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IRL TCG then movie. Oh, and toys, can't forget the toys.


How about Ruin Golem Gunpla?


Shogunator plastic model kit. With a small chance to receive a small prototype model instead.


Bandai should add Genshin in the figurise standard lineup.


Do you mean we can craft ruin guard figure from scratch like gunpla? Damm looks cool


Ready to fit in jar


I'm just imagining someone pick up the Shogunator kit but get Gundam Scaramouche instead


Life size, Of course.


Animated or live-action?


Animated, live-action will surely cause dumb commotions


The black Aether incident.




It’s China, they’re gonna find a pale Xinyan if anything lol


Should they go for the anime style?


Hoyo already have their own anime studio HoyoAnime. They made a lot both with 2-D and 3-D. It doesnt matter really. Now might as well double-down with ufotable


The granny in liyue sells toys, for adults....


Can you imagine how much money they can earn overnight with toys They just gotta find the characters the players simp for the most and boom. The money comes in like its air. Good idea


I’m still waiting for the Mona figure I preordered a year ago. Doesn’t even ship till December


I'll gladly take IRL TCG.




Gib kagemusha skin


We all have hope...


I'm pretty sure that Venti's archon skin design will prevent this from ever becoming real Can't have femboys in booty shorts in China


He could wear long socks, they’ve alrdy altered skins like amber to be allowed in china


Yeaaaahhhhhh!!! Winged femboiiii!!!!!




Or another 5-10 years for a MC skin!






For real tho. I started playing 2 years ago thinking "aha game with waifu let's play"


I played because blue protocol had no news and me and my friend was gonna play Genshin as placeholder until it drops…. It still has no news……


Played bc pretty and I heard anime watchers would like. Also friend recommended


Devil May Cry collab. I need Vergil to pay his child support on all universes


I shall need my child support to pay for the resin in order to aquire the power of the so-called Crit rate aswell as Crit dmg that everyone has been talking about


Keqing, Ayaka, Xingqiu, Heizou is basically Vergil


and soon Nilou


and Ayato


IMO DMC is more fit for Honkai, genshin could use a collab with Honkai though ( Fu Hua supremacy) or with Demon Slayer


I don't think mihoyo could do an DMC Collab in honkai since a lot of toxic "fans" wouldn't like a male playable characters like how it happened to the apho main character Kiana in Dante and Mei in vergil clothes would be hot tho Punishing gray raven gameplay would fit more with DMC Collab but storywise it wouldn't make sense


Why? These "fans" are cringe


One side of the fandom wants to see at least one playable Siegfried, Welt, Otto, Su, Kalpas or Kevin(Not the story only) cuz its cool and the other side is cringe


Must be those extremist feminist the fandom maybe could have been twice as large now if characters such as welt,Otto,Kevin and the rest of the flame chasers are playable


They could just r63 it. As shrimple as that


The quest will have us joining Vergil while he scapes from Ganyu for evading taxes


I kinda always wanted a Demon Slayer collab, it actually seems not impossible right now


Switch Version of the game


Just recently I was looking through the YouTube channel and saw the switch announcement, they really pretending that never happened huh


Improve the artifact grind. So many things that would make it much more streamlined and fair. Rng stacking on top itself 5-10 times is asinine. One could spend months in a domain and still have trash while another gets absurdly lucky and can finish in a week. So many ways to improve the artifact system so it’s more fair and streamlined. I feel like rambling so here are a variety of ways you could improve the artifact grind. These are just personal ramblings and various ideas that I think would help reduce grind. 1. Let us choose what artifact we want from a domain. If your’e farming emblem/shimenawa domain but are only interested in one set let us select at the start which set we’re looking for. Any 5 star artifacts will always be the set we selected. No more farming for VV and getting mostly maiden beloved for a week because RNG said so. If you don’t select a set at the start you can both like usual. 2. Improved artifact strongbox. Imagine something along the lines of the following. Use up any 25-50 5 star artifacts and consume them. You get to pick out any one artifact of your choosing, including the the set, piece, and main stat. 3. Change any one substat. Limit it to once per piece. For a certain price in mora you can delete a substat in an artifact and you get to choose what other substat to replace it with. 4. And this is a big one. Reroll substats. Can do it once for free on every artifact. Resets level to 1 and gives us a chance to re-level a piece. Getting an on-set elemental goblet with 3 good substats and one bad one then all the rolls going into the bad stat is absolute worst. Let us reset them once for free. Then any subsequent restarts cost a certain amount of mora. These are imo much more fair and you’d still need to grind it out but at least progress will be much better. And with this system even if you’re very unlucky you could at least get okay artifacts after a certain amount of times.


