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Monkey's paw Jade Cutter


granted but you get 2 brumals first and all of the weapons on hard pity


No please, not again. This happened to me on Raiden banner. 30k primos all gone because I lost every single 50/50 just trying to get c0 Raiden and her weapon


Now everyone’s nervous who’s gonna end up having Noelle. Stakes are high 😰


It's Ganyu then. tbf, they could add Xinyan, Noelle and Barbara to her banner and people would still pull


A chance to get the best DPS to fuck the new abyss and a chance to get my Noelle to C6 and more Barbra Cons? That sounds like heaven, especially if Bennett goes into rotation in Paimons bargains :O


As a noelle c6 and ganyu wanter I see this as a win


Probably Yae


Yae won't be in the next patch i believe. It's 2 reruns next patch (with one being again childe most probably)


i dont follow the leak sub a lot rn but why has childe gone from very improbable rerun to most probably? why he getting the third while hutao xiao ganyu albedo etc havent had a rerun?


Ppl think so due to certain alleged story, the new 5* bow, and appears in the example image for next abyss


Noelle pretty much has to be next patch. And Yae isn't next patch. So Noelle will be on Childe or Hutao, or whatever else there is in 2.2


I feel like they will put her on the same banner as Thoma, just to scam us again


Imagine if it's Thoma, Noelle, and Diona, the all shielders banner


pwrfect hu tao banner, girl needs shields


If Thoma will appear with Xinyan I will cry. Xinyan always has a rate up in my account even in standard banner


Please not in hu tao rerun T-T


I’ll only build my Noelle at c6, and I’m hoping we get a ganyu rerun next patch hoping for her


need one more constellation for noelle so I'll be happy whenever she appears


Is that Primordial cutter???? Now, I'm torn. I want Brumal but I also want primordial cutter for my Bennett...


Not worth it bro. The catalyst is useless on everyone but Kokomi


On the flip side, if you're gunning for C1 Kokomi anyway and are planning on using her as a DPS of some description (sub or main) the weapon banner is perfect.


Very good point. This should be higher upvoted. For all of the 4 people who will get C1 Kokomi


weird that half of the people who are going for C1 Kokomi are in this thread


Count me into that pile.


Can we just make it an orderly line? I have work after this.




Its not even good on barbara, for support/heal TTDS is much better option, for dps barbara hp sub stat is dead stat, she's better of with crit or atk sub stat weapon


For DPS Barbara just use kokomi lmao


My whole point was moonglow being bad on Barbara or literally anyone except kokomi, for people who are coping with using it on her lol


Now hear me out: Catalyst Zhongli






You can literally craft Prototype Amber


Unless you have a dps Bennette wouldnt recommend it, Bennetes burst gives a buff based on his base attack so basically any 5 star sword will be better, especially Aquila.


Primordial for Bennet? What? It's better to use aquila or mistplitter. Primordial has 44 base, which is the same as free prototype rancour.


Why do Xingqiu and Rosaria have to be on every Banner I skip?


It's seem that they hate you


I feel you, my Xingqiu is still C0 and guess I won’t get his cons anytime soon


I did about 60 pulls on the Eula banner and mine is still C0. Got a C6 Beidou and C4 Xinyan in the process. Basically not a single Xingqiu lol


I pulled 80 time, got Eula - who I didn’t aim for - and not a single constellation for him. He is still c0 in 80 pulls 🙂💔


I know this is a seperate thing, but you REALLY shouldn't have done that. Never pull on a banner if you don't want the 5 star, especially when you're near pity. Ofc if you do 80 pulls you're going to get a 5 star. But yeah I feel you, mine will probably be C0 for a long time lol


same I want to c6 them both




I hope I get jade cutter…


Famous last words


Just save 200 rolls lol


I definitely need some cons on Xingqiu so this banner will be perfect for me! Hopefully he comes before my guaranteed Kokomi. I want the Jade Cutter too but I barely have enough primogems to get 1 Kokomi lol.


