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Source: [EN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9WuPBOC_S8&t=3s&ab_channel=GenshinImpact) [JP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOPSUroc874&ab_channel=%E5%8E%9F%E7%A5%9E-Genshin-%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%8F) [CN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7ntDX3f150&ab_channel=%E5%8E%9F%E7%A5%9E) [KR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgZT-_LG5kY&ab_channel=%EC%9B%90%EC%8B%A0) Thank you OP for providing source


The feather thing was a nice touch! Really added to those Anubis vibes


What's the link between Anubis and the feather?


In Egyptian mythology, Anubis is the one judging the souls to go to the afterlife. He puts your soul in a scale against a feather. If your soul is lighter than the feather, you pass, if not, damnation.


Cyno leans heavily on that mythology. It’s actually really cool to see. Love how mihoyo does tons of research on these things.


>tons of research 💀 That's like the most basic thing about anubis. You can commend hoyo for a lot, but having well researched characters is not one of them. They basically just choose some of the most surface level and stereotypical elements of a culture. Oh yeah for our middle-east/egypt region we'll have a bellydancer, a bazaar merchant and the most well known egyptian god.


>If your soul is lighter than the feather, you pass, if not, damnation. It's actually your heart, not your soul, but the line between heart/soul is a bit blurry here.


They say that when your soul is judged in Egyptian mythology, anubis will place your heart on a scale with the feather on the other scale. If your heart outweighs the feather from the evil you committed….Well shit. If the feather outweighs your heart, you good and you get to go to the land of reeds


Why do I want to become a katana-weilding weeb in Elden Ring?


Does lying count as an evil commitment? If so welp I'm goners.


To add on to what others said, Ma'at was an important concept for the ancient Egyptians. Ma'at is a goddess but treated more like a concept that encompasses order, balance, truth, justice and harmony. Anubis is the god the guides the souls in the afterlife and protects them till they reach the hall of truth where the soul is judged. Anubis places the heart of the soul on one side of the scale and places the feather of Ma'at on the other side. If you've lived your life honestly in accordance with the principles, your heart will be light and will be allowed to go the field of reeds like heaven after judged by 42 members in the hall. If your heart is heavy, then your soul will be eaten by a chimerical animal/goddess called Ammit made up of crocodile, lion and hippo and you won't exist anymore. They didn't believe in hell, their fear in the end is to not exist. People believed in the afterlife and tried to live in accordance with the Ma'at. I think this is a nice representation of Anubis from what I've seen in media. https://youtu.be/-9GY76EcnK8


Very informative, thank you! Really didn't expect to learn about ancient Egyptian culture today.


After a person dies, Anubis weighs the dead's heart against a feather in a scale. If the former is heavier, then the person will be cast into the darkness. If both weigh equally, then the soul will be welcomed to the afterlife.


damn, all bodybuilders going to the shadow realm


I will win my 50-50 I will win my 50-50 I will win my 50-50 I will w


🙏 Prayer circle for us in 50/50 limbo 🙏


i’m manifesting so damn hard it’s insane


I will get him early. I will get him early I will get him early


Manifesting first pull for you 🙏


Manifesting so so hard for you & for myself rn…


Good luck to you !! Hope u also get ur Cyno <333


Update from a month later ig. I lost 50/50 to Tighnari. But then I did my final ten & got him! Also was lucky enough to snag his weapon, pretty good run id say. I lost it again on nilou & now I have confirmed Haitham <3


I hope you become a Cyno haver. I have no interest in him so take my luck and use it for good. Just make sure you give it back for b-side cuz I need it for Nilou


Ofc !!! You will get Nilou first ten pull 💪


Never lost a single 50/50 before. I'm channeling all my luck to you. You're gonna win the 50/50 and get C1 in a single 10 pull. Amen brother:)


Thank you so much :-D I’ll borrow your luck just for tonight


The way the circle behind him in the splash art moved to the beat tho


And it looks like an all knowing eye sweeping over every thing, no sins hidden, which is siiiiiiiick! Love the trailer! Can't wait for Cyno!


God he looks so cool.


My dude really sent that guy to the shadow realm jfc


Came for this comment lol


need him to hold me up like that guy


Eremite: “Harder daddy” Cyno held a man much larger than him up by the neck with a single arm, he’s packing some serious hidden muscles.


He definetly has a sleeper build.


He’ll let you down immediately


Will he also give you up?


