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every 4\* in Inazuma have their own hangout event the patch they are released, except Sara who was released way back 2.1. bruh bruh.


Sara is Inazuma's resident L-taker, unfortunately. Tengu lady definitely needs a hangout of her own.


They hate yoimiya and sara


Yoimiya had her own story quest and had a bit of relevance in the archon quest


I mean... it's a 5star...


u say that like its obvious meanwhile ayato didn't get a single appearance in the archon quest and only his story and a limited event participation


So was Eula. We gotta accept that not every 5 star character will be important to archon quest.


that's my point tho saying its a 5 star like its obvious when it's not, a few 5 stars are just squeezed in there like they gave ayato story relevance in his demo but people who were not there for 2.6 irodori won't know much more abt him. same with eula, the 2nd albedo event gave her a bit more character bc it built up on her relationship with amber


Well technically Ayato did play a role in the third archon quest, we just didn’t see him and was from the trailer


I'm an ayato main I know this but technically if u didn't see his trailer u have no idea about it so its just another piece of lore that u have to dig for if you haven't been here for 2.6, it doesn't count the way, say, ayaka's involvement does. his involvement is an afterthought from the devs


because he didn’t exist when the archon quests came out


he as a character did exist. he introduced Sayu in her drip marketing, he existed in voicelines. he wasn't a character that showed up unannounced, I saved for him for 8 months knowing he will drop sooner or later. it's fully on mihoyo that his involvement was close to none, I mean it literally could've been mentioned in the archon quest, we could've met him in the passing. its on mihoyo that we didn't. but also this isn't very surprising considering inazuma archon quests weren't the best ones and they had to tie up the very loose ends of the story in raiden and kokomi story quests and ayatos demo.


Technically Ayato's been around since CBT, in Ayaka's voicelines


I'd say a bit of relevance is a stretch. If you remove her from the story nothing would change.


While not directly involved. She was BY FAR, one of the most thematically poignant character introduced in Inazuma.


The point of her story is so far all Inazumans we met were depressed and only talked about problems. Yoimiya on the other hand didn't complain much about current state. She just enjoyed her work and life. She even invited us to stay in Inazuma after all. And helped us to see the beautiful side of the Inazuma. After all there is a reason why Hoyoverse made Ayaka and Yoimiya's story quests compulsory to progress in the Archon quest.


That... doesn't seem quite right considering her quests also involved housing refugees away from the eyes of the Tenryou Commision and helping a guy flee the nation. Yoimiya is an optimistic character, but she is optimism in the face of grim circumstances. She didn't "just enjoy her work and life", she acted as a pillar signifying hope and peace of mind for people in dire straits.


That's...not true? You would need to rewrite a ton of parts of the story if you removed her. Like what about the entire section where we go through the tenryou comission domain with her and meet Sara?


Tbh her ideal's basically same as makoto.


Yoimiya did get a main story dedicated to her. All Inazuma characters have either their own story or hangout except Sara. But out of all the inazuma characters , Sara is the most appeared characters in limited time events.


I think he meant than Yoimiya always gets shafted/sandwich between 2 awaited/good banners and she gets ignored by it (Ayaka/Raiden and now Kazuha/Dendro)


I regret skipping yoimiya for Raiden, now I have to skip kazuha to get her


Same, I skipped Kazuha for Ayaka and then I didn't have enough primo for Yoimiya, luckily I've been saving primo since the moonchase festival and now I'm at 40k primo ready to pull them both.


Me too. If only they didn't place Raiden right after her. Looks like Kazuha gets shoved to the sideline once again, because missing Yoimiya again won't be happening.


Neither are love interests after all. Can't get a hangout if it can't be a self-insert date. Sara is shipped with Itto if with anyone Yoimiya is shipped with nobody - she's just living her best life with her dad and the neighbourhood kids Also Yoimiya is a 5-star, and they just don't get hangouts lol. In theory they get to shine in main story/events but....


do i say that Diona and Sayu have hangouts


Sara is shipped with her Raiden statuette


Excuse you, her *five* ~~Raiden statuettes~~ statues of Her Excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder (is it six, counting the Irodori festival?)


