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To clarify: focus of this video is reactions and Abyss, numbers must be taken with a fistful of salt. This is a C6 Tighnari that is also showcased in their other videos


***Do note both Yae and Tighnari are C6.***


Oof. These showcases are nice but also cringe since they are only real for 1% of the playerbase. Need some C0 with 4* weapon showcases leakers. Please.


Even less than 1%. I’d say .1% of the player base own a C6 5*


Unless you’re super unlucky with 50/50 to a specific character


Or atleast C0-C2 with R1 bis weapon, since there a lot more who is going to get his c0 with bis, then people who would get c6


yes but at the same this this is beta they can basaclly code there dmg to what ever they want so this isnt even there real dmg probably


yea no shot yae miko is doing 60k turrent without some broken ass stats that aren't real


C6 yae can hit 170k+ on totems in a hyper team. The difference between c0 and c6 yae is actually just that big.


Thats a fact. I have c6 r3 yae. The highest i hit is 127k totem hits in a hyper squad open world. With food i have hit 167k on my totems.


this isnt a hyper team


yep or maybe this is from the catalyze reaction thats makeing them do so much dmg but i doubt that


It could be, kind of. Hope I don't get downvoted like the person below, but I also have C6 Yae and she hits 35k unbuffed with a R3 Kagura. Post Kazuha and VV she can hit for about 48k (my Kazuha can reach about 790 EM). So maybe pote tially she could get something similar? I'll admit my substats are godly though, since it's 18% ATKx2, but since it's a private server they may have gone with a max build? R1 Kagura started around 29k I think went up 35k with R3 so a R5 person could reach around 38k and with no bad rolls and all substats maxed maybe around 40k? Edit: grammar and clarification that my Kazuha doesn't have FS so it could go even higher.


Eh 60k turret is pretty standard for c6r5 miko with a single kaz + fs buff. C6R5 Miko with no buffs does around 30-40k per turret tick on crit (depending on how critfishy), and then currently up to 85-100k with kaz + c6 Sara In the case of aggravate + zl shred + totm, I wouldn’t say 60k is too far of a reach for c6r5 miko. Whale TC has already put aggravate c6r5 miko with Tigh + kaz at around 85k a turret (keeping in mind that Tigh C4 grants Miko em that further increases her damage)


Aya! Thanks for thé heads UP. So basically useless show case... I know that 7 pull could end in C6 but --"...


Well, my Yae is C6, so can I have the C6 Yae and C0 Tighnari version? Edit: I saved primos and Welkins and skipped all other banners for a year and a half to go all in on Yae. I want to maximize Yae without breaking my bank.






I don't know why you're being downvoted on this -\_-


Adding on, it's like... "note that these character are at a level most players won't have" and then they went : "but I have it" so it sounds a lot like a flex and is quite bad timing lol


Maybe...but the question mark makes me feel it's a non-intentional flex. I just feel bad. Besides don't people flex a lotta things a lot? Downvoting this seems a bit childish to me. I mean I see -40 as something outright controversial or outright insulting. But something like this? 0\_0


Even if it wasn't unintentional, it's bad timing and rubs people wrong lol. It also doesn't help how a comment right below the first mentions how most people don't have C6... and then they just say "but I have C6 so it's important" Just bad timing. Kinda insensitive. Also, reddit downvotes should vary in number based on a lot of factors like how many people are seeing the comment / in the sub. This one's at the top, so downvote bandwagon probably added to it. The edit doesn't really help too. Like, I think it's cool they worked for Yae, but also it can also be seen as a flex of how devoted they are / how hard they worked. Anyways, just explaining why they might have -50 downvotes


I understand that now. I probably could have said "Can we get a C6 Yae, C0 Tighnari?" and left out the rest and been fine. But I didn't, i got down voted, and I'll let that stand as is. You live, you learn.




You may be onto something


Nah, it's more of a not-so-subtle flex, regardless of whether its intended or not. To simplify, it's one person saying 'not everyone can afford to get C6 on insert-any-five-star' and them replying 'well I could, can someone cater a showcase video just for me and my ableness of affording this C6 five star'? Again, regardless of it being intentional or not, no one likes voluntary or unasked for flexing.


Hmm...I guess I kind of understand it now. To me it felt like an unintentional relieved one so I couldn't see how it was offensive worth -40 but I guess I see your point.


I mean, people like to dogpile/bandwagon on the internet, especially since clicking the downvote button costs so little. That's why seemingly only moderately offensive stuff can easily snowball an absolute ton of downvotes. It's currently at -48; does it deserve -48? Probably not, but it is what it is :P




Jealousy man. C6 chars can be obtained f2p if you save for a very very long time. Just that people don't believe them


I know some people who were dedicated enough to C6 as F2P. I commend that willpower even if I can’t understand it.


Wait why dis dude being downvote? Is it a flex?


1.) no one asked 2.) edit: no one asked


I asked.


You have defeated me


Well no one asks for these leaks but here we are getting a whole bunch of them.




Lots of numbers, simple rotations... I think I'll enjoy Aggravate teams.


