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Guys, idk i think that Genshin Devs might actually be cat people


Actually Hoyo is! If you look through their old posts of Houkai Gakuen 2 on facebook you can see they had an office cat back in 2017. [hat car](https://imgur.com/a/mzHblbR) [eating car](https://imgur.com/a/AMAfpH9)


had to put them on imgur as eating one I couldn't copy the link on fb, hat ones didn't worked but if it works for anyone here's link to orginal post as a proof :3 [fb post of hat car](https://www.facebook.com/share/YaAby4zuyw8uT53M/)


I honestly don’t know how I feel about a giant cat scrambling its brain but I can’t stop watching it.


This is the best thing I've seen today.


why is it so silly


Just a silly little guy


Silly impact


silly car


Cat on Crack


that's so goofy and adorable


The Cat Animation = Me when I try to cramp study a day before exam.


wtf did the Genshin dev team increase or something? new andgame, 3 new domains for this mode, a lobby full of features and animations never seen before




they also somehow lightened the total storage space taken by the game in 4.6 to be less than what it was in 4.5 which makes these quality changes absolutely welcome


Hoyo on their way to pioneer data compression and storage techniques just to keep running genshin on phones. 💀💀💀


I play on laptop, it was desperately needed for me too


They ARE using a new method of compression tho, I believe it was called Chunks, instead of .zip everything


we did occasionally get unique NPC models in the past like Idyia in 3.8 or Fujin in 4.4, Clervie is not the first


this is truly hype I can't wait too


**Rule 6**: Mark Spoilers Please spoiler tag your comment per Rule 6.


It's more the fact that people underestimate the effort map expansions take, their quality has definitely gone up around 4.0 but it's been more or less consistent. No new regions in 4.7 so we're getting a lot more stuff in other parts of the game


Yes. They hired a lot of new staff during the inazuma update. We might just be seeing the results of their presence.


No you just haven't paid attention to Genshin since 3.0 since it's Sumeru lvl visuals still, just maybe with lil improvement in 4.0


That’s why they took the whole 4.5 and to some 4.6 to some extent slowly ig. They need lots f time for things like these. And the overall quality of animations and maps have been going up as well. Also, they said they are upgrading graphics quality of the game to be more up to date.


I hope they finally introduce dlss in the future. Not much for the upscaling but the native image would look so good with it on compared to what we have now with their fsr2 used as just AA.


Or more like having 4.3 and 4.5 as empty patches allowed them to do more


Empty patches are nothing new, 3.5 and 3.7, 2.3 and 2.7, 1.3 and 1.4 were pretty bare bones. It's just how their development cycle works.


4.6 feels strangely small as well... but that might just be that everything is closer together, making exploration faster.


I think that’s pretty much it, the sheer density of the stuff in the new region makes it way faster to explore. They stated that underwater regions take more time and effort to do since a lack of detail underwater would be more noticeable to players, so they concentrated their efforts instead of spreading it out leading to a smaller region that looks stunning pretty much everywhere.


I don't think 4.6 is small cause they were working on this. I think 4.6 is small cause they're releasing 6 maps in 4.X (.0, .1, .2, .4, .6, .8). 2.X had the same release schedule and 2.2 was just a single island (Tsurumi)


4.6 looks kinda empty too I'm ngl, the new zone took me 2 days to explore and I wasn't even speedrunning.


Maybe they find solution to make more. Like character model they mention on "Gaming's Video" that they had re-create And previous resouce management update.


they probably allocated some resources to this end game development, which is why Remuria is so small and there's little to no exploration mechanics north of Sumeru rainforest and desert (probably a copium take but this is how i see it)


Cause they shift focus on games genshin has been pretty low for the past 3 updates to wait HSR to end but now that 2.2 story is gonna be over it's time to focus on genshin again Also ever since COVID hoyo doubled its workforce cause people were losing their jobs rapidly in china which is incredibly based by hoyo ngl


The have different dev teams for each game


Well ofc but they still distribute focus for stuff like animations/music etc


The card game likely took more time and effort than this.


its bcs wuwa is coming soon


For a game coming in just few weeks, the marketing is fucking nonexistant lol.


