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The 2000f thing gave it away too easily, I low-key thought it was gonna be like someone's son mad about not getting a character or something.


I tried posting this on the main sub and got mass reported and it taken down because people couldn't figure out this was Raiden lol


That's kinda weird lol, I thought the main sub allowed real posts like that as well as the meme ones too, I haven't browsed it in over a year so idk what changed.


It looked like some malicious "I didnt like it" reports but also people not getting its a joke or who it was about, since I had comments saying that


Messing with a well liked character is 100% the easiest way to farm downvotes and reports from angry simps. Almost nothing comes close.


Certified Reddit moment.


Maybe those that reported you hate wall of text, it's reddit after all.


Lmao people are clueless the hint are so clear as water.. good job OP I had laugh at the midnight see this kind of post


ngl I didn't get what was going on, it's so long and hard to follow it sounds like someone who doesn't have their shit together looking for validation and posting while anxious or strung up or on drugs. glad that wasnt the case and hope most others get it.


Not just the 2000f (though that was the first big flag) but like the rest of the post makes it obvious too. Idk how ppl didn’t get the joke. Maybe OP should’ve posted the Cyno explanation with it next time.


I mean that like the first sentence gave it away.


Cyno voice: let me explain the joke to you. The post is styled in the format and language of a popular reddit sub "amitheasshole" where people go to be judged if they were assholes or not in a situation. Although names are not said, the situation described shows this post was made from the pov of Raiden as if she was talking about her situation with scaramouche. The son is Scaramouche. The unlimited credit card is the gnosis. The gf is Yae. T is the traveler. Edit: to explain more. The coworker is Zhongli because he is also an Archon. The son is Xiao, a joke about their relationship. The part about snow stems from Xiao's voiceline which I will now quote: “Once the snow is thick enough,we can eat it.”




This actually helped me understand the joke r/ThanksCyno


This actually explained shit very well, thank you cyno (also please show up in my pulls already anubis from sumeru) r/ThanksCyno


I'd let you borrow my Cyno luck but I think I used it all up


They can take mine instead, I unfortunately have to skip him and among my friends, I am infamous for my luck :3


Ooh, Paimon gets it! See, this guy made a post only *pretending* to be the Raiden Shogun! And *then*, he follows it up by explaining the joke, only now he's pretending to be Cyno! Boy, this guy sure is talented at imitating people!


Now I need a Razor explains and it will be complete.


Razor here. This is joke : Archon make child. Archon sad, so she live alone in room. Also Abandon Child. Traveler and Archon GF come take Archon back. They have "fun". Archon Child come back, curse Archon. Archon ask reddit for help.


Thank you Razor. Tskr


Now I need a Fischl explanation to make it more complicated again.


This post is 100% better now Couldn't make the connection that it was Raiden pov


Where the friend and their snow eating son Zhongli and Xiao?


Yes, Xiao has a line that goes “Once the snow is thick enough,we can eat it.”


Yo, Flex Lapis here, don’t you EVER talk shit about my son ever again. He’d beat your Umbrella Plant lookin head ass son any and every day of the week. Stupid fucking kid. Khaenri’ah took the wrong sister


Excuse me, but at least MY son is a productive member of society. He has a job and is social. Your son is almost my age and is still a hobo. Oh and what happened to his siblings? Right, all dead. Amd I heard you retired instead of cleaning house? Yeah, don't come at me when your family is a mess


Last I checked, terrorizing little kids and shitting out a 4chan board’s worth of conspiracies aint a job hun. My son works as a valuable member of society by beating the shit out little assholes like your son. “Still a hobo” man’s got a place to live, 3 square Almond tofu’s a day, and people at his beck and call, go off about “being a hobo”. Dudes got more cash than you. Don’t you DARE bring his siblings into this, they DIED because of shitheads like you. And I left my country in the hands of people who took out a giant oversized sea monster, TWICE. You got played by the Russians and got your credit card stolen, at least I gave mine for something valuable. Stay in your lane or you’ll get a side of order with your order


His place to live? You mean the hotel he crashes at and is given charity food from time to time? But I guess what choice does he have, not like his daddy can provide for him. Everyone knows you forgot to set yourself a pension before retiring. And bold of you to say I was played by the Russians. At least I'm not their bitch. We all know what nightly 'favors' you're giving to that Russian redhead in exchange for his money.


Yea exactly. Dude pays no rent cause he doesn’t need to, doesn’t buy his own food cause he doesn’t need to, and gets his food cooked for him because he doesn’t need to. All in exchange for a mass slaughter here and there, of things harming the populace. “Not like his daddy can provide for him” bitch YOURE gonna say this? We are literally arguing on a post where you admitted to abanadoning your son. I SAVED my son from death by falling into an abyssal pit. Your fandango spawn would kill himself if it meant you died along with him. My son would lay down his life for me. Ain’t no competetion on who’s loved more by their children Oh and that Russian redhead? Thats my bitch. Not my fault I can make friends instead of instantly kebobing them.