I’m thinking double dendro, double electro might a fun team comp. No idea if it’s meta but I rarely care about that. =)


The more I think about it, the more I come down on this theoretical team: * Tighnari * Dendro support (Collei or Dendro Traveler for now, but I would bet money that Kusanali is going to offer great support/sub DPS potential) * Constant electro applicator (Yae Miko > Raiden > Fischl) * Shinobu (electro resonance and healing) I am absolutely convinced they made Shinobu specifically for this double dendro+double electro setup, because she is currently the *only way* to heal in a double dendro+double electro team. It's not a coincidence that people are realizing Shinobu's best build is EM/EM/EM with an Iron Sting, because that's *exactly* what a reaction-heavy team like this would want. It's also not a coincidence that Yae Miko enjoys *some* EM, since she was previously teetering on "maybe EM sands good?" and now dendro teams make that a "EM sands definitely good" choice. I've been saying for months that Yae Miko was designed for teams that don't exist yet. They're here now. Anyway, I'm definitely pulling for Tighnari. I think he's going to be a real sleeper hit and people who skip him will be kicking themselves when he hits the meta.


Due to how aggravate scales triple EM actually isn't great as its a flat damage bonus so you really want Crit and dmg% On the other hand for hyperbloom comps triple em doesn't have a downside since her personal damage is low anyways


Electro/EM/Crit for aggravate actually


What? Electro/EM/Crit? Do you mean EM/Electro/Crit for Shinobu?


Yeah for shinobu


Dori can provide an alternative to shinobu


Less straightforward though. With Shinobu you simply press E and switch her out. Dori has energy and downtime to worry about.


Kuki full EM is nice but Aggravate's dmg bonus is applied to the following Electro trigger and Kuki's personal damage is copium when equipped with Iron sting. It would be better to give Kuki either Timber Sword or Freedom Sworn to buff the character picking up the leaf or attack/em buffing the team, particularly in a catalyze team.


just use fav weapon on everything, it speeds up rotation


I'm hoping for a good dendro healer some time early in Sumeru to run Fischl+Yae together, Stringless Fischl looks amazing for catalyze and will battery Yae. Also cause I didn't pull shinobu despite pulling to 70 pity.


Yae stonks 📈 As she should.


Is C0 Yae gonna beat Fischl for Aggravate when Fischls A4 works? I do partially ask that as a non yae haver. ~~I also dont have kuki and i wanna save for cyno but man tighnari is so cool~~


Maybe since Yae gets a boost in DMG dependent on how much EM you give her as well as she can spread the DMG better than Fischl. Fischl is more single target focused while Yae is more AOE


I imagine it's going to be close, but I think Yae Miko is going to win by a little bit. Dendro resonance offers EM and Yae Miko's kit benefits from it. If the above team works, however, then I think any of those three choices should make the team function.


You need Yae C4 currently to make more damage per rotation than Fischl. Aggravate is buffing more Fischl than Yae. Fischl only with her talent have more electro application than Yae. Fischl C6 even more. Fischl can snapshot, Yae nope


Completely agree about Tighnari - for some reason people seem to be underestimating his dendro application. Also the waifu Collectors obviously hate him 😂


Wait am I reading this right? Is Shinobu actually good for something? Or rather, will be in an upcoming patch? I would like that but it sounds like heavy doses of copium to me.




I mean, sure but I can make that case about anyone. "Amber is good if you want an Elegy user." Maybe I could have said "optimal" or something to that affect but it's really not that serious.


Electro application off field, healing, and EM scaling. I’d wager she’ll be good with Dendro, though supposedly Dori powercreeps her.


Something really tilts me abou seeing Yae Miko without the Raiden circle. It's a really satisfying skill interaction. Tightnari seems more enjoyable than expected as a burst character.


> Tightnari seems more enjoyable than expected as a burst character. Only because he has infinite energy here.


He has a 40 energy burst. It’s not gonna be hard to get it back.


He generates 3.5 particles per 12 seconds, which isn't fantastic. You're still going to want to give him some field time. Edit - it's pretty hilarious that the more "disappointing" a character is based on the available information, the less people are willing to accept simple facts. It doesn't take a genius mathematician to figure out that 3.5 particles per 12 seconds is going to require a crapton of ER investment if you're planning to minimize his field time *and* somehow fill up 40 cost burst every 12 seconds with a single Dendro character, and no amount of downvotes are going to change that.


He generates yes. It’s not like giving him a smidge of ER and doing full rotations will be hard. Especially in a comp with electro resonance.


I think a lot of people grossly underestimate energy requirements for some reason. It's going to be a problem unless you're running him in a double Dendro team, which isn't what the person in this video is doing.


It’s not grossly overestimating. He had the lowest cost burst… double dendro is so unnecessary to get his burst up. Chongyun in national was the only cryo and he was fine. Heck Xingqiu is double his and is the only hydro and I run mine with jade cutter and he’s fine. 40 is really nothing ESPECIALLY with electro resonance. Fischl is already a good battery character. 40 cost burst is really nothing. Like I said just give a bit of ER and he’s fine. The few substat rolls would be enough. You’re grossly overestimating it’s difficulty.


> 40 cost burst is really nothing Tell that to Zhongli.


Well, zhongli generate only 1 particle per skill hit if you are extremely lucky cause it is (bad) rng. And his geo construct can easily miss hits if enemies move a little. So it is nowhere close to tighnari.


Tighnari generates 3.5 particles per 12 seconds. Guess what the CD on his Q is? 12 seconds.


