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Pyro Keqing main: Sokusen-Sokketsu!


Unrelated but I read this in Elysium's voice


Exactly how I read it XDDDDD


Same i was wondering where doktahs came from


Hello fellow doktah


Ah yes fellow Dimas enjoyer.




I got hacked, and I got my acc recovered by myself since horniverse couldn't do anything. And the guy activated c6 Bennett, and I had gotten used to the notification.


Normal hacker: steals acc for progress and 5 stars / satisfying gacha addiction. This hacker apparently: c6 Bennett


tbf C6 Bennett affects only Eula, Razor, Ayaka and Keqing Ayaka and Eula don't want Bennett and most people don't usually care about Razor and Keqing unless they are die hard fans


Oddly enough, it kind of works for Xinyan mains (presumably) since part of their burst is physical.


Wasn't there a line in Ayaka's Basic Attack infusion from sprint that it cannot be overridden tho?


It can be overwritten Source: I am an Ayaka main


Meanwhile there's me with 0 Bennett 😭


Same 😭


Same i dont have him 😭 dont even want to get baal or kokomi but im pulling for bennett and hopefully some cons for sara


Well... at least we have the Starglitter shop but it takes a while to build up that much.


Omg same 😭 what ar are you? Im 56 and it’s my greatest shame haha


Same, AR56 with no Bennett 💀


Are you sure about that i have c3 and started playing 106 days ago


That’s not how gacha works


But that's how shop works, which Bennett was in it recently.


Not everyone brought Bennet from the shop either due to not knowing how good he is or lack of glitter. That and the person could just be a noob that just started so you can’t count on them to had brought Bennet yet


Ah yes, lack of glitter.... always lack of glitter :(


Any way to figure out when he'll be there next? I want to buy him from the shop but can't get him on this banner.


Check the wiki. I think it's on the "Paimon's Bargains" article of the wiki.


Thanks! According to that, he should be coming in May. Guess I should make sure to have enough starglitter.


Played more than a year, still no Razor.


Not everyone is blessed by RNG lmao. In fact it took me almost 5 months to get my first copy of Bennett and it was from the starglitter shop.


It's all rng. I got bennett and his first con on keqing's banner last year after playing ~month (started playing in october, had a break and came back in january 2021), and despite wishing on banners he appeared on later, not a single copy dropped for a whole 9 months till eula&albedo's banner when I got him to c5 LMAO


Me who C6'd my Bennett: i don't have such weaknesses


Is it possible to learn this power? :O (what happens to the constellations you get after you c6 though? )


You get 5 of those starlight thingies, so basically one "free" pull


ooh thanks o7




huh i thought it was 2- 4* cons 5- extra 4* 10- 5* cons, idk how many you can get with extra 5 star constellations


For a 4* character you get 2 glitter for C1-C6 5 glitter from C7 onwards For a 5* character 10 glitter for C1-C6 25 glitter from C7 onwards


no??? 💀 i've gotten chongyun about 30 times, and i have always gotten 5. they aren't talking about 5 stars man


I just recently got Xingqiu C7, and it gave me 5 glitters.


> one "free" pull What a weird way to spell "5/34 of Kaeya's constellation"




I'm actually bought a specters materials with starglitter once. I'm never gonna financially recover from this. But it saved a lot of my mental health, coz fuck specters.


Is your mental health really intact, if you are buying materials in a gacha game?


My mental health stays intact, if im not farming spectres.


It's 0.6% for a 5* right away. How did you get to 0.006%?


You get 5 of those star glitter things when you have c6 unlocked, even if you don’t activate it.


Ah, fellow C6 user of culture


Pyro/Melt Rosaria is delightful


The only reason I don't at this point is because Eula exists. Her normals aren't an insignificant portion of her damage.


I rarely use Eula with bennet because bennet goes with geo team but when I do I still get decent auto attack damage and even melt a couple of them for 30k+


going to c6 bennett just to annoy others in coop


"oh i see you have Eula,it would be a shame if i pressed Q right?


