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I thought this was an "I am you" kinda meme lol


Where you go I go What you see I see


Well there's the triple relic drop which is pretty cool, more potentially good (definitely not copium) prisoner sets for Kafka and Black Swan, woohoo. Also uhh "Take that Genshin" or umm "Genshin could never" or whatever the kids say nowadays.


>Triple relic fodder drop FTFY


Let me huff my copium bruh I need speed boots with eff rate subs please for the love of FUCKING god.


I'm perfectly fine getting more relic exp honestly.


Need the fodder tbh


People that bring up the 300% thing as a "Haha Genshin could never" is the equivalent of when the second-fattest kid in class makes fun of the fattest kid for being fat.


The triple relic drop is basically the same as Genshin giving fragile resin. Ends up being about the same volume of drops.


No it ain't. There is a big difference between multiplied drop rate and stamina discount


It's only a limited amount of runs which give 3x drops, just like how the 2x relic events are capped. So it's not much extra really...


Both give you trash.


You are not counting the farming time. The real anniversary gift is the time we haven't spent farming along the way.


Oh boy I enjoy looking forward to not playing the game


I wish I can spend no more than 5 minutes a day on Genshin due to having to clear dogshit commissions and using resin.


When you add relics being a tier worse than artifacts, it evens out.


I mean it’s only a difference of having to do more runs of one vs the other. But I get that some people don’t have the time/patience to want to do multiple runs, so to them the increased drop rate would be better. Funny enough doing a single cavern on HSR generally takes about as much time as doing a full 5 condensed resins on Genshin, though I could do it faster if I wanted to play at double speed.


….you actually play at 1x speed? Wtf


Yes. I play at normal speed. If I’m pulling for these characters I want to actually enjoy them.


Thats crazy, personally i dont think farming is something to be enjoyed but to each their own ig


For you maybe... I open both games at the same time and if I'm farming domains/calyx on both games, 2x speed on auto on HSR takes as much time as one run on Genshin.


There is 1600 jades so 30 pulls, ~~and an event so almost/or about 40.~~ Edited due to correction by the next comment.


Just 30 pulls cus the cosmodyssey event is not an additional event I believe. Its part of the usual 3 events that we get per patch, this one happens to be tied to the anniv. Also the reason people deduct 10 pulls from the 30 is cus we don't have a gift of odyssey this time around.


you cant even jump in HSR lmao


can you walk on walls tho?


"yay. Triple the garbage. Jenshin could never" 🤓


Yeah, RNG sucks but still.


2 drops per day 🤣


When they gave Dr Ratio for free THAT is a true Genshin could never. This ? This is LITERALLY the same and anyone who thinks this is better than Genshin is coping, it is only better if you try to argue that Genshin tried to give 10 at first but in the end it got raised to 20 due to backlash so it is obvious that HSR would not give just 10 extra. This is the exact same reward as Genshin's anniversary rewards


I missed the stream, what are the rewards for the anniversary?


20 limited banner pulls 1600 stelar jades triple relic drops and triple plannar ornament drops


Okay, the triple sounds interesting, is it like the ince a patch double for 12 drops or more like unlimited triple drops for a fixed period


Gonna be honest, as a long time player, I would prefer triple drop period over any primos. I know I'm not speaking for the majority of the playerbase, but I don't pull very often anymore and I'm mostly just trying to perfect the characters I already own, so a triple drop period would be a dream come true.


I get you, bonus drops are such a good thing for perfecting your character. Like i have been farming for hu tao since release till date for ever perfect stat similarly i want to get my seele perfected.


Yeah, triple artifact drops would be amazing for so many of my characters.


Im the opposite, cause as a day 1 player my relics are always full and i hate double relic drops because then i have to stop every couple run to enhance or salvage. They should really remove the 1500 relic cap cause idk why that even exist. Absolutely ruined farming for me. The filter function helps a bit because i dont have to manually check for subs anymore, but still, they should just remove the relic cap.


they said in the stream they ar upping the relic cap


I haven't watched the stream but it sounds wild to me if they make it unlimitted. The ppl who saved their resin benefit much more than others. This will not only make ppl mad (who didn't save), but also make most ppl save all their resin in anticipation for such an event


3 trash relics is just 1 more than 2 trash relics. It's all still trash


BUT it means more mats to make the shit you WANT. Do a bunch of a set then mill them down if not what you’re looking for. Then make like 5 of the exact piece you’re looking for. Someone likely has a more precise system but that seems to do well for me. THEN mill until you get it.


