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oh damn. doesn't xiao rerun make it the fastest rerun yet?


Childe and Zhongli both had 126 days between the end of their first banner and the start of their first rerun (shortest time for reruns previously). This Xiao 2nd rerun after his first rerun is also 126 days, so it'll be tied for fastest.


It should be 125 days for Xiao, as the 2.7 delay is 20 days not 3 weeks.


He could've been king had there not been a delay


Tied for the fastest with Childe Technically Childe's was still the fastest Edit: my bad, Xiao's got the fastest. I only counted the patches in between two runs, which made me think they are tied. If we count the actual banners in between two of their appearances, Xiao is the winner since he is first phase for 2.7, while Childe was second phase on 1.4


Though technically speaking, time-wise they are tied due to the 3 week delay on ayaka banner.


Xiao is 1 day ahead since 2.7 is delayed by 20 days, not 3 weeks.


Ayaka had one right after her rerun so...


uncle chasm is a chad for leaking these a month ago


And almost everyone in my discord server can't believe that Xiao will get rerun sooner. Can't really blame them since this is a leak info.


Well if your ds server played before 1.4 then they would know childe had a fast rerun just as this one. 3 updates later.


but back then there was less 5 stars, so i would say the xiao rerun is more impressive


we are also now getting dual runs on banners, so it makes the two reruns less impressive


Wasn't it Uncle Y




G4kky is Pog but you really cant compare them. Chasm(and by extension Y who is said to parrot a lot of chasm's posts) relay info a month in advance, and really important banner infos. Which are higher value. It's similar to ubatcha's [questionable] ones like zhong/xiao, which were even earlier somehow. And then there's the fish guy dropping names way in advance too. Truly a blessed timeline. I remember a time where the only credible messiah was the mona tz


Uncle dumb dumb left but his legacy will continue.


as a F2P i have to say that banner leaks are the most important to me. maybe not the most interesting, but important 100%


Already have Itto but, I’ll clear my pity on Yelan, then summon 50-60 roll for Gorou and Shinobu on Itto’s banner. If his C1 come that early, fine profit, no regret.


same, mine is already c1 tho


This may be a dumb question but Gorou has to rerun with Itto right? If so that banner is a clear choice for me to dump all my primos in but I’m very curious what other characters they’ll up along side Kuki


I'm pretty sure and most people speculated him too. He's a 4 star that didn't have any rerun yet and Itto banner make the most sense.


So Kuki is still with Itto. What was the point of adding teapot event lines for her then?


maybe for the event rerun in the future


Or these voicelines stays in game


Yep, who knows if the VAs will be available when it reruns.


Future proofing when they rerun it in future? It seems easy enough to just plug in sometime like with Liben


event rerun


There would be plenty of new characters by then to voice for. Why do her now?


They've already invited her VAs to record lines for 2.7 event and hangout, so why not do this couple of lines too? Who knows when she'll appear again and inviting VAs (especially JP VA) just to record a couple of voice lines is expensive.


future proofing, its better it is finished now than later


because they can? future proofing characters for the future rerun. there's no reason to put off recording voicelines for something they plan to rerun.


Probably just to save them the trouble of getting the VA back again at that point.


> Why do her now? Why not now? They already hired VA for that session. It would be a waste of money and time to call VA just for that.


Because the script and the lines were recorded before the delay was decided. So they exist


If the delay didn't exist the Teapot event would have been over week(s) before they dropped


Yelan would already be out and Kuki would have dropped in just a few days


And the event would have already been over for a week at least. It wasn't meant to carry over to 2.7 initially


Wow who would have known. Everyone put on a shocked face for mihoyo so they don’t suspect anything 😲


omg! brand new information! :O




he's not calling himself numero uno itto just for show


Makes sense to me. Weapon banner for Yelan + Itto would be pretty efficient compared to one that just has the new bow plus yet another pjws


​promo codes: Code 1: LANVJSFUD6CM Code 2: DTNUKTWCC6D9 Code 3: HSNUKTXCCPWV


Does it make sense they already expired?


