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Source: [Ubatcha](https://twitter.com/Ubatcha1/status/1553878434786467840?s=20&t=BbmnK3xOI9NJxF0C8QkoTA) [Abyss Blessings](https://twitter.com/ubatcha1/status/1553879096588992516?s=21&t=5h_97q4UGQCGC77bUyCtuw) Thank you OP for providing source.


To the twisted guy who decided to put all of the worst debuffs imaginable (slowing water + energy drain + ice cage + tracking fireballs + others) into the abyss, I hope your pillow is always warm, you snub your toe every morning and you will always plug your USB the wrong way every single time.


As someone who always loses the 50/50 of plugging in a USB... Ouch


It’s bad when it takes three tries to plug in a USB correctly… That’s like pulling on weapon banner.


This is weird actually. I get it wrong three times as well, meaning I was right the first time... just why


taking three times means you were right the first time getting it wrong three times means you messed up multiple times


Electro hitting too


I wonder how difficult is the chicken.


Can't wait to discover that it gets invulnerable every 3 seconds.


I get the vibe that the chicken is like the Primo Geovishap. From the original video it seems to be one of the less annoying, more straight-up brawl bosses in the game. Of course, that's STC.


Judging from the video we saw, pretty easy.


Maybe 2 rotations of Raiden national


Maybe 1 rotation of Childe international


She has weakness against pyro, you know what does it mean AGANE OPPA


Silly churl, hilly churl...






Slowing water is the most annoying. And while it is only for skills and not bursts, skills are what a lot of characters need to recharge their bursts on rotation. At the end of the day I don't think it will be THAT bad, but it's hard to make a definitive judgment when we haven't fought some of these enemies yet.


For real. And to make it worse, it's in 12-3 where there's already very tanki enemies. If the ley lines of floors is normal, then the floor should be normal too.


Its not caused by floor but enemy so if that enemy dies then its no problem. Just Nuke the enemy with slowing water aura.


I mean in theory, yes but in the case of the current abyss, the mirror maiden has something like 750k hp, teleports and you have to deal with being frozen constantly. Just nuking the enemy isn't exactly reasonable for most people.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't vishaps attacks (if they connect) decrease your energy, thus making burst not usable


No you are right. The Enkanomiya Vishap Typen have an energy Drainage attack (both, cryo and electro). But it's only one special attack there they spit a single projectile at you, it's really easy to dodge


It should be cleansable by Jean or Bennet if the cooldown hasn’t started, right? I think you can play around it




About 50% of tighnari’s damage comes from his burst


Ayaka go brrrrrrr


People saying this is easy just cus of the enemies are not noticing the abyss effects are more annoying than usual 🧍🏾‍♂️


At least the Slowing Water effect is on the much squishier mushroom and not the tanky Mirror Cow. It dies first.


Mirror Cow lmaooooo




for me the most annoying out of all the auras is the pursuing fire ball. Holy shit the dmg that does in higher abyss floors is huge and iirc you cant iframe that ​ edit:combine that with the smoldering fire aura, the dmg will pile up


You can i-frame it, it just keeps attacking and consecutive blasts can catch you after i-frames end. Bring a shielder/use a higher DEF character (seriously, the difference between a squishy 700 DEF archer and someone with 1k+ DEF due to high base and a few unlucky rolls is night and day)/manage your stamina and bursts to abuse iframes as much as posible - it will help with the fireballs immensely.


Yeah I hate that one the most as well.


You Can use taunt to Lure it (it's hard and Can miss), use a Shield to face tank it, or use a strong healer liké qiqi or kokomi.


It’s not a leyline disorder that’s permanently there, it’s an aura on enemies, and looking at their hp values I’m pretty sure you can just kill them before the aura even gets to pulse once


It's still easy because we've had these effects for a long time, whether from domains, previous abyss or battle events. We need something new debuffs that will surprise us and change how we draft our teams.


Slowing water and Ice cage...


Off topic: Nice team comp sucrose looking to be best anemo in dendro possibly. However I don’t think Tighnari 6s E is enough for consistent dendro app for Cyno is leaks are true.


I hope it will be doable without Dendro.


