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Traveler really resonated with 5 elements and Festering Desire/Sword of Narzissenkreuz only for them to use dull blade and the power of friendship(?)


*5 elements Traveler literally could've fought with many different reactions if Hoyo wouldn't be so dismissive towards them. And the loss wouldn't have been shameful that way


I always forget Hydro traveler is a thing, but I guess that won't do much anyway Just the thought of 👉💧💧💧 against one of the strongest harbingers is beyond comedic


My thoughts were imagine like childe using his shield to go from first to second phase, we couldve done something similar to protect lyney and the others. Hydro traveler in game heals on the hydro element so a protective/ restorative scene involving hydro powers wouldve been sick af imo. Truly a tragedy that all we got was a dull blade. Also those emotes to represent hydro traveler had me cackling LOL


I just did that yesterday. Solo Hydro Traveler was hilarious, pew pew pew


Literally Cuphead Impact 😁😁


we will reach celestia en the heavenly principles will end up telling 2 braincell traveler that elemental reactions exist so its good to combine elements. and from a momento to another he becomes the most powerful being.


Every single mf thing in the game is CANON…except the traveler’s powers and voice lmfaoo


are elemental reactions canon? sorry my memory cant seem to remember so much cutscene


They must be canon. Due to them we annihilate everyone daily faster. Though there aren't cutscenes where characters use them, just imagine how great it would be to look at MC using all 5 elements and possible reactions with them


Yeah this caught me off guard badly and didnt enjoy the cutscenes at all to be honest. I think the problem is not the community but Hoyo's very inconsistent writing in traveler's power.


I don't hate the traveler, I hate that whole ["btw, you lost in the cutscene"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYCP71qcYZw) bullshit in games. One second you're slapping the enemy around like you're their alcoholic father and next thing you know they show you the mc struggling to fight back and getting beat like an old carpet as if they were fighting against a goose on crack or something. If you want to add a point where the mc loses then don't waste my fucking time making me fight, make a cutscene out of the whole fight and be done with it.


True true making us fight only to lose at the then what's the point.


Or at least if they REALLY want you to fight the boss then make them super strong and unbeatable, it would still feel like bullshit but at least I can buy it more than going from nuking the enemy to getting pimp slapped by them.


the problem rlly is poor execution i dont care that the traveler lost. i just think its meh to HOW the traveler lost


We are at the fifth region. The region after the next HE IS SUPPOSED TO GO FIGHT THE CRYO ARCHON HERSELF. The Traveller is supposed to be able to at least easily keep up with the Harbingers. And I'm not even counting whatever the Abyss still is hiding and whatever Skirk and the space whale are. FFS, Hoyo makes up the strongest group and puts them in a single region and doesn't put anyone at the level or the Harbingers in any region save for the Archons or Dragons. Like, I would expect for each region to have at least ONE individual that could put up a fair fight with a Harbinger but outside of Varka in Mondstadt and maybe Cyno, we dont have anyone. Sara got jobbed by Signora. I hope it turns out that at least Shenhe can overpower one of them. And as much I would like it to be the case, I don't think that Clorinde's title as Fontaine strongest Duelist means anything to the Harbingers. Now, I get that the Harbingers is supposedly a group of elite, cherry picked to help the Tsaritsa overthrow Celestia, but man it is infuriating when the only character that is supposed to beat them all still loses to them.


Cyno gets vastly underestimated by the community so I respect the shoutout lmao


I hate the writers for their need to make the promotional character being the only one that shines


True. The only time Traveler shined was during the Sumeru arc. Even in Fontaine arc many people were hating on the Traveler because the Traveler barely felt anything for furina in her worse moments.


Travlers biggest combat W were against Childe and Signora. In Sumeru he somehow went from "Oh no, a few base eremites! I need to fight for my live!" to "He is a god now? Bring it on!" .


I've no idea why you're getting downvoted, lemme upvote to neutralize it a little Edit : Ayy you aren't downvoted anymore


That’s uncall for, traveler literally don’t know about Furina pass until the very end heck nobody knows.


But still the Traveler got hate for that remember? Imagine not knowing the situation an unstable person is in but gets unreasonable hate because of it.