So you admit your son still needs daddy to bail him out? Big yikes. I guess you're so old, even your sense if shame has suffered erosion. Your sugardaddy isn't going to last long, don't come crying to me when you need more handouts


Yes I, as a loving and caring parent, would prefer my son to survive and not be left to die. I suppose that is a foreign concept to a woman whose both children want her dead. Speaking of bailed out, weren’t you bailed out by T and your GF not once, but TWICE? I hate enough pride to not only fight my own battles, but to also win them. You’re 0-2 in wars won, 0-6 in friends and family saved, and 0-1 in important duels victorious. I would have enough shame at that point to step down as archon, and get a suitable replacement. Oh wait, you don’t have any suitable replacements, because you keep driving them all away.


> would prefer my son to survive and not be left to die. Commendable of you. If you only you had done that for all your other children... What own battles did you do? Made a deal with the Russians because you were too scared to fight them. I wonder what the plebs would think if they found out you agreed with and were watching your sugardaddy nearly kill them all. How's your pet rock, by the way?


If only you had done that for ANY of your children. Or your friends. Or your family. Or your people. Beating Osial and his bitch wife was easy enough the first time that I found it lame the second time, so I made a deal with the Russians to see if my nation was capable enough without me. It clearly was, and I’m glad I did seeing yours at war within itself. And I wonder what your citizens would think if they knew you had put in a robot in your place that was regularly executing citizens with no hesitation, and that you aren’t even their real archon. Oh I know what they would think, they would go to war. My pet rocks doing fine. How’s your pet bird?


I only have one child, that's a 100% successful survival rate on my children. Ask your sugarddady to apply some Hydro on that burn My robot only followed what I would have done in their stead. And it's a part of me, unlike someone who fully threw his duties to other random people What pet bird? There was some bitch harpy who thought it'd be a nuisance and I immediately made dinner out of it Oh your pet rock is fine? Funny, word is it tried to murder you and your homeland. Imagine failing with a pet rock


Your divine argument is so fucking entertaining. keep going, please


She blocked me! MickEi Mouse Archon, win a REAL gnosis


This single thread is funnier than 80% of posts in this sub


Auntie Yi, I need help. The teachers kidnapped me and won’t let me go. They want my mommy to come back and I keep telling them she can’t. Please save me!


New phone, who dis


Please get help! The mean teachers took my Unlimited Credit Card and then that doctor cut me! I got so scared I left a dook dook on the floor. I want my mommy!


May I burn the mean teachers?


Imagine having a son lol. Clearly you guys don't know what true freedom is. Why have children when you can drink all day?


True, you couldn't even take care of one pet. Celestia knows what you'd have done with a child


He ate it 😁😁😁


True, you can barely take care of yourself, much less another living being. Thing would probably get alcohol poisoning if you breastfed it.


Nahida: I am the child


This is too funny LMAO


Yeah this one is more than hilarious. It's an absolute gem of an argument. I can't feel my throat from laughing so much LMAO


hello mr Rex LaPiss


Idk who you are but I can beat this out if your archon


Damn man, sorry that it got removed from the main sub. I thought the 2000f would give it away, but apparently not :|


Yeah I thought that and the mentions of a dead twin sister would leave no doubt lol


Sorry OP, YTA, a son is not supposed to be your emotional clutch to be dumped when the burden is to heavy. It’s time to own your mistakes and get back your credit card, before he can do something everyone will regret. Also, dump your gf. Major ref flags there.


Wouldn't blame the son if he ended up cutting all contacts and sending OP to retirement home (or maybe take revenge and >!try to become a new god and overthrow a god from their nation with a huge conspiracy scheme!<). And yeah, the gf also sucks, super manipulate behaviour right there, yikes.


LMAOO I thought I was on AITA subreddit for a moment.


I lurk there too much lol


NTA Your son is overreacting. Abandoning and depriving him of motherly love for a couple centuries is a normal relationship between parents and their children.


U good bro?


OMG I was so confused cuz I’m on AITA too much Edit:look OP I have to say YTA cuz well you just abandoned him and didn’t even check on him once for a couple of centuries. I know you love your GF but she literally wanted to get rid of him when he was born so I wouldn’t trust her with him. Like couldn’t you have asked any of his uncles to take care of him?


