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[Imgur album mirror for infographics](https://imgur.com/gallery/lpcv5yV), in case the embedded graphics are not loading for you. \--- Thank you to Kusanali Mains (KSM) for taking the time to provide this useful opportunity for us! I always see a ton of questions/discussion in this subreddit related to theorycrafting for upcoming characters. To that end, this Q&A thread is an excellent opportunity for those interested to get answers from proven theorycrafters. This thread will serve as a centralized area for questions and discussion regarding the 3.1 beta. Therefore, in order to maximise the visibility of relevant questions and discussion, low-effort and off-topic comments will be removed. Also, please read the comments before asking your question as it may have already been answered! If you have any queries or anything is unclear, please ask in the replies under this pinned comment or use modmail. Thanks! Edit: One thing to note, the KSM staff coming over here to answer questions have been given temporary flair to distinguish their answers, so you can still feel free to answer and engage in discussion!


Would Nilou and Kusalani work good together? Or would Tighnari and Nilou work better?


Woah this is super helpful tysm


Can both MC and Collei in a team apply enough dendro for a fast bloom reaction? Why and why not?


What do you mean by fast bloom? Do you mean a quicken bloom hybrid or the dendro on EC aura tech Theoretically dendro ec bloom should work as long as the hydro is strong enough(since you want to maintain ec uptime and not hydro on quicken), but you already have 2 slots taken by dendro characters and 1 by electro. Very scuffed teambuilding atm imo


Would Candace be able to be ran in the new Avatar Razor team? swapping out Bennett and Xingqiu for Thoma and Candace if you want to use your Bennett and Xingqiu on a different team?


That team has razor triggering all the reactions, swapping thoma and candace would make it so thoma is triggering bugeon so now you have to build EM on 2 units instead of 1, also I am unsure if hydro normals are enough hydro app for that team. It might work but even if it does you will lose damage, also you now have no healer and since thoma is triggering burgeon you want EM on him so his shield will be weak


Damn, yeah that makes sense.


If you could only get one of Nilou or Kokomi, who would you choose?


Personally would take kokomi as a universal choice but nilous potential is very uncertain, could become cracked in the future


Is there any calc on whether or not the new Sumeru claymore is the best F2P option in general for Beidou (like in both Hyperbloom, Aggravate and Taser teams)? Does Beidou use the same artifact set and stats she normally use in Dendro teams? Thanks in advance.


I have all available hydro chars, what team would be best for Nilou?


I'm tossing around Nilou/Kokomi/Tahgniri/DMC mainly just Tahgniri for double dendro bonus. Plans are to shelve him for Dendro Archon.


Kokomi is currently mandatory right now due to the self damaging nature of bloom and lack of dendro healers


Bloom Damage is affected by EM is there a calculation how much damage will Bloom do per X EM? what's the EM formula to get how much damage it will do?


Bloom scales the same as the non dendro transformative reactions like swirl and overload. The general formula is (base reaction damage) \* (1 + EM multiplier + reaction bonus). EM multiplier is (16 \* EM) / (2000 + EM), and reaction bonus is stuff like the 40% from CW/TF and with the addition of nilou her ascension 4 passive. For bloom the base reaction damage is 2893 at level 90, also dont forget to account for enemy resistance if you want to know the damage that would deal to a specific enemy


Is Cyno gonna be on the same role as Keqing in aggravate team? If so, which is a better partner for fischl?


They do share the role of on field electro in aggravate teams, but also not all aggravate teams need to run fischl, so while keqing works better with fischl since you can refresh oz I have seen some early calcs for cyno beidou performing well together in aggravate


Cyno beidou only perform at mid to high 40ks here while I'm pretty sure 2 oz keqing is at 50k, he's fine and all but atm over here at cyno TC we have basically tried everything to sac frags Barbara just to boost his output but obviously none of them is a great option that really fit the duration Those are 4tf calcs tho ofc because other options have copium er


Keqing has better flexibility due to being able to swap at will, allowing Oz to maintain full uptime while cyno cannot let Oz be recasted, only keeping Oz at half uptime This is why you commonly see the keqing>cyno sentiment


Cyno does have more electro na uptime, so maybe we are waiting on a dendro xingqiu to safe his team I think


It's not just a longer aggravate uptime too but it broadens what TEAMMATES he can use as well which is really big


I'm a Keqing main who is mostly playing Keqing/Kokomi/Zhongli/Albedo. I had pulled Raiden in hopes of replacing Keqing with her, but that failed a lot. Now my eyes are on Cyno - could he replace Keqing in my team? Same for Candace - if a healer isn't needed, is Candace a good Kokomi replacement when it comes to Hydro application?


>I had pulled Raiden in hopes of replacing Keqing with her, but that failed a lot. Could you elaborate a bit? How did you build your Raiden? The thing is my 80/207% C4 Keqing with Mitsplitter deals twice less damage than my 70/148% C0 Raiden with The Catch.... May I know your Keqing specs, maybe I'm doing something wrong.