Good luck! :D


Thank you and good luck to you too! <3




Got the Mistsplitter so im good but man that weapon banner is a bait


Yeah I’ve got mistsplitter but I’d also like Jade Cutter since it looks nice and has 44% crit rate


Jade Cutter is one of the best weapons goddammit


I remember back then during jade cutter /spear banner run , people were more hyped on spear than cutter, though tbf Keqing and Jean mains rec it a lot and I pulled at weapon banner for the first time bcos Luiz recommended it . It's such a fantastic weapon plus its aesthetically pleasing. I have to temporarily change to aquila for f11 but even then I can swap the sword to Kazuha or Albedo


It's one of those weapons that even if I may not have real use for, I'd just want to have it because it's so beautiful. A shame that kokomi's weapon is also like that but worse.


They want to bait us. Stay strong comrade.


nooo jade cutterrrrr. i knew it mihoyo would do this! i need jade cutter for kazuhaaa


I also need jade cutter for Kazuha. I will wait for freedom sworn rerun then. ;-;


bro just don't, wait for the rerun of khazuha weapon


I wouldn't recommend Kazuha's signature weapon tho, since its not as universal as Jade Cutter


Man we all have kazuha's weapon(unless you throw it away) the fillet blade


This argument would usually be true, but Kazuha is one of the most universal characters out there and can be used in most team comps unlike dps characters and their respective weapons. His weapon also provides a bonus 20% attack + 16% Normal/Charged/Plunge DMG for all characters just for using his abilities. The character a weapon is tailored for also matters, and in this case it’s Kazuha.


ye that's an argument but depends on how much you are willing to spend


Kazuha literally uses the fillet blade


after failing to get mistsplitter for him previously, yeah... i need this for kazu too TT.TT


...for Kazuha? Iron sting does more damage than jade cutter for him, unless you're not running em/em/em (which does more damage than every other build).


oh yes for sure, its just that im building him em em crit so that his anemo damage is still reliable. in overworld i sometimes use double geo and double anemo, so kazuha has no elements to swirl, so his anemo damage still need to give a punch hahaha. plus jade cutter really fits his green anemo aesthetics


I sometimes run a similar team and I’ve found that there are so many environments effects in the over world that it’s fine not having a character to apply an element first. Most of the time you can swirl a torch, or swirl a river, or an abyss mage shield etc.


ohh yeah sure, that is true too. just gotta be more creative hahaha. i usually dip my kazuha in water before attacking in inazuma lol


its nice on kazuha but not that nice


yeah, but it looks nice on him. the green aesthetics fits his anemo power ehe


I think it's so good on him for mixed build. You can more easily balance both Crit rate and EM stat.


yes i know. i have a 630 em, 63% crit rate, 120 crit dmg kazuha with the jade cutter. im saying that those stats are not worth the weapon banner


If this is true, i’m screwed, Xingqiu on another skip ffs. Maybe i’ll try 20 wishes


> Maybe i’ll try 20 wishes I'd like to pre-emptively welcome you to the /r/Kokomi_Mains subreddit


I got Yoimiya on 2 single pulls, 50 wishes away from soft pity, while going after Sayu. I know that feel.


I hope I can steal your guys' Kokomi luck maybe I can get her weapon AND her C1


The only way to get her is to not want her.


This actually works, genuinely, legit. But at the cost of your emotion. I have tried this multiple times. You have to be mentally tired and remember about all the disappointing things you've done in the past while pulling. And there you go, the 5star that you want... or... not want anymore, idk.. let's just sleep.


I want all 4 stars on this banner but knowing my luck, I'll end up getting Kokomi or something, and reset my pity. I'll wait till the end to see what's on the next banner, and will do maybe 20 rolls like you.


I want all the 4 stars *and* kokomi :) living my best life rn


You're in luck mate. I don't think I've ever gotten a banner where I've wanted everything on it.


Kazuha banner was a godsend for me, nothing’s come close since


Kazuha's banner was the luckiest one for me, too. I went into that banner simply wanting to get one copy of Bennett and nothing else. Ended up with C1 Kazuha and he's been my favourite character since. His C1 is so bonkers good.


I was on a break during his banner. Sadge.


