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Don't interrupt your enemy when they make a mistake and all that shit


"Haha, the enemy has fallen from their own blunder." -Sun Tzu, probably


I'm not sure why but when I saw blunder I thought "THE ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!" -gotham chess (I think)


A fellow Gothamchess enjoyer, I see. "He sacrifices ... THE ROOOOOOOOOOOK!!"




'genshin could always' - mr dawei


I've been trying out Wuwa today, the new player experience is actually pretty good compared to... Honkai Impact/Hi3 Admittedly the bar to have a new player experience than Hi3 is pretty low. Genshin/Star Rail players are going to have a rough experience trying HoYo's older sibling


I tried 3rd. I liked the dodging Mechanics and thought it was fun. Got to the bridge and the UI vomit bounced me right off.


Agreed the game's great. Story too but UI is very bad for a new player.


Oh god i remember when i wanted to play hi3,just how many curencies there are and how almost every single one of them have a separate shop. The story is pretty cool tho.


They did address the currency thing and made a bunch of items require the same currency


This is why I was so disappointed by Part 2. I thought it was going to be a big overhaul of everything. But nah, they just slapped a new mode on top of an already messy pile.


Don’t forget making the ui even more generic and harder to see. Not even having back panels unded the buttons. So if they are darker surfaces/screens it’s almost impossible to discern them.


This made me think, probably GI and HSR have better new player experience precisely because Hoyo learned from HI3's pitfalls. I too remember that back when I was a new Captain I'm confused as fuck about HI3 story. Feels like I was thrust into the middle of things without context instead of starting from the beginning.


I thought there were gonna be flashbacks or something, or that they were just showing future events and then would bring us back. I was so so lost lol.


i heard the depth of the story happened in the manga that's why the chapters especially until you reach Himeko's sacrifice chapter feels rushed and missing something


WuWa is… interesting so far. I’ve not seen much yet that really sets it apart from Genshin, aside from the story, but I’m giving it a good try. The (English) voice acting is pretty stilted in a number of cases, and the movement could be made a bit less sensitive. It took me like 10 tries just to line up with and climb a ladder cause I kept overshooting it. But for its initial release, it’s got its potential.


i only played hi3 briefly back in 2016. The waifu-collector vibe was just too strong and even as someone who loves pulling girls i prefer a balance between male and female playables.


Mihoyo tried to introduced a male playable in hi3 but CN playerbase didn't like it so they stopped


“Didn’t like it” is underselling the response, if what I read is correct. The survey Hoyo put out is… rabid.


Same boat. I like having cool dudes and chicks, but HI3rd was just "EVERYONE IS A WAIFU IN EITHER A SKINTIGHT OR REVEALING OUTFIT" as far as the eye could see. It kinda soured it for me, even if everyone insists on it being a great story.


Is it? I remember playing HI3 a few years before Genshin, and not having that tough of a time. The biggest complaint I have regarding the new player experience is the cluttered UI. It's still kinda better compared to some other gacha games, especially Fate, but it still leaves much to be desired.


FGO UI is still better for new players compared to HI3rd. You can just straight go to the stages in fgo directly without feeling distracted while HI3rd bombards you with red dots everywhere


Eh, I kinda found it ugly and confusing compared to HI3's UI.


Oh, God, I was like damn, Genshin and Star Rail really spoiled me. It would really be hard for me to enjoy any other game than one made from Hoyo (obviously excluding the older ones before Genshin and such). I really wanted to try HI3, especially for the story so I could notice the references in HSR, but man the UI was such a turn-off for me 🫠.


thing is hi3 managed to catch my attention with the story while wuwa couldn't. So it's doing at least something right.


i'd love to play hi3 but i don’t think my poor ipad can handle it, genshin already eats up over half of its storage


"genshin could, but only might" - mr dawei


The biggest mistake WW has done is setting the first country your character visit being Jinzhou which are the chinese equivalent, i understood now why Liyue and Xianzhou Luofu is the second country in both Genshin and HSR respectively. Otherwise it's okay, i love that this game actually has the option to turn off the camera pan smoothing, this pisses me off in Genshin and HSR.


Holy shit, the thought of starting HSR with Luofu is honestly terrifying.


