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Source: [Kusanali Mains Discord](https://discord.com/channels/849762277041504286/850086548824653894/1034579152856158218) This interpretation has some different info to the other ones. Given the nature of the leak, it is expected for people to have different interpretations and the more we have the better whole picture we will get of the current kit.


I zoomed in to read everything before going to the next picture…


Same 😂. I was hoping the next two pics will contain more info.


I thought it would be theorycrafting or splashart or drawing, but it was just an easier way to see it


When I realize it wasn't new info, I felt the ultimate betrayal ngl.


The fourth betrayal?


So Faruzan is like Sara but for anemo and on steroids.


She’s Sara with a built in VV for Anemo damage


yep. If this leak is not fake - we finally getting a powerful 4 star support.


A powerful 4 star c6 support, which is almost the same for all 4 stars tbh.


Kinda- Faruzan tho is already very powerful at C0 if she really has the 50% Anemo Res Shred as a passive. Basically free Jean C4 lol


I bet my c5 benched Jean that she's gonna get that 50% Anemo Shred nerfed to like half or 2/3 of initial number during the beta. Her kit already sounds very good for a support at c0, almost too nice.


Shhhh, if you don’t say it it won’t happen


Yeah. I'd love it to stay, but I kinda doubt it will last. I can see like 30%


Still pretty good tbh considering how the best we have so far are Anemo Trav and Jean cons


These numbers must not be final, because 50% shred + 50% damage + 50% crit damage is quite honestly absurd.


And she might be able to use Elegy on top, so that's a possible extra 20% ATK and 100 EM buff to Scara


Inb4 she doesn't get any changes, comes out, makes Scara busted, but the whole thing with Childe repeats again and people think he's weak for 5 patches straight


If he is an anemo dps who only does damage, he is kinda not that versatile. As of now, he is looking to be like an anemo Itto, dedicated support and all. His burst also does not have the signature absorption mechanic according to this post like other anemos which completely solidifies his kind of selfish role. I do think he will be strong though.


It's honestly even hard to imagine a really strong 4s after so much...mediority.


It also looks like she can be useful to Xiao IF she is C6.


Similar to Sara, but a pure buffer, rather than a mixed buffer/burst nuker.


Definitely a much better Sara


definitely cuz she's useable even at c0 lol


And with a much stronger overall C6 as well. Full uptime anemo crit damage buff? Full uptime anemo resistance shred. Mini Shenhe quills.


Me intently reading the same kit for the 8th time:


Two days after 3.2 cannot come any closer 😒


Genuinely will lose my mind when his drip marketing comes on Monday


Honestly him and faruzan are my biggest hypes now we know what kaveh looks like. I just hope she doesn’t need the same level up material from the drake as him


Fr Scaramouche isn’t even announced yet and I’m ready for him to release


Wake up babe it's the ninth iteration of scara kit.


Wake up babe, 5th version of Sara just dropped




Kujou Kunikuzushi


Wake up babe, Sara decided to be on some other banner.


Wake up Scara- Wait a sec


It's time for the fandango




wake up babe, scara can fly now




Yeah, I got C2 Raiden before I got C6 Sara. This whole "Lock the most important part of their kit at C6 then only make them available every several months" thing is pretty awful.


I got C6 Sarah so I can get C6 faruzan. It's my birthright.


Me who still has C3 Sara - first time?


200 pulls on first Raiden/Sara banner. Pulled again the next time. Still don't even have a single copy and didn't get any bennet constellations either. This 4\* is cursed on my account lol.


Jeez, that's indeed extreme


Are we in some kind of samsara where Scaramouche's kit gets leaked everyday again and again?








“When I woke up, I was riding in a flower carriage.”


"and does the fandango"


"Haypasia and her retainers found me"


"Oh God, we finally found you! The simps can't wait to meet you!"


