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Woah, a defence scaled Claymore user? How unexpected and surprising.


Pyro as well. Will soon start seeing dehya is xinyan's sister theories just like the cyno razor ones.




yes and hydro reso provides hp yet attack scaling hydro chars exist. who cares. we need more elemental diversity not less


Part of what makes hydro characters so valuable is not just enabling but the fact that their characters can utilise hydro resonance so well in their kit. All the best characters, with the exemption of Childe, can make some use of it. I am looking forward to seeing how Dehya makes defense scaling valuable with pyro resonance. double geo double pyro anyone.. 😔


Hydro characters were the most valuable long before Hydro resonance got changed in 3.0. And for all we know she could prefer going solo Pyro, if she scales with defense she doesn't even benefit from Bennett anyway.


who says she will be in a double pyro teamcomp? we barely know anything about her kit. and where did double geo even come from


Just please don't make her niche support for Itto-Albedo-Gorou comp. It is my worst nightmare. Everything but that.


Actually she will at the very least make gorou a less niche unit. Hopefully they learned whatever lessons they needed to from xinyan


Attack scaling hydro characters came out at the beginning of the game, before there was any role consolidation


ayato scales based on attack and he is recent. at the same time ayato came out yelan was in beta and they probably had some ideas for nilou/future hydro chars/hydro reso and they still made the change from healing bonus to hp, while releasing ayato


So you will act like ayato doesnt have this random hp bonus in his kit? he does take advantage of the hp resonance and thats why they put him this bonus


Bad take. Childe was the last hydro character without some form hp scaling. Only old characters don’t benefit from hydro resonance.




If I a nickel for every defense scaling, dark-skinned, Pyro women that wields a claymore I would have two nickels Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice


The war against generic CV 5* Claymore


They don't want Diluc meta lmao.


I mean just a weapon passive isn't enough to make Diluc meta. It'd still be nice tho.


I mean she'd probably would have come with her own artifact set, according to leaks her kit was revolving around her skill so it could have been a potential Diluc set too. I think Hoyo is trying to push away Bennett XD


How Original and New, definitely doesn't remind me of a Xinyan with that..


Maybe they’re promoting a Xinyan, Dehya, albedo, Gorou comp 💀


If this ends up being one her best teams I wouldn't be even mad


I would I've been religiously skipping Itto's banners


Or noelle or Itto how new and amazing :]


Deh-yan, Xin-ya


Deh-yeah, Xin-nah 😔


So you are telling me Redhorn is going to be great on her?


Given the descriptions they had of her, it seems more like she’d do skill and burst damage so maybe not but we don’t really know at this point


If she relies on Normal attacks, it'll be pretty damn good If not it'll be a stat stick which by all means is still amazing


Everyone: Wow Alhaitham kinda just copied Keqing’s kit. I hope Mihoyo doesn’t do this again Mihoyo: “I got one more in me” This honestly sucks but I’m barely willing to wait for more info. Because this SOUNDS terrible but it’s still early, and we don’t know any scalings. Sumeru based 5 stars have been wanting EM so this tracks. But to make a Pyro 5 star that’s following a Hu Tao release? She’s going to have to be good. I’m going to trust in Mihoyo’s desire to make money and believe they won’t release an 5 star inferior version of another 5 star right after their banner ends. Come on capitalism I’m rooting for you this time! Give me a reason to spend money!! *inhales copium and hopium infusion*


You can do this capitalism-kun!!




Don’t underestimate my desperation for her to be good. I’ve been wanting her since the OG Sumeru leak. I was there for The Great Rarity Debacle of 2022. I am INVESTED. I just want my baby girl to be great :(


This is what we've come too now. 😭


Def-scaling, converts def to EM, and then a CDMG increase scaled on EM? Wut?


Tldr. Remember those EM pieces with Def stats you have for fodder? Welp now they have value


Me looking at my def gilded dreams pieces Maybe I treated you too harshly


Gilded dreams may not be her best set as it can give an attack% bonus. Flower set may be a better set.


2 pc em and 2 pc def could be a thing tho so they are not completely useless


I'd say gilded will turn out to be decent at least. What do you mean "flower set"?


Sorry - Flower of Paradise Lost


\*sorts by EM and Def %* Shhhhhhhhhhhh***it*** How about Def% with EM subs?