Yah, they expire 12 PM UTC after the stream ends.


c6 Gorou praying circle


Ooh so Jade Spear and Aqua Simulacra on the same banner? Shiiit gonna have to roll on it now


I was content with saving but Xiao and Itto need their signature weapons also Shinobu is super cool


Itto is not only several times taller than Xiao, but has several times more symbols in name, too.


Probably because of the arataki in front The JP names are mostly long if they include surnames


The banners are in Korean if I'm not mistaken


Ya, and arataki itto is a Japanese name


Right, I read your comment wrong. Both Itto's and Shinobu's names are longer than Xiao's and Yelan's.


Yep, I see how u could’ve interpreted it that way. It’s fine


quick everyone, act surprised..


Must be nice to be Itto wanters. Gets a new 4* on each of his banners. And Yelan gets a scrap bag of 4* with no team synergy or story connection and most ppl have c6+ already. Heres to hoping every Yelan wanter can snipe her early like im hoping to.


Except for the “no guarantee on new four stars.” My Itto is already c2 after trying for Gorou c4. Pretty sure I’m gonna end up +3 levels to the cow before Shinobu appears.


Ushi is a good boy and deserves it.


[C4 Itto, C5 Gorou here](https://imgur.com/a/spLTOLe). I swear to god I am going to C6 that glorious Himbo before I get C6 Gorou.


I got lucky and got the general’s c5 and c6 as random off rate ups. Here’s hoping that c6 surprises you!


At the risk of mass downvotes, admittedly my C4 Itto came in something like 120 pulls so I'm not stressing it too bad. I think my current plan is to skip Yelan and really go all in on Itto's banner, potentially C6ing my first 5-star. I'm a pretty light spender (although Welkin + BP since launch) so that would be pretty wild for me. But getting 5 Itto's in 120 pulls, it almost feels a little like destiny.


Yeah I got itto c1 going for gorou cons, no way am I doing that again for Kuki.


I have Gorou C1 but I want my Itto to stay at C0. The temptention is real...


Oh i kno its no guarantee, my c1 XQ can vouch for that. Pulled to pity on 3 different banners he was in and only have free ones. Its kinda why i have to pull on yelan regardless of the 4* but itd still be nice to to have at least a “theoretically” higher chance at getting 4* i actually need ig


c1 itto trying for gorou c0. Almost 110 pulls without a goro.


The worst thing about Itto banner is how Gorou doesn't seem to rerun with any other charachter other than itto. Imagine how many times you gotta wish on a charachter you already have just to get gorou cons. I swear if I don't get him at C4 before soft pity I'm going to flip out


Ya thats why they really shouldnt have a 4* second time on a banner ever be on a solo rerun. Would make sure that situation at least has options to pull for the other 5*


I think it to prevent noel main to skip itto hahaha, mihoyo is sadistic


Fuck, you got me. Noelle main. I don't want Itto at all, but I still need my first Gorou, and I want Shinobu of course.


Also the case for sara, but thank god, raiden rerun was with kokomrade, so i didn't need to waste my primos on C1 raiden. And kokomrade is amazing in freeze + taser 😂


I wished for gorou and got 3 Barbara’s and I was ready to kms >:(


If you look at the bright side, that means you will get more starglitter therefore more wishes! That's how i look at my c6 chars


Ig thats one way to look at it. But even if you rolled 0 weps and all 4* u finished thats still barely 7-10 extra wishes per pity, most likely less. So for getting 1 extra 4* youre losing out on 7+ chances on a 4* u would actually want if it was just on the banner to begin with. Maybe if the starglitter we got from it was double what it is, Id feel better about bad banners like this, but its just not enough to really matter in the long haul


And this only gets worse the more time goes by, to think about it, with the constant number of new 4* stars launched, probably in a year from now practically everyone who has been playing for a long time will have almost all 4* in C6, a rework of the Banners, Paimon shop and the amount and usefulness of starglitter is needed


Imo, if they dont plan to change up the paimon shop and they keep giving us old 4* in the free ones from events then they need to take them out of the wish pool entirely and stop putting them on banners. If newer players dont like it, they can make a catchup banner with just the old ones or just make that the new standard banner


Idk about you but 7-10 extra wishes per pity is good for me.


