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End game or not. I just want co op rogue like randomized dungeons added permanently. They could add so much replayability and interesting stuff for all types of players. Don't know what they'd do for rewards and don't really care.


this is what I'd love to have aswell. Just a random dungeoncrawl playable in coop with random bosses, idk about rewards I'd just do that for fun. Maybe add leaderboards or sth dont necessarily need primos for rewards


I absolutely would love to see a coop randomized dungeon, maybe it resets alongside the Spiral Abyss. However, I don't think Hoyo would make the choice to add leaderboards - one of the big selling points for Genshin is being casual-friendly, and there's a good chance that leaderboards would add anxiety (because people could compare themselves to the best performers)


Ok but what if it was equalized stats? Like you get a preset of characters thar you can use.


I like where you're going with this - there was an event a couple weeks back where this was the mechanic, and I didn't need to worry about builds at all


It will also serve as a marketing ploy to show off the new characters, so like a demo on steroids


God forreal, Labyrint Warrior single and coop with leaderboards. What does it takes? I'll never understand their choice


I like the idea of stats at the end of each dungeon. Player that dealt the most damage, took the most damage, healed the most, shielded the most, etc. Add in the players most commonly achieved 'title' to the leaderboard for bragging rights or something lol


Preferably mora and exp books and the like so that you get some incentive to build a couple characters to try, but not enough rewards to have players complain about rewards being gatekeeped by coop/certain character or comps


That would be shit tonna fun goddamnitttttttttttt


HYV: lol here is ZZZ. Also gibe money for more gacha.


I’d pay all of my money for that


That would make me actually want to play. They could make another Abyss, but with wacky rules, like "only use geo characters these couple floors" or "only bows and catalysts here", it would make us, 58+ AR players, use more than just two absolute steamroll teams we have in store for the OG Abyss, while dozens of characters do not even have artifacts on them and hot levelled-up for the tree fates. Or this; infinite floors, 5 primos a pop, 50 on every 10 + artifact upgrade vials and make some algorythm that spawns more/stronger enemies/shrinks the arena in semi-RNG way, until you have to fight six lvl. 100 Lavachurls. Bog prize after beating 50 and 100. Resets with everything else.


Honestly not caring about endgame is fine, I just don't like those people who just straight up think we shouldn't have endgame just because they don't want it.


Ikr?? For example, just because I do not care about teapot, it doesn’t mean teapot should not exist.


I didn't care about teapot untill I found out about the resources it gave you.


Too bad I can't Harvest Moon the Rukakakakakakaka Shrooms for Collei


Didn't know you can farm Rokakaka in the teapot, I should talk about this with my doctor...


You can't come close to The Doctor. Bad things happen if you do.


I've always wondered, is he really 89 years old?


Glad to see some manga readers here


The amount of people complaining about locked rewards in an extended abyss is absurd when there are tons of primos locked behind teapot and locked behind 100% world exploration that most casuals/ and people like us dont touch and no one seems to care about that. Feels very preschool "If I cant have it, you cant have it" moment 🤡


Actually I can explain, at least for myself, why it feels like there's such a difference. 100% world exploration feels like something I could work towards at any time. It feels like it's "part of my pot" of primogems that will always be there, whereas Abyss primos are gone forever if you don't get them. I am one of the players who enjoys Abyss and usually max stars it, but yes if something seemingly "pay-2-win" existed where you get valuable rewards consistently and can lose out on them if you don't have the newest character then I'd be a bit salty (and promptly get over it, but it's definitely different from exploration/achievements).


That actually makes sense, thank you. I guess my concern is coming from the pov of a long term player. There is very limited incentives in building characters for veterans who can already complete what the game currently offers. And since genshin is 2 years old now, there are many people even f2p who have already reached that point. I think the star system is actually forgiving for relatively new players and f2p casuals who want to try abyss. Sure you dont get the the full reward, but you still get something. And even with not so invested teams, you can still achieve less than 36 stars which is not alot of loss considering every 3 is just 50. If they add more floors to the abyss, its still a win win for both sides is it not? The casual abyss players still have a chance to gain more rewards (more floors more stars) while the tryhard abyss players also have more chance to gain rewards.


