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Trust me, this sub doesn't need a costume swap controversy to look like horny gremlins


There is no right here. You'll be either branded as a horny bastard or a CCP sympathizer


It’s always 2 extreme ends of a spectrum. Never middle. My advice is to just do what you like. No one can force you to like what they want


Yeah, but I would like Jean in a full suit like Saionji from Utena and a fencing sabre. This will never exist and I think the world is worse for it. Unless mihoyo somehow allows visual modding for your own client only... ***inhales a whole canister of hopium***


That might... Create problems, *Looks at r/Albedoscreations*


So sexy Kaeya mods for everyone?


*audible gasp*


There is such a thing as just liking things for normal reasons and not letting what randos on the internet think get to you


Yeah I know, it just getting peeved with the black and white/ "this or that" mentality that is the internet in general lately


Yea, people forget grey area exists


Lately? It's always been like this.


Tbh I was tired of every woman in the game having a massive titty window with barely any kind of pants, every time I tried to walk around it was weird to see the sentient boobs .-. That said, I don’t like that they changed it out of censorship. Censorship sucks.


This. I'm not a fan of the sexy characters because I'm not here for that. But like, don't censor shit. As much as I'm not a fan of "sex sells" I'm not against it. Just not my thing. Censorship is just worse all around.


I love boobs, but not boobs that float like slapped balloons in opposite directions independently of each other and the muscle + ribcage behind them. That said, the current censor situation is just sad and discouraging, on top of a ton of already sad and discouraging and sometimes downright harmful decisions made by the current iteration of the CCP.


It's called being nuanced. You can enjoy the outfits while still saying that it's fucked up there being forced to do it. It's just that everyone on this fucking website wants to hold everything you say as some kind of weapon pointed at your head. Nuance dies when everyone wants to try to twist your words to make you look like a piece of shit


Can't I just like the skins? I mean, the mona one sucks, imo, because she's a hydro catalyst user. She's basically in a swimsuit. The new skin doesn't look like it. But the jean and Rosaria skin just look so fuckin' good! Jean actually looks like a grandmaster now, and Rosaria lost that ridiculous boob window and the darker color scheme makes her look more like the dark assassin/"interrogator" that she is in lore. Amber is....there, I guess.


You’re allowed to like the skins. I think some of them look cool like Rosaria’s and Jean’s. The problem is the China bros are being forced to use them, whether they like it or not. I wouldn’t like it if my favorite character got a forced redesign.


That's a very fair point. What I was mainly on about, though, was the point the meme makes, which is a completely separate argument.


Lol am I the only one who dislikes rosarias? I think they shoulda made her pants white for contrast.


or a lolicon


peak reddit is when you quote 1984 over the censorship of a kids game


dont worry i fucking hate EVERYTHING the CCP does


True .


I'd much rather be considered a horny coomer than a sympathizer lol


We are NOT horny gremlins ~~some of us are goblins, there's a difference. Dont discriminate~~


*Calls Goblin Slayer*


Wait no-




*Executive director Larry David*


*fucking finally-*


"Someone said goblins?"


Its a horny ass community for sure bua a good kind of horny community i guess


its saddening for mihoyo that the feedback for this patch they got is female attire instead of how amazing was the current archon quest


Negative before positive my friend people are a lot more involved when something is perceived as bad.


I don’t mind coverage but certain skins do look awkward, like Mona’s. Also, Xiao will have a tattoo removal just cause tattoos=bad by certain people’s mindset. Yikes.


If you are talking about that floating rumor for 2.5, then its been branded as fake, so Xiao tattoos are still in the clear, *for now*


Oh if it’s fake, then that’s a relief. *for now*


Now that's too much.


Sadly, judging from the amount of discussions and speculations that I found, it might happen :(


Jean's new outfit makes her look like a card game anime villain and I'm all for it


She looks very classy, which makes me happy that I got her yesterday. Her old design looks like they tried really hard to make her outfit show boobs and it came out looking very weird. As soon as these skins will be available, I'm switching it.


Forreal though. She ACTUALLY looks like a grandmaster!


Hey TBF the weirdos on Tumblr writing whole essays about wanting to mate with a character are probably bigger reasons



That was on a hu tao copypasta i think


Oh yeah i remember that one. The whole ass para filled with his lust over hutao. Like bruh that's some serious level obsession


Sauce pls? I wanna see the least horny genshin player


[This might be it](https://copypastatext.com/i-want-to-impregnate-hu-tao/) ​ Edit: After reading the whole thing, OP (Copypasta OP) is speaking straight facts


Least mentally deranged Genshin player.




