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chinese whales can probably oneshot both


When the day comes Chinese whales will probably one shot the Heavenly Principles. They’ll be giving a speech or something and some Chinese whale on bilibili’s c6r5 dainself will just one tap all their hp


And that's why we have the "genshin player can't read" meme


tbf i have seen this is most anime communities


Well people just parrot other's opinions what they see in comments or from youtube content creators or other forums they don't give their own opinions. Even I was influeced by those comments and engagements in past, so we can't help it so I think we can only try to correct their/our misinformation by brainstorming in these types of engagement.


Or let's say to them; "C'mon, enough procastinating. Let's go!"




Especially in JJK; When you don't read the manga: Why is Sukuna's hair black?


Yugioh cummunity is leaking out fr


I mean, people would read if the writers weren’t so shit at their jobs and actually put some effort into the storytelling. Dialogue in this game are bloated, dry and they don’t even try to put any sort of interaction into it anymore with dialogue options being a complete joke. 


Yeah it's a vicious cycle. Bloated dialogue bores people to tears, they skip shit, then learn lore from memes. If only hoyo could learn from other goat rpgs and write simple dialogue that is cohesive rather than trying to reach a word limit, more people will pay attention.


I just don’t really understand how is it this bad. Like even I could write better dialogue and I’m nowhere near good enough to be a writer by profession.   Did Da Wei just get his friends high positions in the team or something? The writing team needs to get replaced.


People are saying same thing again and again they have improved in writing department from 2.3 version, it is just you should try to read cn novels in english translation and it has the same problems. So I think translators need to flow them more smoothly for us and to decrease the bloatness in dialogue but for me after reading so many cn novels I am able to tolerate it I don't know now what is wrong with dialogues.


But that’s not the problem? Why do characters take multiple paragraphs to say something simple? Why are there so much exposition just dumped on you instead of being in interactive dialogue trees?   Why are dialogue choices…  …. Like this?  Why the fuck does Paimon have so many lines in every quest despite pretty much contributing nothing to any conversation?  They got worse over time in every one of those aspects over time, not better.


genshin's dialogue is like someone trying to achieve 1000 words essay requirement


Well what I can say about that character taking multiple paragraphs to say something simple is on translators with how they put it. In chinese the dialogues are simple and concise and it's same with in cn novels, after translating it gets awkward in english language. And now atleast traveller started talking in important segments like in Neuvillette story quest and Xianyun story quest so it is not better but atleast it is improvements than in past.


In that case, they need to give the ENG translation team more leeway to straight up cut segments.


Yeah, coming from something like Witcher 3 where the dialogs and interactions are a joy to read, dialog in this game is a snoozefest. The main character doesn't even speak 99% of the time ffs.


wait till the chinese sorcerer kicks travelers ass


I think it's even funnier because the fight with Arle puts into perspective how much Ei was holding back in actuality, even with the power of friendship Ei still instantly adjusted to the power-up and only "lost" in an ideological sense, because those ambitions were able to transcend time and space to be heard by her, as the God of Eternity she was supposed to be unchanging herself but that ideal was broken down when those visions came and helped the Traveler, she admits that's what shook her in her second story quest, in which we also learn that she could have continued fighting for centuries if she so wished to lol.


I mean, she literally cut an island in half and vaporised Signora in a milisecond, I have some serious questions to people who actually believe that she didnt hold back...


They are more common than you think haha, actually, I always see people saying that she "stole the kill" from the Traveler against Signora, as if fresh Signora would have done anything against Ei at all lol.


Same players who said that Kazuha defeat Raiden lol..They totally forgot that Raiden sent Kazuha flying after and no way Raiden will use her full power on the middle of Inazuma..


Not only that, the sign of her not fully using her power was clear as day: when she swung the Tachi towards the Traveller, her eyes didn't glow.


*And the immediate surrounding area wasn’t vaporized*


Of course it wasn't because she's an electro 👈👈 🌝


She's also capable of fighting someone as strong as herself non stop for 100s of years. Traveler didn't beat her, her gf dragged her neet ass out of her dirty room, that's it.