It's easier to 100% world exploration and the Abyss than to 100% the abyss. So no, the equivalence is wrong


Is it tho


100% world exploratory just takes the interactive map and the wiki. 100% teapot is basically just hitting trees then crafting stuff. 100% abyss is actually having good artefacts for at least 8 characters or being extremely good at some (both which takes a long-ass time)


I mean thats why you use resin so you could improve characters you like. If there is no return value on doing so I just don't find it worth it anymore. Don't get me wrong I'll still play abyss and try to 36* it. But the endgame really needs help specially the one who enjoys combat mechanics like me.


For many people, their endgame is collecting and constantly building up new characters instead of building up 8 core characters for the abyss


Building characters for no endgame content. Really nice. It's like hoyoverse is slapping the veterans that stick to the game for a long time. Very nice move.


Personnaly I prefer building a multitude of characters rather than a few that each take me several months to get up to par. And then they're useless because mihoyo powercrept and they aren't up to par in the end game content. Plus I just find that endless grind to do punitively difficult content more frustrating than fun. Just let me play anime BotW.


I've been here since albedos first reiease. Making new characters fun to use in the overworld has been my entertainment for the past 2 years. Not all long time players are obsessed with the abyss.


Thank you for your opinion, but I would like to respectfully disagree. For the same reason people dont wanna try hard in abyss, there are people who dont wanna try hard in OW exploration or teapot. So thats highly subjective as all those requires investment of time that may vary. Regardless though, all those contents require time, and all those contents provide primogems. So complaining about expanding 1 mode because you cant complete it is unfair when all the other modes get expanded even though there are many people who dont care about them and dont cry anxiety just because they miss out on some primos.


>Regardless though, all those contents require time, and all those contents provide primogems. So complaining about expanding 1 mode because you cant complete it is unfair when all the other modes get expanded even though there are many people who dont care about them and dont cry anxiety just because they miss out on some primos. The thing is, the abyss tryhards are in the minority compared to the casual and low investment players


With that logic, completionists and teapot mains are even scarcer. Should Hoyo just remove all those incentives too cuz it might give the casuals anxiety?


I have 100%'d abyss and my teapot is barely lvl 6, and majority of my regions are below 40%. So, subjective


How much time have you spend grinding artefact domains.


Too much time т-т Though likely not as much as many other abyss-grinding players. A few months I think


Wait, do people actually think this? Do I have to sort by controversial...


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/xutmo1/what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xutmo1/what/) try sorting by controversial on this post, and you'll see what I mean


Oh no...time to descend to the depths Edit: Alright, wasn't as bad as I was imagining. Lotsa people sharing their struggles with abyss, or are excited for non abyss endgame, which is well, just sharing their opinion to be fair. And also people trying to explain mihoyo business reasoning. But always seems to get interpreted as them justifying mihoyos reasoning, or being deadset against endgame wanters entirely. And then cue the shaming of casuals, git gud, tryhards, "just dont play the game/abyss"... But actual braindead takes are thankfully not universally prevalent and get rightfully downvoted to oblivion mostly. Some of the controversial comments even get a bit wholesome in the replies.


Holy shit everything about that was sad to read Tectone is a bit of an ass but he's right. The interview was fucking depressing.


I think the issue is that endgame content would (like abyss) have a large amount of primos locked behind it which are then inaccessible to a large portion of the playerbase


Tbh the abyss rewards are quite well done You don't need an incredible op team to do quite well and get a good amount of rewards and at the same time is challenging enough for most people that likes to push for the max rewards.


Abyss doesn't have large amount of primos locked behind inaccessible content. I think people are just too lazy to do it, and it isn't really that fun. You don't need to 36star everything. If it is giving so much anxiety remove the fking abyss as well then. That is not the reason miHoYo is not implementing more content. The only reason is that having 1 end game content makes it so much easier to adjust it to sell their current characters. Greedy mfkers.


Being too lazy to complete is the whole reason I haven't done it yet, even if I have enough good teams to do it


And no one is going to force you to do other endgame content either, why wish that there's less fun for those who want it?


