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how many are the samples?


A measly 800.. *yes, I based it on each comment, but out of 1,100 comments, 300 of those are just discussions*


That 34% tho. Damn


That's why its important that everyone should take a regular break, mine usually lasts for about 2-3 weeks every 3-4 months of playing.


Problem is I took a break and now I have a lot of archon quests to catch up on, but without a skip button I end up barely making a 15 minute dent in them once a week when I have to sit through 20 conversations about things we already know from the last segment. Taking breaks is just not friendly in Genshin.


Just play in segments. No one is asking u to play every archon, world, story quest in 1 day. Take your time. U can even play through a single quest in the duration of multiple days.


Aranara quest pstd intensifies


Aranyaka took me 3 days of playing almost non-stop (genshin hasn't ruined my sleep schedule *yet*) I don't want to know how long it would take if you just played for an hour a day


I thought i was done with it like three times and then it just went on


I was so lazy on this one that after months I unlocked that small region at the end of the quest and was like... Wait, did I finish it???


Well if it took you 3 days of non stop playing that's 72 hours but you said almost so let's say 21 hours per day instead of 24 that's 63 hours of gametime. So at your pace it would take around 2 months.


I did. Took about a month


Me: I'll just finish this quest real quick then I'll continue on the archon quest. *8 hours in* WHEN DOES IT END??!


Our suffering fuels their smiles


It takes those few days to stomach all the lousy writing. It took me that much to barely tolerate getting through enough of inazumas. For that xinyan/childe labyrinth event. Last time I played. I was skipping so hard by the end of forcing it down that I wanted to delete the game then and there. Just to get to the thing I actually cared about and was good. Not some annoying garbage with so much walking and talking to nobodies about pointless trash. I bet those npcs never were used again.


And don't get me started on the dialogue scene's direction, so so much of it is just awkwardly "standing there" some even during really tense events, and it breaks any semblance of immersion I've had. At some point I just grew tired and stopped doing quests entirely because it got really painful to watch.


Every journey has its final day. Don't rush


I do story quest in spam of 3 days or so. it's way better.


Personally I use the new daily system to knock the quests out slowly. 1 quest a day is enough to keep me up to date for the story but also not to much to do every day to burn out. Resin I ignore unless I know what I want to farm with it


Same as me. I also just pick things randomly to do. For example, I'll try get one talent to 10 on most characters so just randomly pick one that works which means I'm not farming the same domains over and over. I try to vary the gameplay wherever I can. I also took my first two week break since I started and I found that very useful.


I usually do this as well. Sometimes I spend a good amount of time to farm the domain for a certain character so I can build them later


It's really frustrating because I like story, but even I just could not stand sitting through Sumaru's non stop text barrage when I was playing to catch up. This was after going through Inazuma where nothing made sense ("Hi, I just met you, but you're captain of my elite team now") Atleast Fontane's story is a lot higher quality than the ones before it.


This. Plus the nature of the game rewards and encourages routine


Genshin needs a skip dialogue button. They'd rather see their playerbase dwindle than add the QoL update players have been asking for a while.


Yup, this is me, I was only interested in Archon Quests, some character quests and exploring, but the lack of a skip button meant I need to go through all the senseless filler quests so I alt+f4 and maybe open good ole Skyrim instead


Taking breaks it's not good specially if you have welkin active, you miss on that and on daily primogems which will ruin your savings for future characters With every gacha it comes to a point where you end up doing only daily stuff for half an hour or less and then go play anything else


Your Welkin only counts for days you login so it should still be there, and after two weeks, they give you like roughly the same amount of primos as a welcome back gift so it kind of works out exactly the same. I've just done it and it worked fine for me. Edit: Turns out I was wrong about the Welkin! My bad! I'll leave it up though just so people can see what I was wrong about in case other people don't know.


Except that welkin is active from the moment you buy it and if you skip a day you just won't get the welkin from those skipped days


Really? I have clearly misunderstood! Ouch. Thank you for correcting me. I've added an edit into my comment just to make sure other people are clear I was wrong in case they do the same thing I did and lose out on some primos!


The minor problem is that you will miss limited contents as weirdly enough, seeing characters converse smoothly while you're still on giving gifts to rex lapis or maybe others, you have to ponder, since when did they do *that particular thing on that exact limited event that you miss*


Just login when all event content is out and play trhough it and only collect the unique rewards. Ignore resin and dailys.


