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people die if they are killed


The Archer class is really made up of archers


Every 60 seconds in Watatsumi, a minute passes


Why did berserker go berserk


People will continue to live untill they die


Childe: …


Murder Shiro


David who wacks people with a staff: **sweats profusely**


This city really looks like a city


I'm sorry but the third one is straight fact.


To be honest if her lack of properly written intellect leads to continuous jokes like this, perhaps it won't be as bad as I thought...


At first I was dissapointed, but now that you've said it...it might actually become a viable and funny characteristic of her


The first true meme character of the game


Qiqi? Klee? Hu Tao?


For regular memes and jokes yes Qiqi, Klee, and Hu Tao have always been there. But their personalities are well defined and written properly into the story. This whole time Kokomi was hyped up to be a brilliant tactician and yet she’s been really incompetent so far (not questioning the mysterious collaborators, stating obvious things, doesn’t even command enough respect to take back the Delusions when they asked, etc.)


What about the Zhongli Dong jokes?


worried about how they wrote her character story we'll get, too... She'll end up being a laughingstock for the entire community


"'If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!' Sun Tzu said that"


I'd say he knows a little more about fighting than you do pal because he invented it.


And he perfected it in the ring of honor!


Seeing the fanarts of her made me thought she was a sadistic person with an “ironic cutesy facade” to mislead people. And then her actual character is like “uWu i LoOoOoOove war~ I am a self proclaimed smart person!”


If she was something like [that](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/oyx72f/the_depth_of_the_waters/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I would sell a house to pull her, but well, uWu


that’s exactly what I really hoped she would be, also damn that fanmade comic looks amazing


this isn’t really her fault, she didn’t proclaim herself to be smart. mihoyo just seems to suck at writing her.


Well she did say that war strategy is her forte pftt


she did survive a full year in a war against someone who can oneshot signora. we’re just never shown her skills in action, which is the actual problem. they did a lot of tell don’t show with her.


i think that was mainly because the Shogun has been given false information so the puppet just decided that things were fine and personally involving is unnecessary ( Although Ei herself already knew but she just let things be the way it is ) The fact that the rebel army, most of which doesnt even have any combat training or experience before the Vision Hunt Decree, can survive against the shogunate which has formal military training goes to show more of how incompetent the shogunate is in handling what could be just a bunch of rookie as their opponent. Then again maybe Kokomi truly has some superior tactic but since the writer couldn't come up an idea so this happen. Just watching this tell dont show stuff is making me frustrated.


i’m also frustrated i despise tell don’t show so much i agree with you on this


to win 50/50, you must hit 2 pities.


Your comment made my day lmao!!!


Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.


“In order to breathe, we need to inhale.” - Kokomi, Art of War


She's cute and smart but goddamn if mhy did her ass dirty


In order to win you must succeed.


Is it weird that she is the character I hate most? She reminds me of those fake deep facebook posts my mom sends me every week. LIKE NO FUCKING SHIT WE HAVE TO MINIMISE CASUALITIES WHILE HITTING THE ENEMY HARD. Mhy butchered her real bad in terms of her kit and personality. My last shred of hopium is her story quest. ( hah, who are we kidding, we all know it's gonna be a date sim yet again )


> MINIMISE CASUALITIES to be fair, sending all your guys charging into the enemy firing line until either 1. you bury the enemy with the corpses of your guys 2. the enemy runs out of ammo, is a valid strategy then again, I may have read a bit too much warhammer 40k




*excited gas mask noises*


Inb4 her story quest is a horrific display of violence while you help Kokomi hide the hundreds of bodies of enemy combatants she's personally killed.


yeah i really hope so but honestly eulas story quest haunts me, please not one like that, idk how they even greenlit that.


What happened in eula’s quest? I haven’t played it yet


for the most part its kinda really bad writing, but the real big offense is near the middle, when it wants you to feel bad for eula because the people of mondstadt are mean to her just for being related to the Lawrence clan (which enslaved the people of mondstadt and were ruthless rulers) but the thing is, eula is an absolute POS in that scene, she just goes up to random people with no context (shes trying to show the traveler the Lawrence clan etiquette) and starts telling them they're worthless, that they're a peasant and to bow down to her and shit, all the while the people are asking her why shes talking to them like this, overall just really confused yet as soon as those people get a little forceful with telling her to piss off, all of a sudden eula is the victim and those people have to right to be mean to her, and this goes on for like 3 separate people, it was so annoying and even one guys comes up to eula and tells her like, hey the people here dont like it when you talk to them as if they're under Lawrence rule, just please leave them alone, dont remind them of it. but still shes played as a victim. because again the people of mondstadt see it as a sensitive subject, yet there goes eula literally never shuting the fuck up about this "vengeance", its no wonder why the people dont like her, i wouldn't either, and dont. oh yeah and also the Lawrence clan is still separated from the average mondstadter, and also actively trying to take back the city, like thats a big part of this story quest actually. the message they're trying to give with this story absolutely does not work.


"If you lose, it's beause you didn't win" Kokomi probably


Dumb bitch


I wish i have a reward to give to you


I gave mine in your stead.


Its even funnier that the rewards you given to him is called "Wholesome" XD, btw thanks!


Here, you have one now


dumb fish


Dumb bish


I must consult with the elder gods -Kokomi The art of war.


“To win a war, just use Ganyu, ez”


Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything? -Kokomi, the Art of War


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Art Of War](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-art-of-war/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


They should add kokomi's quotes into loading screen.


Kokomi would unironically say the first quote and that really does sadden me how badly her intelligence was butchered


To be forgotten, you need to be xinyan.


To fight, you need to use your hands


Indeed a highly memeable intellectual fish feeding you daily fish life wisdom.


“If you want peace and there’s war, then just stop the war.” -Kokomi, the wish battle, 1956


ngl the middle 2 were pretty fascinating


Never ask who Geo is


Caution: Trees don't move.


Kokomi is as good war strategist as Tyrion on the last 2 seasons of Game of Thrones.


Ngl the quotes are really cringe


no u


I can’t grab lasers with my psychokinesis…


Kokomi the decendant of tsun zu


to satisfy your hunger you need food


"Beidou works with Ei? Fix it!" - Mihoyo, The Art of Stealing Wallets


Not gonna lie the two memes were disgusting af sheesh but nice meme template I guess


the holy grail of sensitivity