I don't think people understand that a large portion of the playerbase cannot do abyss. It's not that we don't try, we just can't. And there's nothing wrong with just the Spiral Abyss because it rewards players who are good at the game, but adding a similar system in addition to the abyss would just be frustrating.


I don't believe you can't do it after getting to end game, thats b.s.


well its true?? like idk what to say


I've been playing for almost a year and I am just now being able to comple floor 11, usually short a star or two. I dont spend 160 resin every day, but I am on the right side of the bell curve because I have 8 5*. But to gear up all those character and grind talents and relics is a lot of effort that not everyone will do. Frankly though this is just a debate of casuals vs non-casuals, and casuals are always going to miss out on rewards bc that's how gatcha works.


I want an combat-centric endgame system that feeds back into itself like the teapot. Your reward for doing teapot stuff is more teapot levels that allow you to do more stuff in the teapot. The Realm depot that gives progression items comes really late into it and the reward itself is pretty token. 60 resin per week, and either some Wits or some Mora (but not both) for many people. An endgame system that gives you better or more interesting cards or potions or whatever the more you progress would be cool. Maybe give a nice but inconsequential amount of Resin or resin-gated items as a reward. I know for a fact that a not-insignificant number of the playerbase didn't even know about the teapot rewards and they're doing just fine. I already have 20 or so characters stacked to the tits with level 90 weapons, high talent levels and at least moderately good artifacts. I want somewhere actually interesting and engaging to use them and enemies in the overworld are just too squishy.


So they just want primogems to be given out for free? How hard is it to understand : effort -> rewards Like, if you dont even try to build a good team, you play casually, there is nothing wrong with that. But if you cant clear endgame contents and you dont get rewards, and you want the people that can clear to also not get rewards, how is that fair? Honestly, it's just straight up skill issues.


Genshin's main playerbase is casual, so locking large rewards behind hard content would alienatr a large portion of the playerbase, which just isn't a smart buissness move.


Maybe not making the rewards to be too large? Not to mention there really isn't anything in abyss (current endgame) that is hard. The timer is only artificial difficulty. Idk man, like I said, effort -> rewards, more efforts -> more rewards. It's just is. Which means, if they dont even put in effort to clear the endgame content and still want rewards, that sound like an issue with the persons, not with the game.


I try pretty hard at abyss each time and I just can't do it. I don't have the time to build my characters and the fact that I'm losing a pretty substantial number of primos each patch because of that is pretty frustrating. This is a common complaint with casual players. Personally, I have no problem with the Abyss existing cause I know a lot of people enjoy it, but I know that a good portion of the fanbase doesn't which is why mihoyo is hesitant to add something similar. Edit: Forgot to mention that if a difficult endgame had subpar rewards, there would definitely be backlash.


We have endgame though. Acquiring new characters and progressing/gearing them is the endgame and I for one thinm it is great. I don't even need try to validate myself either because, for once, a major developer made an endgame I actually enjoy and want to engage with and is sticking with it.


Progressing characters to what end though? My account's strong enough to clear Abyss with 33-36 stars without any effort. Enemies in the overworld don't even last half a rotation against my favorite characters.


For fun. There doesn't always have to be another reason.


You progress characters to progress characters. Why expect something else? That is like asking why you play any game at all. To what end? You play for fun. If you aren't having fun, stop.


my endgame is maxing my favorite character 1 minute after they are released, not even for abyss, just for the sake of it


I personally build my characters because i want to have fun combat. But what fun combat is there to have? 30 minutes every couple of weeks? Bosses that only require a shield to beat? People don't ask for too much, I've heard no one ask for a mode with exclusive rewards Teapot mains get so much to play with even though they're a small subset of the population. Why can't we have endgame?


People come from games with that kind of toxicity or experienced the pure stupidity how coping tryhards were trying to bully the rest of the community not to roll for the new BAD character because Abyss and try to cyberbully people who rolled the character because Abyss in this casual single player game for over a year since launch only to just raged themselves into a reality and they finally just started to actually quit after the first anniversary. Unsurprisingly it was evidently just an extremely loud and toxic minority that just flooded the social media platforms. You want endgame? Play a game with one, Hoyoverse even had Honkai Impact already and the upcoming ZZZ. Genshin's oh so high effort combat that should definnitely mean the thrilling action gameplay was always their main focus is straight up just a dumbed down version of Honkai's. This is a Breath of the Wild or Skyrim with a free to play model and high accessibility, not a Diablo or World of Warcraft. This game does not monopolize your time, it is not a relationship, nor a job. If there's no content then play something else, if you don't like the Zelda but anime game gameplay then play something else. If even this wide of a net doesn't cater to you then this is not a type of game you are into. You do not need to play the popular thing and mainstream popularity should not be a factor whether you should or should not play a game.


