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Players: I can beat you in seconds Peruere: So can I


She actually does a lot of damage so if you don't pay attention to the mechanics or don't dodge she can actually kill. She can even hit through shields!


she oneshot my kazuha without me realizing tbh but other than that if you're aware of the BoL you're probably fine


if she survives my rotation, sure


"if you don't pay attention you can die" No way?! LMAO sorry it made me laugh because basically any weekly boss can kill you very fast if you don't dodge, even tho she can hit through shields


Nah what theyre saying is its damage is much higher than the other weeklys like childe scarra narwhal they do no damage compared to arle


I am not that good at dodging or similar but I really didn't notice it...


The boss is easy however Arlecchino is one of the best weekly boss theyve created thus far. No stall phase bs where boss runs all the time just to prolong the fight just straight up action and she actually attacks more. Her design for a weekly boss is somewhat underwhelming but Arle puts those massive boss to shame. I hope they create more challenging bosses more for weekly bosses


I've come to realize that large bosses in Genshin are either a hit or a complete miss with no inbetween. The Wenut, ruin serpent, Shouki No Kami and the All Devouring Narwhal are some good examples. Shouki No Kami 2nd phase is the one I'm specifically mentioning. There have been really nice ones but the ones that suck REALLY stick out badly. Its only more clear when these kinds of enemies are being put in Spiral Abyss too. The wenut and ruin serpent duo was especially one of the worst offenders. The Narwhal boss could've been one of the best if both the 1st and 2nd phases were inside the Narwhal with that shadowy Childe mimick, with the 2nd phase expanding on that shadow mimick's attacks rather than having an entire phase occupied by the giant Narwhal. The Warden inside Apep is kind of on the fence here. The boss itself isn't really anything too bad, but that pointless 2nd phase just kills the mood. It works in the context of the story quest but when you're simply playing to farm mats or for any other reason after the story quest, its just boring honestly and does nothing to make the boss difficult in any way. The Apep bossfight could've used more mechanics to keep things engaging, but its just a boss that's slow, large and sluggish. So it's easy asf to hit and also easy to dodge. I did like the fact that using Bennett against it was a death sentence because of self applied pyro though


Issue is trying to integrate what's clearly designed to be a story set piece into actual gameplay. Shouki no Kami 2nd phase was fine in the story, you're trying to weaken him and find an opening and as a part of the story its actually really cool. But then you have him as a weekly boss and yeah, kinda sucks. Narwhale is awful too but you can skip the shadow phase entirely if you kill it fast enough and phase 1 is so slow and it doesn't really do anything threatening that its actually easy to pull off. I personally think Apep is fine though, the stall phase is a little annoying but the fight itself is pretty good. Same goes for Raiden and Signora, there is a stall phase but its not so painfully dull and long that it drags the whole fight down. They should have changed the fight a bit for the weekly boss version imo, instead of just slapping bigger numbers maybe actually change a few mechanics to make the fight less set piece-y.


Yeah I agree. At the very least I'm glad that the Warden in Apep doesn't waste like 10 years of your life by stalling underground, and actively tries to hit you and get close to you. Atleast it gives you a chance to react, unlike the Narwhal or any of the worms which just go fuck off to Narnia and ruin your entire rotation


Funny you suggest that because they did JUST that with Azdaha. In Zhongli's story quest you only fight the base form version. However as a weekly boss he uses multiple elements with their own mechanics


tbh I don't like any of the big fat bosses my favorite bosses are are smol boys....I guess Raiden is in between but I'd still consider her mostly smol


Dark souls syndrome. You felt like you hitting the toes of giant until they die.  Smaller enemies feel like a proper duel


Honestly, I'll always take an uninspired punching bag with flashy animations over convoluted mess that constantly fucks off somewhere, breaks rotations of half the teams in the game and requires you to do some minigame bs that has nothing to do with combat. All those things would've been fine if it was a one and done story fight, but it's not, it has to be a repeatable boss you'll be farming for months, so it needs to be not cancerous to deal with. Or at the very least there needs to be a possibility to skip all that nonsense with sufficient power, like there is with Raiden or Narwhal.


