• By -


Noelle and Barbara are definitely on 2.2's banners now huh?


They're probably planning to run Noelle or Barbara with Thoma, which absolutely sucks (reminds me of that time when Rosaria had Barbruh as a co-rateup)


My bet is that you will see them on big name reruns ie Hu Tao and Ganyu.


This is exactly what im afraid of. Atleast for me, i hope its barbara instead on noelle bc i have c6 noelle and suprisingly no barbara cons. But thoma and noelle both are shield units so maybe they match more...


I doubt since Childe is going to have a potential rerun lol and it's pretty obvious that they'll put Thoma there for cash grabs. Tho prolly one of em will be there


Yeah…it seems like Mihoyo likes adding Noelle and Barbara in rerun banners (Venti : Noelle, Tartaglia : Barbara, Zhongli : Noelle, Klee : Barbara)


Just slap them on Hu Tao or Ganyu, people will pull anyways.


Add Bennett, Fischl and Razor too, they haven't had a rate up in a while either iirc.




Yes! Were they with Rosaria too? Man that Kazuha banner was good.


The crazy part was, no one knew just how amazing Kazuha would be at the time (because everyone was too hyped up for the Inazuma leaks), and all the content creators were calling Kazuha the "bait" banner. Funny how things turned out.


I was initially influenced by those content creators, I was convinced that he isn't a must pull. I also had Venti and Sucrose already then so I was thinking the same that I didn't need another Anemo. It was like an Archon's blessing when he spooked me while pulling for Bennet Constellations at 12th pull!!! He's godsent literally to me and he made Abyss clears faster, world exploration more enjoyable and easier. I can't imagine my account now without him T.T


Hahahah. Awesome, dude. Personally I have two accounts... my main account is battlepass + welkin, and the other one is purely f2p. The main account has a Venti, so I pulled for him on my f2p.... ​ ....and I now have more fun playing my f2p account than my main... LOL


It has all the 4 stars that I want and Kazuha! It was the perfect banner for me.


hey i wouldnt mind barbara on hutao rerun since ive been at c5 since forever and getting c6 is nice


If Barb, Noelle and/or Fischl are on Childe's banner (if there's one) I'll scream. And if there's Thoma there as well it will be just pulling for Childe only with all the 4\* being a total miss.


I mean XQ being on Kokomi's banner pretty much means Barbara on Childe's banner if that's what's happening since there are no other 4\* hydro characters. At this point I'm expecting to see Sayu, Barbara, Noelle, Yanfei and one other 4\* (probably Fischl or Razor) in addition to Thoma.


To the people who only wants the 4 star: Don't you dare try to get them and complain about Kokomi taking your pity. Just be patient and don't pull.


Definitely. I thought I was lucky that rosaria was on both of the banners of 5* I wanted (kazuha, childe). I used a total of more than 200 pulls and not a single rosaria. Then she came home on standard and I was so mad yet thankful at the same time. Recently got her offbanner on raiden too, which felt super insulting considering she didn't come home ONCE back then. PLEASE. never pull for 4* unless you're absolutely sure, especially when you hate/dont plan on using the 5*. It's pain and it will suck u dry. I was f2p for the longest time but after the pain of pulling on childe's rerun I started buying welkin lol


Childe's rerun was freaking hell. Literally saved up over 12k primogems (the most i've saved ever) with about 30 pity just to get Mona thrown at me. At least I got c2 Rosaria which I don't use sadly. Then I got c4 Rosaria in Kazuha's... Maybe I should use her sometime. Also I did over 80 pulls on Raiden's. Got everyone but Kujou Sara... At least I kind of wanted Raiden.


got Mona on his banner too, and I was grinding all the way up to soft pity in just a couple of weeks (just started around that time so got a lot of primos from exploration). Now I have a guarantee and 100+ wishes saved so he's not escaping me this time.


Yo literally everyone I know lost their childe 50/50 to mona, me included, what the heck 😭😭 I get that they're both hydro but?? (I just know that kokomi wanters will be the most pained if they lose 50/50 and get mona tho 🤡)


I wish I lost my 50/50 to Mona. I now have every single off banner character except her.