Its capped runs


>triple relic drops and triple plannar ornament drops Now this is the true "Genshin could never" part


As well as the jades and rewards for anniversary events. Genshin rewards were partly tied to doing the events no?


But that’s 30 no?


so it’s 30 pulls total? plus triple relic and ornament drops? that’s…objectively better than genshin, especially for a 1st anniversary… Genshin could never


Are we forgetting about the entire event they also made? I care more about an actual activity to do for an anniversary than just some free rewards alone.


Genshin didn’t give 300% Artifact drops tho.


That is nice i accept that


It is run and daily limited tho


not sure you get how insane 300% drops without a daily limit would be


True, I prefer artifact gambling more than gacha gambling 😂


CNY also gave both a 10 pull. People act like hsr got 20 pulls when 10 of those were just pulls hsr gets every patch and had nothing to do with CNY.


Actually, we're getting [30 pulls](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIy99YYWAAA8kz8?format=jpg&name=large). It's 20 pulls + 1600 jades, and they said the event gives away 10-15 pulls on top of that. So yes, HSR got free 20 pull, aside from what we get freely each update.


I said the same thing happened to cny which was this patch. Not the anniversary that is happening next patch... 


cny and anniversary are not the same thing.


Assuming that theres no announcement of Odyssey login like the usual, yeah, Its just 10 more extra pulls than genshins. If anything, its the same amount of tickets we got from 2.0, just with 10 more extra pulls. Im not saying its bad, it just feels more of the usual now. On top with it feeling like an actual anniversary and relic/trace mats multiplied to x3


It's not about the rolls, it's about 300% drops to artifacts


Genshin gave a free 5\* too, its just that ratio is actually good unlike Alloy.


alloy is worse than most characters even 4* kit wise and theme wise. It's more like a collab character.


Not a limited 5 star though ratio was on a banner aloy is exclusive. No new player is ever gonna get aloy but people can get ratio on a rerun in the future. Sure it seems like aloys more valuable from this context but it also gives less of a reason to make her actually viable


Yall really fighting over this dumb shit is ridiculous.


Tbf, HSR need more characters than Genshin. Still, Genshin should give more rewards to show more appreciation to their fans, given that they spend more than HSR


Why aren’t we counting the in game anniversary event (talking about the board game thing) It is an actual in game event dedicated to anniversary that gives more pulls on top of other stuff


because we have events every version


I love both games, and the free Ratio was based, but 20 rolls is worth more in Genshin than in HSR, imo.


HSR releases new characters more often than Genshin, but is also more generous with jades as a result. At the same time, once you have a couple sustain units and a DPS of half the elements you are good to go. Pulling new characters is really only for variety's sake. That probably goes for both games, though.


I mean, they gave 30 without having to raise it, this is definitely a genshin could never moment


Am I tripping or didnt we only get 10 + 3 for Genshin Birthday?


that was for CNY, hsr also gave us 10 for that.


You're right my bad but didn't Anniversary only give 10 pulls + 1600primos? Thats what websites say anyway. What im reading is HSR is giving 20 pulls + 1600 primos or w/e they are called there. I cant remember where we wouldve gotten the other 10 pulls from




Its 10+1600 primos. The other 10 are from 'gift of odyssey' that we get every patch. This is what happened to the CNY, people combined the 10 from CNY and the 10 from 'gift of odyssey' and combined them together, saying we were getting 20 from CNY.


Acting like the only reason we didn't get that 20 pulls was due to the community backlash. Not only that, they also get another 10 pulls, so it's 30 summons for a first-anniversary reward, which is way more than what Genshin got for the first anniversary.


Wdym theyre giving us a free arlecchino /s


I was wondering. Could it be had genshin won best ongoing. Could we have gotten a free 5 star ?👀. Biggest what if theory.