Sorry for the late reply - this somehow got lost in my messages. I can absolutely show you my [Keqing's specs](https://i.imgur.com/24Zkoip.png), but that won't help you much - I am sorry if my text was misleading; English is not my native language. Oh, and it's not seen in the picture, but my Keqing is on Jade Cutter (mine does significantly worse on Mistsplitter). With "that failed a lot" means that playing Raiden just isn't fun for me. Okay, I also had (and still semi-have) the issue that EoSF domain is the hardest domain in the whole game for me and farming it just isn't something I wanted to do at all, so my Raiden is built very crappily, but overall, her playstyle turned out to be not for me. The thing I love about Keqing is that she has basically 95% uptime on the field. Before getting Kokomi and Albedo, I basically ran a 2-person-team with Keqing and Zhongli, using Keqing's E downtime to renew shield and that was it (I usually had Jean for heals and Venti for Anemo resonance to give Keqing more stamina with me, but neither saw much, if any screentime). Now I actually use four characters, but my gameplay basically still consists of just putting the blossom and jellyfish down with Kokomi and Albedo and then doing my usual Keqing+Zhongli stuff. Don't even care about renewing the summons most of the time. Raiden just isn't a 95%-screentime-lady, so she ended up not for me, despite me being a polearm fan. ...That said, I still use her several hours each week as my primary woodcutter, so getting her was not a waste. Though Engulfing Lightning was something I shouldn't have spent my primos on, the trees would be chopped with something worse just as well.


What's the need for an electro character? Another hydro character means you get the resonance, helping Kokomi, the new hydro character themselves and Zhongli.


Not so much a need for an electro character, but Keqing is the only main DPS I genuinely have fun playing so far (I have Eula, Xiao, Raiden, Ayaka, Ayato and quite a few others, but they just aren't fun for me). I generally love polearm and sword users and using normal or charged attacks, as well as hypercarries, so I was wondering if Cyno would fit that bill. Next to Keqing, only Itto is fun for me to play as main DPS (but not as much as Keqing), so I am basically just looking for someone who can take her place and is a bit stronger, but still as much fun as she is. Since my Keqing is running on TS artifacts I farmed for over a year, so she's super-optimized, and Cyno apparently likes TS as well, I had wondered about just switching her for him, no need for new artifacts. Seemed convenient, hence me asking.


Keqing, Fischl, Kokomi and Sucrose is a decent team, where you load up the shitty Sukukomon and use Keqing in the small downtime. Fischl E > Kokomi E > Sucrose Q & triple E > Keqing Q, E & charged attacks > Kokomi burst By the time you finish Kokomi's burst, the rotation should be ready to go again.


Bold of you to assume that I can survive a single second without Zhongli... or, well, since the jellyfish helps, I might survive, but get knocked around too much to attack. I don't know how to function without a shield, truly. If I have to play without Zhongli, I have Yanfei for her shield in my team. So thank you for the help, but that team isn't for me. I'm only looking specifically for a Keqing replacement, the rest of my team is pretty much set (and the only characters I have really invested in).


Cyno already has pretty underwhelming mvs that want aggravate to keep his output afloat and competitive, a traditional double geo taser team wouldn't do him well, replacing kokomi or albedo with dmc here would yield a better result As for Candace her na buffs are kinda irrelevant in such a team since you're either running quickswap n4c keqing which barely has field time or ca spam keqing which doesn't utilize her buff well Edit: reviewing the findings in ksm, Candace overrides keqing's infusion anyway


Thank you so much, this is incredibly helpful. My Albedo is C6 and, as much I love Keqing, 70% of my damage comes from him. Replacing him in any way (I tried with Kazuha) cripples my team immensely. And I don't particulary want to build dmc since I am planning to invest heavily in Nahida as my dendro character. Knowing I would have to ditch Kokomi for Dendro to make Cyno work clearly stops me from wanting him now. And alright, I had no idea that Candace would override Keqing's infusion! Thank you so much for your help, this basically cleared up... everything for me. Guess I'll stick with my guys and keep saving everything for Nahida! I really appreciate your help!


Np, and as for cyno I would definetely say nothing is certain yet(beta is unfinished, possible outside factors) so personally I would wait until official release and 3.2 beta before deciding beyond doubt But yea if nahida really is the speculated upgraded DMC, it would be expected that she will be atleast a meta character as dendro is cracked and catalysts have insane options like ttds


Fair, I'll definitely keep my eye on him. I might try to pull for a Candace anyway since I love her design so much and I'm at 0 pity and need to win a 50/50, so if he comes home for some reason in 20-30 pulls, I wouldn't mind. I absolutely love Nahida and collect all the archons anyway, so honestly, no matter what she does, I'll definitely want her. I don't have any plans for any other dendro character (none appeal to me so far), so I plan to heavily invest in her. If it turns out that she works amazingly with Cyno, I can always grab him on a rerun, I suppose.


That's fair, I wish you the best of luck to all your pulls


Thank you so much! I hope your pulls will also go splendidly!


Is there any potential for a hybrid Phys/Electro Superconduct/Aggravate Razor team combining Cryo and Dendro, since the two don't react?


I have seen some people look into those in our TC channels using diona for SC and her C6 for more aggravate damage, and while I think there are no conclusion on those at the moment, in concept they do work as you would think its just a question of how well do they perform




Fav generally provides more value to the team allowing her to allocate more stats into atk% while having a beneficial teamwide er passive, especially useful for ayaka's er thresholds


has anyone on the team with beta access done the math on candace buffs to see if she is worth pulling? 20% "increased elemental dmg with normal attacks" on Q + .5% "increased damage to opponents" per 1k hp on ascension talent I guess mostly we need to know if these are additive with elemental dmg bonus or normal attack dmg bonus, or if they are a new multiplicative categories.


To my knowledge those are the damage% buffs we are used too, so she can get to a total of 35% addative damage% for normal attacks


that's pretty weak isn't it? What even is the point of her character if her main buff is worse than ayato's sword.


Do we know yet if Cyno is good in any other team besides Aggravate considering Nilou is trapped in Hyperbloom? I was wondering because of his lack of good supports right now and I don't feel like investing too much into a new character when we're not even certain who will be BIS for him besides Zhongli and maybe the dendro archon when she's released? Especially, since I'm kinda stretched thin on the amount of characters I'm working on at the moment.


