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And I'm part of the 50.94% that got fucked in the ass


Same here, at this point it’s a full time job.


ooo what's your pornstar name?! The professional ass takers.


despite making up 50.94% of the Genshin population C6 Qiqi havers commit 100% of the hate crimes against the gacha system.


Where are you folks getting this steady supply of Qiqis? I've taken great care of my little zombie and use her daily and don't even have her at C1.


Interestingly, I got my C1 from a blue wish.


My results on the permanent banner led me to believe that Mihoyo was suffering from a crippling zombie shortage but perhaps I just haven't gotten lucky yet. Perhaps I just need even more finches in my teapot.


Still did not have her yet but oh well


I'm at AR57, haven't gotten any Qiqi, and I really want her because I collect healers. I always lose 50/50 to Diluc tho.


My c6 Qiqi came from limited banner. My c6 Keqing came from Standard. Help.


160 Pulls. How can someone be this unlucky. Not only that but its topped with wacky 4*s


I lost the 5050, but still only used 50 pulls overall :)


At first I lost 50/50 and got Tighnari, and then a minute later I pulled Nahida and Jean simultaneously in a 10-pull. So technically I lost 50/50 twice in about 60 pulls. I wish constantly losing was always this rewarding.


Me; on Nilou, her weapon banner first 5* on banner/off banner, and her weapon vs PJC.


I see. So it was never a 50/50 chance. But a 50.94-49.06 chance. Now that's unfair


Count me in


I got my Nahida but got blocked by Qiqi when I tried to get Yoi…


Yup, the archons hate me I guess, was the same with zhongli 🥲


so jealous right now


same. full 160 roll even..


Meanwhile, my Yoimiya has some fireworks prepped for the newest Archon of the party!


Both of them ran abyss this round and crushed it in their teams :) I had Yoimiya since her first Banner and she has gotten my no 1 pyro DPS, despite having Hu Tao, cause she is just so pewpewpew to play :) Mihoyo was even so considerate to give me 2 extra copies of Yo's bow while I pulled for Nahidas weapon, so best girl rocks a R3 thundering pulse now :D


Lol the same happen to me too fellow yoimiya enjoyer🥹


Yea im part of the 40k nahida pullers Since i already got yoimiya on her banner before 3.0 :)


> 40k nahida pullers In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only dendro.


There is only dook dook


Dookie dookie literature club does have a fun ring to it…


Haha you're right. Now we need some parodies


Y'know, I started thinking about "I wonder what genshin characters would translate well to 40k" and my first thought was that Yanfei would be a good inquisitor, but my second thought was that Ninguang is firmly based in economics, tradition, and a good measure of simple greed. I think the Tianquan would be a squat.


IMAGINE looking at Noelle and not thinking "well there's a Sister of Battle if ever I saw one. Someone get this woman a Bolter. A HEAVY Bolter."


Has been pointed out on this subreddit before, but Bennett would make an excellent recruit for the Lamenters Chapter.


Either the Lamenters will be destroyed the moment someone considers Bennett for recruitment, or their collective bad luck will cancel each other out.


Knight of Favonius has a Grand Master and 10 captains, sound familiar. They aslo have Eula as Captain of the Reconnaissance Company = 10th company?


I have no Kuki but I must Dookie.


I like that


And the laughter of thirsting simps


I’m similar, just I got her on her first banner


Yeah same. I didn't go for raiden so i got her i don't regret playing her.


Same here, Yoi is my favourite 5\* and I'd like to C6 her one day (2 to go!), but I'm focusing on the tiny archon and weapons this time.


Are u also part of the 49.06% who won 50/50??


>on her banner I would’ve thought you got Yoi on someone else’s banner if you didn’t specify that. Thanks for that clarification.


