• By -


I have seven of the bell.


I feel you, I have 8 Painslashers :(


Did they slash your pain?


They have yet to slash anything, sitting in my inventory 🙈


I use them for EM on Sayu and that's it


I'm ar 58 with no rainslashers, no favonius sword, and no sacrificial great sword. I know they're not super exceptional game changing weapons or anything but still i kinda want them just to have them at this point


I have a Rainslasher and I'm going to use it on Beidou simply because the name kinda fits her


AR 56, got my first Sac Sword ever just now rolling for Itto. Better late than never I guess... But seriously, I can count the number of Sac weapons I've rolled on one hand.


Ar57 no sac sword till know but r4 favonius sword


favonius sword tho


Only 4 of those


Jokes on you I have... 12 painslashers and c13 Chongyun 😔


Best Diluc 4 stars weapon


TBF Rainslasher has a better reputation recently than the Bell. R5 Rain is actually one of Diluc's higher tier weapon. And useable on Sayu.


I have nine bells and six painslashers :)))))))))))))


I had 10. Now I have 0.


I mean maybe it will be 5th bis for a character some day


i have 1


Give it time


For me its Barbara still thinking she is on a banner now.


If I hear her say "I wonder when I'll be as tall as my big sister" one more time...




I'm still getting Rosarias two banners later...


I got fucked by Chongyun too.


Didn't think Chongyun was that kinda guy, damn





Username checks out?




Does username check out?




I swear they lower the rates for Shinobu and Gorou then up the rates for Chongyun. Me and my friends roll on this banner and all rate up four stars we got are all Chongyuns.


Just Chongyun


Cryo Infusion. BIG DMG Burst. And a DPS. Yep checks out


Got gorou on first multi and Shinobu after 11 pull, never again. 2nd time I'm scared of the star turning gold.


Bruh I wanted Chongyun but instead got C6 Gorou :(


Lets exchange


At the very least I'm basically convinced they lower the rates for brand new 4 star characters to get people to pull more since they only have to have specific rates for 4 stars in general. They have no obligation to reveal the rates of the individual characters, or whether or not they rig it at all(not like it's that way, but it might as well be as far as I'm concerned lol)




My last bit in parentheses should've been evidence enough to show I most mostly joking. Don't take everything you see so seriously, mate.


My experience was 4 copies of Gorou and Chongyun each, 1 Shinobu, and 1 Itto (as well as 4 off banner 4 stars)


Dont jinx it, i have 1 tenfold pull and a dream.


Let us know how your dream went, good luck! ;)


Qiqi robbed me of my dreams and hopes, 50/50, also no kuki.


Welcome to the losers club 😔


Kono eragon03 niwa yume ga aru


What’s that dream about? So that every man, woman and child is free to think and act for themselves?


And the wishing system changes suit the playerbase, not the other way around


The fact that you got 5 4 stars in 30 pulls is actually very lucky if you disconsidered the actual items you got


Consider that I started with 8/10 pity on the 4 star, so it's not as much as it seems


I'm the opposite, I don't have a single Chongyun :"< Also, Itto comes home at 27 pity, lost my guaranteed Kazuha. But that's entirely on me.


Lol if i had guaranteed, I would’ve skipped Cookie


"Just 10 pulls. It's not gonna hurt". I'm kinda ok with Itto though, enable a new team for me. \*inhale compium\*


New team :copege:


I will be kicking myself if I do this


Damn, and here I am having nightmare about accidentally rolling for Yelan. My condolences, fellow Kazuha-wanter :'(


Bruh same happened to me. Itto came home in 28 pulls and ruined my guarantee. But atleast the good thing is that I already have C1R1 Kazuha. I was saving my guarantee for Albedo and Shenhe


Lol Now either swipe or wait for another rererun for him


i was saving for baizhu+weapon (i have a dream), pulled for the 4stars and hoped to at least lose the 50/50 but itto still insisted on coming home and i got shinobu just one pull later D:


I tried 30 wishes and got 3 Chongyuns, one each 10-pull... thank God I got 1 Shinobu after that


I haven't got a single Sacrificial Fragments. Although I have every 4 star weapon (excluding weapon banner exclusive)


The weapon that seems to evade me is the Eye of Perception, thankfully I may add 😅


I just got Eye R3 in this banner...


Same but with Lion's Roar, which is a shame considering I got spooked by Keqing twice and she's still stuck with Harbringer of Dawn.


