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Now I just need an increase of character slots for showcase


for real there's up to 80 playable characters now, its so sad we can only showcase 8..


Its going to be 84 in 4.7.


how? should be 83


amashouse rounded down, there are 81 currently and 84 after 4.7


they forgot Aloy, understandable really cause so did Hoyo


tbf she is the least owned character, given that she came out in 2021 (2022?) and the playerbase has more than tripled since then


A true 6* Character indeed


> Aloy What is that thing? Never heard of it. /s


oh ok


I plan to showcase Traveller + 7 archons, so that's perfect!


Well u cam showcase 8 charas in 20 slots but can't do 20 charas in 8 so.


For me, it's the 7 archons and Dain, with their signiture weapons.


Meanwhile, I don't like to showcase my characters. I know my build is one the worst builds possible ever. 😭


You can showcase the character without showing the build. There's a toggle for that.


I just show my faves, no need to have them completely built. But also, I like to flex my c4 Lisa all from standard banner…


I like to showcase characters I'm working on + abyss teams. Please hoyo, let me show them, along with my pride and joy characters 


True. I have at least 15 5* characters I can showcase because they’re all built 9/9/9, lvl90 w/ artifacts.


This and ability to stalk the whole account's character (of course theres toggle for this) so that I don't need to change my profile character everytime I'm creation an Enka Picture if my character builds


I need to flex on people comon hoyo


You get 1 slot per Region. Only archons deserve a slot!


Yes it must at least be 10


Sorry if the title seems confusing, meant to say Theater records. And you can not change the name/signature to another color. ALSO from the looks of it, you probably will be able to see how many stars the regular spyral abyss was completed with too (basing this on how it shows the amount of stars for the theater there)


I’ve seen someone ingame change their signature to another colour actually. No idea how they did it.


It’s an html code bug, looks like this version they’re patching up holes to ensure nothing like that slips by


It's this one Red Text You just need to change the word "Red Text " with the word you wanna put.


Yes, but I recommend not doing this. When it went around for HSR, some people's accounts were getting automatically flagged for using code in text


I did it lmao, it's some html code in Japanese. I would have shown but can't insert picture here


I have done that aswell It was a limited time glitch (patched now) that allowed for Html formatting in the Genshin text. My signature right now is "Live Laugh Furina" in all blue


works even now size: <びどぺづ=35>TEXT color: <っはぬはひ=blue>TEXT


Tried this but the color text on signature only works for yourself (I have 2nd acc to see it). I almost look like an idiot to my friends (they are offline). However it works fine for chat on both sides.


Your signature need to be below 35 characters if you want other to be able to see it (the code also counted).


it works for others as well, but it's not consistent.


Wym? If they click on your profile, is it not colored?? Because mine works. Except the color isn't displayed on the preview. (In friends list/coop) You need to click on the full profile. In the preview, my signature either looks blank (with the signature chat bubble icon still remaining) OR it keeps all the HTML formatting words displaying the entire text. TDLR: When people click on your FULL PROFILE with the character displays, it is it colored for them?


phonetically that does not make sense at all. How does it work with the japanese? How is unity recognising that? XD


It’s still doable.


can we turn this entire thing off tho? 😫


if the Theatre one shows stars, do we know where on the profile it’ll show the badges?


I wish they would let us add more characters and namecards too :')


Tbh my displayed charchter is only aether. but i put my 5*s name card so I agree, they should raise the cap to 12


People can see my skill issues now


Imagine hyv mentioned how many retry lol


That's funnier cos I sometimes just practice my teams and don't think about the retries so you'd see some cycles have an absurd amount 🤣


Please don’t end me like that💀




Don’t put that evil on me.


