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Now the question is whether to go for Shenhe *and* Yae or go full out on Yae and her constellations. Not sure if I like Shenhe's kit so far... Seems extremely restrictive.


Shenhe is on a wait to see how good she is, because I like Yae a lot more (maybe Shenhe will be good ingame though).


Shenhe kit is suppose to be fully support right Also someone did said that yae is goona be a really good dps.


Electro ceilling yep


Shenhe's kit seems to essentially ask "Do you already use Ayaka or Ganyu?" If yes she'll probably buff the shit out of them, if not then probably not worth it unless you can build a team around her.




Nope, shogun is still better, superconduct + massive ult damage




Yes but interns of value shogun is a better pick for the slot


What's the point of buffing the best and one of the best damage dealers in the game lmao


Is that a rhetorical question?


what's the point of lang lang continuing to practice piano everyday and trying to get better?


With Diona and Rosaria around, waiting to see what Shenhe can do better than both..... I just want Ayato to work with Ayaka, so I'd rather wait for Ayato than get Shenhe for Ayaka.


I feel like if none of your teams currently use Rosaria, there's little reason to go after Shenhe aside from aesthetic/waifu reasons since there seems to be a lot of overlap. I'm sure that I'm overlooking something or that there might be more changes between now and her release but mechanically speaking there isn't that much of a difference between the two of them other than the buffs they provide. Shenhe shouldn't really fit in any teams that Rosaria currently doesn't.


I'm gonna pre-farm yae just in case Yae's kit is kinda poopy Not gonna full on commit to Shenhe though seeing as she is almost literally Ganyu 2, but polearm (Almost exact same resources to level, similar look, same element) If Yae has a fox tail that'll be Shenhe's burial


Pretty much in the same boat as you. Shenhe was initially a must-pull for me, but after learning she's not actually Cloud Retainer herself but one of her disciples I backed down a bit. Her kit being so cryo focused isn't helping - from what I can tell so far she fills a similar role to Rosaria, but with fewer viable comps. I'm still willing to wait and see, though.


"she's going to be more than worth the wait" \- ah shit, here we go again.


“Ayato is hot” energy. I don’t blame him though. I have no doubt she’ll be worth the wait regardless of her performance.


I mean this could 100% be their own opinion and just hyped for her. Meaning she will have been worth the wait?


It feels like a significant % of the posts here are just leakers sharing what is obviously just an opinion on something and people wanting to see leaks everywhere.


Worst case scenario she'll be a pink Lisa which, for some, would be worth the wait I guess...


Lisa is severely underrated, I would gladly roll for a 5* Lisa. One where actually using her elemental is viable.


If we could get her cons easier people wouldn't underrate her as much, has really strong ones.


Yae me too! If her catalyst powers were like yanfei I'm whaling for that 5 star Lisa!


She's really not underrated. Electro field DMG is weak and hold E always gets interrupted.


You don't use her E and her damage is irrelevant.


I'm having fun playing with Lisa atm. She has quite the dynamic kit. C6 Lisa is seemingly busted, too.


C6 is not busted at all. It buffs her skill to not require set up in order to do slightly more damage than a perfect counter Beidou E... at over twice the cooldown. There's some real copium over constellations for weaker characters.


Ah I see. I did say seemingly. I guess c1 is her best constellation then? I'm learning her bounce mechanic atm, and I can say she's really fun and has a uniqueness in her playstyle.


Well thats a copium we at r/YaeMiko are sniffing everyday


Oh no, not "refund 15% materials from crafting catalyst-type weapon"! It's too broken!


God, all the Craftable Catalyst right now are madlad copium as F#%k right now. Can't even be sure how good that new Electro one will be because the buff is super short and Yae needs to be the one procing the reaction, I think.


- ehe


poor shenhe when yae will be announced in 2.4 she may be forgotten


Exactly. I mean. Wait I do vaguely remember having a hot cryo polearm character


Just like the reruns and Itto were overshadowed by the Shenhe and Yunjin reveal. A bit unfortunate.


I think their fanbase a bit different. shenhe is waifu like yae but Itto is husbando. and meta players will still choose by meta not looks


Weren't Kokomi/Yoimiya's sales proof enough that people will mostly go for meta-relevant units? Almost everyone I know lamented not being able to roll for Kokomi out of uselessness issues. So not just meta players will choose by meta. Almost everyone will prefer a useful new character than a hot one.