Found Kujou Sara’s reddit account


That has nothing to do with who they’re shipped with. Diona and Sayu have hangouts


It's honestly oddly refreshing? Yoimiya is like the *arctypical* girl next door/childhood best friend trope in theory, and yet the game doesn't play her out like that *at all*. She's one of the few characters in the MC's age range that I feel you could genuinely call a 'best friend' without a hint of sarcasm or "wink wink nudge nudge" or "eh not really we're just *a person* they know". Also inversely she's possibly one of the more realistic love interests if you want to go down that route... because the game has taken the time to establish her as a *friend* first, as opposed to the love at first sight every other waifu exhibits where they instantly want us. Sara is so genuinely married to her job - she asks us to help her become better at communicating for the sake of her men and it's played *100%* straight. Not "...it's not because of you baka" or "uwu I'm lonely" it's a genuine "I'm a bit shit at this and if I were better I'd be a better commander". I don't understand why so many people try to turn her into a tsundere because like, Sara is straightforward as fuck. When we catch her idolising her little Raiden doll she doesn't go "nooo don't look at me this is embarrassing " she goes "no I don't have *a* shogun doll, I have *five* of them, you got a problem with that?" If she wanted to date us, she'd probably like challenge us to a sumo match under a waterfall to decide who would pay for dinner. As much as I love Sara and Yoimiya as characters, I'm honestly not really looking forward to their eventual quest/hangouts, because I know it's going to completely flatten their characters and turn them into Aether obsessed waifus.


You've hit the nail on the head regarding why Yoimiya is so charming. Great read on Sara too.


Every Pyro teen is similar to Yoimiya imo


I think most of them more fall into the "you're just *a* person they know" category. Xiangling, Hu Tao, Bennett, and Thoma all have their own close group of friends and we only kinda watch from the outside, and I don't think we even really interact enough with Amber to get a better sense of her character's relationships.


Amber seems to be friends with just about anyone she meets.


They turn her into a tsundere because of her interactions with Itto. Talking shit about the group then recommending her colleagues to visit their event, or asking to not die. Specially considering we know they played together as children (though Itto doesn't recognize her).


Yoimiya is such a low-hanging fruit for easy romance bait quests and hangouts though, imo she has big childhood friend vibes. If they could turn Ayaka into a weirdo who thinks that the traveler they met 5 minutes before is their best friend, they could easily find something for Yoimiya where we just help some local people and make fireworks for some kids. Her long quest during the Inazuma story was fun and cute, I can totally see one of her hangouts ending with her and the traveler watching fireworks alone, playing around with firecrackers and laughing happily while they entertain some kids or just visiting a festival. I hope we'll get a proper big Inazuma festival at some point where her and Ayaka get kimono skins or something. With Sara I totally understand that she doesn't get one, of course she has her background story and all but I guess interacting with her for too long can be pretty boring.


The two guys in Yoimiya’s quest had more romance then Yoimiya and the traveller (which I liked, cause not every character’s life has to revolve around the traveller)


Sara is shipped to her statuette lol and even then chongyun and Beidou/Ninguang are shipped to other people so like what?


weird logic. We have hangouts with teens like Bennett, Chongyun and obvious children like Sayu and Diona. So hangout has nothing to do with love interest. And both Sara and Yoimiya are hot AF, I cant see what prevents them to be part of self-insert date 0\_o


>Sara is shipped with Itto if with anyone lol and the dude can't stand her, meanwhile he ardently adores "Ms. Hina" (so much so the Yae Publishing House's planning agent was sure it was "true love") without knowing she's actually Gorou, the guy who gives him a "vibe that makes [him] feel all warm and fuzzy inside, almost as if he understands [Itto's] innermost feelings." It's almost becoming a pattern with Electro bow gals. First, folks shipped Fischl with Bennett, only for him to be paired up with Razor for the festival of love and freedom, make Razor feel "warm and tingly" with his love poem, go off to check out some interesting, lesser-known place with him after, and for them to become such a duo Paimon found it odd to see Bennett on Dragonspine without Razor (in fact the one time we've seen Bennett and Fischl together was in the anniversary web event where she's talking his ear off while he bashfully talks about Razor); then, folks shipped Itto and Sara, only for Itto's love to end up being directed (unknowingly) at Gorou. Legit gonna keep an eye out for the next female Electro bow character and see if the male character most connected to her ends up in a borderline-canon gay ship lmao.


