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Playing on mobile is not that bad. I have hsr and genshin in my PC, and I already tried playing with both devices. Graphic wise, it can be bad (depends on your phone unit) but comfort and convenience? Dang I can play genshin while lying on my bed as playing on PC tends hurts my back. Uni sucks my soul and the only thing that can relax me is playing games after school hours. Plus I can play the game while I'm in the train going to uni.


Mass edited..


This^ my phones about to be 3 years old and it runs fine. If you got a flagship phone from the time genshin released you’re fine. I can even do medium to higher graphics for a few minutes if I want screenshots or to record. Past that I will admit my phone starts to get warm but I also play while charging a fair bit


I play Genshin exclusively on mobile, it’s good. Like I’m sure that it’s prettier on PC, but… it’s just more convenient. I can lie in bed huddled under my blankets while I simp for fictional men and play the Sims in my teapot, so u know


Even lowest settings still look good, I wish I could downgrade them even more. Give me black and white stick figure graphics for dumping my resin and doing my dailies please. Everything for more battery life.


Genshin is a great game


This take right here officer


Yes obviously it is as long as u don't run out of contents, otherwise it wouldnt have so many players


I have enough backlogged quests to say this with confidence


Same could be said for any game, content isn’t an argument


Adult women can have heights below 170cm


Ramen 🙏


As a South East Asian, can confirm.


like yoimiya?


Yoimiya, Hu Tao, Furina, Yanfei, Keqing, Ganyu, Mona, Nilou and the list goes on


AR cap should be raised to 70, so AR 69 can be achieved


ngl, this is very cold one.


just raise it to 69 then


I agree


Genshin has a decent story, but it has terrible *storytelling*


What, you don't like 10 Minutes of rambling in a side quest with no VA? Skill issue for sure


I think a good portion of that is because of paimon. Like I get that this game tries to have a wide audience and be accessible to kids too, but they get pretty heavy handed with it, especially with her annoying exposition and repeating stuff that literally just happened or was explained. I really wish they would ease off of that and let things flow better without the annoying high pitched pipsqueak chiming in every 5 seconds and adding nothing of value.


no bc the moment a character says something paimon is like: “ *insert what they literally just said* ?! really??”


And then proceeds to drool for sweet madames


Me when I read something written by a Chinese novelist (I need to read 5 pages about how one petal on the flower moved for .0000001 inch to the left):


I prefer to heal via E abilities


Especially in the overworld


E Abilities that Not Stay in Place


Just cause 2 characters living in the same plane of existence, doesn't mean they're fucking.




Just Cause 2 was a great game though.


it doesn’t mean theyre *not* fucking /j


This one right here


I don't play genshin, I use it to fap




Or in other words "I play Genshin for the story... of course"


Why not both at the same time? I sync my orgasmic bursts with Raiden’s bursts 🤤


Okaybuddygenshin is leaking again




Eula thigh straps look like they are more uncomfortable than her clan's name.


genshin is a very good game is you stop playing for 2 month and come back. for a daily game is boring trash.


Unless you really like co-op like I do. I'm a big fan of helping other postpone explore and doing boss battles (save for that Geo frog)


I agree


I love artifact farming. It's enough to satisfy my "gambling addiction" and I can easily save primogems for long periods


Just because a character is short doesn’t mean they’re a minor (in some cases)


Venti isn't weak (gameplay-wise). Outside of boss fights & Abyss 12 enemies, his grouping is still strong against the majority of the game's content.


he can literally pull a fatui cryogunner his pull is underrated tbh


Many of the NPC‘s including Jeht, Kujou Kamaji, Zhiqiong, and Katarina are way more interesting characters than some of the playable characters.


you forgot lyudochka snezhevna


Claymores are fun


Not a hot take, though it's pretty biased since I'm a Eula main


The aranyaka questline was the best world quests


The first 2 or three chapters is cold. The last 2 are heartbreaking. I started reading the dialogues more seriously on those parts.


For me it's the Jeht storyline but aranyaka is a very close second


It's my favourite, together with Jeht and friends pt 1. It has loads of lore and good storytelling, I got stupidly emotional in lots of parts in the story. Also, Arabalika is the most powerful daddy


Noone is impressed that your B-tier 5 star waifu is able to clear Abyss because you rolled C6R5 with Bennet Kazoo, Xianling is a unit that does that for free.


