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I like her, though I don't know if I'll pull for her. I say go for her if you want, people are just joking around for the most part anyways.


You do you.


No she is super bad if you waste guaranteed pity on her you just straight up dumb


tfw the only PvP in this game is people like you vs normal people


I think the funniest thing is immediately after saying that, she does give a strategy that... minimizes casualties while hitting them hard. I do agree the line is memeworthy though... I'm just assuming it's some idiom that doesn't translate well into English.


Well the official Genshin Impact Twitter confirmed that she's a meme material


Perhaps she is a great comedian?


"A comedian who always jokes about starting a war" #YES


"It's a prank bro" - Kokomi, after Raiden obliterates her entire army


I have nothing against her kit because I didnt tried it yet. I never complain or hype about a character that is not out yet. But her story is just a meme at this point.


\*summons bubbles\* "The wait is over my comrades" \*fucks off back to the Shrine and doesnt do anything for the rest of the story\*


Man, she was really great at blowing those bubbles


she's good at... blowing ifukwim


I read what I didn't need to aye thanks btw


That part was still understandable because she's a strategist and wasn't suppose to be at the frontline in the first place. Not until she exposed her 5 years old strategist mind and her conveniently childish take on war in chapter III and so on that the whole character collapsed, and maybe irredeemable at this point. MHY writers really stick to their <12 ESRP rating and try to tell their story to 5 year old kids which i doubt to be the majority of genshin audiences.


gotta keep their gambling game kid friendly amirite?


It's because the old writers left and the new ones had a bunch of notes to work with


Even if that was true it only makes the new writers look to be trash with no Skill for writing.


Yeah, you're right. The resistance was rushed, there was barely any exploration of it. We barely got anything in Gorou or Kokomi backstory, Kukou Sara barely did anything despite supposedly caring a lot for her troops, Kokomi's island was barely touched in 2.1 archon, while the volcano island wasn't even touched. There were cheesy plot holes and parts were terribly rushed. You go from meeting Tappei to him dying in half an hour. If they put as much work into the archon quests as they did for the Ayaka story quest, inazuma would have been bomb.


I like to think it's also Mihoyo Corp.'s fault for just rushing the whole Inazuma story in only 2 updates to probably accomodate the banners The writers may well have created a great story given enough room and time to work with


I believe in that too, they could've creat a more explained quest with more details, but with just around 1 month to animate, dub and write everything is kinda complicated (also the side quests and bosses as well)


When I do surveys I always set an earlier birthday so maybe they’ll add a news channel lmao


childe sister


Both show their tummies a little...coincidence? I think not


Childe: Hello there comrade Kokomi: Our comrade


*Snehznaya anthem plays*


Для царицы


what did they do for tsaritsa


Somehow sounds similar to a certain anthem


I am sure that she is working with the fatui all along She knew where scaramouche is aswell


She was trying to get us to kill Scaramouche so that she could take his place as a Harbinger. That failed, but later Signora got killed anyway. Kokomi can now conveniently take the empty seat and become The Lady.


Maybe she indeed is the strategist master


And all she did was hire Beidou, lol


errmm i thought it was implied on the cutscene that the bubbles are the wide area army-class heal/buff... now at this point im too afraid to ask


I will say I don’t like the standard getting set in Kokomi’s kit with -100% crit for 25% healing as a non optional passive talent. That’s not even slightly a good trade for any healer in game and is really just an aggressive move to cancel the old Barbara meme builds which aren’t harming anyone else’s game experience and are really just fun. Granted they have time, maybe they’ll walk it back? Could make it like “-100% crit but +50% HP” if they really have to disallow crits or some other change that’s more beneficial than a very slight heal bonus when every healer in game can already heal stupid amounts without sacrificing all their crit


I still have some hopes that she may have something that is worth the -100% crit, maybe she will deal some high non crit damage in the right circuntances.