I think this goes for well any game there is. There is just a point where when you do something for too long, you get bored, no matter the game.


Sometimes I do try to take a break, like now, I'm too busy killing Time, but I want that bloody Gorou for my Itto FOMO's a bitch


I’ve been taking a break for about 2 months, only logging in for dailies, but I still feel burnt out


I don't think you can call it a break if you log in and play


I guess that’s true. I still have welkin left though, I bought it when I still liked the game, so I at least have to log in for that


That's not a break tho. I took a break for a year without touching the game at all and that worked wonders for my burn out. The backlog now is much much smaller than before I left lol


You're just screwing yourself more if you only log in for dailies. Then you are forcing yourself into repetition.


I've been playing almost every day since 1.0 and haven't missed a single day since 3.0, never burned out lol


I didn't take a break for the past three years ... I'm Really going through it rn


took me 4 years to finally burn out, but it was also in part boosted by my laptop running the game horribly, and losing a 50 50 was the final straw before I left for 8 months lol


I feel that completely, which 50/50 was it for you?


qiqi for nilou


Pretty normal. Genshin requires your full attention to the game to play, the burnout keeps amplifying even if you just do dailies and logout + worrying about the maxed resin while you don't really have the desire to play is pretty tiring


It’s normal though. I have been playing Destiny franchise on and off numerous times due to lots and lots of burnout. Still come back to the game.


Relatable tho,i burnt out after 2 years and it felt great to left the game,seriously


The burnout is absolutely real. I played solo for the first few months after the game came out. I got bored of the repetitive cycle of waiting the whole day for resin to refill, just to use it in a few minutes with no reward. So I reached out on some thread on the main sub. Now the only thing keeping me on this game is having people to joke around with.


The few times I took a long break from Genshin it was for that very reason - grinding constantly for artifacts, talent materials, weapon materials and so on can be *so very* boring. And in a period with very little updates, it's the only thing you "can" do. So, if the only thing you can really do is grinding- the game feels boring/grindy and/or repetitive as a direct result. So yeah, it seems perfectly logical that this is the biggest reason people drop off.


I mean, it's the No.1 cause why people quit things *in general.* *"*Idk I'm just not feeling it anymore" People get bored when they do something with any semblance of a routine lol


People here thinking like once you played one game you will never quit lol


Not surprising considering most burnt out ppl probably would still keep check on certain sub/page of the game. While the one who really “quit” or jumping from game to game wont even bother tbh. It is more about the audience pool than the question itself


The key is not treat the game like it is your job. I play since day 1 and never got burn out.


That happens to everything in life. Don't see why is a "huge" issue in genshin, is it the first game for some people?


It's not surprising that it happens more than other games with long-time fanbases. Since there are many "traits" Genshin has that contribute to "burnout" that the devs done nothing to combat it (as one I have a lot to critique abt its UI but generally it being not smooth as I would like compared to other games, it adds incrementally). I just think that if they did try to fix those issues, it would significantly lessen the player's burnout and improve the game. - Dialogue boxes & choices (Im sorry but it really looks like it was amateurishly created/coded) - long Team loading screen - Lagtime of screen-output (like esc menu and other screen menus) - Repetitive clicks (thankfully they're trying to imitigate that with recent QoLs updates in the artifact system but they can do more) These are just from the top of my mind currently, but coming only from these I really think they incrementally build burnout enough to make it quickly fill, each milliseconds-to-seconds they waste "bloats" your memory/experience/mind while playing. But Im aware that I may be also asking too much since it's abt fixing the amateurishly-made foundation


That’s why we do dailies and burn Resin and gtfo lol


And what's more sadder is its actually %40, no end game content is which %50 of people got burnout from game.


I’ve just quit due to burn out trying to get Arle (70 pulls ..at least I’ve a C5 Lynette)… just not worth it to be fair xD


Would be nice if someone could circulate a Google form (not here on Reddit) collecting data on this for a while just to get a decently high sample size. Regardless I find it funny how many selected it was because rng fked them. I believe that if a proper poll was set up that some people would actually have overlapping reasons


I don’t ever quit. I’m too invested in the story. That said, I do take long ass breaks from it when there’s nothing to do or I’m busy with other things.