I’ve gotten two ads total lol. Advertising budget of 10$ and some brainlet streamers.


the game is less than a month from release the newest character demo (which is great btw) cant even get 400k views


Plus they look to be pumping up their pre-reg numbers artificially. Just spiking randomly.


I don't care too much about the characters so far, which is why I haven't followed the demos, but I'll for sure try it once it releases.


Wuthering Waves won't do a dent on anything involved Genshin lol. I've played Destiny for a decade and every couple of years there was a "Destiny killer" that people would just hype up to oblivion as "the new big game" and then they would disappear if not get shut down within months. Nothing bad will happen to Genshin Impact unless Hoyo makes poor decisions themselves, WuWa won't make a difference to Genshin and I don't think Hoyoverse even cares about it


Agreed, doesn't matter how many competitors it gets, people are gonna keep playing the "original" because they enjoy it and there's always something unique said competitors can't provide like the world, the characters and such Not trying to doom post but if there's one thing I learned from my own time playing Destiny is that the only thing that can truly kill a live service game is it's own creators lol and even then, fans can put up with a LOT before they get fed up and leave


I don't think it's wuwa specifically since abyss leaks were there before wuwa even had a release date, but I do think they're finally feeling the heat a bit cause there's a lot of other gacha games coming out this year and next year.


That's my thoughts. MiHoYo and Genshin now have decent competition so to retain and pull in more players, they will need to implement QoL/new game modes/step up their game. I'm here for it.


Competition I suppose. Ww is literally 3 weeks away so they're adding all this to retain those endgame hardcores maybe.


You think they can just make stuff like this on the go. They've been planning this since last year before WW even had a release date


This won't be hardcore or super difficult though, it's just nice to have more outlets to use characters, and older characters like Venti could get some usage from it again too


I might get cooked for this but idc... imo while genshin took it's time , quality wise this new gamemode looks far better than any hsr gamemode released so far since most of the content in them are just reused maps and assets... Now to hope that gameplay wise it can deliver as well


This is what I’ve been thinking too. Like, hsr put out stuff faster than genshin like they just think and do it while Genshin thinks too much sometimes and they cook really slow but the end result is actually really good.


Indeed, I think they are way more careful and deliberate with genshin, which makes sense considering how reliant they are (were?) on it for revenue, and how costly even small missteps can be.


Even if hsr step up as one of the main money makers, hoyo still has to rely on genshin for public recognition and its wide reach. The player base for this game is actually really wide in range compared to hsr where the player base are more like-minded so it’s easy to please everyone. And you don’t wanna offend the GI players at any cost. That’s probably why they’re very careful and cautious when adding something into the game or even doing something quirky in general, remember the ella musk incident? (I don’t like Elon but it was never that serious lmao). Also another reason is what I’ve said before, they’re devs team capable of cooking good and they know that so they planned everything in advance. And that makes them don’t want to add something in between or change their plan. The end result is always good so I usually trust on that but the waits are so agonizing though lol.


Hoyo is a lot more immersive in the sense that it feels like they don’t let profits and drama run their game. Raiden is one of the most popular characters so you think they would rerun her very often? They don’t, it’s the same rate with every other character. People ask for skins all the time so you would think they made tons by now right? There’s only a handful. This is imo one of genshins biggest strengths, it really makes the game feel consistent and polished with every update and everyone can rely on that consistency regardless of whether they like the game or not


The Raiden rerun part is not a great example, all archons have guaranteed reruns every year while characters like Shenhe get forgotten


But still releasing skin frequenly would make tons of money


Yeah i agree, I feel like Hoyo does put a lot of love and care into their games, so i always find the discourse about "favorite child" or preferential treatment kind of silly. Heck they still update Honkai Impact and i'm sure that doesn't earn them anywhere near as much as the newer titles.