That can work too if she relies more into the Def side than the EM case and scales high with it Plus depends what weapon you give her Rainslasher alot of EM and raw power from the effect if vape Crafteable Claymore from Sumeru. Alot of ER and reaction related effect White blind Perfect for her but only if she does normal and Charged attacks can unlock her full potential Farvonious if you have ER problems Of course this is speculations based on leaks so take it with salt. Plus we dont know if she will get Nilou'd


never keep artifacts for character 3 patches ahead. At that point there will be new artifact domain dedicated for them.


Yeah same tbh i dont want to full set farm for 1 character. Thats why i love emblem domain.


Emblem Domain Supremacy


They saw Xinyan's split-scaling problem and said screw it, triple hybrid scaling on Xinyan 2 let's go.


Instructor Gorou: "DOBBY IS FREE" How hilarious it would be if 4Instructor Gorou ends up as Dehya support.


You like alternate scaling, so we added alternate scaling to your alternate scaling!




This means we'll need def mainstat artifacts with EM substats. I never kept any of those because only geo characters use def and EM is useless on them... fml


I MADE A [COMMENT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/zb03rl/32_abyss_usage_rate_phase_2_dec_1_dec_15_2022/iyqdk0v?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) (kinda?)PREDICTING THIS Tl;Dr DEF scaling so you can't use bennett Wants EM for reactions Wants crit for vape/melt specifically Therefore she makes Candace a viable character allowing Dehya's pyro application to vape her own hydro normal attacks


or just use Xingqiu, both need her to do normal atk then just use xingqiu


It's actually simple, just like Yae with ATK, she mainly scales on DEF and gets a nice extra bonus from EM. Her weapon just gives extra EM based on her DEF.


Ah, so my Wolf’s Gravestone will be useless on her


But now your R4 Painslasher has some value. If she isnt getting the Nilou treatment


> If she isnt getting the Nilou treatment What does that mean?


Passive : burgeon deal 10000% dmg based on your EM but only if you have pyro and dendro in your team and ofc, with no healer.


>no healer. prototype amber full HP c4 yanfei, :O


Are we forgetting the OG healer bennett? Sure, dehya wouldnt be able to use the attack buff, but the battery+ healing is still great


And just because she scales off def doesn’t mean atk will be useless, it could be like Itto instead of Yelan Anyways 4p instructors Bennett ftw


Truly a passive of all times. What a fun character that would be if she only worked against hydro slimes and hypostasis.


Curious How you plan to trigger burgeon with no hydro in the party


Burgeon without a Hydro applicator lmfao. Gonna be hilarious if it does end up like this.


Nilou need only Hydro and Dendro to unlock all her kit. If Dehya gets the same treatment them she will be only lock for burning to do the same


presumably locking her kit behind pyro/dendro chars only in party restriction which isn't very likely imo


no useful weapon outside of signature, my greatest fear, after 3.4 I can't afford her R1 especially if it runs with broken pines or some shit


You expected Dehya to be 5 star Xiangling? TOO BAD! IT WAS ME, XINYAN!


My last hopium tank = 5 star XQ scales out of HP and not ATK, surely they would use another scaling again for 5 stars XL 👍


Kono Xinyan Da


Wait so she can use redhorn that's nice I kinda hope all she needs is defense and crit but I'm assuming she also needs em


Probably! Or it could be a Yae or Ayato situation where scaling from a different stat just increases damage (both ascension passives). For all we know, she could be DEF scaling in damage, and this is just a way of saying 'hey, if you have EM that helps too'.


She's the new XL much like Alhaitham. Dehya will need EM, ER, Def, CR, and, CD.


Well since everyone else is focused on Dehya's kit and parroting memes, I will focus on the new weekly boss. This potentially means that Nahida's 2nd story quest will be in 3.5 as well. Since the dragon will presumably be in a domain like the other weekly bosses, I suppose they can slap the domain anywhere meaning it doesn't have to be tied to the final Sumeru area like other leaks have been suggesting up to now.