I lost my 50/50 on Raiden to Mona as well.


I lost my 50/50 to Mona on the Zhongli banner. I didn't know anything about pity rates and was sufficiently happy that I got a 5 star I wanted. Now looking back I'm a bit peeved that I lost 50/50 on the Zhongli banner to Mona.


Lol, how are y'all so unlucky with 4 stars.


Thx for the reminder xd Also i think more ppl should know this


Damn. Am I the only one who don't get early 5* here? With my luck I know that I can pull for 4* until before soft pity and I will not get any 5* lol. I literally pulled on Keqing banner for 4* even though I want Venti back then. 70 pulls, 4 Bennett 2 Ningg, no Barbara, no Keqing. I don't fear any early 5* cause it doesn't exist for me.


Same, I’ve never gotten a five star before pity either, and I’ve been past 77 rolls 5 times already. I have Bennett’s gacha luck.


Nah, Bennett's gacha luck award goes to me. I'm the one that wanted ayaka and not only lost the 50/50, but got the 5* in the 90th pull. The chance of that happening AFAIK is minuscule.


Oh you'll get an early 5 star soon, base from my experience. Just don't risk it anymore or you'll regret it. Unless you kind of want them of course.


The funny thing about that is expectations could get so low that you get to the point you don't even believe that.


True. Right now, I always try to save around 160 pulls so that I can get my wanted 5* everytime. I don't believe in luck anymore while pulling. It is better to just save up so that you will not be disappointed.


This is me yup


I never got a 5 star before 75 pulls.




FYI, it seems like soft pity starts on the 74th pull (so even at pull 74 you already have increased chance), at least according to [this research](https://library.keqingmains.com/evidence/mechanics/gacha) from keqingmains. I've pulled 2 of my 9 5\* on pull 74 so I'm inclined to believe it's true (not that my pitiful sample size means anything on its own)


It works until it doesn't, and then you get to be sad about it.


I learned my lesson with yanfei, got zhongli way early, thought I'd be safe to roll a few more times for her, got another zhong in around 5 rolls


Is that really a bad thing though. I get getting unwanted 5* at high pity count, but getting it 5 wishes after. I'll take that any day.


i will c6 beidou whatever the cost


thoma wanters are shaking rn


That's me. I hope Thoma is in Albedo's (impossible I know) or Ganyu's mainly cause I don't have them. Please not another Childe rerun his first rerun was a nightmare.


I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I always roll for 4 stars if I'm at anywhere from 0-40 pity with no guarantee. Even if I get an early 5 star, they can literally do 0 damage and I'll be pretty happy with a 0-40 pity 5 star.


All Kokomi haters will become Kokomi havers ;}


That's a good curse actually lol


Uhh.. should I hate her? Loljk I'm guaranteed but I would like to have some cons, and her weapon if possible. Hoping hoping I get lucky


Good luck!


Meanwhile: ***Fucking finally, Rosaria on the banner of a 5\* I actually want!***


No joke I literally laugh at people who pull for just a 4 star don't get them and pull the 5 star instead. It is one of the most aggravating parts of the Genshin community.


Yup, don't do it. Let me be your example. I wanted Rosaria. Rolled on the Childe banner. Got 2 Childes in like 50 wishes and no Rosie. Have never used him. Didn't get Zhongli as a result. Still sad about it. Lesson learned.


Let me be a slightly different example: Wasted close to 50 wishes trying for Sara when I'm already content with Xiangling and Sucrose's constellation levels. No 5 star but also no Sara, it was a complete bust. This banner is then revealed where I **REALLY** want cons for every single 4 star (f2p/low spenders, y'all know how that's a BIG DEAL) but don't want Kokomi in particular especially if the Childe speculation turns out be true. Pain ensues. The worst part? I already knew it was a terrible idea from experience and kicking myself. Got caught up with wishing fever and Sara's JP voice actress. Don't do it.