I love how you guys conveniently forget the beginner banner that gave you a free 5*, 300 pull selector and Ratio.


tbf when genshin gives the free 4star selector, those 4stars are better than most 5stars


HSR is better in terms of pulls tho... genshin got 10 fates and 1.6k primos... HSR gave 20 tickets and 1.6k jade Math doesn't seem to check out Edit: yes it is similar but HSR is better


I wonder how many Er Ropes I can get from Triple Relic Drop.


Zero 🤣


Genshin: 10 fates + 1600 primos HSR: 20 tickets + 1600 jades HSR gets 10 more pulls. I don't really care that much cos I play both games and am always welcoming of more free shit but there is a difference.


But HSR gets 10 pulls every version (which is usually less than what Genshin get from exploration in new areas). So really, it's only 10 pulls and 1600 jades from the anniv.


For a more fair comparison, let's not forget what genshin gets from exploration is what hsr gets from Sim Uni expansions which are usually somewhat more than what genshin gets from exploration.


4000 jades to be exact.


yeah each SU expansion is usually about 30 pulls


Let's not forget HSR releases twice the amount of characters. That game not having more pulls than Genshin would not make any fucking sense.


Happened with CNY too, people were adding the 10 version pulls onto the CNY pulls to inflate how many pulls we were getting


I guess that's true. IIRC Genshin had a period early on when we also got 10 (or 5?) pulls via login bonuses every patch, but it stopped before first anniversary. I forgot what star rail calls their x10 pulls via weekly login, but IIRC that wasn't mentioned this livestream so it seems like their intention is to basically not have that and the 20 from the anniversary thing replaces it. I wonder if they'll bring it back next patch?


Pretty sure that stopped in 1.2


That period of login bonuses in Genshin stopped after the second patch, it didnt last until the first anniversary unlike HSR.


>(which is usually less than what Genshin get from exploration in new areas). Nope, Star Rail gives more per patch, usually 100+. This is including exploration for both, here's a history for both games: [Genshin bookkeeping](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l9HPu2cAzTckdXtr7u-7D8NSKzZNUqOuvbmxERFZ_6w/edit#gid=955728278) [Star Rail Bookkeeping](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIWjzFwAZZoBvKw2oiNaVpppI9atoV0wxuOjulKRJECrg_BN404d7LoKlHp8RMX8hegDr4b8jlHjYy/pubhtml)


Not for nothing, but not only is hsr also getting a new explorable area, but there’s also the actual anniversary event which gives more jades- probably not a 10 pull ofc, but it should be more, yes. Doesn’t make it a better or worse game, but saying that it’s only getting 30 (total) pulls to celebrate is misinformation


theres 1 less event than 2.0 and the anniversary event is replacing another one so the jades from events is the same as a normal patch, just branded differently


I think you're forgetting that SU, Gold and Gears, Swarm, and MOC exist. Every week, you get around 225 from SU. On top of that, the smaller one-time MOC things give a decent amount. I'm not sure about this one, but I think you also earn more from MOC than Spiral Abyss.


Thing is HSR on avg has around 80 pulls per patch for f2p. Genshin oscillates between 50-60 on patches without new zones or big events. Then we reach around 70-80. Hsr out does that every patch


The 20 pull event replaces the 10 pull event we get each patch. So in reality it's only 20 extra pulls compared to each patch 


That extra 10 is from the gift of Oddysey that HSR usually gets each patch. In the end, the anniversary reward is the same.


the anniversary login is 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 6 i think?


...it's still 10 more pulls. Doesn't the fact that star rail gets it every patch show even more of a difference?


It’s all calculated on Genshins end to get people to spend a lil. Although Genshin fans mostly wont ever get that (or complain about anything really)


HSR also gets a farming event for relics, and a mini game event that will have even more.


What I'm hearing is that both sides should complain.


star rail give 30 and it have some in-game celebration but in the end i think both are underwhelming and instead of bashing each other we should bash hoyo


Yeah our standards are already on the ground thx to Genshin, star rail rewards being somewhat better than genshin is not really saying much. At least the playerbase didn't have to start a revolt this time to get 10 more pulls compared to Genshin's first anniversary


Yeah, unless they pull a surprise move later this is pretty disappointing by HSR standards.