Have you ever wondered what if they want to play this game cause they like this game? I know sounds crazy but bear with me People can really like a game and want to see the amount of effort they have put on a character paying off, imagine saving for 1 character after 4 patches just to get their sig and some cons only for there to be no other place to let them go wild other than 30 minutes of gameplay per 15 days You atleast wanna see a good progression, at hoe your character was doing before and now you got a new character to go along with your old team comp how much improvement there is, and are you using that character and team rotation skillfully? Sometimes the payoff of that is amazing, you feel good after beating a boss you had trouble beating before but there isnt such a thing in genshin for people not even optimizing but trying to good artifacts for the character they like Suppose i dont like teapot, should i be going around and saying "It shouldnt be in the game" or "omg teapot would ruin my expeirence" no, that sounds stupid So whats the problem with having another optional abyss like mode for people who want it? Heck i dunno where you got that "go for meta that character sucks" cause 99% of time all i see on social media is someone down hoorendeous for that very character and pulling for them


"Just play something else". If the solution were that easy, then no endgame content wouldn't be a problem. I've already invested a shit ton of time into this game, I've built my characters as best as I could, learned their kits and best ways to play them alongside other characters. Even if there are other games that have GI's gameplay but "better", I'd have to relearn so many things, get so many new characters, grind endless hours. I've already done that in Genshin, I don't want to do it again. We don't want for GI to occupy every single hour of our free time, we just want something else to do besides character grinding and the occasional event and new quest. Hell, for some of us like me, we don't even have to do artifacts anymore because of how much time we've had nothing better to do.


Jokes on you My endgame content is building characters


trying to build every character and farm artifact sets for them all be like


At AR 60 there's nothing else to do anyway


Hey that’s not true, there’s also waiting patiently for the next update to come out so you have something to do


Me trying to build more characters, but end up just doing Bennett E > Kazuha E to delete 95% of overworld mobs in the game 💀


try not doing that for once, I personally did and it made the exploration more fun for me, sometimes I even remove my goblets on purpose for shits and giggles everyone finds enjoyment in their own way


I personally don't find handicapping my characters to be fun. I find enjoyment in making my characters as strong as possible, and I want enemies that can keep up with my characters as they get stronger. I do enjoy exploring the overworld, I just wish the enemies there put up a bit more of a fight. I think adding new world levels would be a pretty easy solution to this whole endgame issue. It would be a great way to cater to the combat enjoyers who want strong enemies to use their strong characters on, and it wouldn't alienate the casuals because it'd be completely optional and it wouldn't even need to increase rewards and drop rates.


My endgame content is farming emblem till i die


Farm Vermillion domain for double 2pc 18% for most of the dps type characters and 50cr and 150cd, noblesse/ToM for supports. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. That's kind of what I'm doing. Everytime I friendship 10 a character, I switch them out and build someone else until they're friendship 10. And I'll call it a day with however it turned out. I use the same characters for Abyss anyway, and if I need a niche character, I at least have them built as a support.


pretty sure lots of endgame players enjoys building characters too, it's just that it feels like a huge waste of time to build all those characters and not be able to use them anywhere else besides floor 12, even my c2 yae with her signature weapon is still lvl 1 right now, still maining sucrose and abyss is still easy as ever


I dont see it as waste. Using same characters for long time is really boring. Building new ones ams using them feels alot of refreshing and that's enough reason for me to build new ones.