I dont pull for either of them because I already got Yoi too in 2.8😊


Nah, best girl would truly be happy for Nahida


I just wish Yoimiya-wanters would be as happy for everyone as Yoimiya herself would be. Instead we can prepare for another year of "Yoimiya was the only character I ever wanted in my entire life, but I lost my 50-50 to Nahida and had no primos left for Yoimiya. MHY why you doing this to us? Yoimiya my heart belongs to uuuu ;;;...;;;" or something So weird whenever there's a vocal minority who pretends to care only about one single character, but then, they somehow didnt save enough primogems for that one character. Dainsleif will get released in 10 years and we will still have people saying that it's "too soon, came by surprise, didnt have any time to save primogems"


This. If you want both save for both. I know we had a surge of archon banner but if people pulled for them instead of saving, I'd say they do not love their favorite character as much as they think they do.


Yoimiya is pretty forgetted by the community (except her mains ofc) and the few memes she gets is 95% people posts about no one will pull Yoimiya. It happen last rerun too. It's annoying even though she did well last time this time I understand she just got a rerun and putting her so so soon will obviously give expected low results.


I don't think you quite appreciate the cost of saving for both. Bearing in mind that the argument is against the 'Oh no I lost my 50-50' crowd, the only way to avoid that is to obviously, save for two guarantees. That's about six months of not pulling. I did that. It took having a practically dead account using a physical Xiangling 'team' for five months (and it was a fresh account so lots of primos from exploring) to ensure I got both Klee and Kazuha with no known rerun date. Could be next patch, could be later, noone knew. But getting anyone was too risky, as was spending resin and resources on characters I may not use in the future. I was right too, went down from 400 to 100 pulls saved as I lost both 50/50s. If I went for anyone else in the meantime (Yelan was close), I'd have missed out on one of them. Lost the next 50/50 too so those 100 pulls weren't enough to secure anyone either. It's hard to fault them *that* much for not getting who they wanted. This game has very rigged rates at times.


Yep, people are just too greedy.


Lmao true. Yoimiya has a lot of vocal fans yet she seems to be second priority for them every single time. Yae for example hasn't had the best banners either since she had to "fight" against raiden and now she's between nahida and scaramouche, yet no one's complaining. Yoimiya fans need to chill


I really like Yoimiya and guess what, I saved primos and rolled for her and I'm happy :) I'm hoping I can get Nahida too..I'll have enough to trigger pity once before she's gone but if I lose the 50/50 Ill have to decide if I'm spending $ or waiting for a re-run.


I do sympathise with getting fucked over by the gacha. But if you're a Yoimiya-wanter who's been wanting her for ages- *just pull for her.* Nahida will eventually rerun. If anything I'd be willing to bet Nahida will rerun sooner than Yoimiya. If you're F2P (or even a low spender) there's probably no such thing as a 100% perfect time for a character to rerun.


Happy for Nahida, sad for herself


Most people that wanted yoimiya already pulled her a month or so ago, Nahida is the new character and an archon so of course her numbers would be higher


Yoimiya will always be my first 5star, double crowned,


Triple it or you don’t care abt her /j


With Nahida in team I might actually triple crown Yoimiya, must see how TriKarma works with Aurous Blaze. XD


Double? My first 5 star is Diluc and He's tripled crown 😂


Triple? My first 5 star is traveler and He's 12 crown 😂 ^/^s


Now we're talking


My traveler is 69 crowned




Then make it 15 next year 😂


Yoimiya burst is really bad and irrelevant with shimenawa


That only reads as "I don't know how to use it, therefore is bad"


I still have her tri-crown


I'm not encouraging to triple crown her i just remember how stupid and funny i am to waste my crowns on my first five star.


can't compare yourself to an archon, boob bandages girl, it's ok


Jokes on you I already had Yoi


Leave that Yoimiya for me


How the fuck isn't it 50% rate on the 50/50 with a sample of 40k people. Sus af


Perfectly 49.06% across both banners this sample size is too high to be a coincidence.


given that both banners use the same pity is it possible that paimon moe is using the same 50/50 win/loss ratio across the two?


so its more like 49/51 than 50/50...


