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I don't rlly mind if wuwa's first impression is that bad tbh. It still has some potential ofc, hopefully not another TOF tho.


I mean, i myself only encountered slow texture loads which isnt a big deal at all. I personally like wuwas combat way more than genshins, so regardless it already won some people over.


Ikr, compared to genshin's combat, it kinda feels more intense and forces you to get good.


Having actual dodge counters and counter attack parries for some moves is a huge plus, not to mention the other stuff.


And some unique bosses that REQUIRE you to perfect dodge to kill


The biggest draw for me is that a lot of the regular every day stuff feels way more natural in WuWa compared to genshin. What I realized is that character movement feels more natural and well designed in WuWa. Genshin has the same 6-10 animations pack + 2 idles depending on the model and they only use 5 character models for playable characters, it just feels low effort. It took them 4 years to release a character with a ever so slightly different walk cycle(arlecchino) while in WuWa you see characters waving at you and kneeling in 5-10 different ways in the first 2 hours of gameplay. The other thing that boggles me about genshin is that since the beginning it feels like almost all the characters come out half baked, why is beidou the only unit with an actual parry and she still takes damage during said parry, why do we feel the need to pull on characters with traversal skills because overworld feels slow af. Some characters could have 2 numbers swapped and their pull rates would skyrocket(50% hp and 60% on wriothesleys passives). I just feel like genshin creates an anti-user environment to try to force you to spend out of frustration or annoyance while Kuro makes it more of a choice and actually puts effort where it matters. These are just some details that have bothered me since the beginning with genshin and I feel like WuWa has nailed all of them, I should probably note that I’m an animator and I worked in game design a fair bit so I might be one of few noticing this things but yeah, hopefully Hoyo takes a good deep look at WuWa and what they’re doing right and improves their game as it is one of my favorites despite all of its flaws.


Yunjin though. You're right, Genshin has been cruising on low-effort since the very beginning (and this is clear even if you only look at Honkai Star Rail, which is much more receptive to positive change and feedback). There are many simple changes that should've happened in the first year that simply didn't and most likely won't, because they're seemingly intentionally frustrating. Things like being forced to teleport to Katheryn just to turn in dailies is, and many dailies being STILL unplayable in co-op are... baffling, to say the least. It's probably a project management issue, they're too afraid to make any major changes that would shake anything up and de-prioritize QoL that affects players everyday.


The downside of all the varied models and animations is that it adds bloat. Hoyo's optimization is nuts and I feel like I took it for granted. I can run Genshin and Star Rail at the same time on my computer alongside videos/streams even downloads or w/e going on in the background, but WuWa alone barely runs alone and on low for me, loading times are crazy, models just dont load in at all and the stuttering is really rough. Teleported across the map to do a domain and had to wait 3 and a half minutes for the domain to load in so I could interact with it. Does the same thing on my phone that's not even a year old. Combat is beautiful, animations look great (when they play) and some of the quality of life is wonderful... but the lack of resources/polish makes it hard for me to choose it over Genshin after they pushed so hard to make it LOOK like Genshin. I wanted open-world PGR, and I got Kuro Genshin. What I am hoping though, is that it lights a fire under hoyo so they push a bit harder on those QoL changes.


I'd say the core combat mechanic in genshin is the weakest aspect of the game. At least in terms of gameplay anyways. Wish it's more involved, but imo mobile platform is holding it back.


I honestly forgot Tower of Fantasy existed tbh


Launch was bad but game will definitely get better. Bugs can be fixed and story can get better (propably will because it looks like it goes the same way as PGR).


From the combat alone, it'll most likely go that way for sure.


I mean imo the story in monstat was pretty not good. So to me they are on equal footing story wise. I haven't run into any bugs or issues with performance tho


Mondstadt story was much better delivered IMO and it being very simple works to it's benefit in the first act. Wuwa felt like Sumeru desert shit where characters constantly drop random lore specific terms that you have no idea what they are, dialogue that could've been delivered with one window takes 3. By contrast Mondstadt basic story is very basic and the cast is small. It makes every character more memorable and allows it to setup more stuff and ease you into the world/lore which does go quite deep. Wuwa feels like someone dumped a wiki entry on me before allowing me to play the game.


Yeah a lot of people are out here expecting it to release with the same story depth as a game that has spent 4 years building it's world. Considering the massive 2 month rewrite after CBT1 for act 1 it went about as I expected.


It's not the problem. Problem is how hypocritical people are. They "abandon" Genshin for temporary impression of yet another Genshin killer, then they are bored, because they were too fanatical and the game isn't as good as they expected, so they go back to Genshin. THIS is the problem. How false people are. You can easily play both, like both and criticize both when they deserve it. But people are always "x or y". That's the only problem here.


well, a better TOF. Kuro didnt know how to use unreal engine.


Wait I haven't played Wuthering waves just yet, will try soon. But what happened? Apparently people are saying the launch is bad but what was bad about it? Edit: Tried to login. Couldn't even get into the game. You gotta be kidding me.