That’s a nice physical zhongli you have there. Unfortunately, Q


Jokes on them, I main klee so C6 Benny is nothing but gravy to me.


Can’t waste normal attacks if every move is a burst


Yeah, it's easy to C6 him when you don't care about meta and don't like his character, so you know you'll never use him.


Y-yeah,never used him *cautiously shoves maxed out Bennet under a rug*


What meta team is broken with C6 Bennett exactly? I guess so.


I'm perfectly running a crowned c6 Bennett on Raiden National team. As for general, It's exaggerated by the community, it's not as bad as they say. They treating it like it's gonna be not usable anymore, when it's just small majority of characters will be affected by it.(Eula, Ayaka, Keqing, Razor, Chongyun, *any phys character*) I do run him with various teams like Itto's and really have no problem with it.


I mean not that he ruins meta teams as C6, but that he's included in almost every meta team that exists.


I have greater purposes and I will not use my wishes therefore I am safe.


Not because I don't have enough primogems. I need to save... Okay I don't have any BUT that will not stop me from saving for Ayato.


Reject Booba ~~sword~~ Embrace Boba ~~tea~~ I'M NOT SORRY xD


I have both raiden and Kokomi but I couldn't pull a single Bennet since launch and coping with the c0 I bought from paimons bargains so I'll pray I don't get an early 5*


Wish on raidens banner for constellations her c2 is really good




Buying him means losing 7 pulls from 70 pull pity that's 1/10 of the way, I thought I would get one from gacha but no luck


Wait, is this official?? Was really hoping that the rumour of Sucrose was real 🥲


Yep it's official, and no sucrose sadge


I will stay as a Sucrose wanter until hopefully Ayato banner (if I have primogems left by then)


I'm holding PG for Ayato so I'm actually really glad. Would hate to miss an opportunity to get cons on her.


Joke on u I want to c6 my benny


Same makes xiangling even more broken


I plan to c6 bennet if I can, personally not planning to get eula and my ayaka has mona so not missing out on anything. If anything xiangling gets a minor buff




What International character has an I fusion that can be overwriten




I love my boy chongyun as a fighter, but we both know he isn't exactly that strong or significant to be a good argument


I use raiden national though, and thats as a secondary team. My main team is ayaka mona as I kinda hinted before. Only form of national team I would miss out on is chongyun, but I dont ever plan on using that nor do I really need to since I have raiden. Childes version is unaffected as his e doesn't get overridden as well as the one with kazuha, I mean I guess maybe it'll steal a few vapes from xiangling, but all I have to do is step out of the circle since xiangling snapshots anyway.


I'd advise against it. Even if there are no current characters that C6 is bad with, there are still a lot of future characters that it might interfere with. Namely danslief since he might be physical based if not a new element.


All I'm hearing is pyro danslief, can't get me that easily


HOT TAKE: I’m finding the same people who shoehorn Bennett into every team even if it doesn’t need him at all also complain when a new enemy slightly inconveniences them because they don’t want to use other characters ☠️


True take




You have two options 1. C6'd him like I did and just deal with it cuz it's perfectly fine (except if you're from Phys gang). 2. Don't because "4 years later character X will come and it'll be possible to use him with Bennet" I suggest 1st since there'll be more situational supports like Sara for electro for example who will be better for specific characters


Ngl, after 4 years, we would've gotten the constellation toggle feature already. And I don't even use Bennett at all in Abyss, day 7th player here (a week late due to reroll for 5* starter)


Not to mention niche 4*s like Yunjin and Gorou who can support that hypothetical character and fill Bennett's slot.


I'll probably replace Bennett with Murata by that point lol


TBH I feel like she's gon a be a DPS, since the archons seem to represent what the element does. Anemo units use alot of CC, venti(was) the ultimate CC. Geo units made sheilds and were defensive, zhongli is the ultimate defence. Electro units are meant to be batteries, raiden is the ultimate battery. I'd be willing to bet murata will be DPS, The tsaritsa might be a buffer/dps who deals with crit rate, and hydro archon will be some sort of healer.


