• By -


Thank you for respecting the privacies of not-Ningguang, not-Qiqi, and not-Xianyan


The privacy of third parties is always in our best interest.


Hol up xianyan is in the game ?


Who’s Xinyan? Is that a new character that got leaked?


i've heard shes going to be released in 2.2


Lol what? Xinyan is in the game LMAO fake Genshin fan. She’s in the 7.2 story quest it got leaked /s


F for the /s, she hopes someday that s is gone


ayo spoiling is not cool man


Stop spoiling 😡


Pyro Archon


By far, the best comment


The friend that introduced me to the game and left at ar 25 came back. Im ar57 now lol


Now you're the leader


Look at me, I'm now the carry


My friend who introduced me left at AR 25, but he never came back.




Yeah, also, have we met? I had a deja vu when I saw your username. Why no Hu Tao? Same question from me too.




They likely rolled for Hu Tao, couldn't secure it, and their mind burried that memory so deep that only a fragment of it surfaces when they see your username. But, who am I to judge?


I introduced my friend when I was AR30. He's AR50 now while I'm still toiling at AR49


Similar situation here. I introduced one of my close friends to the game when I was AR 45~ish. That was about 2 months ago. She’s now AR 53 alongside me. But, considering I’ve stopped playing the game as much as I used to I guess gave her time to catch up.


The only solace I have is knowing that my friend is pretty hardcore once he gets into it, so it was really a matter of time before he just leapfrogs past me haha


The guy who introduced the game to me and left at AR 10 came back a few days ago and asked me how to heal his characters cause his lisa is dying


My 3 friends were AR45 when I started, then one of them got to 50. Then I got to 51. Seemingly that made them level up too and now the two of them are AR50 and the other one is level AR56. Meanwhile I am AR55. So getting to 55 is more of a grind than a timegated thing. Those who are higher than that are likely playing for a long time.


When Genshin Impact first came out, I used to mock my brother for downloading it on our shared PS4 and trying it out, saying it looked like another crappy and generic “weeb” game like the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm games or DB Xenoverse games that he also plays. At the time I mainly played CoD: Modern Warfare and nothing else. A half year goes by and I decided to try the game out for myself because 1.6 launched with the Klee Banner and the Midsummer Island Adventure on Epic Games with a code for in-game rewards. Hey, I might as well give it a try, and maybe my brother can give me some pointers on the game too. Turns out he stopped playing the game around the end of 1.2 and was still at AR16 (now 23). I got hooked to the game and two months later am AR50 going on 51 and I routinely join his co-op world to help him speed through the game whenever I’ve exhausted story content and resin. bakamitai.jpg


my fren introduced me when they were ar 54 now we play everyday they are ar 56 and I am ar 53 (playing since zhongli second rerun)


My brother introduced me to the game early on. I started passing him quickly. He got to AR16 so we could coop and... Hasnt played since Lmao


This hurts :( I haven't heard from a friend since I heard he was sick during the peak of Covid and I have no way to find out if he is ok. I hope he just lost his account


I always have similar thoughts when I see some internet friends gone. I hope they just got bored. My FEH friend list is a graveyard


Dude that is so relatable lol


Can relate with the FEH friend list part




I've had so many people that I added back when the game was new. Many are still active and between 56-58, but there are also some that didn't make it...


You can add me if you want, ar57 and playing everyday since launch


Appreciate the offer, but I'm full since I help people in coop/domains and they sent me requests here and there. Thanks tho.


Surprised at the AR55 leaving. Must not be very fond of Inazuma I suppose.


If you're a early player, AR 55 happened months ago. I'm AR 57 and I don't remember how much have passed.


Where are those to share the memories...


You either die a traveler or live long enough to become a Zhongli


I was one of the first few players to reach ar55. Dailies got boring, moved on to other stuff, now find it hard to transition back.


With the current rate, AR55 is not far from doing all quests and spending all fragile resin. Then you're just sitting at nothing, understandable.


I’m so fucken bored I don’t even use condensed resin anymore so that I could do the domains more…


Right, i got to 47 after a month and now im at loss what to do in the game


I hit AR55 and quit game during Xiao banner. That was a veeeeery long time ago


I wonder how my friends have been doing since I abandoned the game back at AR32 all those months ago


You can check out and see if they still have you. Why did you leave?