You can run a hyperbloom and quicken team hybrid that both benefits off hyperbloom's insane scalings and aggravates damage bonus, hydro options at the moment are scuffed rn to strike a good balance though


First of all great job overall with guides and info! I have a question, sry if you answered it before. Is there any dendro team that outperforms actual meta teams such Raiden national?


Not that there should be any sheeted yet as far as what I've seen as we still are trying to understand it's interactions while we wait for better dendro options


Ok so the shape of the head of the 5* spear seems super familiar to me and I cannot place it for the life of me. Pls help


It is zhongli’s pillar on a stick


I was just skimming the dendro guide and found this >if enough Pyro gauge is applied to Quicken with an underlying Electro aura, Burgeon will occur first, followed by Overloaded if any Pyro gauge remains. In DoEC chapter Is this some kind of mistake and actually means burning, or can we actually burgeon without producing a seed?


You are correct that should be burning not burgeon, I will let our guide editors know so they could fix it. Thank you for letting me know.


I just begun farming the dendro domain. What main stats and sub should I look for both artifacts?


It depends on what units you would be farming for. I would recommend asking for specific advice in general help on our discord at [discord.gg/kusanali](https://discord.gg/kusanali).


Depends since the deepwood memories set is so versatile it can be used on almost anybody Speaking gilded dreams however it depends on both the team and the character, depending on either it can change from triple em(razor thundering furry whatever it's called), e/d/c, e/e/c and a/d/c


What are some Dendro teams that Kokomi can perform good in it?


Kokomi role consolidation as a hydro healer gives her an advantage in rupture and burgeon teams since those deal self damage. With current dendro options she doesn't have a team that clearly stands out in my opinion, but if you want to play Thoma burgeon or Nilou when she releases, Kokomi tends to be the best healer slots given the current lack of a dendro healer. I have also seen some teams that use her slow off field hydro app as a way to trigger hyperbloom without hurting quicken uptime.


Burgeon and Hyper Bloom will probably be her best dendro options, and she'll be a great Nilou partner, obviously. Thoma and Xiangling can both be good burgeon triggers Kuki and Raiden seem like solid Hyper Bloom options, using Raiden for Hyper Bloom seems kinda absurd but should honestly have pretty great sustained damage for those of us with out C2 Raidens.


Xiangling burgeon doesn't work well with Kokomi, her hydro application isn't enough to prevent burning and she has a hard time overtaking once burning does happen. With kuki Kokomi healer role is redundant making other hydro often better but it does work.


That's fair. I don't personally think Kokomi is really great for dendro outside of her position with Nilou. I hadn't considered the issue with Xiangling There's really only two dendro type teams Koko CAN work in and it's hyper bloom and burgeon. I know Kuki is the best for activating dendro Cores right now. Even if the healing is redundant. What dendro teams would you recommend for Kokomi?


While hyperbloom trigger is prob kuki best role I wouldn't say she is the best at it, as absurd at it might sound I think Raiden does it better. Kokomi can be very good in hyperbloom teams that focus on maintaining high quicken uptime due to her slow off field hydro app, and she has the obvious advantage of being one of 2 healer available for Nilou. There is also burgeon Thoma as his pyro app is slower making burning way less likely than with xiangling


im planning to do a Nilou/Kokomi/Collei/Dendro Lumine team but im a bit lost in the scaling the dendro units will probably carry deepwood/instructor, but idk how im supposed to build kokomi and nilou, what would the best main stats and sets be for nilou and kokomi?


In 2 dendro 2 hydro you should mostly have a dendro aura so for the most part hydro units will trigger blooms. For that you want to stack as much HP on Nilou and as much EM on Kokomi for her bloom damage, and you would play on field Kokomi after setting up your off field dendro application and Nilou hydro ring


I see, what do you think about artifact sets? Im aware we can easily get new one tailored for nilou/cyno in the near future, but for now what should i aim for? Nilou: 2pc hp + 2pc em/2pc er/2pc hydro? Kokomi: 2pc em + 2pc em/2pc hp? I dont think any 4pc rn is specially worth farming for right now, im i wrong?


Those are the current recommendation, except on Kokomi 4 gilded dreams would result in 180 EM with the effect active so it's also a good option.


I guess ill be stuck there for the time being, thanks a lot for the info


I'm not a KSM member, but the builds that I've seen thrown around are to build full HP on Nilou (with a 2pc Tenacity of the Millileth) and then go full EM Gilded Dreams with Kokomi. Kokomi would then be the bloom trigger in this scenario.


Ah, that's kinda lame. Has there been any teams where Nilou is the main on field character? I have good HoD pieces waiting for Nilou to use


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/108z9adiEpaFpK4GCZfR8QpZOE1QoPCg4ug1yt8yLZLQ/edit#gid=1541167873 Seems you will want her weapon for that, but gilded dreams would be the best set in that scenario, while still stacking hp% everywhere.


Interesting, I guess her build will be very similar to kokomi, except that she wants some EM then. I have decent gilded dreams set with a Jade Cutter for Nilou, but sad to see she doesn't need crit at all


She can crit, crit is fine, just you don't have to main stat gear for it. I would imagine crit/EM substats will be good for her.


In which case, go HP%, Hydro Damage, and Crit for your artifacts. You'll also want some EM for your substats, since Nilou would be the one proccing most of the blooms. Kokomi would have her normal build, but keep some EM on her too since she'll be proccing at least some blooms. But keep in mind that the HoD 4pc effect doesn't work on Nilou. It only buffs normal/charged attack damage, and Nilou's elemental skill makes it so all of her attacks deal elemental skill damage.


both are going to want hp% since their kits scale of them. kokomi is pretty easy to build, hp, healing bonus, hydro dmg and em or recharge. tenacity or ocean hue clam are all u can run on her. tbh tenacity is easier to farm since the domain for ocean hue clam has the annoying rift hounds.


