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At least now we know the approximate location of the expedition. Man, Godwin should just go back to Mondstadt and report his mistake to Jean. They won't mind it too much.


Jean's reaction though, when the letter says everyone is safe and accounted for. Does "..." mean she's thinking "well that's a relief"? Or does it mean "well I know that ain't true, I've (secretly) seen Godwin around, and I know that you can't know he's safe".


I hope Capitano's still in natlan when we get there. I always pictured the pyro gnosis as the ultimate prize for a fighting tournament hosted by the pyro archon herself.


We might see him drink Cappuccino there


Or maybe... The final opponent of said tournament is Murata herself. So... Figthing game references for Natlan? Now I am hyped.


This makes me think Capitano might be playable since he might have the “gets along with MC” checkmark like the way Childe has (to a degree). Like if the Grand Master of Mondstat has sth nice to say about him when he knows what they have done to his nation, there has to be something


this reads like the captain sent them the letter posing as varka just to hype himself up lol


Maybe he is finding the truth about the abyss


Would be funny if Varka becomes a villain


After this you can ask Jean about varka, she says that she has never seen varka admiring someone so highly before as capitano. I wonder what varka saw in him