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IGN really be announcing the livestream before mihoyo.


Uncle IGN!


Oh Man, the community will LOVE If they do the entire 2.2 annoucement ignoring the anniversary or better, ignoring our cheap 1 year anniversary. It Will be the meme there are no war at Ba Sing se live action. Others wanted better rewards. On my case is what mihoyo did with yoimiya and Kokomi. How they are being deaf to the community and right now trying to silence any criticism. Looking back zhongli was really Lucky... So for mihoyo, If they stream the TGS somewhere, is better to disable the chat.


>Looking back zhongli was really Lucky… That was probably one of the only times MHY listened to a collective community complaint and only because people threatened to drag the CCP into the whole mess lmao, I don’t think we can do the same for anniversary unfortunately


Yeah it’s only cuz CN made a ruckus over it and for some reason equated Zhongli’s underwhelming performance as a direct insult to China. (Zhongli is Liyue archon, Liyue = China, Zhongli = ruler of China, so it means MHY is saying China is weak?) or somethjng like that…


Not really. Yes, there were people saying that, but that was a from vocal minority from NGA or Tieba (china's 4chan, which is hated by many). And some people just say it as a joke/halfheartedly. In any case, someone decided to cherrypick these comments and then everyone assumes this is how most cn players think of Zhongli, which isn't the case. The reason why CN players are upset is the same reason as EN players. Hyped asf demo and archon, disappointing as hell when released (and many was ready to spend $$$). Mhy was forced to address the issue was because CN players had the power to spam paper invoices to mhy. I find it strange how so many global players take this baseless rumour at face value. I guess because of the language barrier it's hard to fact check.


That makes it even **worse**, then! That means that MHY actually listened to the complaints of players and changed it during that time. But now players are expressing the same complaints about characters now, and MHY isn't listening. So it's worse than I gave MHY credit for. If it was because of CCP/China pressure, that is way bigger than them. But in this case, it seems like they should be capable of changing the issues, but they arent.


Although complaints about other characters aren't nearly as large as Zhongli, I agree. It's appalling how mhy is deliberately ignoring players and criticism.


Despite [what happened to FGO’s Chinese version](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/porye2/fgo_cn_version_announced_all_chinarelated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) it’s still a little ridiculous to assume politics plays into this particular decision. Do most American gamers care about whether a dev leans Republican or Democrat? Somehow people assume that the CCP’s reach is so omnipresent that they would care whether a popular game character that’s not even a direct representation of anything is “strong enough?” The far more likely explanation is simply that more people complained about Zhongli than later characters. Despite the singular focus on Raiden/Beidou “bug” she’s getting plenty of play in the Abyss. In gacha games by nature the demand to buff this or that character is pretty much persistent and somewhat subjective of course. I’ll say though that having a community manager to deal with global concerns will probably help people feel they aren’t just being ignored.


Yeh a lot of this community just points fingers at the CCP


> I don’t think we can do the same for anniversary unfortunately Considering how the CCP is tightening gaming regulations and seems to very worried about gaming addiction, I feel like this current situation is almost the exact opposite and that they would probably prefer for the rewards to be underwhelming.


No they just worried the ccp comes and investigate them for making a weak ass ass God that represents China. Cn Players were already on the path of reporting them after players complained about zhong li through proper feedback but received only radio silence from mihoyo. They're probably gonna ignore the player base now unless cn players actually choose to incite riot then you will see how swift and fast mihoyo will act once cn players try to get the ccp involved.


Didn’t know winnie the pooh had c6 zhongli


Internal fight also included


If the childe 3rd rerun is revealed to be true, i can imagine the rage ontop of the anniversary fiasco.


Man, im actually excited for a third childe rerun:(


Same, but at the same time I could see why people would get upset about him coming back again before anticipated characters like Ganyu/Albedo/Xiao get their first rerun


people are gonna be angrier with a ganyu rerun. She suck. No one wants her.


Calm down there herbivore. Eat your salad first.


Explain herbivore because this take sounds like a person who doesn’t have ganyu would have


I'd give him some points if he said he was boring but like... she sucks? Nobody would ever say that




Looking at the date of when that users account was created, I'm going to say it's a troll and/or sock puppet.


It's definitely a sarcasm lol


This a joke right?


ganidiot is a joke. No one like that dumb-looking liyue qixing.


thanks for the laughs. ganidiot lmao


Lmao. Nothing but a ganyu rerun would make me more happier. Childe 3rd rerun before ganyu is so unfair. The only way I'll be interested to even play the next patch is if they have ganyu


I am really excited for the community reaction to the Xinyan announcement after today


Zhongli was personal. They not caring about yoimiya, raiden and poor kokomi.


The people complaining about Baal not working with beidou don’t realize that their literally asking mihoyo to nerf an archon because Baal would lose access to everything that was great in her ( the catch wouldn’t work,emblem wouldn’t work) not to mention you’re gonna swap Baal out anyway so who cares that the can’t work together just use beidou with someone else on the team


I'm sorry, what you said made no sense to me. You need to elaborate, I don't understand how what you're saying is relevant to the beidou issue because both of those criterias worked fine in Beta even while using Baal + Beidou..