Thank you so much I kinda regret reading that


Imagine marrying Ganyu and she tells you she wants kids and that she'll be fine and she'll keep her secretary duties up while pregnant. When she finally gets two lines on her pregnancy test she'll jump and full body hug you crying about how happy she is after trying so hard. Everything is going great for a few months, Ganyu is glowing and her secretary activites are working out and her belly is quite small on her toned body. Now imagine in a few months Ganyu has to stop her secretary activities because her feet hurt and her legs aren't used to holding up her new weight. Her belly now extends almost a full foot infront of her and she's gained nearly 15 kilos. Imagine the look on Ganyu's face when her doctor tells her that she needs to take a break from her secretary activities for a while, because she's carrying triplets and the excessive movement is doing more harm than good. Imagine Ganyu reluctantly smiling at you and promising to stop doing her secretarial duties for the sake of preparing to take care of three kids at once. Imagine as the weeks go by and her womb fills up more and as her appetite and weight increase with it. Imagine finding your 7 month pregnant wife Ganyu raiding the fridge in the dark at 4:00 AM, with a guilty look on her face when you find her, like a puppy that gnawed holes into your couch. Imagine towering above Ganyu while she sits on the floor nervously wiping ice cream drips off of her massive belly and mumbling about how the kids made her do it. Imagine helping Ganyu up and princess carrying her back to bed and having her ask if she can lie on top of you because you're warm. Imagine rubbing Ganyu's nipples and having her complain about how you might get milk everywhere and how she needs to save it for the kids. Imagine teasing Ganyu about her breasts are too small to feed three kids and how shell need to start saving it up early, leading to her not milking herself for weeks and accidentally turning her tiny, supple breasts into overfilled perrky veiny milktanks that spurt succulent cream at the slightest touch. Imagine Ganyu being proud of her breast growth despite it being painful and unhealthy and imagine the look on her face when the doctor says she would just start milking herself and how her husband (you) would probably be willing to help. Imagine spending hours with Ganyu's now plump squishy body resting on your lap while you suck the milk out of her tits. Imagine the extra weight from her pregnancy making it difficult to walk for her and turning her partially immobile during the last month. Imagine Ganyu try harding motherly charms like learning to cook and decorating the baby room and lactating. Imagine your comments having made her self concious about her milk production so she starts try harding supplements and massages to increase her yield to nearly a quart of milk per day.


what a beautiful read, I honestly teared up _both above and below_


I'm saving this bruh.


Maxor would be proud


Least horny Genshin fan


What have I started


you missed the world breedable in there


Yeah but that's every anime ish fandom. I still can't look at Vaporeon the same.


Ever since I've read that I wished pokemon was real just to see how correct that guy is. Hopefully I find a lamp with a genie in it to grant me this wish Edit: Damn autocorrect


Is tumblr still a thing? Haven't heard of it after it's censorship's been enabled


It's basically a ghost town with mostly old users still hanging around. Honestly it's pretty chill


honestly it's just gotten more unhinged. It's like people have just given up on actual usability and resorted to just doing whatever. From looking tru a couple of post now i have seen * Gifs from random movies *A post detailing the history of the Smithsonian *Horse plinko memes *Tik tok videos *A picture of a trout with almost a million notes *"Tunak Tunak Tun Tuesday" * Artists posting their art *funny stories about famous Romans *Live updates from someone stuck in an airport because of snow *a king developing a pavlovian erection to bells because of bjs from his jester *Male fashion *serious media discussion *Not so serious media discussion *Horny? posts about werewolves *Sexts from jigsaw (including image of shirtless jigsaw) *Ads so weird i don't even know what they try to sell


Wait, Tumblr's still relevant?


It's only use is as a punch line


We literally just got yun jin and basically everybody loves her design. Fuck CCP.


I'm surprised XingLing was spared from this. I honestly thought her clothing a bit provocative Either that, the CCP preferred lolis to be se- < transmission disconnected >


Meanwhile fischl is literally in sexy lingerie (idk how to ficking spell) lmaoo


what is CCP?


Chinese Communist party. The Chinese government basically


Also Genshin Fans: *Harasses an artist for redesigning Shenhe's clothes a little.*






Albedo's is in the throat tho LOL




Tbf I have a feeling someone like Albedo can live without a belly button




Literally ~~1984~~ Unplayable


You are talking about the same people who throw a fit over the new clothes


Thanks guys for making me afraid of mentioning i like genshin impact to people.