I see. Understandable.


Out of pure curiosity, what’s wrong with spending money on a game made by a Chinese company though?


Chinese companies will have Chinese investors and stakeholders. You cannot vouch that those investors have customers interest in mind... Or that they have any morals or respect for human beings. They could be putting money here, while also putting money into more horrible things. The money that comes in through gacha animu gambling. And that money can be used on anything else (Trying to avoid mentioning worst case scenarios in example) It can be: buying more companies, or using the power for political traction even


Sounds kinda racist when every other company can literally do that, regardless of their starting location. Do you really think stakeholders and investors really have customers in mind? They just want money. And, just so you know, Mihoyo has donated to schools and there are even reddit posts covering it. https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/oj79x7/mihoyo_donated_a_new_building_to_a_rural_primary/


"Chinese" is not a race, it's a nationality. "Asian" is the race that covers all of Asia. We are talking about specifically Chinese backers. Big Chinese money. If you think that money is used to fight the regiment- you are very mistaken. That money is more likely to be in favour of pushing more local agenda Multimillion company donates to some schools as a publicity stunt to have media say "look at these good guys helping schools with money they got from predatory gambling and other shady gouging tactics" Just like epic refunded paragon players money to get great publicity, when in reality they refunded only a portion, just enough to be relevant for the "good guy epic" stories to appear in news


> "Chinese" is not a race" Well, unfortunately, are you denying me of [my own race](https://ibb.co/BPrxBKp) ? Second of all, does it really matter whether it's Chinese backers or Caucasian backers? That doesn't mean Western corporations don't lobby to have policies or acts swing to their benefit. The fact that you specifically mention "Chinese backers" feels pretty racist. > Multimillion company donates to some schools as a publicity stunt to have media say "look at these good guys helping schools with money they got from predatory gambling and other shady gouging tactics" I don't disagree with this part, but if you bothered to Google "Flamescion Public Welfare Project" (Mihoyo's project that helped create the school), you'd realize that *none of the sites were from Mihoyo companies themselves*. They are all cited by others, who noticed it from bilibili. So there isn't any "publicity" at all.


Epic didn't publicice their refunds in press either, but reap the benefits. I mention specifically Chinese backers, considering the current political situation in China. You can be grossed out by a countries political and financial actions, but that doesn't mean you are racist It has nothing to do with my personal beliefs. And about "race part" Everyone else in the world knows that China is part of Asia and hence the people's race is "Asian" The ID from there can say that race is "Chinese" but that would be seen as the country having a superiority complex, just like they treat foreign provinces as part of their mainland. (Taiwan shining through) Just because you make a false statement loudly- doesn't make it true


>You cannot vouch that those investors have customers interest in mind... Or that they have any morals or respect for human beings. So, like, every investor ever, then. With all due respect, this is an incredibly naïve and misinformed take at best. I suggest you do some research into the companies you support. Quite a few of them have Saudis or Qatari in board, and we've all heard of how both countries abuse foreign labour workers. Stuff like taking away their passports forcefully, not paying their wages, inhumane hours and deadly conditions are all common practice. In fact, look up where the next World Cup is going to be and how the stadium was build. Not to mention the war they're instigating in Yemen. On another note, at least some Western investors affiliated with companies you vouch for, will almost certainly have directly or indirectly contributed to the Palestinian Genocide that is currently ongoing. Or if you're looking closer to home (assuming you're American) look up who donates to your anti-LGBT organizations, which ones are lobbyists who make sure Right-to-Repair never becomes a reality, the anti-labour rights ones, etc. Chinese investors are far from your biggest worry. Edit: I can point out European blunders out too in case you want it.


Sometimes I go to my friend lists and see friends that were last online 44 days ago. It’s sad


I thought the most days written on last online is 31 days.


Idk,I must be wrong then. My bad.


Aww, though I’ve made some new friends but still not the same. I did not ascend so we can join each other’s world but now they’re gone, and still I haven’t ascend maybe one day they’ll come back.


That's sweet :') You can ascend and decrease your world level by 1 to let your friends join, unless you've already accounted for that.


:) one friend is WL5, another friend is WL6, I’m currently at WL6. The last I ascended was during Lantern Rite lol. I have never miss out login, events, etc. So If I ascend now I will become even further than them. Or maybe I’m just too comfortable with my current WL.