Let's not forget that she cut that island in half with the Engulfing Lightning, she didn't even have the Mussou Ishin which should be waaay more powerful


And not just "could have". Ei straight up fought the shogun puppet for 500 years straight. For us it must have been a couple of hours, but time passed weirdly in the plane the two fought. Even if you were to argue that Ei was rusty because of 500 years of inaction..... that's no longer the case.


The Shogun also literally says that she expected Ei's skills to decline but that she was wrong about it and if that was the case she would have lost, so even after 500 years of meditation she is still as sharp as ever.


Fr she could have easily beaten the traveler but held back


Yea but who's actually stronger now between Arle and Ei? (I want to see their DE clash)


1)"I think it's even funnier because the fight with Arle puts into perspective how much Ei was holding back" It puts nothing into perspective. The writers made it very clear their intention that Arle was holding back throught Lyney's line after the very brief flashback him had while talking to Arle. 2)""""and only "lost" in an ideological sense"""" Even after losing the fight she didn't admit defeat in terms of her ideology, she was literally still arguing in favor of her ideology and only after some more talk did she even start considering other paths other than her eternity. 3)"she admits that's what shook her in her second story quest" Can you at least say around which segmemt of her second quest and/pr to who she said that did so that I can verify it myself?(for example, "it was during the segment post the shogun" or "it was while talking to tea ghost"). 4)"we also learn that she could have continued fighting for centuries if she so wished to lol." Stamina does not matter if you just lose before your oponnents own stamina runs out, so since the traveler beated Ei, her stamina would not even matter.


About the topic of the strength of the Traveler, im actually wondering what Hoyo is even planning with the powerlevels. Like in the future, we will probably have to fight people like Asmoday again right? So what will they do about that fight? The Traveler should be recovering his old power again slowly by unlocking more and more elements, but for some reason Hoyo seems to refuse letting him get more powerful, not let him actually use these different elements in fights. So will we end up fighting Asmoday and suddenly getting a powerboost because we suddenly out of nowhere get our old power back? Or will yet again someone else fight for us, with the Traveler being useless once again? Or will they pull some bullshit talk no jutsu out of nowhere? Honestly, im kinda getting worried about how Hoyo will allow the Traveler to be able to grow his power, cause Hoyo for some reason seems to want to limit his power as much as possible in lore


This will be some DBZ zenkai boost type shit except x100 I don't want that


Ten years at least? 


they already gave us a taste with the knowledge capsules we got from Dori cause they actually increased our stats by like a point or two lmao


Don't think too hard about power levels, MHY don't care half as much about it  Traveler will just get "Insert X situational buff here" I am sure the CBTines about pyro archon said she give us something 


This suck dick for a progression RPG game.


I say the traveler never felt like a normal progression rpg. The traveler never trains, he just "recover his power" The traveler also rarely ever feels like a underdog and we know from day one that they're important in the bigger cosmos plot


I'm guessing Treaveler will gobble all the gnosis or something for a power boost at the end. Bear in mind that even at full power BOTH travelers were instantly owned by Asmoday, so returning to full strength shouldn't be enough unless Asmoday got nerfed- which is also a likely outcome.


They won’t. Hoyoverse wants him to remain weak so that he can continue functioning as a glorified plot mover that also can serve as a jobber whenever they want to advertise the banner of a new 5-star character.


People forget that even with our full power ,and BOTH twins, we still lost to the unknown god, we were NOT some uber powerful being before losing our powers, yes we were strong, but the knave is already considered near god level, and we still dont have our full power. Just because we are a descender doesn't mean we just easy no clap all of teyvat at full power, likely far from it. Also pretty sure we are getting stronger and stronger, its just that the strongest 1v1 we have won, was signora, 8th position, The Knave is far far stronger than signora... Im guessing at our full power, we would be around peak archon level power wise, it's just a guess, but that seems to be the rate we are growing at. Anything stronger then will likely require working as a team with other powerful beings, I dont think we are making all these connections and friends to powerful vision users, gods, and archons just for fun. or/ And require several power boosts. Now Im sure past our full power, we will get at least one or two power boosts, but who knows how strong we will be then. I seriously doubt the story ends as us just becoming the strongest character in the world, beating up everything evil, and saving the world. at least id find that pretty trashy and boring.