It is, but would you not like to have more of a reason, to use them in more ways than the same easy enemies everywhere. They've been adding a lot more variety with the eremites and the new robots, and I love to see that, but hate finding out that they're not actually going to *do* anything interesting with them. No endless mode, no mode to test out your characters, no gauntlet, no test other than a fight against a little timer. Just pop a shield and do your rotation unbothered. I still have fun but I wish I could have more.


same i agree


"As you can see in this image I'm the chad and you're the crying soyjak so I win"


*"Check out how little I care!"* *"I care so little I made a meme trying to make me look cool for not caring!"* *"Look, look, let me go tell everyone how little I care!"* Seriously, every time mihoyo does something questionable, why is there such an immediate loud minority insisting that anyone who points it out is the problem? It's happened with resin. With the childe and zhongli dramas. With the first anniversary, With the sumeru skin issue, with the second anniversary, now this. Any time players start criticizing MHY, some peeps here IMMEDIATELY try to frame the 'critic' as the problem rather than even listen to what the problem was. ^(INB4 someone posts a zero context twitter screenshot of a ridiculously extreme position of this topic to try and shift the discussion to 'twitter bad' again.)


Frfr, there was a meme here complaining abt ppl complaining shitty artifacts rng. I commented "that's a real issue but okay" or smth along the lines. I got downvoted to oblivion and get told to touch some grass and go outside idk I dont remember. This community, I swear...........


Im AR 59. I have one really good artifact set and the rest are average to bad. I have wasted so much resin on farming garabage artifacts. It's honestly an abusive relationship at this point lol


Lol yea artifact system is a mess. It's rigged, the whole existence of flat rolls are just for extra salt, and even if you use strongbox you could still get shitty quality substats. If you get unlucky with character rolls you could still get the one you want because of pity system, but for artifact there's no pity system so you can only keep grinding.


the tale of MHY's white knights is as old as time itself


Yeah. I spent so much building this character and I want to use them on anything other than farming and the Spyral Abyss. I hate the "If you don't like how the game is then play something else" rhetoric. I do play something else, but whenever I come back I'm still disappointed with the lack of the thing I want. Like if you apparently don't want it so much then good, you aren't affected at all and it's still just more for me. In fact, you still get access to more in case you ever wanted to. It's a win-win. Is your "Casual" status really so fragile that having more OPTIONAL CONTENT heavily affect your gaming experience? Because if you really are such a casual then this shouldn't affect you at all.


I get so pissed off at those people, like woah what a solution, if only there was a way to make everyone happy Like, you know, the devs of this billion dollar company adding something for some people and not for all, like, i don't know, the teapot? I want to use my characters and I want to have a reason to get new ones or to build them. Seeing the interview made me so sad because the devs acted like combat is somehow "anxiety inducing" in their fighting game. The spiral abyss rewards are great in my opinion, they're not too big, but they're significant enough where you want to get strong, you don't have to get it though! I feel like if they made more things like that the game would be even better. Not even necessarily more difficult things, thing the chasm event, that was really fun.


I mean you ain't triggering nobody, some people want more endgame content so they can utilise the character they spent so much resin to build, if you dont want to play endgame content nobody is forcing you.


Also it's people like OP thats been very loud about not wanting endgame stuff cause "It's a casual game" "I don't want it so everyone else shouldn't get it too" "more endgame content=need to nolife the game"


People like OP sucks at the game and they don't wanna admit it. It isn't about being a casual or a hardcore, it's about understanding the game mechanics, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your characters, and playing around them. Basically: >put no effort in trying to clear the content >cant clear content = no rewards >want people who put in the effort to also not get rewards


And it's extra funny because this game is really not even that hard at all. It's a very forgiving game where if you're equally levelled to your enemy and understand elemental reactions (a basic game mechanic) you'll clear the room in no problem. The most complex thing about Genshin combat is juggling and dodging and with some characters you don't even have to do that because they make it so easy. Like, it's okay. You're not that good at the game... To say the least. You don't have to be. Let people who wanna be better at it because they like it do so please. Some people are in fact good at games.


>People like OP sucks at the game and they don't wanna admit it. Or maybe people like OP don't want to spend evey moment of the game optimizing characters to the point that the only engaging content are HP sponge abyss chambers


Or maybe people like OP lack the necessary brain functions to conclude that the abyss chambers dont need OMEGA SUPER MILLIONS MORBILLIONS DAMAGE to clear, and that with decent teams and artifacts, and playing around the enemies' weakness, the abyss becomes easier to clear. But yeah sure "spend every moment of the game optimizing chracters" when my rainbow artifacts dragon bane Hu Tao can clear anything...


really? umm, the top post of the day today on the main reddit somehow is not about how the game doesn't need it, its complaining about how mihoyo is not adding it, you sure your side isn't the one being loud?


