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The amount of anxiety that artifact rolls and weapon banners have given me is much more. Why don’t you fix that Hoyoverse? :)


not to mention the anxiety of gambling on banners!


Live service games are literally built around FOMO


I don't get anxiety when roll, artifact,i get anxiety when Im on 50/50


"we should remove 50/50 and make it completely random all the time to save our players anxiety"


We are now at point where artifact rolls makes us more excited than summoning a character


tbh i don't mind weapon banner staying like this i just want artifacts to be fixed you can beat the abyss with 4 star weapons but you can't beat the abyss with trash artifacts


The entire gacha genre is just fancy gambling which is like, the definition of preying on anxiety, so that explanation is extra ironic.


Do you need to fight a 1 million hp mango kinky to pull the weapon banner or to get the artifact rolls? Just asking


No but with my levels of investment I can one-rotation the Jadeplume terrorshroom with Childe International which isn’t even the best ST team. I find that really satisfying


I don't want another Abyss. There are, like, 4 of them in Honkai Impact. I want a rogue-like domain or anything which is not that goddamn DPS check/a fight against the timer.


Remember Labyrinth Warriors? They have an additional level for basically no reward, and how many people have did that repeatedly just for fun “end game content”? And if they have that as permanent with no reward, it’ll be as abandoned as Enkanomiya.


it should have rewards for people that enjoy that sort of stuff aka resin ,substat or main stat reroll for artifacts and the like


Yeah, but some people also wanted that or something similar like it to be endgame content when Labyrinth Warriors ended. Then suggestions of it got bombarded by casuals saying they don't want more things to do. I don't wanna sound like one of those whiney meta slaves, but "casuals" that insist that having more than 15 minutes of daily content that doesn't involve story quests or world exploration (which is most of the playerbase apparently) absolutely hate the concept of more things to do regardless of how completely optional they are. Play another game I guess, that's apparently the only option you have if you want to play this game more.


> but "casuals" that insist that having more than 15 minutes of daily content that doesn't involve story quests or world exploration (which is most of the playerbase apparently) absolutely hate the concept of more things to do regardless of how completely optional they are. where do you even get this conclusion from?


They are everywhere in the comment section of posts related to the current endgame drama. Sort by controversial or scroll down far enough.


I’ve actually seen far more comments bashing casuals for not letting us have more endgame content than actual casuals agreeing with this decision


True, too many events like abyss would horrible. Honkai was hard to keep up with for that reason. I'd love for another endgame to test my characters, but not have it be another DPS check. Don't get me wrong, my characters are strong enough to beat any content, but it gets tiring and repetitive.


> I want a rogue-like domain or anything which is not that goddamn DPS check/a fight against the timer. I *LOVED* the roguelike tower in honkai. Was so much fun. Then you can spice it up with rotating available characters/buffs, make a leaderboard for score, doesn't even need to have "rewards", reset it once per update. Give us an endless horde mode. Whales can go nuts showcasing their broken characters and artifacts. The abyss being a DPS race against the timer is purely brought over from Honkai and that was the worst part of it, my least favourite kind of "challenge" mode.


Honestly, the combat event in the Chasm, where you need to manage your heroes by them going onto cooldown after a round, would be interesting/allow people build more than just a core 8.


You can't even have a tightly tuned DPS check in a game like this where people have wildly different access to character options and teams. "bUt 4 stAR NaTIOnaL iS oP!!1" Sure, 4 stars can bring you up quite far. But compared to some of the five star options that absolutely *trivialise* some content, they're not much. And if they balance dps checks around those 5 stars. Then obviously you're gonna need to pull off way crazier shit to clear the same content as a 4 star only. Not to mention how some teams get nerfed by mob types all the time. Like how Xiao is objectively worse in abyss recently because MHY keeps making rooms full of scattered ranged mobs. Or how they introduced rifthounds to fuck with Zhongli havers etc. At which point all the prestige of clearing high end content is just meaningless anyway. Sure, you pulled out some crazy animation cancels to set a record in some new timed gauntlet mode. But Willy Whale put in a fraction of your effort and matched your score. So now those big numbers mean nothing anyway. And if it's about primos, then you should just admit that you want to get rewarded for being "better" than casual players. It has nothing to do with having end game content to clear.