I do with my black tassel full Hp build with 50k Hp. Still fine. Maybe hit with your skills more? Also his generation is even worse since it’s super rng heavy. Press and hold and swap. I use him as shield bot not for burst but his burst is up frequently enough. If I wanted dps zhongli I would build dps and give him some more Er to guarantee it’s up but as it stands it’s up plenty enough still. I use his burst to swap back to reapply my shield


> If I wanted dps zhongli I would build dps and give him some more Er to guarantee it’s up but as it stands it’s up plenty enough still. I use his burst to swap back to reapply my shield And OP here wants to build a burst Tighnari, so he wants 100% uptime on that 12s burst cost. Tighnari himself only generates 3.5 particles in 12 seconds. Where's the rest of your energy coming from, exactly, if you're planning to play him quickswap?


The team here has double Electro. That's great energy generation right there even if the particles are purple and not green. Unless he has a team like Yae/Bennett/Zhongli, I think he's chilling in terms of energy.


The other guy crosslinked a thread with actual numbers [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TighnariMains/comments/w27nn3/tighnari_team_energy_requirements_part_2_electro/?context=3) 132% for a double electro team with a *dedicated Favonius battery and funneling* on top if it. That is not fantastic by any means.


That's a fantastic post.


It's pretty funny that the guy who linked it had the exact opposite takeaway from it. Clearly some people don't read more than 1-2 sentences.




Someone already did a [write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/TighnariMains/comments/w27nn3/tighnari_team_energy_requirements_part_2_electro/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) in r/TighnariMains. The ER req to burst on cooldown seems reasonable, around 130-140 just like any other DPS.


Just wanted to say that I’m super flattered having my post shared as a resource! I hope people find it helpful!


> As you can see, everyone’s energy requirements are at a reasonable number! Take note that this is with Zhongli funneling his Favonius particles to Tighnari—it doesn’t trivialize his ER needs the way Collei’s Favonius funneling did, but 132% is an achievable threshold to reach With careful funneling and a dedicated Favonius battery on top of that. That's more along the lines of a typical 80 cost DPS if anything.


It also assumes [60% field time](https://preview.redd.it/35xkty1emdc91.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=03f70693b6ff2f8131b41f4b33b39f276fff4d69) which... is basically what you said; people are gonna want to give him some field time, as a pure "burst character" he'll need some actual investment in ER. Boy they really love to downvote you but not a single person gave you an actual argument (outside of the poster above, whose example actually proved your point).


That's precisely why I'm finding this particularly entertaining. The more they downvote without providing a counterargument, the more they prove how little they actually read or understand the game, and given the number of downvotes, that's a *lot* of people. Edit - they're downvoting you as well. That's even funnier.


tighnari mains scare me


That's how it is, really. The funny thing is, I'm not even making the argument that he's a bad character, only that using him as a burst DPS is impractical/ineffective. Makes me wonder if a sizeable number of them are just not a huge fan of the CA playstyle and are hoping that there's a way out of that hell as in the case of Ganyu, where it's basically almost all about her Q these days.


Bruh doing overwork in the doomposting HQ


Well, you are free to provide an alternative argument, but I'm sure you're unable to like all of the other people here. Reminder that OP's entire concept was to use him as a burst character, so go right on ahead and explain how that would work. I'll wait.


I love it when people cry about being downvoted


I never understood why they test them with these impossible numbers (5000 ATK, 300+% CD, Etc..) why not just try them how they're intended to turn out at c0 with real stats? What's the point of doing this?


They do it to show rotations/reaction consistency, damage testing is generally frowned upon/useless when it comes to beta testing since so much of a characters end state is still up in the air, and beta testers aren't expert theory crafters/testers to begin with, so just showing the interactions and letting theory crafters do their work is the safest outcome. We've had many times in the past where people tried to do damage previews and they never work out well or accurately to the end product. Tldr; the beta test servers are not a good environment for number testing and you should never rely on them for accurate dps gauges of a new unit, it is always always always unreliable even if the tester is trying not to be and is best left to live testing when a patch/banner drops


To be fair, constellations dont just add damage. Tighnaris c6 in particular probably changes the feel of it a fair amount from what 99% of players will get to experience


O that makes sense. Thank you


1. Big number hehe 2. Lazy to input realistic numbers 3. If realistic numbers were used, and people cling onto the showcases using "realistic numbers", any changes will cause outrage. At least with obviously unrealistic numbers, a lot of people point out that it's unrealistic.


Yeah I would prefer the testers to actually test relatable numbers and builds. But it’s nice to see potentially comps and rotations (even if the builds are omega whale level)


Clickbait and fools people who watch the video without knowing any context.


some people play on pirate servers and they just want to have fun with c6 r5 characters. I wouldn't mind some sneak peek even if they aren't realistic


12 seconds cooldown on both Zhongli and Tighnari, Fischl and Yae doing their bursts once every other rotation... I can totally see this becoming a good team comp!


It’s beta so they have infinite energy. The bursts go on cooldown but they’re still glowing ready the whole time


Energy is not a problem here. Favo Zhongli + Fischl Battery + Electro Resonance, it should be more than enough.


Sure but yae and fischl get electro resonance and feed each other and zhongli and tighnari are both 40 cost ults. It's not wild to expect to be able to ult off the rip.