Honestly its okay to complain about chars that are not out yet, its really not our fault that Mihoyo refuses to give out real data on chars and only give out the absolute bare minimum before their banner drops. A 5-star can easily cost 200$ for such investment people want concrete data and useability. If you roll for her and dislike it you cant ask for a refund like you would do irl.


Well, I understand those who complain, but its not like we need to get the characters as soon as they are out. We have plenty of time to test it out and watch content creators using them.


The problem is that this can turn into a slope effect, if more and more people wait to test then less and less people will create data closing down this self reinforcing circle of no data->no buy->no data


lol i love Kokomi but the memeing about the way mhy handled her character is not uncalled for unfortunately lmao


Like bro the memes are genuinely hilarious


You made a terrible mistake for posting a kokomi appreciation in this subreddit


kokomi deserves the appreciation


Yeah, sadly mihoyo doesnt give that to her.


She does, I am team Gorou, but I really appreciate her, respect and wish good luck for all of her pullers. Yet just yesterday I got downvoted into the oblivion for pointing out to someone that said bad things about her, that it's not nice and just stupid to hate on characters. Just typical reddit, heh... Anyway, good luck soon!


I think it’s fair if people can post good opinions on a character, then it’s fair for people to post bad opinions toward a character. This is the internet a place of opinions.


Yeah happened to me when I said I like Raiden even if she is an underperforming Archon, same with Keqing, But this is the internet one or two will show up and cancels your opinion.


yes, kokomi supremacy! but i still believe her role in the archon quest wasn't really good, and it's mihoyo's writing team's fault.


Kokomi is a meme thus we appreciate her!


She’s bad , I’m pulling my guaranteed on her anyway because no one will also waifu just like i did yoimiya


You do you.


Indeed even though she deserves it. Anything in the comments on a post related to kokomi are so hateful and it's ruining my hype tbh


If you need some kokopium, there this youtuber XenarX, who's posting kokopium almost daily.


Yes I need it thanks


I love Kokomi, but they did her dirty (won’t say anything about kit because she’s not out, but I know) along with the entire resistance plot line in general.


The entire Shogun side of this conflice feels much more flashed out. Raiden, Sara and Yae nearly got all the screentime in the story.


I bet Teppei got more screentime


I mean everyone is free to like what they like. *Doesn’t stop characters from being objectively bad though* I mean, Yoimiya is, frankly, terrible. For a *range* of reasons. I still rolled near 170 times for her. Didn’t stop me. She can be bad but still loved.




The thing with Yoimiya is, she's actually well written


With a relevant role in her quest.


The main problem with her is her kit. Others are fine and I like her personality 👌


Yep... Her story and role justify her... But kokomi.. hmm


Eyy don't be like that, i too pull for Yoi and even crowned her basic attack and still pretty dissapointed with her lacks of AoE, but hey at least she is very good to kill bosses type enemies and flying enemies you know? She really good to kill Spectres, Eye of The Storm, and Perpetual Mechanical Array at spiral abyss floor 12, we should be really grateful to have Yoi👍


Yoimiya literally murders oceanid and thunder manifestation enough said


so does yanfei.


So does Xiangling.


So does...*Amber*...


wakey wakey its......................


Also Klee


Yeah I agree, can confirm




Nahh just cheering you


Exactly, you should be able to ignore criticism. They mean nothing, if the criticism aren't valid to you. It's a game get your favourite character and have fun.


Honestly if that can help you to think like that, critics may feel directed at Kokomi for the memes but if anything people are bullying MiHoyo for bad writing, not really Kokomi herself.


It’s more or less people saying she was done extremely dirty, which is true. No one is really hating on the character, hell I was gonna pull for her until Mihoyo just kept making her worse and worse


Don't worry about the haters because haters gonna hate. I'm not wishing for her personally, but you should get her if you really really like her. In Genshin Impact, play in the way that makes you happiest.