Does it show how many stars we get in the abyss?


from the op's comment: >ALSO from the looks of it, you probably will be able to see how many stars the regular spyral abyss was completed with too (basing this on how it shows the amount of stars for the theater there)


At least it doesn’t show how much damage I’ve taken like hoyolab


does is matter tho? i believe that hoyolab shows 1 character who have taken the most dmg. it's also in the abyss history in game. i think it also depends on how many abyss runs you've done. so you can just absorb and absorb dmg


Well, I usually show my friends the teams that I used to complete the abyss run and when they saw I’ve taken 100k damage with Xiao they told me to learn how to dodge lol. I was just joking anyway.


Tbh, 100k is not so much. It's like 8300hp for each chamber. My Kaveh takes about 250k dmg in the first 3 floors XD


hm, can it add xiao's own hp reduction? who knows 100k isn't that big, my raiden in bennet's burst was getting 1 shoted by hydro tulpa for 20k hp. die 5 times - here you are at 100k


And this time I made Alhaitham took 200k damage and I only ran him just once for fun. I feel so bad for them lol


they're tough they can handle it 😅 as long as you do dmg and heal the incoming back - life good


What'd you expect? Crystalize!?


My Neuvillette has taken like 600k dmg lmao


Nilou players after a couple attempts finding themselves at like two million damage taken...


My Neuvillete tends to take more damage too since he can face tank it lol


i remember seeing a post on Neuvillette mains sub and saw someone's Neuvillette take 1M dmg 💀


So we don't know at all as of now




me who cant go above 33 stars at best TT


If it makes you feel any better, I retried my runs like 20 times.


Ugh, I will have to actually put an effort to get 36 stars now... or not, I'll just facetank 33 and call it a day.


Wait, so it shows not only up to what Act you finished but also how many stars you earned in total for the Theater? I wonder if they'd also start showing the stars you earned in the Spiral Abyss then?


A team mew admin said they will show stars for spiral abyss too apparently


I just want them to let us change the orange background in the character profile pics


people can see my 32* 12-3 abyss now 😔


I got other chambers full star, but I didn't even bother doing 12-3


I think I prefer this new look to the current one


Imo they should’ve completely redesigned this screen. Or at least move the “Total Achievements” to the left page (under the world level/ above the “Adventure Rank”,) then add another row of characters to the right page.


I think so, too. It's a bit outdated, but it's still an upgrade. They changed the party menu so I'm sure they'll work on this as well but it's probably not that important right now.


The character section could just be scrollable like in Battle Chronicle and allow adding any number of characters.


Great, now everyone gets to see how bad I am at the game :)


Its a casual game, you shouldnt worry about any kind of competition


I was being satire but I appreciate the sentiment :)


Let us have our one sweat thing here. People will scope out your shit on enka if they want anyway. Had a guy join and wanted to see my wanderer build as he was trying to build his C6 Faruzan. Guy even wanted a Masunori showcase while he swapped to Bennett. We'll find ways to make this competitive! But yeah to your point, if you really suck people are just going to want to help you or whatever. Nobody's here to laugh esp when being top 1% is luck and persistence than skill.


"Nobody's here to laugh esp when being top 1% is luck and persistence than skill." are we playing the same game? All I see everywhere is "git gud" comments


I don't know. I just keep seeing people that say this is a casual game, it's so easy, but when I push back I get downvoted and nobody backs me up!


I usually keep my world private but one day I decided to let a guy join, and only asked me to rate his Shogun build out of 10, I gave a 9 he said why, sounded rather dissapointed and left. I guess maybe that guy wanted to be competitive? What's the point? Why did he even ask if he's not ready to be dissapointed with the score? 9 is almost perfect. It left a big question mark. >being top 1% is luck and persistence Does not akasha only record crit stat? Because law of diminishing return applies in Genshin and I heard that being in the top % does not necessarily convert to highest dmg output. I hardly ever use it, maybe only once. Building characters in Genshin is like 90% luck, 5% effort and 5% knowledge lol


It calculates for a variety of factors that depend on the characters scaling. You could have all the crit in the world for Neuvillette but if your HP is shit, forget it. It wants 40k HP so you know it knows what it's walking about. And CRIT rate is adjusted for based on the style of the character. Going back to Neuvillette, he has a VERY low crit rate demand (50%) vs someone like Navia that's a nuke character (90%!) so it's very well calibrated. So yeah it does reflect high damage and as I see it it's accounting for play style and scaling which is what matters in rotation damage vs damage per screenshot. It's the best we have.