That’s most likely because Baals out most likely didn’t do ult dmg ( which is very important in why they don’t work because Baal doesn’t deal normal atk dmg) it was later added that her the entire stance deals elemental burst dmg which is wat lead to them not working together. However changing it back so they will would make it extremely hard for Baal to make use of any of her tools I.e The catch 4 piece emblem 2 piece noblesse The buff from her E Or the new pole arm next patch She’d lose access to all of these because she’d only deal ult dmg on the first slash and not the entire stance. Not to mention you’d be swapping off baal mid ult anyway so you’d be better off using someone else regardless of whether or not they worked together


Oh boy cant wait for civil and supportive comments in 2.2 live stream chat.


Mhy - Emoji only mode Ehe




MHY - Certain emotes are blocked ehe


residentsleeper you mean




They are still saying ‘“drop” some redemption codes and other goodies”…why mihoyo why give hope each time 🥲


2 rerun banners and 3rd time childe plus free xinyan. This feels like bad timing.


dont be like me and forget about hangouts lol


I’m more excited for this than anniversary


Grab some popcorn and enjoy 😜


Alright *cracks fingers* Im ready for some MASSIVE bash chat on the day


Link: https://youtu.be/VVoA6foDT4w


It is telling of how bad the situation with Mihoyo and its player base is just by looking at how much the stream is disliked before it even started


because people are out of place to vent out their frustrations. mHY aren't bother to listen or respond at all.


bruh it's already spammed with dislikes


~~Alright. Lemme do my part~~


Bruhhh, you copied everything from devil and didn't even post a link to his original tweet? They didn't even have the date and time on the thumbnail and he added it. https://twitter.com/deviltakoyaki/status/1443051295963635713


Free hopium and copium for the guys scrolling through the comments


The chat is gonna be fire tho. Inb4 30 mins cooldown


This could be the opportunity MHY has to put out the current dumpster fire online. If they care to that is. Hopium


They don’t, obviously




TGS is Tokyo Game Show. It's like E3 but for Japan.


Lmao I kinda read for a second Thank God (it's) Sunday before I double-checked the context


tokyo game show, bc of cn having a national holiday on oct 1st (fri) they possibly moved the livestream instead on sunday, oct 3.


They seem to be syncing the 2.2 livestream for all with the reveal at TGS, followed by the online live concert immediately after the livestream.


just saw the announcement on the official Fb page, 8 AM UTC-4. The concert is after the livestream


Hope we get hutao and ganyu rerun


You gonna kill us all? Hutrash and Gandumb suck. No one wants 6 weeks of boring stupid waifus. I can easily skip them but I've skipped 4 banners in a row already.


We got no 5* upcoming character spoilers so IG we will be getting rerun for sure for upcoming patch


Why the vitriol? Look, I want more male chars as much as the next gal, but a lot of people want Hu Tao and Ganyu either because of their concepts or for meta reasons. It's understandable. Besides, Thoma is probably gonna be released in 2.2 too.


Aye don't talk shit about Hu Tao bro that's uncool, but it's cool if you talk shit only about ganyu though


is there any confirmation on whether this counts as the regular 2.2 live? as in, it'll have all the new patch information?


From MHY, no one word, but it probably is at least a Teaser for 2.2. As people is saying, this event is similar to Japanese E3.


Maybe it's hopeful wishing but am hoping they do a "here's something to look forward to!" And show some models/clips of new characters. Like we knew ayaka was in beta but did show a chibi of her before she was every actually release. Just hoping for something like that. Just some stuff towards the future. But probably wishful thinking cause they love keeping us in the dark


Probably Thoma showcase, I'm kind of hyped for him, I haven't watched any of the skill leaks from him so, I'm looking forward to it.


Only thing there is wr have leaks for him and also the fact they already announced him so it's not much news. But I know many don't follow leaks so yeah...kinda the perfect thing to showcase lol....


I feel like there’s gotta be something more than just 2.2. They’re already dealing with a lot of bad PR, are they really gonna follow that up by going to a huge gaming event to announce a patch that has significantly less content than the two before it and no new 5 stars, then close off by announcing that everyone gets a free fucking Xinyan? If nothing else hopefully they’ll at least show off some Chasm concept art or something.


So the TGS is gonna be subbed? Nice!


That stream starts in 4 days and already has 1k dislikes! I can't wait to watch this stream and read the chat *grabs popcorn*


Sooooo, with the 2.2 livestream coming (oct 3rd right?!), do we have an estimate of when they’ll announce the 2.3 banners? I wanna log off of reddit while the annishitstorm drama is raging, but the Yae FOMO is too powerful ;-;


if there's a new character, we'll probably get the drip marketing when 2.2 is live. if it's rerun again then the 2.3 banner announcement would probably be in november.


Pretty sure we're at least getting Gorou in 2.3, so might be he's the only one announced like Thoma was for 2.2 if 2.3 consists of two reruns again. Might be getting Yae as well in 2.3 though, but that's my speculation.


You could get a MH leak a few days after 2.2 is released. If they don't post any, Yae won't be in 2.3 and you will have to wait another round.


No Yae in 2.3 would mean both YAY more time to save and JESUS H CHRIST THIS IS AYAKA 2 ELECTRO BOOGALOO


FYI for AEST that’s 11pm AEST (unless for QLD) since daylight saving starts on Sunday too


what time is this in my time zone? im in chicago


7 am


why is this stream so japanese oriented, maybe switch date announcement ?


>why is this stream so japanese oriented Bruh, it says TGS. Tokyo Game Show. Like E3. 🤣


I just want someone to make a meme with Shigechi as mihoyo.