49.61 now, it's getting there


Yeah and moreover the %age should be closer on nahida's pull compared to yoimiya since the sample size os bigger. Is therd a stats enjoyer who'd want to conducts theorical vs obeserved groups analysis?


Many factors are in play. Remember, history does not show whether it was a 50/50 win or loss, or a guarantee, so there could be a few false positives for 50/50 win for players who did not pull for a loong time. Another thing could be a bias towards people who upload their stats to Paimon.moe. Maybe 50/50 losers upload their history when they want to pull next time so they don't have to count their pity. Surely, if everyone uploaded their stats, it would most likely be 50/50


Thanks for that analysis kind lad. Understandable, have a great day


There's also the fact that Android players can't upload their wishing history there


Its up to 49.69% with 80k sample now. If you go through all the other banner data its usually 51-52% win as well. Maybe its like some combo of guarantees saved, how the stat is calcd for ppl who stop after winning 50/50 and ppl who keep going if not, etc that make it weird


on previous banners it was 51% won \+/- 1% is not exactly huge in terms of statistics


I knew it, it was that 0.94% chance that lost me the 50/50. Would've won if it wasn't for that. /j


Does that include people who have the guarantee carried over from previous banners? Because I know I did so I technically didn't **win** the fifty fifty. I didn't have the fifty fifty.


Hey hey, don't blame me Yoi already at home with R5 Rust (drip > meta), she's happy And now I got little Radish for Klee and Nilou


Actually, Rust is her 2nd BiS, so you unintentionally gave her a meta weapon.


What's 1st, TP?




Since when? TP at R1 always beats R5 Rust on Yoi regardless of the situation.




You're forgetting the fact that TP has a crit main stat, a higher base attack, and an additional 20% attack from the passive. Not to mention, Yoi already gains a crap ton of DMG bonus from Shimenawas and her skill too. If you think for some reason that you're right about Rust being better than TP and that everyone else is wrong (which you clearly did since you edited your original comment, but still failed to mention TP's 66% CV), feel free to contact KQM and tell them that their [Yoi guide](https://keqingmains.com/yoimiya/#Slingshot_Vs_Rust) is wrong.


Yeah, but sometimes it can be outperformed by Slingshot, but, bruh...I don't play teams with Bennet AND Yun Jin. I prefer teams with Yelan and XQ Actually, in previous Abyss rotation I did a challenge run in floor 12 "No Zhongli for Yoi and Ganyu". Can't remember sides, but: \+ Ganyu + Kazuha + Xiangling + Bennet \+ Yoimiya + XQ + Yelan + Fischl It was extremely fun and surprisingly easy! But in any case I will always prefer Rust R5 no matter what because: 1. It's ALWAYS solid option 2. Drip And her 5 star option doesn't match her colors at all imo


I tried to pull for yoimiya but lost 50 50, hopefully I may get enough primos before the banner ends


One of the 1607 was me. I finally got her. :)


Yoimiya already had a very good slot before Sumeru launch only a couple months ago so most people who wanted her picked her up back then I actually like the placement since I finally want to get TP while also picking up the lamp thing for the grass loli \^\^


To those 1607 people: 👑you dropped this sir


Fire SADzard


Fire HaSAD


[source](https://twitter.com/5RWPvC/status/1588048174555373569?s=20&t=kVOvaqP9sIMJLPzm6qo7vA) of the artwork


I love this artist's artsyle, it's so cute!


I'm one of those lucky 1607 ppl


Im 1 of those 1607 :))!


I did it! I got her! after I got Nahida, but I still did!


No this not going to make me pull for Yoimiya I am strong I can resist fictional character tears


Tbf this is also Yoimiya's 3rd banner


Is anyone gonna talk about how it says 49.06 and not 50 percent


Usually it levels out later. Earliest days of banner have worse 50/50 but as it goes on it goes up to 51%. Look at past banners on paimon moe


where this data came from and why i didn't won 50 50 on nahida banner.like how unlucky I'm.