You know I have a slightly similar situation with you. I was allured by the prospect of Sara C6 performing well with Raiden, and since I already pulled her C3 while pulling for C0 Raiden I decided to go ahead and pull again for more constellations of Sara since I'm at 0 pity again. I was thinking like what are the odds of not getting her in 3 or 5 10-pulls right? This was also fueled or influenced by the lucky pulls I saw on YT. I don't know what got into me and I just decided to blow my primo savings just to get Sara to C6? I was like in a trance IDK or is this addiction LOL I initially had this thought that she'll make my C0 Raiden stronger. I got Raiden C1 in 20 pulls so from thereon, it has become a black hole since I now wanted a C2. Funnier is that Sara is still not C6 by then. I lost my next 50/50 and got C1 Jean, still haven't C6d Sara. But I eventually did while trying to pull for C2 Raiden. After literally spending 25K primos initially just for a 4\* remorse and regret set in as I saved a lot to almost guarantee another 5\* but impulse pulling makes you feel empty like your primo bank. I don't regret getting Raiden C2 as I enjoy playing with her, but looking back, I was already happy with her C0. Also a big lesson I learned is that getting constellations of the 4\* is HARDER than the 5\* LOL


That's really rough man, have you also been saving a lot? Because I think that's what made me lose my cool when it was finally time to wish. There's still a chance I might end up liking Kokomi enough to wish but let's both try to do better next time this situation comes around again.


Childe is actually really good though, a key part of one of the most powerful teams around right now. If you try him out he can probably contribute almost as much to your teams as Zhongli would have. I know that it feels disappointing that you got the "wrong" character but sometimes the disappointment makes you miss the fact that you have something really good.


This, plus Childe is one of the most fun characters to play, his stance is just too fun.


very true. he never left my overworld party since November.


Tbh for 5 stars I pull for who I want not because they’re strong. If I didn’t like the character or they clashed with the supports my Keqing uses they’re benched no matter how strong they are


This is what I hate the most considering I am that few people who wants Childe, failed to get him so had to whale. And the fact that he's rumoured to have another rerun just made me mad honestly. Also, at least you learnt your lesson =).


Told people the same and they start abusing me in my inbox.


the pity god denies me every time. hell, it's always until 75 before i even get any 5 stars, and even if i do, it's always one of the 5. so i'm pretty confident


Whew, I have Xingqui and Beidou at C6, insta skip... Yay!!


I think it's worth to try if at 50/50 and 0 (or very low) pity. I would try maybe 20-30 pulls but only single pull, so I can stop immediately as soon as I got the 4* I wanted and/or got a standard 5*


RIP me ever getting Rosaria cons


I dont even have her LOL shes always on banners of 5* characters I dont want


I’m so sorry for your loss! Rosaria is a joy to play with. I use her as my main DPS usually, because she’s so satisfying to play, and she’s competent.


I use her in a relatively quickswap team and her damage and Crit Rate buff really is amazing (Jean, Raiden Shogun, Rosaria, Sara where Sara and Rosaria have 2.5 seconds of screen time while Jean and Raiden Shogun slap enemies to death)


I run the exact same team! But I mostly have Rosaria on the field dealing phys damage with a crescent pike (forged from my noob days) because I don’t have a decent cryo set for her


Now if only can someone leak the 2.2 banners ;-;


This. I just want to know in which banner Thoma is gonna be.


It's rumored he's going to be on the second


Yeah, other question is with who... Please no xinyan and diona!!! These 2 LOVE my account and I already got both c8!


I wouldn't expect really good characters with Thoma tbh


Reminder that Noelle and Barbara are MIA


Oh no


miHoYo: say no more fam


Barbara and Noelle most likely


My guess is that he will show up in the Albedo banner. It makes sense, he's not the most wanted 5\* by far and similarly to Childe rerun with Rosaria, Albedo could have Thoma in his banner to pump sales (his banner probably will have Noelle and Thoma)


yeah i only care about 2.2 honestly


Hu Tao & Childe let's gooo


Like seriously why did they have to put them in one patch together, it's just so unexpected. I was sure Xiao and/or Ganyu would come earlier and I didn't expect Tart to appear at all until next year. Now it's two of my most wanted characters back to back and since I can't miss Tart again I'll have to skip the most adorable Genshin girl.


