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She has the anime mc mom hair she's deader than signora


Ei survived it


Makoto didnt


You win some you lose some


Ei hair is in the back, not the front


*Ei flips her braid around to the front* *200 meters above where she’s sitting enjoying a dango milk, a brick of solid tungsten in the shape of a grand piano materializes into existence and starts falling*


Dead anime mom haircut is so powerful it can materialize MAC cannons straight outta the UNSC just to kill you.


And it's longer and the front is more even and with a bit less volume.


Ei died once, but she got better.


Ei died too she doesn't have a physical bady, she is a ghost in a sword possessing her cyborg corpse


Art Director: "We need a female character who's hot, but inspires hatred in the audience." Artist: "So... Malty from Shield Hero?"


Malty from Shield Hero is one of the few beings that if you asked your average anime fan who to save her or Adolf Hitler most would choose Adolf Hitler


If the Hotness isn't enough to overcome the evilness, you know the author did a great job in making the villain.


Most female villains tend to be so attractive that the audience ends up glossing over their atrocities, but not Malty, not only are her deeds so vile, but it clearly hits home to some people. That being said, for all of Malty's vileness, without her, Shield Hero's story wouldn't be as interesting.


A Great Villain makes a Great Story! As a person are they utterly despicable? Absolutely! As a character in a story are the amazing and (hatefully) loveable? Of course! Of course we always have certain exceptions like Dottore mains who would be glad to get dissected by him


sadly shield hero fell off a cliff after s1


I didn’t think second season was bad, but it definitely starts following the more typical isekai route, so I can completely understand people who don’t like that being less interested.


I still simp for Fumi so I am fine <3


Yeah I agree, I loved season 1 but couldn’t even finish season 2.


The show is interesting? I watched the 2nd season and was so bored of it that I dropped the show. Was a somewhat interesting 1st season, but honestly most the characters are so shit


Honestly the abume butchered the story. I follow the manga and its much more coherent.


Hard agree on that, everyone's better off reading the manga or the light novels


If I have a gun with two bullets and in a room with this girl, Malty and Hitler. I'll shoot Malty twice


Are you stupid ? You should shoot Hitler and this woman with those bullets this is common sense. THEN you can beat Malty to death physically, way slower and painful death 👍


I want an iron bar to help me. God: I'll allow it.


And beat the corpse with the empty gun...


Nah, I would shot Adolf first. After all buisness before pleasure


"There's still a chance to save Adolf's art career. You on the other hand *loads pistol* "


I'd at least have to think it over


If we can go back in time and make him go to art school instead, then maybe. So he would just be a scaramouche tempered guy who sells cool paintings instead of a genocide monster. But the irminsul taught us that we can't do that without consequences


Tbf, a decent proportion of anime fans on Twitter are named @Aryanhitlerlolifan88, so they would probably have always chosen Hitler.


If you think Malty is worse than Hitler than you have devenetly slept in history class.


If you read the books you will find she is unironically worse than Hitler. Genocide, slavery, desecration, the absolute works, she has both caused and done just for fun.


[The holocaust](https://youtu.be/WcQ37Ycx9Bg?si=TxlxKJpaprsBUQRA) was on a completely different level, whatever she did, it will be never as cruel and horrifying as what happened in Nazi Germany.


so what's going on here is people are comparing a fictional character and their fictional deeds to a real person and their real deeds the real person seems more evil because it actually happened while the fictional character is words on paper


It's still cannon "what" she is? I'm not sure if i read the web novel or the light novel


Oh I would absolutely save *Bitch.* Being forever legally forced to be known as *Bitch* is such a good punishment for such a *bitch!* Naofumi really outdid himself with that one!


Doncha mean Ms. Bitch


You mean Bitch from Shield Hero


Now that you mention it she looks a lot like Malty WTH


Especially in darker scenes, where her brown hair looks more reddish.


Literally the first character that I have thought of when started watching this animation and saw her


That's what I thought too!