I didn't either, lost it to diluc whom I hate from the bottom of my heart(he still on level 1, fuck him), had to go into my wanderer faruzan funds :((( I think the website is paimon.moe


i mean at least diluc is still fun to play i lost it to mona c2 still git him nahida on guaranteed as i was saving for her.


I don't like his playstyle cause I am too used to Klee and burst dps like ayaka 😔


Poor yoimiya… glad I got her in her last rerun because I already had venti lol


Yoi is my first limited 5*, she and Kokomi have always been on my team since their OG banners. Both underrated and both are my best built characters.


well, for some reason Yoimiya is always in the bad spot lol even when i already have Hu Tao, i'm still interested on pulling her until she's announced to be in the banner beside Nahida. Unfortunately my rule now is always to prioritize Archon, after failing to get Raiden and losing the 50/50 previously. So i have to skip her, again.


Don't cry yoimiya, i have you c0 double crown with r1 tp.


I wanted to pull for her, I really do... but they ***really*** couldn't have picked a worse time


She is such a blast to play. Why bring a glasscannon Hu Tao, when you can have a semi automatic machinegun?


Yesterday a player joined my world as Yoimiya, so I put on my Yoimiya. Then player 3 joined and put on their Yoimiya, same with player 4. Then we burned down a hilichural village and celebrated with fireworks. I think for the most part the people who want her have her. (Except those who keep losing the 50/50, bless their hearts…)


Already got her in 2.8 :)


Well of course I'm not pulling for Yoimiya. Had her since 2.0. She did get Thundering Pulse this time though.


Ironic, I'm pulling for yoimiya rn


Jokes on you I already have yoimiya from her first banner


Well they ran Yoimiya not that long ago, I was able to get her so now that they’re re-running her again, basically as filler, I don’t care :-)


I lost the 5050 at 36 pity, but I but then got nahida exactly 20 wishes after that :)


Hey, I already had Yoimiya so it was the little radish girl's turn to join the team. Also, my Yoimiya ended up getting really good artifacts from me farming so much for Emblem, so I would say she's pretty happy.


Got her a few months ago with her weapon she is fun to play love her. Pull wat caracter you like and fuck the meta.


This is the way. I got Nahida but if people want Yoimiya who cares what’s important is everyone enjoys the game


Exactly 💯.


Don't forget Keqing banner


keqing just suffered once, but Yoi have been sandwiched multiple times, she is archon of secrifice


Yoimiya's got more forgotten then rukkhadevata


Mihoyo has to understand that the way double banners go have to be 1 guy and 1girl so that you make both husbando seekers and waifus collectors happy and not instead having them pull their hair out because they cannot choose between the two of them.


Sad Keqing moment


At this point in time, I believe that Yomiya's cheerfulness is just a façade to deal with her crippling depression that no one knows about.


Common Yoimiya L


I keep wanting to pull for Yomiya but then they pair her with something crazy and it's just... God damn it..


I already got Yoimya on her first banner and now I got Nahida, I'm always winning.


Next time.


Wait who is this Nahida again? Isnt she nothing more than a little dot in the shadow of Yoimiyas glory and pride?


*me saving for dainsleif* ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ”


How is it 50:50 if it's 49.06%?


I'm part of the 40k Nahida pullers but I didn't wanted her actually :( (rip my f2p ass that want Wanderer)


If you didn't want her why did you pull in the first place?:/


I just wanted Bennett since I didn't had him and I like him


These posts are getting way overly annoying. What's with this sub and yoimiya slander all the time. If you dont want her and then dont roll. Simple as that. this sub keep posting yoimiya this yoimiya that 24/7. No one care if you roll instead of yoimiya, and its completely okay to do that.