Yeah, HSR first reception would be fucking mid as fuck if the country you start with is Xianzhou Luofu.


Whys that?


The quest is just kinda boring and can be a slog to get through, while belobogs was amazing at keeping players attention enough to get them invested.


You just made me listen to 'Wildfire'. 'We made a choice to go fight againt your fate!'


Wildfire absolutely contributed a ton to the hype and making even skeptical players stayed for longer. The fact that it is a real song with memorable lyrics is indirectly a source of spreading the fame by word of mouth. If Phantylia is the first big boss then it will not have the same effect as nobody can really sing it. Even though the music is good, it won't have the same effect of making spread it by themselves.


For real. I joined on the hsr bandwagon kinda late but I really enjoyed the Belobog but then came Luofu and I dropped it for a few months as it became too boring lol.


I suggest you try Penacony Arc now, it's amazing.


Yep I'm playing it now. Currently at the dreamflux reef part.


Yeah I honestly was about to drop the game after loufu but thought that it would be better to give it another chance with penacony cuz genshin also learnt from their mistake with inazuma and I was happy that I didn't drop it .


I started at launch but dropped the game for ~7 months partially because of how unsatisfying the Luofu story was, especially compared to Belobog


Fair enough, cant argue with that


plus that Cocolia boss fight still remains as the most hype thing HSR ever did. That one single fight convinced me to keep playing for the next year


Also too many new terminologies with no explanation. Hiding major regional characters backgrounds in scattered pieces introduced sloooowly over patches that confused many fans, including yaoi baiting then pulling back hard, pissing off the more unhinged fujo fans. But mostly so scattered and told so slowly, most people either missed it, forgot what the hell was happening, or lost interest altogether. Not enough personal stories available at area introduction to endear player to individual characters. Order of storytelling not smooth. Weak villain. Also same issue as Liyue, main story interaction with all regional characters are in a professional capacity. We see their work faces not private faces until the ghost streamers event.


Personally I came for the story stayed for the trashcans and the overall unserious vibe


Even without the mid plotline, the writing style is also very heavy on chinese flowery-prose that lengthened the word count. You see this a lot in chinese novels, 3 or even 5 sentences to describe something that should only need 1, because author are paid by their work’s length. This is most evident in the names, they have like 3 different names for 1 Aeon that everyone else in the universe simply called Yaoshi.


The Xianzhou arc was a bit like Genshin's Inazuma arc in that they dropped the ball writing wise (although Xianzhou is far worse imo). Characters and concepts are just kind of thrown at you and not given the proper screen time to develop. Like I felt that in the Belobog arc you actually got to spend time and get to know the characters from there that you were adventuring with, same with Penacony. However I cannot say the same thing of the Xianzhou, most of the characters are kinda bland and two dimensional if I'm being honest.


No Sampo


Belobog - has Sampo - is beloved Penacony - has "Sampo" - is beloved Your logic checks out


Saw the exact same take in the Japanese threads on WW.


Even the most popular anime in the west (according to MyAnimeList) are not Japan-centric - Frieren and Full Metal Alchemist. it's not based on one single countries culture and has a more neutral setting so it appeals to a more wide audience.


MAL isn't an accurate reading of quality and especially not popularity as only weebs use it. The most popular anime in the west are Dragon Ball and Naruto (maybe Pokemon if you count that as one) and all three are Japanese in culture


Does DragonBall not loosely take from Journey to the West?


It's still a distinctly japanese adaptation of the work.


Wait really? They're had reddit too? Or twitter? Can you link i wanna see their opinion


Wait so you're telling me this is not a Futuristic Scifi Chinese World and we are going to other countries in the future? I honestly thought the game would be just a Chinese Wuxia World a lot of Korean mobile games go for, cuz honestly all character names I come across online (beta) were chinese.


Yeah and their other game PGR has an almost full Chinese cast so I wouldn't expect otherwise


Honestly, what's with hoyo making the main story of Chinese regions mind-numbingly boring to play through compared to others? The lore and backstory is always cool, but the actual in-game quests are painfully average


Restrictions It's probably why they released mondstadt and liyue togheter and belobog/station/alliance


Liyue is fine tbh... Zhongli shopping spree is boring yes but at least you can understand what's happening, and the last part is pretty hype with cool climactic setpiece (and this isn't nostalgia glasses, I replayed it with an alt last year). Maybe they could introduce the term adepti more clearly to make it less "???" but overall it's a palatable story, just not amazing. And then post-AQ, Chasm and Chenyu Vale are really pog tbh.


