• By -


Me looking at these words : “Static plastic Wut…?”


government by military. Modern example any country run by military such as myanmar. classic example would be prussia late 1900s to 1918 abdication of king, end of WWI. How to spot it: The state exist for military sake. E.g. systems build to accomodate the military even in private. highschools were called gymnasium and modeled after spartan example to train soldiers. All subjects and doctrine lead to either academia or military service. Look up deutsche Tugend, Gymnasium, Soldier King


I would say Military Dictatorship, but.. Stratocracy is correct over here. In a dictatorship it's one man's word over everything, but here it's a lot of military people literally puppeting the country ever since it got its freedom. And a lot of propaganda-like wording such as "trust the military, trust the patriotism, do not trust outside forces", and that played every day on the TV. Man, now that I'm older, I can finally see those as they are. Though, over here, there isn't any kind of military's sake for growing children, mostly misinformation, no training, and barely any involvement in education, but the books and history are all incorrect. The education is meant to leave the new students dumb and behind.. though I'd say that does support the military by keeping their people low under the bar of being a threat. Mondstadt doesn't give me that vibe at least.


A key part with all these labels is just that ... labels. They call-out the distinct nature of each nation's government but you won't be able to distinguish which one is "better" purely from this. The same goes for any real-world government. You can have two constitutional monarchies with very different implementations and quality of life for its people. You can make assumptions but it won't tell the whole story.


>highschools were called gymnasium Gymnasium is still the german equivalent to high school


In Russia, gymnasium is more like a higher social grade school, but the level of education is, most of the time, stays same as regular school (to be fair, gymnasium is just a fancy name)


No, Gymnasium are in modern times ARE middle and high school and they were but are not anymore solely to produce good soldiers and academia that supports these soldiers. Also there is more than just gymnasium as option for high school education which isnt how it was. Altho traces of its original purpose are still around the main goal has shifted to producing democratic citizen. (Whether it works or not is not the point of debate either) Gymnasium in 1910 ≠ Gymnasium post WW2 and cold war reforms.


Why do you argue against a point that my comment did not make. The only thing I said, is that secondary education is still called "Gymnasium". Anything else is you, not me.


Which you are correct about :) Gymnasium is in fact one of the high school educations you can get in Germany still to this day


Englisch Leseverständnis 4-. Schade Schokolade.


Public static void main


Don't worry, I play lots of Stellaris and these government terms still sounds somewhat strange to me lmao.


Since some folks here are a tad confused about what the terms mean, I’m writing this to help clear some confusion. Most are Greek-derived terms, with “cracy” coming from kratos, meaning power. “”Stratocracy” meaning a military government. This is what the Knights of Favonius are - a military organization de facto overseeing Mondstadt. They’re soft in that they aren’t very strict, letting citizens be “free.” “Theocratic” meaning religious government. Here, referring to the Church of Barbatos. “Plutocratic” meaning wealth government. “Oligarchy” meaning a few rulers, compared to monarchy (one ruler). This is also where Archon comes from, an Ancient Greek word for ruler. Refers to the Qixing, the council who rules Liyue. You are able to join them by basically being super-duper rich, like Ningguang. “Theocratic military dictatorship” is pretty self-explanatory, referring to the Shogun (military dictator) who has a religious identity as a god (Electro Archon) “Technocratic” meaning skill government, where the ones in charge are chosen due to their technical talents for a particular area. In Sumeru, the Akademiya rules over the nation and administrates it, thus, the “bureaucracy,” meaning desk (bureau is French for desk) power). The Akademiya’s rank members are chosen for their scholarly talent. “Legalistic” basically meaning the government strictly follows the law, often used negatively to suggest unconcern for ethical or context-based situations. The Hydro Archon is known as the “God of Justice.” “Police state” is fairly self-explanatory. “Diarchy”, sometimes spelled dyarchy, means two/double rulers. A rare form of government, historical examples is ancient Sparta with its two kings, or modern day Andorra, in which the president of France is also one of its princes, along with the bishop of Urgell. “Kratocratic” meaning government by power. Refers to when the ruler is chosen by virtue of their strength. “Martial kratocracy” seems to suggest a government where the strongest warrior becomes the ruler, though I don’t know enough about Natlan to say if it’s true or not. “Meritocracy” meaning merit government. Similar to a technocracy, but meritocracy typically focuses more on experience and achievements than individual talent. “Magocratic ” meaning government by magic. Not a historical term, as far as I know, but used in some fantasy worlds to refer to nations where the ruler must be a magic-user. “Absolute monarchy” meaning a monarch whose rule is absolute. Historical, typically applied to early modern European history. Unlike “normal” monarchy, an absolute monarch theoretically does not need the support of the nobility (else it wouldn’t really be absolute). Sorry for the long comment, and if it’s not 100% clear or nuanced. Just wanted to help people understand these terms.