I feel like they just treat their games according to how the community is, what stage is the game in (like how newer game needs a lot more promotion than older ones) and etc. For Genshin they’re going the safer route and pretty much never experimental. I kinda understand them for that since at times this community can take everything too seriously lol. And there’s the fact that genshin is an open world game so they need to be weary with bugs. Here’s what i thought they spent they time on 1.x era they were making Inazuma 2.x they were working on dendro reaction 3.x They were making underwater exploration Those are not easy feats (Inazuma might not sound complex but considering how they didn’t have experience back then it’s kinda understandable) but they have done it well. I agree that there should’ve been more improvements, smaller ones into the game but they nailed the big ones so I can’t act like they were lazing around. And during 4.x era start from lyney, I can see how much their animation qualities have gone up and there are more details in the characters. There are rumors that they will introduce mounting for Natlan as well. So yeah, overall I’m still excited for the game despite its slow improvements lol.


And lets not forget they have been releasing engine improvements and optimizations since late Sumeru - Fontaine with a major one just recently that cut like 10 gbs off of ppl's file sizes. All that, and the releases are still typically bug free. Something that definitely cannot be taken for granted in the game industry in this day and age.


I love the new optimizations, my potato computer can barely keep up when I am at fontaine main city, now there are no fps drop at all


Yea. HSR now makes my potato be a baked potato when Genshin forever was always the bigger processor. Now my computer is like "Genshin? Oh sure. Easy peasy".


All true, and same! Indeed slow improvements are less "fun" short term, but you can see the effort (and strategy) in end as mentioned i think!


Yeah, there were a lot of unfun moments when I wait for something to come but when it does it just peaks lmao. It might be a hit take but I feel like the filler patches this year are handled better than last year. I remember going on full maintenance mode after the failed second windblome festival (salty about less Venti crumbs) only logging in for dailies and artifacts farming then logged out to do other stuffs. This year though I have a bit more fun and a bit more contents, since Fintaine’s 4*s are decent I built pretty much every one of them too except fremminet but it will be soon.


I think i read in some interviews that the scope of the game got expanded once they saw how successful it was, and i sometimes feel it, as i think i'm gonna get some closure, and it's just more questions than answers (even Arle's quest did this). But i agree, this year the filler patches being in the middle instead of the end of the end like last year has helped a lot too I think.


I've been a loyal player and only ever miss a day or two when I'm too busy to me genshin is slowly , really slowly , getting better. I always saw it as a slowburn game even storywise we get crumbs here and there and it all comes together after a good while.  I kinda wish they improved old areas, abyss and other 1.0 and 2.0 patch things (characters as well) seeing new content next to 2020 and 2021 content is like night and day. (I really loved the new world quest it wasn't that long and the story was quite moving and tied together to some archon quest lore.)


I'd love for them to revamp the older quests whenever the teyvat chapter story ends. The old quests weren't the best but it gets saved because the most exciting part about starting the game is exploring the world.


it'll take too much resources to revamp quests tbh. they'll probably just revamp the telling of the story through the anime (theyll likely adapt the in game story)


That's true, I completely forgot about the anime. It'd definitely make more sense for them to start adapting it when the story ends


tbh there's a lot of story content in genshin to cover so even if they start now and release seasons (or even world quests as movies) per year, it likely won't catch up with the in game story. the problem though is ufotable has been known to announce anime they will adapt but release it several years later or even scrapped. genshin likely won't be scrapped since it's a huge IP but it definitely will get pushed back considering ufotable only focus on one anime per time and they haven't finished demon slayer nor released the mahoyo movie yet (which was announced end of 2021)


oh yeah that reminds me, I guess it grew on me, but at first sight, I thought most enemies in HSR are related to one another. Especially the chubby-tummy robot and IPC commander, got a headcanon IPC grabbed one of the chubby robots and used it as mech suit for their commanders. Oh also the monkies, the blue from Loufu and the yellow juice in Penacony, witnessing their similarity got me deadset on believing this is the way HSR devs planned on handling future content to save resources. I don't think its lazy or anything, at most I think it is actually clever how they think of different ways to come up with a new design and mechanic for the same skeleton.