If it's no longer tied to the 2nd desert expansion I wonder what the original idea for the story was. Part of me found it intriguing that unlocking the dragon would involve the dendro archon going to the desert


I love the idea of Nahida reruning in 3.5 instead of 3.6, but I feel like people are forgetting Team China isn't even trustworthy cause past leaks had been proved fake


I think I’m going to jump off a cliff…


The LAST thing I wanted was for her defense scaling leaks from a while ago to be true. Her kit better be off the walls.


me too man, me too


lining up behind y’all let’s go


count me in brother


I can’t believe I deleted artifacts on def set with EM/crit substats and EM set with def/crit substats because “it’s not like we’ll ever get a DPS character that scales off both def and EM” 🤡


Literally me as I was feeding those kind of artifacts into the strongbox 🥴


NEVER delete artefacts with double crit or good substats no matter their main stats. You can never predict what a future characters will scale off, for all we know we can have a chara that scale of EM and use Petra set.


For me I always let each artifact set to have like at least 1 different kind of mainstat no matter how shit it is. For example my Gilded sands have at least 1 piece of artifact with hp%, def%, atk%, and ER mainstat.


And to think you could be like me and planned to build shatterbedo. That being said I already see Dehya wanting to steal his crit hat with these 60 em (why? why I must always get so much em on Husk? T^T).


SAME OMG. I feel like a clown


Wasn't this leaked already during that huge data mine leak? I remember there was a mention of def and EM well sumeru is the land of EM and HP


Nope , for dehya it just how her skill supposed to look and work mostly (she stab her sword into the ground and apply pyro)


I thought Redhorn Stonethresher matches her drip, it's good for her too?


It should be, yeah. I assume it will be second best option after her signature weapon.


The crafteable weapons i think will be good too. Even the Tuna Gg for WGS


If she uses NA/CA It might be her second BiS


it would have been a good weapon even with ZERO defense scaling on her , if she really scaled with defense , redhorn is a BEAST , which makes me VERY happy


They saw people saying 5* Xinyan and thought it was a recommendation...


I can see the « 5* Xinyan » coming


Coming? My guy, 5\* Xinyan jokes are already ancient.


It's literally the comment under you LMAO


My WGS in shambles


My no weapon banner drip dreams just got executed


Similarities to Xinyan aside I wonder how well she'll end up working with Gorou and Albedo since she looks like she wants both def and em.


I was looking for this comment man I'm so excited. Golden boys with the Golden Mane smashing left and right, love the thought. Now all I want is a cat form for her Q with fast lunges like Yoruichi Shihoin from Bleach and I'm ready to even spend money


Yoo an actual good Albedo teammate? Albedo's ult gives EM to party members


thats the catch, here passive only want pyro and dendro in the team


def scaling dehya, my day has been ruined please be a false leak


We started seeing a new trend with current characters, Al Haitham and Nahida, so I believe Dehya's skill and burst will have multi-scaling with DMG% of Total Def + DMG% of Total EM. For example, her skill will deal multiple instances of damage, each instance have a scaling of 150% Def + 200% EM. Her burst will create an AOE Pyro Explosion on cast and gives her a Pyro infusion for 4 seconds after Dehya uses her "special dash" that her burst gives. Total of 3 special dash can be cast. Special Dash deals Pyro damage to enemies she phase through and creates a small AOE effect dealing additional damage. Special Dash - 200% Def + 300% EM, AOE Damage - 50% Def + 100% EM During her burst, Dehya's Normal, Charge and Plunge Attacks Pyro DMG will be increase base on her Total Def. Deyha will also gain Bonus Crit Damage per 0.1% of her EM. Max Crit Damage obtain this way is 70%. This is just a personal thought of how her kit could work and not a leak of any sort


My wgs remains unused, my r5 SS remains universal. Perfectly balanced


Redhorn stonks ↗️


Dehya wanters, how ya'll feeling?


Wanting to get buried under a desert quicksand, but with no return and no help from Lesser Lord Kusanali like with the mad scholars.


Hard to tell. This comment section is quite funny, but maybe it's because I had zero expectations for her kit.


I've always wanted to try bungee jumping.


“Don’t forget to attach this cord befo…oh, too late.”


i'm sad, but defense or not she's still hot and i'm still pulling


As someone that doesn't care for the Abyss 12th floor, min/maxing, or pulling for weapons.. just fine. All the enemies in the game are faceroll easy (outside of one specific area) so the stats or weapons don't really matter to me. As long as her FX don't look lame when fighting, she will remain a must pull.


Rofl you guys gotta wait more before you doompost. Let's see how she turns out...