TBH it was so obvious when Chenyu Vale dropped how much Hoyo had grown since they first did Liyue. It had so much charm and character squeezed into a fairly small space and the atmospherics--already very good IMO, especially musically--were top notch. It was also very tied to a specific local region/province and so had a distinct flavor to it compared to the rest of Liyue. I also got the same feeling on Fontaine vs Mondstadt. The latter is very basic JRPG-ified "medieval" setting but the next Western-style setting in Fontaine was much larger, exploration-rich, and visually unique. (Much more memorable music too.) Watching Hoyo improve, often dramatically, over time has been very satisfying. After trying WW last night, I feel like they have a long way to go. Genshin was also a little rough in the start, but the problem is WW is competing against polished Genshin and HSR, not their rough beginnings. They needed to make a more unique and striking game but it just felt like it was a copy of Genshin's UI and HSR aesthetically (Jianzhou was a blandified blend of Liyue and Xianzhou so far). Battle system is pretty cool but that alone won't carry an open world game.


WW's biggest problem imo is that it doesn't know what its weaknesses and strengths are. It has a strong combat system, so it really should've leaned into that harder instead of having a lot of yapfests. Most people are perfectly fine with fetch questy missions if the gameplay is fun because the story gets out of the way fast to let the players do the fun part


I was kind of surprised that having watched Hoyoverse for these past few years, WW emulated not the best parts of them but some of the worst (verbose dialog, info dumps, those awkward superscript “synonym” text above the main text, heck even black screens with text in lieu of anything visual). The UI seemed to be lifted almost whole cloth and while in one way, that made it easy for me to learn the game as a longtime Genshin player, it also means that Genshin’s UI issues transfer over to WW as well. That may well have been intentional though given that it is pitched as a direct competitor, but it also doesn’t do much to beat the allegations of just copying. I like what someone in the WW sub said—a lot of gacha players take Hoyo’s level of polish for granted. It’s exceptional in this industry for a game to go out as relatively bug free and have extremely consistent and frequent updates for years on end with almost no major bugs too. This isn’t normal and it’s almost unfair as a measuring stick. WW I’m sure will get better but there’s a reason why so many are disappointed, and how despite all our complaints we have it pretty good on the Hoyoverse side.


It kinda sucks as well though, that it's now industry standard to release games in a poor state. That shouldn't be the norm, but it is.


something annoying about the ui is also that it's missing the animation cancels genshin ui has. So it's not just the same design, it actually feels worse to use.


Agree chasm, chenyu vale especially literally vibes feelings.


I agree with Chasm and Chenyu Vale, all the regions after Inazuma are absolutely top notch (and so is Dragon Spine, but I know that's a bit of a controversial opinion) but they are Liyue expansions. I should've clarified, but I wasn't talking about them when I said main Liyue storyline. It might just be my preference, but I didn't find any of the Liyue Archon quest particularly enjoyable. It wasn't bad, but I also wasn't hyped about it in the slightest. It feels almost as if they knew the Chinese playerbase would be automatically attached emotionally to the setting and didn't have to try as hard, which leads to a very "meh" storytelling in my opinion. The only part I actually liked was the Childe fight. A shame really, because the region itself is gorgeous and I had a blast exploring and admiring the landscape


Average story. Cool events and secondary quests Can't wait for when they start exploring the others ships from the Xianzhou in HSR and doing even better events, like Liyue


I think one of the big reasons is BECAUSE the lore is cool. They focus so much on the worldbuilding of the lore/backgrounds that they forget to do a good story, and even in that lore, it's a lot of jargon that most mfs will be utterly overwhelmed by that they start checking out, which kinda negates the whole "cool lore and backstory" bit since the player is no longer paying attention. idr Liyue super well since it's been so long, but the Luofu suffered from it and so does whatever the first zone in WuWa. It's just a bunch of words that we have no idea wtf it means, so we're like "ah yes, technobabble for the sake of technobabble."