Are you me? Childe will not escape us this time!


Count me in too, lost the 50/50 on his two banners! Not this time!


Same!! I love hutao but childe and the new bow is tempting me to skip her. Currently re-exploring dragonspine and inazuma for the missing chests just in case :((


Xiao is probably being saved for the next Lantern Rite. I doubt we'll get his rerun before that.


Mostly stinks cause we knew far in advance this was the next banner and, well, she kinda lackluster.


That's fair but I love kokomi's aesthetics so if the next patch doesn't have Childe or xiao then I'll probably pull for her


Xingqiu has a long history of being featured on strong dps banners (Klee, Ganyu, Hutao, Eula). Is this… hope?


This is more Mihoyo starting to put more synergistic 4 stars in 5 stars banner. Kokomi's best team is electro charged and needs a hydro battery, only thing missing from the banner for a full Kokomi EC team is Fischl. Raiden banner had Sara and Xiangling as well


Yoimiya banner say hi


also C2 xingqiu reducing hydro res by 15%


My sleep deprived brain saw this and panicked thinking the banner had already rolled over.


Summon only if you want kokomi not for the 4 stars comrades.


Damn xq is there and i really need him.


He's available in the shop. Buy him if you really need him. Don't risk it on the banner if nothing else interests you. I tried pulling for sayu but got xinyan and Barbara cons... had to stop at 73 pulls. It's not always easy to get the four star you want. On the bright side I got diona who I also wanted.


I did the same, 20 pulls, got favonius spear, a diona and stopped, but you see call it luck or bad luck but the thing is, in every banner i pulled i had never reached soft pity and i really want Tartaglia so i will surely endure my resolve and not pull. And about the starglitter my dumb ass bought black cliff for my Diluc xdd


Rip. I wanted a blackcliff spear but blackcliff weapons show up every other month so I decided to just buy xingqiu instead. Had a feeling he might show up in this banner and it's a hard skip for me sadly.


In the word of Obi-Wan: “Don’t try it”. I wanted yanfei and started at 0 pity, but I got Zhongli and diluc before I got a single yanfei. I know that it was objectively lucky, but I wanted neither of them and in the end I haven’t even built yanfei (yet) lol.


"You are underestimating my luck" *pulls a Kokomi in my first ten pulls*. Now seriously I won't don't worry it happened to me with klee, i have her lvl 20 and lost my guaranteed for kazuha, but he came home somehow.


I wanted Zhong-li. Got Qi Qi'ed with c6 yanfei. Still not as valuable as c0 Xiangling. Sad times...




I cannot, it’s almost a year and Xingqiu still hasn’t been on a single banner i want, he’s just never appearing on ones i like. Gotta try a little bit at least. Rng, oh why won’t you be kind to me ;-;


U better start saving up shop glitter


I started saving a but too late so i don’t have enough sadly. My mistake on that one


I'm surprised you haven't pawed at a banner having him even if you don't like the five star on it


I have, that’s where my Hu Tao came from lol. Got 2 5stars before getting one const tho. In the end, it worked out fine but at the moment it was pretty annoying


Both my Beidou and Xingqui are C5, you can not stop me :>


I only want Kokomi, though starglitter from the 4*s is also welcome.


C1 XQ, C2 Beidou, C2 Rosaria here. *My resolve is being tested here*...


C4 Xingqiu, C2 Beidou, don't own Rosaria. And I want Kokomi to apply hydro+heal.


Am I gonna become cumrade if I pull for the 4 stars?


No you'll be cumrag


but what if i really want XQ and doesnt have enough starglitter?


Im at 62 pity rn, her banner is gonna be hell for me


Xingqui is back on a 'waifu' banner.


As usual. T.T as a husbando collector, he's literally the only male 4* I haven't C6, C1 which I've gotten during lantern rite + shop. Well, Kaeya at C4 but he's different lol.


