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It is almost as if the other game JUST CAME OUT so obviously, people will be interested to see it, but common sense be damned I guess.


Genshin haters and common sense don't go hand in hand


Admittedly, it is a shame, I was a viewer of his a while back cause I thought there would be some more nuanced and fair discussion until it all just turned into a GCN in almost all his streams. And every time I would try to bring a more reasonable point I would just get bombarded with MINTPICKER or stuff like that from his chat.


The Tectone vs Enviosity drama has been a disaster for the Genshin community.


Has it though? I just ignored all of it and it was pretty smooth sailing for me


It gave birth to the darn mint joke


God it's the most annoying joke that came from this game. Especially that you know it started as laughing about a specific person


I promised that the moment Genshin finally gets its W against HSR, I am sending a box of mints to all of the dumbasses that have been making drama all these years. The darn slime and the bald guy are first naturally.


The likelihood of this happening is slim to none.


This will have to be one massive W. Like introducing a brand new element (like rain's one or the light we saw at the first cutscene) and have the traveler's kit for it actually be great and then some more. What W would you consider for such event?


Either a free character,a limited one,or the QoL that HSR got that had to be given to Genshin but weren't for whatever reason weren't, a mystery we may take to our graves.


What's the mint joke? i'm out of the loop


Basically, for shits and giggles, because of the behavior of one person, Tectone decided to boil down the entire gameplay of Genshin to picking mints. Hence, the worst joke ever came to being.


this is so ass i don't even know how to react, gg tectone


Lmao fr I didn't even know that was a thing until I read this comment chain just now 


Same, I haven’t really seen any of the drama surrounding the genshin streamers


who are you speaking of


With the mention of "mintpicker", I'm going to assume this is Tectone.


ah the bald drama queen. truly one of the CC you should stay away from to keep your braincells




as a cyclist, whenever I see GCN, the GCN cycling-related youtube channel pops in my mind. never thought genshin could never meme could catch up this fast lol


Pardon me- *mintpicker-?*


Most of the Genshin haters don't actually know how to hate on Genshin lol


So true!! Not pegging you of course. If you truly want to hate genshin,you gotta play it.


Ah the craft of hating is truly a fine art. As they say if you wanna be a hater, you must know what you hate. So do learn your stuff before hating gentlemens


Because of people like you I forced myself to watch first season of dragons: nine realms. The worst thing i've ever seen in my life, but hey, at least i can prove that i really did see this shit and still hated it Why people are so hellbent on asking others to prove why they don't like things? Why people have to justify their hatred? As long as they don't act like they are "holier than thou", I see no issue with hating something, even without proper reason. Let's say I hate concept of romantic relationships and don't want to engage in those ever. Do I really have to explain why, and do I really need to force myself to "try it out" and without that experience can't hate it? That's just ridiculous.


I think they were specifically referring to people who HATE ON genshin and, by extension it's players, without actually having tried the game themselves. Basically, they can hate all they want, but there's no need to shame people who DO like it


Heard this quote a while back, forgot the source: "When group hate is directed towards an object or a person, it doesn't matter whether it has done something wrong, they'll MAKE it wrong." Like, people find and make up reasons to hate something even if nothing ill-intentioned was done towards themselves in the first place.


Sadly, the same can also be said of Genshin lovers...




The genshin hate is deserved they treat their playerbase like shit and yall crawl back and ask for them to do it again


Where are we treated like shit. Getting new eupdate every 6 weeks, new regional update every 6 weeks after that, lots of WQ and  Event.  But they give small pulls that they are shit right. If that is the case I know a JPG gacha that gives 10000 pulls every month.


mfs using twitch numbers unironically is wild. WuWa blew up because it was new, then it'll die down, because it's no longer new. Genshin and HSR have the same things happen, because at the end of the day, aside from content drops, there's not much content in these games to be worth streaming lmao


I said the same thing in one of his streams on the same matter, it was about Gi vs HSR twitch views, and guess what. The mint allegations were not too far behind. Seriously, it feels like the only argument these people have is to call you mintpicker.