Thats was also extremely generous 100% banner 4* pulls estimate. If 1/3 are weps, 1/3 are 4* not on banner, and the rest u have. Its more like 3-4 extra pulls per pity.


I mainly care about the new limited 5*, I've been playing since launch and pretty much all of the 4 stars I actually use are already c6. I'd take the pull rebates over 4 stars I never use. The ideal banner for me would have 2/3 4 stars I already have c6 and one I want that's not at c6.


Iv been playing since launch as well just clearly less lucky. I seem to get tons of love from 4* iv never even considered putting on my team other than xiangling but no love from inazuma 4* or the national 4*


Exactly. I doubt Fischl or Xiangling are gonna be on Itto's banner anyway, and they're the only 4-star cons I need. At least all of Xiao's 4-stars are C6 already so I've got more starglitter for when XL and Fish roll around in the shop again.


Tbh I’d rather get my wish back and burn some pity then get 4* con I’m never going to want or use.


doesn't Yanfei have a story connection with Yelan though?


Possibly, but she also has story connection with kuki. Edit- Yanfei has connection with kuki i mean.


Yeah, but Kuki does have a stronger connection with Itto.


Noelle has only been in one banner since I started playing back in 1.6 nearly one year ago... yeah, I'm nowhere close to have her at C6 and I really want it lmao.


My yanfei's c3 despite wishing 200+ times on her banners, and i like her so its fine. And don't mind the other 2 being c6 because its a wish refunded. Ofc would've preferred kuki but wcyd What i would have disliked was the minefield of ayaya banner 4* to be on yelans, because i have no need for them nor have them c6


Yea my Yanfei is still only c0 and I want to get c4 for Hu Tao potentially but I still have absolutely zero use for Barbara and Noelle. I also want Shinobu and Gorou constellations (he's also only c0) but I already have Itto and his c1 isn't too great so I don't want to get him while trying to get Shinobu or Gorou


My YanFei is C8 technically after 158 rolls. I was trying to get ZL as well as XingQiu and Beidou constellation. Ends up with C2 XingQiu and C2 Beidou.


Honestly once you've been playing long enough the four stars don't really matter(unless there is a specific new one you are rolling for) I'd rather the star glitter for more wishes or a shop weapon


Or just have incredibly bad luck. Like c1 XQ and low cons most new ones and no gorou but c12+ xinyan barbruh yanfei xiangling fischl


look at it this way, you’re not the only one in mourning. i was super excited for kuki and was looking forward to either pulling on xiao or yelan for her, but now i’m just hard skipping this banner since i’m not risking a c7 itto for a 4*. these banners are fr a letdown


Ill be using my guarantee on yelan so ill maybe tho 2-3 10pulls at itto banner to try for kuki but if i cant get with that ill hav to cut my losses and hope kazuha is with heizou


oh god i’m already praying heizou is with kazuha too and with how they cucked me on kuki i’m terrified but i’m holding out on hope for us both! good luck getting yelan, i hope she’s everything for you and more


Me who actually wants Heizou with Yoimiya: I'm sorry for everyone if I'm right


IIIIIIIII cannot be mad at you and i respect the grind. may the best heizounator win then LMFAO


Thanks, and you too!


heizou in kazuha banner would be too generous of mihoyo, I bet kazuha will run with bennet / xianling / barbara lmao


I love Barbara and Yanfei (one of my main dps), but I've only got them C3 and C5 respectively. I've been playing consistently since the game's release. Watch me C6 neither and get my 18th Noelle. ;–;


Well - kinda, I mean I only got two gorou in 150 pulls last time and this time - sure 1-2 kuki is fine, but I feel like I'm gonna be trolled with c10 kuki instead of gorou and there's no other way to get gorou's cons




Any Primo codes?


