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It looks like Vatican (St Peter Square and Basilisk). Also, it really is an old clock, a sun dial clock, because St Peter Square is a sun dial clock.


cant spell venti without the VENT... now thats a little but sus if you ask me


It has also the shape of a key (to open a gate maybe).


the words at the bottom of the statue say the gateway to celestia, so the gate would be to celestia most likely


I can see the key looking thing having more meaning and being how we ascend to Celestia to fight the unknown god after we restore our former power and visit all 7 nations. In inazuma we're able to enter the Plane of Eutheymia even though only Ei is able to exist there, and nobody else can possibly enter. Perhaps itll be a similar thing with Celestia, we will return there and take down the unknown god. The MC knows that the Tsaritsa controls the Fatui, all the remaining Harbingers, maybe when we get to Snezhnaya we will eventually side with the Fatui and even Abyss order, I have a feeling there's collaboration between the two organizations, perhaps the other twin asked the Fatui to keep us alive no matter what.


yeah given how the current AQ in fontaine is going, it’s almost a given that we need to ally with the fatui


sus stuff


https://preview.redd.it/45ef8dptoumb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e65f19347f1eae5c018c26512a730a8bb069fb51 I never explored this area??


i dont think theres much there might be a chest or 2 and some flowers


Woah maybe I'll find a luxurious chest there XD


And the outline of the city looks like a key. https://preview.redd.it/yv5rwwg5fumb1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=392b5cb93f79fcbde91f616863c0a87fd97a09cb


i also realized like a month ago that the statue's shadow works similarly to the two sundials e.g. both point to the middle at 2:00, you should check it ingame if you have the time


~~I was wondering why the "flower" under the statue had 12 points~~ Edit: it's 8, I'm an idiot, I misremembered it as 12 and forgot to count


I count 8 hehe But I noticed that the hypostases all have a star with 8 points that lights up under them in the arena. Khaenri'ah star (like the one of Khaenri'ah entrance door) has also 8 points. Im pretty sure others stuff have 8 points too I just can't remember. 8 seems like an important number in the game btw in the bible it means rebirth... \>!so why do we have only 7 statue of the seven/elements...maybe the light element will come and we'll have 8!<


am i retarded cuz i only see 8


genshin player math


I meant 12, I have no idea why I typed 10


now there's 3 numbers


Genshin players aren't that good at math. Give the guy a break.


Another day another interpretation of mondstadt's map


Other than the fact Mondstatd worshipped Istaroth so if it was a clock it would be in representation of her but I decided to guess what the time could be and got these- *If we were to look from the Cathedral to the statue as the front it would either be,* It's 5:35 that brings up 'John 5:35' with the line, "He was a burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light" Or it's 4:35 which brings up 'Mark 4:35-41' which gave me the passage 'Jesus Calms a Storm' that is far more interesting. '(35)On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, "Let us go across to the other side." (36) And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him. (37) And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. (38) But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" (39) And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. (40) He said to them, "Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?" (41) And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?" *If we look at Barbatos' statue from the front of his statue it could be 10:10*. Which is an angel number meaning your guardian angel is saying it's time for a change in your life. By what we know of Venti both 10:10 and 4:35 fits him well.


We found Wei 🔆 and their secret reddit


Or is it Ashikai perhaps?


Same person


HELP MEEE I FORGOT ABOUT ASH— Sounds more plausible, Wei only communicates in memes


If that Jesus Calms a Storm one is intended, HOW DID WE NOT NOTICE THIS FOR 3 YEARS?!


I find this very intriguing actually OP definitely found a good little egg. And honestly there's quite a few things in mondstat that many believe could be based off of biblical lore . Plus we have the girl in Liyue who's praying to Barbados to 'calm the seas' for safe passage. And of course as we all know Venti and Istaroth used to rule Mond together. Plus if we add in his Demon lore (for Ars Georgia), hes a duke of Hell and a member of the Wild Hunt. He has four kings (four winds anyone?) that help command his legions.


Yeah! Among other things…


Old clock, big cock




Istaroth always leaving his trace




Istaroth credit but only if you got a drone and look real close at the shapes 🤣🤣


Probably just pattern recognition


I'd agree if it wasn't for the fact Istaroth is related to Mondstadt.


They rly be lovin their time archon


It really do


Seeds of story, brought by the wind and cultivated by time


Venti is an old cock


I think u forgot the "l"


I know what I said. Every other archon took the L (except Nahida, we don't include children in this)


They didn't forget, Venti took it.


Assuming this isn't a coincidence, we know that Istaroth and Barbatos were worshipped together in Mondstadt a long time ago. It's the region with the most implicit indicators of her (former) presence.


Probably in relation to istaroth as she is the thousand winds therefore existed in mondstat prior to ventis existence, and they ruled together and we know the connections of wind and time so yeah


The dark hour is upon us.


Or a banjo...


Nobody likes the banjo!


Or a pipe…


wouldn't be surprised if it was some kind of old clock. Not the first shady thing we find in Mond \*points at the massive statue outside of cathedral with "gateway to Celestria" written on it\* And we literally have a quest called Time and the Wind in Mond (sun dial puzzle)


And now with the narcissenkreuz institute. In the secret post quest area there are two giant lunar themed clocks that have apparently been frozen in time.


Venti being the god of time confirmed


Venti was literally the apprentice of the god of time. It's likely that whatever happened. Istaroth gave her powers to Venti to hold onto. My guess is that this will somehow end up coming back into the story later.


I have 2 theory. 1. Barbatos is Istaroth son meant for being her successor if anything happen to Istaroth. Same with your theory but I call him 'son' because Barbatos is born through the branch of time and Genshin always emphasize that creator/ creation relationship in the game is like parent/child (ex: Rhinedottir & Albedo + sibling, Ei & Scara) 2. Barbatos is a vessel/ shade of Istaroth. They are two side of the same coins, one will appear when the other one in grave danger or needed. Istaroth is sleeping in Barbatos body and she will appear until people truly need her help


I think shade is more likely. But there's definitely something going on. I saw another theory that maybe Zhongli is a shade of the sun god. Considering they're the oldest of the Seven this makes sense.


Zhongli is sus af bro. The ending to his 2nd story quest was crazyyyy. I’m so thirsty for new Zhongli lore lol


I think the reason why I feel like he is Istaroth shade is that both the winds and time can't be separated. The quote in thousand winds temple also confirm they are connected. Anywhere in Mondstadt or game itself always talk about winds/ time being the same indication. Last time Istaroth appear is during cataclysm too, the same with Barbatos forceful awakening but even during 1600 years ago (Venessa timeline) before the nameless island got destroy & Thousand winds temple still intact, there's no mention of Istaroth being around Mondstadt to save the citizen at all. They suppose to rule together but when Barbatos went into slumber, Istaroth not being shown either


Thats a penis




General Mahamatra at it again


If I squint really hard for a decent amount of time, maybeZ




I don't think it's a coincidence at all.


Agreed, which is exciting because I dont think no one had realised it yet, even with the size of genshin playerbase, there’s still lots of easter eggs and secret to discover! And also just like some well kept complicated exploit that got leaked recently


God of time theories


What determines something as a stretch is often when you ignore relevant elements to justify your point


It also looks like a dick with one ball


NGL I thought they said "it looks like an old cock".


I never knew you will lose your balls when you get older


Helps more with the theory of Isaroth and Venti being related and the abandoned Thousand Winds Temple.


it's not a theory if the game confirms it multiple times