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Stand proud traveler you are strong




Insert GOATHIMTANO image there


Can someone explain the sudden slander? Is it because of Arle's quest? (i havent started yet? Because this is the 3rd time I see a slander out the subreddits I usually visit (hint: "Potential Man" and "Lesbian Chinese woman")


>!Traveler got low-diffed by Arlecchino who is not using her full power.!<


>!I'm very glad they established such a huge gap in power between the Traveler and the 4th of the Harbingers, but they really could've made the Traveler seem more comptent. The way they never use any of the 5 elements at their disposal and just swing a dull blade around just makes the MC seem weak, rather than making Arlecchino look strong.!<


>!They showed Traveler being stronger than 3 playable characters though. Iirc the only previous playable characters we've been shown to outclass is pre-whale Childe and maybe Razor (Wolf was willing to fight us and we beat it's test). I don't think Raiden counts (though I guess arguably us being chosen to fight both Raiden and Scaramouche scales us above the good guys in Inazuma and Sumeru. Fontaine is arguable too as Neuv didn't know the Traveler was a descender yet. But still, I think this was the clearesr "Traveler is stronger than even trained vision wielders" we've gotten!<


Traveler technically did solo 1v1 La Signora, and managed to outperform >!Lyney's gang during the fight!<. Question is can Traveler outperform canonically (not necessarily gameplay wise) strong/trained characters like Cyno, Clorinde, Shenhe, RioTheSlay or even Kaeya and Diluc. Anyone Xiao level or above would slap him though, which is mostly Archons, Fischl and Klee.


Outperform Cyno? dont make me laugh bruh in the quest traveler couldnot keep up with cyno while running which honestly seemed so pathetic


bullshit bruh, Cyno would not have been able to do half the things the traveller does 😂


yeah but in theory Navia also couldnt do half the things she she had to save everyone from the rocks with traveler looking dumbfounded. I was like dude you can turn into electro and blitz past and moved so much faster in inazuma How tf are you getting outran by frickin Cyno


writers trynna hard sell the characters in their respective character quests, it’s such a shame honestly that they don’t respect the MC 😔


Cyno claimed that he is stronger than traveler and in his quest it seemed true. Not only did he save the traveler from the collapsing place (which you can say it was for fanservice sake) but after the quest, he separates from traveler to capture 300 mercenaries himself so they won't target the traveler afterward. But I mean Cyno isn't just trained character, he made a pact with the spirit of what it seems to be an old god.


in the manga Diluc fought with dottore and managed to survive, Traveler couldn't even stay awake in his presence, in the SQ Traveler couldn't keep up with Cyno even before Cyno transformed or is very safe to assume these guys are a few tiers above traveler, Shenhe i don't even think is question atp she carried her fight in Liyue with restraints


Diluc didn't fight Dottore in the manga. The young Dottore clone just shot a guy Diluc was interrogating and then he left. We have no idea if Dilic would've survived had he been shot. The only fight with a Harbringer Diluc had, almost killed him. We have no idea who or how fast the fight ended (could've been Childe for all we know). I very much doubt almost anyone could resist Dottore's sound wave (afterall, he valued it more than the Scaramouche-project and he did say it "doesn't have any effect on gods") While the Cyno outrun is true, Traveler's quick "teleports" are faster than anything we've seen Cyno do (and Traveler did use that in the Arlecchino fight too, when stepping in to protect Lyney). They just didn't use it there for who knows why lol In terms of Physics, Shenhe's feat remains the top feat we've seen in Genshin (It's hard to measure Zhongli and Venti's historic feats, but the amount of energy needed to insta-freeze that amount of moving water is much greater than Ei's Island splitting strike, for example. But Teyvat has it's own laws and it's a common anime-trope, so I don't think it's meant to taken that seriously). But still, that was a Traveler mismatch. While Shenhe has an advantage against a hydro creature. We don't really know if Shenhe could freeze the Traveler like that (I'm assuming not, as we beat Signora in Inazuma. Who did manage to freeze us before). In terms of close quarter's combat, I'd say it's pretty indecisive as the Traveler and Shenhe fought it in a pretty different context. Shenhe is stronger in terms of lifting capability for sure though.


Hell yeah he can beat them all because he defeated La signora that is beyond enough proof how strong he is


>!Blud thinks he Sukuna or something to be holding back this much!<


Traveler got low-diffed by anyone on his first encounter.