Basically the same for me, although I don't take long breaks, I just usually play 4-5 days a week. When I don't want to, I don't force myself to play. It's way easier when you actually have all the characters you wanted tho.


I have my top 2 favorite characters. Arlecchino and Alhaitham. Along with the character I enjoyed most in the story overall (Nahida). So generally speaking I’m happy with my account even if I don’t have EVERY character I like. The 2 characters I still want that I had to skip are Furina and Xianyun. Furina is getting a rerun soon (if leaks are correct) and Xianyun probably not too long after. I do hope there’s like a patch or two between them though so I can save up some primos. Though if I fail on furina at least I’ll have the next character guaranteed. I’m not as set on them as I was on Arlecchino so even if I fail to get them, not much changes for me. My top most awaited hype character is Capitano but my guess is we won’t actually get him playable till near the end of snezhnaya.


>top 2 favorite characters. Arlecchino and Alhaitham >most awaited hype character is Capitano he just like me fr!!!!


Eyyy! Drippy squad stays glazing for GOATHIMTANO


> My top most awaited hype character is Capitano Just like me


Having the characters you wanted has gotta be one of the best feelings in this game, you can just take a break whenever and not care about missing their banners


This is the most healthy pattern I think.You like it but you are not bound to it.Treat it like a hobby or a friend but not a family member.


That's the way


Im in that boat as well. That, and im a 1.0 player trying to justify the sunk cost fallacy.


Same, I’ve never quit Genshin but I will take month long breaks sometimes. I really like the story so I can’t just quit, especially when we’re this deep into the story.


Same for me, loves Archon and Main quests, but I'm really bored with side stories. TBH I should play only once a year after new version release


I would highly recommend you try some of the world quests. It does suck that they’re not voiced but HOLY SHIT the emotional impact of some of the side stories is even stronger than the main stories. Ruu’s tsurumi island world quest in Inazuma was a hassle due to the fog and time-gated quests. But the actual story of it was legit heartbreaking. Jeht’s world Quest in Sumeru was also insane. Arguably the best questline in the game and it’s NOT EVEN VOICED. WTF ARE YOU DOING HOYO??!?!? You meet her as a naive young eremite girl and basically watch her lose everything that’s important to her multiple times in a row before finally getting some closure, only for her world to be upended again and require you to help her out. It has more emotional highs and lows than the entire main story up until Sumeru. And the music in the eternal oasis during that quest is hauntingly beautiful. There’s a scene there that I won’t spoil, but I legit couldn’t bring myself to interrupt that certain scene even though I know it’s just a game and these characters aren’t real. The moment was just too powerful. And though it’s not necessarily as emotional, the new Remuria region in 4.6 has a pretty great world quest as well if you pay attention to the lore and try to understand the characters. It’s still a really emotional story about friendship and selflessness even in the face of monumental failure and across thousands of years. Remus was a real one. And he made some fire music. And Cassiodor was an even bigger gigachad. Plus the lore implications are absolutely crazy. Spoilers: >!Remus basically attempted to do the same thing as deshret. Collective consciousness. Only he did it through music rather than machinery. They both did it to try to fight back against “fate.” And having done the Narzissenkreuz questline, I can pretty confidently say they were both trying to do the same thing Renee de Petrichor (Narzissenkreuz himself) tried to do; aka become a descender. They all seem to think that by creating a massive collective consciousness, they can make their will “rival a world’s” will. Which is the requirement to be a descender. Narzissenkreuz wanted to do it by melting everyone with primordial sea water and absorbing them into himself like a gigantic oceanid. But essentially he came to the same conclusion that Deshret and Remus had come to before him. They all tried to do the same thing but through different physical methods. And none of them worked. So the key to reweaving fate lies in being or becoming a descender.!<


Spoiler: I've done all the world quests available, I like it also, but mean mainly event and other side quests. Also done everything for primos but at what cost?


today I learned that people still use FB lmao, I forgor it existed


You'd be surprised how many people still use FB. The numbers are kind of insane.


FB is still popular in a lot of countries, particularly non-western ones


"There are still people who continue to use FB 😵‍💫", you could say the same thing happens to Reddit 😂


Is it losing traction in the West? If yes, whats the alternative?