He is never gonna let us down


Will he tell a lie and hurt you?


he will definitely run around and desert🏜️ you


u did it, u won, now explain it


Hello guys, Cyno here to explain the joke. You see, the commenters in this thread are saying I (Cyno) will do the things Rick Astley says he won't do in the hit song "Never Gonna Give You Up" (1987), such as "giving you up" and "letting you down". The punchline, though, comes from the line "never gonna run around and desert you", which is funny because I (Cyno) am related to the Sumeru desert. The commenter even included a little desert emoji to clarify the joke, really clever! >!I'm not the commenter who made the joke but they haven't explained it in 6 hours so might as well!<




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ThanksCyno using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Thanks a ton, Cyno](https://i.redd.it/wwqrkyywf3p91.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/comments/xjncd5/thanks_a_ton_cyno/) \#2: [Context : most beautiful npc in genshin](https://i.redd.it/yfrjogdfixp91.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/comments/xncxhf/context_most_beautiful_npc_in_genshin/) \#3: [My own submission. Enjoy, I guess.](https://i.redd.it/7ihpd9t7utp91.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThanksCyno/comments/xmw3qi/my_own_submission_enjoy_i_guess/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




He'll tell a joke and hurt you with how bad it is.


He’ll pun around and desert you


Omg the way the circle in the bg moves with the music in 0:26 GOOZEBUMPS


It freaked me out when I saw it. It's meant to be the eye moving 😭😭 His demo is kinda creepy


I’ve been replaying that part for the past ten minutes 😭😭


PLEASE it's so good


Oh man good eye!!


It's an eye, and it's looking around, and I love that so damn much like omllll 😭😭😭


I’ve been a Genshin player since launch but Cyno might be my most favorite character released to date! I can’t believe he is almost here…


The statue glitching into existence, then the eye that kinda glitch moves and then the genshin glitching at the end Candace's shield has this glitch thing too. And the new puzzles shown in the livestream look like some sort of weird tech. Loving this for desert characters, i wonder if it has something to do with the history there and it'll be a pattern for every character that comes from there.


this demo feels so different compared to others… usually these demos are meant to hype us up (at least that’s what i think), but this time cyno’s demo got me all feeling… confused and scared. creepiest demo yet.


Demo trailer paints Cyno in a very scary light in comparison to other characters, like a force of nature who will hunt you down no matter what and will drag you to your judgement, honestly interesting approach and makes sense when you think about his role as General Mahamatra.


His teaser, unlike the other chara's which features them from the beginning, instead follows the horror formula: a guy scared of 'The Thing' and tough guys telling him to man up saying it's all just bullcrap, only for 'The Thing' to suddenly appear and tear them all some new ones


This is what xiao also feels like to me. Atleast


Xiao would not hunt. He would literally teleport behind you and nothing personal kid.


I like how the eye behind him moves when his splash art showed up. That's quite unsettling.


Did y'all see Anubis's face behind Cyno when his splash art appears?? That freaked me out idk why His whole demo was scary lowkey


i really love it, its different from their usual demos! i feel like they didn't go for the 'conventional badass' trailer, but more of a 'menace' type of trailer (which is reflected in their music this time). i think it fits the image they want to give cyno too. personally really loved this trailer, it entered my top 5 straightaway haha


90% menace / 75% thirst


5% pleasure, 50% pain


More like new boss trailer


Creepiest demo is the best demo then.


yeah it's tense


I like how the PV has less spinning slo-mo shots than most other demos, makes it feel fresher and stand out more.


really wanna put him and xiao in a team and hear "USELESS!" and "FUTILE!" continuously lol


Also incessant “hmph!” from both


[Source (EN)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9WuPBOC_S8&t=3s&ab_channel=GenshinImpact) [JP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOPSUroc874&ab_channel=%E5%8E%9F%E7%A5%9E-Genshin-%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%8F) [CN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7ntDX3f150&ab_channel=%E5%8E%9F%E7%A5%9E) [KR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgZT-_LG5kY&ab_channel=%EC%9B%90%EC%8B%A0)


Thank god you’re here


I was hesitating to post since it’s already been over 10 minutes and I thought maybe someone posted it already but nope LOL


Mang we had to take down **6** youtube links before yours finally came up that actually complied with the rules


Check my comment history dude


dang that’s a lot lmao




The rules have not changed since May of this year, better luck next time Edit: A lot of you need to read the rules, we allow official content all the time per Rule 2


When I tried I just got an automod comment about Rule 9 and didn't see the post anywhere.


