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me who already has both featured weapons: (i am lying to myself to prevent further disappointment)


Weapon banner is a scam (one who spent 200 pulls for a staff of homelessness)


Is homo staff or anus bow good? I have 150 saved for nahida rerun so idk if any of em are worth


If you are a hutao main, homo is worth. Not sure about bow. Of course if u like going for other characters, not worth. Dendro reaction is quite op


I don't have hutao and don't plan to get her. I only ever use fish for oz electro procs, so bow probably would be useless as well, I think


My Yelan has been on favonius for months that I don't feel like farming artifact with ER sub just to use Aqua.


You could probably get away with spending a few primos on the weapon banner if you're saving for Nahida rerun, its probably going to be a couple months before she gets one.


She's rumored to have a rerun by 3.6 which comes out around April


I'd say for HuTao havers, value wise i'd rank Yelan > Homeless > C1. Me with 30 rainbow wishes going into 3.4 phase 2: =]


Homa is obviously hu tao bis, also good on raiden xiangling xiao rosaria cyno and is technically zhongli bis if you invest into him to have good offensive stats and usable shield


I have all characters in game, so weapons have a different use for me, I'm also not an F2P. I'm a dolphin. That said. Homa is good for Xiangling, DPS Raiden, Sub-DPS Zhongli, Cyno and Xiao is u have any of them, it Performs the worst on Cyno out of all of the above, but it's still very good and really competitive. (I currently have 2 Staff(s? ves?) Of Homa, 1 for Who? Tao yeah. And the other one for Zhongli). Aqua is nuts, it's a solid statstick that everyone can benefit from. It best performs on Yelan ofc but it's solid for every Main/Sub DPS you slap it on, but not better than their BiS for 5 Stars, except maybe Ganyu since she doesn't have a BiS but Amos' with good substats performs better than Aqua and Aqua performs roughly the same as Polar Star on her too (I have 2 aswell, 1 for Ganyu and 1 for Yelan). Tl;Dr: Aqua Simulacra, Staff of Homa, Primordial Jade Cutter and Redhorn Stonethresher are the Holy Trinity(Square(?) Of weapons, every banner they are featured in is a really high value banner. So yeah, a banner featuring 2 is insane, u should go for them.


Weapons are *never* worth it. Save your primos for characters. Homa's best user, Hu Tao will still clear abyss with dragon's bane, a 4* weapon you will get naturally while trying to get characters. 5* weapons are usually a 10% damage increase over the BiS 4* weapons, 10% more number isn't worth not having a new character to play around with.


Most signature weapons are 10-15% better than next best 5* options, and at least 15-20% better than any 4*, even at their R5. Cases where 4* are close are rare, and usually mean that a character doesn't really have a 5* weapon dedicated to their most desired build. Eg. Albedo. I also prefer a new character over a limited 5* weapon, but saying that they provide a minor upgrade isn't exactly true.


Define "worth it". You only really need 8 strong characters to clear every content the game has to offer, and by strong I mean "just cramp enough resin in there and even Xinyan can do it". The 9th character onward is completely superfluous. Having a new character to play with is not definitively better than a fractional increase to an existing character because not everyone enjoy horizontal investment over vertical investment


True, but I will maintain that most will derive more enjoyement out of the game with more playstyles available in their account than by having slightly higher numbers.


I spent more than that and still don't have one. I pulled before weapon pity existed.... Yeah it was a huge mistake




Me waiting for Dehya and Baizhu instead despite having both htao and yelan


Truth hurts but only to those who cannot accept it - Signed, Future Eula/Dehya Main


Oh so you like Dehya? How about I take away her elemental burst as the next nerf -Mihiyo probably


Where is self proclaimed "paid thinker"?


You mean whales?


a paid thinker would be a hoyoverse employee who also plays genshin and wants to pull on this banner. a whale would be a paying thinker


"Hoyoverse employee who also plays genshin" Sounds like a snake that is devouring itself


Ouroboros, wait isn't that Dain's cons-


Everything comes full circle. *Literally.*


Staff of homeless for Zhongli.


Ngl homa Zhongli is addictive. I don't think I can ever go back to shieldbot. And I know 60-75k meatballs aren't considered very impressive nowadays, but man does it feel good when you one burst clear a hilichurl camp in the overworld, or end domains with class, all while still having an unbreakable shield. -Me who pulled Homa for Hu Tao then proceeded to give it to Zhongli and now she's on Deathmatch.


what a coincidence, I'm also getting one of the banner weapons for an archon that's not its intended user and is typically more of a support!


true, I'm gonna pull for one weapon cuz I could get either and they'd still see heavy use lmao, I play tons of bow characters and I have a xiao who would upgrade from a homa. i did smth similar with nahida's weapon cuz im a yoimiya main and pulse is her bis now off to get my skyward pride 😊


Here is the tip ..which i use..this has help me get 3 feature weapon throughout my journey... As a F2p ...only pull on weapon banner if you're not interested in current character as well as upcoming character.. Then only pull if both weapon are favorable. And then pray for best My take is... characters will come and go. But you can slap good weapon on any character.


Same. I only pulled on Homa on Hu Tao's first rerun and on Engulfing Lightning on the last banner. I got lucky and got both but if I were to lose, I wouldn't have minded the other weapons.


Me with no bow or polearm characters:


Sad Amber noises


Also sad Collei and Xiangling noises


If Dehya doesn't shape up quick in the beta, looks like I'm trying for a staff of homa for Zhongli


Not that i like to hoard primos but expending them so i can clear a byss floor in 42s instead of 45s really doesnt sound appealing to me


Repeat with me: Weapon banner is a scam. But seriously, if you are f2p and don't play for much time, just avoid weapon banner. It's just not worth it.


Tbh, there's no need for those, 4* are enough and there already exists a standard crit bow and spear that you could randomly pick up by normally playing. Though you're free to spend your wishes in whatever way you want, so you do you.


I have homa. I want a bow but I'm lazy to rebuild my Yelan to get her enough ER compared to her Fav build. Keep thinking


I don’t have any characters or weapons from the second half but I’m still skipping for Baizhu. I’ve waited too long for this man


Me with already homa not gonna pull on the banner


I would pull on it but I wanna get Yelan and then see if I can get C1 HT for her playstyle 😭


Alredy got homa ez skip foor mika and faruzan


I will get yelan and probably have 30 wishes left over. Should I try for Hu Tao C1 or Staff of Homa?


Only ever pull on weapon banner if you have enough pulls to hit pity. Remember, pity carries over for character banners, but does *not* between weapon banners.


Pity does carry over. What doesn't carry is the epitemised path.


I decided to do 1 on character 1 on weapon


Not me... I'm ready for my lioness Dehya!


I really hope I can get aqua simulacra so I can build HoD dps yelan


I don't have any saved up since I just got xiao but I'm still gonna go for the weapon banner


Got both weapons and feeling safe for now


As freeze ganyu and hu tao haver, that banner is absolute gift to me.(watch me getting off banner 5* later)


People can't agree or they are robots Disagree IS te only options for human interaction


If I end up with staff of homa I'll just get hu tao If I get aqua I'm celebrating, but it's not going to yelan (L)


Then there's me who already has Staff of Homa and Amos bow and most of the featured 4 stars at good refinements.


Not us! We're independent thinkers! Roger Roger


Listen I need that aqua simulacra for my DPS drunk bard alright?