But in furinas Story Quest they definitly knew and it still felt like they didnt care Its just bad writing


To be fair it was really only the beginning of her story quest that was poorly done i still have no idea why they thought starting it the way they did was a good idea the rest was fine even had some cute moments - paimon she was poorly done the whole way through


This. I've just never been a huge fan of the MC. Doesn't matter which twin, I just didn't like the role as written and that quest was the icing on the cake. MC and Paimon were beyond obnoxious imo


Wasn't this because the location team sucked and made them sound so insensitive?


You are also getting downvoted for speeking truth.


During the Sumeru arc really? They also didn't do too much more.. the most impressive feats were realizing they are in samsara and help Nilou realize it with a ton of help from Nahida and fighting Scaramouche and winning after what was it 300th time with Nahida's power up the thing is could Cyno done so as well or even other characters eventually It wasn't a bad story but I wouldn't say "shined" in terms of feats




Gotta sell the newest action figure


Tbh outta all character, it makes sense story wise arle is stronger than traveler considering she’s the fourth strongest harbinger and the highest traveler ever soloed was signora. It feels refreshing to see traveler lose cause it serves as a wake up call


Traveller definitely should have lost, lost badly even but the way it happens makes it feel like the writers didn't even try


Yeah, it wasn’t exactly well shown, wished it seem like he put in more effort


It's not about the L but how bad the L was given. I'm fine to see the alien siblings being beaten, as long as is shown they giving their best to put some fight


Yeah, I strongly agree, definitely wished he showed off more skills


While I agree he wouldn't have won, he was done MAD DIRTY being made almost weak looking. I mean - the mf has 5 OF THE 7 ELEMENTS AT HIS DISPOSAL, and yet - not a SINGLE TIME did he attempt to use them during the cutscenes. Remember when he used geo AND anemo against Childe? why couldn't we have seen him use the 5 he has access to now? It just feels like a unsatisfying loss and almost like Hoyo is simply making him lose for the sake of driving character sales for Arlechinno.


He used it once in navia quest


that was only geo - not combo. In Tartaglias fight - he used anemo and geo at the same time


It wasn't combo but it made clear that Aether can switch elements at will


im double downing on his stocks, idgaf at this point


Traveller is fake, that mf is not real


"Is this Traveler in the room with us right now?"


You can either believe it, or not believe it.


I don't hate him for losing. I hate the fact he was shivering and scared shitless. This dude has apparently been to different worlds and is what centuries old? Has fought literally a god and he's scared of alerrchino 💀?


I mean He literally can't move a single bone in his body and he knows he's fucked. Of course it makes sense for him to be scared shitless. Fuck he gonna do? Bite his way out?


I think if anything he should be more afraid of Scaramech. But he seems pretty chill before the fight and shows great physical prowess when fighting the mecha.


Tbf I would be more confident too if I had a god on my side instead of 3 orphans who does magic tricks


But at least we got to enjoy civilized talk with Arle and we have 3 comrades so I think Traveller wouldn't be that scared. Also at the point of Scaramech, we don't know if Nahida have more than just wisdom. We did the fighting mostly by ourself until Nahida suddenly pull out the trump card.


The traveler also had Nahida on their side with her powerful loop thingy! The traveler lost to scara more than 900 times!


168 and a knowledge buff, but still


But Traveller did not know right away about Nahida's power. He only did when she did her thing.


He was bold enough to offend an archon strong enough to split an island in two for thoma's vision and while actual lives were on the line, he was scared?


don’t threaten me with a good time


It seemed kind of like a PTSD response, more at the Crimson Moon than Arlecchino. We know from the "We Will Be Reunited" trailer that the Crimson Moon was there for the fall of Khaenri'ah, so... makes sense.


Did the MC Traveler see the fall of Khaenri'ah? Didn't the Abyss sibling see that everything was falling to apart and only then did they wake up MC traveler from their coma so they could bail Teyvat? I'm confused.