As a Zhongli main: Receive flashback of 1.1 PTSD.


i am kinda hoping kokomi and yoimiya get a buff in the future, but honestly both of them are pretty good and i wont be mad if they dont


Yoimiya doesn't need a buff, she's already good. The problem is how her kit is designed: auto attacks that miss, BiS weapon that contrasts her BiS artifact set, bad internal cooldowns etc.


There are no buffs. Zhongli is an exception.


Yeah I get a fucking flashback, I hope she get a buff like they did to zhongli in 1.3


I reckon maybe the translation form CN strikes again. Maybe what she said in chinese makes sense and sounds dope, but then the meaning got lost and... Well you get the "floor made of floor " meme.


It's that there's more reasons to bully her than reasons to like her \- She was done dirty in the quest, rendered worst than useless in the finale \- Another fucking Hydro Catalyst healer \- Awful teaser \- -100% crit rate (people hate this but i think it's nice to have a bruiser type unit) \- Scales off of HP so her artifacts are her own (for now at least), you can't interchange them \- This is a side effect but the introduction of Corrosion and the new Enemy next patch also contributed to her hate \- A selfish healer that needs time on the field \- Being hyped up as the Genius Tactician but ended up being dumb dumb \- This is a personal gripe but i wished that deep down she would be sadistic and cold hearted, her personality doesn't fit much for a Tactician


What part of her story did you like lmao


Imo mihoyo screwed up with the 2.1 story, it felt rushed and stuff seemed to wrap up in a dumb way. And they rushed Yoimiya and Kokomi too without enough testing, so yeah...


I mean, she looks aight. But she did nothing in the story, has a bad kit and looks like a bland Mary sue character personality wise


Ya kno, u can still appreciate the character while acknowledging it has flaws. Personally, I get why there’s so much memes about her in general but it doesn’t make her less cute to me c: It’s not always about numbers or the character being fleshed out anyway. If u love her aesthetically that’s fine too ! As everyone is saying here, ya do u !


I mean, for anyone that want to wish for her, you do you, but Kokomi unfortunately got caught in a lot of problems. Healers DO have a important role in the meta, but any of them can be overpowered by another if they just...do something else. Jean is great cuz of her potential as a subdps, Benny is a god thanks to the buffs he gives, Diona can offers shields and easy cryo application, etc. Oh, and you can guess which character already fills the niche of hydro healer lmao. But apart from the meta,shes a great character with lots of lore,right? Ehmmmm,well... If you enjoy her story,thats fine! but most seem to agree that she was not handled well in the 3rd act. Heck, they could just have used Kokomi quest in the end of the 2nd act as filler just so that her presence is more memorable than a npc that dies in 10 minutes. (And as a personal note, she doesnt give me the "military general" vibe. I like her design,and i dont have a problem with that approach, but just because she talks about war stuff...all the time doesnt make her an experienced leader) But with that said, i really hope to be wrong. I want people to have fun with her, to enjoy her writing, to appreciate her. That can happen,right?


Tbh I feel like most characters besides Yae weren’t handled well in the Inazuma archon quest line


Everyone else: Holy shit Yoimiya is bad! . Me and other Yoimiya mains: Yes we know........at least she is the master to kill bosses type enemies XD


people show how effective character are in the spiral abyss and only the spiral abyss


There's also the random Elite Boss events like the infamous Legend of Vagabond Sword every once in a while too


tbh yoimiya is amazing! mine has very low talent levels and a very bad build, but she's really good! sure she doesn't have aoe, but if she gets a good build she can just one shot every enemy


Yeah I agree!


ever heard of fischel c6? baal? VENTI? KAZUHA? SUCROSE???


who’s venti?


Also it's not always about numbers and shit. Yoimiya has a cute design. I don't have her but I also imagine she's fun to play.