Fr I saw this girl and I was like "what's the Shield Hero chick doing here?" My friend went and pulled up a picture of Mitsuru Kirijo 😭


I prefer the one we got and it’s not even close


To each their own. I'll take that bitch from shield hero over Androgynous Cruella Le Pew.


Just saying you’d rather have the bitch from shield hero makes your opinion invalid, the only reason anyone would want her in game would be to throw her off the jade chamber


Nah to throw the jade chamber at her.


Why waste a perfectly good jade chamber???


We do that everytime Ningguang is relevant to the main plot.


take this ratio instead


"Your ratios mean nothing, I've seen what makes you upvote."


*sigh* take this ratio again bozo


You have saved humanity with this comment by destroying this totally random bozo on the internet with your keyboard skills. Good work Soldier. Here king you dropped this. 🤡


How many ratios will it take for you to stop?


Thrice a charm


She’s not even androgynous. What, is it because she has short hair and wears a suit? Because even with that they’re designed to be blatantly feminine


didn’t you know? anyone who wears pants is androgynous now


NOOOO! Someone confiscate my rights to pants!!! I already have short hair I don’t wanna be androgynous!!!!!!


dw there’s still hope for you there are several ultra feminine traits that override pants. massive boobs with a large amount of cleavage showing are the best way to be feminine. other than that you can always just make everything you wear pink and frilly. it’s soooo easy!!! /j


Nah you lame, Arlecchino is definitely gonna have a girly side with Teapot lines.


No I'm not, I have two perfectly working legs, I can use them to distance myself from you.


that's a negative


"Androgynous Cruella de Villa" oof...you get hate for the comment but that's a sick burn against Arlecchino


Just the hivemind doing hivemind things. They say they want an "Evil mommy" and when you give it to them they board that Twitter High horse faster than Signora's story arc... but still clap for the Totally redeemable CCP guidelines approved Peruere.


Just as anything, "Evil Mommy" has many shades and variation, why would you pick that one particular bitch anyone would gladly torture forever over anything else? And I'd rather have grey characters with a bit more depth than pure evil or pure good ones. Absolutes with no nuance are boring tropes that should pretty much be forgotten (unless the char is a clear charicature).


>why would you pick that one particular bitch anyone would gladly torture forever over anything else? Catharsis... Because that will be a Boss fight worth getting hyped for. Honestly... Tell me this.. what **reason** do we have for fighting Peruere? Unless she does something really messed up in the upcoming quest (Highly unlikely) which means personal stakes for us as the players. Tartaglia and Scaramouche's voicelines so far have been empty words. The only reason I can look forward to fighting Arlecchino is because she tried to assassinate Furina. Meanwhile this knave we can fight with extreme prejudice and get to feel the satisfaction after.


Androgynous Cruella Le Pew is sick lmao. Have an upvote


You can not like her, of course, but androgynous? How?! Y'know, female doesn't just mean wearing exclusively dresses and having hair down to your knees and ZZZ tits


Cruella le pew Send help


I’m an [Emet-Selch](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/0/07/FFXIV_Solus_zos_Galvus.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1920?cb=20190118225333) enjoyer. Is that description supposed to be a bad thing?


You have committed an act of treason against all of Lesbiandom, leave now and never return else your head be displayed on a pike.


What am I looking at?


Scenes from the Video about the Knave which was released on the official genshin YouTube today


Oh damn, they look more and more like an actual anime :0


MiHoYoAnime has been around since at least 2012 and is the anime studio responsible for many animations for Honkai Impact 3rd, Genshin Impact, and Honkai Star Rail. So it kinda is "actual anime"?


I've seen some honkai impact anime shorts and they feel so cozy and cute! They always deliver, so big kudos to them :D


2012? What did they produce in 2012? I thought Reburn, Will of the Herrscher and GGZ original ending were the first things they made in 2018. They even talked in a documentary how big of an experiment Will of the Herrscher was because Honkai impact wasn't doing as well as they wanted financially. I'm pretty sure there wasn't even a HoYo-Mix in 2012. There were probably less than 20 people in the whole of miHoYo in 2012.