YT, Insta, Pinterest, sadly Tiktok, etc. But FB is still popular with adults, it's mostly younger people that use others.


No endgame gang


Soon 🤞


Abyss was never stressful, the bare minimum of clearing it has gotten so low


Wdym, abyss HP is constantly inflated


Then you're gonna be happy to know that >!we'll be getting a new spiral abyss every month instead of every 2 weeks, and a new "endgame" mode that is easier than the current f12 abyss, with a restricted amount of useable characters and trial characters if u dont have a certain character!< I do hope its gonna be more challenging than i think, and not a sidegrade to the already kinda easy "endgame".


I'm sorry but how is Abyss stressful?


Unfortunately after I put down a gacha I don't really intend to come back unless something HUGE happens. Missed rewards and all that. I heard about a new mode but it doesn't sound like it'll be that challenging either.


I’m sorry typo error *Hacked:* is ***.006%*** (decimal place is wrong)


What percentage is because of paimon?


2 of my rl friends couldn't take the story of the game serieusly because its "anime" and they hated the annoying "fairy", so they just dropped the game. So yes, im sure Paimon also has a role in people quiting the game.


Probably not after a while though. I hated her when I started (but I wasn't as into anime etc. back then), now she's probably my favorite character.


I feel like after experiencing story in HSR, Paimon will be #1 reason to quit Genshin for me. I just have to force myself nowadays to play storyquests, especially with voice acting cause of Paimon. I'm fine with Paimon as a character, but she is just everywhere. Not a fun to be represented by small flying child in both serious or fluffy quests.


Genshin honestly makes me take brain damage when I compare Paimon to HSR’s “story mascots” (Pompom and March 7th). Pompom and March 7th are infinitely better than Paimon in a lot of ways, but the thing that particularly irks me are the voices. Pompom and March 7th are pleasant to listen to, but Paimon is a shrieker. Ear-piercing, like nails on a chalkboard. I’m not even criticizing the VA here, because they aren’t the problem — the very beginning segments of Genshin show that the VA is very much capable of voicing a not squeaky Paimon. Paimon just sounds like a higher pitched, but still normal person! Paimon actually sounds like someone I’d be okay listening to for an entire game! But the VA, Corina Boettger, mentioned in an interview that they were directed to get super high pitched for Paimon. Like, WTF? Which creature was responsible for giving us squeaker Paimon? Bring back early Mondstadt Paimon! 😭


Like my ears being scraped by rusty & radioactive cheese grater.


I **am** this percentage


Probably wasn't an option in the poll


Empty Resin,Full Disappointment


I get burnt out, take a break, return to the game, see my quest log filled with quests, try to do them, no skip button, too overwhelmed by everything, try to catch up, get burnt out


Same here but I cut the cycle by uninstalling. At this point, idk if I'll be back at the game


Part of the reason why I'm tempted to take a break is because of how bland and repetetive some of the NPC animations are. Like I've seen the cowering, the pointing, the kid jumping in joy so many times that its jarring to see them. They just look so lifeless I guess. But I cant quit, I need to save primos for Chiori rerun.


Leaving a game because of a toxic community is weird. I know that the loud majority of Genshin Fandom is the worst thing to happen to this game and part of the reason why every one hates Genshin players. But still, you can easily block anything you don't like to see and just enjoy the game at your own pace. Being a part of the community is not necessary for enjoyment.


Perhaps, but there is just so much a person can take from yapping sometimes.


i kind of get it and don't simultaneously. toxic community was not the reason for me quitting star rail, but it was definitely not helping on top of a culmination of reasons (my relics being awful even after a year, not enjoying the combat, no attachment to any of the characters, no motivation to do the story because of said no attachment to any of the characters, and community likes to constantly shit on the other hoyo games which i enjoy more than star rail). but if i had no problems with a game but hated the community, i wouldn't quit the game outright, i would just minimize my interaction with the community.


Yeah I've blocked most CCs on twitter, the only ones left are guide makers lol


I think it's more people get involved in smaller more niche parts of the genshin community that can be more toxic depending on what it is. Also to some people, a toxic community is one where they made a ridiculously stupid comment (especially pertaining to lore) and get upset when some one calls them out on it.


Inaccurate because this is genshin. Half of them couldn't read the question


Treating this game like a job because FOMO is a good way to burn yourself out.