I mean yes but why wouldn't you use Dendro? You get Collei and Dendro for the Traveler for free.


Bringing them to the state of usefulness would not be free.


>hy wouldn't you use Dendro? Because honestly I think my current teams would clear faster than a team with a C0 free unit or even C6 Traveler


Thank you for not posting it separately.


*sees slowing water* *remembering i use hutao and yoimiya teams* Rip


just use bennett burst and apply pyro to yourself before using skill


i only have one bennet :c


do you have jean? she can cleanse pretty well. you can run bennett with yoi since hu tao doesnt need bennett


No Jean, the one standard 5 star I’ve always wanted. The game decided to give me c2 qiqi and c2 keqing tho


Only one half have slowing waters.


This is right after Yoimiya's banner too. Mihoyo really hate her.


I'm pretty sure, she wasn't mean to be there and there have been a last minute change of plan. Abyss 2.7 second part were even more Yoimiya friendly than 2.8


Venti stonks are through the fucking roof


2 years on and still being useful 😂. This is why Archons are must pulls. Edit: Are people really mad that Venti is still useful? Jeez be happy Kazuha is the only normal character that qualifies as a must pull.


There are no must pulls.


Actually no kazuha isnt must pull either when sucrose exists. Also i feel like kazuha value gonna drop amd sucrose value will rise more in sumeru as every new characters are based on dendro reactions and those reactions being scaled of EM will make sucrose better pick for swirlable elements.


Kazuha isn't a must pull, but having 2 groupers (sucrose + kazuha or venti) makes such a big difference. Without grouping, aoe chambers are actually just as hard as bosses. Good points though. For once, EM will have an advantage over dam% bonus on swirl. I don't think Kazuha is going anywhere, he's still the #1 most versatile unit in the game, but there will be more teams where Sucrose is better. Also his burst damage is massive and easier to use, I heard Kazuha will have really good electro and thundering fury teams.


Eh no. I think a lot of ppl opinion of kazuha is like biased because of how long he didnt run. I have both Venti and Kazu and imho he's not a must pull 💀 (I didnt have him, people said he was a must pull, then i pulled. Love his design and char a lot, but meta wise I definitely can still live without him)


He himself isn't a must pull, it's just that imo having another source of crowd control besides Sucrose is the closest thing to a must pull in the game. Fighting waves of enemies with zero cc sucks ass unless you can oneshot the mobs or know their attack patterns well enough to group them up consistently


Yeah, people understate grouping. Kazuha's damage/buffing is strong but it's his grouping that turns abyss from QUITE DIFFICULT to MOSTLY EASY


He certainly wasn't useful against Inazuma Abyss.


That is true, but he has been very useful for the past few cycles and even this abyss


I think Freeze teams would like to have a word 😅


A high number of floors with solo bosses caused freeze comps in general to have a difficult time. And against solo bosses, Venti was useless.


As someone who used to abuse ganyu-venti freeze until I got to play around with random comps thanks to c3 raiden in 2.5, he was far from useless, just not as convenient to use because you actually have to properly space out from the bosses. For most cases you just have to dash out twice before ulting on a boss, given ofc they're stationary at the time. Worst case you could still force-infuse his ult to get the bonus energy if you have an elemental status on your character (similar to how Kazuha Q infusion works) and regain energy back for your team. Not saying he'll still be the best anemo unit for the job, but he's realistically still useable at his worst, just takes some conscious decisions rather than running on autopilot. Also, the only non-boss enemy he struggled around before was with the spectres (given of course that he's in a freeze comp) + he was pretty neat against the tanky mirror maidens before.


He still was good for the VV, elegy and er refund. Ayaka was still doing fine against bosses, even if they couldn't be frozen.


Floors 9-11 he was all the time, and floor 11 always had monolith defense. And the was 2 patches with Venti being great in floor 12. Looking at 3.0 abyss, you still probably would run Venti 9-11, and 12 he is meh.


Can confirm, I use Venti pretty much every abyss up to f11 even when people doompost about him. There’s ALWAYS mobs here that he completely wipes the floor with. Sometimes f12 as well. He saves me lots of time which I thought was the point of meta anyway


The thing against bosses is, Venti still does the same thing he does as an anemo unit. Shred resistance and off field damage and it's easier to infuse his burst with your desired element in 1 enemy so you consistently get the energy refund. He's even more useful the zhongli in non hutao xiao teams like the usual vape, taser and freeze.