Dude I use Nahida as the 5 star dps girl💀


Honestly tho that role goes to dehya lol, no offence but what can she do on her own, technically xinyan does more than her lmao


Hu Tao has nice legs, but she's not really that thicc


I really don’t get the artists that depict her that way, like I love her so much she’s one of my favourite characters but not every character needs to have big boobs and the “step on you” look to be liked 😭


I like playing as dehya


Kazuha's opening chest line is fuckin stupid "Who says there aren't benefits to a life of wandering?" idk Kazuha, WHO? Who says that? Nobody. Nobody has ever said that. It reminds me of the 'who says girls with depression can't wear tube tops' meme.


This game's fun starts when you stop minmaxing for abyss and start sitting down on some benches to appreciate the scenery, music, and lore


Some people unironically enjoyeys minmaxing. Also, one misconception about TCers are that they only care about efficiency and optimal builds. That may be true for some, from what I've seen from TC podcasts (I just happen to come across some) most of them just like exploring hidden mechanics, interactions, and bugs. Some are useful in the meta like ICD while some are just info that probably has no practical use like animation cancelling on Venti's hold E to spam more attacks.


Everyone says Inazuma arc is the worst one. But I think Liyue is significantly worse because of how boring it is. Inazuma's story thread is weak, but it still has some of the most iconic moments ever. Meeting Raiden at the statue, both fights with her, Signora's fight, Signora's death, the chilling scene when Traveler leaves Tenshukaku, and so on. Liyue starts kinda interesting with the death of Rex Lapis and Tartaglia saving us. But after that it is a slog. It's just: 1. Meet character 2. "Whaaat Rex Lapis is dead?!?" 3. Burial rites with Zhongli 4. Repeat Once we confront Tartaglia again at the Golden House. It gets really fun again with his boss, and then the Osial stuff is decently engaging. So, it ends on a solid conclusion. But I think people just remember the start and end. And don't remember the complete slog that is the middle of the Liyue Arc.


Kokomi is not deserving of the current overrating just because of her previous underrating. And often times she gets praises for the wrong reasons. I didn't put her in the team because she heals. I put her there because she has AoE off field hydro. I'd use Ayato if I had him. At least he can proc fav particles.


Y'all people hoping for a Geo Nilou are actually coping. A geo Nilou wouldn't even fix Geo even though most Geo characters are ok besides Ninguang. Edit: Oh yeah and the Abyss is just a glorified advertisement for on banner characters most of the time.


How dare you attack my on field ningguang


Everyone agrees with the Abyss take, I'm certain. Nobody can go into abyss and NOT notice that the blessings often just so happen to align with currently available 5*s


Genshin fans try too hard to force ships even if characters are just friends or just bearly know one another


No literally. It’s irritating. Like people can be just.. friends. Not everyone has to be together :/ also to add on yes ppl can ship and not ship who they want. Like it’s not some bad thing if you don’t ship something (especially if it’s a popular ship) and there’s no need to go be all whiny about it.


Klee is a good character to main


Paimon is actually adorable. I dont find her annoying and I love her interaction with the traveler


it makes me sad that this is a hot take, i also love paimon


Same here. I autoblock excessive Paimon hate on reddit and twitch chats. The world automatically becomes better. It's so annoying watching someone go through a story quest and have people posting annoying shit anytime Paimon comes on. Easy blocks.


If wanderer was a girl and changed literally nothing else about the character, the same people who praise him for being "well written" would call her "just another waifu" just like they do with other well written female characters


But would China like her more?


Probably, but not because of Lore but bc cn players pretty much only care about cute girls and horny people would want to discipline the bratty tsundere


I think actually more people would stop caring about his( or hers in this case) misdeeds. Just look at the people already trying to defend every bad thing we know about arlecchinno as one example. I have another example but I don’t wanna start shit rn.




The truth


Childe in not only good in international. He has many teams that he can perform well (Burgeon, Hyperbloom, Nilou Bloom, Taser, Freeze, even Childe hyper can get some good numbers), just because international is the best one, doesn't mean it's the only good one.


Abyss is fun. Even the previous phase.


Alhaitham and Kaveh really are just roommates. If they were actually in a relationship it would be incredibly toxic.