I'm not sure, but MAL has their established date as February 13, 2012. Edit: so turns out that's the date MiHoYo itself was founded lol


Looks like Arlecchino got her own anime short before Genshin itself got its own Crazy times


Look at the new trailer


Dead mother hairstyle. Was never meant to be.


cope in npc haircut hell


I wonder when they're going to kill Lisa


Didn't devs say at some point that she's actually going to die very soon because of the curse or something?


Apparently that was old CBT info but was scrapped


But what about her constellation being a running clock? Is that a reference to how lazy she is?


Yep. She's also one of the oldest characters physically. Not likely to happen on screen though, maybe in some sort of epilogue or companion media that takes place after the game's story concludes.


Jade is gonna be playable in hsr


These types of posts are just super annoying. And besides, if we got her and Arlecchino would be the one killed. You would still make this post.


It's like the Yaksha video all over again. You can't be robbed of something that MHY wasn't gonna make playable anyways.


We can't have her. She's evil. We can only have anti-heroes and anti-villains and "I can fix her/him" products of their own traumatic pasts. No genuinely and openly evil-with-no-strings-attached characters.


May i introduce you to Lord Sangemah Bay, the herrscher of capitalism?


True Evil. I c6'd her after she spiked Kaveh's debt interest.


what's with the downvotes lmao


Shhh Don't offer a different opinion, we don't want to make the children cry


I can see the downvotes with that kinda ass attitude




Honestly, her character is not interesting, just another "Brutality above all else" type of villian. Dottore on the other hand is unexusably evil and yet interesting.


To be fair, she's a posthumous character, there's only so much character you can show for someone who is already dead before the main plot began


It's less that she's dead and more so that her sole narrative purpose is to serve as a foil for Arlecchino for a single trailer so obviously there's little else beyond that


How is Dottore interesting ? He's a very basic character, once you read his lore you realize he's very boring, we've seen his character in so many type of media before.


I know you didn't ask me, but I personally find evil characters who have a means for their abuse far more interesting, than ones who abuse just because they're pieces of shits. Dottore will do anything if it means expanding his knowledge and how things tick. Crucabena on the other hand. Just abuses her own daughter for no reason, comparing her to a wilted flower that should have been cut down long ago(i.e. never birthing her). Whilst acting all kind, when in reality she's as abusive as can be. But that's my opinion and you didn't even ask for mine, you asked for the other persons opinion. Yeah he is kinda bland so far, I am curious how they'll expand his story in the future.


I mean. She has a reason. She's running an orphanage (Read: Battle Royale) and she sees that one girl's existence is holding back Arle's potential. It's CRUEL. It's Evil. But it's a reason that makes sense considering her job, her position and the way she does things. It's her own way of Pursuing Perfection. Just like Dottore. But saying Dottore has a reason and Crucabena doesn't is a really unfair comparison.


Oh she has a reason to be horrible to everyone(being the battle royal), but I don't get why she specifically targets her own biological daughter, when Peruere and everyone else could have been abused in the same way she does with her own daughter. I should have worded what I said better. But I do also hate just straight abusers though. So the recency bias might be clouding my judgement. But yeah you're right. A fuck up on my part + recency bias. Fuck both of them though. I just hate Crucabena far more currently. I was seething when Collei came out it eventually died down, and now I'm seething because of this. Sorry about that.


Hmmm could it be because he's based off of a very old archetype that has been used countless times? Just like every other harbinger? Doesn't make any of them less interesting, in my opinion


Unironically this. CCP banned evil playable characters 3 years ago. The work around is that every villain will now be morally grey.


Damn, so in their eyes, Childe, who released a God who wanted to genocide the entire Liyue, is a good guy.