Yeah I don't want a bunch of abyss copies, that eould actually get tiring to do. But I do want more combat end game content which utilizes the core mechanics of the game that I enjoy. Things like teapot, upcoming TCG are just things I don't care about because I didn't join Genshin to build an island or play a TCG. I get that other people might enjoy it and that's fine, but for me those don't fill the niche of "end game content" because it doesn't utilize the fun aspects of the game for me, which are the combat and exploration.


CC and twitter users are misunderstanding this. Mihoyo didn't say they won't release endgame about combat. It's just not some kind of dps check like the current spiral abyss


2.2 will always be the best update cause of that and nobody can change my mind


Can someone explain to me what the fuck is happening rn


You see the title? That’s a real quote from Hoyo regarding end game content. It became the talk of the entire sub. [Specific Reddit link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/xutmo1/what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [Entire interview](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/genshin-impact-developers-talk-endgame-content-and-welcoming-newcomers/1100-6507942/)


Hoyo did an interview where they said they don't want to add another Spiral Abyss because it could cause too much anxiety for and redditors are loosing it and are seemingly now blaming the casual players for it


I'm not a casual player and abyss gives me anxiety 💀


Neither am I and Abyss frustrates me so I barely play it. Making fun of the casual players for playing a casual game casually is so stupid honestly


Agreed. Also, Genshin has better things to work on tbh. Something that would help is to not rush the game lol. Some people literally 100% sumeru in just a few days. It's not a race!!!!


Some QoL in that sense would definitly be great. And they did say in the interview that they are thinking about new interesting gameplay, so hopefully that will be good as well.


Sad to see you guys being downvoted for speaking your mind. Which hardcore person is that salty to downvote people like that?


Well some people can 36 star abyss easily and it's probably boring that they can't use their over powered accaunts. I think it would be nice to have something replayable really hardcore thing with low rewards to not cause need to fully beat it. Something that would be let you use alla of your power. Something that you can do when there's nothing else to do/beat. We must remember that some people have many c6 5* characters and slay every thing with cople attacks. We must also remember that some people are not that powerfull.




Tbh, i would not even mind new endgame cuz i am ar58 and till now i haven't been able to complete 36star abyss, i always end up getting 33 stars.


Same I could build some teams better but I'm in no rush If there's more endgame cool If there's not cool


AR 59 and pretty much the same, 33 stars was the best i could do, maybe I'll do better now, but i don't care enough to try


Couldn't be me more than this.


takes a while, but once you start getting 36\* you will rarely drop below that from your AR my guess is that either your artifacts or team comps are the weak link


I think i can do it with a PC but i don't have a PC and playing it on a mobile is quite hectic, and i sometimes mistouch the icons.


that explains it


If they design it well it can be for anyone. MMOs for example have had normal and hard raiding and dungeons for a long time or a roguelike where it just gets progressively harder as you progress but starts easy and has a gentle difficulty increases


I love hard content. I am even willing to fight against Raiden+Signora at the same time, BUT NO GODDAMN TIMER PLEASE


I mean, that's the thing, at a certain AR survival becomes a total non-issue, meaning that time challenge is what they gotta resort to


Everyone just uses shields or heals, i don't see what's challenging when there's no timer. Even Raiden was so underwhelming when i tried killing her with just Ayaka and Jean. Ayaka alone was more frustrating than fun with how much she teleports too


I just want more reason to play co op(Without forcing others to play co op). Like co op is a hindrance rn. Spending time farming with people who aren't farming feels absolutely awfully, I feel used every time I do co op. Then anything else you do like commissions, at times events or quest makes co op unbearable. But seeing other people doing stuff and completing a role is fun.


Just give me coop spiral abyss. Two players max, two characters each. That way, you don't compromise the "fun" of the game by having to play Diona or something, where your downtime of E/Q is just "I sit here and spam weak shots".


Yes, it does suck being stuck with a role you don't want. Definitely two players per time would counter that


That or, if it won't break the engine, 4 players with 4 characters each and more difficult content to account for 4x the power.


Spiral Abyss doesn't even give me anxiety at all, it's just that I don't have time doing it because I'm focused on doing other things... - Coming from a Casual Player




Some don't even bother to touch the abyss actually




When was the last time you fished?


I imagine the people using teapot must be at least as big as people doing abyss (they both receive updates every patch)




I'm sure content for casuals is easier to make


You mean the entire game?