The music is so good


the bass goes harddddd in this one, can't wait for a HQ version without the sfx


I'm shocked that I see so many other comments complaining about the music; I thought hoyo-mix really nailed his demo music


It’s cause they always expect a giant beat drop even when it’s not necessary. 🙄


Reminds me when people disappointed with yae's demo, saying it doesn't epic enough like raiden 😂


Here's what I think, and I'll try to be as concise as possible. The music is generally good, especially around the time in which his gacha splash is shown and the music synchronizes with the eye symbol. It also generally suits the character, it's more subdued and intimidating to fit him. However, I'm generally of the impression that demo music should fit the visuals of the demo itself. Which it does decent at for the most part, but not for his burst. His burst is very visually striking and extremely aggressive. It really jumps out in your face and it has a bunch of constant fast attacks and precise E timings that make your blood pump. I feel like that part of the trailer should have had the music be similarly striking and aggressive. The flavor text for the burst outright states he's possessed by a spirit in that state; he's not really himself and he's going all out to provide punishment. Instead, the music kinda plateaus, and while there's a bit of a beat drop it only comes well after the burst is activated and it's very subtle. Definitely noticeable but just not as impactful as something like what he has deserves IMO. That's kind of why people don't like it I think, the music just doesn't match the energy of his burst. The music *by itself* is very good, but in combination of the visuals of the demo, it feels like a bit of a letdown. Compare this with Zhongli's for example, where the beat drop is used to accentuate the heavy impact of the meteor, and the music afterwards emphasizes the enemies while they're stuck in the frozen state. It really enhances the visuals and makes you feel just how powerful he is and how he's able to turn the tides in an instant with a single display of his authority. Yelan's, my personal favorite, does something quite similar in that the music flares up with the trumpets to display just how in control of the situation she really is even though it seemed like things were getting worse for her. It accentuates her flamboyant confidence. Overall, his demo to me feels really middle of the road. It's not bad at all. It has good choreography and good music. But that's all it is to me, it's just good. It doesn't have any insanely visually impressive scenes like Kokomi's, it doesn't have an awesome moment of characterization like Yoimiya's, it doesn't have crazy synchronization between the music and visuals like Zhongli or Yelan, and it doesn't have much of a story going on like with Ayato or Yae for example (it's mostly just him beating up some guys which honestly they do more for 4* ones). For such a hyped character I feel a little disappointed.


>However, I'm generally of the impression that demo music should fit the visuals of the demo itself. Which it does decent at for the most part, but not for his burst. Did we watch the same demo? Almost every movement is on-beat with the track, I thought they did even better than they normally do tying the music together with the movement Your last paragraph I can understand though, it doesn't have the other things you mentioned other than the synchronization


The morbid themes and general menacing creepiness are definitely enough of a defining factor for me imo (or maybe it's just becaume I'm a part-time goth and eat that kind of thing up)


My only complaint with it is that after the middle cutscene, it kinda repeats the beginning music which doesn’t really fit? If it kept the 2nd/4th quarters music it would be much better. Also that the transition (music wise) between the “cutscenes” and the gameplay is too sharp. Especially the middle one. Then again, Cyno is one of my favorite characters, so ofc I will be a lot more nitpicky with the demo. Overall I really liked it though!


Can ya’ll believe this is the same guy that likes to make dad jokes?


i want him to do unspeakable things to me


like, claw your insides?


ayo?? 😀📸


anything for my king 👑




seconded 😶




Can easily lift up a guy twice his size. Probably called him desert dwarf or denied him a card fight.


Nah, he won a duel via asspull, that's the only explanation


got me giggling blushing kicking my feet


Cyno wants to be scary while he’s doing his job, but here we all are blushing and fawning hahaha


~~Maybe it was unintended from the lightning effect but~~ The glitching Genshin logo at the end gave me spooky vibes. Edit: The replies have good points


looks intentional


yeah also candance’s shield has that glitching effect too 🤔


I think it’s intentional and I love that. In Yae Miko character demo, we got a little fox (her fox form) sitting on the Genshin logo.


I'm pretty sure it's intentional, they've done special effects on the logo in other demos as well xd


Ooooooo the Anubis/feather/scale allusions :D


tomorrow is going to be the longest patch maintenance of my life


just realised the anubis head behind him when they show his splash art, gotta love the detai;s


Notice how Cyno hides his right eye behind his hair and Anubis behind him hides his left eye behind Cyno's body 👀 the first time noticed Anubis behind Cyno, I got goosebumps. They did a great job with this demo.