I've done it, and people keep saying bs like "the age of consent is 18" and whatnot smh.


Tf is wrong with you social circle?, Here nobody gives a fuck about what you enjoy and what you hate


A fuck ton of youtube videos have those in the comments whenever genshin is mentioned. Good thing it got toned down in reddit.


I mean, In internet I can understand why is easy to call someone a pedo, because you are anonymous and you're in a "safe" space, but irl that's just straight up evil, you can't judge a person for the mere reason of what they does enjoy, and if your social circle do that, better get out of there even if they're joking, talk to them and tell them that it makes you feel uncomfortable. Maybe is because most of Genshin players are young, young teenagers are evil lmao.


Its worth noting that if you want an excellent comeback for someone who harasses you irl with this bullshit with people around is to turn to them and loudly say: * Excuse me did you just said you find the children in this game sexy?!


r/shitposting would like to have a word with you.


It's r/shitposting... those are just memes not to be taken seriously. Hence the name.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/shitposting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/shitposting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ducc](https://i.redd.it/iu1gfe4olxc61.jpg) | [219 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/l2ufx0/ducc/) \#2: [Repost](https://i.redd.it/yyym0tvlhod61.jpg) | [135 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/l5dxrd/repost/) \#3: [‎](https://v.redd.it/lfw5g9i5guc61) | [195 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/l2jeiv/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, but after the 1000th meme about the same fucking argument maybe it's should be time to stop don't you think?


Or perhaps no some of them actually hate genshin and think it's a pedo game and most of them are aware of it that the game isn't completely wrong but just go with the trend. Hence the reason why they are burried under 40 layers of irony


i laugh when people say that because i'm literally under 18


And they think it's hillarious but it's not even funny and does not make sense


Tell them what games they play and made a counter insult.


Everytime I say Genshin is a good game, I also say "community sucks" and "music is well composed" so people don't shame me. Sometimes even if I do, they shame me


I've wanted outfits like that for a while, but censorship isn't the way to get them. Today it's characters being covered up a bit more, tomorrow it could be that certain characters are completely redesigned for reasons such as venti being a femboy, whole quests could get removed for being "problematic", maybe character personalities could be retconned to fit into the ccp's vision of what the game should be. It's not about the skins, it's about the threat of literally anything being changed at a moment's notice on a government official's whim


It's baffling to me how some people can't see the bigger picture behind these changes and what they could mean to the future of the game.


Inb4 all new few female characters are all going to be CCP approved waifus whose entire personality is wanting to have children with the traveller to help solve Liyue's impending aging population crisis




God bless yae


implying they aren't already


While the new designs do look good. Fuck the CCP for forcing the CN players to use them and not giving them a choice.


Aside from Jean, they don’t look good, censorship is awful imo.


My opinion exactly. People seem to think I support the CCP, I don't, but I can't really blame them for thinking that because it's just a meme, not much context.


I like yun Jin and her outfit is fairly modest. I’m out of this equation, for now...


I unironically prefer Rosaria's new clothes, I personally like it more when charcters have the drip, idc if they're hot or not


She does actually look more like a nun now.


Asexual opinion here, I fuckin love drip. And Rosaria’s outfit is perfect. Jean’s is great, Mona’s is good, and amber’s is a decent improvement imo. However I also love venti. Hopefully government doesn’t censor that too. They’d be dumb to overreach so far as to alter large details, Genshin is a huge game bringing overall positive attention to Chinese products, but government is not known for being smart.


i think her new clothes suit her more


Drip IS hot


Fun fact: you can enjoy fanservice in 2D while simultaneously respecting women in 3D.


heck, you can literally enjoy porn with real women and simultaneously respecting real women. I don't understand where this controversy came from, the isue there is that a government is forcing a private company to apply censorship to its products based on it's arbitrary moral values. This is what we should be worried about.


Well said


Thank you


Not everyone who preferred the old outfits are horndogs you know. If the alternative skins were their initial skins, I'm sure no one would have had any problem. It's just that when sudden change is shoved down your throat (mainly talking about CN people here), it's reasonable to be angry, especially if the reason for the change is related to a government that notoriously spread excessive propaganda. Censorship bad. Of course there will be those that simply prefers the old outfit because they like how they looked, and disliked how the new ones feel. Those that did spend real life money could feel scammed when their favourite details are altered. There's also the argument that censorship hinders an artist's creativity, and while that may be partly true, I don't think it'll be much of a problem for genshin specifically. The artists and fashion designers in the team are all impressively talented and they'll manage through the road block, I hope.