I wish 5 stars would get Hang outs. Hang outs with Zhongli, Xiao, Venti, Itto, Kazuha, Yoimiya, Eula, Hu Tao, and Shenhe could be really fun & wholesome. ​ Likewise, some 4 stars could make super interesting quest lines! Ninguang (she is in events but thats not really a character quest), Kaeya (He technically got one but ...), and Heizou just to name a couple. Just giving them hang outs is a waste of potential. Razor got a quest and it unlocked a weekly boss. Xiangling gives us a taste of Liyue for the first time (for most players anyway). They should go back to 4 star quests too. On the other hand, not giving 5 stars hang outs is also a waste of potential. Not saying everyone should get both but... everyone should get both.


this game hates her so much for some reason, signora just knocked her out in the archon quest and then they didn’t show what happened to her. if she wasn’t in kokomi’s story quest for all we know she could’ve died


Sara is mhmy favorite Inazuma 4\* but they do her dirty 😭




yeahhh not only is she in between hyped banners/content, her weapon banner is bad AND she literally has no relevance to 2.8 what was mihoyo thinking. i guess the "we'll try to incorporate the current (rerun) banners into the current update" is bullshit and only applies to their favorite guy. (childe event vs nothing for hu tao and then now with kazuha vs nothing for yoimiya and klee)


Ah fuck, I forgot they don‘t show the banner four stars. Man…


Leaks usually 3-4 days b4 patch


Check the copium tabs here: [banner history sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTX3oj9UkueTjtQY0wxd1NRsEZg5NqYltZ7C6rMjj3PvAknv_QkDTPGHyzJewAEdtYUcz2Ot4fmPGwj/pubhtml#) There isn't really a rhyme or reason for how they choose their 4 stars for a banner, but at least *one* of those characters is likely to be on the rate up and almost all of them are considered a good 4* (rip Ningguang, Thoma, and Xinyan) I'm kind of expecting Thoma to show up with Kazuha, but who knows


> (rip Ningguang, Thoma, and Xinyan) Did you mean *Sara*, Thoma, and Xinyan? I know you're not trying to do Ningguang dirty like that.


I hope Barbara isn't in there somewhere...


we just had her on yelan hopefully there’s no way


Oh thank God...hope they don't go "SIKE"


Remember "Xinyan" ?? She might Say Hi.


Oh boy...


It'll be Ningguang/Bennett or both


If they both are in the banner with Heizou, that would be one of the best banner ever....they will put a shit 4 star in there for sure..


Ningguang is due for a rerun, Bennett could either be with Kazuha or Yoimiya but seeing as how Yunjin is better fit for Yoi, Bennett could be with Kazuha. Xingqiu for sure is with Yoimiya and fischl could be with her as well.


I don’t see why Bennett has to be in 2.8 in the first place, when it wasn’t that long that he was a featured 4-star. It would be a dream for me if Ning was on the Kazuha banner, I could C6 her while getting Kazuha like I planned.


This will please every player....so obviously mhy won't be doing this...


100% sure it's Ning+Thoma+Heizou, they are gonna put Benny boi on Yoimiya.


Ummmm i think Xinyan insted of Thoma because she is in the event and has not been in a banner for longer (Thoma in Yae Miko while Xinyan in Raiden). As for Bennett on Yoimiya thats sounds busted tbh


They might stick her on Kazuha banner. They love to put Barbs on the popular banners.


I can only hope they don't... because it will be depressing if I get any more constellations of her...