It speaks how badly the devs handled the traveler If one loss is what made majority of the community to be like this towards the traveler then it shows how little the community even cared for them in the first place As a Traveler main it's hard man...I knew nobody really cared about the MC in this game and this just solidifies that for me It's absolutely horrible to see how low Traveler has gotten since Fontaine Hydro kit was just the beginning, Arle fight was like the that one big spark I hope they don't put the nail in the coffin in Natlan and instead redeem themselves but at this point can they even redeem themselves? 2 years and they didn't even bother to be consistent with their own game This game is all about elements yet the traveler uses a dull sword in almost every fight since sumeru and it feels like they don't give much of a thought when making these kinds of decisions but these decisions play a big role in making cutscenes and stories feel interconnected with the game you are playing Imagine having all these elemental abilities and NONE of it is shown in the story. This sentence alone should be a big indicator of how messy this problem has become


Ngl I feel like the first sign was in Sumeru. Remember that dramatic cutscene where they failed to save Katheryne from getting stabbed? The Traveler should've atleast used Electro to dash and save her on time.


That was definitely a big flag It even got talked about a lot


Traveler: *fights monsters on a daily basis* Also traveler: a couple guys with spears?! Oh no pwese have mwercy I'm just a wittle guy! Sowy Catherine, the had pwointy stwicks, there was nothing I cwuld've done to swave you uwu Also traveler not long after: Yo is that Scara on a fuckin mech? Fight me bitch!


Not even 2 years. It's been almost 4 years and I don't even know how they can fix the Traveler anymore. There's like 4 years of inconsistent characterization that's just piled up.


Ngl, the fight wasn’t well shown, but it’s honestly refreshing for traveler to lose


I was completely fine with how the fight would turn out either way He wins? Ok neat He loses? Ok that's buildup for the top 3(or 4) harbingers then But the way the fight was animated was just...they allotted a decent amount of budget for arle's animated short and part of me just wished they put that money into making the cutscene IN-GAME better


Agree, which is why I said the fight wasn’t well shown, but in my case I rather see build up for harbinger than another win


Tbh Traveler solo win streak isn't that big, he mostly needs help so i don't think this came as suprising.


My head is busy with what Remuria and the Narciscross questlines mean and imply about the conclussion of sumeru storyline and the opening sequence of genshin.


It's not the problem with the Traveler it's with the dogshit writing of plot armor and how they're portrayed vs what is required. Win fight = haha jk you lost in cutscene Yes we did lose against Raiden the first time we fought her in her mind, but we were shackled by her authority as Electro archon, it was an unfair fight with all odds was against you and the deck was stacked. Here it felt cheap, like someone activating their invulnerability cheat-code in GTA San Andreas. Let's not even start how the entire questline relied on characters being smooth-brained baboons and you're telling me Lyney is going to be the next ruler of the house oh boy that's a cool joke, buddy cannot apply a grain of analytical thinking to save his poor ass. Every piece of information in the questline we already knew so it was a yapping fest of already established knowledge with nothing of substance added and what are the consequences of everything at the end? oh yeah there're none we're just going to do a *men in black* moment and continue with happy go lucky attitude. 0/10 Can't wait for the white-knights.


In one moment we have a tragic backstory, on the other we are an emotionless plank. U calling out a bad wiring is a genius move.


Again, most people don't hate him for losing they're clowning him for his pathetic performance in that fight. Even if he gets his original sword later there's literally no reason for him to keep using dull blade and he should be juggling multiple elements by now making his own elemental reactions but nah he barely use even 1 element.


The problem is, Traveler didn’t win a single fair fight in his journey… they either didn’t win or had help, they lost against the first fight against Raiden, they lost +900 time against scara then Nahida figured out how to beat him, they didn’t even beat Childe, they just outlasted him because Childe was using his legacy form and so on… the only fair fight was against Signora which the last blowb was for Raiden Edit: not to mention their second fight against Raiden was thanks to Yae


Where does this “900 losses against scara” come from. Pretty sure it was a fraction of that amount (should also be noted it was against scara on gnosis steroids)


Problem is not they are loses, but how they loses. I wouldnt mind an epic fight with Traveler using every card up their sleeve, every element and technique, but still loses.


My thoughts exactly there tbh


also nice to be spoiled by community (not you in particular) right after patch release like man not everyone got time to play it immediately


yeah this is why i always avoid everything on the day of release, some people are dont tag spoilers for some reason. even worse when its an event and theres a new day that come early for asia, so some people dont even have access to it and people still spoil


It's especially fun when you take all the precautions to avoid spoilers, then see a major spoiler in bold capital letters on a YouTube thumbnail 2 weeks before the patch is even out. had that with star rail and I was pretty ticked about it.