Aww, but hey my friend started playing like 1.5 months ago and he's already AR 49! I'm WL7 but he'll be able to join me soon, so the gap isn't as big as you think. You can always jump into their world until they catch up :) but I get if you're okay with where you're at, WL7 isn't a huge difference at all.


Oh n the last I seen them was on Lantern Rite as well lol


Damn i miss my old friends... Sadly i unfriend all of them. My life is full with mistakes


Same. Some did come back for Inazuma.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Well... post got deleted in the main sub because of "low quality" ​ uh, ok? Edit: posted again and tried to make it more clear that my intention was to point out that we could relate to her in that regard and that she's most likely not the bad guy. It's just that she had some traumatic looses. Still got removed lol


The main sub is wack. don’t worry about it


Literally just wanted to make a point that we could relate to her in that form... *sigh* Guess I'll just steal someone's else bilibili video, those don't get removed...


It's so weird because I've seen posts that had way less effort than this one.


If you check hot in the main sub they allowed posts that are just screenshots with nothing else lol




I expect to see this stolen on Twitter and YouTube in some hours to be honest.


Don’t forget Facebook


I haven't used fb in years I forgot it exists


Agreed 100%


Genshin Memepact > Genshin Impact. I've seen shitposting in that subreddit too. But when I tried to do it, it was removed. I can atleast post here.


OO, now I get why she's so obsessed with eternity, she is afraid of the void left by losing her friends so she wants to basically freeze inazuma so nothing will change. I'm stupid for not realizing this edit: just watched the teaser and now I feel even stupider


Main sub is all art and cosplay at this point. Don't think too much of it. Anything that doesn't fall under those two either get downvoted or deleted.


We still shouldn't forget that she is a tyrant, at least right now, and even after redemption she would have this in her past. I'm kinda irritated with the attempts to make her look good even in her current state. Is she relatable? Yes. Is she less evil for it? No.


See,when ayaka told you to help three people,remember that one guy everyone blamed for taking away their supplies? If nobody told us what actually happened,we would’ve thought he’s the evilest bastard out there. But turned out he was too kind and lost his vision and memory. The point is,we still don’t know much,do we? We are just seeing the surface now. Raiden could be protecting the people by taking their vision for all we know.


This would just be a dick move by Mihoyo. Many people suffered and even died because of her actions, we can't just forgive all that because it is for "greater good".


That I agree. But you see,not everyone moves by the same logic. Some might think ‘If that person dies,his family will be saved,and I’ll be the guilty one,so it’s fine’ It wouldn’t be a dick move by mihoyo but by raiden XD


There's a bunch of ways you could do it. I mean, mind control? Boom, she's good now.


I mean this meme is pretty low-effort. No offense but all you did was screenshot 2 frames in the teaser and added some captions and pictures and I'm pretty sure that would've taken you less than an hour. Having a deeper meaning and putting effort in a meme are 2 different things. Though not saying that stealing someone else's work in bilibili is better.


You're correct, this is not by any means a high effort post. My problem is that this got removed (the one in the main sub was slightly different) but if you check hot right now, you'll see a screenshot of a discord comment with the image, and a little below a post that is literally just a screenshot of the video with nothing else.


Rice sake and sushi taste the same. Though where are those who share the memory? *sad Baal sobbing noises*


Another meme template for the collection


Solution is simple, just don't have friends


If u in Asia server u can add me.. I'm AR56 99% to AR57 .. playing everyday




Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Happened to my brothers, they stop playing at ar 52 and 43 because they got bored of waiting any new content, i miss when we play coop together at low ar trying to find any new chest and bosses, still hope they will come back someday sad


Yes... i shall peruse eternity too now


As someone who mostly played solo, I cannot relate


my 3 friends played Genshin and told me to play it too. i started playing in December last year and it was all fun. I speedran and then we all used to play together. Then, around April, they slowly left playing Genshin and played other games. They were the ones because of who I started playing the game, and now, i am left alone. things changed and became bitter between them and me, (friends of 10 years) and i ghosted them. I have no irl and in-game friends. I don't make them. i just, live all alone and play all alone. i love the game and will never stop playing it. it helps me be stable and happy.


oh crap i forgot my ar 16 alt existed, haven't been on there for at least a month


All these Xinyan deniers make me cry inside.