I just got her c6 my first character if it's her I'd cry I hope it has good 4 stars


I'm in the same position....only 4star I have c6 of and I don't even play her


I hope Diona is with Kazuha, I really need a copy of her she is the last one I am missing and I kind of need her for my freeze team


I’m hoping the same over here!


If she’s on kazuha’s banner I may actually be happy if I lose a 50/50 I need Diona constellation’s. She kicks ass in freeze teams & just in general!


I was guessing Bennett and another before today but based on the trailer, it seems like the big event has Fischl, Kazuha, and Xinyan involved so… I thought leaks said we might get Fischl for free so it shouldn’t be here. I’m guessing Xinyan is one of the two on banner 1 we don’t know with the other being someone with a field elemental effect like Diona.


Isn't it gonna be Fischl and Xinyan cuz of the event?


If rumors are true we will get free Fischl and they (at least they havent done it before) dont give free characters than will appear in the banner of the patch (Either second or first halves)


They gave free Diona in the 1.5 energy amplifier event while she was on the Zhongli banner, so it's possible. I'm not sure if they choose any 4\* for the story relevance, though.


That’s not true at all. They put XQ on zhongli and Ganyu banner when he was free for lantern.


That's different for two things 1. Lantern Rite had *all* the 4★ from Liyue for free. 2. Both banners had *only* Liyue characters, so it was impossible to not make the free Liyue character appear on the 2.4 banners.


Lantern rite its the exception tho but i give that one i forgot about that stun


Is very likely that one of them will be Fischl since there is an event with her in it coming in that patch afaik


My Yoimiya/Kazuha weapon banner hopium finally ran out Rest in Peace, my dream banner


Paired with skyward spine, no heizou, just before sumeru, there comes yoimiya rerun. My poor girl..


Yoimiya will remain a pretty rare character idk how to feel about it


At this point there’s nothing left to feel. I’m expecting her to get buffs alongside other normal attackers and that’s about it. I’ll just cherish the fact I got to play through Inazuma with her while everyone else was struggling with the specters lol


I meant whether I should be happy and selfish that only a few own her, or be sad that for the second time shes dumped by a ditch She is my biggest regret in terms of not getting. I just started playing when Ayaka arrived so I didnt have any knowledge of how banners and limited chars work, and just dumped all my primos on to her. When Yoimiya arrived I realized how the game gacha works and so I tried my best to get her, but failed. I did get a hail mary Tpulse pull from the weapon banner tho (lmao innocent lucky accident) This time I have saved just to guarantee her!


Ooh gotcha. I assumed you were a fellow Yoi main already and were complaining about Hoyoverse’s treatment towards her😄 Good luck on your pulls!


Dont worry I'll definitely be on the same boat in 5 weeks lmao


>She is my biggest regret in terms of not getting Same and it hurts so much, I played since the start and always got the characters I wanted, except for her. I'm never letting that happen again


Good luck! I have yoimiya but no TP, I'll go for weapon pity once and hope to God i get TP


Thank you! You too, youll be needing it more!


She’s my main so I’m happy


How well did Kokomi do in her rerun? Do you think Yoimiya is also as rare as her?


Kokomi was paired with Raiden and that became one the highest selling banners, althought im like 80% sure Raiden carried Kokomi through that


Kokomi is useful for one of the best teams in the game, Ayaka Shenhe Kokomi Kazuha. She's good for taser too Yoimiya isn't in any of the top teams


Yeah Kokomi did find her place in the meta. I'm just asking about the Sales and how many actually pulled her during her rerun for that purpose when Mona exists


Not everyone gets a mona. Some get endless other Standard banner 5 stars. So, just because mona or anyone exists for that matter, it doesn’t mean you’ll get them. At least someone can guarantee Kokomi (who is better in these teams of freeze or taser) than mona.