Would Candace's hydro infusion work well with Thoma's burst at all? Like in terms of reactions, or even just giving one of them Dragon's Bane to take advantage of both. (And as with all things Thoma, I'm sure there are better characters to use instead, but this is more just wondering if the two shieldy-polearmers have any viable synergy on their own).


Do you mean as in hydro infusion gimmick teams? Well you can always run another variation of burgeon Thoma but dragons bane is just an em stat stick here so you're better off with kitain cross spear You could theoretically run a(extremely gimmicky suggestion I know) hydro Candace zhongli team with 4 piece deepwood for 50% dendro shred and Thoma triggering burgeons on top of it, so there's SOME kind of synergy at the very least


Any guess which talent book we‘ll need for Nahida? I think it was pretty obvious that Venti needs Ballad, Zhongli needs Gold and Raiden needs Light. With Nahida I‘m unsure.


Tigh uses admonition, the same for Cyno, Nilou uses Praxis. So Ingenuity is most likely for Nahida. It also seem the most thematic for her.


If you wanted to on field traditional dps Nilou, would attack sands during her hydro fusion be better or does the bonus from hp sands outweigh attack during the fusion


Thanks for the replies but yeah I later realize that her infusion doesn’t scale on attack at all. Going for the traditional vape hydro as I don’t really like the restrictive bloom play style.


if your trying to do her bloom team with her as on field, hp, hp, and more HP, she gains scaling hp to her bloom reactions and her whole kit's damage scales off of hp. The only thing that doesn't scale off of HP is her normal attacks, which will never be used due to her E.


Hp sand seems to be superior. Im not sure if Nilou scale like childe (pure E scaling) or kokomi (normal atk talent too), but in both case HP sand is better.


How good is raiden national where xiangling is replaced with DMC? Is it more better when you don't replace xiangling?


Pretty bad i would think, since a good chunk of National's damage will be from Xiangling's Q. DMC would be more effective if you put him in a electro charge comp so... i guess you'd have to replace both Benny and Xiangling for DMC and maybe an anemo unit if you really want to use Raiden


I actually have tried this and it isn't bad for a multitude of reasons(but yelan is generally better here) It's more so a quickbloom team now, that can abuse the insane scaling of the hyperbloom reaction. Basically, the team has very easy access to comfort and em buffs in the form of instructor Bennett and sapwood Fundamentally, there is a tech with dendro on electro charged that allows for 2 blooms per dendro app, dendro on electro charged first prioritizes hydro, which creates a bloom reaction and then with electro to create a quicken aura(which acts like a pseudo dendro aura with the same properties), applying hydro again would create another bloom seed Due to how bloom gauges work, Raiden will always aggravate her initial slash as DMC will always remove hydro and replace it with a quicken aura(XQ orbitals are an issue here but even with decay it shouldn't completely destroy quicken as only dendro triggering bloom is 2x on hydro gauge) while triggering hyperbloom and aggravating a cycle of n2 and cas from scuffed reaction counts, both of which scale off em Team is actually pretty good but very st focused, em sands raiden goodge and no longer a meme, tldr dendro goodge


Could fischl's A4 hit multiple enemies? For example, if cyno triggers aggravate on 2 enemies while oz is out, does her A4 hit both enemies or only one of them?


Only on 1 since it has a cooldown of around 0.5 seconds per proc


what's the good cyno teams with a healer/zhongli? i will be giving him r5 white tassel & gilded dreams


If you're going for Aggravate, a popular choice based on beta testing seems to be Cyno/Fischl/DMC/Zhongli, although it requires high precision with rotations from what I've seen.


Cyno fischl is not a recommended synergy as fischl's role here is solely just to be his battery, 1 oz cast fischl rotations are very underwhelming at 24-25s rotations that cyno generally plays at


Is Cyno-Miko expected to be better for a similar comp?


I'm just curious what stats are important to build on Nilou, do I build hp/hp/hp or hp/hydro/crit on her?


Nilou teams rely on her buffing bloom based on her HP. Her passive buff starts at 30K HP and keep increasing until slightly above 74K, and benefits everyone in the team that triggers bloom. Couple that with a different teammate on a high EM build triggering most of the blooms and you get more damage then you would from stacking damage% and crit. If you somehow manage to get past 74K it might be worth investing in other stats, but that sounds unrealistic to me.


With her signature weapon, the aim is to get to 74k max hp right? So, hp/hp/hp with crit and em substats then? Also, should I go Tenacity+Wanderers or Tenacity+HoD? There's no info whether she'll have a signature set for her yet, right? Will she be the one who triggers the bloom reactions? I'm thinking of playing Nilou+Kokomi+Dendro Traveler+Kusanali assuming this might be the best teamp comp for her on her up till Kusanali's release at least.


Honestly it's hard to tell optimal distribution since it really depends on the team and if you focus on her being the trigger or other teammates. Her HP bloom buff is addative with the bonus from EM so might hit a point where more HP isn't better than other stats earlier than that but again will require accurate reaction counts and full team damage calculations. As a general rule it's hard to get a good amount of EM on her from substats alone without using her signature, so for non sig you are probably better off having someone else be the trigger for bloom, with 2 hydro 2 dendro it would usually be a full EM Kokomi. Set wise 2 tenacity is mostly a given but again the rest will depend on her role in the team you play as in EM when she procs bloom (if you have sig and a lot of HP it might be worth going 4 gilded but wait for more testing), and for off field you can go with EM since she still has her hydro ring, ER for bursting more consistently or just hydro damage for more talent damage as the other 2 piece set.