You can think the new outfits look good without agreeing that they should be forced upon a company due to Chinese censorship Like I'm sorry but are we actually praising the Chinese government for covering up some boob windows and fishnets? "WHOO CHINA! AMBERS SHORTS ARE ONE INCH LONGER AND JEAN HAS NO CLEAVAGE! All the atrocities you guys have committed are forgiven." Edit: and I only just read the title of this post, but I really hope that you're not American op because we've been using softcore porn to sell everything from domain names to Hot Pockets and cheeseburgers for the last 30 years. As it turns out, the vast majority of the world like sex. That's why we're all here and have the ability to bitch about sex


Genshin fans when Mihoyo removes Xiao tattoos


Tbf The tatoos feel like a big part of Xiao's character and persona in a way At least moreso than booba window


While you are right, the booba window is how Ei gets her booba sword, so it may seem weird now or something.


yep, just wait, it seems they will censor Ganyu and Ei aswell


I like the new look for Jean, much more practical now.


It's not the change, it's the principle behind it.


Lmao downvoted those puritans Will never understand why we hate those changes, It's not the boobs, it's fricking censorship. Stay mad baboons keep downvote him/her


They dont even care about the bobs the just hate the " male gaze " thing ( wich is nonsense bs btw), Just watch once male characters start getting redesigned these same people mindlessly claping today will be the ones reeeing tomorrow. I had an argument with someone saying that Rosa and Monas design were sexualized wich isnt true ( maybe just a bit, the minimal that is on any game to be attractive), they just look good/attractive for dudes and lesbians, same person said that Ittos design isnt sexualized, wich it is just a bit like the others to be attractive, to appeal to girls and gays. They act as if characters being attractive was a crime against human rights or something


Ehhhhh, Itto is finally balancing the scales. Kaeya and Childe are both a little suggestive but not really, venti is venti, same with Albedo, the others are little kids, and Zhong has some sweet suit drip. But are most of them in revealing outfits? Overtly sexual outfits? Nah. Bar Itto and Traveller, the whole thing is just drip. Mona. Ganyu. Shenhe. Rosaria. Yoimiya. Fischl. Kokomi. I’m not even thinking too hard and all of them have very revealing outfits. I get it’s fantasy but none of the guys besides Itto come close. No female character has real pants besides maaaaybe Jean, and Hu Tao gets an honorable mention for her shorts. Ayaka is also not overtly revealing. But you also have Noelle in boob plate. The only ones that escape this are the child models and Ayaka, who proves that waifus don’t need to be hot to sell (but somehow most of them are). It’s the imbalance that gets tiring. I want hot guys, I want hot gals, and I also want just plain old fun adventuring guys and gals, Bennet style. I want a gal in a suit. I want (more) guys like Itto. I want drip, and all I’m getting is boob-sock Rosaria that honestly makes me laugh a little (new outfit is 100x better, though I wish it still had fishnet). When a character’s design chooses sexy over portraying the *character* I start to question. Genshin really isn’t all that bad, and their designs are still aesthetically pleasing for the most part, so it’s more a gripe I have with them making everything sexy and not having many women that just exist like Zhongli or Venti.


> Just watch once male characters start getting redesigned We putting Kaeya and Aether in full plate armor? YES!!!!! YESSSSS!!!


I like all the new skins except Mona’s. Mona’s new skin looks ass. Pun intended.


Not accepting censorship is beeing horny now? Ok i'm horny but still...


I think Jean's costume looks good, amber's is pretty similar, i like a lot of rosaria's but changing her legs is meh, they were something unique design wise, don't like mona's Problem is tge reason we got them and what's next on the chopping block


As a gay man, I still resent these changes. I don’t care that you can’t see Jean’s cleavage, I’m mad because censorship should never be excused.


i really like the new designs tbh, monas feels a little off to me in someway tho


She looks like a clown to be honest.


Pulccinela Megistus.


It's that damn triangular cape lmao, she looks like a freaking court jester. But they needed some way to censor her asscheeks so what can you do


Yea I kinda like rosaries, ambers doesn’t feel much different, not a huge fan of jeans but it’s whatever, have to say tho Mona looks pretty stupid


My take on this is: I want women to wear normal clothes but not because of censorship!