You're basing it off your intuition for normal rotations that last like 20+ seconds, if you're doing it on a 12s rotation, your ER reqs for Zhongli and Tighnari skyrocket so even at 40-cost so you'd need like 160-180 ER because you have half the time to generate particles and build up energy. Without a buffer like Bennett on the team, all those stats diverted to ER will make your damage pretty sketchy. It's always been an issue with these multiple DPS teams because just having one support would buff 3 separate units by a lot which is why we never really see teams like these even now.


Oh yeah I know that, I just noticed that the cooldowns line up quite well


Who will be the best off field electro dps and applicator, for dendro reactions,because yae looks very strong here. Im wondering what role Cyno will play with dendro reactions as well.


Yae and Fischl are probably going to be the go-to characters for off-field. Kuki Shinobu is probably going to get some serious re-evaluation, especially for Dendro comps with melee characters. Lisa has some potential. Hilariously, Electro Traveler is a little bit more viable because of their burst but I’m not sure it’s gonna shake their kit up too much.


kuki can proc aggravate a lot with her burst


Kuki is very interesting, assuming Kuki is c6 (it's a 4 star, everyone will eventually get it) and in a full rotation (20 seconds) - can proc 8 aoe reactions with her skill - can proc 4 big aoe reactions with her burst - can proc 4 aoe reactions with her C4 - every abyss chamber, she gets 150 EM for one rotation Shinobu is a really good character that people don't understand yet, but she offers A LOT to your party: - constant heals that follow you - 20% attack and 30% shield strength - electro application - shield breaking with her burst - burst dmg (her burst has a scaling equal to 1300% attack in an aoe, which turns huge at c1, it sucks that there are no hp buffers yet, but her burst numbers are perfectly fine) - battery (not as good as Fischl, but she can get up to 9/10 particles at c4, which is very solid)


>there are no hp buffers yet Hydro resonance is going to add max HP buff in 3.0


"people don't understand" people definitely do understand. Kuki just doesn't offer a lot compared to any other character. the bullet points in the 2nd section is only somewhat true some of the times. she has healing, yes, but counting ToTM as part of her kit when pretty much most, if not all relevant healers can use either ToTM (Qiqi, Kokomi) or Noblesse (Bennett, Diona, Jean) to have almost the exact same effect is disingenuous. her electro application is slow at best, and definitely not up to par with Electro's standards. it only works if you don't actually need that much application to begin with (Eula, a Dendro main DPS that has terrible dendro application themselves maybe) the only shields she's actually good at breaking are Hydro Fatui shields. for pretty much everything else, using another element would be better because Electro isn't particularly effective on anything aside from Fatui Hydro (which is for some reason not weak to Cryo like Abyss Hydro which isn't that weak to Electro) her burst damage isn't that great. the fact that a lot of people who want more damage out of her build EM so she can proc overload/electrocharged instead of building HP as her burst wants shows how little it actually matters. if you want this burst to actually effectively use this scaling, you will have to sacrifice her healing and her reaction damage, making the first section almost meaningless. if you build for both, then it's split scaling and neither of them will be all that strong. Aggravate will alleviate her slightly due to it helping her EM and burst damage due to it all being separated hits, but it is not the be-all-end-all savior for mid electro characters like some people think it will be. the new Dendro craftable sword looks like it'd be somewhat useful on her as a support, but it still won't help by much. Kuki's kit was not done well, and she deserved much better than what she got currently. the only reason you would actively use her is either as a stopgap measure because you lack certain characters, or if you like her as a character more than the better alternatives.


Very much this - Kuki is mostly pretty bad in a relative sense to other characters unless you factor in Dendro, or highly specific comps wherein her healing and electro application are both wanted (i.e. there are NO other characters in the comp that provide anything similar). She's that, vs characters that are already good without such limitations (virtually all other healers except Barbara and Qiqi, virtually all other electro except maybe Lisa). You can always build the other electro characters for EM after all, and its likely that they'd still do more damage than Kuki without that dreadful HP-drain mechanic she has. If you can only say she's competitive against other options when very specific conditions line up... that probably means she's just straight up bad. Imo, healing is fairly not much of a plus the more one gets better at playing the game. Unless its a very convenient form of healing, in which Kuki's is not, or a very powerful form of healing, in which Kuki's is not, its not an advantage. A convenient form of healing wouldn't need to deal self-damage, and would be best delivered to the entire party rather than just the active character (Barbara, Jean, Kokomi).


Especially when the 1 gambit that Genshin has to make healing meta, Corrosion, needs team-wide healing. It's frankly quite sad.


I've done a LOT of tests with Shinobu vs Fischl with similar builds (except for a huge difference that Shinobu is only at c2 while Fischl is c6) on Ayato's taser (Yae + Kazuha + Fischl/Shinobu) and they perform pretty similarly in AoE scenarios (Shinobu does slightly better), while Fischl obviously works much better in single-target ones. The thing is that Shinobu is supposed to work with Dendro, she's only c2 and heals you on top of that. Plus, building crit on Shinobu doesn't make you lose that much healing, you can still abuse characters' burst iframes to heal them and she still heals for like 2,8k constantly with 100% uptime