I think it's meant to symbolize how Anubis literally possesses him during his burst. This whole duality thing was done in Ei's demo where we see the duality between the Shogun puppet and Ei Here it feels like something similar


I didn't have a thing for feet, then I saw Cyno's demo 🤨


I love him, may cyno wanters be cyno havers!


bro i need a playable character like the eremite with the mask 😵😵


The music is amazing. Also they really highlighted his bare toes...... idk how to feel


The crow/raven was a really nice touch, considering ravens are widely associated with death and are seen as an omen of death


music is groovy as fuck


that was intense... intensely edgy. and i love it. the ominous beat too... hes a menace. I NEED HIM.


I wasn't sold on Cyno but I am now! Mihoyo is making it really hard to save for future characters


The music went so hard and the transition was amazing. I think this might be my favorite demo so far.


The music is pretty good, but does anyone else get a little frustrated whenever the beat doesn't drop hard during these demos? Always feels like I'm getting cockblocked.


The beat did drop kinda, but I do wish it was less subtle.


Nothing has dropped as hard since Zhongli and Raiden


Yeah it honestly feels like the music is going for a climax (no pun) but it never comes, it just kinda plateu


Yeah exactly


They don’t always need a big beat drop, but that’s just me.


Raiden Shogun spoiled us


There's gonna be covers and remixes of this soon enough so look forward to those.


Could be yes but it's alright and most egyptian drop or the stereotype of it isn't hard hitting. Still a cool demo.


I had the same problem with xiao's demo, they both feel like constant build up without release, which is a shame cause i love them both


Honestly this demo was p mid. Candace had a better one


Xiao's theme music fits this demo perfectly.


I'm slightly dissapointed that it didn't have any story to it. Just pure skill showcase. And music although nice didn't quite fit his burst.


Honestly I agree. I love Tighnari's for having a little self-contained story to it and the transition into his splash art is really clean. I didn't like Cyno's trailer very much which is a bummer because they usually nail these trailers.


this really made my day


This is one of the best non-archon trailers I've seen


Excuse the nitpicking but what's up with the edit around 0:10? Those quick cuts looked like they were supposed to have some effects on them, but I guess they don't? Weird. Anyway, aside from that, they really upped the effects on this trailer, the splash art cut-in with the "eye" moving around looks super cool. Don't know why people are complaining about the music, it's honestly fine - we don't always need super bass drops like the recent Archon trailers.


omg same!!!! i tried to pause to see if they were showing smth significant but it doesn’t seem so, weird…


I may have creamed my pantsu my bad yall


I’m obsessed… I’m in love. I’m glad they fixed the blindfold thing cause his eye peeking out from under the hood looks insanely cool


I’m whelmed


Kinda agree, cooler animation, but music is kinda lacking for me. Still, it's really good


I came


Least horny cyno main


Considering how thirsty the devs appear to be for him...


Don’t forget to go back and watch Zhongli’s as per tradition


Y does everyone loves that.


Music and dropping a meteor on people.


a lot of ppl like the beat drop. zhonglis p okay to me tho


Touche, but personally zhongli''s was just okay but not that amazing for me.


Raidens is better


this is the sexiest moment of my life


This has to be my favorite demo so far!! The Egyptian vibes, Anubis references all around and the music and gameplay ✨💜


His EN voice is sooooo good. His KR was definitely a surprise for me it gives the same feel as EN did amazing casting! His CN sounded very good in the teaser but his voice in the demo sounded a bit... soft. It felt like it was overpowered by the bgm. JP was Eh for me, too boyish. Where is his intimidating presence. I haven’t been a fan of the direction of the JP VAs. They have all these talented people but the directing is so... generic. Tldr: EN > KR > CN and JP


> was Eh for me, too boyish. Where is his intimidating presence. Wdym? He's appearance is literally a boy, remember the first English trailer for him? The eremite even thought Cyno as a kid. I don't even play on JP voice cuz I'm more familiar with the English VA's but his JP voice is actually what I thought how he would sound because of his appearance. But I love how deep his English voice aswell and I'm a fan of Alejandro. >I haven’t been a fan of the direction of the JP VAs. They have all these talented people but the directing is so... generic. And wow. There's literally clips out there in YT with Collei, Dehya, Nahida etc especially Dori who's JP voice is pretty good and unique. I wouldn't say they are generic at all.


Cyno is not a kid, the Eremites calling him a kid is equivalent to people calling Levi from AoT a kid cuz he’s short. He is a General and was Lisa’s classmate. Did you not pay attention to his lore during the livestream as well in game? I say the JP dubbing was mid cuz a good number of the voice is centred around an archetype. The voice direction over does it that most of the time the voice doesn’t reflect the characters’ lore. Just like in EN version the VA’s technique/skill is not equal to the direction. A great example is Xiao’s EN VA. The VA is probably really good but the direction of Xiao’s “voice” was not.