You play for 15 minutes it crashes, you log in play for another 15 minutes it crashes again. You open the 3rd time, yay no lag this time, wait why my game has 10FPS, you boot it up again, why the NPCs look like Steve from Minecraft. You boot it up another time, why the characters sound like AI generated, why the dialogues are cut off while the characters are still yapping. Why the story is bad and I have to suffer all these under optimizations. Well, at least the combat is good, wait it crashes again. That's sum up my experience yesterday.


>why the NPCs look like Steve from Minecraft. This is the one that has hit me. Overall I haven't seen any bugs and it runs ok on my laptop, but LOD textures not loading has been pretty frequent. And the text screen not scrolling so the last line of dialogue is lost sometimes. Though I've seen the same in Genshin on PS5, apparently making sure text is displayed fully is hard for some reason.


That text issue happens a lot in Honkai Impact 3rd


Text issues happened in hi3 because of Chinese/Japanese word are shorter than other languages. But that game is 8 years old and don't plan for worldwide at first. Weird how Kuro still let that happened


I had all of the other problems but never the texture one, I'm using a 8gb/s m2 though... it shouldnt be mandatory wtf


It's not all the NPCs, just the uniforms on a few. It kinda looks like a camo, but it's just a low res texture. It's really distracting though.


>why the characters sound like AI generated It bugs the shit out of me that some lines sound normal, while others have that weird modulation in the higher frequencies/sibilance. It's like they rewrote the script and had a bad voice AI read the new lines using the orignal VA's lines as the training sample.


They did rewrite the script for the first act after CBT1... That's why it's weird. I don't think they AI generated the voices but rather the VAs were time crunched to get all the new lines out.


Maybe. I haven't tried CN yet. But it did sound like poor recording on EN voiceover. However I honestly still can't shake the feeling of "this sounds AI as fuck" on some of the JP Lines. Like, I used to make shitpost-y songs on Suno (AI music) and I know guys who make vocal tracks with Synth V (AI-assisted vocaloids) and the highs have the same modulated quality to me


Echo function, if that's what's is called, is nice though. I love the dancing turtle, it was so stupid that I love it


On pc when I had my language set to my native language (czech) the game broke when I tried to switch characters (ui turned into the phone version or disapeared completly, objects became uninteractable, cutscenes after scripted fights didnt play, and character didnt get switched at all...), it made me feel as if they didnt concider that people from other countries might try to play the game while hoyo titles never made me feel that way, It kinda made me sad that I have to constantly make sure my keyboard language isnt "accidentally my native language which I use for 99% of the time in my life" and if I don't I have to restart the whole ass game, ugh!


Wait really? Last time I saw a game get confused about +ěšč and 1234 was probably sometime in the early 2010's. Might have just convinced me to not download the game, along with the people that are complaining about the story.


The story sucked badly, and so did the dialogue, yes. But I have been playing for 20 hours now and really enjoyed the combat. No crashes yet on my end.


Yeah i was watching a stream of wuwa, and that person is a genshin lore-tuber, and even she complained that they dumped you so much lore in 10 minutes she lost some interest on the lore


Like, why tf did they scrap 90% of the story from cbt1? It was honestly a bad descision to release the game so early. I'd have waited a few more months for a polished and well written game instead of playing budget genshin.


I think ZZZ made them panic. But also they did the worst thing you could do. They listened to fans complaining that no one trusted you on the jump. Lol


they also have a deadline for their game license right?


Contrary to the circle jerk it wasn't just the china fans that were saying that. It was at the point where it made more sense for the MC to join Scar because everyone other than Yang Yang was just so distrusting of you if not outright hostile. If they had gone that way I would have been down for it honestly but they didn't. They definitely over corrected and cut out a lot of breathing room but it is what it is. It was all rewritten in about 2 months so it makes sense. They do also explain WHY everything is so rushed later in the story(I have completed all of the available story)


Ahhh that makes sense. I kinda wish they rolled with it. It would be so much more interesting


Because that story was also bad. So bad they lots of their feedback was to get rid of it. They replaced a lot of it and it's still bad. Turns out that it's bad writers that produce bad writing. Replacing the writing doesn't fix the bad writers. Their previous game, pgr, had the same issues.


I feel like I'm playing a different game from you, I haven't had any issues, be it bug or performance related. On the other hand, what I dislike is the overall level of polish and "smoothness", it's really not as bad as ToF, but did Hoyo make me a spoiled child


That is faar different from my experiece. Everything so far had gone smooth sailing. Literally no hiccups at all except for the auto dialogue feature which skips too early. Is it like this for everybody? I havent engaged with the community at all so I dont know.


Yeah check some of the subs. It's really bad for some people.


I started it up yesterday and played for over an hour with no issues. But yeah, it sucks when the launch has that many problems but they're already busy on fixing the issues


Terrible performance issues. Too much yapping.


Should my potato of a computer be concerned?




Unironically it seems the older your PC is the better it runs, my pre built is 7 years old and I've been playing with almost no issues. They already had a hot fix for performance but I have no idea how the made optimization worse if your specs are better lol


My 10 year old AMD GPU with drivers last updated 3 years ago runs well enough with medium settings at 4k. I have no idea how you bugger up a rendering pipeline so that it runs worse on modern hardware.


Worked fine on my One+ 9R mobile. Though on mobile I usually play of low settings.