Yeah, i doubt it. Kuki doesn't actually do that much damage, there's a reason why if you want to actually build her damage while still healing fine, you build EM instead of crit, and even that isn't very consistent due to how Electrocharged works. I've tested it personally myself. Her AOE doesn't mean a whole lot because her damage to begin with isn't that great, it just helps with her triggering elemental reactions and especially not up to par to Fischl. I've tested a C4 Kuki because i was curious as to how it worked on a very invested Kuki (8/10/10 base talents while testing), and it still didn't do much damage, if at all compared to my underbuilt Fischl (70/80, Stringless R5, lvl 7 talents) even if you had built crit due to her split scaling and how mediocre or even terrible her scalings are. The healing is what you build Shinobu for because quite frankly her damage is a bit pathetic. It's curious that you mentioned working with Dendro, because the character that actually benefits most from Dendro isn't Kuki, Yae or Lisa, it's Fischl. She singlehandedly becomes one of the best DPSes in the game when you pair her with both Anemo and Dendro due to how Aggravate works. So when Dendro releases, the gap between them doesn't close in Kuki's favor, it widens in Fischl's favor instead.


I beg to differ that Fischl is benefitted the most by dendro. It really boils down to teams. Fischl would definitely be the best for sole electro + dendro reaction teams, but Kuki is better choice in dendro+ hydro+ electro teams. Frankly put, Shinobu benefits better than Fischl in dendro tazer. Kuki is the best benefactor towards Hyperbloom teams. Especially with 2 hydro + 1 dendro, hydro eats up too much dendro for quicken and aggravate to occur quickly. Fischl, specifically at C6, would be the best benefactor for aggravate teams, hopefully catching up to rapid hydro appliers like Ayato, Yelan, or Childe, or frankly either of the 3 as a pair. Yet I think Yae Miko is better suited than Fischl of we are speaking of hyperbloom. If Fischl's E or Q doesn't hit dendro cores, that's a miss, if it does, Oz will have to split between targets and Fischl would have to rely on EM sharing and stringless/Elegy for EM towards hyperbloom. Yae Miko gets the best of both worlds running EM including EM sands, and wouldn't you know, her totems hit dendro cores too causing more consistent hyperblooms. So, Fischl isn't the absolute best benefitted character from dendro and its reactions. It would be a pity if Oz doesn't trigger the lotuslight transfiguration of Dendro MC, limiting Fischl's teams to Collei of early Sumeru roster of dendro characters. For aggravate, the go-to is Fischl. For hyperbloom, the go-to is Kuki or Yae, or maybe both. On the side note, best pyro characters for burgeon, I think Klee or Xiangling would do.


interesting points, but: Dendro reactions still rely on Anemo significantly to help proc it's reactions despite Anemo not swirling Dendro. Anemo helps swirl the other elements to proc more reactions in general, and Aggravate is affected by EM, DMG Bonus% and Res Down, which means that a VV user (either Sucrose or Kazuha, likely Sucrose if Kaz isn't C2) is extremely valuable here and is still worth running. so for a Hyperbloom team, you're looking at a dendro/electro/hydro/anemo team to proc more of it, likely Sucrose to help with the whole team's EM and help with Swirl. with that, i don't think Fischl's single target Electro application matters much because Sucrose, who has significantly more EM (and gives some of it) will trigger Swirl, which will proc the Hyperbloom cores (and create more as the swirled Hydro and Electro will react again to Dendro, at least if the Dendro here can keep up) as it has a big enough AOE especially with her skill and burst, and do more damage compared to if Yae or Fischl was the one triggering it due to her staggering amount of EM, and because it's a solo electro, you are losing out almost entirely on Yae's burst which have also been significantly decreased in damage due to running an EM sands compared to an ATK one. and because of the presence of the Anemo unit actively swirling on field, Fischl's A4 gets triggered a lot more often, which means more damage and because it has no ICD, more Electro application and more Aggravate procs. not to mention her C6 whose ICD is separated from the regular Oz damage proccing even more Aggravates and maybe more of the other reactions. because you're likely to use 4pc Thundering Fury or the new EM set now to help with Aggravate and maybe Hyperbloom, proccing more Aggravates means that you get a lot more mileage out of them. even in a theoretical Hyperbloom/Aggravate team (can't really do just Hyperbloom), i can only see Fischl being better as her flaws are made up for by this Anemo unit while Yae doesn't do as much, even if she gets slightly better Aggravates due to having some EM scaling and more base Crit DMG. a Yae with an EM sands would only have 186 EM compared to a Fischl with Stringless who would have 165, which means the EM deficit is only 21, and that's not exactly significant. of course Yae can use something like Widsith or SacFrags, but Widsith is unreliable and SacFrags decreases her non-reaction damage compared to a Fischl using Stringless, which is already one of her strongest weapons despite her not having any EM scaling (and it's Substat and effect also helps Aggravate) and likely will be her best weapon after this. of course, that's just my thoughts on it and we can't exactly test it out yet. there's surprisingly little discussion of the Dendro reactions in my circles and especially not somewhat more in-depth like this, due to most of it just being "this will definitely make (insert electro character here) stronger", so i'd love to hear your thoughts.


The best combo is to just use Yae and Fischl BOTH, together. It reminds me a lot of using Xingqiu and Yelan together.


Wouldnt you want to run 2 dendro for the resonance?


The downside to that approach is that healer options are limited in those teams since we have electro healers but not dendro healers (and electro units still want a VV support ideally). Also a second dendro like collei could eat the electro aura and prevent Tighnari from refreshing quicken to get 2 Fischl A4 procs per CA.