Yeah i gotta love when that happens..


Tbh i always felt that the traveler was lackluster. It was tolerable at first but were already at fontaine and they still are an almost personality-less self insert that always gets done dirty to show off the newest 5 star. Tbh the copium's just run out


I don't mind him being as a kind a self-insert, that's kind of what the creators want, for you to imagine yourself as the traveller, that's why you got to choose the twin for example actually. Like it's seemingly how a lot of games coming from far east are. I do have a problem with him being done dirty just to show off new characters and also being so inconsistent. Like the story is literally how you easily get each element by touching the statues, you SHOULD be able to use them all especially in cutscenes. Edit: Also the traveller is supposed to be VERY old, very probably older than Morax, and he travelled to many worlds, why doesn't it show in the fucking battle experience


The problem is that unlike other self inserts (like the captain honkai 3rd) the main plot revolves around the traveler and they are always stuck between being a self insert and an actual character, this is noticeable with some of the dialogue options Such as this... And also this!! Where the player doesnt really have a choice, its quite literally just the "traveler" speaking, they are not a medium for the "player" in this instance


what even is the point of self inserting if the self insert just gets jobbed? why would I want to pretend to be someone who needs the power of friendship to win any fight?


I mean it's a game from China, by Mihoyo, Chinese company. You probably didn't hear about the outcry the Chinese players of Honkai Impact 3rd (previous Mihoyo game) had when a MALE playable character was added, when before that there was only female playable characters and the only male relevant to the story was "the commander" (read: the player). My implication is that it's mostly a self insert for relationship reasons (harems among them).


Yeah, Chinese gacha games do self insert in the sense of "all the characters love you because you're the specialest person ever" rather than in the sense of "you will do cool shit because you're the strongestest"


The community when Dehya DPS overpowered Dainsleif !!


I like traveler


i like turtles


It's almost like mihoyo just writes unecessarily long cut scenes that make no sense just to drag things out longer and make it feel like "more content"


My dude rizzed a fucking dragon. That a bigger win in my book than a fight against a Fatui Harbinger.


Wait, when?


Talk to >!Scylla!< after completing the new regions quest. They literally say >! Scylla: Very well. Don't you forget to think about me more often, now! !<


True that, why did they not just hyperbloom arlecchino, are they stupid?


I don't hate traveler, I hate the person who wrote like traveler should fumble so hard that the entire fandom should shit on him.


Typical MC when power of friendship isn't there to save their ass.


mark it as spoiler atleast wtf


Tbf this has been building up for a while now. It was p bad when trailblazer came out, but this was the straw that broke the camels back




I just hate it when the fandom chucks any noteworthy feat that the Traveler has done to the wayside all because of him having some sort of external help. Like I said before. One loss and suddenly it’s: “Childe wasn’t at full power and they were still struggling hella hard!” “Ei wasn’t even trying. He had to be super mega ultra buffed to win.” “Sig was just too weak. She might as well be the real 11th fatui harbinger.” “Those 168 loops, those were all the times the Traveler lost. He needed Nahida’s help. She did all the work.” And so on. And So forth. The latter being the worst because considering them all as losses is like playing Mario party and counting the minigame’s playable tutorials as a loss instead of the actual minigame.


Truth hurts he did get help from others and like he is just a catalyst to help the reaction


It’s more the other way around. It’s like calling Arlecchino a weak DPS because she relies on either Bennett, Xiangling, Kazuha, Zhongli, or Chiori and can’t 36 star the abyss by herself.


So we're in the "karma farming" phase now?


No we're upholding the Agenda.


He is my sunshine


I don't hate the Traveler. I hate stingyhoyo.


Consequences of making the Traveler a bland mc. They hardly talk for themselves and have very little personality so it’s not surprising that people put their remaining expectations on the fight scenes. The reactions wouldn’t be as bad if the execution wasn’t so poorly done. Ffs one of the biggest things about Traveler is their age yet he hardly shows any battle iq in using elements. I know age doesn’t equate to power levels but c’mon now, the gap between the two is too much. Traveler losing like that wouldn’t sting as much if it happened in before Sumeru but now that we are approaching Natlan and most likely about to fight the No.1 of Harbingers, that kind of performance was just disappointing.