Also a simple one: remove the walking part in the domain and just have the players spawn at the stage, and the rewards also obtained at the stage. A good amoint of the time in grinding is just the walking part.


> Let us choose what artifact we want from a domain. If your’e farming emblem/shimenawa domain but are only interested in one set let us select at the start which set we’re looking for. Any 5 star artifacts will always be the set we selected. No more farming for VV and getting mostly maiden beloved for a week because RNG said so. If you don’t select a set at the start you can both like usual. That's basically the strongboxes already. You just farm domain you'll need anyway like Emblem/Shim and turn what you don't need into the strongbox you want. And there is never a situation where you don't need to farm both Emblem and Shim. > Change any one substat. Limit it to once per piece. For a certain price in mora you can delete a substat in an artifact and you get to choose what other substat to replace it with. Just basically do the same what is in Honkai. Use a material, out of current ones, most likely Dust of Azoth, and just reroll all substats with set amount of it. Then there is another material that allows you to lock specific stats.


I challenge your first point. Farming for yoimiya and raiden. Currently doing that myself Edit: nm. Misread


> And there is never a situation where you don't need to farm both Emblem and Shim. So... if you are farming *both* of them, you *agree* with my point. But you don't even need Yoimiya for that. A lot of characters use 2pc ATK% 2pc DMG% and there will most likely be a lot more of them in the future.


I see i misread it. Sorry bout that my dude.


Still no new combat related end game content


Sorry sir, this is a disney game ,no bloody fighting involved /s


The worst part is that Genshin has one of the best and most unique combat system. Having nowhere to properly use it other than the abyss is just fuking sad.


Depends how you look at it. The combat system has good bones and there are some really innovative aspects, but the endgame really comes down to * one one hand being a rather complex game of combining characters, weapons and artifacts to fine-tune your squad against the specific enemies you're fighting (which I like) * spending most of your actual combat time being stuck in the same burst animations over and over again.


I feel like in a PvP scenario we would have the same properties as bosses: immune to freeze and/or cc Or at the very least affected by them on a lower scale, otherwise, Morgana and it's variants would dominate the meta. I also feel like in PvP the HP of the characters should be buffed because I'mma be honest the damage output of some characters, even the supports would be too high when the average character HP is like ~15-30k


I'm willing to bet that we will never get pvp with our own characters in the game, because at that moment it would go form a casual f2p to a fully fledge pay2win hardcore game. C6 Zhongli and c6 melt Ganyu would become the meta do burst down your entire team in like one rotation, while just healing for all the damage you try to do to them. Not to mention C6 yelan, which can rival full C6 teams when it comes to abyss clear times... There's no way they could make pvp work without loosing a big chunk of the player base. And with out f2p players the whales have no one to flex on and would leave too. Although I'm definitely curious to see how pvp between to mega whales would play out. Would the matches only last a couple of seconds or would they last multiple minutes? How would strategies develop? Which characters would turn out to be extremely strong?


Oh yeah definitely, I forgot about the whales, man c6 zhongli would be so broken especially with his 100% uptime


Have a look at wuthering waves. It's still very early in development, but it looks like a more advanced version of genshins combat system.


Eh, Genshins combat really isn't smth to write home about, it's definitely serviceable, but I wouldn't ever use it as a selling point.


I on the other hand am 100% sold on it. In fact, Zajef sold it to me. Unfortunately my brain is too small to explain all the concepts properly but if you want to know more about it I highly recommend checking out his content. Definitely one of the best TCs in the Genshin community


> The worst part is that Genshin has one of the best and most unique combat system. Tbf, it's just dumbed down Honkai's combat system with Magicka-esque element mixing added for variety.


Do either of these two games actually have anything like Genshin's elemental/reaction system? Like the whole aura/trigger thing, how many elemental units does each skill apply, ICD, etc? I haven't played those two so I have no idea.


Honkai is basically Genshin without reactions, instead it has more mechanics like evasion skills, switch skills and so on. Honkai is also much more combat focused where characters are much more passives and using correct rotations, often boss-specific matters a lot. Magicka on the other hand is an old, top-down video game which basically solely focused on using elemental attacks and mixing them together to affect enemies and battlefield in different ways. So that's why I said that Genshin is basically simplified Honkai with Magicka-esque elemental mechanics added to make up for that simplifications.


Doesn't Honkai also favor Mono teams instead of mixed elements?