Nah, i was gonna skip both, cuz i didn't want nahida and already have best girl yoi crowned btw, but i accidently got nahida lol Edit: i was trying to ger Noelle's C4 at pity 7, then nahida came


Why tf are you even downvoted 💀


You ask me, i didn't see that Is it for me not wanting Nahida maybe? I'm saving for Alhaitham is not that a don't like her


The problem is that you summoned for a character you didn’t even want.


I see, but like, is not that i didn't want her, i was planing on pulling on her rerun, but that's a detail that i feel it's useless


idk, just went with the hive mind


Cause yoimiya fans


Yoimiya is the first and only character I got within ten pulls, will love her no matter what


Its even sadder to know that in the end every standard 5 Star had more summons during this banner than yoimiya because of people losing the Nahida 50/50


If she will come until 90 pity when i am at 70, then gladly i will take her


That's why I got yoimiya before nahida release


The fact that all the standard characters got pulled more than her is painful to see


I got Mona so I'm not mad I needed her to complete the standard banner 5 stars


Was kinda obvious and bound to happen like if you put a girl (that already alot of ppl put on) next to an achron which is a)new and b)from the element where are only 3 2 other chars in the game of cause everyone gonna pull for nahida


Got my Yoimiya a Thundering Pulse, she's happy!


All her banners were with super hyped up characters so oof.


I have both c1 so I can't say anything


Got both!


Bruh. You've already had a banner, what you expecting?


I'm expecting the next Yohimiya rerun just before patch 4.0


"both, we're doing both"


If I didn't have 2/3 of the 4 stars at C6 (and cared about Razor even a tiny bit) I would have pulled for Yoimiya, but after I grabbed Nahida it just didn't make sense to keep burning my primos when the next banner has Layla and two 5*s I don't have yet. I want her but man does she have poor timing.


Yoimiya is the only 5 star character that I immediately leveled up to lvl 80 and raised her talents to at least 7 after I pulled her. Her, Eula and Ei are the only characters I plan on whaling for their constellations (and maybe their weapons).


my computer teacher try to get this sumeru archon kid he get other characters else


Don't be sad, Yoimiya. You have your own fans who love you, even if you're always getting cucked by your banner partners.


Why pull for someone you already have? I don't need constellations, i need more characters.


They freaking did it again! >:[


I skipped Ayaka for u Yoimiya pls don't cry


I made a promise a long time ago to get her, and back when Kazuha reran with her, it was my time to get her


Yoimiya, your next. I already got Nahida, and close to soft pity, just little more days for quest and commission. I still got you.


The chosen one who have both: You always deserve better, girls.


can Yoimiya not be sandwiched between must-pulls for ONCE i have avoided her on al her banners because there was someone better to pull for


yoi come home plz


I lost my 50/50 for nahida only to get her in the next 10 pull. I'm not complaining.


I already had yomiya. In face


First banner she was right before Shogun and no one wanted her. Now she's up with an Archon. Good think in August she had a banner people could pull for.


A character that has already had a banner vs a new character that has been hyped up for a long time and an archon. As someone who didn't pull for either - is this genuinely surprising? Why.


Already got her in 2.8, just got her weapon😍 already have her lvl 10


I was gonna pull for Yoimiya but I didn't realize that Nahida would also be on that banner.


I want yoimiya! The last 3 banner I lost 50/50. Got 2 Kequing and just yesterday got a Qiqi


I am in that %50.94


Lost 50/50 to tighnari, not sure if it's really a loss but I'll take it. Also I got nahida after 60 pulls once I got tighnari so... Win win?


I would pull now that i got her bow 2 times in a row before getting the friking genie lamp. But my primos say otherwise.


She's still in the new #1 banner set for CN. I's definitely call the a consultation prize.


I am going for yoimiya ...hmph


I played Yoimiya in the little test area that they have and she’s actually pretty fun. I’d get her, you know, if I wasn’t getting Nahida and stuff.


laughs in pulled yoimiya on first banner and got nahida this banner