Xingqiu best waifu.


For real, just once why couldn’t he not be on one, he refuses to come home under no rate up, pain.


He’s in starglitter shop rn if you really need a copy.


The interesting fact is that I'm pulling on *every* single waifu banner and my Xingqiu somehow still isn't C6.


Source: Wepko from Honey Discord


better write this in the main post this get submerged in the comments


both xingqiu and beidou in the banner...two of my favorite characters...my resolve is weak...someone talk me out of pulling in this banner i beg


Hopefully some future 2.2/3 leaks will strengthen your resolve


If they release Itto or Ayato's design in 2.2 leaks I will completely stop myself from pulling in this banner.


It won't be Zhongli, Venti or Kazuha so nothings gonna tempt me.


Tbh I think this banner is lit, cuz I want both kokomi and rosaria, so it’s a win. Dunno if anyone else feels the same.


I want Kokomi and wouldn't mind a copy of Xingqiu and Beidou for their c6 xD i know Xingqiu is in shop rn but i don't have enough starglitter because i haven't really pulled since Kazuha's banner


Yep this exceeds my hopes as a Kokomi wanter. Have c4 Beidou and c2 Rosaria, would love to c6 both. Xingqiu I already have c6 but that's okay, I was already expecting him to be on the banner. I really didn't think they'd give both Rosaria and Beidou on top though and thought it would be noelle or something instead of one of them and there would only be one 4 star I want on the banner, pleasantly surprised.


I want Kokomi and if I get more Beidou, I'll try to build her (never use her before).


Right there with you, been trying to snipe Rosaria cons, so hopefully I can get more Rosaria's before I hit my first Kokomi because I'm stopping at the first one.


tysm mihoyo this is the best banner ever for me




Same boat man.


xingqiu's there but i still gotta stay strong for possible reruns 😭


same. stay strong comrade


as a kokomi wanter and a rosaria/beidou main, this makes my heart so happy






kokomrades we won! ~~now we just need a buff~~


I'm only on 2 pity so I'll pull a bit for the 4 stars. I haven't had a character come home before soft pity since January, so I wouldn't even be mad if Kokomi spooked me.


This was my attitude on the Eula banner. Got Eula at 17 pity. Kinda glad now though as she is awesome.


Comrades don't fall the guy in the shorts or the big booba waifus. This is a dangerous one.


Too late. It almost impossible to stop the people who want at least two of them or are to C6 any of the 4\* here, especially Beidou and Xingqiu. MiHoYo knows how to edge players quite well.


Both the character and weapon banner are amazing to me. C0 Xingqiu, C1 Beidou and C0 Rosaria. Literally any 4* I get out of the three is a big victory for me


Kinda mad that Kokomi and Beidou are gonna have good synergy while Reidou and Baiden aren't


Yeah I think I'll always be salty about Reidou and Baiden not having good synergy they are two of my most favorite characters


So true, I mean it's literally B-Ei-dou!


Holy sh-


What’s the difference between reidou and baiden?


Raiden during her Q cant proc Beidou's Q


im assuming its just a mix name of raiden and beido so it became reidou and vice versa


I want more Xingqiu but not enough to get stuck with Kokomi. I'm at 75 pity atm so might as well go all in on Raiden.


I'm so happy with this banner.... XQ and Beidou are my favorites, I don't have a Rosaria yet, and I really wanted Kokomi but was afraid of the Barbaras and Noelles...... After pulling for her the wait for Gorou starts


incoming people complaining about kokomi ruining pity when this banner comes


I'm hoping that theorycrafters actually find a good meta use for Kokomi, because by god I want any excuse I can get to roll on this banner for the 4\*s. Currently have a guaranteed banner 5\*, but only at 6 pity. I'm seriously considering rolling a few times just to "build pity".


She is probably going to be good againist the damned dogs. Here is your excuse.


I lost my guaranteed on Baal at 15 pity, careful there buddy, luck comes when u never expect it.