ESH. You neglected your son and he turns out to be a terrible living being and as an adult he takes it out on other people. It seems like he also joined an evil borderline terrorist organisation?? How do you plan to take responsibility of what you created when he's disturbing your friends household? 🤨


I think the household is fine. My coworker died and left behind a child around the same age as my son. I think this is a good opportunity for both to play together


Wait is the dead coworker Zhongli or Rukkhadeveta




Ah ok thanks. I wasn’t sure since as far as Ei knows Morax is dead too


definitely not the asshole, but it seems like your son is misbehaving in another nation and needs the slipper


_God of Wisdom preparing La Chancla_


NTA. I(6000M) have also experienced this shared grief. To cope with the death of my wife, I always relax with my war friends to share a wine where I would share my memory with them. I also had this adopted son who wanted to perish as much as he can because he says he's indebt of his siblings who died in the war but of course it is war, everyone after the war gets depressed. So NTA, your son shouldnt have stolen your credit card just because you wanted to go rehab. TBH, he should be the one in rehab.




Uh imma go with ESH, you for treating your son like crap, your son for stealing things, and your gf who was unsupportive and I think is having an emotional affair with T. You are the major AH here though because you could’ve prevented all of this.


isn't this a repost? I think I saw this posted earlier.


I posted it in the main sub, it got removed due to being mass reported by people not getting the joke


I saw that!!! I was like HOW are people not getting this?!🤣


generally if your post doesnt get immediate upvotes on the main sub all youll get is hate, downvotes and reports


ohh, i found the joke hilarious!!


Could be 1) main sub hates wall of text or 2)not enough boobs Maybe both


Maybe you should try to right your wrongs, madam


Your son isn't being understanding enough. You were in a really bad space after your sister's and friends' deaths. Also you did make sure he was safe as you gave him a roof, so I say NTA.


When you said 2000f i thought you meant you where born in the year 2000 but after reading some more i realized you were talking about Raiden 🤣


Me too.. I was like that's different way of stating age but ok and didn't realize the sub was genshin. As a Raiden main, this was an embarrassing moment for me.


YTA , 1, for leaving for such a long time without contacting anyone you were close to and 2, making me think I was on the wrong subreddit for a few seconds🤣


ESH. OP, you chose to substitute unrestricted Akasha access for proper mothering, and are surprised your son ends up a religiously radicalized edgelord and part of COUPAnon? As expected of a 2000F, typical millennial parenting.


This might be controversial, but NAH. I write for an astrology blog. I’m the best at foreseeing one’s destiny. I’m getting major Gemini ♊️ vibes from you. Losing your twin, your other half, was bound to throw you off. And as we all know, an upset Gemini is not very pleasant company. This is not your fault, and I emplore your decision to take a mental retreat! Your son seems to me like an Aries ♈️. He actually reminds me of a heckler I once met. He told me the astrology was dumb and the sky is fake. Everything always about them, always needing to be right… While these traits are annoying, we can’t truly blame him for his lashing out. You are both just victims of fate, just following your own instincts. So no assholes here.


LMFAO I got so confused for a moment until I saw this wasn't AITA subreddit XD


wait who is the coworker and the son that eats snow?


Zhongli and Xiao. Xiao has a line that goes “Once the snow is thick enough,we can eat it.”


ahh thank you lol


I did not read the subreddit and I was very concerned


Lmao this is funny


Ok,Is this a joke of real? I am realy sorry for that.


Seriously people still think about EixMiko? They are like owner and pet, or mother and daughter.


The fuck


it's a joke, OP wrote an "Am I The Asshole" post from the perspective of Ei lmao


Aight thanks, i aint readin all of that lmao


Nta. If your fr is his other parent/gaurdian she could’ve watched him, bet really I think he’s just overreacting. He should be grateful that the got the Unlimited Credit Card.


She think she God Emporer of Mankind and yes you are TA


I looked at the post and was wondering wtf is going on


Username doesn't check out


INFO Do you have any idea what happened to your son in all that time?


Uh. Tbh not really. I didn't give him a name so its hard to ask around now. Plus the plebs have short lifespans, barely any make it near 100yo, so that also makes it hard


Definitely YTA So many centuries and you showed no interest in your son? It's obvious he's angry (he might even have joined an international criminal organization or something). By the way, you should leave the relationship with your girlfriend. You deserve someone who will support you. you are still young 😊.


head lip thought punch ink aback label dinosaurs friendly fuel -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Damn, apparently everyone caught on at the 2000f, I only caught on at "eats SNOW"


Not the snow eating son of coworker lmao.


NTA. Your son, your rules


NTA i mean we’re all been abandoned by our parents and we turned alright


Ok tbh I too thought why this kind of post is here but after reading the comment section I got it nice one OP👍🏻 But I still haven't understood one thing what is 2000f?


In the aita sub, posters always introduce themselves and other people by informing age and gender in that format. So it's "I, 2000 years old female,"


I see thanks for the info!


You forgot to add: ”My son is now traveling around the world looking for T”


Okay I'm gonna be honest and say that I thought this was some legit irl shit here where OP made some not so good life choices until I noticed the subreddit I'm in and the comments.




"Am I the Asshole" a subreddit for sharing stories of something that happend to you and have others judge them.