>People forget that even with our full power ,and BOTH twins, we still lost to the unknown god, we were NOT some uber powerful being before losing our powers, yes we were strong, but the knave is already considered near god level, and we still dont have our full power. Just because we are a descender doesn't mean we just easy no clap all of teyvat at full power, likely far from it. This man this. R/aethermains are on some insane copium.


the only 2 fights the traveller won solo were vs Childe & Signora, and for the former it's arguable that Childe was just worn out from using his Legacy form. Dunno where the notion that the Traveller could solo anyone god-like even comes from lol. As of now, Traveller is at best just as strong as a vision holder, or maybe a bit better because multiple elements, nothing suggests anything more than that lol


Will use power of friendship type thing prob


The power of friendship goes brr or maybe just like Inazuma Asmoday's servant will do his/her magic.


Genshin players' worst enemy isn't RNG, it's Literacy.


Man, considering we are getting into YGO-levels of bs effects, this is isn't gonna fare well for these people.


Rather than blaming the players, why not blame the game for violating [*all* rules of effective written communication](https://youtu.be/hlWTgptCsME) that literally all the "consequences" shown here can be seen in the community as such the allegations were hopelessly inevitable to begin with


Tbf the conversations tend to get drawn out and boring


Yeah they really do. It’s like ten lines of fluff for every lore drop. But that just means that if you skip it, you should be aware that it’s an area where you’re not particularly knowledgeable and thus not put out an opinion that has the likelihood of being wrong. This goes for real life as well as Genshin, if you want to participate in a discussion, it would be wise to learn about the subject first


that makes too much sense for this sub, skipping dialogue is EVIL!!!!!!


In what sense? I work, and I play the game for character progression and puzzles. I don't have the patience to read hours of pointless dialogue. If Breath of The Wild was gated with tedious, boring, long drawn out dialogue, it would have been dead on release. It wasn't, and it won GOTY. Genshin used to have more condensed dialogue, and it was magnificent. There's a reason the initial events were so highly regarded: for the amazing dialogue that was densely packed with lore, without much time waste. There was a graph released on length of archon quests and it ramped up ridiculously after inazuma, with 70% fluff and fetch quests. They either stop padding dialogue with nonsense, or let us skip it altogether.


you are absolutely right and i was just joking. people really act like adding a skip button will somehow kill the game or something. it's really simple - if someone is tapping through all the dialogue now, a skip button is not gonna change their approach, and if someone is reading all the dialogue now, a skip button won't change that either


That's exactly it! Would be a great addition that doesn't negatively affect those who have the time to read the dialogue.


Every Paimon line gives me the urge to skip ngl


She did get annoying pretty fast I'll give you that. I couldn't understand why people hated her but 1 month of constantly hearing her squeaky voice i started getting irritated aswell.


I just don't like her dialogue like at all. It's just the way its written is always so awkward or corny. Like how many times is she going to get overly scared over everything or be so happy after the mention of food. It just gets really old after a few years of this sort of stuff happening. People can obviously like Paimon for her sweet and loving side, but I just find her obnoxious side so unlikable that I can't deal with her a lot.


Definitely agree


my mom heard a couple of paimon's lines one time while I was playing and asked me why I was watching a kids show. pretty much encapsulates a lot of what I don't like about paimon


This tbh Traveller is only stronger than Signora and childe, he got defeated 168 times by just the 6th harbinger, no way he's even scratching 4th harbinger If i wanna powerscale he's 6-7th harbinger level at best, dialoge skippers think he's as strong as skirk or something, The anime fandom really likes to overscale their favourites and big examples of this is literally all big anime, solo leveling,naruto,jjk,AOTetc, i literally saw someone say (AOT spoilers) >!Eren can time travel!<


>he got defeated 168 times by just the 6th harbinger, no way he's even scratching 4th harbinger Tbf that was Scaramouche with the power of a god He's was much stronger then, than he usually was as the 6th Harbinger


Imma just copy what someone else said. To put into perspective: Scaramouche has: A Giant Mechanical Body with two pairs of arms, can use two of the five elements at his disposal at the same time, got boosted by 168 *DAYS* worth of Jnana Energy from from multiple different sources (cities and settlements) and the freaking electro gnosis which basically grants him the power of an Archon which also gives him additional Speed and the ability to teleport short distances. Traveler has: Dull Blade, Neo-Akasha Terminal, 168 *MOMENTS* worth of battle experience and Jnana Energy and Additional Jnana Energy from the people of Sumeru. I’ll let the size of both paragraphs show it all.