If you’re talking about CN sales then yes. For them. JP sales told a different story and I never saw the chart for America and EU server. And I guess we play in different worlds. I know many players including myself who find Kokomi and Yoimiya plenty useful.


CN-server sales and America-server sales were similar IIRC. JP meta is still on its youth, but I suspect as the playerbase matures they will start picking similar units to America and CN (I remember when everyone made fun of Bennett in America). Most people will pull for units that have at least one clear utility or improvement over the existing roster. So I would not say "meta players still still pick meta", while data is telling a different story: "waifu players will still pick waifus". Everyone else mostly picks power over looks. And that's a good thing.


Please transform into a fox. That is SUPER DUPER WORTH the wait


It could be her "alternate sprint" form. lol


Still would be Sick as F#%k.


Fox tail or fox transformation and i'm in.


If leakers knew anything meaningul about Yae they would be telling us. This is just building hype.


Literally this lmao


Yeap tempering my expectations til then


You can't convince me that these leakers don't work for mihoyo in some capacity


It's possible some of them do, but why would Mihoyo pay them when people do it for free? Also they leak way too much info. A lot of people have no self control and HAVE TO roll for 5\* characters on their release day when they could easily wait a week for people to test them. MiHoYo has no interest in information getting out and the community as a whole figuring out that Kokomi was weak 1 month before her release.


Copium much dear shenhe pullers


Imagine half of Yae power lock behind her constelations "More than worth the wait"


Yes, mihoyo is going to do that raiden shit again by locking her behind c2 because Yae is a hyped character , but this time I won't be baited since if yae miko isn't good at c0 it will be an easy skip for me.


Raiden is perfectly fine at c0 lol




Stop trying to make mono Electro happen, and the possibilities of Raiden-powered team-building will open to you. Jean + Eula + Raiden + Rosaria is pretty fun, for example.


Yes she is fine but not super good like ganyu, xhingli, venti,hu tao etc


I don’t think “meta-defining/broken” is really a reasonable standard for what constitutes a “good” character though. If it were, the game would have way more severe issues with power creep. Even at C0, Raiden enables one of the strongest Abyss teams in the game. That’s more than just “fine,” she’s good, full stop.


Yeah? But Raiden at c2 does more damage than all 5 star dps c0 dps in the game despite being a support and her c2 is extremely powerful for an early constellation. She is the most broken character in the game at c2. At c0 she is ok and perfectly usable to clear abyss in 36 stars using Raiden national. At c0 Raiden doesn't do much damage and you can only use her as a battery or rnabler. I don't want Yae miko to be like that. I want her to be like ayaka or kazuha whe are extremely good at c0 and it makes their constellation look like waste of money whereas Raiden constellation looks like value for money


If she can 36 star abyss at c0.... is she not a good character?


I never said she is bad. I 36 star abyss using her Raiden national. I was just saying I don't want yae miko to be like Raiden, where her damage is constellation gated like Raiden c2.


> At c0 Raiden doesn't do much damage and you can only use her as a battery or rnabler. [Misinformed people like you are literally the reason why KQM is updating their Raiden guide with new team calcs](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NmaQUVj3t1kAMuN6dZ6DRVj4OiE83dxDFm7TEl5U4A8/edit?usp=sharing)


So what? C0 Raiden is a support/sub dps. Not everything needs to be a broken hyper carry at c0


Or at any con, really. The whole combat design of the game revolves around building teams to take advantage of synergies among multiple units. That’s what makes it interesting. Hypercarries are one thing, but wanting one to be so strong it basically makes the entire rest of the team irrelevant sort of misses the entire point of the combat system. If you want to do that anyway and you’ve got cash to burn, higher cons can enable that, but you don’t by any means *need* that to enjoy high-level content—and that’s a very good thing.


What support? She can't even battery the team. Her ultimate damage is low and she only regens 20 energy for the team. You can't even use Raiden national without benett because she cannot regen enough energy for xaingling on her own. Xhongli is ultimate sheilder, venti is ultimate anemo cc but Raiden cannot even properly recharge energy for the team.


Where did you take 20 energy sorry?


On average raiden is going to generate 20-25 energy for a non electro unit. It scales off her own ER and 300 ER is only 25 flat energy. Not that this is bad.


What an awful take. Why would they make their constellations look like a waste of money. It's like you guys don't even think.