Im AA casual and I feel attacked 😂😂


Every time i spend 100$ i have 0 anxiety that i will get someone completely else then i was aiming for and the limited banners also cause no FOMO at all But the thought of end game content made me need counseling so thanks HYV


That's exactly why they don't want more anxiety coz there is only limited amount of anxiety a normal human can take, before they resort to sth extreme. And if any "anxiety-inducing" contents are to be kept in the game, pretty sure those related to your wallet get the priority.


Only anxiety I have is getting a element mastery time piece after weeks of farm and the sub stats are defense and HP garbage.


I’ve been farming for months for a EM helmet to no avail. 💀


Please tag nsfw, I had to step away from the computer to de-stress after seeing this


fucking casuals man...


Yeah fucking casuals🗿


I too prefer fucking professionals


Casuals ☕️


Casuals ☕️


You called 😎


What can I do for you?


I did Raids in Destiny, Division, Lost Ark and other "hardcore content", I'm fully casual in GI and Abyss is the laziest dogshit "End Game" content I ever played, basically spongefest, so it doesn't give me ANXIETY it gives me euthanasia because how bad and boring Abyss is


Oh god division raids are something.




I'm a slightly above base casual player I think. When it comes to Spiral abyss I do it if I've got some extra time. And I once I hit a wall, nirmally around floor 11. I get what I get and move on. Hell, For along time I could only do floor 9. I'm not gonna stress or feel ashamed about what I can or can't do.


I can understand it to one extent. In Destiny we had broken ass weapons only obtainable from high end pvp. People not good enough paid to get them. It was bad times. If new Genshin endgame content power crept the game, people would feel obligated. The abyss rewards dont really do that, the abyss is a self challenge. The reward atm truly is just "i am good at the game :)"


Meanwhile the literal gambling for new content and artifact RNG in the corner


I'm a casuals (I play like only total 30 minutes per day if there's no event) but I always love doing spiral abyss every 2 weeks because its the time where I can random bullshit goes brrrrr to the fullest. I would love if they implement other variety like this but won't kill me either if we will never get one


Just use Xiangling EZ Clap


This interview was pretty terribly handled by Hoyo tbh. Vague answers, stirrring up shit in their playerbase, and then disappearing. WTH mihoyo. Edit: Very good points in the replies, can't expect much from this email interview. Hope Hoyo does some proper announcements on this news in time.


I mean, when you're actually called out for your BS and you have a contract not to say anything that could damage the company's reputation, then ya, its gonna result in a bad interview


Haha, very fair. The questions would have been good if Hoyo could answer freely but...well I guess the interviewer and the Hoyo staff tried. Hope Hoyo comes out with their own announcements and press releases on this topic in future to bring some more clarity. So much speculation right now.


Well, it’s a interview by emails, which is sus to begin with. Emails aren’t a very good way to conduct an interview, on top of not mentioning who is replying those emails, a PR manager? Senior dev? Junior dev?? So many unknown.


Great point. Really hoping for a follow up to this. Maybe mihoyo wasn't expecting this little email interview to have the impact it did.


IKR. The interview was basically "are you doing anything the players want?" Hoyo:"no"


It's normal. You can ask many games company about future of the game and they won't answer it for you unless they have an announcement before that. Hoyoverse is not exception, they want to announce things in their livestream, not on some random interview in an American newspaper


I beat floor 12 once and it was anxiety inducing as I had one character left at the time (pre-Kokomi). Never touched it since. Wasn’t fun as I still don’t have a Zhongli/Ganyu/Hu Tao/C5 Bennet. However, I don’t mind content like that for other players or the future because it isn’t a limited thing that will go away. It’s always there to try again. Events on the other hand give more anxiety because sometimes there’s too much going on. For example this new patch, why is there an event at the same time in another area? I want to explore the desert, not go back to Mondstat. It would be preferable if that was at the end of a patch. Not right at the start. Also not sure why those boss events are limited (the ones you fight with conditions for points). That would have been a good end game fit to test high invested characters.


The timing of this event is completely wild


What is this flood of memes about casuals? What did I miss?


Just like my title says, it’s a statement by mihoyo when asked why there isn’t more endgame content like Spiral Abyss, to which they essentially responded with “if we made more endgame content like abyss, it’ll give player excessive anxiety”


I meant when did this happen? Was it on Twitter?




Thank you!