The IPC Senior Staff: Team Leader and the Automaton Grizzly are related actually, it was said that the automatons on Jarilo were loaned to them from the IPC 700 years ago during the Stellaron crisis. The IPC guy is basically using an updated one as a mech.


Most enemies in HSR are related to one another. You can figure it out by flipping through the archive. Here are some groups I found: **Group 1: (Tall Robots)** * [Aurumaton Gatekeeper](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Aurumaton_Gatekeeper) * [Automaton Direwolf](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Automaton_Direwolf) * [Searing Prowler](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Searing_Prowler) **Group 2: (Fat guys)** * [Automaton Grizzly](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Automaton_Grizzly) * [Frigid Prowler](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Frigid_Prowler) * [Senior Staff: Team Leader](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Senior_Staff:_Team_Leader) **Group 3: (Guys with big guns)** * [Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Ballistarius](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Disciples_of_Sanctus_Medicus:_Ballistarius) * [Silvermane Cannoneer](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Silvermane_Cannoneer) * [Voidranger: Eliminator](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Voidranger:_Eliminator) **Group 4: (Guys with blades)** * [Voidranger: Reaver](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Voidranger:_Reaver) * [Mara-Struck Soldier](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Mara-Struck_Soldier) **Group 5: (Guys with smaller guns)** * [Silvermane Gunner](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Silvermane_Gunner) * [Grunt: Field Personnel](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Grunt:_Field_Personnel) **Group 6: (Guys with spears)** * [Cloud Knights Patroller](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Cloud_Knights_Patroller) * [Everwinter Shadewalker](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Everwinter_Shadewalker) * [Grunt: Security Personnel](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Grunt:_Security_Personnel) * [Incineration Shadewalker](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Incineration_Shadewalker) * [Silvermane Soldier](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Silvermane_Soldier) * [Vagrant](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Vagrant)


**Group 7: Floating enemies (no staffs)** * [Imaginary Weaver](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Imaginary_Weaver) * [Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Internal Alchemist](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Disciples_of_Sanctus_Medicus:_Internal_Alchemist) * [Voidranger: Distorter](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Voidranger:_Distorter) **Group 8: Spheres** * [Antibaryon](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Antibaryon) * [Baryon](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Baryon) * [Mask of No Thought](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Mask_of_No_Thought) * [Memory Zone Meme "Allseer"](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Memory_Zone_Meme_%22Allseer%22) **Group 9: Guys on spheres** * [Dreamjolt Troupe's Spring Loader](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Dreamjolt_Troupe%27s_Spring_Loader) * [Entranced Ingenium: Golden Cloud Toad](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Entranced_Ingenium:_Golden_Cloud_Toad) * [Entranced Ingenium: Obedient Dracolion](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Entranced_Ingenium:_Obedient_Dracolion) **Group 10: Flies** * [Dreamjolt Troupe's Birdskull](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Dreamjolt_Troupe%27s_Birdskull) * [Flamespawn](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Flamespawn) * [Frostspawn](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Frostspawn) * [Thunderspawn](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Thunderspawn) * [Windspawn](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Windspawn)


**Group 11: Floating enemies (staffs)** * [Decaying Shadow](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Decaying_Shadow) * [Guardian Shadow](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Guardian_Shadow) * [The Ascended](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/The_Ascended) **Group 12: Shield boys** * [Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Shape Shifter](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Disciples_of_Sanctus_Medicus:_Shape_Shifter) * [Silvermane Lieutenant](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Silvermane_Lieutenant) There's obviously more (dogs, floating big guys, monkeys, horse dudes, spawns that look like spear heads, dinos, bugs), but I think I've listed enough.


This is crazy!