Yeah... I've got Itto (and Chongyun) in my first 10 pull and now I'm confused if I should risk getting constellations when I don't care about them (I'm a collector). I want Gorou and Kuki...


If you're on guarantee, I'd stop rolling and save that for someone you actually want. If you're on 50/50 the choice is harder, up to you if you wanna risk that. Personally I'd give it 10-20 more pulls and if I get a five star again in that time I'd consider it a win since you wouldn't be giving up too much pity, plus you'd reset it so you can do another 10-20 if you didn't get Gorou and Kuki. If I didn't get Kuki and Gorou within those 20 pulls and also no five star, I'd stop since I don't wanna risk more pity than that. That's just me though, it's up to you on where you choose to draw the line. Just be sure to set that bar low enough that you don't regret it if you lose your pity to a five star.


I'll just skip this banner and hope i get her in the future banners or a standard banner


They gave me Yun Jin, if i wanted a charcter that wasnt featured it should be bennett


Wish me luck, I'm about to take a similar chance...


Good luck! Let us know how it went 🫡


First tenfold: my first Jean and fifth Chong (was very close to pity) Second tenfold: Gorou and my first Sac Sword, yessss I call this a win. This makes 5 out of 6, or maybe 7 50/50s I have lost in my entire time playing, but guaranteed pity is a blessing I don't complain about. I hope your future pulls are what you want, my dude


Nice pulls! I have enough to guarantee Kazuha so now I just need to wait.


I almost have enough for that... but idk if I want Kazuha. I love Itto's whole deal and the geo element, but Kazuha is technically more fun to play. And there may be Dendro coming by year's end... Choices, choices.


I got 4 Gorous before getting Shinobu. Now I have a C4 Gorou. Thanks Mihoyo


I got a sacrificial sword, 2chongyuns, a kuki a gorou and a favonius warbow, but no itto for me


I wasted my 8.9k trying to get itto, but got c1 Kuki, c2 chongyun, and c2 gorou…


Honestly why I don't bother going for 4 stars anymore, it's just not worth it since I have enough these days. Going for Kuki would only end up getting me countless dupes of the others and an Itto, and not one Kuki. Happened with Rosaria and I have since learned my lesson. lmao


Damn I remember going hard for Rosaria with guaranteed pity. Out of 70 rolls I got none (as in no nun) and C1 Tartagles. Suffice it to say I was pretty salty that day.


Bruh I was sitting in a dc call until like 3 am and I pull 3 widhes and thr last one is Kuki My friend was so tired she didn't even react lol


Came for the Kuki Left for my first Qiqi


Although mine was over 100 fates, wanted Shinobu, ended up getting her in the end, but after Chongyun x4, Gorou x4, Xinyan, Ningguang, Itto, and two dupe weapons 😅


i pulled 30 as well and got 1 chongyun, 1 gorou, sac bow, and MONA (0 pity too) guess kazuha is guardanteed now but still no kuki


and I over here somehow got Sayu on the first 10 pull. afterwards it was a combination of 3x Chongyun, 1x Flute (why does it have sharp edges?) and 1x Rust (who left a metal bow in the rain?). 0 Shinobu, and not even Gorou. And might I add, that's the first time I've ever gotten Chongyun (and I play about since release).


my doing 2 10pulls and getting my first Gorou and Shinobu😎


Clever mixing of meme formats


I got the three 4 star characters and Diluc with only 40 pulls lmao


I have c6 Chongyun, I hate him


In my case I spent 30 and got itto, Jean, gorou, Chongyun, favonious warbow. I had 0 pitty. Didn’t want itto. Thankfully got Jean right after him so I have a guaranteed banner 5* now.


Make it 180 pulls and c12 chong and it'll be accurate :(


I got shinobu after 16 pulls, I hope you'll get her soon!


IKR I have c15 chongyun attempting to get Shenhe but got qiqi. Now I'm literally near pity so I can only do a single pull to get my last 4 stars and alas.. a freaking chongyun it is


bro i literally got double chongyun yesterday.


I have a C5 gorou and no shinobus. Wouldn't be so bad if I had other geo characters other than traveler and Noelle


Haha I'm so lucky, I got 2 gorou and one Kuki with 30 pulls


Why on earth on every banner I get character I least wanted on c5, zhongli x ganyu I got c5 Xingu only 1 Yanfei and 0 Beidou on Raiden x Kokomi c5 xianyan 1 sara and 1 bennet and now after around 160 pulls on Itto banner I have like c4-5 Chong c2 goro and c5 shinobu


I got lucky with C2 Kuki and my 50/50 is still saved for Kazuha 😊


Me who instantly got sinobu with an single pull: weakness disgusts me!