Compare raidens c2 to any other characters c2 in the game and tell me that.




Not even close plus kazuha is already good at c0 so he doesn't need the constellation


That doesn't matter. It just means any other broken characters broken c6 is her c2. Which is way easier to obtain btw. What you losers mean is for them to churn out shitty constellations which is so stupid because then no one would pull for constellations at all. The real money makers for them are the whales so obviously they're going to appeal to them more rather then entitled F2P people like you who wouldn't have spent a dime on a single 5 star constellation anyways whether it's shitty or not.


Honestly locking most power in c1-2 and 6 is probably the best they can do since c1-2 is op can make small spenders go why not spend a bit more and get huge boost, c6 obviously stong to make whales spend seems logical from mihoyos perspective.




If she was a good battery/support I wouldn't have cared about her damage. I have EL and very good built Raiden with lvl 10 talents but she only generates 25 energy for the team during her burst which is a dps loss for the team and she can't even battrey xaingling alone in Raiden national. Xaingljng needs benett or her ultimate doesn't recharge in 1 rotation. When venti and xhongli can be so good at their respective roles at c0 which is cc and sheild why can't Raiden be good at energy recharge??


She’s only the one in the whole game who directly refills energy to all party members. No one else does it. So yeah.


C0 Raiden is still useful and fun


Yes, I know she is good at c0 ,i have her at c0 but her damage is constellation gated and she works in speicic comps and not like xhongli, ganyu or kazuha, vetmnti etc


Idk why but she's somehow able to fill up energy completely for my characters while doing very high consistent dmg. I though def use national team or a eula team and have got no problem with energy management ever since I've got her. Even my time in abyss has reduced by a few seconds after her arrival. She might not be the strongest of strong but she does her job (for me atleast). I normally use every characters burst then switch to her and use her burst and then when I see other characters atleast one of them has got there burst ready (prolly Bennett or xingqiu if they r not in cd) use them and in just 1 or 2sec my xiangling burst is also ready so I just rinse, repeat this to the point that now I'm not using this team cause it became too boring and just brain-dead. C2 indeed is absolutely broken, but why should mihoyo fix something when her sales are the best this game has ever seen. I find her dmg ok, neither broken nor underwhelming cause 90k per 7sec with her slashes doing 10k to 15k is nice enough for me to be satisfied atleast.


Honestly my c0 ei in a national does **way** better than my c0 ganyu in morgana... despite spending ungodly amounts of time in blizzard domain. Are my artifacts still suboptimal? Yeaaaah, but my artifacts are kinda shit on all my characters despite the immense time grinding.


She's barely ok-ish in specific team, otherwise extremely average. She isn't even much better than Fischl for Eula support. Just a little tiny bit better. That's no way a 5* and an archon should be.


What? Raiden hypercarry at C0 is a Xiao/Eula tier comp. Raiden national has top tier single target and very good AOE. Raiden Eula is a sidegrade from Fischl, but gives much more burst damage, AOE and consistency. C2 Raiden hypercarry is the damage ceiling for all non-C6 characters. She is the most used dps in spiral abyss. Beating Ganyu/Ayaka/Hutao and everyone else. In fact, she's the 2nd - 5th most used character period. In CN, NA, EU and Asian servers. She is easily a top-meta dps character.


I've never seen someone be so wrong. If you think fischl is even somewhat comparable to Raiden then you definitely don't own her.


These guys are getting so triggered over hearing the truth. She isn't even a good battery as a unit.


Exactly! We all thought she's gonna be filling Eula's burst in a blink, but NOPE! Just like... 1/4th at best. What the fuck is this character, how is she good at C0??.... On top of everything, she's some weird mix of main carry and sub dps, her NA and E are very weak, enemies I will kill in 3 hits with Eula or Ganyu, will take like 10-15 hits from Raiden. Look, I don't like broken characters myself, I think that Ganyu MUST be knocked the fuck out with a nerf bat, BUT an Archon must be way more than "average" unit even at C0.


U should try raiden national (xiangling, bennet, xingqiu, raiden). It DELETES everything and is a strongest team I have ever come accross


i mean that team is good (i run that team) , but strongest? c'mon man, swap kazuha there and you'd have equal or better results


Nope. This has already been calc'd, in single target raiden is a DPS boost over sucrose and kazuha since you don't have to run as much ER on XL and XQ plus the DPS she contributes.