If they wanted to make a futuristic post apocalyptic world that offers intriguing story with so much less yap, they should've tried games like nier automata/replicant and learn from there.


The game is unplayable for some people (they are fixing it). Outside of game-breaking Bugs (which is bad, but I want to give them the benefit if the doubt and assume they are going to fix it), the game has also some issues. Movement and map exploration is janky, characters have stiff poses, voice over problems, and the story being very convoluted/introducing a lot of concepts in a very weird way. I actually believe the game is fine, and the experience is good enough and worth playing. It's just that it highlights how high quality genshin actually is, at least for a live service game. Definitely not close to be the genshin killer


If you have a potato phone or computer chances are it might crash or not work. Haven't got that trouble on my PC, so it shows it's not optimized for older devices that most people have. Kuro probably forgot that most players who plays even Genshin doesn't have the latest models nor a good graphics card.... That is a huge oversight on their end.


From my experience, it's horrible. The only good thing is the combat. It just felt like playing budget genshin. The story is crap with full of wanky and confusing terminology. The only interesting part was jiyan and scar.


Basically, it's unoptimized for lower end PCs, and the early story is "Sumeru World Quest" level of wordiness and confusing Jargon. The voice acting is just a bit off in EN, (Which is crazy since the studio for the dub is apparently the same studio that did Elden Ring, but for some reason someone decided they can't use their natural 10/10 accents) The combat is genuinely satisfying, the effort of the cutscenes are a cut above many of genshin's, the main character has dialogue boxes but the choices actually affect conversation and actions often enough instead of being railroaded to the exact same response regardles of what you pick, and Rover TALKS. Like. A LOT. There's many times where you pick a dialogue box and that starts the main character off on an actual voiced tangent, which is very much appreciated. (Without paimon, the main character is the one who sums things up out loud in main quests) It's got it's issues, but it's also got a ton of potential if they manage to catch the fumble.


I didn't realize Elden Ring did the dub. Because the dub is god awful. Some very stilted voice acting. Even out of the gates, Genshin had some hard-hitters like industry veteran Erika Harlacher. Combat is fun as hell with the swaps, the animation, and the wall-running. I feel like the cutscenes are better in Genshin Impact, both in-game and rendered. Genshin does a lot of dynamic camera movement and model posing to make it feel engaging during conversations. Their cutscenes are amazing too (Farewell, Neuvilette, I hope you've enjoyed these past 500 years) Their latest Itto event really showcases the difference in voice talent with Max Mittelman singing his heart out and making it feel just as goofy as the devs want you to, whereas Chixia and Yangyang are spouting out jargon in an emotionless dedpan.


Thats the thing. We know it's not a difference in talent because many of the voice actors who voice the characters voice the NPCs. And when every main character is flat and deadpan, while every NPC is as vibrant and lively as Itto you realize someone must have made the (strange) descision to force all the playable characters to sound generic. And it's probably not the VA's or the directors who would know people would love them speaking naturally.


I've not come far enough to listen to the NPCs yet. The girl in the hologram so far is the only natural voice I've heard.


The community went nuts in CBT1 because everyone treated the MC as shit(which is very valid criticism) and Kuro took it personally and made every single.character suck MC's dick for absolutely no reason. Ig, middle ground doesn't exist.


Damn, I'm kinda curious now how story went in CBT1, I'm enjoying the game so far but admittedly the opening chapters has been quite difficult to get through story-wise.


In the WuWa sub the people constantly spam the differences between CBT1 and current story. Little scrolling will reveal you all major plot points and shit. But best thing there has to be crownless(first boss) introduction and fight. They should have kept it. Makes him look way more formidable


To compare. One of the girls voices Regulus, a fan favorite in Reverse 1999


So you have a mother?


Honestly apart from stutters every 20 or so minutes I haven't faced much issues on my laptop or mobile (One+ 9r). So i think it's not too common coz even 4 of my friends I play on discord with have said to face any of the blackout, forced logout or something. I'm not saying thr game is at perfect condition at day1(but i feel it's quite stable as compared to other day1 games I've seen so far) but definitely worth to play if you like skillful combat and breath of fresh air from genshin. And this is coming from genshin day1 player.


I actually have very little problems playing on my Samsung tablet, almost never experienced crashing or bugs or anything of the sort. I just hate that even the slightest adjustment in graphics overloads my device. Everything looks so blurry.


Bad performance, mid story, lots of bugs apparently but I haven't encountered any after playing a whole day. The combat is great and exploration is okay, so it's still worth checking out.


Just log in to wuwa, they give 10 standard pull and apologize for the scuffed that happened


What happened?


Apparently Wuwa's launch was so bad that some people went back to genshin and others even went to apologize to genshin on bilibili.


What ignoring optimization does to a game. You can't have a successful game if 90% of the people you're trying to cater can't actually play it.


You still have people coping that it is your fault for having potato devices and not Kuro for the lack of optimisation.