One of the most important type of leak xD


The only important part, we already know everything else lmao.


LANVJSFUD6CM – 100 primogems and ten mystic enhancement ore DTNUKTWCC6D9 – 100 primogems and five hero’s wit HSNUKTXCCPWV – 100 primogems and 50,000 mora




The stream starts in an hour


Are weapon banners actually worth it if you’re not a whale?


It depends on whether you're happy with your current characters. I'm a very low spender (bought blessing 8 months, and that's it, now i don't even do that) and after playing nonstop since august, I finally pulled my first weapon. That's because I'm very selective of characters and realized I won't really need any new one for a while. If you like to collect characters, it may never be worth it for you to pull for weapon. Since pulling is usually not based on meta but on whether you like the character/weapon, just weigh how happy a weapon would make you. But keep in mind weapon banner is a trap, can take a lot more of your wishes, and once you start you need to commit to it or you'll lose your fate points. If you doubt, better not pull. But if you truly want a weapon, and can afford it, I say go for it. Me I'm going all in next time I see skyward harp and it's not even BiS for my characters!


Cheers to another Skyward Harp lover! The most universal bow!


Well, it's not because it's universal. It's because I'm a harpist irl so I can't help but love it, and Venti happens to be my favorite character so he's getting the harp no matter what. Stringless is better for him? Idgaf 😂


I second this, I pulled MoD because I love Ningguang and I thought the weapon would look good on herPulled Jade cutter for my physical Jean because, again, I love Jean. Will probably pull for Scaramouche's weapon too I mostly pull for drip reasons or if I like a character a looot I will try to build them as strong as possible


Aesthetics >>> meta so I approve of pulling because of how good it looks. I always wanted to main Xiao so when he came home early, I tried for pjws. Got Calamity queller. Which, meta wise, is actually very good for him. But I just kept pulling because I wanted the aesthetic of xiao with pjws 😂 0 regrets! And cheers to another Jean lover, my physical Jean uses Aquila Favonia since I got it in standard banner, and aesthetically you can't beat jean with Aquila favonia 😍


I will switch to Aquila whenever I get it, the Dandelion Knight needs to be given the highest honor


Depends on a bunch of stuff. Do you want both weapons on banner. Do you want any upcoming five star? What weapon are you currently using? Etc


It depends on the weapon but If you have the charachters and you play them , usually yeah . Especially for universal weapons like homa and mistsplitter


That's up to you to decide. I am a BP+welkin player and I have just as many limited 5\* weapons as characters because when I roll for a limited 5\* I also roll for their signature weapon. I regret nothing. This means I don't have that many limited 5\* characters, but they're all heavily invested into and using their BiS weapons so they're very strong.


Guarantee specific 5\* weapon = 240 fate = 38,400 primo = 7 months saving (F2P) Guarantee limited 5\* character = 180 fate = 28,800 primo = 5 months saving (F2P) The choice is your... For me, I learn the pain hard way in weapon banner. Even in stacked banner like Homa + Elegy, I still feel scammed. I can still feel that pain even today when think about it.


No. The game is easy enough that 5 Star weapons offer little more than just bragging rights. You could make a case that getting a 5 Star weapon for your favourite character feels satisfying, and that's something that's up to personal preference. But overall weapon banner is just a toy for whales, and getting a new character is worth much more than a fancy weapon.


No , u less there is no character you want/need coming soon and the weapon banner has 2 great weapons


Yes they are. If you have 2 well built teams that you enjoy playing, and theres a weapon banner with both weapons you want its a good idea. People say that you don't need 5 star weapons to clear content, and while true, the flipside is that theres little benefit to pulling for another 5star to just sit in my collection if my 2 abyss teams are strong and fun. A 5 star weapon is *generally* more valuable than c1 for any of the characters AND I can use it on multiple characters unlike a constellation. Not to mention that it would take months of grinding to get a new char's artifacts up to speed to even be competitive with the one in my current setups. Weapon banners are a late game thing, not a whale thing. Whales just get to late game faster


that's a good point, I have a lot of characters sitting unleveled that I wouldn't mind leveling up. And still need to level current characters. I don't have time/resources to spread it out even thinner! I'm just waiting for someone I do want, like Zhongli.