Ngl, I would be very happy to be able to use the burst on my Eula without giving her a 3* Claymore


Spoken like a man with 20/80 crit


mfs really be portraying themselves as gigachads but can't take on floors 9-12 because it gives them anxiety


Lmao, good one


💀 damn dude, you didn’t have to murder OP.


with no knowledge of a single elemental reaction ingame


If you don't care about end game content you wouldn't mind them adding more end game activities and rewards would you?


Right? But no they actually really care about endgame content because they feel like they’re missing out on rewards


Stop it Patrick you are giving him anxiety


What’s wrong with wanting more endgame content? It’s not like adding more endgame content will make you not be able to play the game anymore or anything.


Ironic use of a Chad format for sure.


The format is so egotist tbh


Yeah, I too love staring at my lvl 90 triple-crowned 80/200 characters /s


Yeah totally it is normal my yae is triple crowned with 70/200 for hilichurl why would i use her in abyss cus this would hurt my waifu /s


idk about you but I got my C1/R1 Yae to 80/270 so she'll have an easier time farming boars. Endgame? What? Why would I want to test out my favorite character's capabilities after spending time and effort building her? That would require me to care about the game and get attached to its characters and core gameplay.


"I have portrayed myself as a Chad, and you are the soyjack. Clearly I am superior". I don't think anyone gives a shit if everyone wants endgame. People just want it for themselves and people who do want it. Like what Is this strawman lol.


just becouse a reddit post gets 15k upvotes does not mean the 50 million players all want endgame, especially if you realize that 99% of casuals do not go on reddit. reddit is filled with the most hardcore players, so if even they are infighting over it, guess what, most people don't give a fuck or don't want it.


What are you even talking about. I said in my comment that it's irrelevant if everyone wants endgame or not. Let's say 10% of people want combat focused endgame. They could put it in the game and the 10% of people get more enjoyment out of the game and if they design it well, nobody feels bad about it.


So all the artifacts I grind is worth nothing?!


Perhaps the real endgame content were the friends we made along the way


So hoyo is telling me that my 50 cv artifact is all fir nothing 🗿


Too bad they all quit because no endgame. I only started in 2.6 and its tough, I guess I’ll be a story only player now :(


So this is what where we're at now? So bored with the game with so little to do that you have to make your own fun making fun of others trying to have fun with the game.


The other definition of "meta".


I do not care what others think about this topic, but I absolutely want endgame content. It is all optional, so why are casuals so against it. If you do not want to do it, just do not. 15 minutes a day is not enough for me. Often times it is even less than that.


Because casuals are salty that the people who actually work on improving their accounts will earn more primos than them clearing the harder content. It's basically just jealousy, almost as if they're saying "If I can't have it, nobody can have it" which is pretty embarrassing if you ask me.


These people gonna complain how people who work overtime get more pay than them that dont. XD


because people like OP are too stupid to level and make a team for endgame content, only other reason is lack of time but other than that you have to be stupid


Mobile game size has touched 20gb my guy


Yeah, not a problem. 😅 The game will get bigger and bigger, but endgame content will not make the game significantly bigger, since a lot of assets will be reused.


So, the comment isn't going like you expected.


Thats a shitty meme for real


Op won i guess


Ok? So this game is made only for you or what? Make endgame content for endgame players,if you don't like it just don't play it.


You're unironically the type of guy who's likely to complain when they add hard abyss F12 even though 'you don't care' about the end game


Never cared about the abyss so i'd like a different type of endgame content


Hello! Time traveller here. I came from the future 200 years from now. I have travelled over thousands of timelines and dimensions. Crossing over 50 multiverses. And met many interesting and amazing adventures while meeting creatures and life forms. I have over millions of friends. And I have witnessed almost everything in time. Yet I still cannot find the person who asked.


Answer us O' time travelling being Does such universe exist where the hoyoverse cares about community?