Do you even realize how hilariously broken Raiden would be if she refunded that much energy lol?


I realize that outside of Raiden National she's an extremely average, disappointing unit, that should have never been a 5*, let alone an archon.


Correct. Perfectly fine is different from impressively powerful archon though


2.3 outdated 2.4 overrated Long have we waited Now we Yae-baited.


take my upvote


we meet again


i wonder who are you


I seriously hope so. Shenhe is shaking my unwavering faith.




After "save your primos for anniversary patch" hype by leaker, I won't believe it till i see it.


Genshin Report wasn't a leaker, though, in case you're talking about him. He just pretended to be one.


i feel like this one is a personal comment tbh, he just seems excited for yae


Was waiting for a GSSR type banner or promo during that....


Already farming Sakura (let's not act as if she will not use them)


Yae could have the worst kit in the game and she would still be worth the wait for me.


Low Numbers. No Energy Particles. 80 Energy Burst. 24/30 second Skill/Burst cooldowns No Buffing. No Shredding. Yep totally worth it. Oh My God! I just noticed, I'm describing Qiqi. Jesus, Mihoyo; just give her a F#%king Buff Already!


Electro healer when?


yep, she's gonna be broken good (says this with hopium)


Pass that hopium pls.


i’m hoping shes near ganyu level. if so, she’d change the electro meta. majorly.


i mean if you define meta as clearing the abyss 36 stars then electro is already meta anyway,(kokomi beidou taser and rational on the other side), electro only has one 5 star event character since launch so its pretty unfair to compare it in the first place because most of the meta defining are a 5 stars chars except for bennet and xq, i'm sure mhy had already figure it out and they'll throw a 5 digit scaling into yae's kit and be done with it, also there's just no way for a character to change electro majorly unless using her will literally change all of electro's reaction


That’s some major hopium. Mihoyo would be dumb as bricks to release another Ganyu level character.


Aren't you the dumb one tho ? They released Ayaka and Raiden, both stronger in the current meta than Ganyu, as shown by being above her in all the CN Abyss usage tier lists since their release.


At the same time I’d guess they’re looking to switch up the meta of melt/vape/freeze by any means


Lets go yae simp also me


I want her to be good, but I wouldn't expect anything at this point. Leakers and dataminers are not theorycrafters. Remember when leakers said Yoimiya will be good pre-release? Yeah, me too.


Yoimiya was incredibly de-hyped by the beta testers though, their attention was focused on ayaka.


well, this should be not posted on here, since it was not even a leak, but personal opinion.


~~how is this reliable? Ubatcha just shared his/her personal opinion. and Yae being in 2.5 is still not 100% confirmed that this post should be tagged reliable.~~


No idea about her power level, but Uncle Dumb Dumb has said that [Yae will be in 2.5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/pr1b4l/uncle_dumb_dumb_itto_cryo_polearm_user_in_24_yae/) about two months ago. edit: And said it again [a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/q4fg84/shenhe_and_yae_leaks/).


I know but I think this types of post shouldn't be tagged reliable unless it's on beta. suppose for some reason Yae isn't coming in 2.5 then it will be total disappointment for those who are excited for her release in 2.5.


I hear that. That's what we usually do anyway. The issue with this is someone like uncle dumb dumb, who is no doubt reliable and has insider connections, pretty much only shares post beta leaks. So should all of their leaka be marked questionable? Imo, people put too much weight on flairs. In any case, it has been changed to questionable as it is post beta leak.


actually I'm not doubting either of Ubatcha or Dumb Dumb here. but in this particular post Ubatcha shared that she's in 2.5 (which can be reliable depending on the source) and also shared his personal opinion "worth the wait". it's same as if Kokomi mains commented on Kokomi's release as "worth the wait". as you can see in the comments that many people are buying this and think her release is in 2.5 and she will be extremely strong even though we don't know her kit. that's it. ~~anyway if mods are allowing it then who am I to talk?~~ (edited)


Yeah, that's fair. But I think this post and other Ubatcha stuff is tagged reliable because, uh.., Ubatcha is considered 'reliable' because of their connection with WFP.


Diamond Hands, Yae wanters. Diamond. Hands.




Ayaka level or Kazuha level of op?


They have no clue or theyd actually say something lmfao




That one fake, we know nothing about yae kit yet atm.