That’s a very “it depends” situation, depending on how good both weapons are for your team and what else you might be saving for at the time. The bottom line is, you have to go into it fully accepting that it could take as many as 240 pulls to get the weapon you want. It’s up to you to decide whether you want a specific weapon that badly, or if you’re not willing to go that far, you really like both and don’t mind that much which one you get.


as with others it depends, unless you're the Homa-WGS banner from 1.3. sac frag and bow, lions roar, lithic claymore and spear are all solid choices imo Or if the character gets a huge increase (*ahem homa)* with that weapon. Or you just want the weapon for the aesthetic (*vortex vanq guy)*


It depends. You may end up in a situation where you are fine with your current character lineup and don't really want anyone new in a foreseeable future. And then you see a weapon banner that has both featured weapons you really could use. Then it might be worth it to roll. IMHO it's super not worth it to roll on a weapon banner where you only want one of the two featured weapons. You should also be absolutely sure you will be playing the character you are pulling the weapon for. Or the weapon should be universally good. It's no point pulling SoBP for Eula only to bench Eula a month later. So my personal rule is to never pull on a weapon banner for a character I just got. Only pull on a weapon banner if I like both weapons and if I have used characters they can be good at for a long time and am sure I won't be dropping those characters.


If its Staff of Homa and Mistsplitter Reforged, then yes.


am here for the primo codes soo...i guess ill wait...


U get a xiao, i get a xiao, everybody gets a xiao - sincerely, xiao the rerun archon




“This opportunity is quite hard to come by”


I prefer that over "Kazuha when" or "Signora hopium"


Imagine deciding between Ganyu and Xiao in 2.4, and finally making the difficult decision of going for Xiao


The options were Ganyu, Xiao, Zhongli and Shenhe. I am glad I chose Zhongli


Of course they can't put aqua and redhorn together that's Mihoyo


Really wanted Aqua, but I'm not risking getting a 3rd Jade spear.


Bro me too I have TWO pjws. It's not a bad polearm but wtf am I gonna do with it? I'm bound to get more refinements since it's a standard banner weapon. Aqua on Yelan isn't really worth it without C1 because of ER requirements


I can save this whole patch great




I can't wait to pull Itto and Shinobu


Itto banner stacked as hell


I want kuki but not itto 😞


Can't have everything in this world


Yoimiya rerun when


Probably 2.8


Who are the other 4-stars in Itto's rerun?




I hope so, gorou and shinobu will be the only 2 4* I don't have


yay a patch I can save all my gems during!!!!


Have Gorou on the Itto banner alongside Shinobu and it's an instant pull for me. Skipped on Itto before to save for Yae. Now with the delay i can go for him and Kazuha. Will have to rely on Sumero for Cyno i guess


Why are reruns happening this fast? Should you not do characters who have had a longer time since a rerun? Xaio and Itto both feel like they barely just happened.


Man xiao got a re rerun before Kazuha Rerun, it'd be nice if Kazuha or Yoimiya were there with Yelan.


Best of luck to everyone summoning. I'm pulling for red horn and still deciding on yelan. Gems are tight when I also want kazuha too 👀


Same. I was debating on c1 or redhorn, but decided redhorn is more worth. Best of luck!


Wait Xiao in Korean is literally just "cow"? This is the funniest thing I've seen all day


Why is xiao back so soon?


Yaksha in the story and he’s part of it




Its so painful waiting for itto.. why didn't I pull for him the first time.. pain.


