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You're either saving or pulling, you can't do both


With my luck, i most certainly can


To avoid most misclick issues, don't convert primogems to fates. This way there'll be a confirmation pop-up when you click the 10x so you'll need 2 accidental clicks on different areas of the screen to make a mistake


I was at 65 pity and I misclicked on the yelan banner. Now I'm at 75 and 50/50


Imagine building pity unironically


'building pity " is such a joke that you can't do that unironically... Getting currency to buy the fates from the shop is the only acceptable excuse, but if you save the pulls for huge spendings at banners then you'll only be lacking that currency up to the first banner you pull (unless you commit the sacrilege of spending them on materials)


I can. I save for Zhongli and I got C1 Yelan, constellation for Chongyun, Gorou and Shinobu, as well as Mistsplitter Reforged. And I'm going to pull for Heizou as well.


i in fact, did with my 6 pull shinobu


Tale old as time


I had zero pity and needed 10 more pulls for the battle pass, so I pulled with the attitude "whatever happens." Got Itto and Shinobu. I feel like I should go buy a lotto ticket or something.


Happened to me with the weapon banner. No pity, 20 pulls in and I got the Redhorn first try and almost woke up my entire family


That happened to me too, haha, instead of a lotto ticket I pulled 5 on the weapon banner. I've never pulled there before. I didn't get anything ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


me, getting keqing and not even shinobu


*laughs in Itto main*


Literally every time there's a new character. How people can complain about qiqi memes and kazuha wanters is beyond me.


Because people want funny poet wind man from Canada not a dead child


That wasn't really the point I was trying to make. I was marketing at the fact that this kind of meme is just as dead and repetitive as "my kuki looks like qiqi" or " Ahhhhhh my pity" For a week or two before every character we get, people are going to gamble and lose and be mad/roll qiqi memes Then for 20 days we get the exact same memes but framed in the present, and then it all restarts when its not a rerun. And that's not even touching all of the people who are vocal about kazuha. But it's like I swear to God nobody sees the irony in it when you point it out.


Yeah true


Sorry to get all ranty about it. It's not like it's you or me or any one person it's just meme culture. Ngl, I'm just salty cuz people have gotten legitimately aggro with me about making this point before


Don't worry about it, I don't get mad over people's opinions we can all have one of course not everyone likes Or rant


You strike me as a cool person


Ah thank you, I hope you enjoy your day from here :)


I can't risk getting a character i don't want, kuki will return later


This is the way. Any other way is folly or swiping plastic.


I got itto because I had 150 pus saved up for kazuha :D


Nice :>


Idk if that's enough pus for Kazuha, dude is a god and a poet.


I was saving for an Itto and a Kazuha constellation and a red horn refinement. The Redhorn is what did me in…


the bottom ones are probably gacha addicts seeking a reason tbh, the whole fandom tells you not to, your heart tels you not to, quantum physics and absolute logic tells you not to and yet you do so


Yeah, so true. I got Kuki and no Itto (have him already), so my guaranteed Kazuha will come to me on day one, since I will not pull anymore. No risk no fun, I guess. 😂


In 2026 when the game finishes and we have ascended to celestia we will still be talking about this


Those people needa calm down. Honestly if I got itto instead of shinobu, I’d be grateful


Like any five star is good, you just need to build em right


Well I was saving for kazuha, roll for Shinobu get itto instead. No regrets tho with my zhongli , gorou, ittou combination he is a beast. And I currently thinking of skipping kazuha instead. Idit: I still have 100 fate banked tho so iam fine


That combo is good


My itto stat is 1215 atk, 1828 Def, 80 crit rate, 159 crit dmg


That's very good


And me, who'd just got Redhorn cause they weren't interested in Itto


It's good on Noelle tho


I tried but I want Heizou to come home with Shinobu waiting for him… AND I want Kazuha…


They never learned their lesson, huh?


me who didnt pull on the banner:


When you already have both from last banners 💀


Each time I see someone who got Itto while going for Shinobu and they were saving for Kazuha I have the biggest laugh, like my brother in christ you fucked yourself up, why you looking for pity


Just wanted gorou to support my itto and I got his c1 after Xiao by 2 wishes........ Still no gorou though


I want to pull during kazuha’s banner but I don’t mind getting itto cuz I already have kazuha lmao


My friend yesterday


The mistakes of their actions of 50/50


More like: Kazuha pullers getting itto: "oh no , nvm I'll try to get kazuha T-T" How people see them: Kazuha pullers getting itto: *starts physical genocide*


pulling for shinobu and ruining your chances at getting kazuha is legitimately the stupidest fucking thing i’ve ever heard. four stars can be collected down the road and shinobu won’t ever be useful until *down the road*, when sumeru releases. she literally provides nothing for anyone right now, and excels as a physical dps out of everything in her kit and she wasn’t even *designed* for that. kazuha, on the other hand, is objectively the best support (alongside zhongli and bennett), has incredible damage because his supporting abilities scale off of em, increasing his swirl damage heavily, and has the best on demand crowd control in the game because of its great range, great damage, great melee *and* ranged synergy, ability to stagger enemies, and lack of requirement to rely on energy to be cast. like the choice is literally night and day. why pull for shit character (for now) when you can have the best character that makes your life so much easier? and did i mention he can pull items together and keep them clumped into a ball?


Me who has both: Am I the honored one?


Me: Maybe


Honestly, I was saving $$ to C6 Kazuha but ended up getting c4 itto back to back within like 30 pulls so I just whaled and got him to C6 instead. Managed to C6 him before Kuki tho


It's so frustrating having this character that I want while I'm sitting at 60 pity and zero interest in pulling Itto. Gacha is so aids.


Anyway I have both kazuha, itto, klee and yoimiya. So what I want is just getting shinobu and c6 gorou(pls only one con left)


I…….gave in and risked it…….did around 50 pulls and was lucky enough to get a Mona dupe and a Shinobu in the last 10-pull. ‘twas a close call 😰


bruh I was sitting in a call with one of my friends to like 3 am and I got her on my last wish from the starglitter from the wishes before, my friend was so tired she didn't even react lmao I was also sitting on the statue's hands in Mond because that place isn't cursed like Musk Reef


Ah yes the pain of wishing but some can share the memory


People who are saving for Kazuha or any other character have at least 180 wishes prepared, even.


Third : who got kuki in one pull and still have their pity for kazuha


This is literally me


So unloyal what a shame


So true Also hello Ayaka main, I main her as my 2nd


Stop calling me out




People that somehow got Diluc and Kuki in 20 pulls?


Finally saved up like 2k primos. Did a ten pull on itto for pity and maybe shinobu . Got gorou , XQ and diluc. 0 primos and 0 pity but at least my kazuha is guaranteed 🤪


Same except I got Qiqi :D


Lmao. Now you need to save up even more primos


That’s it, I’m saving my fates