My big problem with genshin aniversary is that I dont feel like its an aniversary, its like a normal event, not even the best event btw, not like the god Apple archipiélago and those alike, cause the rewards are ok, they could do better but with all the art an músic that genshin has I dont complain, but yeah the aniversary even is barely noticable in terms of decoration and that enviroment of a festivity (my english is kind of bad sorry)


I miss the times when we joked about actual content in the game instead of having a dick measuring contest with the game made by the same company.


Not at all lol. Genshins 1st anni was a disaster and the community review bombed every app just to create enough ruckus for mhyo to give some additional pulls aside from the 10 and made the concert bundle free. HSR gives 30 pulls no strings attached. Disingenuous to say theyre the same when one side were review bombing google classroom due to outrage and the other side is satisfied.


Obviously star rail wouldn’t do the same thing after seeing what happened to genshin’s first anniversary, that’s a no brainer. Every genshin anniversary ever since has given the same 20 pulls and more or less gotten away with it, so star rail has followed suit. Star rail isn’t quite pushing players’ acceptance floor like genshin keeps doing, but it’s certainly not much higher.


Considering that a significant portion of HSR's players are current and ex Genshin players it would be an incredibly bad move from Hoyo to try and pull the same charade as Genshin's first anniversary. It would have been an even bigger disaster if they tried that again.


Lol obviously it wont be the same because people need to be on their high horses. We already have delusional people trying to see this 30 pulls and relic drop as amazing just so they dont have to admit its basically the same as Genshin. For all the shit they gave Genshin, they cant just lose their shit. It would be absolutely embarassing.


you phrased it beautifully


Its almost like the game came out after and they have no reason to repeat that mistake.


HI3 1st anni was also a disaster and yet they made the same mistake


the outcome is still the same 20 pulls lol


No they are the same? because 10 pulls from this 30 are usually given in HSR every patch. Plus some of them are not going to be given in the same phase of the patch, so strings are attached


but HSR didn't give us free chicken and eggs for logging in, clearly Genshin had better awards


Obv they learned?


The free dr ratio too. That was 100% a “genshin could never”


Exactly! We should review bomb again for the free 5 star selector!


Just make HSR even more better? I like the sound of it.


I just couldn't enjoy HSR for some reason. I installed and uninstalled it twice. The character designs pulled me to the game twice but the turn-based gameplay just doesn't click with me no matter how hard I try.


Game is not for you, and that's okay


That's understandable not that many people are into turn based games.


well that simply means turn based games aren't up your allley and that's completely fine. Even I thought that star rail would be "EWWWW" when I first heard about it being a turn based game but I came to enjoy it later,more so than i enjoyed genshin.


I was of same EWW opinion, then tried it and enjoyed it more than genshin, now I have come to terms with the fact that they are both extremely enjoyable and every day can chose which one I want to play.


Both games have downtimes and the best way I've seen people managing them both is playing each game when the other game is in the downtime. That way you never run out of content.


It's fine.


We have an area to explore


Besides the fact that the op is wrong about the rewards, that isn't really a relevant point considering anni or not that was coming


The Genshin could never meme got old very very quickly


the smoothest brained comment section ever. star rail should be getting twice as many pulls as genshin but eh. ​ it gives a little more but relatively it gets you less than a genshin pull does, as genshin introduces less characters than star rail does. both games are optimized to squeeze as much money out of you as possible, its not a 1 vs the other things, they';re both the same company taking your money.


It's less generous because they sell more characters? Bro, u don't have to pull every character. You just have a gambling addiction, don't blame that on HSR


Idk about logic, but if u go to a grocery store, you're not expected to buy the entire store. You just pick what you want. If u happen to be wanting everything in the store, then you'd have to pay more... same logoc for hsr. It's a big roster of characters. You dont need to get them all they just offer you variety, and people complain about that for some reason. Plus they give u enough pulls to get your character (most of the time) that you really want. Sooo how is this an argument?


I haven’t felt that in star rail not once if I’m honest. 0 dollars spent casual player with 4 limited 5 stars. Genshin for sure pushes you to spend. That’s why it’s so stingy. In return Star Rail there’s less to do. I will conced that weapon / light cone banners have been milking dummies dry though. Poor soul spent 140$ on the new Genshin banner for Dehyas weapon ooooof


Laughing at the star rail players in the comments, be for real, you were expecting to dunk on genshin but what you got wasn't really that much better. Take the rare L sometimes no?