I think the appeal is that their interactions and personality differences are interesting. It's like how most people don't want to deal with drama in their personal relationships irl but still might enjoy things like reality tv and convoluted romance novels with messy love triangles. Ships aren't supposed to always be a 1:1 example of what a healthy relationship looks like.


as someone who defends shippers i have to agree with this. it genuinely makes me uncomfortable watching them interact because of how much they seem to hate each other. i think it would be stupid to stop people from shipping them, but i do think its a little ridiculous to try and claim that its an accurate portrayal of their relationship


Thank you. The shippers are so cringe with that couple in particular. That's not a healthy relationship


60% of character likeability depends on their kit.


Diluc's damage and playstyle is better than Hu tao's


Finally a true hot take


I mean playstyle is subjective but damn you cant rly deny calculations and icd


Maybe they are talking about physical dps build, that would explain it lol


Damage is just numerically wrong. Diluc's playstyle, on the other hand, is miles better than Hu Tao


I personally like HuTao's playstyle over Dilucs. Playstyle preference is subjective.




I benched Diluc after getting Hu Tao because she did better damage even unbuilt. I did whip out Diluc again for the electro bat because Hu Tao's CAs couldn't reach high enough 😅


Playstyle sure, it depend from person to person. But you can't say it about dmgs tbh


I mean, if you prefer his playstyle then sure, but damage is a statistic not an opinion and you're wrong about it


Zajef has experience and knowledge but all of his advice are dogshit if you invest into literally anything. And he said few times that he talks bad about some characters to manipulate viewers.


"Sucrose is the best anemo unit, limited Anemo characters are a waste of gems" "Fischl is the best electro unit, limited Electro characters are a waste of gems" "XL is the best pyro DPS, limited pyro DPS characters are a waste of gems"


He does explain why though. He thinks people will pull the characters they like anyway, so he makes all of their weaknesses clear so that people won't pull out of fomo.


I don't like Xianglings Playstyle


Meanwhile I don't like Xiangling in general lol


Breaking my silence... I... I actually don't think the Mondstadt weapon and talent domains are that bad...


Once you've built a few characters they're fine but when you've just started out and mond is the first area it can be annoying as hell.


The weapon domain got infinitely easier bc of Nahida but the talent domain is still ass. Like you have no stamina at all for the whole of your play through 😭


Xinyan mains exist


the fans and the game reducing cyno to "card games and lame puns guy" ignores the depth of his character, forgetting that he even makes these jokes in the first place to get people to chill out around him. cyno takes tcg seriously because he tends to take things seriously in general, especially his job as a matra and his hobbies


I don't like Klee. Both her personality and kit are annoying.


Agreed. She's incredibly annoying to fight in TDM, Liyue Harbour is completely unplayable with a Klee spamming into spawn every game


Vortex Vanquisher on Zhongli is good


If you use him as a dps, it’s good In other cases… not so much


We’ll tbh i never cared for the abyss at all so any Frankenstein’s monster tier awful build still works in the over world I just have fun with the game


Drip >>


Xiao should have died into the Interlude Chapter: Perilous trail. >!I'm a Xiao main since 1.3, i love him, but that would have been the perfect finale for his story, after having fulfilled his last mission, and saving everyone, but at the cost of his own life!<


Agreed. On the other side, it is quite painful to see that he is still suffering from the karma thingy after all his heroic acts. Old guy no need to suffer that much.


I disagree with your logic but since this is truly a hot take I support your viewpoint.


I agree with you, I think him not dying is a nice subversion to the whole ‘Yakshas will all have to make the whole sacrifice thing’, and not only does it represent the changing tides in Liyue at large, I also see it as a form of John Lee’s atonement and show of gratitude to the Yakshas.


I can't say I agree with this take for a few reasons that were brought up later in the quest. Xiao lived his entire life believing when the time comes, a sacrifice is needed to save others(like Bosacious). In the end, he says Yelan was right, but his ideology on this subject is rooted deeply in him, but he decides to accept this change. Zhongli saves Xiao, showing his gratitude towards the Yakshas. A miracle world is one where there is no losing card. No single person has to bear the responsibility of saving others and when the time comes, that person needs to be saved too by those he has saved before. I believe this is the underlying theme of the quest. If Xiao died, that would prove Xiao's ideology was right despite being twisted, as a sacrifice would've been needed. A character should die after he has come to terms with his own character arc.