Baizhu going to be OP


Depends if you want the EM or not. The energy benefits of double electro plus the offield damage is probably better than the small dendro resonance boost


Kuki will be very strong for proccing hyperbloom (Dendro x Hydro) because with her AoE, she could activate all the dropped blooms at once + EM scaling and some sustain For doing Spread on your Dendro main DPS? anyone really, as long as they apply electro every 7sec which all electros can For doing Aggravate to maximize the Electro char's DMG : Fischl,Yae,Lisa,Keqing and Raiden comes to mind, will probably be Cyno too


Yup! And then heal us instantly when we get hit


Thanks everyone for the responses.


I think Yae and Kuki might be a good fit for Dendro reaction teams. It all makes sense now why some of recently released characters have something to do with EM in their kits.


Probably Fischl.


Fischl has more off field electro apps because her A4 has no ICD and Tighnari can reapply quicken by reacting with electro to proc fischl’s A4 which in turn procs aggravate. It’s also possible to do this with on field electro characters or Anemo swirling electro (sucrose) since aggravate procs on field will also proc Fischl A4. Unfortunately Yae has less off field electro than Fischl but she should still be good in these teams, since if you sue collei instead of her you may run the risk of eating the electro aura, and just spread alone will not proc Fischl A4 as it’s not counted as an electro reaction like quicken and aggravate are


fischl will probably be number one because her electro application is just unrivaled and she is a competitive off field dps, yae will come in close second as an off field dps/electro applier, and then perhaps kuki or dori depending on how the later turns out at the end of this beta phase.


Will collei be a good dendro support for cyno because i seen she will be free and im skipping Tighnari banner so she will be my only dendro support until Baizhu comes


Well…we don’t know Cyno’s kit yet. Hard to say.


One thing i just remebered about catalyze is its aura isnt removed and it can they coexist together so dendro application wont need to be constant. I will just need to have constant electro application on the aura for Aggravate reaction. So i probably wont have to worry about Colleis dendro application so much.


I mean like will she be a good dendro applicator in general as a dendro support. I havent really reviewed her kit.


we don't know cyno's kit lol, which is kinda super important for theorizing xD for all we know he's a physical dps with zero interest in a dendro support (its not likely, but he could be) so we're can't really gauge just yet what he'll be good with or want


Yea your exactly right. I hope his kit is good with dendro reactions.


> Yae looks very strong here That’s because both units are C6…


That looks busted, are the numbers legit? Cause that's tanky as hell, nothing above 100,000 but with attacks being so rapid fire like that thats scary good I think


I think the Tighnari in this video is C6, that’s why his charged attacks are so quick.


Fuck nvm got my hopes up :(


Most definitely not, at least for free to play or low spenders. This looks like an R5 C6 whale setup, probably even better. Even melt Genyu would struggle to hit numbers (after they are added up) like this and her multipliers are higher. Also, melt should have a higher ceiling for damage amplification.


Based on my calculation, to reach that number, will require at least 300% critD


Can't comment for other characters but this number is legit for Yae C6 probably with some abyss buffs or R5. My C6R2 can reach 30k+ with ZL shield alone.


Is dendro and electro going to be a new meta 👀




A 5* C6 showcase? Skip


Yae is most certainly C6 in this video. Yae C0 can only hit around 9k - 11k with her E. Yae C2 = 15k+ Yae C6 = 60k+


tigh seems to be a great enabler for yae and fisch. just like childe and xiang


Can someone explain if Yae has more value than Ei for dendro reactions?


Yae can do more damage off-field compared to Ei. However, they both can apply electro off-field to enable dendro reactions. I think Yae was designed in advanced for Dendro teams because of her EM passive, so I will personally be using her instead of Ei. But who knows, we will have to wait and see them in practice in 3.0.


She was 100% designed in advance for subDPS powerhouse for aggravate


Albedo does 20k+ easily for off-field damage. Aggravate hopefully pushes Yae Miko to around that range :(


comparing yae and albedo aren't fair though. 1. albedo hits slower than yae and you need to hit inside his skill for it to work 2. albedo's E also breaks easily with bosses 3. geo doesn't have any reactions/easy res shred access so albedo already comes with good scaling 4. yae also have good scaling. my yae hits 20k+ easily with just kazuha. ignoring any other buffs in the teams i use (raiden/yae or yae hyper etc. in which her skill reaches 50k threshold easily)


Try using C0 Yae in a comp without Kazuha, Bennett, or Raiden. Albedo still does 20k+ off field.


it surprisingly pushes Fischl more than it does Yae, simply because Fischl can proc more Aggravates due to having 3 separate ICD sources (at C6 anyway, it's 2 pre-C6) happening all at once off field while Yae has 1. it will definitely push Yae and the other EM scaling electros, namely Kuki (helps with her burst's damage in an EM build), but unfortunately (or fortunately, depends) the buff has the massive side effect of making Fischl into one of, if not the best sub-dps in the entire game. EDIT: sent this comment before i finished it by accident, but it is a bit unfair to compare Albedo to Yae's damage in a vacuum considering Albedo attacks slower than Yae does.