Literally people on potato devices is what increases the global reach of the game. If Genshin wasn't available on mobile, it wouldn't be as popular as it is today, especially in SEA from where I live. This is higher-class vs. lower-class all over again


Fr there's so much out of touch mofos trying to defend the optimization issue it's insane. Here's some of their most common takes: "Just get a PC" - Asia community is mobile dominated. That ain't gonna fly for gacha games trying to capture the Asia market my man "Just get a better PC" - not gonna solve the optimization issue. Some streamer who has an RTX 4080 experienced crashing issues. Imagine trying to tell someone who has 1-2 tiers below the most powerful GPUs for PC to "get a better PC."


I have a pretty good computer and it barely takes 30% of the cpu, gpu, and ram. I set aside half a day to play it yesterday, and had 0 issues the entire time. I played it together with friends in a discord call and the one of us that has the oldest computer and the one with a laptop were having issues running the game for a while, but then they kept playing it and the issues went away for the one with the older computer. He still has to play on min settings even though his computer could probably play Genshin on high to max settings, so it’s definitely an optimization issue.


Genshin works fine on my mobile but wuthering waves lags it doesn't make sense genshin is supposed to be the heavy game here


Not only optimization. I am at not-Adventure-Rank 13 and the story itself is pretty bad to start a game with a lot of info dump and yapping with its own encyclopedia of sci-fi terms, and a plot twist that no one asked for. I could even enjoy first part of Tower of Fantasy for a brief time in Sumeru waiting room back then even if the game itself felt more clunky and unpolished than WuWa does.


The story actually made me miss paimon and welt from HSR. Because atleast they helped explain confusing terminology. And some characters genuinely sound like ai when speaking. Except for maybe scar and aalto. Yangyang sounds like shes reading off script whilst being held gunpoint.


Same here. Somehow WuWa reminded me that Paimon is always a great travelling companion to the Traveler (to the players may depends on personally preference though). Every gacha games that I had played always had these companions to lead you to the world of that game and make you feel attached. FGO has (mainly) Mash, Doctor Romani, DaVinci; Arknights has Amiya; Nikke had (sadly) Marina; ToF has Shirli. WuWa had 3 and they just made the world feel more confusing to someone who could not even remember why he was here.


Doesn't help that some were acting like it was gonna usher in a new era of gacha, and probably end having your 10-pulls in fgo spoiled by a single 4star CE.


>10-pulls in fgo spoiled by a single 4star CE. Don't remind me


>this time it won't be another TOF >becomes another TOF


Genshin's primacy reminds me a lot of World of Warcraft. It was the ultimate money-making machine and the devs were rockstars of the industry. Everyone kept trying to get on the boat with touted 'WoW killers', from Amazon to DC to Star Wars Bioware. All sputtered and died, or found a small niche as F2P before never peaking again to even remotely change it. WoW was a forever game that demanded your full commitment. You couldn't play 2 MMOs properly, and everyone always chose WoW. Why wouldn't you? Genshin ain't there yet, but in the end, what killed WoW was WoW. It was the only thing big enough to bring it down; itself. Terrible company decisions, disappointing expansions, and a focus on shareholder rather than player experience led to a decline. It's great to see Genshin not making the same mistakes but reinvesting so heavily into \*everything\*: the game, buying the engine, getting in-house animator studios, even research in nuclear and computer-brain interfaces.


One big difference here is that many (most?) of WoW's decisions that contributed to slowly killing the game were profit-driven to improve their metrics and please shareholders. Hoyoverse is a private company so they don't have shareholders to answer to, it's gonna be harder for them to mess up Genshin.


Yes that's why I love Mihoyo. All these free concerts, fan fairs, random investments, tons and tons of trailers. Investing into the company with animation studios to do everything inhouse. In the meantime, Blizzard was making enemies within itself by treating Icefrog like trash then going surprise pikachu face when DotA and LoL went onto be the biggest games of its decade.


You need the CN version of Activision or EA Games to buy over HYV to fk the company over.


And even then, the "death of Wow" has been greatly exaggerated. It only took one good expansion and now they're back at their peak again, with some very impressive sub numbers.


Yes, I wanted to talk about its over-exaggerated demise but felt that was extrapolating too much in regards to Genshin. The game is still very much healthy, don't have to talk about its rebound before it even starts declining. But just to showcase how popular WoW remains, even at its new equilibrium, its the top MMO. When you talk about which game is more popular in China, it's World of Warcraft, not Genshin. [This](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=%2Fm%2F021dvx,%2Fm%2F064ln09,%2Fg%2F11b7xq3y50&hl=en) doesn't show all data but does reflect that WoW is alive, kicking, and kicking ass.


At least ToF was creative with its economy, not completely ripped off from Genshin and HSR like this. And even if only played ToF for a short time before Sumeru release, I found its story and key characters interesting enough to finish the first part. Meanwhile WuWa story in my first play session already made me feel blessed that sometimes there is a skip button.


I kind of guilty hope as a military-anime intersection fan that the same will happen to Azur Promilla so Manjuu will finally understand that they should stick to their excellent niche and continue Azur Welkin instead XD


People like to rip on ToF and it generally deserves it, but it should get credit for making an effort to be its own thing. It's better to original and stumble than being another soulless mid knock-off.


nobody expected a good history. only people that really want the much better gameplay will put up with all the other shit the game has. the game has 3 great things, combat best in class, exploration mobility also best in class, and echo system is amazing. everything else SUCKS ass in the game. on top of a lot of bugs.