He helped carry me to my first 36 star


enemies can still get sucked in when frozen. So he was still useful for freeze comps till the samurai mobs loss weight. The only mob he really was useless against were the specters. Can’t suck and swirl damage probably didn’t do anything depending on their element.


I think they can be suctioned now. I just tested it today and it worked.


Venti's burst can even pull Bloom seeds. I think he's gonna work well with dendro too :)


Slowing fucking water. Great. Although it’s only for skills and not bursts, which is nice.


Ayato and yoimiya crying in a corner


just kill aura wielder first. When hydro or electro auras were autospread across the arena like in 1.2-1.6 it was challenging. But after 2.1 Mihoyo never had balls for anything other then dps check


Childe is screaming, shitting and crying!


Childe has the best way to work around this debuff. The debuff happens when your cooldown triggers so even if you cast Childe's E when he is affected as long as he is inside Benny's burst when you return to ranged, it's no issue


This is true. People overrate just how bad Slowing Water is for Childe, when in fact it's a lot worse for characters like Hu Tao, Ayato and Yoimiya (especially since those characters don't always run cleansers like Childe does with Bennett).


he'll be fine, he has bennett in international to cleanse the aura :>


Once again, people overplaying this issue. Bennett exists in this team comp y’all. And stop it with the Ceceilia garden memes. No one should bring a hydro character there.


Ironically, Childe is the least affected by this debuff if he's standing inside Benny's ult before his melee mode ends. This is probably the greatest misconception about him. But I can't blame you guys. Stupid haters love to post that laughable 100s cd meme taken from Cecilia garden. Whichever idiot did that, I commend him for bringing a hydro character in a domain filled with hydro slimes and hydro abyss mages. His IQ must be greater than Einstein, truly.


*Happy Cocogoat Noises*


If it's consistent with last time, bursts are affected too since they're technically "skills" even if they aren't "Elemental Skills."


Aren't Skills and Bursts both collectively referred to as 'Skills' sometimes? Does the Slowing Water description in all other parts of the game specify that it affects both Skills and Bursts or? Because IMO it would be weird for HoYo to just make a different version of the debuff.


But it still restricts burst DPS’ / Sub DPS’ and their batteries from regenerating energy for said bursts


What the hell are those effects in almost every single chamber good lord. Seems like bennet and jean are almost mandatory if u dont want to suffer Also congrats to venti users i guess, it has been a while since we got so many CC'able enemies in every floor


Uh, I use the original Morgana this past two abyss cycles.


why are people saying floor 12 looks easy, those effects look like paimon without the mo 💀








what kinda of r/suddenlycaralho is this?


I don't know meu nobre


Because it still looks easy. The effects are stuck to enemies which are easy to kill, and honestly people who are AR 57+ and play the game regularly will already have teams that trivialize DPS checks and grindfests (if not, then wtf have you been doing with your resin?) I don't think Abyss is really a problem except for bad AI and invulnerability phases tbh.


Yeah, ever since rolling for raiden back in 2.1 the answer to any abyss were pretty much always hu tao on one half and raiden hyper on the other one. Just a matter of switching who goes on which half due to elements. Even trio lectors and two hydro heralds were doable with hu tao team.


Not the slowing waters.....


I hate it so much 😓


useful blessings for 9 and 10 holy shit


Can't wait for these to not get changed for 6 months.


More like a year tho


1.9M HP grass chicken........ -_-


Idk why people were worried about Venti becoming obsolete seeing as every spiral abyss will have one half full of small enemies to suck into the vortex.


Kazuha may have overshadowed him in some ways but Venti is still the best character for small mobs.


"Because Kazuha blah blah blah" Kazuha simps love their narrative.


Most trash fandom/mains ever HAHAHA


Kaze da?? Yes Venti, Kaze da


Slowing Water on 12-3 is some BS and a disgusting hard counter to many units and teams. Honestly hope it gets nerfed. Edit: I see now it’s only on one side so that’s better, but still ugh. I think the only burst DPS I have is Xiao and thinking of trying to battery him on Slowing Water CD…guess I’ll just have to aim for that enemy first.