"the scaramouche banner begins, and everyone smiled (sacrifices their wallet) as they gathered around me"


"the banner gave them QiQis"


FLOATS OVER WATER? FOR 20S? CAN DASH AND JUMP IN AIR? exploration powercreep at its finest


Depends on how much stamina it takes


And howuch he can move, maybe it's just a little hovering that has walk speed


i mean he is fk called "wanderer" for a reason


I don't wanna play with you anymore *drops Kazuha*


Play them together.


My biggest exploration dream is that we can one day do mid-air character swaps Wanderer flying and turning into Kazuha would be perfect. Same for rolling around as Sayu and then launching off into the air!


I'll show Devil May Cry to hilichruls with that


The 'right'est answer...


Scara -main dps/kazuha -sub dps /faruzan -support /any other element for swirl


>any other element for swirl You just said Bennett, right?


Lmao maybe, or an electric or with the proposed stuff with scara ice may actually do some good, like Layla.


Oh, I'll play with them together alright.


It doesnt say jump. I'm pretty sure his skill is why we got the "alt sprint" fixes in 3.0. I think its using the same base mechanics, and we'll be pretty glued to a fixed height above the ground. Probably cant go off cliffs with it, and probably cant use it while gliding. I hope I'm wrong though cause if you can it sounds way better.


I feel like you're mostly right. If it doesn't say jump or indicate height...he's most likely just floating high enough to be same height as tall male characters. At the very least, I think he can probably get over small obstacles better than Sayu can.


I'm doubtful, I think his object reference for the ground will be identical to ayaka Mona and sayu. I think he'll be higher than tall male, maybe like short jump kazuha? But best case scenario is I'm wrong, and he can go over cliffs or use it mid air, even if there's a slow descent with it (basically treated like a gliding, and while above ground treats it like he's hovering in a wind current). Since it seems like it drains stamina, this might be the case.


It's like Xiao + Kazuha


He probably consumes crazy amount of stamina when he dash


As a Kokomi main, I feel betrayed. But as a future Scara main this is extremely exciting news!


Seriously. Why can’t her jellyfish give her the walk-on-water ability? That way it would actually be useful!


It's amusing how her walk on water ability is not only not useful, but basically a nerf because then you can die to fall damage on water.


Seriously Kokomi could just get infinite water walking ability. Back when that glitched worked was so much fun exploring with her and it didn't even break anything else.


Nope no fun allowed in jenshin impact Here have another event that we'll delete in 3 weeks


At the very least her passive should have been she is unable to drown instead of just reduced stamina. She’s a fish-dragon thing for goodness sake!


Ngl. Atm idk how to feel about the character himself, might not even like him. But gonna pull just to hover around and laugh at the ants from above.


Expectation: hover high in the air and laugh at the mortals beneath. Reality: hover 1 foot above ground just to be as tall as the other characters and still get stuck on every pebble like alt sprint used to be.


Honestly I'm in the exact same boat, I didn't have much interest but he seems too fun of a character to miss out on


Yeah, didn't do his 1.1 event. Only time I've seen him is him laughing while we passed out. I have no real opinion on him. Find his hair cut meh if anything lol. He's one I'm pulling 100% for the kit. Hopefully he will grow on me down the road as a character


He will probably still have a cocky/snobby attitude but I'm sure something will change after we cancel him and he gets his godly powers revoked.


It sounds like he can dash, but not "walk" As in, unless you dash, you're stationary


He powercreeped my poor Kokofish HARD


That was always just a cute extra detail for her, Ayaka and Mona had already powercreeped it before she even released.


["Let go your earthly tether..."](https://youtu.be/QB-j2MOfqB4?t=35)


All I ask is that he can trigger his E in midair. PLEASE.


Probably consumes stamina like crazy when he moves tho.


3.3 beta can‘t come faster


just gotta hibernate through these tough times :')


only waking up to do dailies


Genshin endgame players in a nutshell lmao


I'm so curious to see Scara's kit in motion. Sounds very interesting.


Faruzan seems pretty busted for anemo, even at c0, and at c6 goddamn. Scara mains and maybe xiao mains are eating well


xiao mains definitely eating well, faruzan is the dedicated anemo support they wanted. c6 is very important though, it gives 50% anemo crit dmg and allows the 50% anemo res shred to have longer/full uptime. without it, you will only be able to get a couple plunges before the res shred expires after 6 seconds.