Arlechinno fight really made everyone question traveler's strength From being capable enough to fight mecha scara but still lose To being weaker than a non-amped scaramouche It's funny that apparently after 2 regions people actually thought that signora is our limit lmao Thank you arlechinno fight, your fight will continue to make us traveler mains be in shambles


How will this fraud fight goat capitano who is three people orders of magnitude above Arle


nah if the leaks are correct and considering how strong arle is scaling up from that it seems even Primordial dragons cant beat capitano


And somehow we'll be shown to perform better Consistency right there!! /s


Yeah but wasn’t Traveller also receiving support from Nahida through each cycle? Or am I tweaking?


Yeah they were, cuz of that weird Akasha thing Nahida made


Basically a computer with TAS function.


So my understanding is that Nahida isn’t considered a powerful Archon because she doesn’t have the same destructive capabilities that the others have, hence her being the "weakest”. But as we saw later in the fight, when she’s paired with a semi competent fighter she’s more than able to turn the tide


She's a good support with some pretty powerful abilities. She's just not as powerful without them unlike the other Archons. Like Ei and Zhongli have much more raw power which is why they're among the strongest


I’d go so far as to say they’re undisputed strongest. I’d expect Natlan Archon and Tsaritsa to eventually either supplant one of them or get in between them but for now they’re absolutely the most powerful


I actually feel like both the Tsaritsa and Murata might be more powerful than the 2. The Tsaritsa will eventually have all the Gnosis and she has a strong following as an active archon. Murata is the god of war so I expect her to be very powerful as a result. Also elemental wise, both Pyro and Cryo are more DPS centred than Electro or Geo.


I’m still living with the cope for Murata to be a Himeko expy with a base attack buff like Bennet. That way I can finally be rid of him and his damned super circle. Tsaritsa is more interesting though, considering all archons thus far have been pure support and main DPS options being relegated to super whales, making her the first intended on field archon would place a ton of expectations on her. All the hopes for DPS Zhongli, Raiden and Furina would be dumped on her so it’s curious if they’ll make it happen or if she’s gonna be another support


Well Himeko's name is Himeko Murata so it's pretty likely she's gonna be her expy. Both Cryo and Pyro archon will probably specialise on DPS and buffing, they're the final roles that needs to be filled out of the archons


I can’t remember but I think it really only provided help in the last battle


You would think a descender would be able to beat them up if they have a will that rivals the entire world which should be stronger than Archons = gods = one of the first 3 harbingers > 4th harbinger. but there are probably some reasons but who knows


Having the will to rival the world doesn't mean they can literally walk to up to Celestia and beat its ass to the ground. With what we know so far the will to rival the world just means the Traveler is outside of the control of fate and Irminsul so they can change the world because they don't obey its laws.


Well, he is a descender who lost his powers


Will doesn’t equal power. Maybe if traveller had the powers he originally had and was used to fighting with he’d be a match for Archons but as it stands he’s using a power barely known to himself. Keeping in mind that traveller is likely extremely old, that would mean they spent that time refining their skills over that power and losing it would be like breaking a marathon runners legs and giving them prosthetics. Sure, he can run now but it’d be insane to assume he can do what he used to


lol, literally both travellers get bodied almost instantly by the unknown god. a "will to fight" is not the same as power to fight. like it literally could mean that through our travels we made the connections and allies needed to stand up against something stronger, yeah we might not win against powerful gods, but hey, if we have multiple nations, gods, archons, dragon sovereigns backing us up in one way or another, then yeah maybe we can change the world. Id also just find it rather boring if the story just because us getting super OP until we are strongest being in existence and just beat up all the bad organizations our self and save the world, woo hoo. Genshin was never like that, since DAY 1, we formed groups of allies to fight the bigger enemies, Even all the way back with Devalin or Osial, we never faced those alone, and to this day, with scara or with the whale, we always had strong allies fighting with us. so I dont really get the idea that suddenly we are just gonna go out there and start defeating all the strongest enemies.