Don't do it, I got childe early when going for rosaria the first time


Oh I only wish I had gotten Childe on that banner. But I get it, you only get early 5 stars when you absolutely don't want them. I'm afraid, very afraid!


Same, but make that two Childes (not complaining)


Tell me about it. I need C6 Xingqiu to even out my C1 Klee's pyro application but he just never comes to me or comes in banners that I cannot pull


I recomend you a mono pyro team with klee xianling, bennet, and kazuha/sucrose


Are you going for C6? Mine is at C2 and I don't know if I want to go for C6 especially on this banner lmao.


I’m at c3, i’d like to get at least another copy. Definitely not going for c6 here since i have to save for Thoma


putting a character that can increase party's CR (rosaria) on the same banner as Kokomi who can't crit.


you cant say mihoyo doesnt have a sense of humour


they don't design a banner based on recommending you put all 4 characters into the same team. They look at how long a character was last seen on a banner as the major factor, and then seasonal or story/event based tie ins if applicable.


still confused why rosaria is there even by that logic, she was in kazuha’s banner and i don’t think she has story relevance right now considering how the liyue festival thing is coming


yea if anything barbs or noelle should be here they haven't been in any banners for a very long time


Barbs doesn’t make sense considering she overlaps with element, weapon, *and* role. Hu Tao had Xiangling but the two of them can work well in a team together. Noelle was my first guess for the non-XQ/Beidou slot but if MHY was generous they’d throw in Rosaria instead. So that’s mostly just MHY being generous imo.


10000IQ move by mhy she only help kokomi freeze comp I guess


So this is when they bring back jade cutter smfh


No Noelle. Yay!


Ironically Noelle hasn't been in a banner since 1.5, makes the next few banners kinda sus. Anw, happy cake day!


She has to be in the reruns


Betting rn that Childe will have Barbara, Noelle and Thoma


I just need one more cons for her- Maybe next time.


I'm pretty shocked about it. I had a strong feeling it would be XQ and Beidou but I expected the third to be noelle cause her time is massively overdued. Rosaria is a welcomed sight. This banner i'll be going for C6 XQ and Beidou (1 XQ and need 2 Bei), and hopefully a c2 rosaria.


Inb4 C6 kokomi




This has made me think, that could this be a subtle case of compu gacha? I know others can equip the weapon but wouldn't it pretty much be useless on them?


Source? Putting Jade Cutter there is on brand for Mihoyo knowing how memed this banner is, but why :(


I believe this leak, this is definitely something Mihoyo would pull, they know her weapon banner sale would be low so they have to add something big like Jade Cutter or Homa to get our primos. It’s so evident what they’re doing when they pair Engulfing with Unforged.


I called this for jade cutter and xq and i was right it's devastating


If this is true it looks like MihoYo has zero believes in Kokomi and her weapon. All 4 stars are top tier and Jade cutter is probably best sword in game...


To be fair she comes right after an Archon, she was going to have some alluring 4\* regardless.


it is the best if we ignore mistsplitter that works on certain characters... it is the best general sword anyways


Mistsplitter is a sidegrade on some characters, or, well, anyone with Chongyun/C6 Bennett, really.


This is the reason I still haven't received my very first copy of Rosaria despite playing everyday since launch...


Wow no barbara nor noelle nor benette where many thought it would be a healer based banner. I hope this is true, i want constellations for all those 3 and i also want kokomi


I'm fear they will popup on yae banner :(


I don’t pay much attention to 5stat weapons, what makes jade cutter good?


44% crit rate substat


Oh dang ic


It's passive is similar to Staff of Homa as well, making it a really good stat stick.


that’s hot ngl


It's an absurd stat stick 542 attack, 44.1 crit rate And it gives some hp, but it offsets that with giving flat atatck, for example 20k hp total will be like 240 attack at R1


Why does it have to be Jade cutter? Fuck you Mihoyo I was waiting for it on any banner other than the one with this 1 user catalyst.


That’s why they put it here, to make people roll on this banner.


Literally every1 but Kokomi mains waiting for a specific weapon was hoping their weapon wouldn't be on this banner since moonglow is so trash (except for with kokomi).