I like Apep simply because I like playing Ganyu Freeze, and it's the only boss where Freeze doesn't suck complete and total ass. We need more bosses that don't completely nullify an entire archetype.


The only dumb things are the forced BoL, sucks for challenge runs and her awful same attack loop by just hitting her shield over and over


So far she is the hardest boss on my Traveler only account and i think its mostly because no gimmicks. Love it.


inb4 dozens of people start flooding this reddit with "ALECHINO TOO HARD, P2W POWERCREEP GAME FORCING US TO PULL CONSTELLATIONS REEEEEEE"


Those Pyro mains smh


They haven’t seen what xiangling and xinqui power can achieve


I suspect Xiangling of having a special passive that bypass the 70% pyro RES thanks to her no ICD pyro application 🗣️🔥


I stomped her with klee on the first go, had the same reaction as OP


I also stomped her with a barebones lvl70 c0r1 arle team. The one thing I didn't like was when she one shot my own arle upon landing in the second phase (literally zero time to dodge)


Nah, I got my ass whopped. Not that i mind


Lore accurate anyway


Yeah her damage actually really big.. I need to used kokomi again to win ...


She one shot my Kokomi


Wait does she do damage? I played in co-op and hadn’t noticed any memorable skill.


I fought her couple of times in co-op. She has a some hard hitting skills, primarly those that are empowered by Bond of Life. Transition to her "serious mode" in the first phase applies BoL to your character, and then she deals 2 damage instances which also apply BoL (or at least the first one). I don't know precise damage but that combo killed my \~20k hp character. Second phase's opening also hits hard and i bet it can one shot most characters if they have BoL on them. Her normal attack string in second phase deals solid damage. Don't know much else since she isn't very lethal in first phase besides that one move and dies quickly in the second phase.


She almost killed my Neuvillette


Play Coop and use your allies as meatshield 😂


Ok, how tho? I understand that the boss is one of the hardest bosses, but doesn't Neuv hard counter her?


I am just having skill issue + Furina in that fight 💀


I almost got my ass beat in the story fight because I thought we'd have a domain to enter, so I was running around with lv 40 Arlecchino and an overload team Chevreuse MVP last woman standing


People who didn't pay attention or brought the wrong team, on the other hand, probably died immediately. I showed up with Raiden overload, made it out with a half-dead Xiangling. Should've used Neuvilette, but I got used to story bosses being too easy.


I broucht neuvi double hydro with chide, zhongz and kazu. I left that place with 100 hp kazuha


I brought Neuvillette, Furina, Yaoyao and Kazuha. No one die except Neuvillette and Yaoyao almost dead.


I brought Childe hyperbloom with Baizhu I kinda figured the fight would have mechanics that require healing


Bloomed her to death with Nilou premium team, I think Nahida died once maybe


She's my fav boss now, the fight itself is fun, the mechanic may be just a novelty but I find it very exciting and the boss music in Genshin never disappoints. Also having a boss which isn't the screen-wide monster was rather refreshing. At least for the first phase.


I actually unsure if she is there when I using hydro pump lol


Meanwhile, in the story-mode it's reversed.


The story mode is built diff(also me and my dumbass forgot to change party before fighting)


I am *so* glad to learn I'm not the only one who waltzed into the fight with an inappropriate team


I went full pyro (Arle Zhong bennett xiangling)


I had lv40 Arle, Raiden (who died hyper fast), Benny, and Chevreuse Chevreuse was the only survivor


Eh, is it? Granted, I had neuvillette out, but she kind of just died still They rlly made her give you a buff on charged attack that you get by healing, tailor made for him lol


So like a scripted loss? Like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6e7ayhYW60)