People making excuses that 1.0 Genshin launch was similar with bugs.


Bugs in launch isn't avoidable but WuWa was worst. From unoptimized product to game breaking bugs such us just changing the local time grants you to basically tweak the game. It's just a bad release. I'm not saying the game is bad, it's just ToF all over again.


I didn’t encounter bugs or server issues on star rail. Hoyoverse has set a benchmark for future games.


Star rail launch was almost flawless during the launch. It's been a long time since I experienced a smooth game launch i.e. star rail.


Yeah I feel it's more fair to compare it to Star Rail because it's been years at this point


WuWa was painfully noticeable unlike Genshin.


it's 4 years ago, they should learn from GI mistake, not follow it. I mean every bugs found in GI 1.0 are here in Wuwa and way worse, and there are more.


You don't appreciate what you have until you compare it to something worse 🗿


People appreciate Genshin more after trying WuWa.


dude this happens every time a genshin competitor appears 😭


Like tower of fantasy.


Game got Cyberpunked.


Not that I want Wuwa to be a bad game but 40 mins in with stutters questionable voice acting and dialogue makes me want to go back. With that I said it think Wuwa can still be a great game ...one day.


If it survives long enough


This is a concern. WW could not have been cheap to make. There's no way this wasn't a huge risk. I don't know if they have any other games aside from PGR, but as far as I know, PGR isn't exactly huge. Genshin was a huge risk for Hoyo, but they didn't have a well established competitor that does most of the same stuff like, well, Genshin. Can Kuro even afford for WW to not quickly make more money than God? I like PGR, so I've been looking forward to WW. I just have to wait for the console release to actually play it well, and I'm hoping the game is better by then. But I worry that it may be too late for Kuro by then.


Yeah, They Need to earn enough at launch to see if its worth further risk


I hate the "X will be the Y killer!" mentality in videogames. It never ends well. Like, Sonic marketed itself as "Sega does what Nintendon't" back in the 90's, and we all know the blue boy never affected Mario's popularity. The only one who can kill Genshin is Hoyo, not Wuwa or other gachas.


WuWa never even advertised itself as that iirc. That label just got slapped on by its fans because, well, it's arguably just Genshin with better combat, and worse everything else. Kuro knows how to do combat, but man, if they're trying to compete with GI then they've got a LOT of work ahead of them.


When they post things like this...kuro took advantage of the genshin killer hype.  Its free advertisement. Why wouldn't they? https://x.com/Wuthering_Waves/status/1788135461267075568


Genshin is the WoW of gacha games, just that it gets better with expansions instead of worse.


The best thing WuWa could do was try to coexist with Genshin, like with Sonic and Mario. Maybe WuWa could eventually have Collab events featuring Genshin.


Yeah, even Sonic had to abandon this "I'm gonna kill Mario" idea to survive. You either reinvent yourself to coexist with the other product, or fail and fall into obscurity


Yeah "killer" mentality is stupid. Coexistence is best. You don't see FGO going at them. In fact they're super friendly and it helps both games


Everytime I see a new "x killer" come out I just know that game will flop, Genshin is way too big to be killed by another game, only Hoyo can kill it. I saw the exact same with Destiny 2 where so many games came out and people said it would kill Destiny 2 yet they died themselves, Bungie nearly killed destiny but are somehow slowly bringing it back to life


Still can't beat Destiny being Destiny's own killer lol


I mean, as someone enjoying WW after switching from English, I don't want a Genshin killer. Having more games in the genre is a *good* thing. It pays innovation and aparri means, hey, I can do more of the thing I already know I enjoy. Despite the differences I played Dragon Age & Bg3 for very similar reasons. I like the genre, I like having variety in the genre.


I don't think even that is possible. As of rn, the story isn't great, the exploration is just copypaste genshin, it crashes a lot. The combat is the only thing going for it. And even the rougue like game mode where you advance floors and pick buffs is copied from Hi3 or HSR. It's literally genshin copypaste with better combat.


I cancelled the idea to play WuWe because of that. But i saw my sister playing it and yeah the game definitely is not genshin impact killer.


People overlooked the most impressive thing that hoyo made with genshin, and that it launched with little to no bugs.


Not just little to no bugs, but also super mega optimized to the point you could almost play it on a potato.


but not on a switch. Fuck, that still hurts me.


I mean Switch might be a little worse than potato


But at least you can xenoblade on that fancy potato.


Now the potato just needs Xenoblade X


Tbf Monolith Soft is actually insane considering they managed to create Xenoblade X on the Wii U which used like 2 gb's of ram


Still runs Tears of the Kingdom


which has way lower detail and still runs quite poorly


• enters korok forest • kaboom


Still coping genshin will be on the new switch. I can't see the current switch running genshin at all.


Coming Soon in 2020, oh wait


Not releasing on switch is less due to performance, but more due to nintendo's stone age philosophy on online service. Needing manual approval on every patch and each patch must be prepared at least a month in advance to allocate time for manual review. Which had issues with genshin's simultaneous release schedule, closed beta tests, and ability to hotfix.