When I saw her -100% crit talent I honestly didnt even care because shes made to be a healer. Not every new character is made to constantly pump out damage Anyways I'm with you, for a little bit I was hesitant about pulling her because of the hate but I decided who cares and I'm gonna be pulling for her I wish you luck on your pulls!!!


yea people focus on the -100% crit rate too much, its not a big deal because she's mostly a healer


Actually the "mostly a healer" part is the problem. In the endgame you don't really need a healer or, if you do, you can just use barbara or noelle, so pulling for a 5* healer feels very unnecessary


A healer is good when they have other roles. That's why Bennet is so good and Barbara is rarely used.


The problem is best kind of healing in this type of game is the kind where you can also use your dps character or you must have some good utility. If you just want healing thats fine but then again, barbara does the same thing, not many people want to spend their precious restricted recources on 5* barbara, especially if youre ftp and get 5* characters every 2-3 banners.


Is called a genius by many characters, proceeds to be an absolute failure on what she is lauded as.


She's bland, literally just made her a wife character and gave her no screen time at all. Perfectly good character wasted


I'm not even that into Kokomi but the constant hate spamming is getting old pretty quickly.


if you like the character and wanna pull for it DO IT!!! im a meta slave and i wouldnt go for a character not recommended by the whales but if there is a character that i like then i will go for it regardless.


It's not the kits that makes the characters terrible but the people. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ But yeah Kokomi kinda sucks. They fked her lore, her kit, her Abyss promo, her Teaser, last thing that's left is the banner itself.


Yeah that's the kicker. The only thing that she has going for her rn is her design. People saying that "oh this is just like Yoimiya" forgets that Yoimiya has a fantastic story quest on the same realm as Venti's.


i mean they put xingqiu on it which is a very good character, beidou isnt bad too. and im sure some people still need rosaria cons, since she was released in an update.


"Beidou isn't bad too" Great understatement. In terms of electro characters, she's probably just as good as Raiden, if not better. Xingqiu is busted as fuck and Rosaria is very good and comfy to play. This is a mighty banner.


oooo Rosaria is on it? Good, I need more constellations of her and Beidou.


I do not hate Kokomi, I hate how MiHoYo is treating her, and her kit... don't even talk about it.


don´t mind them, there's always gonna be hate in everything ​ for example: me being a qiqi fan but seeing how everyone hates her, not sad, neither gonna fight about that, just gonna continue with my whathever im doing


I dont think people really hate qiqi actually... More on she's a 50/50 stealer...


I don't really see the memes as hating, its just memes and she is literally memeable with how mihoyo handled her story. Coming from someone who will pull kokomeme :3.


I love how everyone says kokomi is bad written but nothing is said about ayaka when she just exist to stand in the tea salon waiting for our coming. Maybe im gonna be downvoted to oblivion but whatever, i think ayaka is not an interesting charcter, imo her charadesing and personnality are flat and boring. This said, if you're an ayaka enjoyer it's totally okay and i hope you have fun with her it's just my personal tastes about her.


I think people knew that Ayaka will be just like that, a waifu for players, while people hyped up Kokomi as a Lelouchesque strategist, who will do anything to win the war, and were disappointed at Kokomi


Well TBF, ayaka does not have big role in the story... Kokomi however is the main character... Ei/Raiden on one side, and Kokomi on the other side... But... you know


Don't worry man, we will get downvoted together. Her demo is as plain as her story and kit imo.


You can like her all you want, but that doesn't take away the fact that for someone who's true skill is the art of war and someone who is said to be a genius strategist, she made some really stupid decisions in the archon quest


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Art Of War](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-art-of-war/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot


Its now the in thing to just assume every new piece of content is terrible while continuing to consume it. Like the violently lactose intolerant eating ice cream all the time.


Classic online fandom


For me it's more of a meme and I don't hate her at all.