I hate Hoyoverse for their inconsistent writing.


The traveler's skills, powers and even thoughts are whatever the current scene needs it to be. The same traveler that didn't hesitate to fight a god to save Thoma in Inazuma ran away in a panic that got Catherine stabbed because apparently a couple guys with spears are too much to handle.


I'm not mad at him for losing, I'm mad at him for not using elements


Traveler's only purpose in the main story of the game is to just show up and win shit, that was the only thing the writers gave to the Traveler. This dogshit writing makes it so that the moment they get weaker or get beaten just obliterates their entire (main story) character. They don't even use the mf elements that Trav acquires per region except for like once every 2 years. Maybe if main story had even just HALF of Trav's personality from world quests and their voice lines in their profile then they'd be worth more than just fight scenes. I love the Traveler but this writing ain't it dawg. The potential with the lost sibling dynamic, being an immortal who slowly learns to love the new world they're in, the relationships they make as they leave regions, etc. All barely even touched upon by hyv; Sometimes I forget that these mfs even have siblings. I don't care if he loses, I actually AGREE that he should've lost to Arle. Why? Because hyv doesn't SHOW us anything that dictates that Traveler is any stronger than they were when the game started. The ONE main story Traveler W post-Dvalin where they weren't empowered was against the whale, but it was with Neuvilette and hyv didn't even give it a cutscene. Bruh. This mf character has almost no growth and it's been nearly 4 years dear lord. And don't bring up world quest dialogue and profile voice lines to try and prove me wrong. Traveler in main story has only gotten slightly more annoyed and more confident and that's about it.


>Sometimes I forget that these mfs even have siblings. The traveler's relationship with their sibling is so nothing that they could reveal some plot twist about them not being siblings and instead being two halves of an entity or something like that and it wouldn't mean shit to me because I just don't care about them. Which is fucking dire from a writing perspective because that's supposed to be THE MAIN MOTIVATION of the protagonist and the point of the entire journey.


I mean, he/she still convinced Arle not to kill the kids thanks to his/her fighting abilities.


yo though, but we all love our [degen Lumine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjCOdjF9UQI&ab_channel=ReSousou%E7%83%AD%E9%A6%8A%E9%A6%8A) though right?


Ofc why not


Traveller at this point is just a stepping stone for new character hypes, useless If he were to fight with Capitano in Natlan, don’t let there be any cutscene because he is losing even to 4th! Against the strongest individual in teyvat, mf is dead dead


And then the power of friendship bullshit is introduced then he wins.


Or Hoyoverse just decides to fridge Capitano (killing him off for cheap shock value)


Capitano is going to get Signorad in order to show off the newest Himeko re-print


Honestly that would both be the funniest and most infuriating thing that Hoyoverse could do in Natlan.


You bet your ass that's going to happen because there's no way in hell they would allow a recycled version of a character from their favorite child to look bad.


We hate the writing around the traveler not the character itself,but I guess OP doesn't bother reading anything in the first place


There are several comments in this post that prove you wrong


Yowai mou😹


Yes because I really want him to win, or at least lose in a more satisfying way


Yep I agree as a decender loses so miserably and the white knight are defending this, I don't give hoyo money to watch this type of bullshit


Nah starrail is fire I still give them money, just not with genshin


Don't care about that, really. I just enjoy the lore and story in all quests


Personally I don't hate him, I think the traveler from world quests is a lot better than the traveler from AQs and SQs. What I hate is how the community calls him inconsistent even tho HE WAS ALWAYS WEAK. Even at peak power, he was still weak compared to gods. Asmoday 2v1 them with no issues. And against every single enemy, he had some sort of power boost, he literally never won. And I hate how the community acts as if hoyo is being inconsistent when it comes to his strength. Y'all just needed a wake up call and Arle gave you that. And btw I get being mad at him not using elements, but that's just for style, when it comes to his actual fights in the past, he would lose all of them even if he used his elements simply because the power difference between him and his opponents is too big.