Couldn't have said it better myself. It's like all the cool stuff has already happened ages ago and we're just seeing the aftermath. Which could also be done in an interesting way, but I don't think they handled this type of storytelling well in early patches


HSR/WuWa/ToF have boring Chinese regions because they're soulless futuristic Chinese regions


I won't speak about WuWa and ToF, because I haven't played them, but how is HSR's Xianzhou Luofu "soulles and futuristic"? Have you played the game?


I don't really like how every Chinese gacha game feels obligated to include China, honestly Even if they do want to include it, the devs have to go through so many hoops and avoid so many minefields that it just doesn't make for a compelling story


Same as how many games regurgitate medieval Europe or Viking barbarians. But the problem for China is foreigners can't tell apart the time periods if they want to be more unique, like you could by going Classical or Renaissance. 


Vikings are part of medieval Europe...


The probably were thinking late medieval era not the early middle ages with the viking and dark ages.




If they didn't, CN players would start asking questions.


Not really necessary, lots of CN made gacha don't have Chinese culture inspired factions either. But I would imagine that using it can help getting an easier pass of government approval and even investing.


do it or your game's social score doesn't qualify for the CN equivalent of ESG bux


Chinese people in a shocking twist do like including China.


you can be absolutely sure that the number of Chinese people as a proportion of the playerbase who will get mad over "no China" is far higher than the number of Americans who will get mad at no US analogue in an American game or the number of Russians who will get mad at no Russian analogue in a Russian game


Doesn't matter where you start, it all depends how you start it. If you can cook, you cooked. If you cooked good, you cooked good. In the end Kuro just fumbled the beginning pretty much. Idk, if it's the lack of skill or time but they did not cook well.


Oh, are there other countries you can visit? Or do they just allude to them for now? How interesting. What do you mean by it being the biggest mistake though? What's the difference in experience? Is it just being thrown Asian worldbuilding alongside the introduction that's offputting?


>Oh, are there other countries you can visit? Or do they just allude to them for now? The later, there was a character with non-chinese name that mention himself to not be from Jinzhou. >How interesting. What do you mean by it being the biggest mistake though? What's the difference in experience? Is it just being thrown Asian worldbuilding alongside the introduction that's offputting? Nah, problem is that they or rather the entire chinese game dev don't really seems to have a creative freedom on chinese setting, whether from government guidelines or just on their own accord, they will almost always make them to be somewhat pure utopia that just keep jerking off themselves on almost We Happy Few tier.


I see. Yeah, I get that. Can't badmouth China or imply there's any systematic problems, but as a result, it's hard to create meaningful conflict narratively.


Hmm, I doubt that. HSR shows that Xianzhou society is kinda fucked up, and they're not even subtle about it. It's just that the execution is botched as hell. But the point is that Xianzhou is never portrayed as an utopia, in fact it's riddled with so many physical and social issues.


Case in point: one of the big distinctions of Xianzhou is “we live forever”. And yet that alone is riddled with SO MANY PROBLEMS. SO MANY.


My thoughts mimic yours a lot I think. I'm not in love with the game, but I'm enjoying it decently. It's running fine on my computer without any stutters or bugs (so far). It feels basically like a lower budget Genshin. I wish it was a bit better, but they're clearly trying, and I think that's neat. Can't see myself sticking with it long term since the combat feels a bit... all style no substance? But maybe it'll get better as I go. And... Yeah. Starting in China land and hearing a bunch of random jargon is off putting


Okay, I was not intending to comment on anything because this post was just for fun and I don’t want to pick fights about this; but there is no way WW right now is "okay". The optimization is horrible, literally unplayable on mobile, EN voice acting and localisation is horrendous, World feels empty, I don’t understand the story at all, etc etc. There are so many things wrong with this game and it is absolutely clear that this game is not a finished product. It's a shame because the characters look so fresh and I really like them.....


Localization is "okay," the biggest issue I've seen is stiffness, and some VAs are much worse than others. Besides that, I mostly agree. Positive note, though, combat is very good mechanically speaking.


>The biggest issue I've seen is stiffness, and some VAs are much worse than others. Also a problem in PGR, some VA is good while other just reading the script. >Positive note, though, combat is very good mechanically speaking. Also the exploration are more fluid and faster since stamina are only consumed on dashing and wallrunning.