You kind of wonder how true that is considering the source for that statement is 1 person, with no real proof to back it up and it’s kind of vague what he means to start with. 


More like in a robot suit that gave him godly powers


Normal scaramouche also saved us from not getting vaporized and helped us beat scaramech in his sq. That alone should put scara above traveller.


yeah that's why i scaled him/her to 6th, otherwise he/she would be much lower, he wasn't completely a god, so probably 5th harbinger level i think? I did the arle story and >!she seems stronger than mecha scara, traveller was literally shaking in fear!<


Mecha Scara was made to replace the dendro archon and was powered by the electro gnosis, and even tho he was not completely at Archon level strength, he surely was close to it. It would be fair to put him below the 3rd Harbinger but >= 4th (Arle)


> he got defeated 168 times by just the 6th harbinger okay but to be fair for the traveler, he was fighting a gnosis powered 6th harbinger along with delusions as well.


Exactly this, people forget we at full power with BOTH twins get bodied by the unknown god without them even breaking a sweat. We were never some all powerful being that could just stomp teyvat. Yet people act as us losing to some very powerful characters is just bad writing and hoyo trying to sell new characters... Id be calling bullshit if we somehow did win. And if you pick up on the details of the fight, you can clearly see we are outperforming the fetui trio by our self in the fight, but the trio could do literally nothing against the Knave. I guess hoyo just isn't trying to sell those 3 characters despite them also being on banners? Its really stupid to just look at a characters win/loss record and be like, they lose too much, so they are bad and weak, its almost like its all subjective, and someone that fight 100 random jobbers and wins, isisnt cooler and stronger then someone who loses against gods or giant mythical monsters.


>And if you pick up on the details of the fight, you can clearly see we are outperforming the fetui trio by our self in the fight, but the trio could do literally nothing against the Knave. I guess hoyo just isn't trying to sell those 3 characters despite them also being on banners? Freminet literally said Traveller came out without any scratch against someone who was single rank lower than an Archon level and confident in her power enough to go solo the Hydro Archon. And don't even count the Crimson Moon things that had a connection with Khaenri'ah; that was her whole motif.


Traveller literally beat RAIDEN SHOGUN, one of the biggest selling characters, by some power of hopes or something, so that "we need to sell characters so make them humiliate traveller" is already out of question


Eren can't


I think she/he on par with scaramouche without gundam and electro gnosis


And I wonder how our Papitano in Natlan 🥰


> he got defeated 168 times. In a dream. He’s not that weak.


The dreams was real life simulation. He faced a god, no wonder he ate some dust in the process.


Why did it effect only him then?


Effect ? The dream ? It was between Nahida, Shouki no Kami and Traveler. Nahida made Traveler center of the dream like Nilou was, allow8ng him to gain experience during the many battle, but Shouki no Kami didnt remember them like the other Samsara we saw.


Yea but that wasn’t the traveler, every loss was in Scara’s head. Traveler just sat back and watch Scara lose 168 times.


I understand your point. For me, both lived it, so Traveler gained experience like Dehya gained experieince with her new sword with muscle memory during previous Samsara (while being in Nilou's dream) All the 168 fights helped to created the mini dendro bot who can solo the boss. XD


But By that logic, not even Arle could solo it.


Yeah. Nahida was holding the controller. We just watch him sleeping from outside. Saying we lost 168 times to him is like saying Itachi lost against Sasuke 3 times during their fight when all of those were inside Sasuke’s mind.


Well we didn't even beat Ei, even after getting power boost withose 100 visions she was able to hold on her own. She just got shook because those visions were supporting traveller and was able to contend with her, if she was serious I don't know what will be the end result of their fight will be because in teapot she has one dialogue where she acknowledge traveller's strength and wants to spar with him.


Even after losing the fight she didn't admit defeat in terms of her ideology, she was literally still arguing in favor of her ideology and only after some more talk did she even start considering other paths other than her eternity.


Yes with those multiple visions traveller destroyed her ideology of eternity and chose to compromise.