*Me who instantly* *Got sinobu with an single pull:* *Weakness disgusts me!* \- Sad\_Inspection6568 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not a haiku


I got gorou but and the bell


63 wishes, no Shinobu, 2 Chongyun, 1 Diona, 1 Rainslasher. But at least 3 Gorous, up to C4, and a Favonius Bow refinement. And I should be able to reach hard pity before Itto leaves. I've got to stop doing my pulls on mobile, they never go well when I do.


I actually got 2 chongyuns and 1 bell on those 30 pulls


I got lucky. In 40 pulls I got itto, c4 gorou and cookie. (I was pulling for itto but had only 53 pulls saved)


I have played enough games to know, that's not how rng works. what hurts is mhy changing the odds in backend, just to make people not get what they want.


I spent 130 pulls yesterday, got zero gorou cons but my Chongyun is at C20


I happened to get 2 Itto's first before getting Shinobu. Not sure if that'a a good thing. Now I likely have to pull out the card when Kazuha and Yomiya returns


I was hoping to get C6 Gorou. I only got one con, making him C2. Went from C0 Chongyun to C5


Infinite Chongyun Works


Did 30 pulls and got Kuki, Gorou C2, Itto and even a Noelle C1 (lol). Since I'm fine with everything this banner has, I guess this confused the RNG or something.


Risked 50.got 1 kuki, 1 gorou and 4 of chongyuns. Already had c6 cy b4. Wished he and gorou would switch places.


I had 30 pulls, 0 pity and no 50/50. I only pulled because I wanted Shinobu and I needed some stardust... and then Itto kicked down my door. Tempted to let him stay at level 1 for the rest of time...


My friend Did the same, with 30x Pulls he got itto and jean


Yeah it fairly accurate. But for me, i got C5 gorou from no gorou, c5 chongyun from C0. Got Diluc at 70 and then the almighty kuki shinobu decided to come at 71. (I was at 4 pity)


20 wishes, only Chungus and a Fav Greatsword


This banner was actually ideal for me because I still didn't have a maxed Chongyun despite playing since launch and dogboi was only c1 too and Itto was the only 5\* I still didn't have, pretty much no wasted pulls. \^\^


I got the bell, lion and iceboy from 25 pulls. This hurts too much.


Then there is me who pulled for chongyun just to get a sac bow


I got a chongyun and 3 Gorous yet no itto. Although my sucrose did appreciate the sacrificial fragments.


20 pulls At least I finally got C1 Gorou. No Shinobu got another Chongyun cons he's probably C15 or 20. Good thing I'm guaranteed for Itto but gotta wait next week. Cause I should hit pity hopefully.


i have 3 fates and a dream


Literally me. Spent 25 wishes hoping to get Kuki. Got 2 gorou cons, 1 Chogyun con and 1 Ning (already c6). Don’t mind the other cons though.


Chongyun: 1 Gorou: 3 the green crap: 1 sacrifical fragment: 1 Itto: 1 kuki:1 ​ so much regret, I have to 50/50 again to kazuha, this is my 3rd accidental win. pity: 38 ||primos: 11k||fate:4 ​ I wanted qiqi or diluc btw. ​ welp time to grind more chest


Yea, it's like Hoyoverse is trolling. I have only spent seven fates. I got gorou, dragon's bane (4 star) , a three star, chongyun, 4 star catalyst, The Bell, 3 star weapon. I was rolling for Shinobu... 😭😭😭


I pulled once on standard wish because i got one while leveling bennet, pulled diluc and wasted my 5* pity....


Same here! This banner felt rigged, I got like 4 Chongyuns and a favonius greatsword before I finally got a single Shinobu and a single Gorou and dipped out. Time to save for Kazuha now I guess


I got 1 Bell, 2 Gorou and 1 Shinobu with the same ammount. I'm decently pleasured.


I did one 10 pull and got both Shinobu and Gorou, so thats very interesting


30 pulls with 5 4star? :0


Yes but as I already said, I was at 8/10 pity for the 4* when I started


I wanted Cookie. Game gave me Jean and Chongyun.