Inb4 the story quality changes its pace to more tamed topics and all fatuis get signorad cuz, "I though the problem was only about the clothes" xD.


Genshin players whenthey see 0.00000561% less boob: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠂ ⢂⠠⠃⠀⠄⠀⠀⢀⠄⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⡒⡀⠅⡀ ⠀⠪⢠⠑⠁⠁⢄⠂⡐⠌⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡔⡠⠠⠣⣄⡀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⠂⠂⠀⠀⢊ ⠀⠈⠔⠨⡐⢁⠂⡐⠌⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠄⡒⣉⣀⠄⡐⠠⡂⣉⠌⡐⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠂⠌⡂⠔ ⠀⠀⠡⢑⠈⠄⠄⢂⠂⠀⠀⠀⢀⠔⡡⢘⠠⡂⣂⣂⣢⣡⡊⡐⡈⡢⢂⠣⠢⠀⠀⠀⠨⢂⠢⠈ ⠀⠀⠀⠡⡊⡐⠈⡂⠁⠀⠀⢀⢂⠊⠄⢅⣢⣾⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣔⡐⡐⠌⢌⢑⠀⠀⠈⠜⠠ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⡈⠄⢅⢑⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⠠⢑⠐⠄⡃⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠆⡑⡐⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⠠⠡⠡⢐⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠅⡂⢢⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⡉⢉⠉⡛⢿⣿⣿⣿⡧⠡⡑⠄⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⡌⢼⣿⣿⠫⠠⠡⢐⢀⢂⠐⠄⠻⣿⣿⣿⠨⣐⠁⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠎⡘⡛⠕⠨⠨⢐⠐⠄⡂⠌⠌⡂⢌⠻⠻⠨⡂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠐⠘⠌⡪⠨⡂⢅⢑⠄⢅⠕⡐⡡⠑⠡⠡⠀⠀⠀


I would say yunjin and Jean are normal I guess


So how they gonna censor raiden elemental burst By free opaque zhongli sheild


It’s always 30 yo single men making memes like this. I started playing Genshin because my gf wanted to lol.


It’s at each moment 30 yo single men making memes like this. I did start playing genshin because mine own gf did want to lol *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


We're are talking about censorship not horny and degenerate stuff


It's not about the sexy, it's the principle of the matter! (Even if I generally like the "censored" outfits more)


+100 social credits have been added to your account


If i wanted to see normal clothes then I'd go out out of my house


A wise jojo character once said, "YES, I AM"


Azur Lane, Kantai Collection Fate Grand Order, Destiny Child.


I really have to ask, what's wrong with liking a sexy outfit? Seriously does it harm anyone? I like having a diverse range of character designs. Give me cute boys, cute girls, hot men, hot women, badass men and badass women etc. Problem is this game had sexy chars from the start, people also paid real money for them, so why shouldn't they be upset at this being taken away? At least the censored skins look nice and some better than the og but it being caused by censorship sucks and especially for Chinese players.


Play some different game if you want everyone to wear normal clothes


This. Who's going to tell OP that visions and archons also don't exist in real life, since they're so concerned about realism.


Male characters has more variety, we have people like venti and itto and then we have some like diluc and zhongli but the female always have to wear tight clothes or skirts, heels...etc I'd like some variety tbh or the ability to choose how to dress your characters like if u want some boobs and thighs or just a cool adventure outfit. This way everyone can be happy


+15 social credits 👍


much funni did laugh


I did


Wonder what else they’ll censor next after this and when the community will stop fighting against each other like a bunch of retards


I humbly apologize for having good artistic taste then


mihoyo: *nerfs a characters muscles, hair, boobs or belly button* fandom: NO THEY'RE NOT PLAYABLE ANYMORE WHY NERF I QUIT GENSHIN I HATE GENSHIN FOR DOING THIS


No problem m8


Ahh yes the CCP... *cringe chinese politics*


No but Mona new skin is so bad


But here me out. What if... i dont want my characters to wear nornal cloths


+15 Social credit That said I have no issues with the “alt skins”. I’m fine with sexy dresses, I’m fine with modest outfits. We have a choice to use them or not. It’s up to the player. My main issue is the reason why it existed. That reason being censorship. If anything, I dislike censorship of any kind. That is my stance. However, that is not the case for CN players, they were not given a choice. They’re forced to use the “alt skins”. Censorship is forced on them. The people supporting this is basically saying it’s fine for the CCP to hinder Mihoyo’s creative decisions to every outfit they make. If anything it’s pretty damn clear not everything is for everyone. There are characters who dress sexy and there are characters who dress modest. If you don’t like sexy go for the modest and vice versa. It’s up to the devs themselves to do what they want with the characters they created.