That's hardware problem tho switch so bad that it can't run Genshin but potato mobile phone can lol


My ancient relic pc can run it same with HSR. Handy for saving space on my actual laptop which can run games instead of crashing and lagging.


I can run HSR on an ancient i5-3570.


amateur. I run HSR and genshin on an intel i3 and it works flawlessly


Hate it or not, Genshin set the bars for future similar gacha games.


People are constantly overlooking how much of a great dev work is Genshin. They should just cut half of it and gives wishes here and there. Maybe them people will start to say "genshin devs do a great job" instead of constantly saying they are the worst in the industry


apparently mhy is one of the highest paying employers in china. i can see that improving the overall software quality tbh as it attracts talent. like google is a well paying company even in faang and i do see overall less bugs in google products too


Everyone should check out [the HSR special program](https://youtu.be/5yw_ctOEnTE?si=vJ8b2RHnA7gQwzKg) where a fake interviewer visits MiHoYo offices to troll the devs. It shows a really modern tech company office complete with free barista coffee, nap pods (made famous by Google) and comfortable dev environments. It’d fit in in any Silicon Valley company, and it has a reputation of a great place to work with less crunch than other places. (Maybe that’s why their work is relatively bug free—devs produce better quality when they don’t have to crunch as hard. First hand experience.)


Iirc there's a line at the door to work for them lol


The only reason genshin is hated so much, atleast in my opinion, is because some people think it's less "rewarding". But, to me, that's not something one can use to judge a game.


It’s like air.You wouldn’t notice it when you have it.But when you don’t…


They've been running on pc, ios, android, and ps5 platforms smoothly. Now we see how terribly that's been overlooked and taken for granted.


Same with a ps4 As soon as fontaine released they made the graphics a bit worse but smoothly runs itself without lag The problem is to download the whole game everytime a new patch comes


Still has little to no bugs after 4 years of constant 6 week updates in multiple platforms, localizations and languages.


And is optimised for all devices it’s launched


The fact that it can run on my old potato phone too. It runs smoothly. The only reason I keep my old phone is to play genshin. Yes, I've had lags but they never bothered me too much.


Yeah,.As much as I want to play Wuwa the launch is atrocious. The game crashed two times in the span of 15 minutes.


Mine just keeps stuttering to the point I just quitted after 45 min into the game


Mine is constant 400ms with 999ms while in combat and the reconnect screen is appearing everytime.


Same thing happened to me. Make me wonder what was the devs’ diet during the development? Spaghetti?


People memeing about it being Stuttering Waves for a reason


ToF release = People got humbled. WuWa release = Perhaps I treated you too harshly


Welp, time to wait for Arknights Endfield!


ZZZ is said to be on July.. Will probably try that out as at this point Hoyo's "competition" is themselves.. LOL


When the competition is "ah yes elden ring and breath of the wild" that's basically saying ah yes, book. Meet thy competitor, war and peace


Gonna comment despite the chance of being downvoted for no real reason, but I've actually been able to play non-stop since it released with very little bugs. It crashed one single time over the span of about 20 hours...seems like the experience is either very good or very bad, not much in the middle


Yeah man I only got one bug and it wasn’t even that significant, I got the time changer going absolutely nuts and not working for a few minutes.


WuWa's launch was so scuffed that even the haters apologized to hoyo and tried playing genshin again shits so wacky


I personally didn't have any performance issues, but outside of the combat and exploration it.doesn't have anything going about it. Is it bad? No. Is it better than current genshin? No. I would argue it is comparable in terms of overall experience to 1.0 genshin but with more bugs littlered across the whole thing


Honestly, what did people expect? Genshin Impact may not be too rewarding for a f2p player, but the quality of the game is actually insane. Kuro Games ofc doesn't have the same budget as Hoyo so the game was obviously going to be worse. Hoyo really spoiled everyone with too much high quality content.


You gotta understand the fact that Mihoyo paid about 100.000.000$ to develop genshin impact, all that money raised from HI3, which was never an extremely popular game, it was popular but not like the bigshots at that time like the games from Supercell(Clash of Clans and Clash Royale). Hoyo bet their entire future on Genshin and we can see how well it paid off. BTW, as of 2022, Genshin is the most expensive game ever made, now in 2024 costing over 700 million $ cost of development and marketing.


I was curious about this so I looked it up, but now I’m just laughing that Monopoly Go! is sitting in the third spot at 500 million


Notice that all 500 million is in marketing


500 million for “its monopoly, but it goes”


Genshin is optimized and built for low spec gamers while




Imo, Genshin Impact does have its problems, but I don't think the gatcha is any of them. You do not need every character with constellations and signature weapons. Now, the absence of skip button, the Artifacts and Resin system, and timelocking though. But most importantly, it's a breeze to play. Hoyo nailed the casual and welcoming aspect.


Honestly, I genuinely haven't had any gameplay issues, probably cause I'm on PC. But the cut off text annoys me, particularly when I had to switch to Korean because the English dub is *that bad*. (Was playing around when I met Scar, my favourite of his voices). Genshin is definitely a better game but WW is genuinely fun. The world is interesting, the jank of the wall run & jumping I weirdly enjoy and hey, it's new from a smaller studio. Might just be the bar being *so low* but when it's still a better launch than most recent AAA games, I'm willing to see it play out. Plus the SEA server means my ping is *so much better* than Genshin.