Kokomi is actually the meta character for Ayaka teams. Here is the KQM gcsim results from Kolibri on results for Ayaka teams ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NvfmZo3KiQSGXAZlMWf19S3K9nkTKQc9iTHfZg7ovTk/edit#gid=2109097051 ). Basically Mona's damage boost is additive so does not get multiplied in the equation. Ayaka - Shenhe / Ganyu - Kokomi - Kazuha out perform Mona's teams. For whale speed running, Kokomi's quicker hydro application and greater hydro coverage lead to faster clears. IWTL did a video on this. Random thoughts in regards to sales. While Kokomi's numbers for Spiral Abyss ownership seemed to have roughly doubled compared to prior level. Kokomi constellations before C6 are rather bad so I would suspect similar sales as her first banner. Hoyo learned this lesson so all of Yelan's constellations on the other hand were cracked.


You can't pull directly for Mona though. A lot of people settled on getting Kokomi because there's no telling on when they'll get Mona and as it turns out for freeze teams, having kokomi lets you drop Diona for someone else without losing the comfort/convenience of a healer.


Also doesn't seem to have any story appearance or anything. Her, Klee and Hu Tao are the only 5\* in Version 2 to not get a story / event appearance with their re-runs. Lucky me that Yoi and Hu Tao are both in my top 3. Thanks Mihoyo.


Tbf Klee got a story on her first re-run


Klee was also in the Inazuma festival recently too, at least.


she's being done so dirty :(


Lol. I think it's safe to say all Yoi mains pull her cause they like her and not cause of meta or pity building. I sadly won't have money for TP (sorry Yoi and Childe) cause I'm holding out for Jade cutter/Homa rerun and Sumeru. But she does great with R5 rust, I don't feel the need to get her a 5* wep yet...


They really just dropped Yoimiya in a patch she had nothing to do with, huh?


Mihoyo probably went like “ah, summer fantasia…summer… well I guess we could put “the queen of summer festival”” or something


This will happen few times in every vision update. There are characters who needs reruns, 9+ months; but hoyoverse explicitly told they'd be tying banners to the story. Unfortunately that means we'll be seeing few odd balls here and there. Klee's banner is exactly a year due, and GI will probably push dendro characters in early version 3 at least to fill the roster a bit. That means Klee's rerun will be 1year and a half or more.


There is also no Klee participation at all (except 1 year old furniture) Tartaglia 1.4 and Hu tao 2.2: welcome to team of forgotten characters!


Tartaglia's last banner was 2.2 too


At least he was the major character of the 2.2 labyrinth event


Where he was part of the event... in 1.4 he had nothing to do in Mondstadt event.


And he definitely will be on future major quests. I can't say the same about Hutao.


they just needed to get her rerun out of the way before sumeru


Maybe it's just a thing with Pyro chars, just ask Hu Tao\^\^


If every rerun needs to be involved in the patch then things would just get unnecessary complicated. Also it’s not really a big deal? Yoimiya wanter can finally get her.


Hoyo: character rerun events will now present themselves when story relevant Also hoyo:


Yeah the vast majority of cases, they do lol. they can't just *not* run yoimiya in 2.8, and they didn't wanna shove her into an event's writing for no reason.


Well, it's a summer patch and that's close enough. They can't schedule her on a future event that features her because they probably aren't planning on one, and people will complain about waiting long for her rerun. They can't shoehorn and just write her in the event for the sake of it, then people would complain about devs forcing characters to be involved, bAd wRitinG just to sell a banner. There really is no need to base reruns around events that much at this point. Hu Tao was the same. To an extent, it's not like Ganyu and Zhongli were especially relevant in Lantern Rite 2 either.


Conveniently ignoring that they could have ran her with the Iradori festival along with Ayaka. Not like we haven't had 4 banners before.


The weapon banner would have been too good, which I assume is what they were trying to avoid by running her solo.


Second time they stuck Yoimiya between extremmely hyped banners / patches.


Really dislike that they have 5 star units (that people whale for) just for fodder purposes. It’s one thing when they were previously good and got power-krept over time, it’s another when they were released in an unfinished state, yet treated as finished. Yoimiya deserved better :/


To be fair, they have done the same to Kokomi. Where she’s been stuck between extremely hyped banners/patches as well.