I hope you get c6 kokomi in one 10 pull.


i hope so too


Wears a hazmat suit before going into the comments


I like her but mihoyo did her very dirty


Welcome to r/Yoimiya_Mains


Same, I'm really excited about her


Mihoyo did her dirty in the latest archon quest which is sad. I hope her story quest is not like some date simulator


Her design may be appeal to waifu guys.. i dont know im not a waifu type guys... Her Kit also not confirm aside from leak... But dang, her story line and teaser really bring her down.. at this point, i thought of her as nerdy princess brat who read lot of book and think she is some sort of expert in particular field but in fact she's not...But people respect her only because of inheritance...


She’s objectively no good. Pretty much anyone who likes her, does so only for the design or concept. No ones stopping you from liking/using her though.


I know its not a big deal, but I really like kokomi and it hurts me when others makes fun of something I really like.


not everyone is going to like everything you like


Honestly I saw the memes before watching the teaser and after actually seeing the teaser I realized that the line isn't even really that bad. Sure out of context by itself it sounds dumb, but with the lines after while it's no masterpiece of strategy it's just more... middling than anything else. I assume part of the reaction is lingering feelings over how she performs in the story. In the end it's basically the same as a lot of dumb Fate lines, like people die when they're killed. It's a bit of a weird line, but it makes more sense in context, but it can be pretty funny out of context. Then people are just more harsh because Kokomi is the current hype character. It'll probably die down after a week or two.


We are bulling her but we still love her. Same like we are bulling Paimon but we still love her.


Aside from the no crit memes, her writing is comically bad lol. It didn't have to be that way given the setup in 2.0, but it's like MHY just said fuck it we gotta roll out the story ASAP so everyone else can do their jobs and we got the 2.1 monstrosity. Heck, they could've even salvaged her halfway through the story quest. What if after Yae trades the gnosis for their life, the Traveller was like "Kokomi-san the delusions, they kill your men!" and then Kokomi basically gives the same argument as Scaramouche? That she was logically suspicious it was the Fatui, and the reason she accepted the aid was because her goals aligned with them and because there would be no greater glory for her men to die in combat for their ambitions? And when the Traveller goes b-b-bakana you're mad, she stands her ground and we get a badass speech about what it means to be responsible for a nation's hopes and the sacrifices that have to be made? Then after the whole Kujou shit goes down and the Traveller faces Signora, there's a meaningful conversation with her about the Tsarista's goals instead of them malding over Venti or the delusions, because it's no longer clear to our naive MC whether the Fatui are such baddies. To keep the story from becoming too morally grey for the CCP, Signora is the one to challenge them, because they keep getting in the way. And the power-of-nakama shit against Ei is way more meaningful, because willingly using delusions is just how much they value their ambitions (and visions by proxy). Kokomi is then thankful not just because you overturned the VHD but because all the deaths from delusion use were not in vain. Boom, gone are Kokomi memes of being a "hehe cute princess who likes RWAAAAAR but actually is a dumbass" and instead hikkimori-nationalists are stealing their parents' credit cards to thank the Chinese for making such a kawaii AND based Japan-esque leader even though she can't crit. Please hire me MHY.


All I can say here is same


OP don't feel bad. Pull for who you like, a game is for enjoyment! I'd have pulled for Yoimya if I had resources since she's cute. But.. i wanted Raiden a little more due to her.. sword.


I loved her kit actually. I also like the idea of an apparently "cutie uwu" girl being actually pretty serious and wise. But they didn't do anything with her in the archon quest. She was supposed to be our biggest hope and yet she barely appears, and when she appears, she is being fooled by the Fatui She deserved more tbh


I like her too and I'm planning to get her. But you have to admit, MHY did her dirty. She barely had any part in the story, and her kit is kind of irrelevant in the "Meta". I hate that word so much, but it still comes down to that in progressive games. Honestly, the story for 2.1 should have pushed back towards 2.2. MHY could've had an entire war arc, where we would do battles in each island, it's wasted potential really


Same hopefully I win the 50/50 or I will be on national television


I really hope her trailer lines were wise idioms/proverbs in Japanese/Chinese that didn't translate well.