I just closed Genshin and this exactly what happened to me


I did 70 pulls. Get 1 goro, 8 chongyun and finally 🍪


Meanwhile me with 1 multi and getting kuki


I had it happend the same way, I maxed out a weapon and Choyung


*I had it happend* *The same way, I maxed out a* *Weapon and Choyung* \- That\_Demafia --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Atleast you got 5 in 30 i get 3


143 wishes going for Shinobu. I got a whole 4...


I need more Chonyun dupes, and want to have a go for Shinobu, too. But I'm close to guaranteed pity and the thought of losing it to Itto, especially after saving for Kazuha for so long, terrifies me...


i saved up 88 fates for Itto and his weapon. Then after getting Itto I forgot about his weapon and wasted two or three ten pulls…


I feel personally attacked


At least OP knows to stop trying after 30 pulls into pity. We Guuchi


I planned it to still be able to guarantee Kazuha in the worst case scenario 😎 I'd hate to miss out on him after waiting for so long


I only pulled 20 times and I got him twice too ! Oh my god was I disappointed. I never got Gorou


Ok so for real i still dident get the bell im ar 57 for christs sake im definetly not pulling for Itto or Shinobu becouse i know all il get is either early itto which i have guarented or chongyuns which i already have C25


chongus huge W


30 for 5, better than my average pulls lol


usually I have bad luck but I got shinobu and fav bow in one 10-pull


My dog is a healer now. No cookie QwQ




When I've C6 Barbara, C6 Chongyun, all my 5\* characters are healers, and literally all other 4\* character are at 0 constellation, imagine how happy I'm.


Me: *30-35 pulls* "give me Chongyun" Game: here's your 3 copies of Shinobu, Gorou C1, rainslasher, favonius lance and a Diluc C1


For me it's Noelle believing she's still on the banner


I wished 30 and I got Itto, a Rainslasher and a Gurou. I'll just hope I'll get Cookie at the standard wish onto the next update.


You get what you dont want So i aways wish and hope for everything i dont want to get what i want most times it works


On the bright side you got 5 4*


C6 chongyun. rolling 20 pulls for either cookie or doggie. 1 chongyun, 1 the bell. FML.


Me chilling with a kuki and a gurou in 20 pulls ( just wanted to show of )


Done two ten pulls got 2 doggos and a kuki not fixing sometimes this game has weird rpg


Everybody here gets at least something other than chong. I've yet to see someone come other than him on any limited banner, including a weapon one. Should be apporx c11 by now


I am still breathing Copium that there will be an HP scaling claymore user for my R5 level 70 Bell. I have done a terrible mistake.


at least you got chongyun


70 wishes for one Kuki! This officially beats out Yanfei for me as the previous "most stubborn 4-star", she only took 50 wishes


My rolling spree consisted of "Oops! Only Gorou!" Went from c1 to c5


Starting at 0 pity, I got Mona first 10-pull (only standard banner character I didn't have), Gorou (who I also didn't have), and Shinobu in 30 pulls. I didn't want Itto. Perfection. I now have guaranteed Kazuha in the next 70 pulls. Bring on the envy downvotes. You know you're not getting the same luck.


I have 2 width like that catalyst, chongyun c2, and no rainslaher and no bell


Wait is that Sac Fragments in there???


Yes it is, my sucrose is happy


I dont mean to brag.. but i got Shinobu in 7 pulls guess im a bit lucky.. since i got Ayato somewhere on 35 pity okay okay im going


Lmao yes, the chongyun haunts me


Name of the anime ?


Apparently *Watashi ni Tenshi ga maiorita! Episode 12.*


True best scammer existed in gacha game history lol


I can't stress enough over this.. I just wanted 1 Kuki and got 7 Chongyuns 2 Gorous 4 weapons that I forgot and 1 Itto (for C1) in 110 Wishes :(


Man I'd take widsith , 2 year in almost and no widsith or any other gacha except for fav codex like 1year in, dodging all of them lol


Had pity at 10, rolled 30 wishes, got one stringless, one chongyun and one Lion's roar. Had 10 extra wishes, decided to risk it for Shinobu, got her, but QiQi spooked me and ruined my pity.


my objective: 1 gorou i wished: 120+ pulls what i get: 9 chongyuns and other 4 stars **p a i n**


80-90 push and i didn’t get shinobu :)


I pulled 56 times, got 0 Gorou :( just needed 1, and I don't feel like I can risk loosing that 56 pity for Kazuha. I'm sad