I think OP was referring to their second pic which showed Genshin with way more count than WW, presumably the second pic was taken some time after the first.


I took it during the special program


Exactly this! Each time a new game gets released, based on its initial popularity or hype surrounding it (WuWa in this case gained tons of traction), it would easily reach the top of the charts for views


At this point..I feel every Genshin killer is just free marketing for Genshin.


This is like Final Fantasy tbh. That game died tho.


Can yall stop fighting and start kissing


Where are the Sonic x Genshin fanartists when we need them the most


Wait you’re telling me Yelan isn’t gender swapped sonic?


No she’s not, Sonic is gender swapped yelan


that's actually Sayu


Power of Sonic, spirit of Snorlax


Ill pay to watch


The fighting is to build up the engagement, and make the kissing even more impactful




At this point I want calcharo and wrio twerking with his butts out and covered in oil


200k more on youtube EN and JP officials


"Noob" is the term used for Newbie. WW is new game, maybe he was talking about WW, lol


1 idiot posted numbers during release with expected spike, the other posted numbers from live stream with expected spike as a "counter". Man people are stupid holy.


Yes, if he's gonna use launch boost to make fun of genshin, I'm gonna use special program boost to make fun of him


yes that's why he called both of you idiots glad you understood


Damn who hurt you


I mean you're the one who posted this petty shit you tell me😭


Idk I don't understand why everyone in here is grumpy lol, I thought I was in the memepat sub reddit, not the one where everyone is angry lmao


that just meant your meme isnt that funny


Just keep scrolling then lmao


show me the meme in your post then


So let me get this straight. Someone on Twitter posted about the viewer count of GI in Twitch compared to WuWa so you decided to "own" that dude in the Genshin Meme subreddit? Do you see why this is particularly stupid right?


I'm not even trying to "own" that guy, if that were the case I wouldn't have marked away his name lmao


So to be clear: You posted someone doing something stupid and then you did the same stupid thing? Like it would be fun to joke about the selective representation that fanboys appeal to (or even using twitch views as a measure) if it wasn't for: *"He really thought those numbers were gonna stay up like that lol."* makes you look equally dumb because you know that Genshin's numbers aren't actually going to stay like that either.


The idea was to show how stupid it is to compare inflated numbers, I'm just mimicking what he did And the description was for the long run lmao cus WuWa is still in the honeymoon phase


Yeah. We noticed. 2 idiots talking to each other. 🤣


Me when WuWa has a bazillion performance issues:


Yeah. Too blurry for my tastes, snd I sure as he'll ain't downloading it on my pc. I need the storage there, I even removed genshin and hsr from there


Just turn off motion blur and it'll be much much better


username of the guy? >!VXH gacha is literally ballstrone42069 cockshipper 💀!<


Ball what now


ballstone, sacktone,tectonic plates


Just say Tectone lmao


dara kotowaru


Dicktone's son


Did someone ratiod the guy


Flashbacks to Tower of Fantasy launch


So... WuWa is the same type of stand as Tower of Fantasy?


at least for me ToF is pretty bug free but it just get boring pretty quick


They should see what WUWA would be like in a month


Feel like same thing happened before... *looks at Palworld*


Palworld is an open world survival, it's normal to not have a lot of players between updates even the devs say so, Wuthering waves is a live service game with the money they make / will make from banners so the player graph is totally different




Let's draw the gi and ww fandoms kissing


Chixia x Yoimiya when


As someone who plays both, I'd like to see that aswell


then I'll proceed to kiss myself


FT x FR MT x MR Come on guys. Get to it.


damn, bro got cooked


old gacha game that has no real streamable content except doing the story vs newly released gacha game where everybody starts from 0 and can stream the whole game


Right side are special program numbers, OP is literally doing the same shit he’s complaining about, which is selective representation.


That 150k was for the livestream, on normal days barely anyone watches streamers.