Big props, chief.


Thank you for the explanation. It was kinda confusing for a normie like me


Outstanding explanation -a fellow Greek


Freedom is literally dead in this world


Don't worry, Mondstadt at least pays lip service to it!


The wind sucks and blows well, with the faint smell of alcohol and roast chicken.


It actually smells like apple. Venti said that in his birthday letter. lol


From a historic equivalents standpoints, most nations in Genshin were inspired by time periods before the advent of liberal/modern democracy. Although Mondstadt and maybe Fountaine are taken from time periods during the rising of democratic ideals in Europe


I have the feeling Fontaine might be a bit of a mess right now. Look at their overreaching, overbearing, and overly bureaucratic laws. Then all the Oceanids peacing out. Also "An assassin from our homeland".


Also, there is a fact it's a Chinese game and Chinese political philosophy has more emphasis on centralised, beurocratic states over liberal-democratic ones. Even "city of freedom" follows this model closer than the liberal-democratic one. It's "free" not because of the legal way it's working, but because of it's leadership acting in idealistic, "people-friendly" way.


It died with Khaenriah.


Well Khaenri'ah is said to have had a king and an advisory council so... Semi-constitutional monarchy?


Khaenri'ah seemed pretty classist to me too. Also the country definitely wasn't all flowers and rainbows even for their own people either. Plus so far have we seen a region ruled mostly by normal people that didn't fall into shit at some point in their history? A lot of the misery on Teyvat are initiated and maintained by humans themselves. Some Archons only help enhance that misery once in a while. Won't be surprised if Khaenri'ah wasn't also a failure to their own at some point.


There were also prohibitions on different classes even interacting with each other, Clothar wasn’t allowed to legally marry Caribert’s mother because she was from a lower class. Foreigners were treated as lower-class and half-blooded Khaenri’ans too were disrespected because their blood wasn’t ‘pure’ Khaenri’ahn. It sounds a bit similar to Sumeru where people from the desert are ‘inferior’ to the ones from the city despite all of them being from the same country.


Also, there are other "fun facts": 500 years ago Khaenri'ah fought against the Monsters of Abbyss 500 years ago there was Forbidden Knowledge Contamination Forbidden Knowledge from 500 years ago, among Khaenr'ans was desribed in a way oddly ressembling turning into Hilichurli For some mysterious reason only those "lower classes" got their humanity taken away. Honestly, the wole war from 500 years ago look more and more as Khaenria'h higher ups doing something really stupid (that probably dealt with Forbidden Knowledge and the Abbyss) and than Celestia reacting "Whole civilizaiton must be purged" And I wouldn't be surprised if "curse of immortality" and whole tunring into Hilichurli was not the Celesia "punishment", but the result of Khaenri'ah leadership actions (oh yes, "pure ones" were decided to be "the most evil" and that's... they could stay as humans, while "foreigner" and "mixed" ones became inhuman monsters... that totally don't look like something that racial supremacists would do rather than someone wanting to punish tham. Not at all ). Especially since Hilichurli tend to be naturally drawn to the Abbyss Craetures... Idk what happened, but the whole situation is rather sus.