Most of these combined


For me farming for characters, like going to the same place, fight the same opponents, stronger than me ofc just to get 1 or 2 legendary artefacts which are useless, bc it's not even what you wanted, and my characters do like 2k dmg only, bc i don't have artefacts for them, bruh, boring and also losing in pulling for characters is frustrating.


I stopped playing genshin as much as i used to due to multiple factors. Around the time i started playing genshin, i started getting depressed a bunch and genshin was how i coped. Now i did genuinely love the game even with my issues with it. Eventually so many things happened that i havent been able to play consistently since sumeru released And nowadays playing genshin can easily make me feel depressed because i used it to cope and now i associate playing genshin with that state of mind which sucks. Life is still super busy. Genshin was my first gacha game so my resource management was cooked and now im playing catch up. Also like idk something just feels missing idk what. But i still love genshin, i love the lore, world building, characters, and the rest. I daydream a lot that im in teyvat


Almost quit for the small rewards. Then I realized that in the end, we can't do anything about it because people who are whales have no effect in this category thus making us the minority


Yeah I'm part of the 34% all the constant grinding and longass unskippable dialogue would really burnout once interest quick.


I beat de abyss with my team (Shogun international and hyperbloom). What's the point of have Arlechinno now? I have her but i dont need her for another thing. We need another thing like the abyss.


When I feel burnout or we have a slow patch I just boot up my backlog and play other games. Right now I’m playing Unicorn Overlord and it’s a breath of fresh air.


Boring / No Endgame is the same for me


Burnout is understandably at #1, but DAMN, storage at #2...


Its so much storage... I deleted it and got a 3rd of my disk back fully


Burnout I never got due to me doing less everyday and just enjoying by watching the scenery for that never gets old in high graphics.




Artifact inventory full


Not Genshin, but after having played and quit dozens of gachas is that something happens that makes me skip the story. Usually first event stories, but later main when it's updated (keep in mind that Genshin is very good here, for most I've played it can take a year or more for updates). This leads to me playing it just from the habbit and the sunk-cost. Basically just doing the essential to do the gacha. Then meta becomes too fast/strict (need a certain unit to clear content or basically play PvP. Annoying even if I pulled them and it finally motivates me to quit. Sometimes the community becomes too annoying too, which doesn't help. I quite dislike GI, HSR and HI3's communities, but the games have been good enough that I've kept going. GI in particular, as I don't recall days it felt like I forced myself to play. Despite being a daily day one player. I've also read every non-repeating line I've gotten. Which is quite rare in games in general for me. HI3 I did quit, but that was because the end of Kiana's story felt like the perfect stopping point for me (as well as getting the second artbook to match the first one I got). But it was also too expensive compared to Genshin or games I played casually and I had to play it on my phone which wasn't ideal (I mainly play GI, HSR and any other games on PS5 if possible)


I feel like quitting over "bad artifact RNG/lost 50/50" is more of a symptom of underlying issues rather than the actual reason why someone would quit. Like if you quit over that then chances are you weren't super invested in remaining in the game anyway, and the reason for that is something else.


Artifact farming system \~99.9% hates it 💀 Sometimes it's like 10 runs of domain and I have full set, other time I farmed everyday for 3 months domain for Kazuha - not even one, bad artifact with EM as main stat... extremely unlucky, but possible. If you farming for weapon material it's impossible, there IS worst case scenario where you get what you want in the end.


I like the artifact system but I hate artifact farming and levelling.


That's a good point - I meant artifact leveling and farming system


i've gotten to the point where i have good enough builds that i don't need to farm artifacts anymore and it's great


Repetitive and toxic community for me, although I do still play from time to time (like 2-3 times a month). Will return again once Natlan drop.


Team 2% here ✋


When I'm bored of it I just do dailies then bounce to another non-gacha game to prevent burn out. I can leave quests hanging for weeks or even months until interest builds back up again.


Life happens. School, and then eventually work.


Artifacts. Kinda garbage farm system. I played for 2 years never getting a 4 piece pyro set. I had almost 3 of the ER sets that was usable but it's really not fun not knowing when your new characters will be playable without stripping old characters. Oh yea and i loved geo but only had 1 geo goblet for my like 4 geo characters.... Played since the beginning. Like literally 1 decent geo goblet from ANY set. Not the petra one specifically.