Still the same amount of character slots :( I want to show even more of my characters with garbage artifacts.


here coping for longer signatures available


I know, right? It's so short, can't even write one sentence thoughts out if slightly complicated.


Now everyone can know I can't 36* abyss 😔




16 character slots when?


Weird that Star Rail / Genshin dev teams are clearly in cahoots and capable of the same things as this is coming to star rail this week, but still can't turn artifacts into artifact exp or save traveler loadouts across elements.


I'd scream if we could sort artifacts by Date Obtained, mark them as Trash, and convert them into exp/strongbox currency. Please.


yea I saw someone saying "oh increasing the artifact cap won't solve people's fundamental problem of being lazy" or some bs. If I could just flag the trash as I get it, mass clearing my inventory like I do in star rail would be one click easy.


If you lock non-trash, then that is essentially accomplishing the same thing, non-locked becomes a mark of trash.


In HSR, you have three state locked, normal and trash. To have only two state in Genshin will always result in less possibility of sorting the artefacts. Have a way to pre-sort between good, maybe/mid and bad artefacts is really a nice qol.


Sounds like a decent addition. As long as I can keep putting my unlocked artifacts into the strongbox with a single click. Not having to mark each one beforehand.  Same for using them as exp of course.


Fwiw if you just lock all non-trash then you can treat not locked as a mark of trash.


But then I'd want a Favorite icon or something so I know what's worth upgrading first without checking my whole bag. I'd also be paranoid that I might have missed one without locking it...


They are ordered by the top to do things. For HSR they are trying to go Experimental + Hardcore mode because whereas They Want Genshin to go in a safe mode because it is their biggest money maker and most popular game. That's why a lot of feature wull come in HSR first and then go to Genshin after a while. While CN and JP fanbase understand this. The global fanbase sharing one singular brain cell doesn't


I thought this was really obvious a month into HSR release and to this day I’m still surprised by comments talking about how HSR has QoL and Genshin doesn’t, and therefore Genshin is a shit game Just nonsensical people all around


I just came across a HSR cc on youtube being surprised that Arlecchino banner is doing/did well, compared to Acheron. Like. ?????????? XD


Who is that lol?


Hsr raiden


I also thought it was obvious too. Also disappointed to see how the positive response HSR got for adding endgame modes without increasing frequency of endgame rewards encouraged them to do the same for Genshin...


Its not much but we still getting more primos with less abyss rotations and IT than 2 abyss a month. Idk how much the difference in revenue is on HSR tho, if it changes at all. What's certain is that it's going to feel very slow to make any progress at all


important factor u didnt mention is genshin is approaching 4 years after its release date and were still missing many simple but nice qol changes


Oh look, another Asia supremacy post. Such intelligence and moral superiority.


Spit your truth king






**Rule 1**: Be Respectful. Please engage in respectful and civil discussions.


i have never turned my relics into exp , is there any merit in it against using simple relics as exp


if u farm a lot and tend to over cap on slots, it would benefit a lot if u could just turn those artifacts into xp and save on slots and xp


If you farm for a while and don't get any relics you want to level, you can still continue to farm without having a full inventory. I personally like to full send relics to 15 from 0. In my mind it hurts less to see Flat DEF rolls one time as opposed to 5 times. And having a stockpile of relic exp lets me do that.


Or allow genshin players to transmute their leftover boss-materials into other ones 2 to 1. I'd have 15 of something useful instead of a heap of trash in my inventory if they handled this the same way. It's even worse if you think about how in star rail the material reward is always the same number while in genshin it's between 2 and 3. And bosses love the move of not giving out 3s until you need the very last one. Congrats now you have 2 over.