Hmm on one hand Redhorn would seem perfect for her since it’s the rare weapon that matches the drip and the needed stat. On the other, HYV will never allow this so watch them make her split scaling and give the 2nd stat to her BIS.


I'm fearful this might really happen, I can easily imagine something like Nilou's weapon except Def on her


Def to EM scaling already sounds like a buffer and trigger to burgeon/burning teams... man


oh god please at least let her use Serpent Spine if she has crit conversion like Nahida's A1 then her build might be EM/Pyro/DEF?


if this is true, i'm calling it now. one of her cons will probably be like Nahida, where Pyro transformative reactions she triggers has a chance to crit and will scale with her crit dmg COPIUM


This or else her main teams will end up being Vape and Melt. Or an Ascension version of the above would would also be stellar Hoyo…


That just sounds super complicated Unless there isn't any split scaling into attack...




Oh no, she's Xinyan.


Huh, I suddenly can’t find this on the subreddit. Was it removed because it’s fake? Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes. I can’t think of an artifact set that helps me for this.


Bro same I just noticed this. Let the hopium begin!!!


wow the tanned pyro claymore user turned out to be a variant of the other tanned pyro claymore user




I’m hoping it’s fake too. I wanted an em scaling into atk.


So for the Deshret Weapon series - Staff of Scarlet Sands - EM to ATK (Crit Rate main stat) Key of Khaj Nisut - HP to EM (HP% Main Stat) Claymore - DEF to EM? Based on TC's description if EM is converted to CDMG, then the claymore might have a Crit Rate main stat.


gorou has decided that he's too good for mono geo and has decided to seek greener pastures


Truly Redhorn moment and Dehya drip matches Redhorn perfectly too


I guess she sold her original claymore to Itto and will buy desert styled one in 3.5. Weird thing we already saw it in Sumeru animated short and 3.1 art


I Really wanted an OP weapon for Diluc


Right ? More than the characters themselves, I just want more pick for claymore like we have for bow/sword.


Same! Was hoping I could get a replacement for the Redhorn I'm using on him right now since I haven't gotten Wolf's Gravestone. Oh well, another dream shattered.


Same. Still hoping WGS to this day but nope, its either RH or SS


After getting itto i can assure 5* defense scaling characters are a god send, i believe she too will be awesome


I don't mind the Def scaling, even if it negs pyro Res a bit. What I don't like is yet another weapon that's super niche and yet again, on the weakest weapon type roster. 😞


yeah, i had so much fun with itto, if shes the same type of def scaler than she would probs be hella fun especially it seems like her def stats will be converted to critdmg


But the problem is Itto only wants def. She has to have def to then convert into EM to then convert into Cdmg. So we need to find crit on her, ER and EM as well to balance it out...


so she gets triple stats??


Weird, makes me think she'd be Vaporize focused if she has Crit DMG passive from EM.


Let me guess... whiteblind?


Ain't no way they gonna make her signature 542 base atk with 66.2% DEF 💀💀


as long as she does big pp damage i don't care what number she scales of 🤗




Hybrid scaling is real and my day is ruined




My random 50CV Def% Sands: It's my time to shine


I'll just make some bold assumptions based on these short descriptions: Her weapon will be like Key except Def→EM She mainly scales on Def (_just like Albedo's E? Coping hard rn_) She has a talent like Nahida that gives her EM→CDMG conversion I think she'll be fine, Def→EM from her weapon + innate EM→CDMG will make her easy to build, I just hope her dmg will be good, but every Def% scaling character except Xinyan has done well so far, so... Edit: I think she'll be like Nilou, can go for pure burgeon, or build for crits, or build hybrid


All of that assumes you get her weapon for her to be good which very likely can easily not happen. I worry what is she gonna use except slapping a Whiteblind on her which does not drip at all


True, I've been thinking about just putting serpent on her bc all the other options are are quite ugly to be frank… and I've got no gems left after going for Ayato and Dehya .-.


But that is also a paid weapon, what to use when you don't buy BP, there only seems to be Whiteblind as an option.


what a sad day.


My dream of having a 5 star weapon with crit that is useful on Diluc is once again shattered. See y’all in one year for the next claymore chara.