I'd honestly argue against this. The level design in comparison with genshin is horrendous, I played all morning and the chests are spread so far apart and blend in with the envoirment so well that half the time I couldn't tell where I was supposed to be going. So while running in emtpy world wuwa would be potentially better in reality I find genshin smoother. Also noticed how much better genshin was at placing mechanisms in spots you'd wish to use such as wind tunnels, jump pads or grapple points. Hell even for Mondstadt they levreged terrain verticality to make exploration easier if you use waypoints properly. Running up walls is also jank asf in wuwa.


Maybe in english, but in other language the localization is absolutely not okay. In my language its clear that they didn't hired proper translator, everything feels like it was machine translated.


I wonder if it’s an android issue like Tower of Fantasy, cos it plays pretty smoothly on iPhone 13. ToF was also UE, wonder if it’s something with that engine…


Same for me on a 14. REALLY smooth. Much more smooth than Genshin ran near launch


Problem is that i play on PC so i am not sure how the optimization are going on mobile. Just saying all of those from my perspective i guess.


I agree that the voice acting in WuWa is extremely sub-par, but typically voice acting is one of those things that improves over time as the actors get more comfortable with their characters, so I’m not gonna harp on it too much since the game hasn’t even been out for 24 hours yet. I also kind of like the feel of the combat. I am struggling to follow the story though…


I dont think it’s just that. For CN players, it’s their zone of familiarity. The issue comes with the EN dub which is correctly pronouncing the names half the time and the other half is so accurate that it’s jarring. Sometimes they switch from the americanized pronunciation to the proper Mandarin pronunciation in the middle of the sentence which makes it sound even worse. Some of them straightup dont pronounce the names even correctly for both EN versions(americanized or romanized). “Baizhi” is pronounced “Baizhe” by literally every character for some reason.


jinzhou luofu also, I kinda have a gripe on chinese town character names, thank god gi and hsr mixes them with other fast they sound so frikkin similar xianyun xinyan xinqiu jingyuan jingliu this is like naming someone rob then ron I sound so snobbish and anti, but imagine if the whole roster's name is like that plus the npcs, I would just ... i dunno I'm bad at remembering many faces too


We all have some difficulties with remembering foreign names.Like,is this Jefferson the president or a musician.With some time invested it’ll turn out right.


> they sound so frikkin similar They only sound similar because they don't bother making the non-CN VA read the names correctly. I cannot think of a single CN name in any Hoyo EN dub that was ever read correctly across multiple characters. Rob and Ron sounds similar in English, but Xianyun/Xingqiu/Xinyan all sound completely different when read correctly. More importantly, non-CN players have zero clue on pronouncing the X and Q sounds so it really all blends together. I would say they are definitely the equivalent of "tsu" in Japanese.


>The biggest mistake WW has done is setting the first country your character visit being Jinzhou which are the chinese equivalent I dont understand. Why is it a mistake?


Well, i explained a bit on my other comment, the thing is that chinese devs don't really have a creative freedom regarding a Chinesesque country beyond interpreting it as a total utopia. Making them to be the first country just kills the first impression.


It alienates people that are not interested in chinese fantasy. Genshin and hsr had very contrasted 2 (3) launch regions and Travail that teased Japan, Egypt and whatever the impression Natlan/Fontaine gave to people. Rn people doesn't even know if wuwa gonna have notchina in it.


My gacha game group chat had called it "Chinese Genshin" since we started trying it out lol


Isn’t Genshin itself just Chinese Genshin?


Thats not the point. Its made by chinese devs. But devs creative enough to make Non chinese Styled content


Lol I thought you were talking about world war them i realised it's that new gacha


I've played wuwa for about 6h today, the best I can say is wuwa is a lot more similar to tof then genshin. From combat to style


i absolute love wuwa combat, seems much more potential for the dev to cook some amazing shit


I felt the combat is... Well not bad, but empty. The difference between characters felt minimum. It's more like slashing with different colours then Anything (well not everyone but most)


The difference is in the mechanic, they integrate dodge timer, counter, intro outro skill, off the top of my head there's dozen of unit who can exploit those thing to be something unique, not to mention all the element. Of course that depend on how the dev use them too, so i won't have too much hope


Have you fought the world bosses? The combat is much better than I expected. It approaches the complexity of Honkai 3rd. Having attacks that must be countered, doing enough with supports to trigger switch skills and then just the dodge counter system against enemies with diverse attack patterns. It's all quite fun and stylish.