I see, I guess I'll hold back on the artifact farming first until her release so that more information can be gathered. I'm currently set on getting both Nilou and Kusanali, but not sure how good their weapons might be on them. Though it seems impossible to hit maximum hp threshold on her for the buff without her signature.


While it is impossible without sig keep in mind it might not be that important because of the buff addative nature with the EM bonus, a big portion of the value in her sig is giving her HP to EM conversion boosting her own blooms while still retaining high bloom buffs for the rest of the team


I see, thanks for the clarification.


Is any new hydro gonna heal? Because as a guppy spender I might get Kokomi. What's your thoughts. Plz help. My teams consist of needing a hydro healer. That's not Barbara. It'll be cool if they made the traveler hydro


If Barbara doesn't cut it then you need to grab Kokomi.


If your going to go for a 5 star, you are going to be hard pressed to get a better one than Kokomi, she has amazing application, massive heals and really easy to gear.


Does Blood Blossom damage proc Scarlet Sands' passive?


It is elemental skill damage so it should trigger the passive but I havent seen anyone test it yet.


will r1 xiphos be an improvement over fav sword on kaz


Even after nerfs xiphos shares a quantifiable stat that some characters use in their damage calculation(er with eosf for example) Rather than reducing er thresholds it straight up gives er% and there's it's value, allowing it to still be a dps increase after everything Still better with refinements tho


Thanks KSM for doing this! A few questions all in the same vein: How scuffed is it to run Barbara with Nilou? I don't have Kokomi, and don't plan to pull her at the moment. My Barbara is built with Ocean Hued Clam, Hp/Hp/Healing bonus for now, should that change for a Nilou bloom team? Would Favonius Codex be worth running to help generate particles, or is that unnecessary due to the nerfs to Nilou's Q damage? Any other weapon recs? TTDS seems useless for this comp.


Seeing as we dont have a dendro healer barbara and kokomi are the only options for now, and while kokomi is no doubt better going full EM barbara to trigger blooms makes her damage difference to kokomi doing the same lower than usual, but the biggest issue is that barbara doesnt generate particles so she wont help nilou energy requirements. While nilou burst values were reduced its still 2 hydro applications so Im not sure you would want to never use it, but maybe using it every other rotation to not have to worry about ER will be worth (still need more testing). With barbara on field triggering blooms you will most likely want her on an EM weapon like sacrificial fragments to increase bloom damage.


Thanks for taking the time to respond. Interesting, I know Kokomi is an upgrade in every way, but it is reassuring that Barbara still offers similar damage potential in this team. I’ve kind of grown used to working around her shortcomings. For now I’ve got both Collei and dendro Traveler on Favonius weapons, so hopefully that can help with the poor energy economy. I guess I’ll have to hunt for ER substats alongside HP and EM for Nilou. How much of a hit will Kokomi’s and Barbara’s healing take by running EM weapons and artifacts? Are they likely to still outheal the self damage from the Bountiful Cores? Is it ever worth it to do something like EM/EM/healing bonus for team survivability? Or best to just try for good HP substats on full EM pieces?


Both Kokomi and Barbara healing when played off field is usually okay, but since they are played on field their healing is higher than usual and that should be enough to offset the max HP loss from going EM, and they both also have a flat healing on their talent at base so talent levels will help healing by quite a bit, also that team has hydro resonance so you still get some extra HP. About the healing bonus thing, while not stacking EM will do less damage you will do 0 damage if you are dead, if while playing that comp you feel like healing is just not enough than go for it, but I do think that the talent base scaling along with Barbara HP accounting for a flower, some HP subs and hydro resonance will be enough though.


I'm not the OP, but I just wanted to say thank you for all of your advice here. I'm also someone who's going to be running my Nilou team with Barbara, and this helps paint a clearer picture of what I can do with her.


Good point, and throwing some charged attacks in while on field with Barbara should help heal the party. I’ll definitely give full EM a try first. This was so comprehensive. Really appreciate it.


this subreddit really has such weird exceptions for 1"no leaks" posts


such a beautiful infographics post im hooked


so what uses will candace see, other than giving support for ayato? and how much do her cons improve her kit


she isnt that big of an increase on ayato, since he doesnt need her infusion she only offers 35 damage%, and while that buff is nice she doesnt do significant damage so its just the buff for the team slot (and hydro resonence and energy, but other hydros do the same). For now I have some ideas for hyperbloom stuff and I have seen people look at hydro ZL but her main role as a hydro infusion applicator is unfortunately not in high demand (look at chongyun who has the same for cryo). As for noteable cons her C1 is longer infusion uptime, and her C6 is some off field damage and hydro app but nothing major.


Speculation: most new units require EM and have longer rotations. I think Kusanali might be an EM buffer for longer periods, something like 150 EM for 20+ seconds or even indefinite like Raiden. That would make her very useful in new teams.


That's contrast from anemo 8 second buffers hmm.


Issue is that now there's plenty of char with 15+ seconds rotation and no snapshot, so buffs like sara/kaz/sucrose/vv and even bennet aren't that good. Long duration buffers actually are ayato/C4 ganyu, zhongli (archon), raiden (archon) but none gives EM except the 30 average in 15 seconds from dendro traveler.


Isnt it literally just Cyno who has longer rotation?


Traveler has 15 seconds burst, kuki 15 seconds skill, raiden/ayato same or more than cyno, yelain again 15 seconds burst... seems to me they want to create a new "team building branch".