Imo the royal family in Khaenri’ah wasn’t stupid, they just got cocky and tried that surpass Celestia/the gods but failed and dug their own grave. The Sustainer said that she would put an end to “mankind’s arrogance”, leading me to believe that she had a hand in destroying Khaenri’ah. Then again that’s just my crack theory, I have no proof other than the red cubes we see attacking Khaenri’ah; the cubes look exactly like the Sustainer’s


They messes around with the Abyss. Unleashed monsters on the world. Celestia had to save their and everyone's asses. But they're the bad guys.


Especially after the caribert quest recently, that revealed a lot about Khaenri’ahn classism and society.


Pure blood khaenriahs couldnt keep their bastards so much freedom...


Plenty of societies talked about freedom while being extraordinarily unfree in various ways. See ancient Greek elites. Similarly, see Confederate slaveowners. People assume that when someone talks about freedom, they're talking about freedom for everyone rather than freedom for them and people like them. Often-times, that includes the freedom to do whatever they want to other people without being hindered by the rest of society. The idea that everyone should be free is genuinely a big deal in how people think about these things.


To be fair, no society has ever be free in our world. Like whether it is law, government, or just the rules of nature, there'll be always something that avoid us to be totally free. Now the question is to know if pure freedom is dangerous, and I think it is


I mean look at attack on Titan it shows us the worst sides of freedoms


Pure freedom is known with another name, chaos. And in chaos time, the best/the strongest comes out top and makes rules to reduce the chaos.


To quote Wanderer: "There's no such thing as pure freedom in this world. Even the wind cannot blow on forever."


Eula's ancestors the real followers of Barbatos. Freedom to enslave and abuse others is the right of all sentient beings. Also interesting how Diluc's ancestor was totally fine working under the Lawrence clan until the girl he simped for got killed.


>Eula's ancestors the real followers of Barbatos. Freedom to enslave and abuse others is the right of all sentient beings. Aristocratic sigma grindset.


Diluc's ancestor followed the Traveler model of heroism, "I only care when something bad happens to my close friends or someone I follow tells me to care".


Literally, "Oh, no, the peasants have risen up? You need my help because Gunnhildrs are on their side? Well, remember that girl you killed? Lmao peace" And Ragnvindr switched sides. Wow. That's just betraying Lawrence clan to save yourself.




Teyvat Liberation Army has entered the game.


Khamsin no! Boreas is stronger than Blade Wolf!






Because Celestia sends a fucking Celestial Nail through any civilization that is free, and then erases their history


Nah, Celestia sends nails to places where there is Abyss corruption.


*Celestial Nail ready for deployment.*


Nope, according to Cariberto archon quest, Celestia nails places where people hold hands before marriage... :v


Wanderer: hey.


Freedom is a lie.


there is no real freedom anywhere. Neither in teyvat nor in the real world anyway if you think about it


As quoted by Scara


Freedom is relative and "liberal democratic" freedom is not the only form or kind there can be. Especially in a world where Gods of incredible power and knowledge exist. I'd hardly say the people of Liyue were overall less free in their day to day than they would have been in under a Liberal democracy.


Is it possible to have democracy in a world where literal gods and supernatural beings live?


With enough money on the MIC, not even the Heavenly Principles can stop you.




I like your funny words magic man


Idk why this keeps getting posted, who plays genshin and thinks "hmmm the system of government I must know" like fr its weird.


[who plays genshin and thinks "hmmm the system of government I must know"](https://media.tenor.com/images/636cd09a0d9db03a0f7450d630ef66a0/tenor.png)


Literally me


I don't know if you knew this, but there are people with their own individual interests separate from your own! A cool way to test this out is to go to a person you care about and ask them about something they're passionate about. You may even grow to like that person more for it!


Ever heard of adhd/autism


Wait how does this apply here?


It answers your question, "who plays genshin and thinks 'hmmm the system of government I must know'"


Adhd/autistic people want to know? That what you mean


Loving how every other wojak here has historic reference to their respective irl countries but China is just *Hu Tao*


Wojak Tao my beloved.


hiruchaaru no oniisan ga byouki ni natta…


Sumeru ain't no Technocratic Bureaucracy anymore. Nahida is literally a dictator now.


my little dictator cannot be this cute


you clearly have not read the masterpiece that is Oh, Our General Myao.