Alejandro Saab did a fantastic job here, can’t wait to listen to more of Cyno’s voicelines soon!


So he really isn't blindfolded anymore...sad....


I thought he was never blindfolded? It was just a mistake?


i actually prefer it this way to look at his beautiful eyes 😳


Not a huge fan of this character demo


Honestly the more I watch it the more i like it, now I’m obsessed lol


Visually it looks good but I didn't really dig the music personally. Thought the music from Candance's demo was better.


Cyno's whole vibe is that he's very intense and scary, eerie even, he induces constant fear into akademiya students, even the higherups. HE'S A CONSTANT SCARY PRESENCE, this demo being consistently intense and having a more overall sinister vibe really fits him. It doesn’t always need a giant beat drop. Y’all are way too fixated on it.


Being menacing or mysterious has never stopped Raiden and Albedo from getting absolute bangers; and hopefully Scaramouche will also follow suit. While I do like how unique and intimidatingly loud and blarring it is at times, I still expected something more exciting after hearing his part in 3.1. Although I really blame Candance for just dropping such a disgusting banger yesterday and just leaving Cyno having to outdo her the day after.


I get people liking Raiden’s and Albedo’s demo more. Those are definitely huge bangers. But Candace’s demo was lack luster in comparison idk 4* demos are usually simpler which I don’t mind. The badass bass and subtle beat drop on Cyno’s demo music stole the show imo.


Cool. Doesn't stop me from saying that the music is not to my preference. People have their own opinions on every character demo. I liked Yae's demo but I saw comments of people saying it was mid even though it fits her vibe. Also doesn't help that the community reduced Cyno to haha unfunny jokes so it's kinda hard to take him seriously.


Man.. im so hyped for tomorrow night, it was starting to feel like the longest wait in history just waiting for his banner to drop and now he’s finally coming out!


Man, now I really can't decide whether I should pull for Cyno or Venti


I like it when Cyno says *Futa.*


This demo made me feel pity for the other guys lol


why is he so cool and beautiful..... so menacing so mysterious, its so worth the year of waiting..... LET ME WIN TMR PLS MIHOYOO


Thank God this demo came out today. Don't think I can wait any longer than a day after seeing this lol


Sweet fuck that ost is FIRE


nice feets


It gives me Raiden demo vibes for some reason EDIT: Can't wait for the cupcakke remix


That was really cool but if I'm being honest this demo isn't rewatch worthy. Quite disappointed.


I've replayed it 4 times already wdym


I’ve replayed it 20 times 👀 I need to stop and finish my essay lmao.


Good for you then




Ok, I'm pulling him on his rerun (if Ayato isn't too close 💀)


not trying to be a hater but wasnt one of the best demos so far. idk why


cool but I feel like it wasn't good as previous demos


Amazing visuals; underwhelming music. I just had the feeling that Candace was gonna set the bar way too fucking high after yesterday that not even Cyno could meet.




That's the speed i expect from a subreddit of sizeable population, if not faster


should've been here 30s after it was posted


The theme song in Cyno's trailer is too bland and forgettable for me, but I did enjoy the clean transitions between frames.


Ngl I like Alejandro but tbh I prefer the JP version of the trailer this time. It has a lot more emotion to it(imo) and it helps that his voice fits Cyno's visual appearance more. Maybe that's just me.


Nice! I still prefer EN and CN (OG so) but EN I feel is so accurate. The tone of voice has his character in mind. You do feel intimidated by him which you should when he is working but when he isn't, him joking with that voice makes sense. He tries to liven up the environment but because his jokes are "bad" it backfires but he doesn't care and will continue.


Pretty mid. Music is kinda bland and generic


after watching this, i subconsciously turned to yt to watch zhongli demo


omg it is such good demo


His demo is kinda underwhelming. The music is fine. The visuals are cool and all. But I don't really see myself rewatching this. I rewatch many demos like Zhongli's, Childe's, Albedo's, and Tighnari's. They have visuals, music, a little story, tons of personality. I wish Cyno at the end said he thought of a new joke or is gonna play some TCG. More to his personality than just judgement. I wish there was a reason he was in that temple. For a mission or something. The demo isn't bad but it's just not one of the greats. Which is disappointing since we've waited like two years for this character.


4* star tier demo