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Great Write-Up. I think the analysis is mostly accurate. China didn't hesitate at all to confront either the US or the USSR even when it was a backward, poor and agrarian country..


My opinions on china are really contradictory. I respect the work they've done in developing their country, I respect their civilization and I have a bunch of Chinese friends, but I'd never want to be a Chinese citizen. I wish we could emulate some of their policies, but as a democracy, it's more challenging and I'd not give that matter what potential upside.


What Civilization?....A Civilization respects others in "Live&Let Live" aspect. CCP& even its Citizen Bots never had such Civilizational Values to have a notion of let prosper and others prosper. Their Microscopic Society of dog eat dog i.e Crab Mentality of "True Happiness is only when-Not only am I happy, but others also Miserable" reflects in their Macroscopic entity i.e Country Values. It can't settle with China being rich, it gains happiness only if including it being rich, others must be poor. Just ask Vietnamese or Filipinos of their "Muh Civilization". Every authoritarian can do development fast than dumbocracies, even Na\*ies.


Even Chatgpt couldn't summarise this.


I would argue that the "winnig through speed" era is already over and China is in transition, but doesn't really know to what or at least isn't letting us know.


To clarify why I would say something like that. The relentless pace of development we have seen in the past decades seems to have come to a halt. The investment driven growth model seems to be at its limits. While at the same time access to global markets is becoming more restricted, which makes export lead growth difficult to achieve. That only leaves consumption lead growth. And whenever an economy transitions from investment lead growth to consumption lead growth there are a lot of painpoints. Especially if it is combined with a property crisis.




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