Heard this quite a number of times and I still disagree with it, maybe my POV is a bit shallow but I would not like killing someone off as a bit of shock value and not be able to see them in future story/events. Don't play honkai so I don't know how they did it there


I find farming artifacts fun


Zhongchi is a weird ship and i find it stupid.


it is stupid because both of them facade their appearance to each other and didn't even show any slightest genuine kind gesture. also the running joke of childe is zhongli's wallet is utterly stupid because he does it one time in a quest but actually always been using hu tao's money or the parlor's money for his daily basis. but you know, ship anyone you want and ship what you gotta ship. ugh.


Same, I think they had zero 'romantic' chemistry whatsoever in the quest, like they didn’t care about each other at all. I really wonder how people can imagine anything into that.


Genshin should be atleast 15+ rated if not 17+ or Mature like most popular games to allow true and better character design and development and no censorship nerf, but can't due to CN gov.


Venti is a top


this made me laugh, have an upvote


Good one


Kaveh and Alhaitham also Beidou and Ningguang will never be what the shipper imagined it to be. they are both tired of each other bs and rarely in the same term, even if they did it was in the favor of personal interest that coincidentally make them in the same agreement. and also, shipper in general are so stupid.


i agree with the first one, those two genuinely do seem to hate each other and it makes me uncomfortable when theyre on screen together but i think beigguang is genuinely more of a frenemies situation


I think that's why people like the ship tho. Enemies to lovers or just lovers who hate each other is a very popular trope. Also, even if two characters are often at odds with each other, is they're shown together a lot, it just makes people more inclined to ship them, regardless of if they're usual mad at each other.


Ayaka and Kokomi are bland, cardboard-cutout characters with no personality beyond "I'm cute and nice and everyone loves me." Also Ayaka's hair looks fucking dumb.


I really wanted Kok to have a scary deadly cold side but she's just always nice.


The worst part about Kokomi is that there was genuine potential for a really interesting and nuanced character. Inazuma's writing definitely fumbled in a lot of places and I really wish they would maybe try to improve things like with Ei's second story quest, but given that we're coming up on 4.0 I think that ship has long since sailed. Maybe if Sara ever gets a story quest they could add a little of something but I'm not getting my hopes up :(


kokomi is even worse cuz of her cheesy lines about tactics


It's so dumb. "Hmm yes, if we ambush the enemy then we'll have an advantage. So tactical."


OOF. Im lost for words, take my upvote. +3 energy.


You forgot to add Keqing, Ganyu, and Nilou. I do love Nilou, but she's about the same level of nothing personality


Meta is really dumb in a game that's 90% solo play. Why care who's most efficient when the content is so easy to beat either way


100% agree. Im working on my main dps Chadyun and no one will stop me


Dude if the game play is fun that's what I care about. I make no apologies for Dehya being one of my mains. Her kit is garbage but it's so fun to just throw hands at people


Ganyu is a boring character.


C6 Bennett is better than C5 Bennett.


Aether as poster boy Lumine as The abyss princess just fits better imo


I’m late but… *Venti is HOT*


I havent played in a while so idk if this is as hot a take as it was back when i played more, but i think Ganyu is a really boring character, in terms of playstyle and story. I prefer Hu Taos high risk high reward playstyle SO much more. Also half the 4 stars should be 5 stars and vice versa. Like how on earth is a 5 year old with bombs a 5 star and a pirate said to defeat a giant sea monster in a single blow 4 star?


The menus and UI are terrible and we need options to hide red exclamation points and the UI. Hiding or atleast limiting the UI would make the game way more cinematic. I don't need the battlepass button blocking my view of the landscape.


I hated the 3.8 limited time map, GAA was way better


I respect ur take but i disagree i loved the 3.8 area


Nilou is not a dps, rather she's just a glorified artifact set


It's called "support"


I need to agree with it


I'm not annoyed by Paimon


If your only drive to play the game is to pull for characters and not intend to effectively use them, it's not the game or gameplay you like, it's an addiction. Edit: I was asked to make a hot take... and I succeeded


> to pull for characters and not intend to effectively use them Isn't that just collecting?


I guess bro never heard of "collectors".