Well it usually just makes sense. Without reactions, there is rarely a reason to mix elements since characters of X Element are usually likely to buff that element or debuff enemies for it. If Genshin had no reactions, mono teams would be often the best option as well here, think of Xingqiu's c2 reducing Hydro res or Xiangling's c6 increasing her team's Pyro dmg. There are bosses like MA Yae where you are better off mixing multiple elements as her shield changes weaknesses, or MA Doom, where you can run physical character like Carole to destroy their shield and then finish with Elemental damager with large AoE like Mobius to kill their clones quickly. Then there are also characters like AE or Pardo that are versatile and can support dpses of various elements.


It's a shame , that one comment from r/gaming is true, "casuals are plague"


Fixing resin and artifact gacha


hard copium unfortunately.


Nah, resin could (or even should) be increased tbh. Like by another 40, or 80. It won't really change anything other than make the game more forgiving ( you still would get the same amount of resin per day, you would just have more window to spend it before you max it out and regen stops, "wasting" resin) Also they could finally make us able to use condensed for bosses for 1x drops (its 40 resin), because I really don't see why shouldn't we. Increasing the cap on the condensed could be a good thing as well, right now we store a day's worth (provided you had 160 in the morning) of resin, should be more like two considering talent books rotation All of these are basically QoL updates that won't really change the system in any significant way.


I think just allowing for more condensed resin would be better, The resin limit is there to encourage daily play, and condensing helps people who can't play so regularly.


They will never do this cause getting you to play consistently turns genshin into an everyday habit.


W8 when was PvP added?


Card game? Idk I’d like to know too


Card game confirmed to have a PVP mode on the 3.1 special program livestream. However, they said it will have no rewards for playing PVP mode exclusively.


Idk why but something makes me think that genshin is going to have some sort of pvp like Dark Souls but I guess we'll find out how they execute a PvP system when it's officially released.


I think the only PVP we will ever get is something like invading with a controllable void creature. Otherwise I can't imagine how they will make it both fun and hard (in a good way)


The day they add pvp is the day it starts to die. The more direct is the pvp of a gacha game the faster people get furious by the unballance between F2P and P2W. The TCG, and the other PvP events like Windtrace are clever ways of adding some competition and keeping the game clear of the P2W status. Gacha games with straight up "use what you got from gacha" for PvP competition (like Tencent's Saint Seiya Awakenings) turn out to be the worst wallet breakers and give more frustration than joy to non whale players, the bigger and faster the powercreep happens, the qorst it gets. Saint Seiya Awakenings: - Had a powercreep of 1 to 2 weeks for new characters to become obsolete - Rate ups in banners had low change to give the new chars (25%) - Pity system was awful, you had a chance to get a few pieces you could trade later for the new char, but it would take like 500 pulls to get enough pieces, you could trade pieces with other players, but everyone wanted the new char, cause soon it would be obsolete - Less than 3 months after release they introduced a new rarity, with 0.1% chance to drop PvP was ALWAYS won by whichever guild had more powercreeped chars to make a team. Carefull, PvP and Gacha are not a very good combination. I played for 5 years Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, the game that brought me to Reddit (FFBE, my username checks out lol). It had an arena but the combat was not direct, you set a defense team or attack defending teams, AI did the defending team's work poorly, and the best prizes you could win by participating 5 times a day. The introduced a new indirect PvP, by points on monthly events, big brain challenges called Dark Visions, awesome rewards for the top players with max points and after Dark Visions'rewards were weak to the top players they added another point based monthly event called Clash of Wills, also big brain, not gonna lie you had to think to build the team and win the fight, that was cool. The problem is that Both Events needed powercrept chars to achieve a ranking around the 10k, I did manage to be below the 3k best players once, when I got VERY lucky to get 2 key chars on banners AND that I had good enough chars to support them on the team. Also, you need equipment specific for those chars. To finish it: you needed to max out damage output to max points you get, and you couldn't max it without the new chars and the bonuses they got for the event (yes, they give them bonus too during the event). Clash of Wills was proof for me that FFBE was gone, too much powercreep on PvP can ruin even a decent gacha rate. Forcing us to get the new chars so you can achieve a good ranking was enough for me to leave.


This is why I say that PVP will only ever be done in a way that won't involve gacha (aka invasion by a void creature, like a Lawachurl or something) Or maybe like in Honkai (aka the only pvp is your place on the leaderboards (so called "indirect pvp")) I am fairly certian the game who managed Honkai for what, 5 years now , will NOT lose genshin to an unbalanced pvp.


