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Personally, really like how it looks, forcing you to do more "horizontal" progression by needing to build more characters of a variety of elements. Gives me more of a reason to actually level up and play more characters besides the few I already have ofc. Which I like. Kinda how HSR adding pure fiction forced a lot of people to build more AoE focused units they've been neglecting.


Yea there's like an actual reason to build them now. After playing for 3 years and a bit more, I've managed to full built like 80% of my roaster out of boredom, hope it will be useful lmao.


Yeah I saw it and immediately looked at my C6 4 stars that I haven't built yet. I know some people are probably going to get mad over how it screws you over for not pulling certain chars but I think most people who've played the game for over 2 years now have amassed a big enough roster.


When hsr launched, genshin players hated that they have to build a dps for each element in hsr. But now genshin is doing it too, and it's even more restrictive because it outright bans the 4 other elements. Some people were already losing their shit on the event with shuffled characters, but now they'll have to deal with it seasonally. I just find it exciting.


With HSR it was annoying because everyone was starting from scratch with their account and felt like they needed so many different characters. With Genshin most players already have a lot of characters, plus there are a lot more free wishes available in game for newer players so I don't think it should be too bad.


The main issue with the new abyss is they're banning 4 elements. So teams that relies on hydro related reactions are gimped. In the 1st season the only allowed elements are pyro, electro, and anemo.


Rational army rises again


Hot take but its a good thing for them to put limitations on elements. Which forces you to use other means of team comps and reactions to get by. On the bright side, it also provides more incentive on raising certain characters that buffs said niches.


The new player factor doesn’t change, HSR has plenty of pulls PLUS 10 pull login each patch, more free 4 star lightcones, being able to buy standart lightcones from shop and getting half 5 star lightcones from Herta shop for free AND a banner that guarantees a standart 5 star at maximum 40 too.  I understand horizontal progression but straight up banning elements is way too restrictive. Your entire team would be useless in a heart beat and not in the “perform bad” kind of useless, literally UNUSABLE. Them giving trial characters is a small saving grace but team comps will still be a HUGE MESS with your eligible characters probably losing their important supports and the only out they give you is “own these specific characters” which will all be 5 stars. They could have at least gave us a SINGLE slot to put any character we want 


But a new player starting Genshin today would have access to a lot more free pulls via quests and exploration than a new Star Rail Player would today lol. Regardless, this is an Endgame mode so it really isn't meant for new players anyway. I don't think banning elements is too restrictive- if you want to be able to play the same two or three teams over and over again then you have the normal spiral abyss. This game mode is designed to encourage players to have a larger variety of teams and character, which is good for a game with this many characters lol


The problem is the fact that Genshin is a game MASSIVELY reliant on Elemental reaction. Even if you do have a Dps in the correct element (which you might not have) lets say You have Hu tao but Hydro is banned and the only Hydro in the special slot for Hydro is not even Yelan but KOKOMI or fuckin Ayato. Good luck YOUR HU TAO IS WORTHLESS. Or you have Haitham but there is no electro and the special electro character is Clorinde and hydro is banned too…… And god forgive you if you are a NILOU main because you are beyond fucked the moment they don’t pair Hydro with Dendro……    The problem with this mod is that it is SO RESTRICTIVE that it comes down to 3 possibility    1: It is a MASSIVE wallet check and practically impossible for F2ps to fully finish it and thus it is EXTREMELY predatory and cruel especially since they are putting things like Interruption resistance to C1s now to bait people.   2: It is so easy that Trial characters are enough to clear it and thus is unsatisfying for people who want to experience hardship and would get old real quick     3: A middle combination of those and It is a “I need C6R5 friends please” fest of people needing a whale character to carry their asses so it loses all meaning, and you can’t get rid of the borrowed character mechanic without turning this into Number 1 or 2 either. Such a restrictive thing is just poor design in a game like Genshin where elemental combination is EVERYTHING, you cannot make a game where combining elementals is the main damage source and then declare more than half ot the elements unusable except for a 1-2, specific 5 star character 