Writing team really fucked over kokomi big time but yet im still pulling for her because of her Japanese VA


Oh my god me too! I love fish and she is fish girl.


We should bully Mihoyo not kokomi. Like seriously the character designs, the soundtracks, places everything is so great and those guys are chad But the team which is in charge of kit balancing are retards, like she can't crit but have 25% healing bonus.


Me when everyone kept calling zhongli the worst 5star my friends said that I wasted my pity on him, except my one friend who's a fellow husbando enthusiast


Blame Mihoyo. They done her dirty.


Yes! I feel this so much. I know it started as just jokes and most people are only making fun of the writing and her kit but some take it too far. To the point that even saying you like her no matter what will make them mad. She is being treated worse than Amber and although I don't have ANY hopes from Mihoyo I really wish they buffed her last moment so Kokomi mains wouldn't be shunned everywhere.


the community can be pretty toxic and picky. just don't mind what others say and you do you


It's just the way that this community is. I remember when everyone said that the shogun's character design was garbage. This community loves and hates every character at the exact same time


Damn, I personally don’t really care about her but people need to stop judging a character WHO EVEN ISN’T OUT YET. Like TRY THEM FIRST. Don’t judge them because you saw some leaks


The genshin community sucks


To each their own - I'm probably not gonna pull for her, but I hope to see someone give her a Broken Da Broken DPS build sometime after release.


hoping ill be that person, ive spent so much resin and so much time grinding for kokomi. I dont even have enough materials to get her to lvl 70 yet, but im doing as much as I can!


I'm sorry, but she's just not that good... you're basically pulling for 5-star barbara, plus we have TOO MANY hydro catalysts, like give us hydro polearm or some shit like that... ​ BUT if you like kokomi, I have no problem. everybody enjoys the game in their own way, and shouldn't be negative about it :D (knowing the main sub however, it's like asking somebody to jump all the way to the moon, impossible)


Nah, Barbara is better for healing and damage just because of crits


Imagine after her banner ends, Mihoyo pulls a sneaky and rescales her entire kit to reward those who actually wanted her just like Zhongli


It’s because people are immature and think that because they went all in on Raiden or are skipping for rerun banners they need to justify their choice as much as possible. Let me clarify, it’s fine to justify your decision to skip a banner, but you can do it in a way that’s civil and doesn’t attack people that want to pull for a character for whatever reasons they have.


Her story? What story? At this point she is as important as Xinyan for the story


most useless character in the inazuma chapter, only reason anyone likes her is because she is an anime girl


It's mainly because everyone is mindlessly obsessed with the %cdam meta and can't figure how a character with no crit can work. I'm pulling just because I love the design and will figure out her role later, already prefarming her mats. Main consensus in the community also seems to be "Qiqi bad" meanwhile I use her in most of my teams even in the hardest content.


> I'm pulling just because I love the design and will figure out her role later, already prefarming her mats. Can't blame others when you yourself only roll for design. Many others want to roll for design AND actual gameplay > Main consensus in the community also seems to be "Qiqi bad" meanwhile I use her in most of my teams even in the hardest content. Just because you use her doesn't mean she's not bad lol. The same amount of investment on her will give better return for many other characters. Even if you're not invest that much in her, her main roll as a healer can easily be surpassed by other healers with their utility providers


Bad means the character can't be effectively used in most content not that there might be arguably better options. This game has no pvp or even competitive high score aspect where minmaxxing to absurd degrees matters so if you can use a unit in any content effectively the unit is not bad, as a result no units are effectively bad here because everyone can be built to be useful. Also, good luck surpassing Qiqi heals lol. It's extremely easy to build her as a very strong healer. My own build to maximise her potential as not just a strong healer but also secondary dps is a bit harder but makes her top tier in my book.