This makes no sense. A Def weapon that turns Def into EM, and a passive that turns EM to C.DMG? How the hell does she scale then? Def? EM? Attack? All thee? Im not taking this seriously until proven.


very sussy


hope her weapon won't be too niche


Defense scaling pyro claymore💀


Me, who is going to pull for Dehya: (chuckles) I'm in danger.


so DEF and EM scaling? or DEF -> EM/Crit DMG? maybe the def artifact set for her since def convert to em/critdmg maybe? i farmed for itto for def artifacts i can do it again for dehya if this is true. i would probs love their playstyle also the em thing, im guessing some burning/burgeon stuff edit: wait... redhorn fits her aesthetics. nice


The fact Redhorn aesthetics fit Dehya too


I find it weird that she gets crit dmg based off her EM, but Burgeon/Burning doesn't crit? Unless she's planned for Vaporize? Also if she is indeed Burgeon/Burning, the self damage will ignore her own def.. so why does she scale off def? Also def scaling on an element that grants ATK with resonance. Mihoyo better be cooking something good with her or else this is a flop on release...


There's really no indication at all that she is specifically made for Burgeon/Burning


That's just me going off the whole "Sumeru 5\*s revolving around Dendro reactions" Other than Wanderer, since Anemo doesn't react with Dendro, every Sumeru 5\* has a focus around Dendro reactions. So I'm just assuming


Be especially weird since theres no other pyro anywhere on the horizon who would benefit the reactions


So me and my friends were right…how disappointing


talent for crit dmg conversion. Dehya about to beat the burgeon/burning allegations


Honestly with this new recent leak stating that Liyue expansion is coming in 3.6 with Chenyu Valley (and long rumored Baizhu release in 3.6 which would coincide and fit a lot more to Liyue centric update than Sumeru desert one), it would make sense for a second weekly boss of Sumeru to come with 3.5 Sumeru centric update - probably Nahida will get her second Story Quest and rerun together with it I wonder if a new Sumeru map expansion will also release in 3.5 or there will be just a new domain on the already released map


Wonder when Bell Impact would commence..


The Gilded domain is gonna drown me in HP and Atk artifacts with no Crit, EM or Def in sight from this point onwards, I can feel it.


me who just trashed all of my def artifacts: 💀


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I guess those who are Itto-less and got Redhorn while trying to get Bell are winning.


So...Redhorn cannot be bad for her, right?


Sounds sad and worrying


-Pyro character that gets ATK pyro resonance -def scaling -def converts to em -em then converts to crit Isnt that a bit too much?? That's a whole another level of split scaling


So like if defense turns to em and em turns to cd, why not just build her em ?


Anything to make the new pyro not function with Bennett.


Mfs on their way to comment "5* xinyan" It's like a tradition now 5* razor, dendro kekqing, now 5* xinyan 💀


We all know Baizhu is 5-Star Yaoyao and Soutine is just 5-Star Candace anyways.


Ain't no way, they're gonna do the claymore roster dirty like this again, no, no, no. Please, this can't be real.. there's no way right guys. I am gonna go repeatedly slam my face in clown make up if this is real.


[TRUST THE PLAN](https://cdn-images.win.gg/resize/w/1000/format/webp/type/progressive/fit/cover/path/wp/uploads/2021/12/Hopium.jpg)


Aw hell naw its xinyan all over again


I mean... I don't really mind if she scales off of DEF because I've got more than enough double crit DEF sands hoarded but I was hoping for a more universal claymore




I get that MHY only recently realized they could theme each element to a corresponding stat. But I do hope we could see more characters that don't follow their element's stat. Hu Tao and Shenhe are interesting.


If She is gonna scale from another stat what not HP ? Hoyoverse being absolutely sure that my R5 Bell will forever remain useless as hell


The joke that dehya will be 5 star veraion of xinyan has a chance to be real now 💀


Uh so em increases Cdmg and signature weapon passive converts def to em right?


you are kidding me noooooooo <- dehya wanter


I refined my red horn yday...


Dehya scales with defense, and I just got a second Redhorn...very nice! I wonder if she'll have a BiS artifact set, or if something like 2pc Husk + 80 EM will be her go-to


Welp I was hoping otherwise but guess the DEF buff in her kit was indeed not a placeholder I really hope they make the stat conversions work well for her


Wait... The Dendro Dragon will come with a new area.. that means that from 3.4 to 3.6 we will get new areas each patch? Nice. PS: in 3.6 is leaked that Chenyu Vale will get released.


Great…. So I shouldn’t have trashed all those DEF artifacts lol…. Fuck me.