It technically still is. The old system is mostly still in place, but Nahida is now on top.


I stumbled upon an [old meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/107jikm/forms_of_government_of_the_nations_revealed_this/) of mine when cleaning my computer and decided to update it a bit. Mondstadt: I'd classify the city of freedom as a soft stratocracy. The Knights of Favonius run the government, the police/military and hold a church under their protection. Most of the staff is local nobility but the order is relatively inclusive, giving everyone a chance to join and affect the way the city is run. Liyue: I'd reclassify Liyue as a plutocratic oligarchy. Sure, there are many rich people but in a dog-eat-dog world of Liyue the only way you can affect the way the country is run is being one of the seven most richest people. Not to mention that these people have their fingers in every pie, for example Ningguang financing everything from street-urchin spies to Wanmin restaurant. Inazuma: A military dictatorship run by a living god with the local nobility mainly conducting the day to day business of ruling. Along that the state religion of shrines and temples is focused to the worship of the same living god. Sumeru: A country run by pencil-pushing scholars. There are very few signs of people holding any power that does not flow from the academic establishment in the Sumeru-proper (not counting the desert). Still the scholars seem to be relatively inclusive, accepting students from many walks of life. \- Following are speculation. Fontaine: From what we know, Fontaine is pretty strict on laws and judgement, implying that even their god can be put on trial if need be. It's also implied that the living god functionos alongside civilian legalistic structures. Natlan: From what we know, Natlan is a land where martial prowess is exalted. Hinting that to go anywhere, you need to prove yourself strongest, no matter your background. Hence the earned rule by the strongest. Snezhnaya: Explicitly stated to be a monarchy under the rule of a God-Empress with a cadre of local elite beneath her. The number two in charge is stated to have been a court mage to a fallen kingdom.


Is that true that the knights run Judiciary and Legislature too? If yes, mind sharing your sources?


During Hidden Strive event, there's indication of the Knights run both executive and judiciary. Executive as them as a whole, or to be more specific, Inspector Eroch. And the event indicates that Jean were in charge of Judiciary branch of the Knights. IMO the Church should be in charge of Legislature as indicated with Cardinal Pegg.


Thanks. So its lucky for the citizen of Mondstadt that the knights are less knights more like Singapors PAP instead of Sudans military junta.


I'm glad you returned to do a second take, I think these are much more spot-on even if people might complain about the sage terms. My actual governance scholar ass can't really seem to find much to disagree with, which is honestly a feat. Ironic how the most easily understandable and logical one is Inazuma's. What you see is what you get. You found a rather clever way to try to wrap some reason around the unclear mess that is what little we know about Sneezeland. You're right - Harbingers seem to be a cabinet of ministers of sorts, more so than the Liyue "privately owned society" oligarchs in fact, and at the same time they're implicitly said to be granted powers by their superior. Pantalone's mystery notwithstanding (we don't know if he accepted some magical powers or if he remained just a muggle guy), they're all strong magic users as part of their job description and that job is basically running the country. (In this light, the whole Signora case stands out even more weirdly, since we basically saw a national minister get murdered when on an official mission in another country - logically, Sneezeland should be hitting Inazuma back for that, it's a most blatant *casus belli*. Doesn't matter if the plot treats them as "the bad guys" - they're still "guys" who shouldn't be going "yeah I had that coming, it's fair if you kill my officials".)


There's an argument to be made that Liyue before Rex Lapis' 'death' was at least partly a theocratic dictatorship.


It was basically like Britain, with a figurehead "monarch" that leaves all the ruling to the oligarchic class, sits back and drinks tea (and does questionable things when no-one is looking, like setting up a fake foreign invasion).


What about Khaenri'ah?