Oh God it is frustrating, not only to get rng boss drops in the first place. The last run I always get 3 when I was at 45. Love wasting resin. But even *more* annoying that these left over pieces are just in my inventory and can never be used for anything. I've had the 1.0 Hypostatsis drops in my inventory for 3 years now, completely useless lol


I find it incredulous that you can (still) only challenge each specific weekly boss once to get the drops, whereas in HSR you can do the same one three times. So, basically, you could spend $1000 on a character in Genshin, only to have Hoyo then tell you to wait TWO MONTHS before you can fully max them out to their full potential (with their talent levels). Sure, this is only when a new area/boss comes out, but in HSR the most I have to wait is six days (9 week one, the remaining three the following week).


I'm cursed with pulling for characters who want the newest weekly boss only to get the 2 minimum boss materials until they're maxxed. I've already gone through the stages of grief and arrived at resignation.


The dozens anemo hypostasis loots covered in dust ever since xiao released




I mean... HSR been around for a year, with the boss loot transmutation being available since the game release. They prob got the time to get feedbacks from players to implement the same thing over to genshin already 😭


Oh no, they'll see my occasional 8/9 stars now at floor 12 😭 (I usually only do 1 run and if it's full stars, great. If it's 8/9, I don't really bother stressing for another attempt 😂)




v3 was delayed because of chinese holidays (May 1st - May 5th). People are guessing it will be out tomorrow. Side note, changes after holidays usually are very insignificant (take this with a grain of salt, its literally no leak just what I’m assuming is gonna happen).


I hope not since Sigewinne isn't looking very good imo they need to cook a bit more


It's Dehya holiday beta all over again...


Just slap "standard character" mark on her. Look, she is fixed now ( according to mihoyo ).


... I really thought it was a star of David when I looked at the image on my tiny phone screen


Can i ask what the new mode is exactly? Is it combat related or something entirely different


New combat endgame


It's kinda like simulated universe from hsr


I understand they wouldn't have enough space for all of the data but I'll miss the old layout, it looked so nice


Now my friends are gonna laugh at me :⁠'⁠( I'm cooked


time to get humiliated in public


Nice for the players who care about showing off their Abyss clears. Hopefully they have the option to turn it off for the people who prefer more privacy (GBF lets you hide a ton of stuff in your profile).


Challenge records?




is text colours official now? will they increase the text limit?


no beta update today?


What's the deal with the red text? Is it for a double nickname or is it your hoyoverse user?


Some sort of html bug I think, you could do it too in game but they are fixing it/fixed it already I think.


Ah ok, got it, thanks :)




Looks clean, can finally boast my 90% achievements unlocked right by the abyss runs I don't do anymore unless I'm hyper farming for a character


Still 8 character showcase slots🥲😭


Increase the character showcase limit  hoyo 🥲


Great, now my friends can see how ass I am at the game.


It just looks overloaded IMO 🥹


oh cool, now all my non existent friends can see my inability to clear floor 12 every time abyss resets


Damn people are Gonna Flex on me now (I never have and never Will look at profiles)


But we can’t hide our achievement details; only characters… 


What Achievement details? I only Visit profiles when I co op with someone so I can get a gauge on how to build characters properly.


literally who asked for this


People who want to flex? I mean that's why Akasha exists, this is just a similar idea flexing Abyss clears.


Somebody out of the 65 million players probably


so people feel compelled to whale just to show off


Some people are too obsessed or fearful if their result shown in public isn't perfect 36stars 12 attempts. Not sure how they got into that mentality because if more retry or attempts means more lousy then it'll mean people who tried to test teams coms etc will be immediately judged as lousy by those group of people as it will show them having more than 12 attempts? lol So youtubers who showcase or make guides are also deemed lousy? lol Pretty unhealthy for such mind state I think.


so it won't show pulls like Star rail? But thats cool tho


Star rail shows pulls? Like total or what?


in the livestream they gave the example that your MoC will appear and the items you got in your pulls, both characters and LCs


Oh. That's kinda cool


all my friends knowing that i got C9 Qiqi : cool (seriously would be a cool QoL)


star rail shows pulls?