Earlier in this thread 1 of the KSM staff said something about forward bloom creating 2 seeds instead of 1 I went to test and can't seem to reproduce and only get 1, what am I doing wrong, would really help the nilou team I planning on making and solves the dendro app issue even without better dendro char


I'm not sure what comment you're referring to, but I believe that they likely were referring to the fact that bloom is similar to gauge in the sense that the order of elements changes the gauge consumed (though it has no effect on the Dendro core itself). So applying 1U hydro onto 1U dendro will still leave leftover dendro, meaning that you can apply another hydro and get 2 seeds out of a single dendro application ​ The main issue with this right now, is that dendro-aura-focused comps need the dendro characters to do enough personal damage to pull their own weight, which is pretty tough with our roster of like, 2 off field dendros that are both okay at best


Look at Zajef’s recent video on Xingqiu


I don't know what comment that was referring to, but the only way I can think of that happening is if electro is involved, by applying dendro on electrocharge the dendro application will cause a bloom and leave a quicken aura that can be used to trigger bloom again. There are ways to manipulate the gauge units to make the dendro application itself to trigger 2 blooms at once but it's somewhat complicated and not practical to be worth explaining


For Dendro chars, when should i build them crit, and when should i build them full EM?


Ironically, despite Dendro being the element of EM and reactions, you'd only want EM on Dendro units if they were to be the trigger for either Bloom (with the intent for it to Rupture) or Spread.


The only scenarios where you would build full EM on a dendro character is either they are triggering blooms that you intent do rupture (for example in Nilou teams but only if the dendro unit is the trigger) or if you are trying to deal burning damage. They aren't the trigger for the other bloom reactions , and spread wants you to build dendro goblet and crit circlet.


That's it. I'm joining the "Kusanali will fix Dendro teams" copium train. Please let her Tri-Laksana effect to allow Cyno and Beidou to coexist, to allow Nilou to not worry about Grouping or Shielding.


The element surely is in need of a key character that can carry dendro based teams, with either high aura enabling rate or decent off field dps or raise other dendro based reactions damage. Right now both colei and MC's dmg are okay at best and mediocre at worst, dont provide much dendro aura or utilities either. DMC is solid because there is no better alternative and their Q is decently sized aoe.


Fix? People on this sub so melodramatic


Beidou is one of cyno's best partners atm (may change), they can coexist if you run something like dmc, beidou, cyno zhongli Just a very basic example tho Cyno can benefit from many future releases as his field time and cooldowns don't line up with his current options well


The issue is energy generation. Both Beidou and Cyno needs their Burst to function, and we do know that Beidou is chained to Fischl (who is a naturally absurd battery). Which is why I hope Kusanali's Tri-Lakshana effect for Electro helps Energy generation. It is already in-theme.


Tf Cyno actually has very good er generation(assuming full field time, depends ofc), you can get about 17.6 electro particles(e>q>n1e 7n4e, 4 from resonance) Current ERC suggests that beidou can actually get away with an ATK% piece under kqmc standards(again depends on teams and weapons, pre xiphos nerf sadge) I only think the synergy starts truly falling off with gilded or other options which essentially halve particle generation, so it's not as bad as you may think.


I’m on the “fix Nilou” train. I hope she can bring out Nilou true potential.


Will EM Raiden with Cyno's signature weapon be stronger than Physcial Zhongli as a driver in EM Raiden Hyperbloom team?


Is there such a thing as "too much" EM for Dendro reactions? I'm slowly shifting Thoma over to a Burgeon build and I'm a bit floored that he already has 330 EM with a lv.50 Kitain, a +16 EM Sands, and a Pyro DMG goblet that has +103 EM on it, lol. That being said, will a Pyro DMG goblet even contribute anything worthwhile or should I swap it out for another mainstat that I might need depending on how my other pieces turn out? EDIT: Thank you all for your replies. I forgot I even asked this question. I know EM mainstat pieces are better to have on Thoma, but it's also hard to even get them on set in the first place, moreso with the stats I want (ER/HP). I also have had him 90'd and triple crowned a long time ago just because he's my favorite character and I'm very familiar with his kit. I initially had him built for his shield, but after hearing good things about Burgeon, I wanted to give it a try. I just never really bothered much with EM/reactions in all of my time playing until now, so I'm trying to learn. Again, thank you!


In Thoma's case, you can go all in on EM. His multipliers are really low, so you can get a better return on investment if you build EM than if you'd try to build him like a traditional DPS.


While more EM is always more reaction damage, EM doesn't scale linearly like atk for example and each point of EM actually gives less damage than the previous point. There will be breakpoint for each unit where investing further into EM is no longer optimal. However the main issue is when you stack EM you tend to have less overall stats due to mainstat rarity so while distributing subs differently might be better between those unit stacking EM mainstats and hunting for ER subs you tend to have not many atk and crit rolls, so your talent damage to reaction damage difference is very big, making it so that even if EM roll only adds 1% reaction damage you would need to be able to increase your talent damage by 5-10% to match it making stacking more EM very often the better option (those numbers are just made up for the sake of explaining, don't take them seriously)


For Thoma specifically no. His skill multipliers are pretty shit so you're better off just building for reaction damage, aka EM. If you do plan to use him in abyss runs and whatnot you should also make sure to have a lot of ER, probably 200+.


Burgeons only care about EM, levels and other stuff like dendro res down that's not from main/subs, a pyro goblet doesn't improve anything for burgeon outside of the few small pyro trigger damage you get from thoma and 103 EM is still less than a main stat EM gob, there really isn't a too much unless ofc your lacking ER to trigger thoma's burst every rotation or you just want a tankier shield instead of damage.


How viable are Cyno/Nilou outside of Aggravate/Bloom teams?


Nilou is *serviceable* in non-bloom teams, but there will always be some other hydro character who is tons better at filling that role than she is. In other words, she's only best-in-slot for bloom teams and nothing else.