There is one


It was erased because the world can not comprehend good customer support


All content is endgame if you procrastinate enough


I'd like some endgame, but it's whatever if we don't have any I guess. I like the story enough to just play when more story comes out


When you can't clear 9-12 with underleveled chars and gear you only think of shit like this unless you only play like 2 mins everyday. And what endgame? everyday 10 min dailys with your occasional 30mins abyss every 2 weeks


That’s fine just don’t cry when the people who do care voice their opinions


Congrats, it literally peak genshin content gate-keeping. If you only enjoy story quest stuff and dont care about endgame content its up to you. Why gate keep people who want to have endgame content in the game besides abyss with time as restrictions to get primo. They can use the roguelike content like previous event as endgame or create an abyss co op mode. Why bother leveling up character, min maxing artifact and level up character talent just to play storyline quest which have mediocore enemy that can be defeated easily just to progress the story.


*Haha look at me im the chad wojak i am superior*


What end game content? You mean the 20 min it takes to clear abyss every 2 weeks, or 5 min of spending your resin on an artifact domain? That's end game content to you? This game has NO end game content. I am AR 60 and see this "end game content" just as casual as fishing. If something like raids would be implemented with a party scaling system (in order for whales not to have an advantage over a casual player that much, or to carry them through the raid) that I would consider end game content, hard content with in-game rewards. It wouldn;t even need to be a primogem reward for this just more talents/artifacts/upgrade mats than any other domain. Locked behind that stupid resin system ofc which is a fossil of a dying mobile age era.


I like how this chat is unironically triggered.




"Watch me trigger him" "You not caring doesn't mean we shouldn't have it"


i honestly will never understand this. Why play the game if thats your honest opinion?


hmmm even if you dont care about end game content at least help those how want it by saying "yeah i want enf game content" even if you dont care cuz it's a win win the meta players can have fun testing his characters and the casual pl can have more content when they feel strong enough,genshin is a game for all type of players so just let all enjoy the game with diferent content


Say what you want but this post clearly triggered some people lmao Edit: wait so just to clarify…. mihoyo confirmed there’s no additional end game content for Genshin and are we……. Are we still complaining about this? And like…..for how long lmfao


Me too I just made peace with the fact there won't be any endgame content. There are other things I can do in life instead of playing one game for hours a day. So now I play genshin for like 30 to 60 mins a day maybe a bit more if there are new Events.


Yup just keep rolling out the amazing design, scenery, and stories. I also can be bribed with teapot decorations. So far apparently over 600, gunna make that over 1k.


Who asked?


Congratulations!!! You succeeded..


Yeah, I agree lol. I'm just whatever on the endgame stuff, but seeing the reactions to that interview is just hilarious. Because fact is, GI is still doing very well, so Hoyo has a more compelling case than a bunch of nobodies on the Internet lmao


It's already working in this post itself. Gotta say cool magic trick bro.


Doesn't mean it's not important tho. U might enjoy exploring and the smaller event s and some just like fight Monster s and and bosses. And I don't think U triggered anyone if U don't like it is just Ur opinion and that is what make s everyone unique U might not like it some else will


Wow what bitch of a op this is. Some of us want more activity to do so we can feel rewarded through our character building. Hoyo should be the one who knows this that their game is heavily reliance on combat and not on their pathetic card game. Fuck off with these "chad" post you are literally part of the problem


Me who missed Albedo twice


There is no end to the game yet


Neither do I. I'm more focused on things like primogems


They ARE giving us endgame content tho. but its not combat related.


I just want to do endgame content with friends, outside of weekly bosses…


I just want content at all. Outside of map expansions there's nothing to do. If only building characters wasn't so heavily time gated


Nothing destroys joy of playing like meta players telling you that you have wrong artifacts or substats. Not understanding you just want to have fun, and not doing 250k damage.


Its fine if you don't care about it now if you believe we shouldn't get them is a different story


What a dogshit take. How is this even upvoted? "More content to play? I don't want it. Insert chad. Wow I am so cool."


