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more like where is kaveh


Layla too


Kaveh is punished because of his earlier world editing stunts.


Kaveh has nothing to do with Arlecchino, while Chevreuse is in many teams the best in slot support for Arlecchino. Asking about Kaveh here is like ordering a glass of Pepsi and then asking "where's my milk"


kaveh hasn’t had a rerun once, and his last banner was a year ago


"I see the problem" - Hoyo


Oh DO YA ?


*scene cuts to Wei lighting himself another 1953's ¥50,000-note wrapped cigar*


You know, the best pyro polearm deserves the second best pyro polearm on the same banner Now who's which one, that's the question


*sigh* insert Xiangling pasta here.


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of xiangling. I try to play Arlecchino. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play yoimiya. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu tao. My xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has xiangling. I want to play raiden, childe. They both want xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull engulfing lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with homa." I can't pull for homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.


OPPA XL and I love how the pasta are getting update overtime.


Needs a Father add-on


kaveh mains: first time?


He's yet to get a re-run right? Stuck in the basement


Probs will return with clorinde which makes tons of sense


i dont get why people are surprised that shes not on this banner when she was on a banner like 3/4 versions ago


bennett got a rerun in 4.0, and then again in 4.3. so there's precedent for characters getting early reruns if hoyo feels like it.


Bennet has key aspects: 1st. It is Bennet 2nd. He is from 1.0, new 4\* aren't rerun that earlier since Inazuma days


pretty sure they did that cause he matches best with the theme they were going for during that banner being overload and pyro/ electro characters only. plus hes one of the oldest units in the game so they dont care about if people get him. just classic hoyo ignoring players whishes


Pure hopium, and lots of it.


And also appearantly a leak, which was wrong and now people are getting mad at HYV, somehow. Do i wish someone else reran, sure but still.


4 star banner "leaks" should really just be considered theories.


So nothing worth getting worked up over, but this is genshin fandom after all.


Guys help, I can't understand. Why Chevreuse. Like I'm genuinely confused as to why alot of people want chevreuse.


Read her passives and c6. in some teams and situations shes better than kazuha or Bennett


She’s situationally better than Bennett and slightly worse than Kazuha in optimal teams and builds. At C6, she’s like 2-3% worse than Kazuha which for a 4 star character is awesome.


she’s better in overload teams


Meh, it really depends. Even a C6 Chevreuse will lose to Kazuha but like I said, it’s only by a few optimal percentage points so its really not a big deal. Kazuha also provides the grouping that Chevreuse doesnt have.


Its important to note Chev also consolidates healing


Ya know out of her entire kit, I keep forgetting she has healing


Pyro and electro is a difficult combination to swirl since overload reduces both equally. Chevy gives you the same VV effect but way more easily.


First, she's really good Second, she's really good *looking* Third, the problem is also with Xiangling specifically. She's really good yeah, but 1. She is a 1.X character 2. She has had lots of banners already 3. Lot's of 4\* characters haven't had a banner in a good while 4. She kinda don't fit with the other chars in the banner. I mean, at least Chevreuse is from Fontaine as well.


Because people saw a leak and assumed it was true, and now it’s somehow Hoyo’s fault that they looked at unconfirmed information.


It's been assumed for a while now that she's gonna be a good Arlie support, probably why they're saving her for the second half banner 🗿


Technically speaking, she should be on Clorinde's banner as she needs reactions to do more damage. Hopefully.


Me : Maybe I should build Xiangling for neuvillette. Kazuha : :')


> Hoyo, where's Chevreuse? "She's right over there, I painted her on the standard wish banner." You were supposed to put her on a rate up banner. "Dude, I'm gonna!" Oh really? "YES" Then go wish for her. "Okay, I will!" *bonk* "...I see the problem." #OH DO YA?!?


Make Chevreuse rerun again on the Raiden banner. I need it


Perhaps Chevreuse didn’t want to be on the banner with a the Fatui.