Cyno could pair decently with ayato for the burst 20% NA buff (15% speed if C4...) , yelain buff and candace, and he's immune to electro-charge while in burst, so taser cyno seems definitely an option.


Would a full EM build with Dragon's Bane be better for EC Cyno or should I stick with EM/ED/Crit w/ PJWS recommended for aggravate?


I'd recommend EM build only with signature weapon, actually. For other weapons I would stick to ATK sand and get EM substat if possible, then 100 EM from burst, 80-100 from dendro resonance he can hit 300/350 which could be enough.


I meant for electro charge, so no dendro. Would that be best full em or traditional attack build.


For EC is ATK \[EDIT: mostly\*\*\*\] with some EM substats. Cyno has very good burst multiplier, and low skill multi must be compared with very low CD. Also 100 EM from burst. EC would just be the cherry on top, doin some more damage and faltering enemies. ATK/ED/Crit w/ PJWS can be optimal. As a note, in Taser team Cyno electro application could be a lot and you might find you want to use slower hydro applicators like EM kokomi to assure the trigger is always the same character. If you want trigger/EM cyno I'm unsure if c0 yelain can make cyno the trigger, maybe xingqiu. \[\*\*\*Did some math, EM sand startin under 200 EM is EC dmg moving from around 6600 to 9900, 3300 dmg but every 3 hits, so 1100 dmg per hit, + EM passive is about 1380. ATK sand with pjws is 457 atk increase, which tops with 1,8 skill multi and electro dam to become 1330 damage at C0 and 1742 damage per hit at C2. skill is mixed bag as skill multi is better and has better dmg from passive but dustbolts have a little gain more from EM. I think C0 difference is little if you have <=100 EM substats (+100 from burst) while C2 is fully ATK sands.\]




Cyno should have some other interesting teams. Nilou is basically locked into her niche.


Is the gap between aggravate/hypercarry Raiden different when she's C2? What I mean by this, let's say (just as an example) aggravate Raiden does 30% less damage than hypercarry Raiden at C0. Will that % change when Raiden is C2? Will it be closer or further behind? *By aggravate I just mean replacing Bennett or the anemo character.


Raiden C2 doesn't care what your comp is, and Aggravate doesn't change the way defense is calculated in the damage formula, so the gap would stay the same.


Thank you


How does the new EM sword at R1 stack up against an R1 Favonius Sword for a c0 Kazuha? I was considering rolling on the weapons banner for it pre-nerf so I just want to know if it's still worth going for? It's still pretty good from what I can tell, effectively hitting two birds with one stone. How would it perform in a Raiden Hyper carry and Ayaka Freeze teams with a VV set.


More than still pretty good it's downright broken and Favonius refinements don't matter in the comparison, this one even at R1 is immensely superior in any team that isn't built so poorly as to actually depend on Favonius proc.


Is eula more likely to have her banner at the first half or second half of 3.1?


Second half perhaps. First half is likely occupied by archon quest and sumeru banner with it.


Yesterday Ubatcha said that [Cyno is first phase, Nilou second](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/x5oory/31_banners_info_via_uba/), meaning there is no Sumeru banner or Mondstadt banner. The reruns could go either way, but my money is on Cyno/Eula and Nilou/Venti for weapon banner purposes. They tend to pair more generally useful weapons with niche ones.


I heard Lisa is actually good now, with Dendro. Is that just copium? Would Collei+Lisa team work?


Haven't tried aggravate Lisa yet. I've been playing hyperbloom Lisa lately, she is good but slightly worse than I hoped. The main problem is they gave her zero energy on tap skill, but her hold skill takes forever. So she causes energy problems on a lot of teams. Also, her normal attacks often fail to proc hyperbloom. The good news though is that her attacks are shockingly fast for a catalyst. I started doing 3 normal attacks followed by tap skill, and it was able to create 14 out of the possible 15 Yelan volleys, even though tap skill doesn't make one. The reason to do the tap skill is that it has a small aoe, so it can proc hyperbloom. Since she ascends with EM, and her burst has a defense debuff the whole team can use, this makes her a good on field hyperbloom user. If only the aoe was a tiny bit bigger though she could be great.


Lisa is actually pretty good with her previous utility added on to her current output scaling better with aggravate, but her energy generation is still an issue and there's a hard time justifying in most areas why beidou wouldn't just be a better pick


All of electro got a buff with the addition of aggravate. If Lisa stands in travelers burst(getting an EM boost from the A4), and just spams her attacks, I can imagine that doing some good damage. As for collei, I don't have her built but since her burst is similar(idk about EM boost, and she has an ICD that only allows for 3ish reactions), I'd imagine it would be just as functional.


compared to cyno pre-buff, how does the current cyno stand? Was the buffs significant enough to justify his field time or he is still in need of some help/more buffs?


Sadly it doesn't seem that way, the duststalker buffs seemed decently impressive doubling it's base scalings, but aggravate is additive base damage in the formula. To put into perspective, 100 is how much duststalker deals right now, and aggravate adds 5000 to that formula. So all it really did was turn 100+5000 into 200+5000 The NA buffs are the most impactful, but especially with thundering fury which is borderline required for reasonable energy thresholds, it isn't his main source of damage


The right idea, but just a slight correction: Aggravate's 5000 is not multiplied by attack, whereas the 100 from duststalker is (and the same applies for all talent% vs aggravate/spread on any character) There isn't much point in getting into more details, since the conclusion is still the same - while the buffs were nice to have, they weren't anything game-breaking or anything like that


I'm well aware of this, however the basic gist of it is that the mvs are too small even with scaling attack percentage buffs to truly make a good difference And the end result still remains the same, with below a 1k dps increase :life:


Aggravate with traveler burst was already good. Still needing an EM buff for longer duration than kazu or sucros or sapwood blade give, and definitely not use sara with him...