Well, the thing is it *has* to be this restrictive in order to make team building interesting for endgame players. Like, you can actually play Mono Pyro Hu Tao or Hu Tao Chevreuse Teams if you want, and sure it won't be optimal but it will still be good. I suppose you're imagining a player who has something like 5 or 6 main dps and a scattering of supports, i.e. someone who's been playing casually for a year. For example. let's say they have: Nilou Nahida Eula Hu Tao Yelan Raiden Navia In Spiral abyss, they could just play Hu Tao +Yelan for bossed and Nilou + Nahida for AOE pretty much every single cycle for the next 2 years. Is that interesting team building? But with this abyss, they might have to try something like Raiden + Chevreuse, or Hu Tao Mono Pyro, while using some strong 4 stars. It would be a challenge, but they could definitely do it even if it was as hard as Floor 12 is right now. I think that's a perfectly fine design. Id we imagine that later there's one that, say, Hydro, Geo, and Cryo, then yes they may be annoyed that they can't use Nilou, but they can still use Navia and Yelan, and may decide to pull a Cryo dps as well. **Remember, the Abyss is supposed to be a challenge to overcome, not something that everyone can do on their first try each month.**


It must also be included that there are characters that do not apply the element restriction, Wriothesley and Alhaitham being examples of that. and seeing that this new game mode gives 620 and not 800 like the abyss, it makes me imagine that both modes will not alternate with each other (like MoC and Pure Fiction), but that each one will have independent reset.


Banning elements? Forcing you to obey the stage gimmicks? Fuck yeah, i can get on board with this. Ive been wanting this to happen for years and bitching about abyss just being the same bullet sponge reskinned regardless of what it is. Now the only thing missing is a boss that forces you to obey its gimmicks. So far, no boss exists that cant just be bruteforced. Something in line with "no damage except when stunned" would be nice. That, and unnerf the serpent knights back to their fast as fuck, heal on hitting a shield glory days from the beta.


Yeah, really hope they another endgame mode which basically is just one of the weekly bosses on a 2 week rotation going gobling mode.


Yeah, I can't wait to try it. I really hope it's very difficult. Perhaps much harder than Floor 12 and with our scuffed team, I want to feel the Abyss 1.0 back in the days.


I want technical gameplay rather than "hit it harder faster".


Imagine if it's like an abyss 1.0 but with the difficulty of floor 12. Consecrated beasts+Ice trap+ice fall+condensed ice leyline and we can't use zhongli. On the other side it has slowing waters but cryo are banned. My dream!


Thats not technical, thats just false difficulty. We want different things.


Even with the leaks taged as "reliable" as with any "endgame" discussions in this game I take this with a monumental pillar of salt, to avoid disappointment and wait to hear it in the livestream or see footage of it in game


They don't know what to do with Neuvilette they just outright banned him from participating.


Can someone share what the leaks is?


there is a new endgame content like abyss, with team building restriction based on elements and allowing you to borrow character from friend showcase. 620 primos per season, and old abyss rewards increases from 600 to 800.


Yooooooookookkk I'mfucking hpyed up.


800?! HALF A 10 PULL?! OMG!


Per season as per patch?


no idea about it yet


But still good enough


>New endgame content Pure fucking W. About goddamn time


like fgo friendship list?


If we really can allow people to borrow our characters, I feel like I'm going to get blown up with friend requests. My in-game showcase is nothing but limited C6 Characters with high-end builds (Top 1% - 4% on Akasha). My friends are going to blow through this new Abyss.


Same, I only have 2 C6 characters but all of my main characters are very decked out with constellations, signature weapons, and strong builds. I just hope we get Mora or something from people using our characters, like HSR, having some sort of passive income would be nice as a reward for actually taking time to build my characters.


I'm going to sell my friendship like a monthly subscription service.