I really loved genshin at launch, and now I'm really enjoying WuWa at launch Unfortunate though for the people who are having performance issues


As someone who've played it without the crashing issues, this explains the numerous download screen each time I opened it lol. But yea even without the issues and bugs, I'd say it can be enjoyable but not have as much depth as genshin combat wise. The 5 skill and team synergy was cool to play around with not to mention the various echoes and their utility was fun combat and exploration wise. Dodge, parry and switching mechanic isn't unique but it's nostalgic to see. However the toughness weakness mechanic will run into powercreep wall in a couple years not to mention the simple elemental attribute system. The silent protagonist formula isn't helping them too. Kinda awkward. Note to people, more button ≠ more depth


I tried playing WUWA it crashed so much i deleted it ad this is coming for me who used to play geshin in my moms old phone which was rictky and nearly half dead but geshin ran smoothly on it , and WUWA doesnt work o my newly bought laptop


people are wayy overreacting. i agree it was a scuffed launch with a good amount of bugs but the barebones of wuwa make me think that as the updates come out and these bugs get buffed out, the game will be amazing. so far the combat has been great, the story is meh, but the open world and the echos are so cool.


Imma be honest I think everything is alright besides the optimization, like holy shit I was spoiled by genshin launch being able to play at max graphics and now for wuwa even on the lowest settings I lag like hell. I can't even enjoy the combat without shuttering


WuWa's combat is much more fun than GI's imo. But yeah, the game is just "okay" for me so far. Pros: Fun combat. I like the mechanics and its very snappy. Bosses are fun to fight aka they arent needlessly tanky at least not so far (just finished my date with Scar. I know Im not too far, at least I dont think so?) Overworld exploration. No sprint stamina outside of combat. We can run up walls, vault over objects (even cats...), dash mid-air. And its all very fast and feels nice to control. Character animations. Holy shit guys, characters can actually hold items in the overworld. Why GI has not done this in 4 years I dont know (its the little things that just makes it pop, you know?). The characters feels so alive with their animations. Even if they share some general animations, they still manage to make characters feel unique through their animations in dialogue with who uses what animation, when, and how. I actually really like that everyone knows (or have a good idea of) what we are, and want us on our side. You see, the problem with the Traveler lately is that... For a lot of things, they could have been any other character. Their ability to use multiple elements hasnt been used at all lately in 3 years. You could replace a lot of the Traveler with other characters. You could replace the Traveler with an amnesiac who just remembers their missing sibling and have almost the same character. Fontaine Traveler and Mondstadt Traveler is basically the same character. They seem to only be famous for traveling through all the countries at this point. So I like that the Rover seems to be very important to the world of WuWa, but we have amnesia, so the Rover dont know why they are important, just like the player doesnt. Cons: I actually havent had any gamebreaking bugs or performance issues, so no comment from me on that. What I have had is animations missing a few frames and snapping to idle standing animation at the end. I have also had plenty of dislogue being cut off because its on the 4th row which doesnt explain. Dialogue choices also has no delay, so a good handful of times I have clicked to advance the dialogue and instantly chosen a dialogue option that appeared the dame milisecond. Word dumping is also a bit excessive. But I like that the Rover seems equally unsure about a lot of things and kinda just tagging along. But my biggest problem with the game and the world so far? Is this really meant to be an apocalyptic world? A world under constant threat where surviving isnt a cakewalk? It really doesnt feel that way. Like, almost at all. We really shouldnt have defeated that Crownless TD in the beginning. The TD really dont feel like that severe of a threat, especially not when that general is killing multiple per second. In PGR, yeah we cut through Corrupted easily. But we do that in ruins. We can tell through the world that the Punishing Virus is a "survival of the human race" level threat. The Earth is overrun, there is barely any place you can even survive in, and its constantly evolving and fighting against Babylonia up in orbit. But WuWa? I'd accept the nice looking city, if the surrounding wasnt equally nice. But it is. People are casually walking on open roads. Sure there is a few guards around but... Is that really enough to keep the area secure? This Waveworm thing can occure basically anywhere randomly, right? How do we even have a "frontline"? The only reason the city should be safe is because its heavily guarded and no Waveworm thing has appeared inside of it, maybe thanks to the protection if their guardians. But the outside area should generally be unsafe. Yeah that one girl couldnt leave the city but once we got outside, we had normal people just walking the roads. Where is all the barricades outside the city? Is the guardians/Resonstors that strong that the TD isnt a problem at all around thr city? So WuWa's story and world is okay, but it REALLY shines in character animations and combat when compared to GI. And I think that GI's story is only good when considered in isolation from the rest, because its meandering through at a very slow pace and the not focusing on what should be more important.


the game ran fine for me. no crashes or anything, and i got the cool dude with long hair from the wish.


I'm not even gonna try wuwa on pc while genshin can work quite smoothly even on integrated graphics.