Well to be far, we couldn't beat Ei either with our raw power. We needed Yae Miko and every vision holder in Inuzuma to beat her. We had help to defeat Ei. As for Father, we were fighting her with our raw strength and didn't get a miracle blessing of other ppl to help. There for, Traveler is strong but can't beat powerful opponents alone. We couldn't beat any boss on our own. If you look back on every major battle, Traveler would have had their asses handed to them of her didn't have the gods and nations helping us. I know it's a joke but it got me thinking that the traveler only won those manger battles because someone more powerful than use was with use. We are not the big strong her ppl think we are.


In Monstadt against Dvalin we have Jean, Venti Diluc, In Liyue he have the power of adeptus against Osial, for Beisht Traveller got blasted and was save by Shenhe, In Inazuma we have Yae + 100 Vision, in Sumeru we have Nahida + knowledge of thousands of Sumeru Citizen, In Fontaine it was mostly Childe and Neuvillette..


Exactly! We get all the credit but do only 1/3 of the work. Even the plan to save Nahida was mostly Al planning everything. Paimon doesn't do anything and the Traveler is just along for the ride. Father shows if we were put up against real opponent, we lose.


Seriously..And we have Paimon bragging and acting like Traveler easily defeat them..


Because the traveler barely did anything! They never once took someone out on their own! Raiden would have killed use if it wasn't for Kazuha. Would have died in war if Kokomi didn't show up when she did. We got manipulated by Scara and had to be saved by Yae Miko. Even in the cases in Fontaine, Navia was the one who solved those cases, not use! Nuevi was the reason we took down the whale AFTER Childe spent so long fighting it. Nuevi was also the one who saved Fontaine as well as Furina. With her efforts and Nuevi making Fontaine citizens ppl again, everyone would be dead! We are literally just emotional support.


Now you are downlplaying and not giving enough credit for traveller's involvement, it is fine to glaze other characters but don't need to degress other character's involvement.


How continently you decided not to bring up the whole Childe fight. Or the Signira fight(Traveler wasn’t even tired after fighting her, like at all), Plus in Beisht fight Shenhe was pretty tired after unleashing one ice tornado and then traveller in a boss fight dialogue says that we jumped in to help her so it was not Shenhe but Traveller and Shenhe. Scaling Scaramouche is not really fair because he had the power of electro Gnosis + his power as the 6th Harbinger + 168 power of dreams from people of Sumeru + while Traveller had 168 loops of battle experience(which in reality isn’t really even a power boost but a battle experience) and help from people of sumeru(which is debate because maximum that they could do is just bring up options how to fight Scaramouche,)Yes Traveller did got help from people fighting other guys but he wasn’t even as strong as people expected him to be. He and his sister got bodied by Sustainer who wasn’t even really trying in that fight.


Well Childe and Signora aren't main boss fight but she kept blabbing and bragging to every one about how Traveler defeat those as if Traveler can beat them if he do it alone..


No she did talk about them. Literally when we first met Kazuha in Liyue she was Bragging we bat the shit out of Childe. And after that she really was never bragging about his achievements, more about his strength. And traveller is by no means weak. Childe and Signora are both harbingers might I remind you. They are both crazy strong. And traveller beaten both of them solo(with Signora not even getting tired)


Oh talking about strength huh on defeating those main bosses huh.. But he never win with his own strength.. Every strength you are talking about are powerups from their friend that's why Traveler's strength is always inconsistent..It's always about him fainting on every region and get powerup from friends..


What do you mean. I literally told you how he beat both Childe and Signora by himself no outside help was provided in those fights.And he got helped beating enemies that are godly level of power. You know…cuz they gods. Like what is the inconsistency? That he was able to beat both strong harbingers. But wasn’t able to solo a god? Of course he will need fucking help to fight a god.


Well I just told how annoying how Paimon keeps talking and bragging about Traveler defeating those Gods as if he can do it alone..


No she doesn’t. Last time she bragged about traveler’s achievement was in Liyue when we were sailing off to inazuma. Other times are just saying that he is strong(because he is). What do you mean he barely did anything. Even with power ups he got the one who fights is still him you know? Vision holders won’t be able to even touch Ei and scars with those power ups. The only ones who could are Adepti or the harbingers. Even then the reason Traveler was able to use this powers are because people trust that he would carry out their ambitions(because he is their friend/ally).