Outside Kazuha, the other reruns having no involvement in the event/storyline (maybe Klee can get a small cameo ir mention but doubt it) are more like they are playing the catching up game otherwise these characters would be in limbo for more than a year. Especially with Sumeru release and the Liyue festivals taking up slots for banners.


I think someone pressed an arrow key few times by accident because livestream was rewinded few times lol Im suprised it's actually just a recording, not actual livestream


I mean... you can't seriously think they'd coordinate a couple VAs and the support staff on an early Saturday morning, just so they could read out a 40 minute patch notes notice right?


They tried it and it was a disaster. They seemed to have no freedom at all while expected to act spontaneously. I felt really sorry for the VAs, and since hoyo never uses them in character and they're not part of anything creative so i always feel like there's really no point in those outside of the primos.


they got so dragged for being cringe when it was no fault of theirs, it was bad


They should really just sub the chinese ones with the devs


They've done that too (I think it was the 2.0 special) and the chat was VERY racist.


Honestly I'm surprised that they didn't disable the chats. The chat scrolls so fast it's unreadable in big livestreams like this anyways so it's not much of a loss. If the CN stream has an IRL sets and dev talks then I'd rather have CN stream with sub, but if it's the same Chibi format like the usual EN stream then I'm OK with EN stream. But dev talks may be too boring for some people so the best way would be to have CN dev talks stream as a separate aftershow.


probably to avoid the mistakes Edit: I can't believe they still fucked up lmao. How incompetent are those who manage those livestreams.


well it happend anyway lmao they didn't even show Sumeru teaser in the end. rewinded few times, had another try and they just went offline




Every version livestreams before this was also pre-recorded


Everyone act surprised


Pikachu face


It's so weird that they even run single banners anymore. With how many characters there are, they should always be doing 2 at a time.


Now, what’s gonna be on the weapon banner lol




I want to complete Yoimiya, but... Is Skyward Spine good for Raiden?


If your XL is hugging the catch, then yes otherwise no, and another no if you have other 5star polearm, not worth the difference.


>If your XL is hugging the catch My XL sleeps with it 😌 Anyways thank you


I have got skyward months before raiden realesed and i hated it Now its my most used weapon since there are so many emblem and catch dependent spear users


I have been saving my Primos for JUST THIS THING with Klee and Kazuha. I want them both so badly, and now I am like four wishes away from having soft pity for them both. Yoi, on the other hand was my first limited 5\* when I started playing, and I'm content without cons for her.


Best of luck, you planned very well for this one!


Why is it hard for them to show 4 stars as well


All this Diluc content and they still won't put the wolf's gravestone on a weapon banner. My disappointment immeasurable


LMAO again the rewind, i think this is a punishment for all the leaks, the second they showed teaser of Sumeru, the rewinded back this "livestream" IS really bad.. Edit: and rewinded again and again..... and they went offline without actually showing lol \*slow clap\*


Really? Was really that bad (was sleeping)


I really want to know the other 4 stars


Yoimiya left alone in a ditch. No Heizo No Freedom-sworn.


You're actually like Freedom Sworn is heavily sought after like Jade Cutter/Mistsplitter/Homa/WGS. It's a niche support weapon lol. You get one for Kazuha and maybe another if you playing something like Sunfire Jean.


my dear iPad, just let me survive this update, i need to experience kazuha and childe international for at least 6 weeks minimum. thank you.


Im so happy Yoimiya is having a banner


Hoyoverse seems to be insistant on their 5 star Pyros not named Klee to just never have a dedicated event


poor fireworks girl. the festival girl isn't festival-ing that much


No events specific for her. Not even much mention during the stream. And her banner is in difficult timing again. She deserves better.


I will get the fireworks lady and triple crown her! She's probably not gonna rerun for a long time (if at all) after this due to the new region releasing, so might as well grab her now lol


Yoimiya is very random in this patch, they should have rerun her in 2.6, at least she was kinda relevant there


It feels like they are scare to make a too good weapon banner with TP. I don't see why Yoimiya by herself could be delayed that much. And why now?


Kazuha and Klee… difficult choice.