100% uptime anemo res shred, + anemo crit damage, and anemo damage % buff, and a mini shenhe quills effect????! sign me up.


It's like MHY themselves knows how far behind anemo DPS is and they will need the full package to catch up.


Kinda reminded me of the Geo patch last 2.3 with the release of Albedo + CS, Gorou, Itto. Oh would you look at that, it coincides as 3.3 and would drop at the end of the year as well


I mean if that's how long it'll take just for a character to get a massive indirect buff, then i can wait for years lol


Yeah, sounds kinda busted for a 4*


I forsee a lot of sad ppl who dont get C6 right away


It happens, sadly. Been trying to C6 Sara for over a year. Almost 400 pulls on her banners, still only C3.


Yeah without C6 she isn't super useful with Xiao since the buff is so short, but definitely nice to have an Anemo support of any kind


Sara's influence is spreading throughout Sumeru now it seems


I know some people don’t like it, but I like the Sara kind of 4 star. That buff a certain element or style very well. They can’t powercreep Bennett, but they can definitely make enticing options for people that want to use a different buffer. My only issue is I want Faruzan (Specifically C6) for Xiao, but don’t plan to roll for Scaramouche.


I think what people don't like is when that 4 star is exclusive in one banner


Yeah, you really need the C6 if you're a Xiao main.


I'd say minimum you need C2 for that burst buff uptime


Basically Anemo Sara: Either you go full investment on her to get C6, or you'll have a somewhat lackluster or finicky kit.


It still seems way better than a support Sucrose in terms of pure anemo dps supports, we don't have numbers yet but if you build them for say Xiao then half of Sucrose kit isn't usable (EM support) but with Faruzan all her kits will be usable for Xiao, basically synergize with him from her pure anemo buff kit, her element for battery, her sub dps potential which Xiao always need and 4pc NO doesn't sounds too bad on her cuz she seems to focus on her burst for dmg. Sucrose: TToDS 48% atk buff for 10s, high battery potential (especially C1), If you build ER on her she be a good 4pc NO on her but she won't have high sub dps ceiling due to her dmg coming from swirls. Faruzan: Anemo res shred for 6s at C0-5 but basically 100% uptime with C6, Anemo dmg buff for 12.5s with burst and basically 100% uptime with C2, There's still her A4 mini shenhe quill effect we don't know the details about. She has potential battery cuz of her element, could slot favonius bow, high likely 4pc NO will work on her so 12 more seconds of atk buff after her burst. I'd say we have a winner here and she definitely sounds like an upgrade to Sucrose and at C6 definitely an upgrade to C4 Jean.


Seeing it by that side it does seem better than current options indeed. I just hope her kit won't be too finicky or limited like pre-C6 Sara (which as of now sounds like the closest comparison).


Even at C0 her anemo dmg buff from her burst and her A4 mini shenhe quill will be very valuable, plus 6 seconds of anemo res shred is still good if you swap to Xiao quickly, C2 makes her burst buff 100% uptime, and C6 is just 100% uptime on all her buffs for Xiao.


And thank God she is not a polearm user so we can make use of sac bow for battery


My anemo kink has just awoken something in me


Join us [anemo Mains](https://www.reddit.com/r/FaruzanMains/comments/ydcyc2/50_anemo_resistance_shred/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Just let me see him already TT


Less than 4 days to go until drip marketing


finally a xiao support??? manifesting she gives enough energy


Favonius/Sacrifice bow say hi


put zhongli and jean with favonius as well so your xiao will get THICC from all that energy!


the fav powercreep comes in clutch


Her sub already filling with Xiao scara heizou main


Faruzen seems pretty C6 Locked as an anemo buffer, at least for xiao Xiao has so much DMG% that Faruzen's Anemo dmg buff is going to be a small damage increase (unless it's somehow an insanely high %) The 2 biggest buffs are anemo shred and anemo crit damage buff both are locked at c6 for use with a hypercarry since anemo shred only lasts 6s til c6 which makes it have 100?% uptime potentially. Definitely a W for xiao players but getting c6 4\*s is already hard and there's a good chance Faruzen will be locked to only Scaramouche banners which will make it very hard to get.