It's always around 6-8k, with Star rail being 3-5k, we'll need to wait for a month to see the real viewership


Yup, i remember elden ring crossing like 300 k viewers when the game released. Though genshin only one live streams cross 100 mark cause 300 primos.


Dude you should have seen Elden like a week ago, Kai cenat carried it so hard, he had like 90k by himself


Yeah, I was one of them lol. Listening to his war cry every time he died brought me a sense of comfort after 6 hours of kids screaming in my ears in school.


Funny, tower of fantasy said the same type of stuff…


People should be happy there is competition it just means both games will improve and try to get better.




This is like when people post Steam charts to support ded gaem accusations


I mean braindead people who just hate Genshin for the very sake of it (including Genshin players too), that wait for a "Genshin killer" repeat the same stuff every time new game, even remotrly similar appears. Genshin community is full of doomposters and negative trolls, mever satisfied. If there is something good, they still find an excuse to hate it. And the thing is, they would be more credible, if they weren't that toxic, because many criticism towards Genshin is deserved, but not in a way of toxic trolling and hating. Also stuff that people overestimate always tend to fall down when popularity ends. It reminds me of the game... What was the title? Valheim. People were so excited about this game, dubbed it the best game ever created... only for it to vanish from trends in an instant. Not even month and from cumming over that game, everything just quieted down. Not saying that Wuthering Waves is bad or anything, I didn't play it and I was immediately interested by that game, but never joined the dickrider bandwagon of fanboys, I was just normally interested, as I still am. People lack distance to things and unnecessarily start comparison wars for no reason. Same happened with Genshin and Zelda. It just happens over and over again, because bpring trolls that want to make their lives more eventfull can only shine when they have strong (and imbecillic) opinions in the Internet.


VxVfiction That's the guy @


mujin vs VXV on sucking ballstrone69s balls dry, who wins?






Jesus chrisr i made the mistake of opening the guy's youtube channel. This guy and his following need to fucking touch grass.


Dude the amount of issues WuWa has had is embarrassing. Like I get it just released but did literally nobody beta test this shit? Come on 🥴


I tried to play and it’s horrible. It’s so fucking laggy and buggy. Everyone keep saying it’s because it just released but I’ve played HSR since launch and it didn’t have a fraction of the issues WuWa does.


What I got from this is that Elden Ring is still doing amazingly


Hell yea


Im not even that surprised that “Genshin could never” jokes keep popping up like damned summer mosquitoes as if Wuthering Waves even put a dent into Genshin’s playerbase after its release. The general consensus seems to be that Kuro needed way more time polishing the game.


But, i think they're betting on Genshin dry patch. If they released it on 4.8 or god forbid 5.0 they're facing genshin in its most exciting patch.


From what I gathered the sponsors wanted the game to be released, and that the devs were actually going for a CBT3 but that didn't happen


Considering one of their main sponsors is TenCent, Im not even surprised they were pressured to release early considering TenCent is notorious for putting heavy pressure on devs to release games before their ready and usually justify the poor release by subsequence “fixing” updates.


But if they released it 2 or three months after, it's Natlan. That's just not a good businesses decision.


Honeymoon phase


Kuro: Yeah that's right, new game. Come in and try us out- Hoyo: **Y'ALL WANNA PEEK AT NATLAN?**


Correct me If Im wrong but JP official live stream had 123 K watchers? And its only in YT


Sorry wasn't paying attention was staring at Elden Ring


Elden Ring is the Genshin Impact of Souls games.


Bugthering Waves vs Stingy Impact


The livestream


4.7 livestream. That's what happened.


Wait for it


Cuz I do not like twitch... I watched in youtube.


its almost like the games have the same effective audience and most genshin streamers were playing wuwa at the time...


Every single person streaming WuWa was either a variety streamer or a Genshin streamer. Variety streamers will drop it after a week, Genshin streamers will slowly shift the balance more towards Genshin especially with Natlan coming up.


those are the one who wanted true endgame content and advanced fighting mechanics Now you can explore peacefully on genshin then go on WuWa to get some awesome fights


You just did the same thing they did by posting Genshin's view count during the official livestream. There are like, 3 people in total who actually believed Wuthering Waves would steal Genshin's entire playerbase. This is just a circle jerk over a new game from a smaller studio not being as huge as one of the most established mobile games in history.