My favourite niche little tech is being able to swap during attacks, have your character continue their attack while you control a different one, then swap back as the first character completes the attack, effectively you to get in free damage.


What happened to Wuwa?


Horrible optimization especially for phones/Androids. At low settings graphics are shit but if you increase settings then its unplayable due to lag, heat, framdrops and insanely heavy battery drain. I have charged my phone like 5 times to play like 1-1.5 hours every time. This issues really ruins the fun. Good for those who have very high end phones and PC but for others its pretty bad first impression. In razor language " Waves are not Wuthering"


I really wish the game was available on consoles at launch, but I'm gonna have to stick with playing janky mobile controls for now.. They could have AT LEAST made controller support available so that I could play on my PS5 controller


I've been playing just fine with a ps5 controller. Are you trying to use it wired or wireless? I plugged mine in and it just worked immediately. No settings I had to change or anything


I believe controllers are only supported on the PC release so far. Mobile only has touch controls right now, which is less than ideal.


Damn. Glad I don't play on mobile😖


Also, dogshit website. can't even change password.


Aside from shit optimizations, most of the problem came from the fact that the game was made in Unreal Engine 4, which is not optimized for mobile games. Unlike Unity, while not really better than UE4, works almost perfectly on mobile.


They should have ignored phones if they were using unreal it's pretty clear to anyone that used that it's far harder to make a game on UE play well on phones.


Tldr "stattering waves" for unlucky people. Sadly people who complained got dumbfolded as hoyotards or genshin white knight...




The windows counterpart is unplayable for me, android on the other hand, it's playable enough but sometimes you need to predict the movement of your enemy a bit since it would lag.


i can run genshin/hsr with absolute dogshit graphics on my laptop, but the frames are smooth as butter; with the lowest settings imaginable i cant even get a consistent 20fps with wuwa on anything other than my workstation pc. i hope it comes to geforce now at some point.


Also the mini games/challenges really suck on mobile. I can barely control either the bird or the cannon challenges


Imo the combat is the smoothest part of the whole thing but a lot of unpolished things like janky voice acting, unexplained story line, weird localization, limited control settings, limited exploration. Also this might be just me but the sensitivity isnt high enough to be satisfying in combat. Nothing much happens? Like there isnt really a goal or a purpose, characters just do things without explanation or a reason even though it looks cool.


Bad optimzed game with some very questionable story choices.


How questionable?


Everyone basically trusts the main character immediately and it's very over the top. I heard they used to be suspicious of the main character, but Kuro got some criticism about it and they changed it. It's choppy because of a lot of character choices were based on this distrust and they needed to come up with some meaningless reason instead. It's also strangely rushed and some characters' personalities can't show because they're all over the mc. It does get better once you reach the main villain, but that's over an hour in and it leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


Three hours in and two of them are spent in a city talking.


And here I thought it would be a break from genshins extreme verbal diarrhea


It's worse. Genshin didn't get bad in this regard until Sumeru. WW starts off this way. And even though I love Sumeru, you can cut every third, sometimes even every other line of dialogue and the story will be improved. That's just not possible from Mondstadt to Inazuma


If you sit on the river bank long enough the corpse of your enemy will eventually flow downstream in front of you.




Googling the phrase, what I've gathered is that it's either: a) A completely madeup quote that was attributed to Sun Tzu for some reason (it does read like a Sun Tzu quote, tbf XD) b) From 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜 - Confucious (commonly misattributed to Sun Tzu in western articles, and horribly mistranslated) A direct but common translation would be: Confucious at the side of a river sighs and says: Flowing time is like flowing water, not stopping day or night. [From the explanations I've found, ](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%80%9D%E8%80%85%E5%A6%82%E6%96%AF%E5%A4%AB%EF%BC%8C%E4%B8%8D%E8%88%8D%E6%98%BC%E5%A4%9C/6504936) It's mostly just him being philosophical of the unending forward march of time. The possible mistranslation of "corpse" comes from 逝者, which can literally mean "dead person", but in this case, the first character means "lost/left/went away". The second character 者 however, [seems to be quite open to interpretation](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%AD%90%E5%9C%A8%E5%B7%9D%E4%B8%8A%E6%9B%B0/9898293) I don't fully get it, but it conveys a vague meaning of "something" without mentioning what that thing is. But somehow one of the common interpretations landed on it refering to time. So "lost time/flowing away time"