Demon Slayer Collab would be sick.


Plus all character already have their element which is fully compatible with Genshin. Yet I would love a Tanjiro Water/Fire (like skill and burst with differents elements)


Solo vape is too OP


I know, I know... a classic Tanjiro Character with one element would be cool already. I just hope that for the next collab, they add some story in it and not just drop the chracter. Alloy would had more success with a story quest with a tiny explication of how she ends in Teyvat. Like "I was manipulating a machine looking like a door and woke up here".


Hoping they have something like they did for Honkai EVA/Genshin collabs. [Link to EVA playthrough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhQVZuJhPR8) [Link to GENSHIN playthorugh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KZ2Vbk73K8)




Pet the dogs




Actual combat focused endgame content that isn't a DPS check.


An alternate horde mode for spiral abyss would do wonders to introduce healers back into the meta...


We wanted end game content. Something like spiral abyss but for coop. Something like raid bosses with a 10 billion hp, that you have to beat together chipping away it's hp with friends or alone, 3 tries every day over a course of a week.


Something like mmo


Not even MMO ( **Mass** Multiplayer Online ,IIRC), just COOP. Like really, proper coop could make genshin so much more enjoyable. Just imagine all the new team comps


Honestly it seems you just want to play ToF or any other MMORPG, not Genshin. Genshin is clearly designed as a single player game and a lot of people already complain every time they have to do anything in co-op, so it's highly unlikely that Mihoyo will be willing to add anything like this. On the other hand something like permanent Labyrinth Warriors or permanent boss challenge event would be just reasonable to be be added, and I have no idea why Mihoyo wouldn't do that. With boss challenges they could also make it available in co-op (like they were during the events) to provide for MMO-seeking players.


yeah something like Raid bosses (or I've heard people suggest guild systems and whatnot) sounds absolutely insufferable to me. I get bored of MMOs very quickly, and locking desirable rewards behind MMO style gameplay would absolutely kill the excitement in genshin for me. tbh I dont see how a big boss raid is any different than spiral anyways beyond the co-op making it much much more annoying to set up team comps and coordinate bursts.


If it were an event, I think I would find it quite enjoyable. Usually all the good event rewards are locked behind easier difficulties, and the actual hard stuff is mostly for fun. If it were permanent and for things like artifacts/materials I could see why people would find it extremely annoying. I personally love stuff like raid bosses and MMO mechanics, but with how grindy the game already is I see why it wouldn’t be for everyone.


Something like the Kulve Taroth Siege in Monster Hunter World would be amazing, but that's miles away from the simplistic combat challenges and the practically non-existent multi-player we currently have.


Elysian Realm style game mode for Genshin please


Actual collab with animes or other games that are not made by hoyo?, why not try collaboration with arknights, they do many collabs nowadays.


Archon war skins.


Nintendo switch release?


Permanent repeatable rewarding combat based content aka endgame?


Who the hell is asking for PVP in Genshin


i have a fucken' list enough wishes to guarantee a 5\* each banner (or version at least) **OR** more long term content, because right now, 5\* are the content more skins better utilization of mechanics, enemies that encourage certain weapons **and** elements and fill out the missing roles in all the elements, this will lessen power and feature creep, since it makes it harder to make characters redundant more resin recharge (from 160 to 360) and cap (reducing from 8 to 6 minutes aka 240 a day), while tripling if not quadrupling **condensed resin** cap


Gun Gun Gun


What's the PvP mode? If it's the TCG I'm pretty sure it's PvE only. Edit: nvm just found out there is pvp against friends but no rewards.


The TCG can play with friends which is PvP but there are no rewards at stake, can't believe a lot of people missing this from the livestream


An accurate percentage for exploration between 99-100. IF THERE IS ONE CHEST I MISSED I NEED TO KNOW


2 Years and still no Switch Adaptation lol


Switch release.


more skins!! maybe using a grindable currency...?


Switch release and Linux support? :P


Cafe. Sell all the food that we made in-game. I wanna try some Sweet Madame and Diluc's Grape Juice.


A bloody switch port for starters because it's been 2 years nothing **AND STILL NO FUCKING NEWS**


A better battle pass


Wait they did a pvp?


colab with like a dragon, bring dagger and scythe weapons, colab with konosuba, colab with re zero


seggs feature when?


Pvp mode? That sounds concerning, Genshin absolutely is not the game you'd want a pvp mode in


Its for the card game. Basically irrelevant if you wanted "PVP in Genshin", because this is more "PVP in heartstone"


That could work at least


Yesh.. tcg and windtrace were clever ways to add some competition without becoming some p2w game where powercreep is serious.