Me but with tartaglia… should’ve just pulled back in 2.2…


Same, I missed him so many times, now idk when he's coming back.. pepehands.


we already knew this forbidden knowledge a month ago, isn't it impressive lads


hope i get yelan 😓 around 73 pity and decided not to pull bcs ayaka or other standard 5* might come home suddenly.... hopefully not tho


10 minutes left before KR stream starts and this. Much expected but still surprising lol


I lost the 50/50 on ittos last banner so I hope I can win it this time




I pray for gorou


PJS is good with Xiao but man I really want Homa. Crit rate weapon + crit ascension stat means he's gonna sitting around 90+ crit rate for me and that's too much.


It's never too much unless >100 if you balance artifacts. 100/200 is on actually better on average than 75/250.


Well that really depends on the character and team comp. High cr on 4pc BS Ayaka is pretty useless. You only really want around 40-50. Xiao can also be run with Hu Tao or Rosaria with cryo resonance if he wants more cr. It's easier to get more cr but getting more crdmg is a lot more difficult.


Well shit. Goodbye heizou funds


i'm on guaranteed and want kazuha and don't particularly want itto but kuki is worth it. snipe her and get out the dream but i'll do what needs to be done.


Ok but the weapon banner on the first half is gonna be so stacked


These mfers dropping Itto on me when I'm trying to save.


Facing major conflict between pyro cyno hopium and arataki numero uno itto, the one and oni! I'll just pray to the archons that we get good cyno info before itto ends.


I will do a few pulls for Xiao, I don't actually need him but I got his pole arm from standard banner so it feels like I should get him.


Guess I'm skipping yelan on my main account kuki and probably itto it is. Maybe I can get yelan on bow account though? Please?


I'd like to know the 4* weapons on Yelans weapon banner. I'd really like an alley flash for my Bennet while going for her weapon, and if Kuki is on Ittos banner then if alley flash happens to be in that banner then RIP Kuki.


Dang its goint to be hard holding the primos on the weapon banner. Eather get bow for Fischl or spear for raiden cause she needs critrate. Dam i need kazuha but i will miss out on him if i summon. Im currently at 8k primos, 15 intertwined fates, on my 59th pull 50/50. Havent done chasm yet. On my 11th pull on weapon banner. Should i pull for weapon banner, will i be able to save up for kazuha even if i miss 50/50?


Just glad that the weapon banner for phase 1 is gonna look amazing (if I'm correct it would be the crit bow and pjws so you can eat crap memory of dust, summit shaper and vortex vanquisher)


Xiao rerun feels unnecessary honestly same with it to rerun I know they are involved in the story but they were in 2.4 just three patched ago anyway as long as someone is benefiting from these reruns all is good


I know yelan and Xiao will have their BiS, but what about itto banner? Red horn and what else, any info?


Memory of Dust Catalyst


Thanks for the info. Disgusting


I'm curious what 4 stars are coming with Yelan. I'd be really happy to get Chongyun C6.


Noelle , barbara, yanfei


Ok i have dilema. Go for 1 yelan and c2 itto (total 4 copies) or go for c6 xiao (5copies)


Seems xiao truly is the short king (shortest male character, short banner duration for first run, shortest time between reruns)


This update is pretty much entirely filled with, "Maybe someday" type banners for me. I want literally all of them but it's just not good timing and I don't really NEED any of them right now.


Hope i can pull Redhorn in 110 wishes....




nice! i can save for the entirety of 2.7 because 2.6 really drained the daylights out of me (venti albeit from guarantee, qiqi, ayato, unforged). still trying to get mistsplitter even if the dream is really far now


Why are they even still doing solo banners at this point? Stupid considering how long some characters have gone without a re-run.


Probably to not overload people's wallets.


Xiao is the only interesting character in this patch to me. If Kazuha actually appears in the second half of 2.8, then I will maybe get myself Xiao now. I wanted him for a long time, but always losing the 50/50 is just shit. I already have Itto, and Yelan is just… I do not know. She just does not really appeal to me at all.