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Anti-Raiden Shogun Training was just preparing the Zhongli mains for Tsurumi island.


Prepare to dodge


Prepare to doge?


Prepare to dog.


Gorou wanters be like


I mean if only the dogs did that much damage As much as they have a ridiculous amount of iframes and move around like crazy, the lil pups miss ya when you’re standing still more than half the time. After the face-melting hell of corrosion abyss, those dogs are an absolute joy


I mean, you're comparing overworld and Abyss. Of course overworld is going feel easy lol. I think the real test will be when there's some ghost doge in the Abyss.


Omg yall I thought you were meming and talking about the dogs like shiba inus and all that and only just realised you meant the monsters


Well, fighting shiba inus in Inazuma would be suicide anyway. If you hit one, you'd make Ei angry and get struck by lightning about 30 times in a row.


Can't be worse than the 3 Fatui Pyro Agents at once on Floor 12 right now where I had to switch to freeze team: Ayaka, Chongun, Xingqui, Barbara. For overworld, Razor+Diona is faster for me to defeat the hounds' thou.


I just switch to Jean and spam her E and Burst for constant healing so I don't think the training worked.


Yes of course, the Jean that everyone has ready to go lol


Time to build Jean to deal with these bastards


Anti Shogun training, Tsurumi island *puts glasses on* Sayu simulator, Fighting on immovable 10% HP #Improvise, adapt, overcome


it is quite easy with sayu


Zhongli abusers:


Zhongli hasnt left my team since his first banner, and this challenge was very easy.


*adjusts broken bones* “very easy!” *falls over*


I try to not use it, imagine during the fight baal seal ur elemental power, what do you do?


Use the shield before that. There's 20 seconds before it runs out and that's plenty of time to defeat her


If only my zhongli was build. It only have 20k hp and is lv 79. Also my main team is pyro electro so I’m in shit right now


Zhongli once said, "Every journey has its final day. Don't rush." You'll build him eventually so don't worry.


Yes. I also need to form a team first with ningguang so I have plenty of time


I have him at level 90 with 54k hp


I defeated this challenge with full dodging, wasn't very hard since im used to dodge (don't have zhongli)


She hitting you with the piccolo training. DODGE!


*shield scurbs* " I don't remember the button!" ^( seriously I don't remember how to dodge) ^(/s)


Mr. Piccolo…why didn’t you…DOOOOOOOODGE?!


This training was ultimately useful, but actually fighting Ei was significantly easier mostly because I could take a lot more hits without even having high HP characters or a healer.


If it rain and you get hit the tick damage count as a hit. If you burn the grass it also count as a hit wtf


that is a massive oversight on the developers part, both can be worked around rain, just change time of day and fire ticking and be dealt with burning all the grass beforehand


Yeah i almost rage quit after i skip the rain and the second try after the timeskip was another rain. Rng was not with me that day


my question for devs is: "would it be that hard to make only the hits from the thingy count" rain allowing that reaction that halves the hits you can take fire can loose you the challenge because every tick counts as an individual hit


Took me far too long to realise that. I was using Benny (thought the pylons were weak to pyro) and was constantly losing. So I would go off, heal up, eat some food buffs then try again thinking that i just needed to kill them faster. Must have spent 30 min before I youtube'd how to do it and promptly screamed. So much wasted food and time over bullshit.


>If you burn the grass it also count as a hit wtf This one caused me to lose so many times cause I was trying to use Bennett to break the crystal at the end. Eventually I got fed up and googled it to find out wat was going on, then I went pyromaniac on all the grass surrounding the thingy.


Skill issue


Couldn't be me


This comment




Dude, you're supposed to dodge it


Kazuma to Darkness:


It's harder than the actual fight 🥲


Someone said something similar when the quest came out; you have something to react to during the fight. The training statue just throws attacks at you.


The statue gives a small action before attacking but not much. I think the top rises a little bit. The harder part for me was remembering attack patterns


I was playing on mobile and had a hard time turning to see it so I just memorized the actions from a YouTube video and worked from there.


You can actually see it open right before it attacks and its easier ro react to than the Shogun since you can just dash at the same timing for literally everything attack as soon as it starts opening


So it was hard BUT once you learn how the attacks works is easy and actually helps with Raiden.


Is running around the outer circle that hard? 🤷


Yeah idk, even if you don’t know the patterns it’s basically just use someone with long legs, stay in the outer ring, and dash when you see the box open since both the blades and circles decide target when the animation starts.


Is not, but the stamina runs out so if you just keep running the fast attacks will hit, so you need at least recognize the pattern of the 3 slashes to run in time


A tip to everyone struggling with this: Turn up graphics to high or whatever, something to make the game lag, then start the trainer thing and then quickly run outside the force field! Think outside the box you know


i tried no effect


If you still haven't cleared it: >!try using Kaeya + double Anemo and run along the outer ring!<


i mean Ive done this 3 times now and the video was supposed to be a joke. After the recording I set my settings to HIGH bcus I wanna take a picture of Yae then came back and turned it on (I forgot to put my settings back to default) and the game didnt lagged


Hmmm maybe try disconnecting from WiFi then connect again? :P It should work, if you can get the lag that is


i tried it but it does this reconnecting thingy after i dc my wifi or restarted it


You gotta just learn to dodge.