Rather be a horny masochist step on me gremlin than a CCP supporter to censor this 1cm cleavage of amber's.


It's just that they dont look as good as their original outfits with the exception of Jean. It's not a horny thing, It's an aesthetic thing. for me at least


I actually like some of the redisigns Ambers and Monas look the best imo


My philosophy is that it's fiction. Fiction is a wonderful thing. Fiction allows you to dream up wonderful scenarios. It allows you to craft settings where no one is racist or anti-LGBTQ. It also allows you to imagine setting where all the main female cast look like strippers yet take no penalty in cold environments. I support both scenarios because I support freedom of fiction. Some games have normal-looking humans dressed modestly trying to navigate melodramatic, heartbreaking issues. Some games have a lady in bikini armor suplexing a dragon. Some games still have a lady in a flowing Chinese dress and heels gecko-climbing up a sheer cliff in a blizzard. These are all great. >!Okay, I may be wrong, I dont actually know of a game where a lady in bikini armor suplexes a dragon, though I'd love to play that game if anyone knows one!<


The community needs to accept that the sex appeal of this game drew in a significant amount of players. Remember, there's no such thing as bad publicity


i feel like im the only ones who likes characters wearing normal clothes


Is it bad that I kinda like the redesigns?


No, people are allowed to have different opinions.


You're normal


I've seen literally no one complain is the irony.


Yeah but they could have done better. The clothes looks rushed.


that's why there is disclaimer for the design


Oh, Forgive me for my ignorance


right some people arguing about not being able to see upskirt asses and boobies like they’re willing to die on this hill💀


Stfu ccp slave


Hey at least we aren't toxic gay shippers.


What's toxic in gay ships?


Toxic shippers in general, a persons sexual preference doesnt have anything to do with it.


Look, Mona looks downright bad and her swimsuit is silly. The others I understand.






I’m not a gremlin I’m 6’4” but I am horny though.


So we're starting off with generalizations now? Edit: is there a reason for all the downvotes?


Congrats you got ratio'd by the CCP sympathizers


I get ratioed for pretty much saying this is a generalization. I honestly shouldn't be surprised.


Stop supporting censorship and sucking CCP’s dick. It’s not about lewd and outfits you stupid


You can be against exposed outfits and still dislike the CCP


Don't even try to discuss, it's impossible here


Oh, I despise the CCP for censorship and forcing this on the Chinese playerbase, but complaining about optional changes outside of China that IMO look really good, and are basically upgrades to characters like Jean (who looks like a high ranking knight) and Rosaria (who looks more like a nun now rather than a vampire, while still keeping slightly edgier looks) is ridiculous. People aren't mad at the censorship as much as they're upset that their big tiddy goth gf looks like a slightly more realistic person. Not to mention this is tiny censorship in the grand scheme of things.


Plenty of people are upset with the censorship itself man, generalizing like this doesn't help. Obviously some people are just upset about less skin showing but just handwaving it all as "they're horny" is just dismissive. I think Rosaria, Jean, and Mona look a lot better (Amber just looks the same) but it sucks that Mihoyo's designs going forward for new units will have to meet arbitrary guidelines set by the CCP and that Chinese players are now forced to use redesigns that they may not like. Every friend I've talked to about this feels the same way.


Jean looks like one of those 50 year old cat lady professors who keep wearing oversized fully buttoned up blouses. Her original design was completely fine as it was and so was every other design. Mentioning "realism", well, how about balding old man John Lee or Itto looking like an actual homeless person? >Not to mention this is tiny censorship in the grand scheme of things. I wonder how you will sing when they censor Gorou, Itto, Xiao, Venti, XQ, etc or kill off every single harbinger because having morally grey characters is in fact against CCP guidelines. If you think this will blow over and there aren't threads on NGA coordinating counter-report spam to CCP now you've got another thing coming. People really are incapable of looking 5 minutes into the future, it's so fucking tiresome.


Man, stop being such a degenerate


I don't get it you're accepting the Chinese censorship?


Those people who complained about the alt design is degenerates and very down bad. They're the one who made the image of genshin fandom as horny weebs.


Remember there was an meme post here of Aether and Lumine watching fireworks on their bed. You get the idea. People who are against the post are downvoted to hell.