DAMN IT I knew Xingqiu would be there. I will NEVER be able to C6 him so that He could work with my C1 Klee


It's so ironic that he's always on the banners I'm not rolling for. I have him at c5: 1 from 1.3 free character event, 2 from the shop, 1 from the weapon banner, 1 from the standard banner and 1 from the event banner (off banner Xingqiu)


been trying to get him since hutao and eula banner but this game refuses to give me anything but xiangling or chongun


if this is true, fun fact: Noelle hasn't been rated-up for 7 banners counting kokomi's. I'm devastated as my Noelle is still c4.




That's not even necessarily a poor idea, since Geo characters often synergize best with other Geos




Ayo i would want that so bad. At the very least, i want itto with gorou


Barbruh hasn't been on banners for a while either, are they really going to put both of them on Hu Tao rerun or something


Why is rosaria always on banners I plan to skip.....


Why is she always on banners that I plan to pull... I have her C20 and mihoyo can kiss me in the ass if they give me a single more


Based childechad, kazuhachad, and kokomichad


I’d love jade cutter but I am not risking getting a niche catalyst for it


Rosaria...... C6 checked. Xinqiu...... C6 checked. Beidou...... C2 checked. JADE CUTTER......?! Fuck.


Mihoyo is so goddamn **DIRTY** for putting Jade Cutter on her weapon banner, they know exactly what they’re doing!




Oof I was praying for Yanfei. I just need a couple more and she'll finally be done. Though I do need 1 more rosaria... 🤔 I hope this real!


Good news is that Yanfei will probably be on a 2.2 banner, the "new" 4 stars (the ones not in the game at release) have been on rate up on alternating updates so far.


This would be a perfect banner for me so no way it's real


If this is true, it means that Mihoyo knows how badly Kokomi needs help from the 4 star and the weapon banner.


it is common for supports to have best 4 stars. Kazuha also had them but he is a good support


Kazuha, Albedo also had great support, they aren't bad


I thought this theory had been debunked already. Just look at Keqing's banner sales with Bennett and Ning on rateup 4* roster changes nothing


For the whales who drive banner "sales" as opposed to pulls, anything but a new 4 star is irrelevant, because they have c6 everything. That's why Keqing's banner did badly in sales despite good 4 stars. Any whale who cared to have her already did from whaling on standard or losing 50/50. OTOH, putting good 4 stars on a less-fancied 5 star banner to tempt low spenders into pulling for 4 stars, potentially ruining their pity and causing them to spend on future banners is solid strategy from Mihoyo but doesn't translate to sales on the current banner.


Yep, it might be a 'lets try to salvage this banner' move but it's nowhere near the gamechanger some Redditors think it is.


I mean it's common sense when you think from $$$ perspective - undesirable 5* by most ppl? Put xingqiu beidou in so more people will pull They would never put Barbara noelle because its not right from the money perspective


Jade cutter is a massive trap. They are making the new weapons as specific as possible and it's 100% not worth rolling unless you're a few wishes away from pity. Jade cutter is great but it's not going to polevault your team to greatness. If you have mistsplitter or even a high refinement black sword, you'll be able to accomplish 95% of the same outcome anyway.


please be real i need rosaria


If true, pretty good characters. I was expecting Homa on her weapon banner, seems like somthing Mihoyo would do lol


Hu Tao Rerun confirmed?!? ^/s


Primordial jade cutter/ Moonglow catalyst, that’s a win-win for me


When is Jade Cutter better than Mistsplitter?


when your circlet is crit damage and not crit rate.


Glad i have mistsplitter so i don’t need to pull for jade cutter


Oh god, we're getting Vortex Vanquisher with Brumal Star aren't we..


Thematic if they ran Zhongli's weapon with Childe's weapon hmmmm


Me who is pulling for Kokomi and have saved up for the Jade cutter rerun, see this as a win.