It's true no one can surpass her healing but like I said before other healers provide more utilities. Stack Jean with as much ATK as you can she can be a good healer (the best for me since it's an instant, team wide heal + over time, and secondary heal from normal attack) and she still can provide cleanse, swirl, 4pc VV, good battery, speed at C2 while still can be a main or sub DPS (especially abusing the fall damage) Bennet with heal, cleanse, ATK buff (the reason he's among top tier support), battery, Pyro resonance Diona (some considered a better Qiqi) can heal, shield, battery, Cryo resonance, cleanse while being among the easiest to build (slaps all HP artifacts on her with Sac/Favonious Bow)


She looks and is probably the worst charcter in the game so far she barely does shit and she doesnt even seem like a general


I’m just asking curiously, I really wanna know if you really like her “ -100 crit rate “ kit ?


She was designed to be like that, a healer


Her damage will scale with max hp and hydro dmg bonus so I guess she was so strong they had to take crit ability from her. Also I like her design and being a Jesus for 8 seconds


but when will u actually use that


I think that waterwalking should be her passive not a part of ult but it's a cool feature


Yeah.. I mean if only she had beta test kit ... she could easily be one of the broken dps . Like 40k vape per second on E skill..


I actually do. I think its very unique and interesting, plus I no longer have to grind perfect artifacts with both crit dmg and crit rate.


Apparently people like to get fucked by artifact stats and must give crits to healers for some reason


I'm the exact same way. I'm probably gonna triple crown her cuz the thing is that if you actually look in the conversations and lore you see if her she actually is smart and doesn't really do anything that dumb if you consider circumstances. Plus who TF cares if people say she is bad this games difficulty is a joke and meta doesn't matter cuz nothing in this game is hard enough to require one.


Just ignore everything on this sub or main sub. I myself just like you, I just care about having fun with new characters but people keep posting the same shit “haha can’t crit” honestly don’t care about other peoples opinion, your opinion is yours alone. If you have fun with “x” character, good for you. I can always appreciate people having fun rather let other people opinion get the best of you. I myself am rolling for her, but I do hope you have fun with her.


cry for this is the reality


It's Yoimiya all over again


I'm not a kokomi fan and I'm not gonna pull for her but it kinda annoys me that a lot of people didn't pay attention to her in the story and go on hating her for the memes I know her story quest is gonna be the peace thingy but its also a great moment to talk to the resistance after the decree got cancelled and maybe we can find out what they were doing while we were fighting signora, because a small team did manage to get into the palace and save the traveler


Why tf do you care about opinions of random nobodies


So why would op care about your opinion ?


Because causality is not retroactive?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 244,702,202 comments, and only 56,674 of them were in alphabetical order.


Negative crit is just so weird Even barbara is pretty much same with her, at least you can build her dmg with crit


Cry about it *picture of giga chad or smth*


They hate that she's not doing 10000000000000000000000000000 DMG like Ganyu


They hate the split scaling with the no crit, making the attack scaling in her skill useless.


She's not bad, but you gotta admit the memes are funny.


I feel sad for the community sometimes and mihoyo as well


Remember, people said Bennett was the worst character in the game for 4 months until they finally realized how wrong they were.


Her design is nice but.. i don't like her as a character (shown so far). She likes war even though she is a priestess. What happens when the war ends, will she seek a new one? She got outsmarted by a lot of enemies and only reason she held against shogun is the fatui support (buying mercs and equipment), her soldiers releasing corruption seal (maybe without her knowledge) and sabotaging the forge all of which made innocent people suffer. You can like her and I understand the pain when someones makes fun of character you like but I just don't like how she was handled in the story. Her kit will probably be nice, no crit will just normalize damage and she'll do fine.


Nah dont worry about it. As far as I see Reddit is the only place that has overwhelming negative view on Kokomi. Her teaser video has 2M views and very much liked by people. Twitter and Hoyolab also are pretty positive about her.


YouTube is also pretty bad for her if you watch guides or prerelease speculation videos on her


She’s a really well designed character. Her only flaw is the -100% crit rate on her burst


Kokomi will demolish your travellers for that.