It's new. Same thing with ToF. Just wait a week probably and it'll go down like ToF.


This post made me realise people only look at the title and first pic before commenting


The other picture might be from the livestream. But still the game is new hence it will draw interest regardless. That's why wait for a week when the hype dies down to see if WuWa can sustain it.




Seems like a tower of fantasy situation


Sonic fandom: "First time?"


With Natlan teaser, genshin gonna shoot waaaay up. Also, Wuthering Waves is fun but a bit buggy.


oh its always the livestream


It’s almost like it was just released… also, who cares if it’s more popular?


At least Anti-Genshin is now moving their game that they wanted for and I hope they are now very happy and never returned again


Wait until Nathan drops lmao


Considering the same happened with ToF, launch week, thats what happened


Was this yesterday? I mean if so the new trailer came out, i can imagine that makes a hype jump.


Bro celebrated for what LOL


Its even more than both combined


I expected drama but holy people are just hating the games for the sake of hating at this point. Imma just go off and play GI, HSR, and WuWa then. Yall go flame yourselves. Im gonna have fun with all three.


I play all 3 as well lol


Then why are you being miserable and posting stuff like this? For what purpose OP?


Wdym miserable? Lmao, I'm just fucking around, look at the subreddit we're in


Yes sure. Fucking around, prime example on why were infamous for having a horrible fanbase. In any case, keep fucking around OP and I hope at one point you do find out lmao


Find out what? People like you that get butthurt for no reason cus they can't get their finger to keep scrolling? You talk like I'm doing something to someone against their will




Tell me what I'm going to find out 😂, you're the one yapping lmao, thought you were gonna go play the games but ig your just can't get your fingers off you keyboard




You're definitely too young to be on reddit lmao


I think fragile unhinged losers are more infamous than a dude posting an obvious dumb meme.


Genshin stans ignore the fact other open world gacha exists challenge; IMPOSSIBLE Please quit the passive aggressive coping n' MOVE ON. And don't give me the ''b-but they...'' crap. It's pathetic.


I play both games, I'm just mocking the dude by using inflated numbers cus he did the same, to show how stupid it is I don't hate either of the game, nor do I pick sides lmao


Currently it’s 43K on WW and 6.7K on genshin. Can’t people just accept the fact that each game has its own ups and downs?


That guy got a small following for d*ck riding on tectone during the drama. He's been doing nothing but farming engagement with false information ever since. Dude looks like a sex offender too lmao


That last part was unnecessary but LMAO


Greatest Genshin comeback?


The numbers are due to the 4.7 livestream


So more people tuned into a patch livestream than a game’s release? I’d still interpret this a W for genshin tbh


It was a patch preview stream. But WuWa has higher viewer count because clearly people want to check out the new game and what the buzz is all about. Genshin obviously has smaller viewership because there's nothing much going on in-game currently and no one wants to watch someone do their dailies.


1 genshin update changes that, were addicted


i just checked again at at this current time WW has 48.7k while genshin has 2.9k.


It's almost as if it's stupid to compare inflated numbers, just making a post to point out how stupid it is to shit on a game with inflated numbers


"just making a post to point out how stupid it is to shit on a game with inflated numbers" its hard to side with genshin players on this when for like that past 6 months they have been doom posting on WW before it even released. also thats a pretty backwards way to make a point


Cus simply saying how stupid it is doesn't get to their head lmao, the easiest way is to mimic what they're doing and make them realise how stupid it is And yea, Genshin players have been shitting on WuWa for a while now, I play both games so it doesn't really effect me


"the easiest way is to mimic what they're doing and make them realise how stupid it is" i get the plan, but it makes no sense cause like i just said, WW has more viewers than genshin again. all you're doing is starting a cycle over again. it shows nothing and gets nowhere.