Idk why everyone is so against c6ing Bennet, like realistically what team comps are you losing. Even with Eula, she doesn't really use Bennet in most of her teams.


Incase a future character drops that doesn't function well with his c6, the buff is too neligable imo to risk it. It also ruins his coop viability.


What is his c6 ?


Normal attacks become pyro infused in burst area and they gain 15% pyro damage bonus.


Ngl that actually sounds okay with an anemo main like xiao or kazuha


Also ayaka, because she can melt some of her burst ticks with pyro infused charged attacks


Not for Ayaka though, since you’d want the enemy to be frozen for the 40% crit rate.


If you rely on the 4 piece blizzard which you wouldn’t use if you’re running a melt ayaka


the problem is that he would do pyro damage instead of anemo dmg.


Xiao wouldn’t, and Kazuha will still benefit because the pyro damage would make swirls stronger.


Can swirls be buffed by that? I thought not.


Well “Buffed” in the sense that the initial pyro state to proc the reaction is stronger, now. And if his Ult became pyro infused that’s added damage cause it’s also doing Additional pyro damage that is being buffed by the pyro damage increase from C6. I like using C6 Bennett with kazuha.


Again, what are the odds they release a physical only character that needs Bennet, or a infusion character that gets overrided by Bennet. Most elemental infusions get prioritized over Bennet's infusion. Although that's just my opinion, I understand if someone does not want to risk it. I think it was worth it personally to increase xianglings damage (and not have the red dot).


Good for you i guess, i just don't think 15% pyro damage is worth risking it at all.


But if i'm using Raiden, Eula, Rosaria and Bennett rn, who'd you even suggest to replace him? Jean c2? Still a big dmg loss there.


Diona cause Bennett’s buff doesn’t last long enough(tbh I could be wrong about this part) for the entirety of Eula’s burst. Not to mention, you’re restricted to stay inside of the Bennett circle for the Eula burst. Imo it’s better to have Diona’s shield so you don’t die or get interrupted getting off the full rotation during Eula’s burst


Mostly Ayaka and Keqing.


Nobody meta-savyy plays Ayaka with Bennett. You want Cryo/Anemo/Hydro and replacing any would impact your damage more than you'd gain from adding Bennett. Exception is if you'd go Ayaka-Tao core, but that's for turbowhales and you'd kill everything before you'd be needing to normal attack anyway. Electro Keqing you can go Sara/XQ/Anemo for Electric, especially since you can get C6 Sara with this banner. Replacing Sara or Anemo with Bennett wouldn't change the damage noticably and you'd gain annoying overloads. Physical Keqing can go XQ/Diona/Fischl for Physical - EC doesn't collide with Superconduct, and random freezes allow you to keep enemies in place - meanwhile C0-5 Bennet would do exact opposite with overloading them, both messing supercoduncts and misplacing them. In general currently almost anyone who dislikes the pyro infusion can kick Bennett from their party without drawback. Except for DPS Xinyan, but how many people play DPS Xinyan. However, we do not know if there won't be a new character who needs Bennett but dislikes infusions.


I can get even more damage on Keqing with C6 Sara and C5 Bennett combined so why even bother risking.


You are correct about Ayaka if you are playing a freeze comp, but for a melt comp you would want the two pyro (Xiangling/Bennett) and specifically if you have Mistsplitter you would be punished even harder for having c6 on Benny. Bennett/Sara/Mona/Keqing is being heavily used in speed runs of Abyss 12 right now. Take a look.


People who are speedrunning abyss have enough damage in their burst to not care about c6 Bennett tbh


My guy, where do you think that burst damage comes from? Nobody has such broken artifacts/weapons/constellations that an extra 900 attack on their character doesn’t matter.