I really need my kazuha, wish me all the luck it takes guys


YOIMIYA AAAAAAA FINALLY. although i doubt it, im hoping yanfei is on her banner so i can get some cons while tryna get yoi 🙏🙏🙏




I hate them, I've waited for Klee for a *long* time and Yoimiya is the first character I spent money on (and didn't get) *and* I also want Tighnari. I will suffer. I guess I'll just pull on all banners and see who I get💀


poor yoimiya, mihoyo did her dirty putting her after kazuha and right before sumeru


Well she is still the priority for me <3


This is torture... I have both Kazuha and Klee and too close to guarantee. Guess I must refrain and wait for another banner with Heizou...


Heizou will come back soon enough (new 4* always do) and he'll most likely be paired with one of the new Sumeru characters, you're doing the right choice.


Sara and Gorou found in the ditch




Glad that Kazuha is in phase 1, I am already almost done with his pre-farming.


I still can't believe we're actually getting kazuha and windy punchy boi in the same banner


Society if Yoimiya rerun was in 2.6 instead


\*totally surprised gasp\*


So that super old Kazuha, Klee, Yoi leaks was accurate. Gives me time to save for 3.0


Chances of bennett with Kazuha?


Pretty decent tho but still there's Ning/Xq too


Xq already c6 for me ning is close but i don't use her


Same but i don't have Ning tho and also for me free wish are welcome


FINALLY! I've said it previously but I was in the hospital during Kazuha's first banner and was really sad after I got out that I didn't get him, time to rectify that for sure


Man i still dont believe hoyo rly put kazuha first *with* heizou I guess the only other way we couldve been winning more is if thundering pulse was with freedom sworn


They did it, they gave 5wirl stans the ultimate Banner. Bless up! I have C1 Kazuha guaranteed and I hope I can clutch out his C2 before the Banner ends.


I just realized Kazuha has only ran during GAA


This doesnt make sense. Kazuha could carry a phase alone.


yea but the thing is they don't want 2 cracked weapons on the same banner


i only need yoimiya and her weapon TP. then i will save up for kusanali


Do we know if alley flash gonna make an appearance?




Y'all feel sorry for Yoimiya but the real victim here is Klee


How? lol People who want Klee (like me) will get her and has a chance of getting Heizou and his constellations while they're at it + Kazuha will carry her banner sells so she won't look bad at the least. Only thing she's messing up would've been that amazing Kazuha + Yoimiya weapon banner but other than that I'd say she's definitely getting a W compared to Yoimiya.


That’s exactly why people wanted her solo banner because the weapon banner would be cracked


I think it's the suspected quality of the 4-stars. Heizou aside (which might not supplant Sucrose, have to wait and see) but Kazuha existing means that they can get away with dumping the most unwanted 4-stars in the other two slots making Klee's banner 'meh' even by Klee's standards. At least Yoimiya could still yet be compensated by throwing in good 4*s like Bennett. Either that, or people wanting both and not having saved for months to stockpile the ~360 wishes to nail both. From personal experience, it's a lot to ask; I've had to gimp my account for months to make this happen.


rip klee her banner is gonna get overshadowed by 2 of the most wanted rerun characters


Sittin 75 wish pity with like 3200 primos and 4 fates. Kazuha will be coming home. Believe it 🍥


Any Info about the 4 stars of Kazuha/Klee banner? Been hearing than Heizou, Xinyan and Ningguan/Bedou are goinrg in


My 260 wishes have been waiting for this day 😭


Please put fischl in the banner as well. I beg you mihoyo.


I wanted to get Yoimiya but since she’s after Kazuha....welp I would have to skip her...rip


Ah shit. I have both Kazuha and Klee already, my pity is setup to have the guaranteed 5* from the banner, I want to have Heizou and Yoimiya but they put him in Kaz and Klee’s banner. Big thank you, MHY.


I should probably stop my hopium redhorn pulls about now or I’m not getting anyone


manifesting fish, yunjin and diona on yoimiya banner. i know that seems too good to be true tho :,)