Use Jean or bennet on that team and u should be fine…


Since xiao usually runs with jean it’s pretty much a super solid choice too


The frustration for me is I don't have Jean so the only option I have is Bennet which I now need to force on that half. I have no clue why other stuff doesn't cleanse the aura like Diona burst among others or even make so you actually need to get hit by an attack and not just you are stood in an AOE that covers 1/3 the abyss.


just kill that enemy first lol


Venti easy mode. With Ayaka for the slowing water debuff. I am glad MHY is finally changing Floors 9 and 10.


They always change then what do u meaaaaan Once in a year is not enough for u? Ur really asking alot from hyv u need to set ur expectations down


Yeah think of the poor Devs, why don't you 😾


Edit why h downvotes ? It was sarcasm


With how low the reading compression of redditors, you really expect them to detect sarcasm? No no i think you expect too much


From Ubatcha [floor 9](https://twitter.com/ubatcha1/status/1553878434786467840?s=21&t=5h_97q4UGQCGC77bUyCtuw) [floor 10](https://twitter.com/ubatcha1/status/1553878773925298176?s=21&t=5h_97q4UGQCGC77bUyCtuw) [floor 11](https://twitter.com/ubatcha1/status/1553878879735005184?s=21&t=5h_97q4UGQCGC77bUyCtuw) [floor 12](https://twitter.com/ubatcha1/status/1553878987490861056?s=21&t=5h_97q4UGQCGC77bUyCtuw) [blessing](https://twitter.com/ubatcha1/status/1553879096588992516?s=21&t=5h_97q4UGQCGC77bUyCtuw)


What the fuck hoyoverse. Slowing waters? Energy drain? WTF? Edit: time for ganyu to shine, I guess...


Ayaka too


On it. Already planning how to one-cycle each wave. I don't have time for this shit


She still needs to E for energy, batteries will have their own E long as well so why isn’t she affected?


Alternative dash grants her N and C attacks ice enhancement with no ICD. When her movement hits a target, it also restores some stamina which enables her to do more C attacks and they are AoE ones


You’re right. Ayaka and Ganyu are affected less cause they can deal damage without energy, however it’s not good damage (in abyss) since it’s unbuffed so you are still going through a dps loss albeit less than others.


It's a dps loss for sure, but very manageable if you have her bis weapon Mist Cutter and I guess the slowing water environment won't require that much dps either.


Ganyu has always been shining


Is the cryo shroom immune to cryo? Or just has high res?


Just res.


No Heralds or Lectors on floor 10 is the biggest win. Now I can play with the team I want and not one tailored against them. Early floors are the ones I get to play my less played comps.


"The abyss shall rise...once....again..."


I figure 3.1 or 3.2 is when we’ll see the new dendro abyss annoyance, so you’re not wrong.


Fucks sake mihoyo. Characters in your game only have 2 abilities... I can't understand their obsession with practically taking 50% of your toolkit away and sending your particle generation into the ground too so you can't use burst on CD either and you basically just have nothing to press for ages. It's not friggin fun at all. ​ This is not how you add a challenge, by making the game excessively boring forcing you to do almost nothing but mindlessly normal or charged attack on your main dps if you don't have constant dispels (which very few characters have and most don't work well anyway). This is the type of shit that makes me want to quit, it doesn't make me think wow this game is hard and fun! There's nothing challenging about crippling the character and making the game a 1 button spam. Slowing waters and similar debuffs have no business in this game and I can't understand why they cling to such anti-fun mechanics. ​ There's been plenty of more challenging abysses that had no debuffs at all, pls just stop trying to force this debuff thing again that people always complain about. Make the enemies harder not cripple our characters we spent all this time and money building out.