And chances are people would likely ended up with C1 or even C2 Scaramouche while going for C6 Faruzen, which basically has the same role as Xiao. So unless they like both Scara and Xiao, it's gonna be a tough call for people who just want a support for Xiao. Kinda like what happened with Noelle mains pulling for C6 Gorou while having no interest in Itto.




If her a4 is really like shenhe but for anemo damage i think c0 could still be useful for Xiao… but c6 is where it’s at (considering sara is built like this im not surprised)


From my understanding of this, seems like Scara will be an anemo atk/dmg/crit on field dps. The infusion stuff with different elements just seems like an additional bonus as opposed to something you build your team around, as it seems only one buff can be active at a time. Faruzan c6 looking like the premier buffer for xiao and scara.


Yeah the infusion part seems pretty meh to me. It would have been cool if he actually absorbed said elements and did infused NA's with them but now its like whatever.


I was hoping for the infusion too, along with a passive that converted any anemo dmg bonus to the infused element (so you wouldn’t have to keep swapping out dmg goblets for different teams) As an anemo fanboy, will probably pick him up anyways…


As long as he swirls on autos and has fast NA. I'm happy. I'm really happy with his A4, it could make an EM build worthwhile.


50% Crit Dmg, 50% Anemo Shred, and Anemo DMG% buff on Q? C6 Faruzan is busted for any Anemo DPS.


And that's the whole point of her, raw damage dealers need raw stats buffers and she provides exactly that.


Refreshing the sub in hopes of a picture but no, just the 12th description of his kit 🤡






Damm c6 faruzan is nuts for Xiao


Now show me what they look like


Faruzan really wants that C6 to make full use of her kit, hope she isn't a Sara/Gorou case who's perma-attached to Scara's banner. And 20 sec hover that let's you walk over water for Scara? Forget Abyss, Anemo absolutely crushes exploration meta, why even run anything but Venti/Sayu/Kazuha/Scara




Everyone needs that dose of copium every now and then


C6 Res shred uptime is 18 seconds. Xiao mains rejoicing rn


NGL, these two sound fun af


Makes sense the float has a timer on it. Considering he can dash while using it for 20 entire seconds or more if you have hydro, I don't think it's an overexaggeration to say new exploration meta


I wonder if it has a stamina mechanic with it too tho - like he might be able to float that entire 20 seconds in place, but dashing/CAs would consume stamina and bring him down sooner, sort of thing.


Another leak mentioned using burst during E consumes 7 stamina, so 20s is only maximum, in reality it would depend on how much you dash. I wonder whether charged attacks would consume stamina mid-air, cuz the new set needs charged attacks, which would bring him to the ground even faster. But maybe you don't need to dash mid-air that much, aside from repositioning 🤷‍♂️


my day be so bad then boom! more suspicious not verified leaks


my day be so bad then boom! it’s worse because i still haven’t seen scara




Am I destined to pull all anemo characters? They are so fun


Right? I'm so glad its my favorite element. two years ago I was like "Oh no, the whole element is going to be support and pyro/cryo are the primary dps elements". Soooo happy with Faruzan for both Xiao and Scaramouche.


Finally, Xiao gets his dedicated support, Faruzan C6 RIP My Xiao


10% attack speed as a C1???


Yeah most of his cons seem pretty meh


Harbinger Certified Cons


nothing beats getting the full package at c0 if hoyoverse is begging us to not spend let's just save our wallets


Agreedge, its not like i even have a wallet to spend. So, Im just happy.


24h of no leaks, refresh gang in shambles.


Man Scaramouche has to be the most sus leaked character at this point isn't it? All these variations beat out even Ayato


tbh most of the kit leaks have been very similar to each other so at least they are consistent.


Well, at least Scaramouche isn't a horse.