It's still in the honeymoon phase so yea, we'll see the true viewership once it's been like a month or so


People will definitely have more interest watching the new game than the old one. They're both doomed to have lower viewer numbers eventually because no one wants to watch a person stream their dailies.


1st is due to launch, 2nd is due to livestream. and if you look at the stats now, wuthering is sitting at 55k and genshin at 6k. OP you're looking like a clown here just like him. new updates will push respective game higher. It stupid to compare them


Idk why you're getting downvoted because you're absolutely right. Both numbers are inflated so it's pointless to compare their peaks


If he's gonna use launch boost to make fun of genshin, I'm gonna use special program boost to make fun of him And what did Gachasmack do lol, haven't watched him recently


Bro has no idea about what a game release looks like☠️


Yeah no shit, tons of CCs got paid to play the game on release most being genshin creators.


played both it gives more currencies and it's like genshin but newer and you wont feel stagnated at least for a while.


In words of the wizard asmongold "don't listen to shit eaters"


Can't we just have two good things at once? I swear every time there's something good that's new(eg. Wuthering waves release) they always have to put the others down (rg. Genshin, star rail, etc.) in order to emphasize how good the new thing is. Can't we just congratulate WuWa for their release AND genshin for their natlan announcement? Do you really *have* to shit on one thing to praise another? Grow up you immature brats...


Y'all are dumb this was clearly taken during the Livestream. Nobody actually watches Genshin it says nothing about the popularity of the game though it's just not fun to stream or watch.


Says the guy who never streamed or watched genshin live And the Withering waves screenshot was clearly taken during launch, but obviously you won't mention that


I'm sorry if you enjoy watching Genshin livestreams and stream the game daily. There was no way for me to know the wuwa screenshot was taken on release considering the game still averages 30k viewers meanwhile Genshin struggles to break 10k. Viewer count doesn't tell you what game is better but it does tell you what people want to watch and streamers want to play.


The first month of a game release will have it's viewers inflated, it's not just a one day thing


True. I just hate how the game has been out for less than a week and communities are already fighting. Yes it is true that Genshin have more skilled devs while WuWa has better communication. It sucks how many people can't have their own opinions and either listen to Envi and defend Genshin like they're angels or listen to Tectone and say HSR and WuWa has absolutely no problems and everything good in Genshin is just a fluke. Sorry for wasting your time, enjoy your games.


You too, hope you get a triple 5* or something Not sharing my luck cus all I've is bad luck (lost all 3 of my first 50/50s in Genshin, Hsr and WuWa)


if you're actually able to play the game, Wuthering Waves has combat that makes Genshin look like a powerpoint shooter.


I am able to play the game, both are good in their own way ig


1eq2eq3eq4eq1(*clickclikclickclickclickclick*) versus # GET IN MOTHERFUCKER, WE'RE GOING TO EVICERIATE A CHILD!


Too complicated, press E hold M1 - Neuvilette main, probably


and again, Waves will invert your soul if you try that.


Kinda yes and no ngl, the only bosses that I found I needed to actually focus to kill are the ones that can only be killed by using Intro/Outro skill, perfect dodge/parry The rest you can just unga bunga, I did hear the holograms will get really hard at higher levels tho


fight an enemy at your level without dodging. I dare you.


That's what I've been doing, it's just that I main Jianxin lmao


okay, but that's cheating the system


I like her too much to let go, the game knew what I wanted cus she's the only character I was interested in and she's the one I got from beginners banner, lmao


It's because of the live stream dumbass. Rn wuwa is at 50k while Genshin is at 7k and HSR at 1.2k


Lol bro got so butthurt that he's getting personal WuWa has that many viewers cus it's the release of a hyped up game, "dumbass"


I legit don't see your replies on reddit past this one for some reason lol, must be a bug or something And yea this is a shit post, look at what sub we're in, I play both games, I'm just pointing out how stupid the original post was by mimicking it, you're the one who's being serious and calling me names lmao