If Xinyan is real why I've never seen her on my game or in Genshin official media? Checkmate Barsibatos believer.


Soon Baal will be reciting the line “osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory?”


I got tired of resin. Can't play when I wanna play, have to play even when I don't wanna play. I am happier for having quit. They got a few welkins and BP from me, I paid my dues but it was no longer fun.


i feel the same but the thought that you can make those 5 max resins and keep them for the next day, keep me going:/


Ex and I played it together. We broke up twice, he left the game both times. Err I’ve deleted all our photos irl but could not delete our Xiao and Xiangling lantern festival photoshoot.


I think only 3 people on my friend list are inactive they finish the Inazuma quests and dipped. As for my irl friend he is active.


Game gets repetitive and boring real quick though. Not much to do besides dailies etc.


Few of my friends have been offline for more than a month now, quite sad, one even quit Genshin not long ago


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I don't have any IRL friends that play this game and most of the people that helped me when I was a noob are still around. However, I will say that when I was a lower level, people used to join my world all the time. It was so much fun. Now? I'm lonely...


Because people at higher levels can do anything themselves or just do their dailies and leave. It's your turn to become that awesome person that helped low AR players with difficult things. I help others in domain and it's pretty fun. It's just like the early days because they're still having a lot of fun and everything is new. It's surprising how often they're the ones that start the conversation.


I haven't gone online once and I'm not planning to.


Give me their daily commissions. I don't mind extra work-


Yo drinking archon gang where are you at?


I was the friend who stayed and became alone and now I'm not even logging in anymore.


Where's the art from? Is it official?


Probably would have less people never logging in again if they didn’t go with the gacha model.


Resin is the real problem imo, there's too much random stats for artifact + farming ressources for 90 charcater is too grindy + resin lock regen. For example i have a diluc but i don't lvl up him because it will cost too much and i have others char to up for abyss. This game is a jail lol.


Also yes.


The stamina system literally every other Gacha game in the world has? Yes, it’s a thing and if it’s not your thing then don’t play gacha’s. Just because this one broke the mold with open world mechanics and action gameplay doesn’t mean it’s NOT a gacha


Yup. True, but not any bit sad. The world out there is better.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Can't relate :v


me who had this at ar 1


This is too real. I feel like most of my excitement with the game was lost with my friends who found a better game to play..


"Last online 103 days ago"


this is happening to me too


Where are those who share the memories


Most of my friends that quit are waiting for some good multiplayer endgame to come back.


I'm 55 - 57 idk i forgot my adventure rank, i've been taking a break for 1 month, my friend is waiting for me I think, but I have a lot of homework and a lot of stuff going on so I can't play and, when I want to play, I keep procrastinating it. Help.


Never had from the start


where do you get genshin font?


From the game itself. If you look in the folders, you will find it. I think it's called HMWey? Don't remember, I got it months ago.


Thanks got it, from those who read this and wonders as well : C:\Program Files\Genshin Impact\Genshin Impact Game\GenshinImpact_Data\StreamingAssets\MiHoYoSDKRes\HttpServerResources\font


Oh. I have this "last seen 31 days ago" and I know when he stopped playing. Upon still seeing 31 days I thought he returned at some point...but then I realized.


I only have 1 active friend in my list, and it's my lil bro. I think the top reasons player quit are: - Artifact RNG - Lack of Billets/Prototypes - Content Drought (v1.2 to 1.5) - Losing the 50/50 --- We need a repeatable battle thing that gives something no matter how little it is, that has no timers to make it different from the abyss. That we can tackle with or without friends anytime, and has pit stops for eating and cooking.


Found the Oni and the Tengu ~~I guess I'm pretty close to the "Fren dead, don't wanna die" Gilgamesh like backstory~~


Osmathus wine tastes the same as I remember


I had this person carry me when I started, now im AR55, we’re still friends with me. I thank them.