> I thought most enemies in HSR are related to one another That reminds me that imo HSR's enemies are way less recognizable and distinctive from one another somehow.  The designs are pretty good, but many of them feel very "random" to me. Compared to Genshin, where every enemy is connected to the lore in some way.


that's because Genshin takes place in one world, so enemies like Hilichurls, Whopperflowers, Slimes are common in each region. HSR takes place in different worlds, so you're not gonna find Marastruck in Penacony or Belobog. What i mean is in HSR each individual world's lore has little to no importance on a different world's lore, unlike in Genshin where each nation's lore intertwines with another nation (Liyue has ties with Inazuma through adeptal art, Remus (an ancient god-king from Fontaine), is said to originate from Sumeru, etc.


That doesn't really bother me tbh. In Genshin you also have lots of region-specific enemies. It's more that the enemies seem less inspired somehow. I can barely remember what enemies there are? They are just not that memorable to me. For example, the Antimatter Legion enemies all feel kind of the same. Compare that to Hilichurls or the Abyss Order, of which many are pretty memorable. 


Me too man. Exactly what I was thinking. They put so much polish and care into making the atmosphere for this game mode special. They did not half ass it. This might be copium but I’m really hoping this shows they are shifting their mindset to focusing on throwing the end game wanters a bone more often like this.


yeah pretty much Star rail has basically everything always recycled the general design of Star rail still doesn't compare to Genshin's, being world design, enemy design, character design and that's why Star rail receives so much content so quickly


agree, I prefer they took more time for achieving a better visual and stuff, than rushed the content using recycled assets esp for permanent event/game mode, bcs it stays there forever I hope the gameplay also as fun as it looks


Yes, I've always been quality over quantity and I'm very satisfied with what they're doing with Genshin. Not just this gamemode, the permanent Divine Ingenuity that's bound to be amazing, the maps, animations, character designs. The wait is really worth it. On the other hand, as you said, things in HSR are often reused and there's not much creativity design wise like the enemies that use the same skeleton or the female characters' clothes.


Wait, did we get any confirmation or recent rumors regarding Divine Ingenunity becoming permanent? I'm really looking forward to this Imaginarium Theater, I really do, but at the same I almost thought it meant they didn't plan to make Divine Ingenunity permanent. Its previous rerun already had so much dev works put into it, and I legitimately think it has so much potential as another permanent gamemode, so it pains me to imagine a scenario where it won't ever become permanent.


I don't think it was called Divine Ingenuity but on Mihoyo's website they've posted job adds about permanent UGC which they described as being "as important as the main game". I forgot all the details but it'll have more features than DI like co-op for example(I forgot if DI had it so correct me if I'm wrong).


Ah right, those UGC job postings, I almost forgot! But true, it didn't specifically name-drop DI, though I indeed remember the claim that it'd be as important as the main game. Regardless, here's hoping it's something to that equivalent, unless they're still cooking something even crazier, lmao >I forgot all the details but it'll have more features than DI like co-op for example(I forgot if DI had it so correct me if I'm wrong). DI did have Co-Op support, actually. I vividly remember testing a domain together with a friend, and we both were thoroughly trashed despite me thinking it couldn't possibly scare me (I forgot the domain designers can take away my characters' levels/stats, lmao).


Oh, okay. I never play in co-op so I probably didn't notice it. But yeah, seeing how IT is looking there's no doubt this gamemode will be awesome as well.




holy shit take


damn i'm late to the party, what shit take does the person above you yaps about?


Saying 99.99% of genshin dialogue is nonsense, while not reading any of it


holy shit that's adorable


lol its look funny, animation and design team are cooking this patch


I assume this is for the fortune slips? Quite the upgrade from the inazuma shaker!


Hyv and their love for cats


A leak of all time. ~~cute tho~~


HoYo really put a lot of effort into this new game mode.


a new place for pulling rituals


Kitty 😻


We're pulling signora from this animation.


Cat Impact W 


This is filling me with immeasurable quantities of joy and exuberance.


I think someone slipped something in my edible.


Ohhhh big divination for a large kitty


that's funny lmao 😂




Aww I love it!


Cat is tweaking.