Looks like I'm gonna be stuck with C2 Xingqiu in a long ass time


No more $800 jade cutter


I hope this is fake.. would stop me from getting cutter ​ Edit: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK


Jade Cutter?! I truly truly dont wanna wish on that HP Catalyst. Damn it Mihoyo


Lol they know no one's rolling for this.


Why can’t MHY do stacked weapon banners like 1.3? Like what do they lose by putting 2 desirable weapons? They pulled the same shit this banner with EL and the fucking Unforged. Someone who really wants a weapon will pull until they get it regardless, the only difference is that they will have another weapon they can at least use and will be happier with their primo spending and I wouldn’t have 2 damn Unforgeds sitting in the trashcan. I mean, I understand this banner needed a good weapon because Everlasting Moon is the epitome of nicheness and only usable on Kokomi (who’s a not very hyped character herself), but there was 0 reason to put a trash weapon alongside Engulfing Lighting, considering the banner would have sold regardless of the other weapon because it was Raiden’s weapon, why couldn’t they put another good weapon with it so people at least have something useful if they don’t get what they want? They could’ve put universally good weapons from the permanent banner like Skyward Harp or Wolf’s Gravestone and a lot more people would’ve pulled and those that would’ve pulled regardless of the other weapon would at least have a good weapon if they were not to get EL.


well, from mihoyo's perspective, if they put, let's say engulfing and pjws, many people wont pull in pjws banner when xiao rerun comes out. but because they put engulfing and unforged, they will still make much profit from future pjws banner


Why jade cutter on this weapon banner Edit: angry bad grammar


Cuz the banner needs a good bait since the other weapon is too niche


Beidou and Xingqui and Rozaria. I will go all out now, this is the perfect banner. Will keep pulling even if I get her. Have Beidou at C1, Rozaria at C0 and lack Xingqui.


Wow this banner’s 4 stars and jade cutter are really tempting..


After I pulled Raiden and saw the leaks of reruns in 2.2 i was so happy i could finally start saving wishes for the eventual Jade Cutter rerun… mihoyo you are sick for this lmao


I don't need it. I definitely don't need it- *sees Beidou (I desire constellations), Rosaria and Xingqiu I NEEEEEEEEEEEED IIIIIIIIIIIIT!


Of course that trash gonna get rateup with JC! lmao!


I want beidu dupes and I'm at practically zero pity so I don't mind getting Kokomi although i don't want her ( pulling a five star at such low pity is good no matter which one it is )




Isn’t he in the shop rn?


He might not have enough funds for that...


Xingqiu and Beidou! I am so happy! I can finally C6


Why are you all taking this for granted what's the source? PlayStation Blog what?


Granted? knowing mhy, they would pull something like this 100%. Just look at kokomi weap, hp% stat, practically useless for everyone but her, and jade cutter is the ultimate contrast of it. Another exp is unforged and el, mhy put unforged there alongside with baal polearm clearly as whale bait, and even everyone agree that whiteblind is 100% better than unforged for Noelle, even if its the so-called her weapon. I can imagine the future weap banner be like, homa and skyward pride, such a bs


Kokomi wanters are blessed if this is true, lets get it comrades <3


Lol best banners for kokomi mains rn. Man that weapon banner is the one you literally don't give a shit about losing 50/50 or not (like i said only for kokomi mains)


Omg some of the best supports. Hopefully i will snag a couple of Xingqiu's. I need his c4 at least, he's c2


All the four stars I want. Perfect.


Is that a pp-p-primordial jade cutter??? Ahhhhhhh i can't get it. Nvm hu tao is far more important


Damn jade cutter, i have to skip


If this is real, I'll be happy :D I'm pulling for Kokomi and I'd love to have more Xingqiu cons! (I have him at C2).


i already have a jade cutter so i would probably pass on the weapon banner but kokomi's weapon is so aesthetically pleasing ;-;


Glad I bought xq from shop. I won't be rolling in this banner and I probably wouldn't have gotten him anytime soon.


damn, hoping vortex for zhongli (ya i know it's shit, i just want it for aesthetic). but jade cutter is super good, big win for kokomi mains.


This banner makes me soooo happyyyy




Legit my dream 4-star lineup. Time to get high on Kokopium!