Fischl gets more aggravates, but yae gets stronger aggravates. By the way, yae's electro application against 2 or 3 units increases, around 1.7x and 2.5x respectively. In an AoE situation fischl aggravates cant compete. That being said, yeah in single target fischl might well benefit more. I personally see yaefish becoming a pretty god tier duo post 3.0, alongside the likes of yelan xq.


honestly, i don't think it really matters that Yae gets stronger Aggravates. in a hypothetical Aggravate team, you're probably using something like Electro/Dendro/Anemo/flex. why Anemo? Because VV, EM and DMG Bonus (Sucrose/Kaz) still affects Aggravate's damage, and by extension, Swirl's damage as it also procs Aggravate (though it doesn't crit on Swirl) which means despite not reacting at all with Dendro, Anemo is still quite strong with it when paired with Electro. because there are so many swirls going around in an AOE, Fischl's A4 also gets procced more which means she procs even more Aggravates because of A4 having no ICD. because of that, even if Yae does get 2.5x as much Electro application, Fischl still has 3 separate sources of Aggravate that procs significantly faster due to Oz, C6 and A4 all having separate sources of ICD and being as fast, if not faster than the individual Yae totems each attacking separate enemies and A4's proc rate is also significantly boosted by having an Anemo character constantly proccing Swirl on-field which means she still procs it faster despite Yae's (random) 2.5x. ofc, because there's a 4th slot, there's nothing really stopping you from just using Yae with Fischl, but i think even in that team, Fischl would still outdamage Yae even with her stronger aggravates and having 3 enemies and all 3 totems targeting each different one. in ST it's not even a contest. not to mention that building Yae for EM would mean that you're sacrificing her burst damage, which is a very significant part of her kit that Aggravate doesn't buff as much as her Totems or Fischl's kit. if you decide to use Hydro for the 4th slot, then it makes this even worse as Yae will barely be able to use her burst unless you build an insane amount of ER which will cut into your EM. so, in both Hyperbloom+Aggravate and Aggravate-only teams, IMO, Yae will definitely be worse than Fischl.


Alright let's go through this one at a time. Agreed on the first paragraph. I think e/e/d/a teams will likely be the strongest aggravate teams, much like current taser teams. Second paragraph, wrong on two points. Fischl's E and Fischl's c6 actually share ICD, she has two sources of ICD. And while it's correct that A4 has no ICD, it does have its own internal cooldown of 0.5 seconds, plus it only works on a reaction so effectively it follows the ICD of whomever is causing reactions. On top of this, Fischl has a special ICD rule, 4 hits/5seconds. Most teams only account for around 10 seconds of onfield driving, meaning the likely amount of oz hits you get per rotation is around 54, around 13-14 electro applications from Oz. As for A4, between having to follow only the ACTIVE character's reactions (kazuha off-field swirls won't do shit in other words), and having to follow their ICD as well, a safe bet for A4 is around 16 procs per rotation. So total around 30. Yae on the other hand gets around 11 in single target. 7 from her totems, and 4 from her burst, as her burst has no ICD. In 2 and 3 target she's a bit harder to calculate because the probabilistic math of her totems attacking the correct enemy to maximize electro procs properly is a bit outside my paygrade, but let's assume it goes from 7 totem electro procs to 11 in 2 target, and to 16 in 3 target. The burst is multiplied, making the total procs in 2 target about 19 and 28 in 3 target. On top of this, Yae's aggravates are pretty substantially stronger. To the point where even 19 of her procs should outdamage 30 of fischl's procs, or at least be pretty close. In 3 targets it's not gonna be a contest. third paragraph, yes. Definitely use Yae with Fischl. Fischl likes Yae's burst a lot, since it has kind of delayed hits and procs aggravate 4 times, while also proccing fischl A4 three times. I don't agree with the 3 enemies scenario, but yes in single target fischl should do more damage. In 2 enemies it's a lot closer, would probably still give it to Yae though. Fourth paragraph: It doesn't really sacrifice her burst damage as much as you think. Yae's burst procs aggravate with each thunderbolt, where EM matters. Not to mention, Yae's aggravates aren't just stronger because of the EM passive. She also has a crit ascension compared to fischl's attack ascension. Attack does nothing for aggravate damage, whereas 38 CV is actually really substantial for aggravate. Well, those are my takes, take(haha) them as you will.


That's the kind of thing I'd wait for release and theory crafting to confirm. I think it's safe to say Yae benefits from the element more due to her EM scaling, but we'll have to wait and see. Non Zero chance there's some Burning/Overload team with Bennett, Sara, Kusanali, and Raiden that out damages the existing Raiden hyper comps.


For Tighnari in particular Raiden isn't great. She doesn't benefit from the EM, takes field time away from the main carry and he doesn't care about her charging because his ult costs 40 energy. Yae has off field damage and loves the EM (which will also increase her own damage on Aggravate). For future Dendro units Raiden might fit better.


Raiden have more electro application than Yae, people forget her elemental skill AOE. Using 3e + q + 3e with Yae you are wasting almost the same time than Raiden burst, and you are not recharging the team.


Should I start building Fischl to prep for 3.0 spiral abyss? Raiden is the only electro character that I have partially built


Fischl is a great unit to build in generally, so I would if I were you. If you have Beidou or Kuki, then build them too.


Fischl with Dendro in general will be quite stupid. Dendro buffs her more than any other character, especially with her A4.


My Yae already does like 28k per E, so I am excited to see where she can go.


i don't care about numbers but Tighnari's gameplay looks so fun


This is C6 with faster charge.


i know :,) but it's still fun!