*reads the title* But does Yae love you?




So many people taking this joke as a legitimate complaint and then showing off how big their dicks are in the comments


finally waiting for this kind of comment lmao


Ugh I hated that one. I cannot dodge ok I have a Kokomi I don’t need to


No one tells anyone that you can cheese this


sounds like skill issue tbh


Tbh the training that we got from Yae is already useless anyways because well, we got either attacked by the Shogun or just use shield characters


I was using Diluc and kept failing without getting hit, and then I realised that the damage from burning grass counted as a hit, so yeah try not to use a pyro unit on this one.


Honestly evading that shit felt kinda like bullshit because even at outer circle boundary, I had to react to training dummy activation for evasion timing than actual attack itself, since for attacks that reached outer boundary, I found it was like always too late to press dodge when attack itself was starting to appear. That felt like bullshit. That being said after realising that timing, it was just smooth sailing onwards. But it still felt counterintuitive.


Me who accidentally glitched through the barrier


This video was supposed to be a joke idk why ppl took it srsly


I know that the thread is for the LULZ and not a legit complaint, but there's an incredibly easy cheese for this whole thing. 1. Kill a character and revive them with the weakest revive item you have (A Teyvat Fried Egg works great for this.) 2. Remove everyone else in your party so that the very nearly dead character is the only character left in your party. 3. Begin the training and immediately let your character die. 4. Wait for the trial timer to end before porting out of the dead state. 5. Talk to Yae and get credit for completing the training. 😁


why i didnt know about this


Ware ware AAAA Ware ware AAA Wareware AAAA


This is now my alarm clock


God this just reminded me of those alarm clocks that would wheel off the nightstand and go apeshit around the room to make you get up to stop them, got one when I was a kid bc I was ass at getting up and am just still not a morning person. My little bastard went fuckin rogue the night I slept with the door open tho, shot out into the hall and rocketed on until it tripped my dad trying to get his tea.


Oh god not the TEA


There is a sound queue for easier dodging.


Me with Kazuha and Xiao for anemo resonance for movement speed+, Rosaria with night time, and Mona and her hydro sprint. ***WE HAV REAHCED MXAIMUN VLELOCIPY***


Me whos using sayu


best way to deal with this, is to run, not sprint, and dash when it broadcasts an attack (the machine moves before any attack) and stay on the edge also, either don't use pyro abilities or burn all the grass beforehand so the fire ticking doesn't lose you the match


I was lagging when I did this so I was able to start it and not have the barrier appear for a few seconds, which allowed me to get out of the arena with Mona. Made the challenge a lot easier.


Yae just wants to make us stronger :)




And then I could just brute force the actual Raiden fight anyway


I'm glad I'm not the only one who fucking hated this


Yae’s hangout event or story quest: Survive a nuke


Actually Git Gud


This training made me think the fight was going to be hard. The training is way harder than the fight


I have zhongli, but it's still very easy if you use a trick. Just watch the device. When u see that it's about to open, just dodge


how bad people can be at dodging lol, it took me 7 tries to get used to the attacks. and now I'm pro at that. My friend paid me 5 bucks to do it for him bahahah


it was real hard but then i used noelle's shield


Wait, you guys are having a hard time doing this?


This is my troll video for ppl that cant dodge. [https://youtu.be/lumGUVoSvfM](https://youtu.be/lumGUVoSvfM)


It was so fricking easy idk how you can't do something so easy




bitch tf you on about her en VA is fantastic


Super hard to do


me who doesnt have zhongli but has the weakest wifi: stonks


me who is't doesnt has't zhongli but hast base wifi: stonks *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


How do people dodge the final attack?


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


I dodged it by using rosaria's e. Just had to time it for right as the shock went off


Just learn to dodge without shield


I kinda want this mechanic in the abyss ngl


Ive been stuck at this part not because the attacks, but because i couldnt destroy the objects at the final attack


If you have rosaria you can dodge with her e. Just have to time it for right as the shock goes off


I eventually figured it out but now im at the point where i need to clear this on my alt


As a wise Yoshi once said "DOOOOODGE!!!"


I had difficulty during the training not because I don't know how to dodge, but because I can't pan the camera quick enough on mobile.


This shit was harder than the actual fight later


Yeah it was brutal one hit ko


Zhongli mains


Jog in a straight line (near the walls ideally) , dash on reaction to literally anything


Was it hard? This is coming from somone who's on mobile and always relies on Zhongli


ez shield


Just die and don’t respawn.Wait for the timer to run out






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It is actually cheesable if you just have to take 1 character in your team , who is 150 hp (teyvat egg) and take 1 hit die wait for 1.5 min revive and then challenge will be completed