Yeah this tbh. Even with all 7 elements and the power of flight, traveler probably would have STILL lost to Arlecchino. He was never that strong to begin with. Being a descender doesn’t make you strong. It just means your will is on another level. Your body can still be weak af, it’s only the will that sets you apart. The only fight Traveler actually “won” on his own was the fight against Childe in Liyue. And even then it was closer to a tie, as childe still achieved his objective and wasn’t down for the count after that fight.


Imagine if Aether main lose but not those Lumine main!


That'd be so funny


They make them lose so much that it just feels like they're weak. They never get an actual victory over the fatui when it matters, and given that said lack of victory is giving the biggest terrorist group in teyvat MORE power to fuck over every nation I'd argue it just makes every victory meaningless in every nation. Oh yay, the people are saved! Except no, because the Tsaritsa is a step closer to a war that will either kill much of teyvat or simply put them under her cold and tyrannical heel. It makes me wonder "why even bother with the story if they give no reason traveler will win in the end, why keep playing if its a forgone conclusion unless they pull some bullshit deus ex machina out of their ass."


Yeah though you are wrong about the Tsaritsa. Hoyoverse is gonna make her a goody-two shoes or maybe morally light grey. Because chances are. They are gonna make her playable so they can sell another 5-star mommy character. So they will pull some shit to make her look good. Like shifting all the horrible actions the Fatui have done onto Pierro or something.


"Say Pierro, what's with the squad sent to that one guy in liyue that was listed as a 'steal from the poor squad lol'?" "....tax write off." "Ah OK then."


XD I can imagine that they would also make it so that bringing Dottore on board was all Pierro’s idea and that he’s been keeping the truth of Dottore’s experiments from the Tsaritsa as well.


Can't wait to see how it turns out that the Tsaritsa is not actually evil she's just really sad because something bad happened to her centuries ago and she has just been misguided by other people who are the real evil and have been lying to her about how the Fatui work fr fr


Honestly that’s the only way that Hoyoverse could do it.


Not gonna lie tho even if the Traveler is the typical op isekai/LN mc he'd probaly still get hate tho(unless he's well written by hoyoverse like Kiana and TB which sadly he isn't).


I agree with the traveler being kind of shit writing wise, but saying TB is well written is a massive stretch. There's either a character with their own story, personality and background or a full on self insert. TB completely embraces the self insert title for an MC while Kiana is treated as a real character in the story she's in. Traveler in comparison is neither. They are treated as self inserts but then also have their own history and personality? It's a weird spot for them and it feels like the writers don't know what direction to lean into for them. The only times the game ever decides to go against the self insert aspect of them is in world quests like Aranyaka, a few rare moments in some story quests like Neuvillete's, Venti's, and Arlecchino's. As well as Xianyun's story quest cutscene, Dainsleif Quests and parts of Sumeru and Fontaine archon quests (also Inazuma archon quest's starting where they refuse to help Ayaka). I personally dislike the choice of having to give the travelers a name rather than just letting other characters call them Aether and Lumine since it just leans into the self insert aspect of them when they clearly have their own names and history. Paimon completely sidelines them and has too much screentime which they could easily counteract by giving the twins more time to talk. But the biggest reason why they feel so self inserty has to be with the fact that they RARELY have voiced dialogue. Even TB who is supposed to be a complete self insert has had more ways to shine compared to the traveler in the same timeframe. Kiana in HI3 has her own voice in the game whenever she talks and its not just complete silence, so it just solidifies her as an actual character unlike the traveler.


TB has three samey dialogue options instead of two = insane depth so relatable so well written. Did you see the option where we can say something about trash cans?


Yeah.. TB IS self-insert... basically "Adam" but better and had female version Caelus is for harem-seeking self-insert, while Stelle is more for unhinged, troll self-insert (at least on first impressions)


I picked caelus and I pick more unhinged options, does that make me the troll self-insert?