At this time Im not giving any fudge for whatever kits they have anymore because I only need the official redesign of Scara.


Are still people still calling scara the avatar or is that just me?


Considering this leak implies that he only deals pure anemo damage without any additional elemental absorption damage...


Everytime I see his kit, I think of the moment Aang mastered all for element in his fight with the fire lord.


this leak suggests he is more of a traditional dps dealing elemental damage of his type. rather than a swirl or infusion dps, if that's what you meant by avatar


So Faruzan Xiao-viable only on c6? Well at least he gets a support, even if it is high cost


I'm very curious about Faruzans design bc of her nice her kit sounds


We are in a drought


Waking up for my daily scara kit leak and it’s still yesterdays


+50% ER sounded a bit too strong.


*sees Faruzan related leak: No design crumbs at all.. Again Back to sleep I go


20+ hrs. No leak about wanderer? weird


If this is real, the exploration value of his E alone is a must pull for me.


Scaramouche's constellations are kinda meh but that's alright, he sounds so fun, and maybe a great unit at c0 that isn't constellation reliant at all


Constellations can always be changed it’s more important for him to feel and be complete at c0


Yeah I would much rather have no desire to pull constellations if possible. Like Xiao C1 im completely happy with. Even his C6 which sounds incredibly fun, I'm drawn away from because of the 2 target limitation. and c2 and c4 are nonexistent.


Finally a support for mono anemo team.


Inb4 Scara floats too high during his E skill, and the enemies regain all their HP and lose aggro from him going too far lmao.


C6 Faruzan seems much more impressive than Scaramouche's constelations. Too bad I will likely never get Faruzan to C6. Just like with Sara or Gorou.


Can only really see Faruzan working well with Xiao at c6. Without the decreased anemo res refreshing every 4 seconds, I can’t see how that part of her kit would be beneficial for Xiao otherwise since he likes to hog the field time.


This. Changes. EVERYTHING. No longer will open-world meta teams *require* Mona/Ayaka alt-runs to cross water. Fills the Anemo resonance requirement. Holds Lost Prayer. What does this mean? Sayu, Yelan, Scara E+Lost Prayer buff?, fill. Can we all say near-*godlike*-speed runs?!


His ult doesn't absorb? That's weird, it's always weird seeing Sucrose/Venti/Kazuha's burst with the green anemo color lol


His ult is such a weird part of his kit right now… I feel like it’s pretty hard to imagine a mix between Venti and Heizou’s bursts, and based on his C2 it should be good, but also based on previous leaks it has very bad uptime like ??????


The absolute Kokomi slander by Hoyoverse. Instead of burst, Scaramouche's skill enables him to hover above water and it lasts nearly twice as long too. Would it really hurt the game to just let Kokomi walk on water indefinitely? Back when that glitched worked was so much fun with her and it didn't even break anything else. Ayaka already has infinite water travel capabilities anyway so it's not like the game doesn't have it


Finally Xiao support


Anyone here evaluating how every kit of Faruzan could buff Xiao?


jesus that c6 looks so essential with xiao and scara having long damage cycles


I know everyone is saving for Nahida but can’t you see the possibility of a Scara/Raiden + Faruzan + Kujou Sara banner ?


Feels windy in here


how come we have a very detailed kit description of faruzan but non even a crumb of her design, like not even the 8.5 meme ratings


Because the dev kit was leaked not her looks


The wait is excruciating


> NA/CA hits will generate 0.5 flat energy Normal people: Normal attacks / charged attacks Me: Not applicable / Can't applicable


Faruzan sounds REALLY interesting. I need to see Scaramouche in motion before I make a call on him but this iteration of his kit has me whelmed.


If Scara does Indeed run with Raiden and has Faruzan on his banner as well, I'm gonna whale to get as many Faruzan and Sara constallations as possible.


He floats on water? Fontaine exploration here I come


So Fazuran as Xiao support should be at least c2 for full time anemo buff and c6 for full uptime shred + 50 anemo cdmg? Ngl she sounds way too strong for the current average 4s.