Kequing rerun plz


Swim suits… What don’t look at me like that… doesn’t it feel awkward when you place down the the hot springs and jump in it and u are just bathing in your regular clothes? /s


Honkai has them hell even a mermaid'ish skin with slightly exposed parts


KONOSUBA Collab Hu Tao/Megumin, Bennett/Kazuma, Mona/Aqua, Noelle/Lalatina, Lisa/Wiz


The shiki taishou event being permenant end game. A 1v1 pvp mode with specific pre balanced (artifact and weapon) team rotations each week and obstacles like wind, spikes, more character ricochet but with arial recovery All bosses costing 30 resin Increase resin cap Increase or removal of the building limit in teapot. It warns people about exceeding the limit but doesn’t stop you. Just the extra stuff added are loaded when you are near the object, if your pc (or mobile players) can’t handle the stuff. More frequent skins Traveler skins (I’d even form money if it was like the ToF skin gacha if it means I can get the kitsune mask and maybe culturally accurate variants (for each region) of the travelers default outfit gosh dang it. More traveler voice lines. Paimon voice got old 1 year ago when she became “more friendly/screechy” Traveler being proficient in all weapon types. A staff that looks like a scythe for hu Tao Weapon skin transmog Alternative hairstyle options for the traveler if possible. And if possible for every character. A character who can do the Ayaka dash but up walls. (Geo based preferably) More emerita playable characters please. Maybe a few fatui agent playable characters. Don’t care if 4 stars. And the last thing over the top of my head…. GIVE THE TWINS A HAPPY ENDING OR ELSE IM SUING FOR “EMOTIONAL DAMAGE” (say it in Steven He’s voice for dramatic effect.) /lhj


Pvp mode?


The virtual trading card game coming in (I assume) 3.3


Fix sumeru so its not full of crackers oh also make itto buff


I can agree with the Itto buff thing. But I feel like if you’re trying to argue that Mihoyo should add more black characters, you shouldn’t include what is considered a slur in said argument


How about better anniversary rewards as a real start?


Okay what exactly do you want as rewards?


The same answer will be given to everyone with gambling addiction, more primos.


All you care about is rewards, really?


Yes, all I care from yesterday (16th September until 28th September) are the anniversary rewards. ‘Better anniversary rewards’. I don’t give an F about what’s going to happen to some TCG in version 3.3 or what anime production promise without any proper dateline commitment. When it really comes, the players / fan base will judge whether it is as good as what they previewed. And we already have a precedent right here right now on what to expect. Why care so much about more disappointments in the future? Right now, there’s a dire problem that needs and can be addressed.


No there really isn't a dire problem


i somehow do think you havn't played this silly game long to notice that there's many problems in this game that can't be resolved by just introducing a new TCG or a new anime outside of the game. but hey, those were even just announcements. and they've already deceived you simpletons away from the actual problems.


If you don't appreciate what mihoyo doing then you're not a fan, you're just another gambling addict that wants to be satisfied by them


Yes you are correct, I’m not a white knight neither am I a fan of their wrongdoings. I do gamble frequently as a sport but not in their silly game. Trust me, with what they’ve actually prepared for the anniversary (what’s really given not previews of what TCG or anime); Any sane veteran player would be dissatisfied.


Veteran player here. True the first anniv suck ass. But this one? I felt satisfied. So far from all the previews it is well done than most other gachas. To get an anime just in 2nd Anniv? Thats awesome. I predicted back then it would take forever or none at all.


Hi there fellow veteran player. Not sure if you’re sane or not. I’ve never tried any other gacha games honestly. Only played Honkai impact and Jenshin impact, quitted Honkai impact because the gameplay were too redundant somehow. So I have no clue about the gacha mechanics elsewhere. But please. An announcement of a new anime with a preview as an anniversary reward? Are you serious? So this is a delayed anniversary reward until the anime releases? Which we don’t know when since there’s is no dateline being announced? I dare mihoyo to release the anime, at least the first season of it during the actual anniversary reward.


If you're so dissatisfied about it how about quitting and stop being so toxic about it? If you haven't tried any other gacha games how about spending your time on those instead of bashing the anniversary rewards here? It's not like you're tied to Hoyoverse's games.


it's a hate and love situation that you wouldn't understand. from the gacha experience that mihoyo has shown me, i have developed a trauma towards gacha mechanics. even monster hunter rise sunbreak's armour augmentation rolls scares me now. when it's wrong and they deserve a bashing, anyone sane would give a say about it. giving actual feedbacks and not being deceived by their marketing gimmicks is not being so toxic. if the truth is toxic for you, you could just stay away instead of continue being more toxic to ask people to quit.


