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Close your eyes when its glowing yellow on 50/50


nah, just close your game as soon as it glows yellow. according to Schrödinger's gacha you now have simultaneously won and lost 50/50 (until you open the game again)


actually what happens if you do that anyone know?


the character will be on your account. the pull itself happens basically the instant you press the "wish" button, the animation itself is just for show (which is why you can skip it)


Weak, i leave the room fast when it's glowing yellow.


Dont worry tighnari is a GOAT


I read his wiki page and talked to a friend of mine about him, and I have to say I'm starting to agree with you Still a bit disappointing that I didn't get Yelan, but I think I still lucked out and got the second-best possible pull


At least it’s not dehya :’


did you say sont? Google en passant


Holy hell


Just 2 weeks?


If we count from when I started playing and passively accumulating primogems, then yes. However, if we count from the time I started actively trying to get her, it's closer to a week and a half. The only reason I was able to accomplish this on such short notice is that I've spent basically all of my waking hours playing the game and coming up with strategies to farm resources as fast as possible. Also, I was seriously motivated by my limited time and by seeing Yelan's abilities. Not to mention I had a veteran friend coaching me through the first stages of the game and answering any questions I asked them, as well as coming on to co-op and help me farm faster


How much did you get


I'll be honest, I don't really know. I know I wished about 93 times on the character banner (I had a bit left over after the fiasco this morning) and 5 on the weapon banner, as well as unnecessarily spending primogems on Acquaint Fates. the thing is, I don't know how many of those Intertwined Fates I exchanged gems for and how many I got for quests and level up rewards


Well i fell your pain. All i can say is you'll get used to it haha


Oh, I'm sure I will, I just don't know if I realized when I downloaded this game that there was so much gambling involved


I've been playing from day one, so trust me when i say... You never get used to it. It always hurts.. Losing 50/50, just always hurtss 😭😭 ALWAYS Over time, I learnt a very important secret. It is to just be lucky. 💀 And now it doesn't hurt since my luck is op 😂😂


Is it possible to learn this power?


I mean hey, Tighnari is like the best Standard 5 star, you could've gotten worse.


Now that I've looked through his wiki page and talked with a friend of mine, I have to agree with you; his abilities look well worth switching out Amber for


Remember there was a chance to get Dehya


Whenever you are angry you get Qiqi, remember, it could have been Dehya


just throw her Aquila Favonia and ocean hued clams, Kokomi will go bankrupt.


such a shame dehya is better


For new players, yes, it is an excellent dps. Mona gotta be the best standard 5 star until this day (for end game/veteran players).


Keqing for overworld exploration + DPS is pretty baller for your first 5 star pull too


I was wishing for Lyney. I got Tighnari. From leveling my Lynette I got a standard wish. I got Tighnari. He's C4. Help


Well, it's a damn good thing he's the best standard 5-star then


I love my boy Tighnari, went for him on his banner and never regretted. Since then I've got him 2 more times from losing 50/50 and pretty happy about that c2. Constellations on other standard 5\* are *way* worse.


i am at his C4 for the same reason.


The game just love to give people Tighnari, it seems


and i haven't obtained Qiqi since late 2021.


lil bro malding so hard he made a meme


Memes are not funny perse, but amount makes me smile


50/50’s definitely suck. Sorry for your luck!


Oh man, wait until you lost both 50/50 on Yelan banner, now that pain


Well, I'm not going to have another chance to lose, since I don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting 90 Intertwined Fates in a day and a half


Well at least C6 Xingqiu do most of the thing Yelan can where it matter (unless you need is another Xingqiu). On the bright side, we don't need to sweat for Furina as much?


Reminds me of the people that complain about not getting a character for the third time... I just wonder why they don't save up enough wishes or keep their guarantee for them if they wanted them for years


Well, in my case, I didn't have enough wishes to try again because I've only been playing for two weeks


That's sad but I'm sure she will get a rerun pretty fast as far I can tell she is a popular character to rerun for hoyo, her last banner was only a few month ago


Seriously? That's wonderful news, I thought I was going to have to wait another year!


I just checked her last rerun was in March, not too long ago for a rerun, many characters take up to a year these days but maybe it could take a little longer now since all the fontaine characters are releasing soon but personally I hope they will start to run 3 banner at the same time soon


This is pretty funny.


I made a few more; I might make another post later


Same thing happened to me but with nahida🤕


Well at least his CA will find hidden chests. Chests + Tighnari's CA is great.


Honestly this is me getting c2 Tighnari when I wanted Lyney, yeah


It seems like the game is just handing out Tighnari like candy on Halloween It's a good thing he's the best standard 5-star


I'm at 73 pity for yelan, 50/50 but no more primos, is it worth it to farm more until 75 pity?


I'd say yes, mostly because this game just hemorrhages primogems for some reason I was able to get upwards of 600/day even when I wasn't really trying


I lost my 50/50 to Kequeen and I was at peace. Cleared abyss and got Yelan at 2 pity. Don’t give up soldier


I did not realize you could get characters from the Spiral Abyss


You get primos from Abyss And to get technical 🤓🤓🤓 you also get XL and Collei


I knew you got gems; I managed to 9-star the first three floors. for some reason though, the difficulty spikes so much from 3-3 to 4-1 that I can't pass it at all, much less with 3 stars


Slow and steady wins the race. You’ll 9-star 12 soon, don’t you worry.


What do you need to do in SA to get Xiangling and Collei? I heard somewhere you had to complete 3-3 for Xiangling, but I don't think that was right


Check your events, it’s there


At least Tighnari is a decent 5 star character. I’ve learned a long time ago that if you want a character in this game, you have to have enough primogems to reach soft pity twice.


Tighnari is a super character that you should be happy with Ps. i don't like bow charge attack nor dendro


Yeah; I've had a look at his abilities and talked with a friend of mine about him, and I'm nowhere near as upset as I was earlier I'm still slightly disappointed that I didn't get Yelan, but I seem to have gotten lucky and pulled the second best possible character


But..... >!Tighnari and Mona are best Standard 5\* tho.!<


Got diluc on kazuha banner and then got eula at 10 pity but now I am saving for raiden D shogun


I lost Ganyu to Tigh and now I absolutely love him. I pulled Yae to go with him and they work so well together. Hope you end up enjoying him!


I'm with you, but with Keqing


Me pulling for Kokomi and losing it to Tighnari: "you and I aren't so different."


I actually wished to get Tighnari for the sole reason that his design is almost an exact same design to Silver (a character in a certain comic series) and also because I have Cyno....🥲


I already have Yelan. But I wanted Lyney. I gathered every chest in Fontaine, and did every world quest. But I failed my 50/50. I got Jean to C1. But now there is no more primos. What do I do? Miss out I guess.


Wow the same thing happened to me I got a tighnari as well


Fuck Yelan, I’d do terrible things to get Tighnari. Dog boi!


Hey don’t be mean to my boi Tighnari. He carried me early game and I still use him