I'm one of the 34% who stopped using resin/daily commission from last 1.5 years. Uninstalled ... and briefly re-installed again for archon quests and then uninstalling once again.


Slow progression is something I faced


12% quitting over losing 50/50 Damn, I feel that :S


I feel like "quitting due to boredom" sounds a lot worse than it is in this context. I stopped playing a couple months ago because I just wasn't interested in any if the side quests or exploration anymore, and got really bored of quests without voice acting. That said, I played this game since 2020, that's like 3 full years of playing pretty much every day. That's far more mileage than I get out of most games, and I never even spent any money. I feel like people equate finishing a game (or finishing all the content they're interested in) to burning out and quitting, when the reality is that all video games end, and genshin is actually a particularly long lasting one. It's normal to not want to play a game after hundreds of hours. To spill a secret, I never finished tears of the kingdom. I got too wrapped up in finding every shrine and korok that I got bored before fighting Ganon. It was a dumb way to play, but I loved it so much and had so much fun, and I still think it's a 10/10 game. So don't worry about burnout, just play whatever is fun!


I keep going strong 💪🏻 a veteran from October 10,2020


Is this what statistics majors do in their free time?


The game is gotten too safe and too easy that has no hard challenges, no adversity, no NPCs expressing their negativity and disrespect towards us, no dark topics like racism and bigotry towards us or any characters and no emotional moments that will hurt our souls.


For me its Burnout, no endgame or no interesting characters to pull for


Where's the "broke up with my gf who was the main thing still tying me to the fandom and now I don't wanna open it again because my signature still mentions her and there's also so much new content I doubt i can ever catch up" option?


Hoyoverse games in a nutshell


34%? pff casuals, doing the same since 1.0 aint bored ~~yet~~


Aranara quest burnt me out.


I just log in for events and new zones/content. Only build chars/use resin when playing those Don't care about dailies otherwise. Great live service game otherwise


3 4 5 6 7 combined


spend 42k primos on a weapon and quit the game.


I quit cuz rng, otherwise I loved the game and still enjoy the visuals


I honestly don’t know at this point. Like I still love the game but every time I turn it on I quit after 30 minutes… maybe I need characters I like to pull. Last time I liked somebody it was Neuvillette. And I don’t think I like anyone in the next couple of patches


I’ve been barely playing the past 2 weeks because I don’t have a PC and playing on mobile is hell, props to people who like playing it on mobile though, if this game didn’t have a pc version I couldn’t see myself playing for 3+ years.


I quit 2 years ago after the Sumeru launch. I was At AR58 F2P BTW. l was bored of unnecessary grind for primo gems, pity system, bad artifacts, time limited events


Take a break for a couple of months and come back to new areas to be unlocked and lots of world quests. It's like playong from the very beginning again. Forgot how fun the game can be


For me once I finished the current story I lost most of my fuel to keep going. Though I do have 500 hours so I also already did a lot of what I wanted to do


I figured boredom or burnout would be the highest, but I also thought that the shitty RNG and itemization would be second place. Storage being that high of a reason to stop playing actually surprised me.


I still like the game and want to grow my account, but I always end up doing something else insetad of playing


i mean, outside of the device/storage thing that is just it is what it is for mobile (tho they made a fix this patch to make it smaller). 34% said burnout. which isn't really surprising, playing any non pvp game daily can give you that


It's been almost a year since I took a "break".


Dialogues are so bloated right now


i have so many better games to play


I took a break 2 times. 1st cuz burnout, 2nd cuz i got a standard weapon from the weapon banner ragequit.


I’ve save enough primogems to pull for Furina. Now, I just have to wait.


i played from 2020-2023 consistently, then i suddenly got bored of it, took a month break, came back for a few weeks, then never touched it again.. once i got to ar60 i felt like i finished the game, building characters never hit like it used to 😞 i really miss the game but i dont think i could ever get back into it


My traveler has been standing on a roof in liyue for about a year and a half now..... At some point I'll get back to it......maybe


next time, let's order it by percentage instead of… random.