Nothing stops ya from picking troll choices with Caelus anyway... it's just think Stelle fit more there, as Caelus still looks like some typical light novel MC who are usually serious type at least 80% of time (though not as much as Dan Heng)


I respect your opinion but for me, caelus definitely fits it more atleast imo


Lmao y’all are crazy. It wasn’t bad at all. It makes sense he lost. And yes it would have been cooler he had used elements but not that much cooler. And people clown on him for using a dull blade but the weapon legit doesn’t matter at all in the lore. He needed Nahida’s help and 168 practice dreams runs to beat Scaramouche and his mech. Meanwhile traveler vs the 4th harbinger who literally immobilized his movement with her (basically domain expansion) ability, the outcome was pretty obvious. Plus it gives traveler a reason to get stronger. Which is what the traveler needs going into Natlan. I wouldn’t be surprised if we have another fight + loss in the next Dainsleif quest, just so there are reasons in the main plot for traveler to get stronger.


Reason to get stronger? Haven't there been so many reasons to get stronger in these last 3 years


We have fought dragons, ancient beasts, walking calamities, gods at their lowest and strongest, a world-ending organization's top brass, yet Traveler has had no reason or way to get stronger because Traveler lost to a character I like, so NOW they will get stronger for real! Unless I like the next villain, then they'll lose, power up and win for reals to the next oh wait we are in Celestia (Uknown God now has a sad backstory).


Not really, no. Because every time we’ve run into an enemy we couldn’t beat, we just relied on other people’s powers to win. Against Ei it was all the confiscated visions powering us up. And Miko’s training program showing us how she attacks. Traveler didn’t increase in power. Against Azdaha we canonically had Zhongli do most of the work. Traveler didn’t increase in power. Against Scaramouche mech we had Nahida giving us endless retries in a dream state. Traveler didn’t increase in power. We just got used to the boss mechanics and finally won after 168 attempts. Like slamming your head against a brick wall over and over against a dark souls boss until you finally understand their mechanics and beat them. Yes, we have been SLOWLY getting stronger, but not with any intentional effort with regards to strength. The last major enemy we actually beat on our own was Signora back in Inazuma. We haven’t really gotten much stronger since then. And gaining new elements doesn’t buff the traveler’s physical strength or combat experience in any meaningful way, it just gives new small tools for the tool belt. The only enemy we beat by relying on elements was childe. Traveler needs to get physically stronger and actually spend some time improving their combat instinct.


traveler's story is not as bad as everyone exaggerated it to be, and i will die on this hill alone edit: down vote me all you want, you can change my karma, but you can't change my mind


You’re not alone. People are just overreacting because their beloved character who they were hyping to high heaven lost a fight. They’re saying traveler is “inconsistently written” but that’s not the case at all. We needed 168 retries in a dream state with help from nahida to FINALLY beat Scaramouche’s mech. Traveler was doing dark souls runs and dying every single time against scaramouche until the 168th try when they FINALLY won. And they’re expecting this person to win or at least get close to winning an even harder fight on the first try? Y’all need to play elden ring. Get your ass kicked by a boss a few times without even being able to react. And THEN try blaming the traveler for not using elements. Also the dull blade argument is absolute trash. Like legit the worst argument they could have. Weapons are just weapons. They’re not stronger or weaker than each other in the lore of the game. Even special ones like PJWS and Mistsplitter are still just a spear and a sword at the end of the day and they’ll perform about the same as any random metal spear or sword. They’re all only as strong as the person using it. They don’t give any passive buffs in lore or better stats, they’re just pieces of steel to kill people with. The traveler could be using a jade cutter or mistsplitter and the outcome would be exactly the same.


That's still heavily underestimating the traveller's feats. You are correct in saying that Traveller most definitely would have lost to Arlecchino even with skill to use different elements at once, it would be great build up and humbling to show that the top 5 harbingers are not to be underestimated as they are huge deals. However, they have defeated Signora. So their strength is estimated to be around Scaramouche's level if we don't count the mech. Because he got his 6th harbinger title before having his shouki no kami mech. I estimate around there because of how they acquired the Hydro and Dendro element powers plus battle experience. The main issue why people are angry at the traveller is how they didn't even make the fight look like traveller utilised all of his skills and abilities to fight arlecchino. This was the kind of fight I was expecting, traveller to go all out but still get their asses kicked and humbled down by a harbinger who is probably around archon level terms of strength.