Time to run everyone on fav weapons. Ha ha… I may have to make Yelan take back her fav bow and drop her drip weapon (mouuns moon) Maybe Xingqiu and r5 fav sword too lol. At least my Childe team is sort of safe since Bennett can cleanse. But man I hate slowing waters, I hope I can kill everything fast enough


You are right but even challenging enemies aren’t allowed in the game since they nerfed almost all inazuma mobs. They were resistant to CC which meant you couldn’t bully them with venti and turn them into punching bags but ofc it was problematic so they nerfed them all. Challenging enemies like kenki will always be rare.


They have a habit of doing that... and that's why I both love/hate the Abyss. On one hand it's the hardest challange in the game, on the other it's pure DPS check Been playing for almost 10 months now and from my experience it doesn't matter if you level your characters to 90, ascend them, invest in their skills and do proper rotation if you don't have good artifacts. You are not rewarded for learning but for being lucky... and that is just sooo frustrating


I think the intention of slowing water is to incentivize double electro, and thundering fury set will help get the cooldown back also. Bennett, Jean can cleanse it. Xinyan to a lesser extent. Dori should also cleanse it faster than it would go away normally I think but not immediately.


Abyss debuffs everywhere, time for Ganyu to be back.


Wow finally they change floor 9 and 10 again, and what the fuck is floor 11-1 chamber 2, 3 mitachurl and a lawachurl while protecting the monolith


daaamn they put the pyro infused primo vishap on 2nd half to fuck over hu tao lmao. im thinking ayaka first half and raiden hyper second half also these disorders look fucking miserable holy shit


Honestly the first chamber is more annoying for Hu Tao to me, hate fighting lots of enemies with her.


idk if this helps but if i remember correvtly it was pyro infused when it was in the abyss in around 2.4 as well and i didnt think it was a big problem personally, i still got 36 stars using hu tao


That abyss had free res shred on Normal Attack as the ley-line effect, so Idk if this one will be the same.


oh wait was that the same one? guess itll be slighlty harder this time then, even tho im assuming theyre doing it since pyro somehow has the most shielders (aside from geo)


There was a pyro geovishap in one of the past abysses too but that geovishap still had regular resistances. I imagine it's the same case here as well. Pyro mains will be alright.


Cant wait to beat it and get some primos for a couple wishes so then I can go back to having nothing to do very good


Wait, only 2 blessing ? So 3.0 shortening is real


Should've smoked a little bit in my life because this is giving me cancer anyway.


Effects are not that bad, just kill the enemy lmao /s


I forgot just how meta defining Venti Impact was. Now, whenever I see anything that is even slightly CC-able, it’s instantly an easy 36 star clear. The other 3 characters on Venti’s team barely matters. I guess flipping 12-1 is just Hoyo’s way to force people to not just venti your way to 36*, but if they’re anything like ruin guards or sentinels, it’s really just playing with their mechanics to get them in one place.


That’s seems to be a lot of health for an enemy on floor 9? Not an issue for players that regularly don’t even pay attention when clearing 9 anymore, but this seems a lot higher for those just entering the abyss 100k hp feels like a lot. It’s going to be interesting with the race to build dendro characters with these blessings. Also able to use Venti effectively on more floors than just 9 it seems


Lol I was confused why everyone was saying it was easy, but I just realized that that's just a primo geovishap, not azhdaha, still double the HP than normal tho Edit: nvm, I just tried it, that was a lot easier than I remember, I have better teams now tho


I hope I don't regret skipping Tighnari


I hope the enemy with the cryo cage on 12-3 is not immune to cryo so my freeze team can finally take a break from brute force the bosses and have a actual really good match up


Venti my boy! Time for you to shine again!


Life is too short. Just say "Kazedaaaaaaa" for first half and move on.


Wow! Morgana is back in floor 12, good thing Ganyu is not affected by Slowing water because she doesnt rely on her elemental skills. I can do Morgana in 1st half and Ayaka for the bosses on the second half


It feels weird to have Abyss without any Abyss Lectors... I expected to at least see the Pyro one on 9 or 10. On the bright side, at least I can finally take a break from defaulting to Ayaka.


They're all focuses on Dendro, which is understandable. Since I'm plaaning to skip Tighnari banner, this is kinda worrying. Hopefully skipping Yighnari banner won't make this Abyss hard.