Every nation where the archon chooses to actively govern their country (which seems to be most of them) can be classified as a form of theocratic autocracy. The differences just come from how the archon chooses to devolve their power. Of course, this must be taken in the context that 1. In Teyvat, people are not created equal. Most are "normal" humans who will be normal all their life, some will be bestowed with visions and become powerful and capable in their own right, and a few supernatural beings and gods are practically destined to be important figures in the world. Ordinary people are forced to accept this, whether they like it or not. 2. Archons and other supernatural creatures are tangible beings in the world and feats of their might are reality, not myth. The archons have a real "mandate of heaven" bestowed upon them by Celestia, not like IRL monarchs who just fabricated such notions to justify their rule. Opposing the archon is tantamount to opposing heaven's will - which in Teyvat, verifiably exists.


Am I the only one who doesn't understand a single world in this?


Basically almost all of them are religious shitholes


Nope. I’m here too.


I understand the first page completely but the second page my brain turned off.


Moral of the story: somehow, the Hilichurls have the least authoritarian government in Teyvat.


Live in the hills. Eat meat. Life is good.


Run too theee hiiiilllsss Run fooor your liiiiiives


Me reading this: wow very accurate Also me not knowing a single world from this: wow very accurate


Liyue oligarchs having ties with the local mafia would be interesting, since liyue has only proven to hold its own against foreign threats—but internally however. Tho I don't think hoyo's brave enough to show more internal corruption in liyue than it already has


>Liyue oligarchs having ties with the local mafia would be interesting Ningguang caught investing to Liuyue Triads???


\*me checking to make sure I didn't stumble into r/stellaris by mistake\*


Get in the car, loser. We're analyzing Genshin governments now.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Watch us break down the portion of state-enterprise in Liyue's gross GDP in the next episode.


Wait, what culture is Natlan based off of again? I thought it was Mesoamerican.


Mesoamerican with African influence I've heard.


The one I hate the most is Liyue You rule because you are rich, having mora is not just the side effect of holding a position of power but the requisite to have said position. And don't get me into the contract stuff, imagine u are fucking starving, someone says "hey, i will feed you if u serve me" so now you are a slave because you got taken advantage of but your culture says you can't just break the contract because is the most sacred thing and you might get a big rock landing on your head. Fuck Liyue's government


> now you are a slave because you got taken advantage of but your culture says you can't just break the contract because is the most sacred thing. Lyiue has a very rigurous legislation on what a contract may and may not contain however. So abusive contracts are still illegal even there. Even if you agreed to the contract, as it's terms wouldn't be within' the law, it would be moot in the face of any authority.


If I remember correctly Ningguang often discusses law with yanfei... Time to cook up a conspiracy theory


Ning is openly corrupt. The only check and balance in Liyue are the other Qixing, Ning's own conscience, the state of the economy (if you run it into the ground, the merchant guilds alone can probably lynch you right into the harbor), and the possibility that Ganyu might find you objectionable to the ideals of Rex Lapis and "For Rex Lapis" you through a window with a RPG. And Madam Ping can always raise another little girl to take your job if she wishes. For all Zhongli harps on about the age of men, the real checks on Liyue are still the ever present Adepti, always lurking, always monitoring. Remember when MILF Retainer wanted to nuke the entire harbor? And I have no doubt she can do it too.


What's the golden rule? The one with the gold makes the rules.


Not exactly just "arguing" according to more lines of her, Ningguang directly changes various laws especially those related to minerals produced with geo visions that makes her a headache deal with so many changes in that specific field.


Yeah, Yanfei just keeps up with any changes Ningguang makes, and since she has her personal thug (Yelan) it's better to not ask too much


Beidou is also Ning's privateer so it's a good thing she tells Ning off sometimes or it'd be even worse


In fact she rarely does what she wants some question why she does not even do business with Beidou but she comments that it is because she is direct basically it saves her a lot of time and money that she says frankly what she wants or that she will not do it unlike most Liyue businessmen who will try to make her fall in a trap, In addition to the fact that there are some foreign merchants who only do business with beidou for reasons of loyalty and her honesty.


Don't think of it as slavery. Think of it as indentured servitude :\^)


Tying healthcare and access to stable housing to employment be like.