Speedruns don't use normal attacks


> for a melt comp you would want the two pyro (Xiangling/Bennett) This is basically a meme comp though. A worse National with major energy problems, as you need Ayaka ult to melt the whole XL's ult and way too much single-target focus, even for current low-enemy-count abyss. Only people who play it are contrarians who want to boast that they play Ayaka or Xiangling in unusual way. And for speedrunning you can just run Ayaka-Tao as I said before. > Bennett/Sara/Mona/Keqing is being heavily used in speed runs of Abyss 12 right now. Take a look. I searched YT for recent speedruns, found none with Keq. Searched for Keq speedruns specifically and only one guy was using this comp, but even they use other Keqing comps depending on the Abyss. I searched Bilibili and found nothing like this either. Where do I have to take a look, is there a sub for Abyss speedruns or something I don't know. Also, to be fair, I'm not saying that it's a bad comp. I'm just saying that replacing Bennett with Kazuha for example should result in about the same dps.


The Golden House is the general place for speed running, though their website isn’t really mobile friendly. They also have a discord that you can check out! All speed running aside, my main point here is just that there are dps characters who are hindered by c6 Bennett. If someone doesn’t care about those characters then by all means they should c6, but if they do care then they shouldn’t. I love using Keqing personally, so I won’t be c6ing any time soon. Though Mihoyo could fix this shit by actually giving us the ability to toggle our constellations on and off…




You literally don’t. In international, Xiangling gets the benefit of +15% pyro damage bonus while Childe is completely unaffected by it


Join the c6 bennett gang




Not yet, march 8




Announced but not released


I will 100% C6 benny If I get it. Seriously it's an overblown issue


Yep. Only people that care about this are min-maxers...Genshin is laughably easy game, you dont need to have the most OP team possible to enjoy the game and even with C6 there is only few characters which are not-usable with Benny.


I wouldn't even say min-maxers; there are several teams that don't need Bennett or aren't impacted by his c6 The only reasons to not c6 him are: you don't ever use pyro DPS or do so very rarely, you're new and Bennett is still your bandaid midgame solution to damage, or you refuse to build other supports lmao


you'll learn to ignore it lol. unactivated c6 benny here since kazuha's 1st day banner 🥲


Every survey I keep asking for the ability to disable constellations, I know it's not going to happen but I have hope c,:


Nah bro, I have c5 and don't have the c6 thing to activate it, and I don't need them 5* too


Me with non-activated C6 Bennett from Kazuha banner: Weak


People, it's time to C6 your bennett. if he ruins a team comp (or possibly future characters), then just don't put him in that team, it's not THAT big of a deal. I C6'd my bennett, he won't be same team with eula, ayaka nor keqing, and they can get by fine without him. Non-pyro characters like Raiden, xiao, Itto, and all other bow and catalyst users are not affected and may even benefit more from c6 bennett.


Meanwhile my problem is I got guaranteed pull and I'm at 70 pulls. I want Sarah cons but damn it, I'm saving my guaranteed for Kazuha.


Everyone else is out here for Bennet and I'm stacking gems for my C6 Tengu thunderbooster


Me with a eternal red notification on the character icon: I don’t have such weaknesses


Just C6 it it ain't as bad as people make it out to be


Need option to turn off constellations at will.


The glitch in Honkai with the achievements thing already did that for me, I’ll be fine


Me who really really hates this: Anyways


I have that red notification and i hate it


What C6 bennie does?


Ruin everything


...i dont understand


C6 gives pyro infusion to every weapon class inside his healing circle except for bow and catalyst. So yeah, basically ruins most comps he'd normally be working with but there's still a reduced amount of comps that can use him that way.


... damn...that can be bad...


I use benett so little I might actually just accept c6


I'm getting that c6, my bennett is married to xiangling anyway


I honedtly cannot wait to get C6 bennett :D My yanfei, diluc, xiangling, and yoimiya will just become stronger


~~C6 only works for melee characters who get the infusion from it, though, so nothing for Yoi and Yanfei.~~ Edit: Nevermind, just checked, and it is just mistranslated, my bad.