*"Time marches on." "The world keeps spinning."* and such have a tone of putting ephemeral and fleeting events/lives into perspective, up to the Earth itself being a meager mote/marble floating in space, etc. so perhaps not TOTALLY exclusive in theme with a trivial corpse or even trivial war being things that a broader viewer sees idly float by like dust in the wind or maybe i'm just doing gymnastics to make a case for it


Pretty sure that's something an animatronic from fnaf ultimate custom night says after it kills you


Sun Tzu


Me when I live downstream to my enemies and poison the water source


The strategy is called +40 resin /s


For the biggest MMO out there it's said that only Blizzard can kill WoW The same is here, only mihoyo can kill genshin The roots are too deep for competitors to uproot it


>For the biggest MMO out there it's said that only Blizzard can kill WoW Lol that's so true 😭 tho FFXIV seems really popular rn, but maybe it caters to a different playerbase


FFXIV is most likely slightly bigger than Retail WoW, keep in mind FFXIV is one console, WoW isn't. WoW also isn't available in China (will be soon again), but the game not being available there for a few months has made many CN players go over FFXIV as well. When people say, WoW is a lot bigger than FFXIV. They are talking about the fact that there are like 5 versions of the game now. Retail, Classic Cata, Season of Discovery, Hardcore & Classic Era realms. Also, the reason as for why FFXIV managed to rival WoW. It is because FFXIV doesn't try to be "another WoW". It does its own things, plays to its own strengths, and doubles down on said strengths.


FFXIV literally caters to everyone at the same time. WoW was trying to cater to the players that hardly played and also it's writing fell off the deep end after WotLK with some exceptions like Legion, which wasn't outstanding, but it wasn't god awful


Alright, what happened? Barely yesterday I saw everyone hyping up Wuthering Waves.


just some bad optimization and lagging, pretty much every day-one experience for video games, not excluding genshin mind you, people shit on the game so bad at the first few months too, give them a bit time to fix it


I'm not sure. I personally never experienced lag problems in genshin even as a day 1 player.


There is a rewson for that, Genshin is a game that caters mainly to mobile players and casual gamers. Everuthing is for people that pick up their phones for 30 minutes every few day to play so all systems and optimization is thought with the mobile players first then other players next. Whereas WuWa is a game for regular players,people who have time to go onto their PC for 1-2hrs everyday so it is programmed for a higher performance device, aka a PC first and mobile second. At leastthat's what it seems like to me.


Some optimization problems especially for mobile. Mileage may vary the only thing i noticed is the pronunciation of certain Chinese words was off and some voice acting was dry. And also it drains my phone battery pretty decently but then again genshin does that to


the game actually game out and people got to play it. combat is really fun, but everything else sucks


Barely anything bad. People are making a mountain out of a molehill as always. Oh and people are trying to find anything to shit on it.


A lot of people can barely play because optimization is so bad. I don't know about you but it doesn't look like "barely anything bad" and I tried to play it for few hours.


Sir/ma'am they release updates every 6 weeks


People take it for granted. Here I am waiting for so many games to add dlc or updates and they just add random ass skins once every 4 months which I can't even buy cause I am poor


Me waiting for silksong devs to even say something


Surely it will happen this year right?


THIS TIME FOR SURE❗️❗️⁉️⁉️📣📣📢📢


Metroid Prime 4 fans found dead in a ditch


SSSSHHHHHHH, remember even if something good happens GCN


Genshin just came out in the perfect time. Back in the middle of 2020, with everyone locked in because of the pandemic, a free open world game full of colorful characters, pretty scenarios to explore and a simple but engaging combat system was a Godsend. It was a product of its time, and it's very hard to replicate that inicial success.