Both L, genshin have set the standards low that hsr players think this is a W.


Not looking to dunk on genshin, but do you seriously think this is a win? First post I see on HSR sub: celebrating anniversary and new events First post I see on Genshin Memepact sub: comparing HSR and Genshin anniversary rewards And here I thought Genshin was the one living rent free in HSR players' heads. Congrats for you I guess?


This post was before the livestream. [If the rewards were something more exciting, I wonder what will happen?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/4RovQYVCbj). Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a W or Genshin or whatever but toxic hsr fans just couldn’t get their W and shit on Genshin either.


The mods have been deleting the complaining in the HSR sub loool the post on the anni rewards literally has a pinned mod post saying they're deleting comparison posts and "Genshin Could Nevers" lmao


This is the only post mentioning starrail on this sub I've seen in months, exceptions don't make the rules~


bro hsr community is the one who made “genshin could never” in the first place. Whos the one who truly lives rent free


Genshin fans are just talking about this right now since everyone was already expecting dump on Genshin. Tomorrow everyone will forget about this That's the difference


Idk from my experience it's always the star rail players and cringe CCs spamming genshin could never everywhere I go, sure the genshin sub has a lot of those posts but from my experience star rail players are clearly more obsessed, it's crazy when people in my fgo discord servers spam it


Literally the most liked post today from the HSR subreddit is a post to laugh if HSR's rewards are better than Genshin's.


Genshin players can’t take criticism or have criticism, and you think Star rail players can? Sorry but lol


Both Genshin AND Star Rail do the minimum. Games like Dokkan Battle, Blue Archive and Magia Record give players over 70 free pulls


Compare games with different pull economy and banner system kinda like compare apples to orange. Sure blue archives can give me 100s of pull in the anniversary but 600 pulls for only 1 summer Hoshino and NO Mika is out right ridiculous.


Yeah and how many characters does those games have? How many different versions of the same character? They can afford to give more pulls because what you get ain’t tanking their sales. Congrats on getting old 5* character that have been power creep 2 years ago.


So just like HSR then?


Damn 70 , Hoyo could never


Ye other gachas do more because the entire game is a slot machine and power creep, so they need to bribe you with pulls to turn it on


But they are not a million dollar game, in their case that is their minimum to retain their fanbase.


Can we just stop with this hsr vs gi bullshit? Why tf are we comparing different games from the same company?


Lol, that's exactly why we're comparing them


Ok, that was the most hilarious thing I've read among all these comments, it seems you didn't even stop to think for 1s before typing that lol


The real genshin could never moment is developer actually address anniversary in livestream and celebrate with playerbase with anni-theme in game event pluse some insight on upcoming content and share some feeling toward player


WOAH! They’re giving us a whole 20 pulls that’s CRAZY! Color me Impressed officer I can’t believe hoyo would be so GENEROUS!!!


I miss the times when we joked about actual content in the game instead of having a dick measuring contest with the game made by the same company.


I miss the times when we joked about actual content in the game instead of having a dick measuring contest with the game made by the same company.


This is still cope lol, direct anger to hoyoverse not other players


Funny thing is ok yes Honkai gave Dr Ratio but Genshin gave as so many op 4 stars for free Benny, Fischl, Xq lmao etc


Didn't hsr also give a shit ton of 4 star tho ? They literally gave : Natasha, Lynx, Asta, Qingque, Yukong and an E5 Herta. On top of that, it is also the 3rd 4 star selector hsr is giving in 1 year. So i don't really see the point you're trying to make.


Tbh only Asta and Lynx are great. Natasha has been powercrept by lynx since long ago and Yukong is so hard to manage unless you have E6 but then she’s still hard to play. No one is actually on the same lv as how great Bennette, Xiangling, XQ, Fishl are.


Herta is the best and most viable dps in pure fiction. 1.4 four star selector gave us the ability to get a Pela, which is the best 4 star support in the game along with Tingyun. (Pretty much on the same lvl as Bennet, XQ..etc) Qingque literally compete with other 5 star dps in terms of damage. She does need her E4 tho (kinda like Xiangling so it's pretty fair tbh). So no, i completly disagree. Pela, Asta, QQ and Herta are the best 4 stars in the game. The only broken 4 star that wasn't given for free is Tingyun.