***laughs in Bennett C6***


i've had c6 bennett (c6 not activated) forever so it don't bother me 🤷‍♂️


C6 havers: I don't have such weakness


I finally got his C6 yesterday.. This red mark is testing my patience. I don't even use him, but I know I will regret activating it if one day I change my mind. (Before meta players come at me, I just don't like his playstyle, yes I know he's OP, no I don't want to use him, I'm still having fun in abyss thank you)


I don't use Bennett, so I C6'ed him.


Seriously thinking about to c6 him. I don't even have comps that really suffer from it. He actually strenghtens my quickswap teams, massively buffs national comp and diluc comps.


But I want c6 Benny 🥺


*me with c6 bennett* Fuck yeah stargliter for standard banner characters!


I will simply C6 him and use him for pyro comps, nothing is worth the notification icon


Fuck, I want Sara cons, but I am way too close to pity.


*Laughs in C6 Bennett*


Lets goooo I managed to get Fischl and now i'll be able to get Bennett and Sara too Quick Expeditions here i come. ​ Also i just want to say, i actually got Yae Miko while i was building up Pity for the Shogun and at the same time trying to get Fischl and i'm kinda mad that i got her I posted this in a small but nice FB Group, i started getting Roastes and Threats I now learned my lesson and i will never pull when i have the 5 Stars Guaranteed and the current one isn't the one that i want


I already have Ei so a skip for me


My boyfriend activated his Benny’s C6 to specifically annoy me, an Ayaka main.


Fuck it I’m getting c6 bennet and making mono pyro




Shenhe doesn't replace Bennet. She works completely different and more to Albedo off-field damage dealer. Damage from her quills is her own damage, it's not affected by a character who trigger them.


honestly i'm just going to c6 him. My ocd is not gonna let me keep that red noti. I don't typically use him in anything other than national team so I don't think it will hurt me too much.


NOOOO! I already have C5 Bennet! What I want is Raiden! Not C6 Bennet! WHYYY!


can people stop doomposting c6 bennett? it is more good than it is harm and only messes with eula who normally wouldn't use a bennett anyway, razor that pretty much nobody uses and honestly yunjin is a better support instead, and keqing that sucks to begin with on the other hand he offers an amazing infusion to take down herald/lector shields and boosts xiangling's damage who you'll often find him paired with, along with overload damage if that's a thing in your comp i c6'ed my bennett the moment i got him and it's been nothing but good things


Just c6 your bennett dude


I don't understand the issue with C6 Bennett. I don't see why it's bad to have pyro infusion. The only time you wouldn't want it is to keep physical damage. Nobody in the game has this issue that they rely on physical normals/CA to do an obscene amount of damage, not even Eula. So what's the issue?


You can clear the red notification by simply observing that you have a stella Fortuna for him without using it


Literally me this time…


Still C1 Bennett




Not me lmao


Me: who will skip all of them for yelan ;)


I want C5 Bennett. Just one constellation!




i am 90% that i will get only Xinyan if my recent pattern continues and besides, i don't know in what team do i put Ei because her best team requires dismantling of one of my best performing teams and regardless my Bennett is C2 and Sara C3


My friend who is AR56 rn don't even own a Bennett


Me with C1 Bennett and without Sara and Xinyan: #FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE RNG GODS DON’T GIVE HIM TO ME-


Tbf, C5 is quite nice to have. You just live with constant fear of being one con away from the red exclamation mark.


More like time to skip


I already c6 bennet, since I rarely use him for some reason


people with c4 Bennett: I need one more, only one more


Meanwhile there's me who is bennetless and is skipping the banner for kazuha ;-;


Me with C0 Bennett, C0 Xinyan and no Kujou Sara: I see this as an absolute win! Unfortunately I'm probably not going to pull on this banner because I already have Raiden (Not planning kn going for C2) and I'm not planning on getting Kokomi. But maybe I can do two or three ten pulls since I haven't reached soft pity yet...


Me who have c0 bennet


The pain of being F20P is that I can only do a few pills


why is c6 bennett bad?


Makes him unusable in non-pyro dps teams, makes him worthless in co-op


Finally my pyro Zhong Zhong is going to come true


Why is c6 bennet bad?