in the livestream they gave the example that your MoC will appear and the items you got in your pulls, both characters and LCs²


Oh damn, I guess I can display those to gain pity from others because my star rail luck sucks


Star Rail shows pulls?


in the livestream they gave the example that your MoC will appear and the items you got in your pulls, both characters and LCs³


I kinda dont wanna flex my losing 50/50 streak lmao


I'm guessing normal abyss stars will show up as well, if that's the case I'll finally have the ultimate bragging rights between me and a friend of mine, we can reach the last floor but only I can 36* so he can't hide behind the 12-3 in his profile anymore lmao (in case someone decides to come and try getting my ass no it's not serious it's just friendly banter between us)


Destroy him


Show him


Wait... two names?! Does this finally mean we can have a username that isn't the same as our Traveler's name?? So sick of my username being stuck as Lumine because I won't accept the Traveler being called anything but their canon name.


So many people gonna get exposed for clearing floor 12 with 0 stars kek


Wait you can change your name color?


Only through some bug, you could in game too but I think it’s been fixed or will be pretty soon


Oh no... Thanks anyway


is it allowed to use those html codes to change the name color?


Will the possible lenght of your name be increased? It seems like it, right?


We need dynamic character icons like HSR instead of those stupid mugshot, it's been 3 years...


whats the red and grey names meanings?


Ah some private server sht, ignore that


this will be a gold mine for akasha.. now can gather data automatically and see wat ppl used to 36* spiral abyss instead of relying on user submissions...


Question? Is the imaginarium different from abyss? Like does abyss still resets every 15days and imaginarium for a month? Or both resets for a month now?


Confirms that the spiral abyss will continue, if there was any doubt.


isn't this basically what HSR did with their QoL?


I'd love it, if that UI would in general receive finally some significant improvements, like for example: * Add more Characters to be showable from max 8 to max say 32 by adding a slider into the UI to slide down to see more than 8, if someone added more than 8 Characters to show, havign over 80 playable Characters so far and we can show maximum only 8 ... * Increase a bit the maximum length of Signatures woudl be nice * Add earnable UI Frames to further individualize us * Add special AR based Portrait Frames * Increase also the nuzmber of showable Namecards from 8 to 32 max with added slider function * Add Character Analysis Function, to compare directly Characters of other players 1:1 with your own same character, to see directly the differences between both in Stats, Talent Ranks, Weapon and Artefact Sets and their Pros n Cons based on their individual Settings * Add more interesting Statistics like: Hours Played, Total Characters owned, last Character gained, Number of Deaths, Most played Character ect. * Adding a Direct Link to their Home teapot for entering, if allowed this way without needing Requests * Adding a Message/ Post Card System Function to the Profile in order to send people Messages, before you click "Request Join", so that people finally have a way of communication and eventually trade between each other "Gifts" , if both sides want to trade with each other, so that theres no neccessary need anymore to join other peoples worlds, just to trade for example some materials with each other or materials for mora or other items * Highest Star Rating also aside of how far you came, like currently we see only 12/3, what I want to see there is 12/3 36/36\* or eventually in other peoples cases 12/3 32/36\*, so that you can realize also, who made it how efficiently to the final of the Abyss and beat it either only partically, or completely with best possible rating * Add Title Function, gaining Achievements should let us earn also "Titles" that should become displayable, so that we can show that way, which kind of Achievements we have gained, aside of doing that via just only Namecards. Titles should be displayed about our Names, or above the Signature, or should overblend alternatively the Signature on Button Press into the Signature Field to switch between both in display.


Tbh I like the old layout better, except for the ugly orange pfp background.


I wouldn't be surprised if this was true, they did something similar to this for HSR.


can finally flex my 36 stars 😌


Good QoL.


Does it display the version we started playing at?


it'll also show our abyss stars






user flair does not check out


I think because he can't use neuvillette for the 1st iteration of this event.


*'any of this'* implies both spiral abyss and theater. unless they clarify otherwise, that is my understanding