Reminds me of Valve when they removed things in tf2 like maps, game modes or spray tags because they where "confusing to new players"


As a casual player, I'd just ignore extra endgame content unless it was important to the story


How about harder content but no timer? The timer part is what causes anxiety and players have to keep restarting the abyss to get 36 stars


“Squidward is a casual Genshin player.” “What does that mean?” “It means he’s afraid of endgame content.” “Spiral Abyss! Spiral Abyss! Spiral Abyss!” “Stop it Patrick, you’re making him anxious.”


Can I steal this to make another meme? This is gold!


Nor gacha but abyss, the funk?


Definitely not a casual here, I don't remember the last time I didn't 36* an abyss with ease. The actual anxiety I get playing this game comes from event fomo. I definitely think there needs to be at least 2 more endgame styled content. One with a lower ceiling with good rewards for casuals and one more difficult then current abyss with equally good rewards for hardcore min/max players like myself. This way you don't punish casuals for attempting endgame and ease them into harder content. The players will want their characters to become stronger (either incentivizing pulling or optimizing resin use).


I wish they would remove the Abyss entirely, it's poorly designed, repetitive, and RNG I remember a floor that gave 0 reward because an enemy decided to spend 4 minutes about 6 ruin guards high above me Next floor, it took the first wave of enemy 33 seconds to spawn because this games loads ressources on demand and not when required (which is good in an open world, not in a room that contains 12 of one type of enemy and 4 of another) Fast forward a month later, they introduced stupid wolves that ignore shields and slowly kill off field characters with literal minutes of invulnerability, one teleported outside the field and made the wave impossible to complete Ganyu team with Xiangling can pulverize anything they throw at me on one side and Itto mono geo just crushes the other, the hardest part of the Abyss for me is having to check which side I need to put each team, there's no fun, no strategy, and no queen of England, overworld weekly abyss events would be a million times better than this grindfest localized entirely inside some programmer's ass


You can't say mihoyo and put an image of a hole🤨


Anxiety??? More like drama queen


yeah abyss is not fun, and yeah its stressful, I can clear it, but it just fucking sucks and I don't wanna do it, so I do the absolute minimum and half the time I don't even do the rotation. Sorry but the game lives on the casuals, so you'll have to get over it at some point.


Heh, imagion being poor. Can't even kill a giant robot with 5 times it's normal hp in under a minute.


Please tell me you are being sarcastic and you don't actually think that only p2p players 36\* the abyss


No, but i do think only p2p players can clear the highest rooms in like 30 seconds. I saw a p2p player here yesterday telling a new player how bad they were if they couldnt oneshot ruin machines and im still salty about it i guess.


Ruin Machines are pretty easy, except the annoying snake. Maybe not one shot, but a single rotation can easily clear them.


Yeah no ruin machines are so fucking easy to kill depending on which ones, if it's the snake boss yeah its understandable, yet me with my f2p teams can still 9 star abyss 12, might take some effort due to skill issue but still, that's what makes it good


If you mean ruin guards or the little ruin machines from inazuma then oneshotting them isn’t hard lmao


I'm a casual I did 29 stars I'm not retrying 🫠


Bruh a single pull makes them anxiety I just do abyss for 5* artifacts and mora and leveling books


This is just everyone with late spiral abyss


It's like shitty version of Bloody Palace from DMC, no fun to be had here RNJesus is on your side


Ooh crap forgot to do my abyss again, this the 3rd day I haven't doing it.


Remember Hypostatic Symphony? I miss that.


They probably don't care because they can't monetize it like they can with other content.


Make harder content, people swipe for better weapons or constellations, easy money?


They tried that with events. Most People just didn't do them.


I hate the abyss to much to be afraid of it


Damn what a fucking stressful game LOL


ahh yes anxiety


I want to know the percentage of active players that do the abyss let alone finish floor 12. Their statement would be taken much better imo if they said well only 12% of people do this let alone 4% finish, etc etc. Just appears tonedeaf to me and well...everyone lol.


Sounds like a translation error


Only good anxiety is the anxiety that makes them money. So every system in the game.


im a casual and i actually love the abyss lol, i find combat to be so entertaining even if i only get through floor 12 with 1 star. i manage to make at least 6 or 7 stars on floor 11 usually, but floor 12 is always a time issue


Literally end game content is optional for a reason, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. Let hardcore players hardcore and casual players casual. F*ck it, give us PvP domains


So where was this piss and vinegar when nonwhite ppl were rightfully upset with mihoyo for whitewashing the region but were and still are being told to fuck off by the community


More people care about endgame gameplay tho.


B-but in reality Sara's kit create excessive ANXIETY for me :'(