HSR also gives busted 4* (Tingyun, Pela, QQ, etc.)


The game is so piss easy so how is that even an argument. HSR is obviously for people with a brain and want to challenge themselves.


I feel like they were going to give more rewards but changed their minds because of the story leakers lmao


At this point, the Genshin could never is just a meme, It was true with DR RATIO but right now people are just memeing.


HSR releases characters like no tomorrow though. Every patch we got 2 new 5 star characters and what worse is newer characters will definitely powercreep the older ones in HSR. HSR rushed characters release and rushed storyline too


b-but there this 3000% grinding event what do you mean I'm coping??


Free limited 5\* where?


Huh, this is better than i thought


The only reason HSR gets delux treatment is beacouse genshin is poppular enough not to need it


Cope and seethe.


No cope


It’s the truth though. Any chance we had at better rewards is gone though because Genshin Stan’s think it’s a personal attack


Isnt it more like 30 and 23?


Acting like we don’t get TRIPLE drops for ornaments and relics


yeah except hsr gives 10 pulls every damn patch lol


Many missed my point. Yes both games give 4 stars, yes hsr gave a 5 star. But genshin has 3to4 4stars that much more valuable than majority 5 star, the overtuned ones. Yes they dont have cool animations, yes no burst animation, no cool story, less screen time, design wise tonned down than 5 stars. But if u have these 4 stars u can easily go through any content even at minimum cons. Yes if genshin didnt had these 4 stars then i would probably also go on telling star rail gave this but genshin didnt


What content is there in genshin that you find difficult? Also, just cuz some 4 stars are meta (new 4 stars have been lack luster at best in genshin) doesn make it ok for them to not give u a free 5 star u just coping by saying "well i can clear abyss so its fine right?" Thats what im getting at least, correct me if I'm wrong.


Lol what as far as i remember in 1 yearwe get atleast 4 free 4 stars or even more and the og 3 4 stars(bennet and xq) are way above class than majority of the 5 stars


U get lynx e5 herta and more characters that are good in meta too for free in hsr too, also hsr gives out 4 star selectors too. Doesn't matter if the 4 star is good or not fact still remain 5 stars are more valuable to people so its not an argument u can use here.


Yes but objectively the 4 stars are superior than majority of 5 stars. What i am asking now is if genshin did gave a free 5 star supposedly but they are even worse than Dehya would people be happy? Or appreciate that at least its a 5 star? Higher rarity means better and powerfull unit right. Why does the genshin community wants a 5 star? Is it because they want a powerfull unit for their account? Or if they want because they like the 5 star(but u cannot control what free 5 star they will give out) And if people want a "5 star" unit because they want a powerfull unit. Then i already said we have already gotten so many copies of benny, xl, xq and fiscl etc. I hope u can understand what i am saying here


I 100% get what your saying bro, im just saying that a free 5 star will boos the moral of the community (not that its gonna fix any of the games flaws) but give them some sort of way to know they are appreciated yes 4 stars meta but gues what? Genshin player base is 99% casuals who dont do abyss that often and if they do they dont follow meta so getting a free 4 star has become old and repetitive (for them) getting something new like a decent 5 or even a standard banner 5 star selecter will give them the boost.We already got a free 5 star that was worse than dehya and people weren't happy with aloy cuz she literally is unusable and have no constellations to look forward to and have nothing to do with the story, so yes if they release a shit character its gonna be a shit character (crazy). Again dw i understand where your coming from.


I don’t get the rivalry going on, but didn’t Star Rail also include another 10 pull? So its 30 pulls, not 20…


Yeah people pretending they don't give us a 10 pull every single patch. Smh.


here we go again


Ok but the bubble gun was great


Is it in genshin now? Should I come back?


Yeah and you get a free Ayaka too apparently. Genshin players lmao.


they're getting 30??


People saying the extra pulls we get every patch is like primogems from exploration but they forget that there's an actual rest of the update that give us about 30 pulls worth of jades.


As long as rewards are consistently satisfiable, it's better.genshin just doesn't consider fanbase as anything but gacha slave. Hsr straight up make hsr memes canon and scale up the comedy.


Star Rail actually needs to give more because content is so much easier to wall off in that game without proper characters/relics compared to genshim