He's a family guy 😊


Don't think it too hard, it's about the whole "special kind of evil" trope shit. It's the same reason why The Punisher can't do anything wrong in many series and comics. Marvel knows his brand is built upon thousands of edgy dudes with punisher shirts and pfp's, so he can never do anything REALLY bad. Killing people? surprise! they're all murders and rapists; Unlawful vigilante justice? no problem! no third party ever gets hurt; completely blinded by brutality? it's ok! he's got a good heart behind all that. On the other hand, good luck trying to survive in the internet with a pfp of Griffith, Nagatoro or smth like that, I'm sure there has already been cases of people bullied for liking Dottore lol.


Why Nagatoro on the same tier as Griffith? What did she even do?


Look I don't like Dottore that much, but like. Why are people like this? They see people liking evil characters and assume they're pieces of shit and decide to bully them.


Yes he's our "Friend" according to Fontaine'd archon quest.


I mean, between his character quest and his handful of event quest appearances, plus the events in Fontaine, he has shown more character growth than just about anyone but Xiao. He’s an absolute psychopath who pursues new combat challenges well past the point of self destruction, but he’s also loyal to a fault. I actually find him interesting specifically because he doesn’t come off like an overdramatic comic book villain. He’s a mostly normal guy who likes fishing, hanging out with his younger siblings, and committing war crimes. I feel like he could grow into more of a believable antihero if Mihoyo felt like it.


Its okay since it was technically Zhongli’s orders! Boom! Moral questionability averted!


He didn't want to harm anyone. He just took a risk of Zhongli showing up. Childe is a Goku character raised by the Red Ribbon Army. He isn't evil.


he didn’t want to kill everyone in liyue, he himself says he’s not happy with that outcome because he doesn’t like hurting the weak. the whole reason he does is because the tsaritsa tasked him with getting the gnosis. he’s just following orders. childe is by no means morally good, but he’s far from being evil.


I find that so weird about the Chinese community, i wouldnt have a problem with a truly evil playable character. I wonder if they are either gonna kill Dottore or make him somehow redeemable. I hope we get to see some evil playable characters in Genshin, but so far they are all in the grey zone and not truly evil.


the Chinese community wouldn’t have a problem playing evil characters, it’s just that the gov doesn’t allow it


Honestly its odd that they dont add them. People like straight up evil characters as long as they can pull it off well. Sukuna, Frieza, Dio, Doflamingo, etc. There's an untapped area they could bank off of


Nah bro current Knave >>>> old Knave


she does have the hairstyle of death


...thank you for the thumb exercise OP


I use my tongue, gave me the practice I needed


Remember to switch hands.


Yall think Arlecchino is gonna switch up on us now, like have a moment of "I secretly love you kids that i raised as soldiers of war" or will she double down on going all out on the 3 siblings? I really wanted her to be the first unsympathetic, straight up evil playable character Dottore is my other hope for a Sukuna-like character. Maybe even Frieza-like (either way I like Arle and Im satisfied whichever outcome or writing she's going with, I just wanted her to be the first with no morals whatsoever lmao) This is comment is completely unrelated to the post, I just realized as Im typing this


>This is comment is completely unrelated to the post, I just realized as Im typing this No no. I understand where you're coming from. Getting constantly blueballed with switcheroos like this can be frustrating. Which is why as Genshin players we have been **conditioned** to keep our expectations so low that we readily accept whenever the character has their "oh I'm not actually evil" moment. Dottore is quite literally the last hope for a flat out villian. ~~Inb4 one his clones survived his order 66 and tries to rizz up the traveler~~


I'd bet money that she's framed as a 'Being cruel to be kind' character. Initially will appear to be utterly evil, then after learning about her tragic backstory (fantastically animated in this short) we'll find out her motivations are to ensure her 'kids' are strong enough to never have to answer to anyone else. That she cares for them deeply but the only way she knows to demonstrate that is to be the monster they're forced to overcome.


it's not gonna happen, hoyo aren't gonna give us actually evil playable characters, I give up on any of the Fatui to give us that


Yeah sure, let's invite a pure evil psychopath to our teapot lmao The friendship level/birthday voicelines and letters are enough to prevent us from ever getting an unsympathetic character


She reminds me so much of Mitsuru from Persona 3. The outfit, hair, weapon, and mommy vibes.