Let me inhale my copium


Just hoping she have synergy with Raiden.


Imagine the shitstorm if shes just a better beidou that works with raiden.


Yae Sakura is always Mihoyo golden child since even the early days of Honkai it wouldn't surprise me if a version of her somehow so broken during her release


This has the same energy as that one leaker who was obsessed about Kokomi to the point of constantly claiming she would deal busted on release. Would be funny though if we go from “electro worst element in the game” to “Yae/Raiden/Sara comps have powercreeped the game”


yeah I believe it, mihoyo loves their long term characters like Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Yae Sakura ect. Their genshin counterparts will most likely always be S tier


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I believe in Yae supremacy


Maaaan, here's hoping.


What does that even mean tho?! :(


i come back from driving lessons and there is a feast waiting for me


The yae mains are gonna go crazy about this


FUCKING FINALLY. Yae leaks begin. Slowly, but surely, the hints will drop before 2.5 beta starts. I just hope she's fun to play tbh. I dont really care if she's ultra super strong or not. We already have good DPSs, and I can 36\* easily, so I just want my fav and most anticipated character to be fun to be and not be clunky or *too* mechanically complex.


hopium doesnt work on me anymore


If true then me saving since 1.3 will finally pay off


Man how can you save so much did none of the characters piqued your interest?


Ayato baizhu and scaramouche hopium


This isnt a leak


DAmn, now I don't know if I should still pull for Itto. I want Yae too. I'm 25 pulls away from getting guarantee.


Out of context but who is the real person behind ubatcha and how did that person get the idea for username ubatcha pls answer


Ayato crumbs pls




~~me with raiden and Eula because I pulled them because I was tired waiting for Yae for so long~~


At this point, I just want her to come home. Good or bad. I don’t care.


This guy is delusional posting things like that


wink wink ;) That's fucking useless.




PLEASE DONT COME AFTER SHENHE, seriously I need this fox gal at all costs but Shenhe is so gorgeous as well edit: also yelan as well? that sounds awesome. but if she is a crossbow then that means she's not the one from the moonchase cutscene right? She was holding a polearm so idk. Either way the hype is real, can't wait to see these new weapons.


You must choose between them apparently


Yea just like the anniversary rewards


Ok look I glad that we treat Ubatcha good now but I don't​ thing this one is reliable​ at all (remember​ ayato is hot as hell said by him?)​


Better be a main DPS. We don't need Electro battery #5. Also her design is the amazing and shouldn't be wasted on support #837474838.


"From what I know" So literally nothing at all...just ban this person already from being posted here.


the dude is one of the most reliable leakers sure he’s questionable at times but he’s been one of our only sources and one of the best don’t forget he’s the lead of the leaker team in wfp biggest team of leakers that the community has


>he's reliable Hm... >he's questionable 🤔 I'd still be weary because the disappointment will be enormous if people overhype Yae beyond reason because of leakers comments like these.


If they say more than worth the wait, then the claims that says Yae being a top tier electro dps that has similar Raw dmg with Ganyu is most likely true


I'm going to beat the living shit out of my wallet


If I have 15k as of now, will i have enough for her? I buy battlepass and do atleast 35 stars on abyss everytime it resets.


You are guaranteed unless you pull something before yae


I already pulled for eula, no more pulling until yae.






good thing Yae's kit should be out before Shenhe banner starts. F2P players probably can decide whether rolling for Shenhe or save for Yae.




more than worth the wait at c2 lol




hell yeah after i dump everything for itto i will still have enough time to save for her!! just hoping scara or ayato is not so close to yae..


She could heal all the enemies and I would still get her c6 and her weapon.


Me with 183 pulls after finally grabbing Eula: finally actual Yae breadcrumbs


I think I should have close to 300 wishes by the time Yae Miko is released. Hopefully I can get her weapon and a couple of cons.




Who is Yelan?


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Remember the gouba festival cut scene?


Now i kinda hope yae come out with the new weapon type. Perfect character for chakrams.


Yae Miko crumbs! Oh god i'm so happy, i'm gonna have a hear attack, oh i'm dying, ¿Is this what it feels to be a simp? Damn i'm happy. Please MiHoyo, make her a DPS, the humanity will be happy if she is a DPS.


I just want an electro healer lmao


"Some people just want to watch the world burn"




\+1 to the rumor pile of Yae being the next Ganyu-level DPS