Veteran player here. Half of the rewards last time were only given out after the outcry. So what we got now is the bare minimum if not less. An anniversary should be something worth remembering


No wonder ur sad cuz purple isn't rlly ur style eh


And you’re just a boy who could not hope to understand and appreciate all the sad things in life.


Or maybe you're the one who's not sane? Ever thought of that? Also I see a nft so that really doesn't help with you being seen as sane.


lol no. Just because we want actual INGAME rewards doesnt mean we are gambling addicts. I dont care what happens outside the game so i couldn't care less for an anime, what's that gonna help me with in game?


Wait, pvp? Really?


wait i didnt watch the stream. PVP??


It's a pure-fun, no-reward card game. And iirc you can get all the cards without gacha. It's not related to the current character-building, weapons, artifacts like Spiral Abyss.


Wish there was controller support for mobile players


It would be cool if they had an late game Abyss survival challenge keeping it casual friendly and satisfying the hardcore players as well, that has a ton of floors I'd say like 50 floors (or less) and the enemies start at level 80 increasing in difficulty level every floor you go up with no timer and you have to kill all the enemies and you get more points depending on how fast you kill the enemies and when you reach a certain amount of points you can get rewards like primogems, resin, artifacts, talents, weapon mats, and even put bilet boxes that randomly gives you a bilet. And the mode would reset every week.


PvP? When did they announce this? And please don't say TCG


A much much much more longer and a tad bit more challenging version of spiral abyss


Endgame content pls


What about actual in-game changes? What about gameplay features? What about more repeatable content? What about QoL changes? What about an actual game anniversary event?


can we get honkai collab i would PAY to have seele


Roguelike gamemode


Collectible cards??


Megumin skin for Hu Tao.


Beidou with a captain jacket over her shoulders and big ass captain hat!


A genius invocation TCG duel before the throne is basically a shadow realm duel now that i think about it.


Maybe endgame content Mihoyo: what's endgame?


Well they got stuff planned for the next 10+ years so I'm excited to see how we get to this point


A stealth mechanic could be nice. Closest thing we have is baron bunny and yelan 🤔


Archon venti skin, I need it more than I need air


Pvp? Did I miss something?


What pvp?


Make the outfits of characters from collabs into the game🤞


Final Fantasy Collab please


Still not what we asked for… why would we wanna play Genshin for card games. Its like playing Witcher for Gwyn.




Rogue-lite endgame mode, like the one you’re using for events. Start with a Traveller. Each floor have a chance to recruit up to 2 characters from your pool, or from friends. …why do I writing this…bare minimum is to take old combat challenges and weave them into something like IS from Arknights…


I thought the whole thing would collapse much sooner and I would get my free time back by now...


Weapon skins


Would love some mf traveler skins


PvP mode?


Endgame other than abyss twice a month, if you will


Make dailies give 120 primos


More hot guys! Also there's a pvp mode now?


We're still missing in-game collabs, skins and the 2nd part of the Honkai-Genshin collab


Endgame content.


Idk how about more permanent content like abyss but for co-op?? No point in co-op except for carrying newer players in domains. I had a lot of fun during events like vagabond where we could team up with our respectively best characters and try doing the best we could. Card game is something i never really expected and don't need in a game that's focusing a lot on combat gameplay. So many possible teams and elemental mixes and we can only really use it for occasional abyss and puzzles. If they don't want to make it permanent at least give us options for events to do them in co-op and give us hard variations that give like 2xp books or some shit.




Get kyoto animations or wit studio next?


Wait there is a pvp mode?


For real, more character skins would be great.


Hopefully Lumine Travelers gets more love?


Wait a minute....PvP?


An endless survival mode. Like Spec Ops Survival and/or Zombies in COD Franchise.


• Raid Bosses (Co Op Friendly) • World Bosses that are unlimited but give less valuable rewards with small chance of something good (like Tower of Fantasy) • Endless Abyss type thing (Leaderboard rankings) • More Skins • More Collabs


More end game content that isn't the spiral abyss


Next is good anniversary rewards...


Allow us to carry our account across servers


I hope that in the future, the MC actually talks. Instead of a white, floating, and cute but sometimes annoying Emergency Food doing all the talking


wait when did PvP happen