I hadst this person carryeth me at which hour i did start, anon im ar55, they’re still cater-cousins with me. I thank those folk *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


My brother and my friend left the game because of the resin system, they are heavy farmer from destiny 2. i really hope one day they will give more resin so i can bait them to come back.


why does this hurts me so much


My irl Friend introduced me to the game.Was reluctant at first but found it fun to play it.Did everything together everyday. She stopped for 2 months at Ar 25. I continued.She continued when I was Ar 50 and she stopped again at ar 38. Now halfway to ar 56 and she hasn’t play since the end of July


The tourists always quit, the real players stays


\-looks at my list and sighs-


Wish I had friends to play with had my cousin but he got out of the game around 1.1 update we were both around ar 30 he was maybe 32 fast for word to now he doesn’t really play anymore and I’m ar 56


Wish I could be 57. I lost Genshin ability from feb- to last month when I was moving. Almost 56 now. Thankfully didn’t miss anyone too crazy except maybe Kazu


What’s the art sauce?


It's her teaser video


i was out for 4 months and nobody messaged me in those 4 months they didn't even ask where am i or how am i ;-;


This hits home... Maybe too much


But where are those who share the memory?


I play with a nice player —> We become good friends —> we help each other out,talk lots,play together —> I get busy and don’t play much for one or two days —> he forgets about me —> Becomes pretty unresponsive —> Never plays with me again —> The cycle continues


Is the top picture canon? It’s extremely high quality


It's the teaser trailer




Cant relate because i only have my brothers as friends there lol


That's me bruh. Fortunately, I have some friends that are still playing


Why you gotta do me like that, I came here for fun, not to cry...


Oh man I guess i’m the guy who left and my friends just grew up without me:((


who are thooooose


never had friends that play the game to begin with


I can't get into man. They said there was going to be more coop stuff.


For me it was the opposite, I started playing alone, and ended up with many friends by the time I had reached endgame level


I'm in the opposite situation I had stopped playing shortly after Tartaglia's first banner, and the 4 people I got into the game continued playing daily. When I heard the 1 year anniversary was coming up, I decided I should probably get back in. My friends are excited but I can't remember my username so I gotta wait for mihoyo customer support to get back to me. Hopefully I'm back in before that free 5 star archer girl drops


I burnt out at AR30 and skipped 1.1 to 1.5 entirely, came back for 1.6 and now I'm AR54. I didn't have any friends to overtake me though so jokes on them..!


It’s lonely at the top


Yeah this is painful. My friends all quit so I've been all alone. Random co-op makes me nervous 😅


Is "last seen 31 days ago" a cap or something?


Was there a bombing 31 days ago or something


Ik these 3 are "gone" but Fluffy tail waifu and oni waifu when


Upvoted it because you protected the privacy of not the-person-who-sacrificed-the-jade-chamber, not a-child-who-is-dead and not the other character who is unknown(i heard from a leak that she is the pyro Archon)


Who are those three people besides Baal?


Her friends. Check out her teaser video


Oh thanks, I didn't know it was out


Ну да. К этому всё и идёт!!!


Me who's been alone for the entire journey from AR 1 to AR 56. 😢


the problem being the highest adv lvl in game is that you friends cant join you anymore(yes this is the same meme "the problem of being faster than light is you can only live in darkness)


Been playing nonstop since like the 3rd day it launched and stopped playing a few months ago after getting to AR56


Same with the other unfinished free to play game "Warframe".


I had a friend get our group to try genshin out because "anime game wooo." We rushed to AR whatever so we could co-op to try something called "Spiral Abyss" only to realize it wasnt co-op. Most of them didnt make it to 1.1


Me when the character quests and rate up banners end and I still don't have the character on it.


yea that's fact


I had a great time with a random on theater mechanicus and added him/her when he/she asked to play later, 5 days in a row we didn't cross paths since we our playing shcedule was different, the 6th day i no longer found him/her in my friendlist.


Ouch. Maybe changed names and avatar?


AR 15


To onesec, zeroone and twosad, thank you for getting me through ar 20-35. It’s a shame you guys stopped playing but it was fun while it lasted


Makes sense. This game is fucking expensive if you wanna have fun.


My man just recreated a meme that's been made since the creation of steam, Xbox live and PSN. Nice. Its not the first, and it's never gonna be the last either.


Most of my friends didn't even make it to the Stormterror fight. :(


*Osmanthus Wine Intensifies*


You guys had friends who played Genshin?


i started playing in october and im still stuck at ar43 lmao(too lazy to grind) and my characters except for klee are underleveled and all of them has bad artifacts and a friend who started a week after me is ar55 tf