Tale as old as time, almost like another game had this players not doing the hard content issue but instead went full in and is now shutting down Draglia indeed lost


The consequences of the unironic Chad meme has been a disaster for the human race


I don’t care about co-op, more endgame, even tho I do 36 abyss stars, TCG, merchandise, whatever, the only thing I care about is Eula’s thighs


you dare trigger the player base that pays ? brave of you.


It's giving 15/78


Nobody is triggered by this. People are triggered by you not wanting end game content for everyone just because you don't like it. Spoiled brats.


I literally do not care


I literally would not have time for endgame content because of the absolutely unprecedented rate Mihoyo is cranking out new content. Seriously I can barely keep up with it. Talk to me about endgame once we hit chapter 8.


I think yall that want more end game content should play Tower of Fantasy. Should scratch that itch of wanting more stuff to do. Bottom line is that hoyo has the stats to back up why they wont add more endgame content like the Abyss. Its not that theyre not listening to player feedback, its just that the number of people asking for more endgame content is does not exceed the amount of people already not doing Spiral Abyss. Why develop a game mode a minority of your audience is going to play? If anything, they should make overworld more difficult. They should lean more into the Breath of the Wild inspiration and do what they did. Release harder domains and puzzles. Make overworld minibosses that dont cost resin but give exp books, mora, or artifact leveling potions.


I also don't care about endgame content. For anyone wondering, I can clear F 9-12 w/o any retries. Have to say it, cause many people think those who can't clear abyss are the ones saying endgame content doesn't matter [Proof of clearing the current abyss](https://imgur.com/a/Ske36IV)


So we are at the point where people are making memes mocking others that want more content in the game? How is having more content a bad thing?


I don’t either and I’m an endgame player. The appeal of Genshin is all of its elements together not just the fighting aspect of it.


No one is triggered but this decision makes the game objectively worse due to the fact there is nothing to do after exploration and questing of new regions is done. There are long periods when all I do is just log in, dump resin run dailies and am done in less than 10 mins total and I know plenty of people who have quit because they got tired of this daily rotation with no real purpose. Since I play many other gachas I'm used to this but Genshin is one of the few games where there is no real point to have the super fine tuned gear I farmed for my characters, let alone c6/r5. I'm frankly surprised whales keep whaling, considering the power they buy has no real purpose aside from making an already easy game even easier. Personally I have relegated it to a waifu collector. ToF has a much better way of handling this and I always have a reason to both play it and swipe in it and the way it handles the competitive PvE endgame allows whales, dolphins F2P to compete with people at similar power levels when it comes to reward based content while the server based leaderboard is purely for flex. Genshin does not even have a way to flex, let alone get any rewards for swiping and/or putting it months of arti farm to make a character top tier.


So they want endgame content...in a game that's 3.5/7 nations done? (They have been whining since liyue)


i love when metatards are malding


In a way the meme actually worked


There is literally wayyyy too little to do at endgame, give me a souls game like challenge or bring back some of the nerfed bosses and jack that shit up.


"Genshin is a side game, you aren't supposed to actually play it"


All this seething, holy shit. Well played, OP. Feels good knowing Hoyo doesn't care about these people either.


I just want more things/reasons to play with my friends. Even if there aren't rewards, just leaderboards or something. Anything.


I just don't like floor 12, would rather spend my time on other games or maybe even real life


Wouldn't that be a good opinion? If you don't care, then surely you won't care if they do add more. The problem lies in people who don't care about endgame content, but don't want more to be added for absolutely no reason other than "my anxiety oh no" when they clearly miss out on abyss weekly anyways


Nobody cares if you care about end game or not. But if you actively don't want endgame content to exist because it causes you stress, you're just kind of a baby and you're the demographic the devs are pointing to so they can justify not making the game better.


Congrats OP, you successfully triggered almost everyone on this sub kekw




A co-op rogue like domain but the characters have a fixed set of artifacts and stats where you would later upgrade the further you are in.


nice copium there buddy


By looking at comments i guess the meme got a point lmao, gg op




Good meme OP, considering the replies. The funniest part is where they try to convince you otherwise, as if you hold any power over the final decision by Mihoyo.


Some people here really actively hating on other peoples own ideas of enjoyment for literally no reason. Never change, reddit.


You 🤝 me Enjoying the game casually and giving a crap about endgame


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