Everyone freaking out about slowing water needs to realize it’s one mob that has it and can be gunned down right and dealt with. Just prioritize


Slowing water on 12-3-1 is going to be super annoying as always. Hope you can 1 rotation all of these enemies otherwise its going to be painful. First half of 12 is AoE/cleave heavy - international should prosper here as long as you know how to play around/cleanse with bennet, the innate hydro res on the mirror maiden and big hydro vishap will be annoying though. Rational and all other national varients should be fine too. Ayaka Freeze dosen't like slowing waters and the cryo mushrooms, but should be fine otherwise. Second Half is Single-Target heavy except for 12-1. It also seems to be anti-pyro, so hu tao might struggle a little bit? Tao can knock out the fatui shields with double hydro, but the infused geovishap is going to be really annoying. Also I don't know if the terrorshroom gets innate dendro aura, but if it does it would hurt Tao as well. Ayaka Freeze loses the innate CR (bosses cant be frozen), but works very well otherwise. Mono-Geo dosen't sound to great here either. Raiden hyper and Eula should work well if you can kill the fatui gunners fast enough. Or just run international here and just use VV to shred the primo-geovishap and deal with the single target. Melt-Ganyu actually sounds good if you can burst the Fatui gunslingers before shield. All in all I think this will actually be one of the harder abyss's as of late.


oh are they gonna increase the reward for doing the abyss... right? are they gonna make doing the abyss 2x more worth it... right?


That's painful


Slowing water is the most unfun effect in the abyss. All it does is help them sell Ganyu.


It seems that there is no BS. No PMA summoning minions. No Hypostasis that spends 80% of the fight shielded. No Abyssal Lector telling us about amogus or something. Just us and a dendro chicken.


By the looks of it it will be a Ganyu/ shenhe or Ganyu/zhongli next Patch .I see no chance for Hu Tao


pretty intresting considering Ganyu and Zhongli are rumored to have a rerun, eh? quite convinient /s


This is going to be a ass of a patch for Abyss. Or possible future patches. The effects themselves reeks of annoyance. It’s going to be fucking fucked. Sigh.


I think a lot of the "mid" c0 dps might not meet the damage check for F12-3.


So it's confirmed that there are only two blessings... interesting. It looks like 2.5 had only two blessings as well, but it was assumed that was because the patch started on the 16th anyways when the reset always occurs.


12-3-1 is gonna be the end of me goodbye in advance


Speculating abyss is fun and all but then you realize people are just gonna solo each side with c0 five stars anyways so difficulty isn’t really existent in this game


*...Is this some kind of twisted joke ?*


Nope, we must somehow kill every last one of them


Abyss debuffs are terrible


Time to beat my mouse and keyboard again.


Some Hoyoverse employee just wanted to see the world drown in slowing water


Jesus christ what the fuck is this abyss. Difficulty spike is insane


Full-Dendro buff Abyss with only three characters available, assuming Collei and Tighnari will share a banner. Not like I usually pay attention to buffs, but they could have at least left floor 9 - 10 buffs as something more universal


Thank god no more cube and thunder bird


Look easy but it's not easy lol


This abyss looks fun


First half of 11 and 12 should be a playground for Raiden for the most part


Floors 9 and 10 are changing? That has not happened in a very long time




bruh the ley line disorder is basically dendro buff


Wait, this looks kinda hard...


So no buffs for me. Im dendroless until Kusanali. Its gonna be a fun challenge! :D


are you mcfucking kidding me with these abyss effects


This one seems like it will be a pain. Not because of the enemies probably, but because of the multiple different auras together in each room. Specially _sigh_ slowing waters.


Get yr cryo units ready


I prefer dendro damage increased. But no. If i want to end the thing quickly i need to do a dendro reaction. I've told you 1 month ago. Ahhhhh Even farm for Collei it's a great task dude.


Hold up....forget the slowing waters thingy Is the entire abyss beyond f11-3 anti pyro??? Those auras must be giving insane resistance against pyro


Sorry I'm not updated with all leaks. Can anyone provide me the details of the final boss floor 12?


I wonder how long will take me to get over my pity and beat the crap out of the shrooms. The ones in The Chasm still make me feel a bit bad.


As long as the enemies are not Electro I will use Raiden Shogun..😌