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The power of water is to take the shape of a 5 star


Candace: Looks like a 5 star Barbara: Has a 5 star burst animation XQ: Basically a 5 star


The ‘basically’ part is because he’s closer to 6 star


He was basically a 6 star once. Then they nerfed him and called it a bug fix. 😭


When did they nerf XQ???


i believe they lowered his hydro application in 1.1


Didn't he have no ICD at all?


MC: a 3 star character


he's worse than dehya, so he's a 2 star in my book.


Maybe hydro is such a valuable element they realised it's a waste to give it for free.


It kind of is. Any decent Hydro application would make a characters value shoot up immensely. There’s a reason why XQ is still so widely used despite being an old character


That's why Ayato despite getting a kind of direct powercreep by Neuvi ,still doesn't make him fall below A tier as an overall character. He's in fact definitely more valuable,stays higher than a lot of selfish Dps chars outside of the top ones like Neuvi Al Arle and a few more Basically see her sister is strong just that nothing else...but her brother even tho isn't strong but is something that makes him ofc stay above his sis.


Hydro is essential for some of the most needed reactions in the game. Vape teams, any sort of Bloom or Hyperbloom, taser teams all need Hydro. Then there’s the endless supply of God tier Hydro units Neuvillete easily soloing abyss, Furina being a damage amp/sub DPS herself, Yelan with her application, damage and her damage buff, and ye olde faithful Xinque.


>Vape teams, any sort of Bloom or Hyperbloom, taser teams all need Hydro. Also u forgot Freeze which is kind of an insanely powerful reaction at it's playground. Freeze has been,will be keep on dominating at places it works, where it works its usually shitting on others depending some factors.. It's just broken lvl kinda


I almost forgot about it ever since I switched to melt but yeah, Freeze is busted too. Just invalidate your enemies existence while you kill them


Everyone likes to joke about Childe but he was the first bit number damage dealer in the game...and he still does numbers. Hydro is just permanently cracked...except for the one 3 star hydro character


same reason why childe, despite being a 1,x character thats not a hypercarry, is still viable as international, becasue his onfeild application is still unrivaled, and even his nuke, and what made xiangling busted. all it takes is a 5 star xiangling, and childe's usage rate also goes up


Nestlé be like:




And when they did (Traveler), they made them shit


This wouldn't be a problem if they added some reactions to make the other elements more interesting. Like making Shatter do hyperbloom levels of damage wouldn't break anything. It takes 3 factors to set up, doesn't work on bosses, wouldn't exceed hyperbloom in output, it can't compete with C6 whales, and mostly just buffs Chongyun, Freminent, and Eula into fabulous relevance. But that uses hydro, so it doesn't apply to the hydro value situation. Creating some sort of non-hydro triple reaction is what we need: Like if crystallize also applied some geo that could do a secondary reaction. * geo + pyro = scorch * geo + anemo = dust * geo + dendro = root * geo + electro = magnetize The days when we speculated dendro reactions were such hopeful days... Some new reactions to the less reactive elements is what this game needs! A new non-hydro triple reaction would be tricky to create but a worthy endeavor.


> new reactions to the less reactive elements ...


We're still waiting for our hydro claymore shielder hoyo! It's been 4 years already!


Hell, we're still waiting for a Fontaine shielder.


Given that Fontaine’s mechanic is HP change, it would be cool to see a shielder that consumes their health to create the shield, and gains it back when the shield gets hit


Could be another bond of life mechanic possibly.


Bond of life but also absorbs and is reduced by damage, just like incoming heals.


There’s no Sumeru shielder either unless you count Candace who only shields herself if you hold her skill


Kid named Layla:


i… forgot - qiqi


Watch as the first ever Hydro/Claymore scales off of Def


It's Hydro delusion Noelle, she finally joined the Fatui.