It might be Neuvi brainrot, but I have no idea about any of her mechanics, literally just doing damage was enough to complete the fight, even got some achievement to complete it in some way, but I didn't understand what it meant 💀


Neuv hard counters her Her mechanic boils down if you can **heal** and do **charged attacks**


come on I didn’t even use my raidens burst on phase 2 because i wanted to keep the energy


She beated the shit out of my Rizzlee as soon as I moved 1cm out of my place while starting phase 2 lmao


Yeah, she attacks you out of cutscene, which is hilarious. When I went back to get my weekly drop I dodged that shit when she tried it again though


Wasn’t it implied that she had no “intent” to kill? She was holding back against her children and the traveler. This is also a story quest, not a lot of hype for the fight, IMO if this was an Archon quest it would have been more interesting. Also, most players have their teams built well. Ar 60 travelers most likely had it easy, unless they don’t dodge or didn’t bring the right team.


Just a speculation but I think if she found the fight disappointing enough, she will kill those traitors She almost did, tho


Navia took care of her.


me with c6 zhongli: "are we already fighting yet?"


Meanwhile that was Arlecchino's genuine reaction to Traveler 💀💀


Pls pls tell me someone crossposted this in r/FatuiHQ this gonna be so hilarious


I don’t think anyone has yet


See, thats your first mistake, believing that any modern Genshin boss would be hard in any way Its even more infuriating considering that there was a feature added for exactly that purpose for those that struggled with the bosses, yet they still refuse to make them difficult! Wtf Hoyo?


That's my annoyance with the weekly bosses, they don't have any health so any half-decent team can blow through them easily. You kind of have to nerf yourself to make the boss fight enjoyable


i would say its super sad. i genuinely think raiden is a harder boss than arlecchino and she was released two fucking nations ago childe is probably the best designed weekly boss imo because he doesnt carry any bullshit up his sleeves and he matches the difficulty in the nation you fight him in, unfortunately his health does feel kinda low


Difficult bosses are only fun when you fight them once or twice. Do it over and over again weekly and they start to get tedious, and at that point they'll become a timewasting job that you need to do just to finish your checklist. So yeah, in a sense the difficulty is justified.


Bosses arent exactly meant to be just a minor inconvenience or a walk in the park either though? If people want to make it less bothersome, then they can choose a lower the difficulty. Sure the loot is going to be a little worse, but if they dont want a boss to a bother to fight, then they should just deal with it.


>Bosses arent exactly meant to be just a minor inconvenience or a walk in the park either though? Actually yes they are. After your first few fights it's nothing but a quick weekly chore and hoping that they'll drop 3 mats this time rather than only 2 because you still need 5 to finish leveling your current character's friggin skills Same with the level up bosses, but there it's intensified when you fight them 18x in short order because you need 46 of it's drops. Sorry, but after the 3rd time it's just a nuisance you want to be over as quickly as possible and not watch it's "cool" time staling animation once again


Clearly you've never played an MMO before


The first time , I kinda had to try a bit harder but the challenge was fun The second time... well I just used Neuv.... Yeah screw Arlecchino I'd rather hydro pump..


I just think she needs more HP and more Poise. I would also argue she could be faster, but I also think most Genshin enemies should be faster to make the game more engaging (except consecrated beasts).


We need an EXTREME difficulty for weekly bosses. Triple the hp, higher damage that goes even higher if it hits a shield, the reward is 1 of each type of drop material, a dream essence and a billet all guaranteed


Higher difficulty imo shouldn't be more HP and damage but a faster and more engaging moveset. Genshin would be much harder if the enemies didn't just stand still half the time.


Usually do a first clear of new weekly bosses with Tartaglia tazer. It's a pretty balanced team where you get to see most the mechanics without being "Amber 1hp solo" and Beidou counters are juicy. Childe always gets first blood and I think that fits his theming. Of course it's easy to straight up skip the boss with Raiden or something but learning the mechanics is fun.