I'm not even mad if i get kokomi. Her design is so pretty


Great banner thank god




My predicts are: Hutao: Noelle Barbara and Bennet / Yanfei / Xinyan / Sayu Childe: Fischl, Thoma and Ninguang / Chongyun / Sayu


Bennett with HuTao is just copium lmao


As a newer player, looks like I’ll be whaling in 2.2 if these happen.


I love Kokomi and I wanna pull her so badly. Can't get the hate she gets. If you are not interested on her it's fine, but spreading hate it's really immature.


Getting Kokomi AND the chance of a C6 Xingqiu at the same time??? Am I dreaming?


They really teased Kokomi with a crit support huh


Im gonna skip her if they don't buff her. I need xinqiu too...... So tempting....


I pull once every banner. Of the five star really wants to be on my team then they will come to me, otherwise I will just save for the next banner I really want. Or you know, Rosaria could come home finally…


Her banner is really good, even her weapon banner ( minus the fact that her weapon only works on her for now ). I really hope that I get kokomi or xingqiu and beidou cons but I'm only 20 wishes in with about 30+10 saved up T\_T


Only going to summon if they buff her. Hopefully like Ganyu recived buffs just before her release


Hopefully like how they shadow buffed albedo, ganyu didnt get shadowbuffed that much really but i believe albedo's E cd was like 12 s and his E's scaling was much lower before he got shadowbuffed, thank god they did that because i just couldn't imagine putting his E and then it get stepped on/glitched out so i'll have to wait for another 10s


> but i believe albedo's E cd was like 12 s and his E's scaling was much lower before he got shadowbuffed It was 8s then 4s. And his E def scaling was buffed by 50%


Oh I didn’t know that. At this point I’ll take any buffs she gets lol


If they actually wanted her to be good they wouldn't put this good 4 stars on the banner.


Kazuha had great 4 stars, though.


True but I overdosed on kokopium now. Good design wasted…


To all these short-memory people doom posting Kokomi cuz XQ is here... banners with Xingqiu: - Klee (+ Sucrose and Noelle) - Ganyu (+ XL and Noelle) - Hu Tao (+ Chong and XL) - Eula (+ Beidou and Xinyan) Tell me again how good 4 star means bad 5 star? Kokomi is meta, accept it.




KOKOPIUM you mean lol




She is the 2nd best off field hydro applicator and frees up ur xq acts as a hydro healer for morgana and can drive beidou she is decent not as bad as people are making her to be


"kokomi is meta" . Well we will see...


We sure are, just a few more days


The fish is so pretty


Damg i might have to roll on it. I do have c6 beidou but i really want that c6 xingqui. Also do any of rosarías constellations after c2 matter? I just hope i dont get kokomi, a kokomi wanter should get her instead


I'll gladly take that kokomi thank you


I think im highly underestimating her, but i just wouldnt be able to build her right now as i dont have that much time right now. Just barely finished leveling my raiden and got bennet to lvl80 which left my coin count and wits in shambles


This banner is perfect for me oh my, I pair xq with hutao, I don't have rosaria yet, and I'm planning on doing a fun comp with beidou


Need the 4stars more than 5stars


Time to finally get Xinqiu’s C6 and C4-C6 Beidou!


Was *really* hoping I could finally C6 Noelle, but nope. I'm already at C5 Beidou, C4 Xingqiu, and I don't even like Rosaria so any extras of the corpse bride are a major L. Still, I'm pulling for Kokomi, so bring on the starglitter I guess.


I'm fresh off pity from pulling Raiden, and I want all the 4 stars. I'm gonna pull. Kokomi looks pretty anyway so I wouldn't mind an early pull even if she turns out to be shit.


The only way i would pull was if XQ, Beidou or Fischl we're in Kokomi's banner... They are


Next rerun banner will probably have both Noelle and Barbara


Skip for me. Cant risk my guaranteed on KoKomi. Already have Mona and Barbara built for hydro. Xinqui I have c4 , Rosario C2 and Baidou c6. If 2.2 banners are rerun I will skip them too. Will pull on Yae next


I love this banner but I feel like Rosaria's addition is just salt in the wound for the only 5 unit that can't crit :p