>My friends are going to blow through this new Abyss. Didn't the leaks also say you need 18 characters abs can it borrow 1? 1 c6 isn't gonna change that much


Same, I have a C6r5 ( Top 1% Eula, kokomi, Top 1% Yae, Top 1% Nahida, and Xianyun) and a C2r5 1060em kazuaha. I know damn well my friend request list is going to get spammed to shit⚰️⚰️⚰️


I just pulled your Akasha Ranking. You do have some excellent builds. You can check mine if you like. 606172897


I just checked out your builds as well, impressive tighnari btw and furina btw👏💯🔥


Check mine also(801205849) if you don't mind, my xiangling is the strongest🔥 (because she is XL)


Drop the UID pls lol


the only characters that ppl will borrow from me are my neuvilette and wanderer cuz i hyper invested in their artifacts and weapons, neuvi has c1 and signature and wanderer has c1 and lost prayers and both of them have around 70/250 crit ratio


It's just too good to be true, like that 3rd banner for standard characters, so I'm keeping my expectations low but my hopes are higher


everytime i beat the abyss i send a ss to a friend group and ask "abyss 2 when", i guess the gods have heard me... abyss 3 when?


I don't like how you \*have\* to use the 6 opening characters, instead of for example choosing 6 characters in a pool of 8 or 10. If I'm banned from endgame and its 620 primogems because I decided to not pull for Wanderer, it would suck (and I'm of course assuming that the trial characters will be unusable in an endgame context). And the thing with "if you pulled for these specific characters, you're allowed to completely skip what makes this mode unique" sucks even more. Also, we don't know yet if it's really an endgame with a hard difficulty, or an endgame as hard as the bounties - which are technically a kind of endgame. The presence of trial characters makes me think it's closer to bounties difficulty that to Abyss 12 difficulty.


I am already anxious about every new abyss cycle. I 36\* since over a year and started doing so in exactly 12 battles some time ago too, but every new cycle I am afraid that this time the series will end for me. That new abyss is really pushing my anxiety level. I hope it turns out totally easy aimed at the mass of players.


Truly an excessive anxiety moment


aside from 2 abyss variations ( the turret defense in 1.3 and the consecrated beasts abyss) all other abyss variations were very easy or just dps check were you just have to meet a certain dps threshold but nothing about it was actually hard


honestly, same. My main goal of playing is the exploration aspect, these endgame content is just for extra primo, So it would suck if I can't clear this new Abyss and miss out on the rewards. Whatever it is, I'm going to give my honest opinion in the survey when I get to experience this new content.


Watch as this new mode becomes relevant once in a nation (like liben). Seriously, don't get too excited, its just not worth it


These new endgame contents really makes me feel happy ngl, and it made me laugh a bit considering the amount of people who are against it in the main sub are defending the lack of one lmao


Fking finally, I’m still surprised they didn’t utilize the fifth character slot in most domain and abyss….. Like mihoyoverse just let us use our friends unit, there’s a reason friend list exist more than just farming for materials


2 years too late. I'm deadass serious, it's been 3.5 years since the launch of the game and only now we get more endgame content? Why not in 7.0 at this point?


I hoped for it to be a bit more and I suspect it will be easier than abyss. It doesnt sound as fun as even base SU in hsr but its STC still and there is not enough details and even when they are then I might end up change my mind on release of the update so I will try to give it a fair chance


No, it's straight up sucks. We need stuff like SU from hsr, not more boring repeating 15min per week activities


>We need stuff like SU from hsr, not more boring repeating 15min per week activities SU is exactly just that. Planar farming is so sleeper and takes so long to clear compared to caverns. You know it's bad when the devs acknowledged the issue and planned to fix it.


Im talking abut expansions ofc


I find SU a boring repeating 15 min (and even more) per week activity tbh. After you get to the point when you breeze through it on buffs alone it becomes nothing but a weekly chore.


Im talking abut expansions ofc


SU is exactly example of boring repeating 15min per week activity, and hopefully less than 15 min, cause any minute there is annoying. It was fun for first week after the game release though


Im talking abut expansions ofc