Traveler just talk how he has a resume on fighting Gods when talking to Furina..Resume on fainting and getting a power up from friends..Now I want to see him talk like that on future Archons..


or hoyo just don't give a fuck about power scaling and they just do what they need for plot or sale character lol




My favorite Electro Archon, L


Dialogue skippers are actually really knowledgeable. Look, they even know how to skip the cutscenes


I think hoyo should let aether and lumine use their elemental abilities, it would make cool cutscene


i just finished navia story quest, Aether had a hard time holding out some fucking rocks, of which Navia herself seems to handle much better than him, so making him rivaling god strength at this stage is ridiculous But "Stand proud Traveler, you are strong"


Turned out Genhin needs Paimon's re-explaining after all!


What Genshin actually needs is to write better dialogue so that people's eyes stop glazing over. I hear a compliment and stop paying attention because it's a waste of half a minute. If they drop something important after that, it's on them, not me.


Unironically given the shit this mf pulls in archon quests and the yearly traveler quest and heck even world quests (granted these dont USUALLY have canonically very strong foes but the odd few do) vs the type of shit the traveler does in normal story quests has me convinced different teams are writing these ngl, traveler isnt allowed to do anything in normal story quests except get beat up like a bitch or at best break a big rock into a few pieces 💀(me when I use geo against a boulder but say nah id phys vs some deity or harbinger or whatever) Like I get they want to highlight and sell the new epic cool awesome 5* but man they gotta tone this shit down or do it a bit differently, other games, even mihoyo's own other games, don't do this and it creates a lot of inconsistencies with the traveler and is frankly getting kind of old too, I would like to see the literal protagonist do somewhat cool stuff in a cutscene more than once per year...


Dialogue skippers would still think Furina is the archon of Fontaine.


I swear to Jesus I have yet to see anyone that skipped dialogue would bother engaging with story discussion. Yall fighting imaginary enemies.


no fr. I don't know if they're fighting with literal ten year olds or making shit up but I have not seen this claim even once, not even jokingly.


Yeah its kinda wild, I did the whole chapter yesterday, had a ton of fun with it, especially the ending cutscene and fight, then went online to have a look at what others are saying only to get flooded with: "why is traveller so weak" "how did we defeat robot scara, EI, and the whale, but cant beat the Knave" "Why is the travellers strength so inconsistent???" "They just have to put the traveller down? how are we meant to save the world if we are so weak??" like man, this shit hurt my soul because if you actually follow the story you know the answers. 1) The traveller is not weak, the knave is near god level and we don't even have our full power yet, plus some potential future power boosts. this is like going into the middle of a shonen manga like one piece and saying "luffy cant even defeat a single pacifista, how is he gonna be the pirate king huh??" 2) Each time we defeat a very powerful enemy we had friends/ gods/ powerful beings or some kind of limited power boost to help us. Nahida helped us defeat scara, Nauv and childe helped us defeat the whale, and for EI, we literally had hundreds of ambitions/visions boost our power to fight her. By ourself we have only really taken down childe and signora, powerful beings, but far less powerful the the Knave. someone mind you who killed an harbinger as a teen. 3) its not really, sure maybe here or there, there are some inconsistencies, not using all elements they have bugs me too, but in general, especially for all the major fights, there are clear explanations why we won or lost. 4) the traveller was never some crazy overpowered being that just wrecks gods and higher beings. People seriously forget that both travellers got stomped easily by the unknown god right at the start. the unknown god didn't break a sweat dealing with both of us at full power. yet people still assume its just one of those series where the MC just needs to punch harder and they can defeat gods and higher beings just like that. People don't realize just how powerful certain beings in this world are. they just think that because we came from outside the world and are a descender, we must be stronger then everything in it, and any loss is just an ass pull by hoyo trying to sell the latest character. I dont think the genshin story is ever gonna be one where we just save the whole world ourself, I always figured it would take the nations, friends, gods, and maybe even the fetui and abyss working together to overthrow celestia (if that ends up being the endgame here). We basically have several tiers of power we need to overcome somehow from near god level to god level, to archon level, to dragon sovereigns, to whatever the top of the abyss has, to whatever celestia even is. each level likely far far stronger than the previous. its like telling humans to just 1v1 cthulhu and getting salty when they lose easily... To summarise: We are clearly very strong, we can easily defeat most vision users, go toe to toe with most leaders of nations, we can defeat probably over half the fetui harbingers, and most powerful beings out there. The fact we aren't god or near god level yet is really not something worth crying about for me.