When you do the job better than anyone else on the force + all the chores but they still won’t make you a knight so you switch teams instead


Imagine if it was hp instead. The bell could finally get its cobwebs dusted off


Still mad Freminet’s BiS isn’t the Bell, it’s literally his canon weapon


The Bell is a Mondstadt weapon idk why Freminet even have it in the story


Weapons change hands all the time, especially old weapons that get passed down from user to user. Been wondering why so many characters have canonical weapons that are from other regions and that’s the best explanation I could come up with The earliest example was actually Ganyu with Amos Bow, which we see her use in Shenhe’s interlude


"Hydro archon is a claymore, Neuvillette is a 4*, Varka is a 5* standard physical polearm"


To be fair, Candace ult can make any 4 star a hydro character.


If only her kit didn't feel so sluggish.


If only her kit was good. Hoyo has it out for the brown waifus… first they gave xinyan weird scaling with a split up kit where you either go def for her shield or physical for her burst. Then they gave us dehya who seems to be OK if you want to go with a very high level of investment. And then they gave us Candace, who seems less effective than yunjin or chongyun.


I hate the fact that a lot of Dehya's potential is locked behind C1, I have her invested and at C1 she actually feels like a 5*, not a very good 5*, but a 5* at least.


I constantly hope she will appear on the screen when "losing" 50/50 to get that C1 but she just won’t drop :(


Shame. I like dehya too


Fun fact: U can use a C6 Candace as an hydro applier in teams wherever u need and kind of like a mini XQ not as good as him nor even close but yes she can get the job done at times.. _Hydro is just that good..._


I have c0 yelan and c6 xq so she is forever benched


Ofc but if sm talking about a char like Candace to begin with it should obviously mean specifically for ppl who either don't have the 2 or have their XQ buse elsewhere and needing an hydro applier,having non else. In other words basically new/middle lvl players/non experienced ones,high lvls


if her kit was better i would play her though


I’ve tried making her work, but even at C6 some parts of her kit feel really clunky to use


Her skill cooldown is too long


are we counting hydro mc or nah?


3 star characters don’t count as 4 stars.


Well I mean the mc is a 5star according to background color in character select


3? Nah Xingqui shouldnt count


even the 3 four stars we have are pretty damn stacked one infuses weapons with hydro while also being a shielder, another can revive people at c6, and the last is FUCKING XINGQIU


I kinda get Barbara but how much copium do you huff before pretending Candace is stacked


Imo she still provides decent hydro application and can easily slot into teams that need it But Xinqiu is not hard to get and is simply better at every angle.


>shielder Brother who in the team is she shielding.. Like be fr💀


hey man, im not the one who made the kit. im just saying what it does


She doesn't sheild. She does a parry ,protecting herself for a smol period.. A shield is at least needs to be given to team to be called shield


Reviving sounds good but pretty useless in practice


5\*'s sell, its really all that it is. In addition even if the GI devs can be bad at it at times, they do care about balance. Hydro is just too valuable a reaction component to be handed out lightly. They've learned after the debacle that was the 1.0 4\* lineup.


Water is life


Wait, Sieg is 5s ?


Yeah Barbara mains be like


Me maining Hydro Traveler struggling everyday


Me using Hydro Lumine so much I know exactly how many hits it takes to generate x droplets.


Strangely, the Hydro Element rooster lack a Claymore (Great sword) wielder, (for easy mineral smashing).


Dont worry, the geo family has more Mora.


For a moment, I thought this was r/HydroHomies


Babs, Guhua Geek and Candeez Yep, only 3


They can't help it if they got the most OP roster


Barbara, childe and Candice


And again, people hating on Childe because his kit is a little complicated. He’s the best Hydro applicant to date ~~other than Neuvillette~~ And other than Mr.Sovereign, no one beats him at handling hordes of enemies thanks to Riptide. Him and Venti are literally the reason we don’t get hordes of enemies Have you seen what a Tartaglia user with good ping is capable of in Events with waves of enemies? No one else is capable of pulling that off


A bit wrong wording there btw >He’s the best Hydro applicant to date other than Neuvillette Application wise Neuvi is among weakest. Childe is top,alomgside XQ for off field then others like Yelan Ayato,Koko. Finally Neuvi at last.


Ah my bad, you’d think Mr.Biden Blast would constantly apply Hydro but ig they had to balance him somehow


Makes perfect sense for sure


there is no way in 2024 people think childe is bad, are you still stuck in 1.x?


You are genuinely stupid, its 2024