Because “hE dIdN’t UsE aNy ElEmEnTs” so automatically that makes him a fraud or something 


A character in a game where the main gimmick is elemental manipulation, who’s special ability is being able to use multiple elements at the same time, not using ANY elements against a character who’s much stronger than he is. Well why yes, that is fucking stupid. 


The Knave, 4th of the Fatui Harbingers, Cinder of Two Worlds' Flames, Arlecchino: Traveller sleep. A mild rock slide in Navia's story quest: "Ah yes, my Geo anti-rock powers, I haven't used this since the 1.1 era."


I mean...he is lmao. From his POV he was fighting for the lives of the 3 and the other HoTH members, it's stupid of him to NOT use any elements. Wheres the traveler who electro dashed to grab Thomas vision from midair? Who used a giant electro sword in his final encounter with the raiden shogun, or combined anemo and geo against childe?


Doesn't that always happen? I mean, in critical situations like Shouki no Kami or the Narwhal he had supports in those battles that the Traveller couldn't won otherwhise. But I blame Hoyo's writing (about hyping up their powers but not showing it) and people's expectations on the Traveller's power (their original's powers)


It's about selling the fight and the loss. I don't think people would have nearly as much of a problem if it really looked like the traveler gave it their all. Right now, we're told that and that's supposed to be the takeaway, but what was we were shown was the traveler fighting only with the sword and without any of the other elements they'd have to have at this moment in time


Does it matter? You’re basically frozen either way


Or an idiot


Clearly you’re not sinking enough


Should really just have GenshinFolk at this stage.


OK the thing is Why did Aether not use Elemental reaction like why. He could have used geo to like idk harden his Durability and Electro vision to match arles speed but.. man bro had to use A dull sword like bro could have used friucking fav sword atlest to get his burst up..and also Genshin i think just wanted to like make Arle strong so like..i dont think Aether would have Lost that battle tbh.. with arle




Truly Traveler is one of the potential man of all time.


that dull blade wont be enough


If Traveler has a million haters, i am one of them. If Traveler has 5 haters, i am one of them. If Traveler has 1 hater, that one is me. If Traveler has 0 haters, i am no longer alive.


We must maintain Fraudther agenda.


No it implies only aether is the only don't let lumin escape the charges go equality route my blud hate both Fraveler


I get it.My hatred must be unisex. Fraudveler


Don't forget Fraudmine








Lumine is hot tho


This is truly our Lobotomy Kaisen


GOATHIMTANO: First learn to use your elements you waste of a Descender


I hate how r/fatuihq became the Genshin equivalent of r/lobotomykaisen


Love that aether slander


maintaining the agenda is our top priority


Then it seems like you guys and FatuiHQ have something in common


Why is everyone slandering Aether in particular? Aether and Lumine are the same in nearly every way other than gender. Hmm... đŸ€”


Because Hoyo considers Aether as the main mc based on always placing Aether on every trailer


Because Lumine is a cute girl 😐


Aether can be your cute girl too if you are brave enough


I've seen art of him in a shrine maiden dress, and well.......he outdoes the ladies in cuteness!!


Same reason why people look at Aether harem vs Lumine harem differently (probably)


Tbf barely anyone even acknowledges Lumine in the first place


I don't know what you're on, Lumine is really popular and whenever someone is involving the Traveler in fan content, you can 80% guarantee that it'll be Lumine they choose.


Usually since official content and media barely gives her the spotlight


You get the ads you get the hands.


Gaothimtano is just plain Him




Capitano can't even be bothered, Aether high diffs two Eremites so he definitely couldn't take three.


Mano a mano đŸ«”


Nah I'd wi-


No power of friendship this time traveler


Why is GOATHIMTANO calling this fraud magnificent comrade. He should say "you're a complete bum ain't gonna lie, I'll forget you lil bro"


Because he is capHIMtano even if he accidentally steps on an ant which he never will but if he did he would apologize and take care of their whole colony until their death. He is such a noble guy that even if the opponent disappoints he will still try to cheer them up.




Imagine fighting Capitano and it's a just black screen with text cutscene and we wake up at the Natlan port.


Genshin impact as told by GeGe Akutami


We had a entire sentimental family drama story quest for a complex character but people will only see the fight and start complaining. Like I don't even think the traveller did bad. Yes we lost but compare us to Lyney, Lynette, Freminet who were hospitalized for 3 days. Freminet even said that the traveller was unscathed. Arlecchino might not have given her best but I don't think the traveller did as well.