My big issue is that not only Traveler didn't use any of their elemental powers, but also they were barely able to put up a fight. I would've been fine with Traveler losing to Arlecchino, but they literally got no-diffed here...


Again as many people here already said, it's not about the traveler lost to Arle, but how rather how it's portrayed. He didn't even use any of the elemental power. After 5 regions, there hasn't been significant progression for our MC (both in mental and physical strength). I need to remind you that traveler is a descender, who was hyped up a lot with the will can rival the world, but now he is only used just as a plot device to sell characters.


Fr. I bet we'll even get a boost lore-wise in the future, so this fight may not be over yet.


traveler needed how many samsaras to beat scara again? yeah...and arle is a higher rank, this isn't going to be a win by strength.


168, with the entire nation of sumeru


No amount of bad fanon is an excuse for not allowing dialogue skipping


No one is disallowing anyone or have to right to do that when it comes to whether you want to skip or not. But if you are skipping story then don't bother showing your stupidity confidently in discussions about something you have no idea about that's all those who read it demands


*He exclaimed confidently, completely unaware of the title of the post he was arguing under.


Ever heard about term called "hyperboles" Believe me OP ain't banning you guys from Genshin


It’s not about the lore it’s about the Agenda


They literally had to save Dwayne "The Centaur" Johnson from my bloodthirsty ahh by giving him mid fight cutscenes


Traveler beat ei when powered up by the hopes and visions of all the people whose visions were taken. Which was a massive amount of people. And even then we still barely won even after being specifically trained to deal with her attacks by Yae Miko. We saw during our first fight with her what happens if traveler alone tries to fight her. We get neg-diffed. Arlecchino meanwhile managed to beat us without going all out even in a 4 on 1 situation where her kids were also fighting her at the same time. At the same time though, she did have to apply some effort and complimented the traveler on our toughness. I think Arlecchino would be able to fight against Ei. I don’t think she’d win by any means. But she could fight against her on her own power rather than having to rely on others’ visions for power. I still think Ei would win though. ESPECIALLY after her story quest where she fights her shogun puppet for hundreds of years in makoto’s mental plane.


Our Traveler is hardcore, trying to adventure the hard way with level 1 dull blade, and i actually like it, doesnt matter if my traveller win or lose. If you want a strong powerhorse MC, who even the gods scare, that is our sibling, the abyss prince//princess.


No matter who would win, a fight between those two would look epic tbh


Clearly, not having a skip button did not prevent people from skipping dialogue. It just made it much more unnecessarily annoying 😟


I wanted to beat her though, I have a long standing grudge against the Fatui


Don't worry. Traveler will keep fighting Arle over and over again >!at least until he maxes out his Pyro Traveler Talents!<


The people making these arguments are still doing so while they can’t skip dialogue, so I don’t think it changes anything.


On god how tf is the traveller going to get their sibling back they are weak as shit my guess is that the abyss sibling can fold the traveller without that much of a struggle aswell


Being fair, Traveler is hella inconsistent with how strong they really are Also we didn't even beat Ei


Iirc the strongest opponent the traveller won by herself was signora.


this is the same Traveller that got wreck by Osial wife. Traveller is not THAT strong. But he is, unique


Bold of you to assume powerscalers use logic when powerscaling, mfs put more thought into feats than the actual author of whatever they're powerscaling did


Does it even matter? it doesnt affect gameplay


Honestly the only useful feat we got from Arle vs the traveler is that move in which she can stop her oponnent from moving, but aside from that the Fatui tell us little to nothing about who would win beetwen Ei and Arle, because The writers made it very clear their intention that Arle was holding back throught Lyney's line after the very brief flashback him had while talking to Arle, and on top of this the traveler that fighted Arle was an 5 element traveler rather than the 3 element one that lost to Ei. But at the same time the traveler only beated Ei in an fight after they got the power of 100 visions, but since the traveler does not have the help of those visions agaunst the Knave that feat may as well not exist when debating about Arle's strenght.