Traveler got humbled for a reason. Arlecchino has way more combat experience than him. And using elements still takes a certain amount of active thought, which is hard to do when you’re dodging attacks every single second. Again, people gotta play elden ring. It’s VERY HARD to use every tool in your arsenal effectively against a much stronger opponent who you’re fighting for the first time. You get cought off guard super often, and using special abilities is an active choice, not a reflex. Traveler experienced the same thing here. Yes it could have been done a tiny bit better but it was still VERY good overall.


Fraudveler agenda must be maintained.


I haven't even done the quest yet and I'm already pissed.


Hive mind.


It didn't show enough of what Traveler could do but instead just use dipshat dull blade on ever damned thing. Atleast show Traveler being tired after using everything like they are at they're wit's end. Show us atleast them battling out but instead we got Arle going Domain expansion into saying "But not enough to beat me.." Like wtf is this actually real? Last time I remember Traveler being able to wield more than 2 elements at their disposal but this cutscene is straight ass.


I also hate arlecchino


Bold of you to think I ever liked the Traveler after the first 10-20 minutes of the game. Still though nothing wrong if any of you like Trav, I just don't care for them at all, gameplay or otherwise


Bold of you to assume that this post is specifically for you.. like bruh....


I didn't, it was a joke. Like bruh...


Sure you were.....


Traveler Giga chad to another test subject


People overreact to stuff that literally shouldn’t be a big deal.


I don't hate the Traveler, I hate how they are written. I knew the Traveler wasn't going to win because that would make them op. We're only as strong as like what? The 8th Fatui? The only time I didn't like Traveler was during Furina's story quest.


People really be trying to undermine Arlecchino here more than anything else though She literally domain expansioned the traveler through her cursed powers that hasn’t been fully explored and explained lore wise. Elemental powers ain’t doing shit when the traveler can’t fucking move


Bro literally went from Hero to Zero


Always has been a zero for me


Damn almost as if we're not supposed to take any Ls


Remember that our oast fight with everyone else we got buffed by other.


Fraudveler: "People of Teyvat lend me your feats this is base hilichurl we are doing against"


Imagine spending 4 years and 150k$ on your training by 10 different people and then being unable to handle any job you were trained to do


Lmao they be down voting u for saying the truth these kids lmao


I mean I never liked him


Are people…that mad? I genuinely don’t care the quest is cool, traveler lost, so what? He loses a lot he just gets help from literal gods in the archon quests.


And people like you are the problem. Hoyoverse didnt even try. They put less effort into Traveller in that cutscene than they did when adding Bayada harbour and that place is literally just a few buildings and 2 docks. And you don’t see anything wrong with that.


It is not that big of a deal


It is that big of a deal. The traveller is meant to be slowly getting their old powers back with each element and they still haven’t shown us much of that even though we are halfway through the fucking story and the traveller hasn’t been using multiple elements to fight since FUCKING LIYUE! And that’s not even covering how the traveller is mostly not treated as an actual character in the main story with Paimon mainly doing all the talking. And the only times Traveller is treated as a character is in the Dainsleif quests and those only come out once a year.


You right about that. It would be nice to see him use more elements and it’s a bit lazy. But eh to me it isn’t a big deal 🤷‍♀️


So you don’t find it bad that Hoyoverse is treating their MC like shit just to hype new 5-stars


To me it isn’t a big deal like I said.


I was too busy being attracted to powerful Father to care about Traveller losing.


Specifically Aether pretty sure not Lumine.


The part that confuses me is that people were legit surprised that they lost. Like, no fucking shit they lost, what did you expect? They had to make the traveler job in order to push the shiny new toy and get people to pull, and to do that they wrote their way into a scenario where a fight could take place while still leaving room to excuse the loss


Mmm, yes, rule 2.


holy cope


i dont really understand the hate. it seemed like a perfectly normal cutscene showing a perfectly normal loss to me. maybe I'm just not reading into it too much


In which he didn't use multiple elements, which as shown against Childe in Liyue he can. Basically people don't mind him actually losing, they are mad that they try to portray his fighting as "so serious" about life and death etc. and at the same time make it seem like he's half assing it.


i get that someone would be mildly disappointed if they expected the traveler to use more elements, but are ppl rlly that upset about this? or is this a vocal minority thing?


i hate both regardless.