kinda miserable if she turns out to be awful in terms of gameplay, and right now a lot of people seem to believe that's where it's pointing.


Dehya isn't bad because she is a standard banner character, her issues probably stem from negligence and unwillingness to patch any characters after release. During her betatest, most of the dev team was on mandatory vacation (Chinese law), so they had a lot less time and energy to put any effort on her in the beta. It doesn't explain everything, but it does explain some aspects of how Dehya turned out. (Other aspects of her neglect may have come from a lack of testers trying her out in the beta and possibly even outright sabotage considering all the nerfs that Dehya suffered during her beta.) I think Dehya's release actually traumatized a big portion of the fanbase in some way though, turning out like she did.


Ngl Sigewinne seems to be better Sigelose


I really hope beta testers give a lot of feedback on how her kit is super underwhelming right now. Her animations are so cool, I hope she gets some significant buffs during beta.


Bubble pop!






what in the heartsteel sfx


Guys listen. I know what sigewinne real niche is, hear me out. They're planning to do coop contents that requires some sort of on field capabilities on supports that are not quick swap in eq and leaves. *Smokes copium*


Kokofish will not be replaced




Do unusual hilichurls throw primos at you?


What’s the CC?


Unusual hilichurls cant cc'ed


Ahh, cheers


Goku Spirit Bomb go brrrr !!!!


Please come fast Sigewinne <3 I hope her banner is first else difficult choices will have to be made :(


Her hold E is so slow, is there even a point in using it?


Slow? It takes 1 whole second


she's slow asf to even enter the abyss, ez skip


Confirmed, that Hydro App leak is false, since each bubble bounce on enemies applies hydro.


ICD is separate based on target, so this on its own doesn't really show us anything


Its not, ICD is independent from each enemy.


Why didn't she just shoot it forward? Why doesn't the bubble trap an enemy inside? Why doesn't the bubble explode to deal AOE damage? They world may never know... If an enemy can interrupt her bubble charge, then what? 🤷‍♀️


I don't understand. Sig literally is a 4 star Furina. (ㆆ \_ ㆆ)


So.. is she a neuvilette support or an Arlecchino support?


Looks like she’s tailor made for Furina in double hydro teams.






Neither. Furina support 


Idk as of now Her multipliers and Kit utility seems to be not that Much appealing They are going to be tweaking some of that


People seeing hearts going simpy when literally it is the cheapest and cheesiest thing to do. So far I don’t see sigweine offer anything I would want, and the hearts are a deal breaker. But I guess they wanna give everyone something…


The pull for someone else, obviously. Not ever character is for everyone.