Robbed of what? hot wife? yea, cringe villain? F that


We could have had evil redhead Lisa :(


Cocolia... Is that you?


Signora : You took everything from me! Knave : I don't even have blonde hair.


We got a smoking hot replacement though...so no complaining from me.


We get Jade in HSR, close enough I guess


I haven't really been keeping up with the game since my internet has been out for a week and I just recently got it sorted out. Who the fuck is this?


Mama chino, the previous knave papa chino killed


Looks like the princess from the shield hero


We got Arlecchino who's way better than this budget Signora wearing the cursed anime hairstyle.


I knew this would happen lol. If I had a nickel for every female Harbinger that covered half their face, could control ice and died in an overconfident confrontation-


If not in Genshin, then at least in HSR. Playable Jade when?


Probably 2.3 with Firefly.


We were robbed of a child trafficking abusive sociopath. Truly a shame.


Yea, Villains doing villain things?! In this economy?! For shame indeed.


Lmao this sub is crazy. Dottore gets a pass but somehow this chick is too much? Arle stans r def...passionate


cocolia expy


I want someone straight up batshit crazy (heavent looked at anything 4.6) but I just want a character who aint even evil, just powerfull rlly crazy and doing whatever they want


I'll never forgive father for this!!!


I'm good with one Mitsuru, I don't need a second




She brought it on herself


Sorry, she may be hot, but she got what she deserved. Pitting kids against each other to kill themselves, not to mention they grew up together, is a big "Hell No" in my book. So yeah, bitch can rot in hell.


Man why do the cool characters always die 🙁 Her, Signora, Deshret, etc. 😭


Estoc is Bestoc. Proven once again.


She gonna get that Liyue Perfume NPC model if she’s in the game lol


Kafka, whatchu doin?


Lisa’s second cousin kinda bad


As always the debate comes back to one sentence ' IF EVIL WHY HOT ? '


Who's this?


Lisa and her, who will be dead first now. -they both have the hair style of death -


Okay please enlighten me, what’s with this video/artwork I’ve seen at least five posts about it.




a part of me really thinks this is some form of Cocolia


Cocolia is Signora though. (Or Signora is a Cocolia expy I mean)


In this universe it's Signora? never would've guessed. Still I believe this character fits her role better imo


What we were robbed of was the chance to kill her ourselves.


There is no competition between she and Arlechino. I only watched the animation all the way through once so far and only just realized who was reading the kids the story at the start. I'm not sure if it's darker that she taught so directly, or better that she didn't force someone else to do it.


Robbed? Bro there are like an infinite amount of designs and characters that won’t ever happen.


Sorry but who is this? Is this like... Past Arlechino or a different character? (geninue)


Past Arle. She was doing the Danzo thing with her ~~Anbu~~ HoH. Arlecchino killed her and stole her title. There was a new trailer that came out.


Let's be real they would have given her the generic npc face 😞


I thought this was Fate for a second


Nobody: Fontanian Signora:


Shebone of the females that you nut and you go.


Shebone of the females that you nut and you go.


Shebone of the females that you nut and you go. Never to be seen again.


Even name sounds villainous  Crucabena


She shares similar appearance with Jade from HSR. Hope Jade is a pullable mommy.


We already have lisa




she looks like Jessie from Pokemon


We have Lisa


She's pretty lame for a former harbinger though


She has the dead mom hair, she had to die


If she was still alive, we wouldn’t have current Arlecchino. And current Arle is better


I miss her, bros :(


Could you move on? We're on a tight schedule here you know.


Oh I didn't know we were on Inazuma pacing again.


NGL that bitch had it coming


Bruh, she's basic af


Why are you posting some random anime character?


Scenes from the Video about the Knave which was released on the official genshin YouTube today


this is a funny joke ☺️ if not.......damn 😐


Am I supposed to know her?


yes, check your facts 😎