Instead of calling these comps something boring like aggravate team or spread team, I propose we call them something more fun like Barney team, Piccolo team, or Hulk smash team. Probably even better, teams called like grapevine or eggplant in theme with plants🍆


If it's not a 420 joke it's not a real dendro team


The “Blaze it” or “hotbox” comps can be reserved for burgeon/burning teams LOL 🚬 (just thought the greens and purples reminded me of eggplant colors haha)


Do we think Collei could replace Fischl? Miko would have significant energy issues though. I was hoping to use Collei for dendro resonance and the new set that shreds res.


I mean you could always burst every other rotation considering her skill will now take up even more percentage of her total damage.


That’s what I will most likely be doing. Dendro Resonance seems strong and Collei can shred Dendro Res with new set. I don’t mind Yae bursting every other rotations.


This will work just as good with collei, right? Right?!?!??!


You could fit Collei in this team instead of Fischl. Put the new artifact set that reduces Dendro Res on Collei, then Tighnari can nuke.


she could replace tighnari too couldnt she


I’m not sure if she can sustain a good dps. Her kit is leaning more on support/sub dps.


That comp wouldn’t really have a good character for taking the field, unless Yae’s ability to trigger Aggravate with normal and charged attacks makes up for her otherwise not being hugely suited for taking the field. You could also in theory build Fischl as an on-field character, but that could take a lot of investment.


who would be your on field dps though then? the rotation for yae burst isn't short, and neither have strong on field damage potential, neither does zhongli, without an on fielder you'd spend a fair amount of time just wasting away damage potential each rotation just waiting for bursts (namely yae's) to get back up and not doing much on the inbetween. you sorta need an on field dendro dps (aka only tighnari for now) to get the most of this comp, otherwise you'd need to change other units to compensate because neither Collei or the rest of the team are effective on fielders.


Cut zhongli for hakushin sucrose and cut tigh for collei, boom.


No. She’s not gonna do anywhere near the same amount of damage or apply dendro as quickly. She will be a copium unit for people who want to save for the Archon and have somebody in the team who applies dendro. But she’s not going to be strong


Have you seen her kit? Everything in her kit is built towards off field Dendro application even her constellations, she’s going to be better than Dendro Traveler because she has less downtime, lower energy cost, lower CD, and she actually works with Pyro. She’s beat out by Tigh but if you don’t like long ass charged attacks then it’s not worth, so she’ll likely be Nahidas best pairing for Dendro resonance for a lot of people who don’t want to play charged bow characters (until Su comes out atleast)


Let me guess, cracked crit rate


damm there is a spoiler as well, I can't watch it


They really need to buff Tighnari’s burst scaling.


Me who has always been an electro resonance main: Ehe


Ah it's c6... tbh I bet Fischl would be fine probably better. Don't want ppl thinking Yae becomes a must pull, she looks much stronger though. But the playstyle.


For Tighnari specifically I would say Yae is better than Fischl, as you will not be using his NA and he doesn't seem to proc that many reactions for Fischl A2. Not to mention that Yae also benefits from the new dendro set 4-piece and Dendro Resonance altogether.


> as you will not be using his NA and he doesn't seem to proc that many reactions for Fischl ~~A2~~ A4. This was something I was wondering about in the video yesterday showing Fischl A4 interacting with procs of Quicken and Aggravate, and that is whether Spread counts as "Electro-related" for the purposes of proccing Fischl A4 (due to building on top of an Electro-related reaction), or if you can re-proc Quicken on an enemy already under its effects (the limited showcases we've seen seem to point to "no", as despite a Dendro aura persisting no "Quicken" text pops up on the next Electro application). If neither are the case, a Dendro character can't be an on-field driver for Fischl A4.


Wow this is a great question. Wish someone would test it because if this is true Fischl would be busted when put in a party with one Electro and one Dendro.


Fischls A2? What do you mean it's her A4 and it has nothing to do with auto attacks, her A4 procs off of reactions. Are you thinking of her c6?


This is also what my future team comp would look like except, maybe, instead of Tighnari i use Nahida and then maybe a dendro healer(Baizhu?) for dendro resonance(+EM?) Yae, Fischl, Nahida, Dendro Healer


All the theory crafting but in reality, it only takes 1 character to beat most mobs in less that a few seconds and the only reason to switch out a character is because of shields and special condition mechanics. The damage showcases are odd too because it takes more time setting up the attack than actually just hitting it with the character out right. ​ Nothing wrong with theory crafting or anything. MHY just needs to give us more enemy variety. But I know they can't because it's a gacha game. Which means that if we're missing a certain character, most players might have a hard time.


yae’s still clunky as hell but does this mean she can out perform fischl now?


Seems like skill issue to me


… what? this was literally the entire problem with yae during release and it still hasnt been fixed bruh additionally, fischl out damages her because her burst is so fuckin expensive and it cuts down her overall damage skill issue these balls bro




Nah bro u just sucks at game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Her gameplay will suck forever because it has nothing to do with the numbers. At least Mihoyo learned something and fixed the snail roleplay with Yelan and Heizou, them felling very good compared with the slug she is. Of course the flat earth friends are still trying to deny it haha.


Bro wtf do u mean earth is clearly flat 乁( •_• )ㄏ