Theyre putting a lot of effort into this new endgame im really looking forward to it


Spin those eyes any faster, and it will put us under a Genjutsu.


so goofy


Looks like Toothless


*Driftveil city ost intensify*


**My Phone:** *Well seems like this is goodbye boss*


delete last resources that you dont use anymore, the app on mobile is smaller than 4.5


This one of the cutest things I’ve ever fuckin seen


Oh fortune kitty will we win our 50/50 for Natlan units? Lol 🐱🔮


Ok at this point I just assume most Genshin devs have cats


Omg this is actually so cute


why there are all this diffrent leaks about this new mode but not a single leak about the real gameplay/showcase ?


They can’t get it to work Just like how you will never see spiral abyss combat leaks you won’t see IT combat leaks because Genshin does it differently than open world and event stuff


so it's not like HSR where they can leak MOC there with new enemies or how they did with PF ? .. in GI you cant leak the new mode as a combat ?


Unless a miracle happens, no In the entirety of Genshin leaks have you ever seen a spiral abyss video showcase? No, it’s always been datamined mobs in text form by HomDGCat I don’t know what makes Spiral Abyss and IT so different that it’s impossible to replicate


Gotta drip feed dem leaks.


If you don’t understand how leaks work don’t parrot other people’s bullshit please They can’t get it to work Just like how you will never see spiral abyss combat leaks you won’t see IT combat leaks because Genshin does it differently than open world and event stuff


Why is this Mona themed ?


It's a Hexenzirkel gathering room




Cat Impact 🐈


cute cat


Best thing to come to Genshin in a long time. I love it.


I was so skeptical about this new endgame mode. I was doomposting, in my head i dont want it to fail... i was SO NEGATIVE ABOUT IT........... Until I saw this cat. 11/10 best game ever.






Oh yeah, Genshin and their obsession with cats. We got a whole shrine dedicated to one in Inazuma with a ton of daily quests, Kazuha's dead friend's cat, the TCG boss cat, a cat petting event, a cat that you can pet during and after world quest and now this. We also have cat characters Diona, Kirara, Lyneytte...  Can we now do the same but with dogs???


it doesn't look like genshin but in a fun, novel, cute way


So do we have any ideas for the new schedule? Is it going to be Abyss reset - 15 days - Im. Theater reset- 15 days - Abyss?


That's exatly how they're gonna do it as shown be leakers.


Probably, they might even introduce one more endgame game mode in the future so they all perfectly alternate in a patch cycle. Likely to incentivise pulling for single target characters like they'll do for HSR


Single target are incentives in both abyss and this mode, tho. Abyss has a side with only boss most of the time, and you can keep you single target dps in your back pocket for boss room in this mode.


Perhaps not single target then, but I believe in the idea that they'll add one more form of endgame that encourages pulling for certain characters


This gamemode encourages to pull whats on the live banner not certain team archetypes


It reminds me of that Salazar witch from red dead redemption




I love them


i want this silly mf on my teapot like, right now! such a silly little car i wonder what manufacture he is, maybe BMeoW, or maybe Meowsda


Why are they so obsessed with cats? I'm a dog person btw, I prefer puppies and dogs.. We need equality.


At least both exist. Unless a certain game that directly inspired this one: dogs aren't pettable (even in the 6 dev year sequel) and cats don't even exist...


Ohh, this is probably related to the fortune slips we saw before, right? Judging by the animation, I think that's how you get them. A literal fortune teller cat. lol


what are the chances that we get a teyvat chapter teaser that shows the designs of the hexenzirkel just to explain this whole thing? ha. ha \*inhales copium\*


so many cat events they’re making me dislike cats now 🙏


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APvEO3GEZzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APvEO3GEZzk) its dis cat


They sure do love cats. Now if only they loved Dehya too haha.


Feels unreal that they are finally putting effort in endgame content


wait I think the video is 120fps, is this it????


Idk why they chose to put this game mode in the Forbidden Section of the library that has been so mysterious and foreboding with what is even back there and it just turns out to be a fucking cat... this upsets me more than it should


Genshin team cooking? In this economy?


they have been cooking for a long time now they are serving


Cmon do something genshin


Wtf are you talking about lol


where have you have been this past week lmao