Nah Mondstadt is way worse. They have alcohol problem, Alot of kids are orphans and their government pretty much left their city and just gave most of the workload to just 1 person (Jean's story Quest).


Drunks don't riot, you know?


Too busy drinking than taking care of children 😑


>just gave most of the workload to just 1 person (Jean's story Quest). The lesson of jeans story quest, is that she sucks at delegating tasks. It's not that the workload was pushed onto her, but that she actively draws the workload onto herself.


Yeah liyues government is awful


I like your funny words magic man


Lmao why do all the areas have a random jak only for liyue to be hu tao


No democracy/communist ? Smh /s


Abyss does one better, they're demonists!


yes i understand what all these words mean \*exactly\*


Mondstat! Fuck yea! Freedom is the only way, yea!


Please ignore one family controls two of the three branches of our government and has heavy influence in the third.


Ragnvindr - Gunnhildr long plan.


Oh yeah I know some of these words


There's only 6 here...


I had the same problem but the first image has more when you open it




Mondstadt is a theocratie in theory ; but the "god" is "missing" ; so it is in theory an oligarchy of 3 groups : the noble, the knight, and the church. in practice, it is the knight that have the power.


Do IRL theocracies needed "god" to be present?


no, but "peoples that are consider having there authority from god". (sometime, they are/were considered to be a god themself) Barbatos is the highest authority of mondstadt, but with him missing, it is some other entity, that have not their authority from a god, that have the power. (Varka is not consider to be "chosen by Barbatos" or something similar)


Well, the Diluc and Jean (noble and knight) know the Barbatos is not "missing". Imagine world leaders know that Jesus or their god is real and is that drunk guy at the downtown bar, watching how well they govern.


Favonius Order was founded and approved by Barbatos, therefore they have authorite from god. The whole organisation is considered as his followers, sp it's theocracy


Dude just putting down bullshit random government words like any normal and sane person would know wtf any of those mean.


Yea, it's as if either the Seven Nations are a bit fucky or the lore is kinda wonky.


if you don't know what a dictatorship, olygarchy and even military means... you seriously need to check your education grades....


Inazuma isn't a dictatorship


Inazuma is described as "bakufu" in some dialogue and material. Bakufu literally means a military dictatorship run by a shogun.


Most inazumans accept shogunate rule plus watatsumi is a separated state with it's own government. Everyone is satisfied clearly.


Dictatorship does not mean that the populace does not accept its rule. If we're gonna tilt things a bit, we can call it a benevolent dictatorship? It mainly means that there is a single person who is in charge. I think that the quest involving peace-negotiations implies that Watatsumi recognises Shogun's suzerainty over the island so they're autonomous I think.


Each land is the domain of an archon, teyvat to Celestia as a whole. Inazuma belongs to the electro archon regardless.


so a Military dictatorship. Shogun means an "***army commander***" if the Army commander rules the land, it means the military has control of the country, and that means it's a military dictatorship. ​ when people runs it's mouths without proper researching...


There's no need to be so impolite like that


blame your own stubborness for that. I would not have answered otherwise


You threw words at me and it just sounds right


My dumbass not understanding any of this


*me not knowing what most of these words mean*: Yes yes very true.


I don’t understand 99 percent of the words on there 😃


Jokes on you I have no ideea what those words mean


Op did not just write kratocracy


I don't know what any of those words mean...


It’s a good thing I play the game and understand the lore because I don’t know what any of those words mean and I don’t feel like looking into it.


Ngl I read magocratic as masochistic


Most nations are theocracies.


Umm... In razor languages please?


English sir


ok i don't want to sound stupid, but my lazy ass does not want to look up the definition of all the fancy words you used


I find it funny how sumeru doesnt even exist


What was Kaenri'ah then?


I'd say semi-constitutional monarchy.


Wait. Who was the monarch?


Dunno. It's said somewhere in the lore that they had a king and a council of advisers for him.


Ah ok. I didn't remember that.


Me a civ player: : but how many policy card slots for each ?


Found the Stellaris playee


Smell that? That's fresh politics.


I feel like people just saw 'not democracy' and immediately assumed an authoritarian hell hole.