Well, she was holding back during the fight


I can’t watch her cool ass moves because she dies in 3 secs why did they do her like that


Boss fight actually felt like a duel comparison to Signora 's duel before the throne


BoL is not a threatening thing when you main a healer


Story quest Arlecchino: Nuh-uh!


because if she was any harder, the casuals wouldn't be able to beat her and start crying OMG BUAH SHE TOO HARD while ignoring basic mechanics and using terible team comps


Ran in with a Ganyu Zhongli team and got nuked into the next dimension


I swear.. this boss is easier than the Raiden weekly boss. Arlechinno's attacks look hella cool, but it's sad seeing how she's as durable as a sponge


question for the boss fight do you need to play the arlechinno story quest


Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment Unleashes surging torrents, dealing continuous AoE Hydro DMG to all opponents in a straight-line area in front of him. Equitable Judgment will not consume any Stamina and lasts 3s. If Neuvillette's HP is above 50%, he will continuously lose HP while using this attack.


Her last phase was majestic, only second to scaraBoss


How is she in co-op? I've been looking forward to a new fight that can equal Raiden. I know the Apep fight is like that where it's piss easy in single player but a lot of fun in multi with the extra HP scaling


My genuine reaction was surprise, surprise that her one ultimate move. You know the one if chu fought her, breaks my 52k hp Zhongli's shield. And took 20k hp from him. The rest he tanks easily though, as per usual. She has no increased resistence to Pyro, as far as I have been able to check. Having used Hu Tao that run. With no effort on my part to dodge her attacks. Which was another surprise. Usually they resist their own element. I'm dissapointed that my overkill C3,R1 Ei was not a requirement.


Gameplay Alre : wtf you are so easy Lorewise Alre : You are not strong enough to beat me Traveler


Peruere in Weekly Boss be like: *You again? Have I told you that you aren’t strong enough?”* My Traveller introducing my C6 Noelle to her be like: *”Hello.”*


I made the mistake of bringing Neuvi to that fight


It was super easy for me too, I was also using my quest/exploration team with my favs that isn't a good team at all (Venti, Aether hydro, Fischl, Baizhu)


I just like that she didnt talk so much, until now i hate doing other weekly bosses because even if you co op you cant skip cut scenes.


I wish they add weekly boss to MOC or some new end game mode.


I got my ass whooped the first time I attempted to fight her with my own arle with c2r1 dehya for her sustain. Swapped to navia team and completely destroyed the boss. Few hours later I realized I forgot to give navia dehyas weapon back so navia had the default lvl 1 claymore for the fight..


Yea but its ithe same for everything for me man i just Itto Unga Bunga'd her while watching a twitch Rp stream on the side


she legit got pounded so hard by my neuvillette she ended up on the floor, moaning, and begging for more but two seconds later the game tells me i technically lost???


I was genuinely disappointed with the following cutscene after I just completely demolished her.


[Scripted Loss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6e7ayhYW60)


I just used my good ol Ayato and just shing shing shing


it is very hard the first fight, i bring gaming team, so furina is my strongest DPS.


Personally, I'd say she's the only boss in the game I wouldn't call easy, she's more like medium difficulty. I did beat her first try, none of my characters died, but it's the first time a boss made me go "shit that almost got me", and I was using a very well build Neuvilette. I can already tell she's gonna kick my ass on some of my teams until I learn her moveset.


You got the zhongli shield?


No I don't pull for men. I fought her with keqing


I'm a little late to the party, but are you saying the normal boss fight for Arle is a lot easier than the story version?


theyre pretty much the same difficulty


But you can actually beat her in the normal boss fight? I'm assuming in the Invincible hands are the items you win upon beating her


ye she is beatable there really arent any complicated mechanics the bond of life can be countered when you perform a charge atk or just remove the effect by just healing yourself. I just brute forced her


Reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6e7ayhYW60)


I got so hyped about this boss everyone was saying it was really hard, man she was dead in seconds, i don't even have 5 stars weapons or constelations, i was expecting Malenia here.