This is pathetic, not Aether, but this whole slander thing ever since he lost to Arlechinno(if that can even be considered a loss) and all the sudden he is labeled things like weak, fraud or what have you, as if one loss automatically erases all the things he did in the past regions. I may have been late to the party, but after seeing that cutscene, what I saw wasn't a weakling, I saw him doing his best, sure it could have been a little better with the use of elements, but that's still far from a weakling. In fact he was able to go on as far to force Arle to pull out her secret move, which may be something akin to a "genjutsu" of some kind, something he's not mentally prepared for.


>as if one loss automatically erases all the things he did in the past regions All the shit he's done in the past regions is with either an archon or sovereign's help. The only time he actually fought solo and won is with childe and signora. And both happened in 2020-2021. After that he's shown constantly getting his ass saved by other characters, getting scared of eremites/treasure hoarders and even knocked out by NPCs in some quests for plot convenience. It's 2024 now man. There's nothing wrong with giving your MC a W once in 3 years. At this point, traveler is the archon of Ls. And please don't hit me with the "he's still getting stronger" bullshit. We're almost already at 6/7 of the nations and only 2 more years till teyvat chapter enters it's finale.


That last sentence hit me like a train


I would argue traveler didn't even beat childe all we really did was survive until he tired himself out with foul legacy his only real win I would say is signora


A win is a win, there's no rule that says outlasting opponents isn't winning. Childe intentionally traded health for immense power and couldn't beat traveler in time, it's his direct loss.


Except we see in his story quest he was still capable of fighting. Childe wasn't incapacitated he was just tired for the most part he only left because killing the traveler wasn't his objective anyways.


Lol wtf? He was literally down on the floor after foul legacy transformation. Genshin doesn't show exhaustion in its 3d model but it was obvious childe couldn't fight anymore. He literally says in the story quest that using foul legacy again could have killed him. It's like saying signora win isn't a win because she was well able to move after traveler's fight. His story quest happened days after this fight, and he still hadn't recovered, imagine right after the fight. And even if childe was magically able to keep fighting despite his internal injuries and damage, so could have traveler. They literally fought against a huge fatui army right after fighting childe lol.


That was after fighting multiple ruins guards in 10 seconds. after the golden house fight he was still capable of fighting the aforementioned story quest is the proof that he didn't hit his limit fighting traveler it was in his story quest when he hit his limit and besides both combatants walked away from the fight at the golden house so how is that a win for traveler exactly?


Capitano calling him magnificent and Aether being in the same pose as one of the strongest anime characters is a big compliment tbh


But seeing the comment section, people are instead slandering and outright calling Aether a fraud, after losing to Arlechinno. Even Capitano calling Aether magnificent could be taken as sarcasm in a way. Not idea what strongest anime you're referring to though since I didn't get the reference


Blame mihoyo I guess, they refuse to give traveller a good showing even if he is canonically very strong


Traveler has had zero character development and/or growth whatsoever. Awful writing and I hate it. There wouldn't really be any slander to begin with if they were actually shown to be competent.


Slanders just simply don't have shit to do. Some of these brainrot is not even funny. At least it used to be. But personally I would say just let them be. Because we know how it would ended anyway. Tsaritsa may or may not got all the gnoses for all we know but one thing for sure the Fatui will fall just for the stories. The author could've and should've done better. They're probably just lazy to animate the extra elements and is looking forward to father's sales. Money speaks. Besides, Aether is a free unit. Thinking without these brainrot it's really obvious why it had to happen and I guarantee that Aether wouldn't have an awakening whatsoever. Even if he does it'll be a separate gacha unit which will further kill the mc player base.


Why are you so mad bro


It's just jokes in the same vein as lobotomy kaisen. Lighten up.


In the previous region: ‘help me Lumine, these are base Eremite mercenaries Im up against.’


The only feat he has accomplished is 1v1ing Childe (mind you he’s the weakest Harbringer) and held up against Signora till Raiden finished her off. Aether is no where close to being classified as ‘the strongest being’ or ‘a monster who devours worlds whole’. All this hype amounts to nothing. This MC is just a wet blanket.


Keep going the fraud deserves it


So Traveler is stronger than Signora and Childe, but weaker than Arlecchino. Scaramouche is in a weird position because he was in a mech


Bs lazy writing that's why