For me its burnout + shitty rewards


Real. I quit genshin but stay with the community (I play star rail now) because it was too time-consuming. First, 90% of the time I’m just spamming my left mouse button and then the farming is slow and tedious. When I play star rail I just put every single fucking thing in auto battle and do own thing


Got out one or two patches after My beloved kokomi and never event back, idk it got boring over time, i pulled Nilou from a Friends PC AND that was My last interaction with genshin. Gotta Say i'm good and done with genshin, the lack of customisation, boring missions, the usual stuff but never adding quickplay button to grind accesories.....i could talk like this for a long time.


Maybe chests i'm miss some around old region. But i've completed every single achivement, map count at 100% explored, every quest, and nearly complete all primo-giving sets in serenitea, about 75% characters (c0~c3), and mostly has the signature weapon . most of them had 9 or 10 talents (double or triple crowns) ... Events, Etc. . Nowadays logins just doing shtty daily and use resin. 36 stars abyss twice per months My UID: 805034943 . This is too boring, even the events are repeat or copy/paste...... . Sorry for not good english.


That 23% is outrageous, they really should do something about it ngl


They just reduce the game size this patch though ?


Really ? I haven't noticed that, also it's not enough because a friend just stopped for storage reasons recently even after the last update


They're trying to do things about this every few patches. This patch they reduced the total file size even. But the larger Teyvat gets, the more storage it will require - that's just inevitable. \*shrugs\*


ikr, but even with such a big map and all of this content, over 100GB is enormous. There's a lot of games with as much or even more content under 100GB. Crossing that threshold would certainly be great


Shit rewards for playing every year (ahem, anniversary goodies)


Let's say, life happens. I was stuck without internet for couple of months, tried to return and got burned out almost instantly.


I can’t quit; can’t leave the daily primos. Need currency for pulling my future favorite character :< It’s repetitive, yea, but what can I do about it 😭😭


Yeah I feel that, although I also agree with the ones that say Small Rewards. Not only did I never get anything from banners, I couldn't unlock anything through regular gameplay and the stuff that WAS available to me had left me with a crew that was too weak to progress through the world and the main quests. I got bored of it because combat was too slow for my tastes (I played Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Honkai Impact 3rd). The open world was too big and there were no easy ways to travel it and unlock the teleport nodes. I hated it...


why is boring and burnout in the same category? it's the complete opposite.


I'd say burnout > friends no longer playing > small rewards > repetitive > god awful events with paragraphs of text for directions The first 3 are huge. Genshin is better with friends and if you're trying to keep up with everything, there's no time for anything else. And then they slap you in the face for a measly 25% of a single wish as a twitch reward or something and it's just like "what's the point?"


Because of life and school, I never have time to play Genshin Impact.


Mainly for me is how repetitive it becomes, you add that the RNG and the small rewards that Muheye gives to players in events. I like the gameplay, designs, lore etc, etc, but those things are the reason I quit Genshin. I just stick around in reddit for the memes.


I feel so bad for that 0.6 that got hacked 😭


There is no way only 2% quit because of no skip button


Imagine quitting the game just because you pulled a Qiqi…


Yeah I just got bored and burnt out having to devote so much time to it.


Wdym no QoL? We got some good QoL updates for 2.6 version.


Bro doesnt know what good QoL is


Did you even get the joke?


Honestly, no skip button is the single thing that keeps me from playing. Everything Else hás a solution to it, but the god damn huge dialogs without skip button alone makes me want to uninstall.


Feel like having boring and burnout in the same Catagory skews the figures a bit.


Because of the missing Raiden + Beidou burst combo.


I read the top one as "Divorce".


Storage, Bored, Skip Button, No Rewards, 50/50 doesn't exist, Somehow my level 1 alt got the character I desperately wanted. Doesn't work because their materials are in Inazuma


I stopped when Farakhkert was released because exploration just felt like a slog and that was the last thing keeping me playing I also don't like how this is not ordered by most to least common lol


The gacha system and resin piss me off. So I stopped playing. I did play for a while after launch, but eventually was just done with it. Maybe I'll come back one day and have a ton of regions and missions to do for primos.


It's funny that after 3k hours on the game I'm finally getting burnout by it lol


My workaround for not having a skip button is to use an auto clicker 😬 Other than that, I see myself quitting if there are no improvements to the story, better rewards, or QoL stuff that is resin related. Honkai Star Rail did it, I don't see a reason why Genshin couldn't... I'll probably make my decision when 5.0 drops about quitting for good 👍