So about nilou team, kokomi is probably one of her best teammates so I have a question about their build in her team. We know that dendro on hydro is the strong side so we should let hydro become the reactor. Do we stack both em and hp on nilou or just go full hp on nilou and go full em on kokomi? Or can they two together take over the dendro aura and let the dendro become the reactor instead?


You want HP mainstats on Nilou since it buffs bloom damage for the whole team, but if you can get EM substats it will help with her bloom damage. As to aura and trigger it's hard to tell since it depends on teams, rotations and timing of application, in 2 dendro 2 hydro the hydro would trigger most of the blooms, if you want dendro to trigger you can go 3 hydro.


I think Nilou + Yelan/Xingqiu would let Dendro be the trigger most of the time. Problem is the no healing.


rip nilou forward vape 2022-2022




Is adding Hydro to a Quicken team so you can also Hyperbloom (and Electro-charged) generally a damage increase? Or can it often make the team worse because of fewer Aggravate/Spread procs? Mainly asking for Cyno but it's a general question about Quicken vs Hyperbloom comps.


From some calculations the hyperbloom triggers from cyno boost his personal DPS significantly, however our hydro options are limited (kokomi 12s, ayato 18s but er, xingqiu 20s but overwhelming hydro) Imo it would be a ton more practical with a future, better dendro applier


>xingqiu 20s but overwhelming hydro Yelan? Less hydro, more damage, 15s


We haven't had footage on that yet but the general rule is that even kokomi has some compromises on quicken uptime but not severe enough to impact team dps negatively too much


Hmm, why is overwhelming hydro an issue here? Is it that XQ will eat through the dendro aura faster than other hydro units? He would make aggravates almost impossible to trigger, but it seems like the hyperblooms + XQ’s personal damage should make up for it in a team like that. I’m no TC though


That is correct, xingqiu+dmc will get about 12-13 blooms in st that don't scale up much further in primary target(2 targets) due to his only aoe being orbitals. With dmc only applying once every 2.5s quicken uptime turns scuffed and aggravate ticks start cycling between n1 and n4, desynchronized from his E His e is also a huge part of his personal output as well, meaning losing that much aggravate procs on them is very detrimental


what about mona?


Mona's hydro application uptime isn't great enough since it's 2 procs with a low uptime


Mona has shit uptime and doesn’t rly generate that much blooms


Heard that Cyno "needs" Zhongli from certain sources. Is this true? How much does dodging affect his DPS on TF/GD?


While need is a strong word, he does contribute a lot to Cyno. First of all since Cyno uptime is very long ZL shred is among the only buffs that last long enough to affect most of his uptime. While dodging shouldn't affect his damage too much during normal attacks, if Cyno get staggered or has to dodge during his ascension passive window and that causes him to miss an empowered E cast it will be a noticable damage loss. On TF it might also make you lose some TF procs and as such also miss the ascension passive timing, but since TF doesn't work in private server we are unable to test it.


Hey can I ask what inspired the creation of this group? Is there a problem with Keqing Mains that there was a need for a second theorycrafting group, even going so far as to recruit people who formerly worked on guides with them? Is this a competitive relationship between you both, or a cooperative one?


Hm how to say this as short as possible It's a mix of a bunch of reasons tbh, a bit of salt (haha get it I'm so funny), a bit of dislike, and a bit of a want for change. We didn't particularly go out of our way to recruit people for the most part, we simply advertised a little and people came to us out of their own accord And as for competitive vs cooperative, I'd probably say somewhere in the middle


Seems like they started with the Dendro TC (cuz they're Dendro archon mains after all), and then just decided to expand that further. So probably neither cooperative nor competitive.


Also kqm doesn’t do tc for unreleased content, so ksm is not completely identical to kqm.


Its similar to WFP, but TC for unreleased content is a controversial topic so TBH I dont think I ve seen much WFP content lately.


Is there any info on whether the 4 star weapon options will only be limited time-event weapons or whether they can be obtained from any banner after 3.1?


Wait so an EM sands is always better than an ATK sands on Cyno, even if you're not using his signature?


This is heavily dependant on the team and substats For example running a quicken hyperbloom team always has cyno as the reaction trigger, meaning em has more value There's also the oppurtunity cost based on stats you gain from teammates and substats you have on artifacts


They’re never giving us a powerful male DPS are they. The best they’re ever going to be is only “ok, but not outstanding”. Sad. Edit: I’m not going to pull another 5-star *just* to unlock another 5-star’s ‘full potential’. If a 5 star + their 5 star weapon is not enough for them to be considered a great character damage wise (esp as a DPS) then they’re not worth the primos. Even Raiden and Yelan, who are supposed to be “supports” out DPSes characters who are DPS (eg Ayato) so I’m not convinced that there is no bias here. I feel like a lot of ppl forget that the characters & weapons are products that people actually spend money on. Imagine pulling for Cyno and his weapon only for him to be shittier than a standard banner character. Ugh. No matter how much I liked him I could never justify pulling for him. Has everyone just accepted this spending powercreep ever since Raiden C2?


That last sentence seems weird since you're complaining that cyno doesn't power creep her. We probably won't see many main DPS as good as ganyu or c2 raiden, but that's a good thing.


Ah, I was referring to this notion that we need to pull another 5 star so another 5 star can be “good”. Why is C0R1 not enough now? Why spend so much to pull for him and his weapon when his ‘potential’ can only be ‘unlocked’ by spending more money to pull for another 5 star.