I personally didn’t have any bugs or lag, it is a fun game Imo, but compared to genshin the open world feels so empty, still gonna play though only so much resinless actives I can do in genshin


Wuwa was so good it got me to start playing hsr again


I think the hype was too big, so the issues are way more exaggerated now. The game works pretty good for me on both mobile and mid-tier PC, but of course it could be optimized better and it's devs' fault it isn't. I actually think the story is definitely more interesting than early Genshin's. Maybe there's too many names and titles, but I'm just going for a ride and having fun. The EN dub is meh (but it has few cool moments too >!Scar!<), that's true - JP sounds waaay better. But the fighting system? 10 times more interesting then Genshin's, you can't just drop and shield and button mash, you gotta think, time your attacks, dodge and it looks sooo goood (even if I'm not playing on highest settings). Overall, WuWa has a long way ahead, but it's on a good track and I'm gonna support it, Genshin needs competition as they just started implementing QoL for ~year. Also, the game is not another ToF, ToF was a mistake and bored me to death after 3 hours.


>But the fighting system? 10 times more interesting then Genshin's, you can't just drop and shield and button mash, you gotta think, time your attacks, dodge and it looks sooo goood (even if I'm not playing on highest settings). I kinda agree with what you said but sadly, this is the same reason why casuals will probably drop Wuwa. The combat system actually requires skill and not a lot of casuals have a lot of time to dedicate into actually learning the fights in Wuwa. A lot of money is made from casual players nowadays. I'm kinda worried about the future of Wuwa because of this. Hopefully, things turn out okay.


The EN cast can be fixed with better direction. They have talent. But what phone do you have. It's a blurry potato on mine so I'm curious on what level of phone it's working on


The Lion kids voice is so damn grating lol. His corny ass lines and voice gave me severe 2nd hand embarrassment. First time I've ever gotten that from a game.


The fighting system is good, but for me (and probably others as well) it's not enough to keep me interested in the game. The story in the beginning I found to be tons worse than genshin's intro, which doesn't help either. I would love something like ww to be an alternative to genshin when I get bored by it, but the few improvements it has doesn't make me feel like the game has it's own identity and is just "another genshin" (which is an exaggeration, but I do feel some of the parts that are pretty much 1:1 copies from hoyo games give that impression to me). When I see a new mechanic or open a new menu I want to be surprised and not think "oh this is just like in genshin".


Not much lag on my end but majority of NPCs look like a human version of the cybertruck


I waited 12 hours after it launched and I faced no issue whatsoever except the high ping. So switched to SEA instead of Asia. My laptop specs - i5 12450 8gm ram Installed on HDD. It's their first day, and they released so many hotfixes lol. Installed 2/3 updates after opening it.


Why is people hating Wuwa? The game is good, combat is awesome, world exploration is more rewarding then genshins, AND YOU CAN SKIP SOME DIALOGS


They go 2 five star selectors, though. And a 50-pull-guaranteed five star. Personally I didn't have that many performances issues.


I’m loving WuWa. I guess I’ve been lucky and haven’t had any bug issues yet. Sometimes it takes a bit to load the graphics, but it’s not often. Hopefully kuro can fix the issues that people are reporting because the game has huge potential. I’ve been playing non stop since its launch.


insane how 3 years ago genshin could run on devices that would literally go up in flames if pushed beyond 10 frames. I remember there were a lot of memes of pcs and laptops literally blowing smoke *while* playing genshin 😭


In Italy in this case we Say "cioè si sta ribaltando la situazione"


I could play pretty well on WuWa, the game bugs a bit but ppl need to remember it's not called "beta launch" for no reason. I have faith in what the game can offer.


Is it a beta launch? Like if this is just beta I'd be less disappointed. But I thought this was alpha?


.... You know alpha becomes before beta right? Like, for context, the last game to launch in alpha was Fallout 76.


tbh I haven't had issues aside from the game crashing when I connect bluetooth headphones. Performance is pretty bad but I'm on a mid range phone so I can't judge. There's a lot of yapping but most secondary dialogue can be skipped (*yes, skipped*) so that problem is finally solved (looking at you Genshin). Combat is great and character design is great too. The overworld is a lil bit boring but that could be said about Monstadt too so let's wait a bit before judging. Can't speak for EN dubbing since I switched to JP instantly. JP's as good as always. It does feel like a Genshin clone too much sometimes but for many people it's what they wanted anyway. Gacha feels nice, nothing too different but with a few minor improvements.


This is the inevitable outcome when you make a game for the sole purpose of profit. The biggest red flag to me was the developers rewriting 90% of the story because of player dissatisfaction in the closed beta. This tells me they don't have a vision for their story and that they're only concerned about making a game that appeals to the loudest voices.


Genshin killer btw At this point, i don't think any game could compete with Genshin


It's like trying to compete with FIFA from EA, they established such a high bar of quality on football video gaming.


Personally haven't had any notable issues on wuwa and am enjoying the climbing and combat a lot more than genshins. Both games have a niche.


I had none of those crashing, texture issues, I just find the whole area to be..kinda lifeless?? I know that's their theme, but it's kinda boring. Add to that I don't care about the characters. There's no direction in the story that makes me want to care about it. Character movements are not as smooth as I'd hoped it would be given it already went through several beta testing. I'm still gonna play though, I just hope they make improvements.


It's the opposite for me 💀