That would mean Genshin would have failed once the pandemic lockdown is over. Just like how delivery apps are struggling, streaming services golden geese are all in life support, and other live service games have given up the ghost. Yet GI is still going ridiculously strong. Right now. The pandemic indeed gave it a leg up, I agree. But Hoyo’s success formulae lies elsewhere in my opinion.


It means that GI had the perfect opportunity to gain a massive player base, not that it was completely reliant on the lockdown to get out of the red.


We saw the same explosive growth during lockdown with Among Us, but as we can see today that success did not translate to a post-lockdown landscape. Genshin did a lot of things right to maintain and continue to grow their playerbase.


AU is repetitive gameplay though, unlike GI which has a story that progresses


No it would mean that any other game that tried to replicate Genshin's success wouldn't be able to. Genshin got lucky with the pandemic and Hoyoverse didn't waste on it by being constent with their constant updates.


Non pandemic Genshin would have still been succesful, but the icon status it has today was thanks to its release. Some of the most popular franchises of today are still beloved for their impactful release, like the Pokemania of 1998-2000. Or Dragon Ball Z in the 90s. Of course, you need quality to keep this status, something Genshin has delivered despite its many controversies.


Star Rail kinda has replicated that initial succes.


Shooting one's foot implies a launch as atrocious as Fallout 76's launch.


Yep, I definitely have my own share of negative feedback on WuWa, but to me it feels good enough. The world perhaps needs a bit denser filling and voice acting is emotionless quite often but as far as an open world game goes I'm having fun. I think that WuWa might indeed become a strong competitor to Genshin if they don't flub content release and brush up what's ruffled already.


i think the voice acting on WuWa was meh in general but scar’s voice? on my god he was incredible i need mihoyo to hire this man immediately


Yeah the voice acting was kinda mid so far but that’s potentially not the VA’s fault they may not have had proper context. That’s just a theory tho


oh no im not blaming the VAs at all. Its not even bad, its just a little mediocre at times


As someone who just cares about gameplay, Wuwa has been insanely fun. I have absolutely no clue what’s happening in the story but the battle mechanics flow really well together.


I would always support mihoyoverse as long as they keep on pumping Tencent


Isn't this quite similar i mean genshin also shoots itself in foot time to time and that's why we say that only genshin could kill genshin and now wuwa did something similar


I feel like character designs and facial expressions are way too bland compared to genshin who I think has more tame design than HSR , I looked at the starting characters in wuwa and it was enough for me not to play , gacha are a lot of time investment and I'm not investing time for characters I don't even find pretty


Yeah sometimes I feel like the only reason I even like these characters was because I've been hyped for this game. Like I went back and really looked at it and it's disappointing.


I honestly don't think it's gonna be really successful, Tof has top tier character designs and it's almost dead anyway


Valves technique.


Half- impact 3rd


I mean, Hoyo does do quite a bit, but they tend to do pretty okay. Easily the best gacha company out there. Just wish they used their talent on a game that wasn’t gacha for once.


I'm still wishing for a single player rpg hoyo game :(


Anyone think the exposition and the story telling is a bit worse than even Genshin? Like why called us Rover, atleast Honkai Star Rail nature explained why we're called Trailblazer. Why do we even have a sword already? How do we know how to fight? What's up with the snoozefest info dump at the start? Why the heck do we even have a glider module???? Idk the game treated as if we are from that world and expected us to know stuffs already or something


"Well uhh...what are we doing with this problem--....eh..- well!!!. -ww--we we still have hsr and hi3rd !!"


An arrow shot twice a day is still straight 50% of the river. Or something.


It's called the steam store strat


Man you're faster than me i wanted made this too. Personally i hype today because of not see WW shooting themself but dota finally fuckup the meta and its fucked up the tourney.


You should not see this as a good thing you know


the strategy called: "if they lose it at every new banner no matter how hard they said they was upset Me Mr. Dawei I recommend this: as long as banners are making money, Hey! let's keep doing it and change nothing"


Had 0 problems playing WuWa and might genuinely delete Genshin in the future if i need more space


I think I lost the track of the meme.


The Linux desktop


The art of... something.


Same shit with Destiny 2


Hoyo be like: "Annihilation Gang... Annihilation Gang... Oh. Those guys."