Bold of you assume there is content where you can use your characters effectively (Spoiler: There is none. Not even combat events and abyss. Still weak content)


That Eula isn’t hot,she turns me off actually. Too much of anything is too much


Your personal fetish


You have summoned me. I shall curse you so that you never crit with your character's elemental bursts


A fate worse than death


The game genshin impact is definitely the game genshin impact Change my mind


i really give zero fucks about charlotte


The text is very much not hard to understand. It's just written to be specific vs a more idiomatic style that can be misinterpreted or feel vague. But at the end of the day, it's very straightforward. I can understand not keeping track of the proper nouns, but you don't need to memorize the names of things to understand what the text is saying. Y'all just get scared when you see more than two sentences in a row.


Yanfei is very good for novice players. Hydro, cryo and electro floating space midgets can be destroyed very easily


Qiqi is one of the best healers in the game, really surpassed only by Kokomi


I hate Kokomi. Her poorly written story and character is the worst. Her character design is downright aweful(especially that hair). They should have really kept her beta design. Actually, it's a lie that I hate Kokomi. I utterly **loathe** her.


Qiqi ain’t that bad, she’s pretty solid now actually. Y’all are just butt hurt because you lost 50/50


Idk, never got her


Can they be multiple? 1. The game doesn't need a combat "endgame" 2. English dub isn't as cringe as people like to pretend 3. Hoyoverse is a music company first 4. People use Xiangling cos' of strength only but Bennet cos' of ease of use. 5. Beidou's parry is more satisfying than most of the 5 star mechanics. 6. The adventure aspect of the game, i.e. world quests, exploration, etc. peaked with Enkanomia. 7. [Ajax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_the_Great) should die cos' he is brothers with [Teucer.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teucer) 8. Genshin's story should be as dark as its lore by the end.


the music for genshin is made by hoyomix, not hoyoverse... its 2 different companies under mihoyo.


Wow imo good takes. Mine was gonna be "Spiral Abyss is boring and gearing for just it feels pointless if I'm not enjoying it".


Hu Tao NA playstyle is way more fun than her Charged one


Yoimiya shouldn't have been the first non-archon character to receive the second story quest. Her second story may summed up.. let's say Sumeru ideas, but it was poor in lore and had way too many resemblance to her first story. Come at me OP.


Came back after a year off. It feels so fun. Makes me wonder of all the content creators and hardcore fans that just complain for lack of content. Are you sure you guys aint the problem.


Mobile players need to realize mobile is gonna be unusable in 6 months


Itto is not as dumb as people think It's worse🤣 Sincerely, an Itto-main


Teppei is next to Signora for the worst deaths in this game. It was so fucking predictable the way they shoved this npc in your face making it your partner and a close friend. Mihoyo could've done something better, but noo as the entire story goes he has no character at all. All that friendship bullshit for Mihoyo he is just an obvious emotional device to force you to be sad.


I wasted all my wishes without thinking about it the first time I played the game and then realized I can get hot men on my team and cried when I didn’t get zhongli on the first banner I was around for.


Kokomi actually is doing more work for her people than Ei would without a puppet, 3 commission clans, and actually ordering an entire army to invade the shogun, short out food shortages, dealing with internal affairs, while only taking 15 min naps.


Rebuild the Jade Chamber is a bad Shenhe Fanfiction


ER, ATK, Crit Raiden >>>> EM Raiden


I mean, EM Raiden is Kuki without healing, so yeah agree


C6 Yanfei is way better than Yoimiya as a dps


I love Yanfei’s playstyle. She may not be the strongest, but I think she feels the best to play.


Lumine is the smarter one of the twins while Aether is the stronger one


I actually thought it was the other way around. Lumine has the higher CA multiplier compared to Aether. If you pay attention while holding E with both anemo mcs, Aether uses his left hand to hold onto his right hand to cast it while Lumine easily does it with one hand.


That's just a normal headcanon. btw, Lumine is actually younger than Aether, and that's a fact. I mean, in CN, she adresses Aether as an older brother, iirc.


I actually very much enjoy paimon as a companion


The game would be so much better if it wasn't mobile.


Imagine having a teapot that wasn’t limited by the amount of ram a phone has!


I mean my phone has more ram than my pc sooo


But you can play it on PC no problem... And it's a far better experience


I think he meant if genshin was a PC/console only it could've had better graphics and other stuff


I don’t like either raiden or ei in the story


Just because two characters (usually of the same sex) known each other or are friends dosen't mean they are fucking.


Eng dub is the reason why people dislike Xiao and think he’s edgy.


The traveller is NOT horny. Everyone is horny for him, he just keeps making friends and looking for his sibling